2020-06-29 [DMFA #1998] - Wonder what the movie would have been

Started by killpurakat, June 30, 2020, 10:18:48 AM

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Honestly, I bet there are a huge multitude of jobs (counselor, negotiator, instructor, medical personnel) where the ability to sense what people are feeling and maybe nip panic in the bud would be a huge boon.

That said, I'm really loving how much of a bonding moment this is for Aary and Dan. Like, I get the sense Dan has never had a safety net of friends that he's felt he could go to about problems (because he's an adventurer; his friends would totally be there for him, but he never thought of that), but now he's starting to branch out.

I'm kind of interested in how Dan and Abel's relationship will change with what both of them have gone through.


Can anyone make out the text in the third part of Dan's thought bubble? The bit that's going poof under Aary's 'boop'?

I mean, I get the overall gist, but the particulars would be nice to have.


What I got:

Not at all worried about (my friends. It?)
is only a matter of time before (some?)
guy finds out. Not like someone from the
academy is going to soo(ner or later let it)
slip and then it all co(mes?) ...?
to affect everyone I know.
Perhaps I should...


I know quite a few people who would love a friend like her that can just boop away a spiraling train of worried thoughts.


I hope he's not standing outside Lost Lake with his head-wings showing like that.


Quote from: YBlu on June 30, 2020, 12:26:56 PM
What I got:

Not at all worried about (my friends. It?)
is only a matter of time before (some?)
guy finds out. Not like someone from the
academy is going to soo(ner or later let it)
slip and then it all co(mes?) ...?
to affect everyone I know.
Perhaps I should...

Thank you.


Heck, if SAIA didn't have possibly the best psychological treatment facilities in the world, I'd be disappointed.


Aary's ability to boop away the bad train of thought is possibly the greatest ability ever.