RJ art {Feb 14} - Happy Valentines Day

Started by RJ, October 24, 2006, 06:49:54 AM

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King Of Hearts

Big fan is Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig.

If memory serves... the person whom Shishio from Rurouni Kenshin was based off used a metal fan as well.


the metal fans are just like the nrmal ones but the spins and spokes are metal,  I've seen some fantasy ones that feature spikes too

Hmmm Well I might be able to find you a plushie that looks like that at AC hon but you'll have to make the outfit... or not there was a plush clothing table last year so maybe...


 :3 Making a plushie outfit will be fun! I wish I could get it before this cosplay picnic I'm organising for my anime club though. But I guess it'll have to be a surprise :D


Dress up as a chipmunk and you'll have Zoonis Jason chaseing and petting you


*gives RJ a Nine-tailed Naruto plushie*
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Quote from: KarlOmega1 on December 02, 2006, 04:30:25 PM
*gives RJ a Nine-tailed Naruto plushie*

Aw, just what I always wanted! It can go next to my Itachi weasel plushie and Shikamaru deer plushie :3 (Yup, I actually have those too- won them at anime club).

I've also got a little news :( I've developed a small shoulder problem... this time in my left shoulder blade. I can't really sit for a while without it starting to hurt, so any art might take awhile. D: I wish it didn't I do need the cash, but with my shoulder like this, it'll take ages and I'm supposed to not be using the computer. *eeps*


EEP! poor RJ ;;

*gives her a Chibi Gaara plushie that matches my own* feel better ;;

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Dont you worry...I have art to share with you make you feel betters


OMFG!!! CALVIN & HOBBES-STYLE!!  *tackleglompu, frames for RJ & saves*

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


I don't know if I should be laughing or appaled. :/


RJ is made of WIN and GOD!!~~

Seriously, that picture is amazing... You have my kudos.


Oh my!!

Gaara is awesome. The sky is smooth and warm, and adds a sensual taste to the picture, which is very unlike Gaara, but a wonderful effect nonetheless.

I love that landscaping! It's a wonderful constrast to nature and city. You did a good job on laying it out tastefully, so both were equal though contridictary to one another. It's masterfully done, and the lighting is exceptional.

Tehee, koi! Though koi die fast, those're biggies! It's a very cute picture, the way they're swimming in a line like that. It reminds me of a koi fashion show. The bridge in the background gives it a sense of space, so they're not floating in nothingness. I like~

That water lily and the lilypad is very clean. There's barely any noise or blur in the picture. It's composed tastefully. The light reflection off the pad is (though somewhat too much) a good blend so that the pads don't strike out the lily too much. A masterpiece picture. :D

The tree is a good example of balance, with the other two seeming to "reflect" each other in the background. It has a nice sense of space, and a calming appeal to it. There could be more color, though I doubt you could help that. ^.^

The bridge is an eerie picture! The lighting and even composition of the bridge gives it a nice surreal feel to it, so it takes a bit to even realize it IS a bridge! It seems to be floating in space, with the green looking to be sheer nothingness, once more giving it an eerie feel.


Quote from: Melpomene on January 06, 2007, 01:21:04 AM
Oh my!!

Gaara is awesome. The sky is smooth and warm, and adds a sensual taste to the picture, which is very unlike Gaara, but a wonderful effect nonetheless.

^.^ Yeah, I was trying to get a warm feel to it. Sorta to display his change in self since meeting Naruto. It's very different, but somehow it feels right to me.

QuoteI love that landscaping! It's a wonderful constrast to nature and city. You did a good job on laying it out tastefully, so both were equal though contridictary to one another. It's masterfully done, and the lighting is exceptional.

