2019/10/13 [RE 64.12] - Alive, but for how long...

Started by Tapewolf, October 13, 2019, 07:43:00 AM

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Given that the Kiborns were influential enough to own their own manor, ranch, lands and annoy someone who was really good at dark magic, I'd assume that the Kiborns have a mausoleum which Loki has been placed in, rather than a graveyard in which she's been buried.
If she is six feet under, she's probably already back in purgatory as I'm not sure the air would have lasted long enough for Saturn to make it there.  (This may also be the case if there was a sealed lead coffin in the mausoleum, but I'm not sure they had time to do anything this elaborate).

Also, if she still has the god-slaying sword, that is liable to make short work of the door.  Or Jake if this little prank backfires.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


hopefully its an old mausoleum so there maybe some air hole in it.
also to bad its at night or Loki could use her light magic.


Quote from: Mork on October 13, 2019, 09:33:53 AM
hopefully its an old mausoleum so there maybe some air hole in it.
also to bad its at night or Loki could use her light magic.

I wonder if she still has the capability.  Hopefully we'll find out soon - or not, as the case may be.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Probably the mausoleum as you guessed, especially since a lot of coffins get crushed in the burial process and I imagine  the deal wouldn't have been made if Loki was just gonna die right away again.

Though maybe there will be a little extra divine intervention to shore the gap and we'll get to see Loki enjoy her own zombie/Kill Bill moment of digging out of her own grave.


Quote from: InhumanInterest on October 13, 2019, 01:05:19 PM
Though maybe there will be a little extra divine intervention to shore the gap and we'll get to see Loki enjoy her own zombie/Kill Bill moment of digging out of her own grave.

Not impossible.  I can't see the Reaper being very pleased if she immediately has to collect Loki all over again so there may be something at play to prevent that.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Reaper: Between you and the clanners lets just get a revolving door in here!