What Are You?

Started by TheGreyRonin, October 23, 2006, 02:33:45 AM

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I've always had the idea that...

The universe IS infinite, but materials (planets, stars, ect...) are not. Everything comes to an end somewhere, and that end is where only the universe continues.

And in the case of parallel universes, I believe that they exist within eachother. Did you ever wonder what is your hand made of? Everyone says particles or other such blander things, but I am asking far more smaller. If you could zoom in on a particle, I believe you would find a parallel universe, a large empty space filled with scattered about celestrial entities, and if you COULD look at such a small thing, it is highly unlikely that you would find a universe similar to ours, but you would eventually. Every cell is made of a minature universe, and those universes are made of others, and more and more. And the smaller you get, the more the larger your universe would be. A smaller plane of existance, or such.

But what happens when you get bigger? Zooming out farther and farther from ours, would reveal a particle, it may be a part of another universe, or it could just as well be the first particle that started it all. There is one particle in a field of emptiness, and thats what we exist in.

But why cant you zoom in enough to see another plane of existance? Well, light may be all powerful but it has its limits. A light particle has a SIZE, and even though this is so small, it is not small enough to pick up on anything beyond that of the particles we know and love. And bigger? Well, if we to map out planets and stars and all that crap, I do believe we could build an idea of what we are in. But that would be extremely difficult. And until we learn to love one another, that wont happen.

And also, time is a factor created by the brain. In each plane of existance, the rate they move is affected by their brain and how fast it moves.

Imagine finding a planet of people that moved one second for every year we did.... It would be amazing if I say so, although it would create ghost images to them if you were to stand there long enough :o And good chance they wouldn't even be human, so meh. Just in my zen mode at the moment :D


Let's see...an Ex-Elf that got reborn as a Human in the late 20th Century...Certain Memories were awaken when persona played a certain game franchise from SEGA (Played A bit of Phantasy Star years after the game I'm referring to aka Sonic 2)...which then made him remember that Humans and Elves are the same race...Elves being an evolved form of Humans...and he begins to remember that there exists a nearly 6 millenia old government known as  the "Federal Interstellar Alliance", which consisted of several M-class planets with both Human and Furre lifeforms, as well as several other lifeforms mentioned in certain Sci-fi/Cartoon shows...He waited until the FIA finally picked him up and resurrected his normal "Elf" form and sent him working on reclaiming the title of "Admiral"!
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Quote from: LigerJet on October 26, 2006, 03:14:52 PM
What about the idea that "parallel universes" exist in the same universe? If the universe is infinite (or seemingly infinite), there exists a possibilty that somewhere, out there, that things lined up just right to create a parallel world. :mowsmile
It's not that big. and besides, only so much is actually taken up by stuff to begin with. if you tried to travel forever you'd come upon nothing eventually.

Alan Garou

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 26, 2006, 09:29:33 AM
You mean we're obtuse? What a ridiculous hypotenus. I mean, hypothesis.

I mean, we just got delivery of a truckload of triangles. Sine here....
Now you're just being irrational.

Anyway, my character is an anthropomorphic jackal with very short black fur and ditigrade legs. He is the ruler of Purgatory, and has a backpack full of metal that can take any shape he imagines. He also is a master metalworker and makes weapons for all the residents of Heaven and Hell. But mostly he hangs around various series and freaks their characters out by showing up and disappearing whenever he feels llike it.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Oh don't even tri. Being as obtuse as he is, he doesn't get the finer, more developed sides of humor. And he clearly does not want to approach the thing from another angle.

Mel Dragonkitty

White dragon who often magically disquises herself as a white feline so she can play with the beings. Sniff they won't play with me just because I crushed their house. It's so unfair.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Stygian was originally a human who kind of broke a universal law, treading forbidden ground by finding his way outside of existence and all that is ("The inverse of a singularity; a Nithl. A pathway through spacetime to the nothingness beyond, that does not exist..."). There, his very nightmares were turned into reality, space and time doubled in on itself and he was forced to live uncomprehending of anything but this horror of his own creation. He could never die, because he was his own universe in a sense, but neither could he continue to exist in his simple, human form. So he was broken apart instead, changed and twisted to become something that embodied this new thing he had created; a being evolved far beyond anything natural and tainted by its own dark, horrid essence.
   When his transformation was in full, this new microcosm Stygian had created simply collapsed in on itself and scattered, and he, it, was cast adrift, to find its way back into the universes alone. Well there, it explored what it had become, and decided to cast off its old life and name, taking the more symbolical name Stygian, that tied into its still part otherworldly existence and newfound power.

Stygian is an unnaturally evolved and powerful meta-entity, appearing in its full-fledged form as a dark angelic humanoid, mainly colored black but with dark streaks of blue and teal as well. Its eyes glow a dark, greenish-blue colour and its form, crowned by a pair of torn black wings, shifts, writhes and morphs almost continuously. It is an impressively powerful shapeshifter and can morph its body to mostly any shape, density and level of coherence, and can also mimick other creatures its size very convincingly, though it cannot change weight completely uninhibitedly and is a bit slow at changing its colour.
   Stygian's powers can be summarized as free-formed biomorphosis (he does not have to be solid, or even in one piece, but can flow freely like a lquid or even something like a coherent gas, and he has a number of more or less complicated abilities that come from his form, such as wall- and ceiling-scaling, corrosive properties, infecting and altering organic structures...), his powers that tie into this trait such as his phasing ability and energy manipulation, and his impressive physical abilities that include tremendous speed and strength, complex and powerful senses and very fast reflexes and excellent spatial awareness.
   The easily most significant trait of Stygian's though (at least to some), is that he is practically anathema to magic. He cannot use it, but he can affect it greatly, twisting and disturbing or even nullifying it. This natural ability is nearly always active, but mostly he does not use it, and so its influence is limited to himself and an area of perhaps a foot around him. However, when he chooses to exert it, he is powerful enough to nullify even the strongest of magics in his vincinity, tearing the flows of energy asunder before they even have a chance to form, and he can direct this influence specifically. He can also disrupt or halt the activity of magical fields or objects. But his ability has a range limitation, growing weaker the further from him you get, and the more complex and powerful the magic, the harder it is for him to disturb it. And it should be noted that it is nearly as hard for him to supress this ability completely as it is to exert it fully.