It's of the Chinese Garden in Sydney. It's my favourite place. I'm just glad the sun decided to come out for that picture! It was all grey and damp before. :P

QuoteTehee, koi! Though koi die fast, those're biggies! It's a very cute picture, the way they're swimming in a line like that. It reminds me of a koi fashion show. The bridge in the background gives it a sense of space, so they're not floating in nothingness. I like~

Yeah, those guys were huge! I think I have a photo of them all in some kind of feeding frenzy close-up XD I might have to post it soon. I was surprised how the shot turned out because I didn't take that with my Caplio- it was just my mobile. It's just 1.3 mp, but wow  :>

QuoteThat water lily and the lilypad is very clean. There's barely any noise or blur in the picture. It's composed tastefully. The light reflection off the pad is (though somewhat too much) a good blend so that the pads don't strike out the lily too much. A masterpiece picture. :D

I'm so glad you like that one. I have to agree on the shine off the pads too. It distracts a bit off of the lily. I had another photo of it in a slightly better position, but there was some kind of blur in one of the corners that really wrecked it :<

The tree is a good example of balance, with the other two seeming to "reflect" each other in the background. It has a nice sense of space, and a calming appeal to it. There could be more color, though I doubt you could help that. ^.^

That bonsai was my most favourite of the group displayed :) It was the first picture I took with the new camera too so I was still trying to work it out (And hence why it's a bit blurry, though I tried to clean it up in photoshop and failed, d'oh).

The bridge is an eerie picture! The lighting and even composition of the bridge gives it a nice surreal feel to it, so it takes a bit to even realize it IS a bridge! It seems to be floating in space, with the green looking to be sheer nothingness, once more giving it an eerie feel.

I had to photoshop it a little because it was too bright and you couldn't see the water clear enough before.  :animesweat But it really did look creepy to begin with! Especially if you knew what the area around it looked like- all serene and calm. I've been in that tunnel when a train goes past on the track beside it- feels like a huge thunderstorm and it's quite scary >.<

Thanks so much for that  :) I love long comments  :hug


Uh, why don't you use actual thumbnails? A 200KB image is a 200KB image regardless of what size you tell it to display at.
If you didn't know, DeviantArt allows you to link thumbnails and the small version offsite; it's just the full size that they block.

The first photo could have been composed better but I'm not sure what you could do without taking an entirely different photo.
The second photo is overexposed. Then again, you may have done that in Photoshop and decided that was the best course of action.
The third photo is fine. You've composed it well and cropped out the end of the flower.
The fourth photo is okay but probably needs a smaller depth of field. Of course, that's rather irrelevant if you can't change the lens, don't have another lens or can't control the aperture.
The fifth photo is unimpressive. I would think that a lower angle would have worked better (a higher angle might also work but you aren't Spidergirl). As it stands, there is nothing to look at; it's just a fence and an overexposed mess.

Well, that's my thoughts and, unlike many people on the internets, I'm not gonna pretend like I know anything about photography. So take it as you will.


Quote^.^ Yeah, I was trying to get a warm feel to it. Sorta to display his change in self since meeting Naruto. It's very different, but somehow it feels right to me.

Ah, that makes sense! He does seem a bit less.... intesne. XD It feels very natural, but it seems as if the lighting's coming from behind him, so I'd only wonder if there'd be more shading??

QuoteIt's of the Chinese Garden in Sydney. It's my favourite place. I'm just glad the sun decided to come out for that picture! It was all grey and damp before. :P

Oh, Sydney! That's why I've never seen anything so pretty! It's on a different continent. :P Well, the sun seems to like you! Or you got lucky >.>

QuoteYeah, those guys were huge! I think I have a photo of them all in some kind of feeding frenzy close-up XD I might have to post it soon. I was surprised how the shot turned out because I didn't take that with my Caplio- it was just my mobile. It's just 1.3 mp, but wow

That was with your mobile! o.o;; *awed* I never thought that was possible! Haha! How big were they (aproximately)? Like, bigger than your forearm!? x.x That'd be insane. Yaaaa, you should definitely post it!

