Kitome's art thread; (Secret Santa)

Started by Kitome Feathertail, October 06, 2006, 01:18:30 PM

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Kitome Feathertail

Greetings fellow forumites and welcome to my Gallery.  It certainly has been a while.  But thats enough of the formalities.  To the art we go.  This pic is a way of me to say thanks to PBH for the avatar she did for me a long time ago.

Hugs for PBH


Netami vs Ramsey and Forum Ninja pic


James Starrunner and Chris Redfield

Miaka as Claire Redfield

PBH as Rebecca Chambers and Gareeku as Leon Kennedy

Trick or Treat


Denodian and Amethyst

Secret Santa

James StarRunner

Hehehe... Nice! Also, I don't remember when you did the "Put the plushy down" one in your sig, but that cracks me up!

Kitome Feathertail

actually I just did my sig and my avatar today

Kitome Feathertail

So these are actually from the nice, so most of you have probably already seen them, but since they were done specifically for the forum and they some of my better work, at least I like to think so, I figured I would post them here.
Netami vs. Ramsey

and the one most people probably remember;
Forum Ninja group pic

here is link for bigger version;
from left to right we have, Gareeku, FKK, RJ, Netami, Ramsey, Kaos, Miaka, sorry but I don't remember, then me.
the thing floating in the air is ITOS.
I'm sorry if I misspelled anyones name.


*melts* You forgot ME!! i'm a pirate-ninja!!

oh well  :mowsad

AWESOME arts!!

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Love the poses in the first one. X3 The second one is a little hard to see, though. Can you link to the full pic?


The all look really good classics....I do hope the nice taur is up for requests soon


Quote from: Zina on October 08, 2006, 05:08:46 PM
Love the poses in the first one. X3 The second one is a little hard to see, though. Can you link to the full pic?
Right Click > View Image
That is, if you're using FireFox.  And if you're not, you should.

Kitome Feathertail

Xze-Xze; Actually when I decided to do that pic on the nice I put up a thread and asked all ninja's that wanted in the pic just give me a description, so either I missed yours, you didn't post, or you posted to late.

Zina; umm...I could try...maybe, don't think I have ever done it before

Zedd; I would like to point you to the first thing I posted, there is a little something I wrote under the pic, which pretty puch says I'm taking requests, however I might be a little slow in delivering cause I am way behind on homework, Hazzah for proctastination.


Sorry didnt see that....And dont worry I can wait


And here I was worried you hadn't switched over to the new forums! And sorry the art request is taking so long; you were at the bottem of a list of eight people, and homework's been a hinderance too.


Yay! I love that ninja pic, but i forgot to save it the first time round. D:

Come to think of it, I forgot to save the pic you did of Gareeku too. ;_;


love the ninja pic - you've earned youself a chibi :)

Kitome Feathertail

Yeay Chibi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and because I save everything, well mostly everything...I think...anyway, heres that pic I drew of you Gareeku


James StarRunner

Yay! More arts! I remember some of these old ones now and I'm hoping you continue drawing!



Quote from: Kitome Feathertail on October 08, 2006, 11:35:00 PM
Yeay Chibi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and because I save everything, well mostly everything...I think...anyway, heres that pic I drew of you Gareeku

Man, that's good.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Kitome Feathertail on October 08, 2006, 06:15:53 PM
Zina; umm...I could try...maybe, don't think I have ever done it before

It's fairly easy. Rather than simply using:
[ img ] URL_of_Image [ /img ]
Zina is suggesting you use something like:
[ url=URL_of_Image ] [ img ] URL_of_Image [ /img ] [ /url ]

... obviously, with the spaces taken out. Does that make sense? What it does is mean you can click on the image and be taken to the image itself, so that you're avoiding the forum, and hte forum limits image sizes to, I believe, 500x500 or something, so if your pic is bigger than that, it gets resized down....
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Kitome Feathertail

couldn't figure out how to link the pic so I just put the link under it XP


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


That's why you have the "preview"-button.

Just try out what you like.

Go HERE for an overview of what's possible on this forum.
Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK

Kitome Feathertail

Recently I have been big into Resident Evil.  So I have decided to do a series of pics on it called RE meet (insert forumite here).  Pretty much I take forumites and turn them into resident evil characters.  And to start us off we have;

James Starrunner as Chris Redfield


Quote from: Kitome Feathertail on October 10, 2006, 06:21:19 PM
James Starrunner as Chris Redfield

I know little of Resident Evil, but that's a good likeness of James.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Interesting idea, but... are those pencil smudges up in the top left? It reminds me of how everything I write ends up... Other than that, the pic is looking great except for some issues with the legs and feet, and possibly the right arm (James' right), but I think you see that already. I THINK by the looks of it you haven't been too deep in the art business yet. As long as you're practicing.


The shin's seem a little short, but other than that, good job.  Neat idea, too. :)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Top left looks like a scanner artifact, Aridas. Although without seeing the original, it's hard to tell - it might be pencil smudges. :-/

Good pic, though. As Tapewolf said, it's a good likeness.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Nice, I think James'll love it.

... too bad zombies don't abide by the "two in the body, one in the head" rule.

James StarRunner

Whoo hoo! Hey, I still have the glove thing going on too! Can't say I've played the Resident Evil games, but now I'd be interested in trying. Never saw my character ever wear an outfit like that, but it looks like it would be something he would wear! Look'it all that equiptment I get too! Hehehe... even as a Resident Evil character, that's still really fitting!

This will definately be saved to my specail folder once I get home!

Paladin Sheppard

Mmmm  T-zombie hunting...

James you lucky bastard  >:3

Awsome art Kitome!

Kitome Feathertail

Yeah, nuthin says fun like makeing a zombies head explode, next one should be up on thursday.