o.o That is... quite interesting Stygian. I wish I had more of a science-orientated brain though...


*Charles examines Stygian's description... and realizes a tremendous weakness*  Well well well... quantum physics IS good for something practical after all...  the Mistress shall be pleased.   >:3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Erm...I'm a magical white tigress with a half black dragon wereside that shows up every full moon.  :U That's all I have at the moment.


Quote from: Alondro on October 28, 2006, 11:23:29 PM
*Charles examines Stygian's description... and realizes a tremendous weakness*  Well well well... quantum physics IS good for something practical after all...  the Mistress shall be pleased.   >:3

I was just thinking the same thing... Or at least something similar. :mwaha


Getting back on topic- I'm a Communist Commissar, with SUPER SPECHUL SOCIALIST SKILLZ YO GULAG 4 LIFE*

*If you're not careful >:3


Quote from: DigitalMan on October 29, 2006, 04:37:15 AM
I was just thinking the same thing... Or at least something similar. :mwaha

Oh? And what, pray tell, may that be? Unless you know my full physiology (haven't told you my constituent structure or the nature of my senseeees...), I beleive you'll be hard pressed to find more than pretty general weaknesses. *acts all superior*

Okay, I will admit. Stygian has some rather great weaknesses as a result of his nature. I'll give you one that you might be interested in hearing. He's weakened by visible light, because of the way it behaves partially like particles at certain wavelengths. It disturbs some of his abilities; the more light, the more interference. And while he is capable of "tweaking" with his surroundings a bit to intimidate enemies and better conditions, in broad daylight he is clearly weaker (not physically, but generally) than in darkness.

Might you tell us what it was that you found out?
Quote from: Komissar Makarov on October 29, 2006, 08:24:09 AM
Getting back on topic- I'm a Communist Commissar, with SUPER SPECHUL SOCIALIST SKILLZ YO GULAG 4 LIFE*

Perhaps one of the best and most intimidating powers I have ever heard of. RED POWAH!


I don't really have a consistant online persona, but I tend to just go with a cartoony drawing of myself insofar as avys or drawings involving me and other people's personas go. Then there's the metric ton of RP and DnD characters I use, who I have no intention of listing here.


if you haven't noticed, i'm a male sable ferret.


Quote from: vulpesweasel on October 30, 2006, 04:13:40 PM
if you haven't noticed, i'm a male sable ferret.

Being or Creature?  (Damn, I knew I'd forgotton someone on the census)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Kitsune Ascendant

my current overall persona is a kitsune who has become a legend as the only one ever to achieve a tenth tail. I travel from dimension to dimension, shifting my form and abilities subtly to match each new universe, though often keeping abilities I've learned in other universes. after a bit of thinking, I think I finally have my name: Xane. I have an animal form that is a ten-tailed fox about the size of a large wolf, with the tails being about one and a half times the body length, and a humanoid form which can go anywhere from a human with fox ears and the tails (Which now are just long enough to reach the ground) to my fox form on two legs with minor joint modifications and hands replacing the front feet. I usually settle for a humanoid face, the reverse-jointed legs ending in paws, and normal fur-covered hands and arms. usually, my fur is a jet black, though when I draw a lot of power the tips can turn blue or even white. I am built lightly and slender, and about 5'9 in height. I also have a female form, which I have not, as of yet, used here. then, I am known as Sophilia. tall and slender, I am about the same height, with white fur. when I have need for a weapon, I will summon a light double-edged katana with runes carved on both sides of the blade, and focus some of my power along the edges, making it able to slice through the strongest materials like they were butter. when the finesse of a blade is not required, or I am really pissed off, I can form my energy into claws, which I weild with devastating results.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Shouldn't this be in the Haunted Ballroom?

I guess I'll play along. My persona is ... is ... is ... crap I don't have one. :crying



Quote from: ninjannihilator on October 30, 2006, 10:45:20 PM
Shouldn't this be in the Haunted Ballroom?

I guess I'll play along. My persona is ... is ... is ... crap I don't have one. :crying


I considered asking the question in there, but I was more curious about what/who people are or show themselves as online every day, as opposed to characters they only use occasionally.

I've personally used several Duelling personas over the years of varying genders and races, but most people see me as The Grey Ronin when I'm not actively gaming, fighting, etc.

There's also the fact that I'm fairly new to these forums and not a furry, so quite a bit of what more experienced posters take for granted goes right over my head. I thought it would be interesting to touch base.


When I'm posting at a forum I usually use pics of Megaman. Usually Zero.


I'm just glad that i finally managed to produce a consistent background for a character that allows him to act in practically any universe or "setting". Thanks to his shapeshifter properties he can also easily pass for a furry, though he certainly isn't a "true" one.