QuoteI'm so glad you like that one. I have to agree on the shine off the pads too. It distracts a bit off of the lily. I had another photo of it in a slightly better position, but there was some kind of blur in one of the corners that really wrecked it

I think the shine is really the only thing wrong with it. If you ever get a chance to shoot that again, I suggest you try. You're SO close to perfection! Mmm... blur? I don't know how to fix blur other than retaking said picture. :/ But yea, that can really destroy a good shot.

Quotehad to photoshop it a little because it was too bright and you couldn't see the water clear enough before.   But it really did look creepy to begin with! Especially if you knew what the area around it looked like- all serene and calm. I've been in that tunnel when a train goes past on the track beside it- feels like a huge thunderstorm and it's quite scary >.<

Whoa... That must've been an ideal place to take photos! Haha, and I thought the water was like, glass or something. That's really freaky. Truth is stranger than fiction! xD Like something from a horror-movie scary? o.o;

You know, you just gave me inspiration for our haunted house this year! *hugs* <3


I thought i was the only one who liked gaara


Quote from: Kasarn on January 06, 2007, 01:54:43 AM
Uh, why don't you use actual thumbnails? A 200KB image is a 200KB image regardless of what size you tell it to display at.
If you didn't know, DeviantArt allows you to link thumbnails and the small version offsite; it's just the full size that they block.

Really? Oh... though I did it so you wouldn't have so much space to go through to get to the links. Hm, maybe I should look into the dA thumbnails too. But I usually put the pictures on my server anyway so I don't have to do so much work when it comes time for me to update my site.  :U I'm that lazy...

QuoteThe first photo could have been composed better but I'm not sure what you could do without taking an entirely different photo.

I agree. I wish the colours were a little more vibrant really. I wish I'd had more time to take the photo too because I was looking for an opening when there weren't any people in the way- and that placed was packed at the time... :/

QuoteThe second photo is overexposed. Then again, you may have done that in Photoshop and decided that was the best course of action.

Ah, yes. The decking and rocks really gives it away. That was taken with a mobile phone actually, so not exactly the best way to get a photo :P

QuoteThe third photo is fine. You've composed it well and cropped out the end of the flower.

Thanks :) I had another with more of the flower in it, but there was this weird blur... :dface

QuoteThe fourth photo is okay but probably needs a smaller depth of field. Of course, that's rather irrelevant if you can't change the lens, don't have another lens or can't control the aperture.

It's also a bit blurry, though I tried my best to fix it :<

QuoteThe fifth photo is unimpressive. I would think that a lower angle would have worked better (a higher angle might also work but you aren't Spidergirl). As it stands, there is nothing to look at; it's just a fence and an overexposed mess.

I'll have to try that out next time I go there then. And if I'm lucky, I might just be able to climb up using the fencing. I wasn't really aiming for the water itself to be the centre, but the boards of the walkway and just the colour of the water. But yeah, I'll have to try again next time to get a better shot. :)

Well, that's my thoughts and, unlike many people on the internets, I'm not gonna pretend like I know anything about photography. So take it as you will.

That's okay. I'm really glad for your critique regardless!  :hug

Quote from: Melpomene on January 06, 2007, 01:59:59 AM
Ah, that makes sense! He does seem a bit less.... intesne. XD It feels very natural, but it seems as if the lighting's coming from behind him, so I'd only wonder if there'd be more shading??

I probably should have made it a bit darker, but I didn't want to obscure any of the features, especially since he already wears such dark clothing.  :S

QuoteOh, Sydney! That's why I've never seen anything so pretty! It's on a different continent. :P Well, the sun seems to like you! Or you got lucky >.>

The sun is also a photographer's worst nightmare in Australia. Since it just seems to get way brighter than it does in any other places (at least it seems that way to me). A lot of professional photos look like they've been taken in the other seasons.

QuoteThat was with your mobile! o.o;; *awed* I never thought that was possible! Haha! How big were they (aproximately)? Like, bigger than your forearm!? x.x That'd be insane. Yaaaa, you should definitely post it!

Quite possibly they are. It's hard to tell since they were all over the place XD Yeah, I'll try and post it later then.

QuoteI think the shine is really the only thing wrong with it. If you ever get a chance to shoot that again, I suggest you try. You're SO close to perfection! Mmm... blur? I don't know how to fix blur other than retaking said picture. :/ But yea, that can really destroy a good shot.

Yeah, next time I'll know a lot more when I go there! Though, Sydney is quite a far way away from where I live, but hopefully I'll get to go there again. There's always something new about the place with all the different plants and that there. There's quite a lot of wildlife too. I'm still waiting for some photos I took to turn up (long story short, the photos on my camera got wiped, but I saved them to my grandpa's computer. Unfortunately he's not too good at using it and it'll be a while before I get ALL the photos I took while I was down there).

Whoa... That must've been an ideal place to take photos! Haha, and I thought the water was like, glass or something. That's really freaky. Truth is stranger than fiction! xD Like something from a horror-movie scary? o.o;

You know, you just gave me inspiration for our haunted house this year! *hugs* <3

Kinda. It's really bright there too, but it's usually a really good place for things like family fun photos. Oh, and I hope you get some really good photos out of your idea :D I'd love to see them when you're done!

Quote from: Zedd on January 06, 2007, 02:07:34 AM
I thought i was the only one who liked gaara

Nope. <3 He's my fav.


QuoteI probably should have made it a bit darker, but I didn't want to obscure any of the features, especially since he already wears such dark clothing.

No! No, that makes perfect sense. You did it nicely.

QuoteThe sun is also a photographer's worst nightmare in Australia. Since it just seems to get way brighter than it does in any other places (at least it seems that way to me). A lot of professional photos look like they've been taken in the other seasons.

Ah? Really? I live in Oregon, where it CONSTANTLY rains, so I don't know much about sun. Though, I work well with wetlands, lol!

QuoteQuite possibly they are. It's hard to tell since they were all over the place XD Yeah, I'll try and post it later then.

Heh, ya, fish like to move!

QuoteYeah, next time I'll know a lot more when I go there! Though, Sydney is quite a far way away from where I live, but hopefully I'll get to go there again. There's always something new about the place with all the different plants and that there. There's quite a lot of wildlife too. I'm still waiting for some photos I took to turn up (long story short, the photos on my camera got wiped, but I saved them to my grandpa's computer. Unfortunately he's not too good at using it and it'll be a while before I get ALL the photos I took while I was down there).

Heh, well, hopefully you get them soon. I'd love to see them. Sydney seems to be very pretty and clean. If you do go there again, I'm sure you'll have a blast taking pictures, now that you seem to know more about what you're doing.

QuoteKinda. It's really bright there too, but it's usually a really good place for things like family fun photos. Oh, and I hope you get some really good photos out of your idea  I'd love to see them when you're done!

Haha, the haunted house is in October, so it'll be a while! xD But yea, I'm sure we'd get some AWESOME picture and spooks, and I'll be sure to credit you. ^.^

Janus Whitefurr

RJ was in Sydney? :<

I need to stalk these things, so I can like.. sneakily meet you. ANd be like "BOO." and you'll be all "AIIEE!"

And then I'll pop.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


It was on New Year's Day. I wasn't really there for all that long though. Nothing was really open anyway. :dface Nobody EVER has Kamichama Karin 4 in!


Wow, the 2nd and 3rd photos look a lot like the Japanese Garden here in Buenos Aires.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Really? Nice. Hm, the 1st, 3rd, and 4th photos are from the Chinese Garden in Sydney. The one with the koi is from the Japanese Gardens in Gosford, about an hour north of Sydney. The last one is from near a beach where I live. :>

Paladin Sheppard


Thank you, Pal :) I hope your holiday has been fun, btw.

Sienna Maiu - M T

RJ, why do you have to be made of such awesome?
You make me squee at the most inoppurtune places.


That's just how it's meant to work  :)


you have an eye for beauty RJ. those  are some nice pictures you took there
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aw, thanks. I'll have to put up a couple more photos soon, though they're already up on my dA account. :3

Sienna Maiu - M T