Portrait of Ruin CV game MAJOR SPOILERS!!!

Started by Castle Pokemetroid, September 23, 2006, 02:57:29 AM

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Castle Pokemetroid

Here you go: Some info on the upcoming CV game, a quote strait from the CV Dungeon.

QuoteAfter Drolta Tzuentes resurrected Elizabeth Bartley, they travelled across Europe to conduct the resurrection of Count Dracula. John Morris and Eric Lecarde followed them. Even though the resurrection of Dracula was a success, the vampire hunters defeated him, and his allies."

For those of you not familiar with the Castlevania continuity, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin takes place some time after Castlevania Bloodlines. To refresh a little bit of the story, here is what happened before and after Bloodlines(quoted off of Wikipedia):

"In 1897, the long war between humanity and Dracula came to an end, as Dracula was laid to eternal rest by Quincy Morris, a descendant of the Belmont family.

Peace was restored to Europe, until the outbreak of the World War I, which transformed the continent into a dark world filled with massacre and violence.

At the beginning of the war, on June 1914 at Sarajevo, the Crown Prince of Austria was assassinated. It was said that a strange beautiful woman was involved, within the shadows.

It was Elizabeth Bartley. In order to revive her uncle, Count Dracula, she conducted an unholy ceremony which caused the war, giving her possession of human souls from Europe.

And now, two silhouettes can be seen near Castle Dracula. John Morris, a descendant of the famed Belmont and Morris families. He obeyed his fate to fight vampires day and night. And Eric Lecarde. His girlfriend was transformed into a vampire when Elizabeth was revived."

Now we move onto Portrait of Ruin. Here is the opening prologue:


The world is in chaos. The second world war claimed millions of lives, leveled cities, destroyed nations.

The souls of the war's dead blanket the planet, lost, hurt, and angry. Their anguish summons an accursed castle of legend. It has appeared many times throughout history, bringing with it evil and darkness.

The castle of Dracula, the lord of evil. It arrives in man's darkest hour, to push us over the brink, into ruin."

As we know, Jonathan's father is John Morris from Castlevania Bloodlines for the Sega Genesis/MegaDrive. Charlotte Aulin is a descendant of the Belnades clan. The Morris family has ties with the Belmont family, but it's not too specific. In your quest to defeat Brauner, his daughters, and whoever else might pose a thread to mankind you encounter two helpful men: Vincent and Wind. Vincent is a friar/monk who basically acts as your general store. Wind is a ghostly looking man who helps you throughout your quest by offering you sidequests that help give you more information about the castle and also grant you new powers/items. After a mid game battle with one of the antagonists we find out a little more about the mysterious Brauner and his daughters.

Immediately after the initial fight with Stella, her twin sister Loretta interrupts the fight and as they leave Stella drops a pendant that she was wearing. Jonathan picks up the locket and both he and Charlotte are shocked at the picture inside of the opened locket.

It's a picture of Wind with both of Brauner's daughters, Stella and Loretta.

Jonathan and Charlotte confront Wind to try and find out more about the situation. Here is a transcript of their meeting...

Jonathan: Wind! What's the meaning of this?!

Charlotte: Look at this photo.

(Wind looks at photograph)

Wind: !!

C: You owe us an explanation.

W: ...
W: Ah, indeed, I do. Let me tell you my real name.
W: It's Eric. Eric Lecarde.

J: You don't mean... The man who fought by my father?

(Wind's name display changes to Eric now)

Eric: Yes. John was my best friend.

C: Then what's your relationship with the two girls in the photo?

E: They're my daughters.

J: H-hold on a sec! Aren't they Brauner's daughters?!

E: Brauner lost his real daughters in World War I.
E: His anger and grief awakened his hidden power, which he used to become a vampire.

C: So his daughters...

E: He believes the daughters he lost in the war were reborn as my daughters.

J: So he kind of just stole them from you?

E: His daughters were his life.
E: Now that he has them back, he wants to punish the humans whose war has ruined his life.

J: I see. That's why the whip started acting up in front of those two.
J: It's because they carry the blood of the Lecarde family!

C: Of course! The Vampire Killer!
C: Eric, if you fought by Jonathan's father, then you must know how to unlock the Vampire Killer's power!

E: Yes, I do know. But...

J: If you know, then tell me! What should I do?!

E: ...
E: In order for the Morris family to use the Vampire Killer, you need the power of the Lecarde family.
E: But I can't help you, and of course, now that my daughters have been turned into vampires...

J: So, in the end... This whip is useless.
J: I guess my being heir its just the emptiest, most meaningless title of all.

E: ...
E: I was forbidden to tell you this, but I think the time has come. The reason your father died...

J: I know why he died.
J: They say he was mortally wounded when he stopped Dracula's Resurrection.

C: Even I know that was the cause.

E: You're wrong.

J: ?!

E: For one who is not of the Belmont family, to use the true power of the Vampire Killer, they must give up a part of their own life.
E: That's why my family acts as the power's key. So that it can only be used when truly necessary.
E: John used the whip too much...

J: So what are you saying? you mean my father died because of this whip?

E: Exactly. Which is why he didn't want to teach you how to use it.
E: He wanted you to develop the strength to survive without using the whip.
E: No matter how much you might hate him for doing that, in the end, he was only looking out for you.

J: ...

E: You may not yet wield your whip like a Belmont, but that power can be yours. I know that John had his reasons.

J: Father...

C: I knew there was a reason. Aren't you glad Jonathan?

J: I just don't get it.
J: Why did the Belmonts give this thing to the Morris family?!
J: If not for this, we would have been spared so much pain!

E: Because the Belmonts cannot touch the whip now. It is predicted that Dracula will be revived in the year 1999. I've heard that the Belmonts must not touch the Vampire Killer until then.

J: But...!

E: Others have appeared to revive Dracula in the meantime.
E: Somebody has to stand up and stop them.
E: And only the Morris family is able to do that!

J: ...
J: Oh, well then.
J: At least I finally know the truth about my father and this whip.
J: Still, are you okay with this? This job that we have to do is gonna end up hurting your own daughters.
---- I'll end it here ----

Don't want to give out too much info. :)

Castle Pokemetroid


awesome graphics, can someone borrow me some money??? :[

Nimrods Son

I don't feel impressed by the graphics... still not beyond anything on PSX or GBA, in my opinion. But some of the enemies appear to be rendered in the playing videos, that might look quite cool! Don't expect too much, though: It's IGA, all he wants is to give us what we bought so far, so there won't be many progressive steps since the last one.

The train seems to be a London tube train or something like that. But a steam locomotive in the tube? Could be Berlin, too, with a translated station name.

King Of Hearts

For what system is that? it doesnt seem to look that impressive, the bright anime look is throwing me off... what happened to the old Castlevania artist?

Heh... I just realized that apparently Elizabeth Bathory, AKA the Blood Countess was incorporated into the castlevania mythos as Alucard's cousin...

Castle Pokemetroid

Quote from: King Of Hearts on September 25, 2006, 12:52:19 AM
For what system is that? it doesnt seem to look that impressive, the bright anime look is throwing me off... what happened to the old Castlevania artist?

It's for the DS.

Here's the trailer! If you haven't noticed, look at death's scythe. It doesn't even look like a scythe! Looks like a spear with big feathers on the end or something. And Brauner has a monocle.

Nimrods Son

Still, the chick is hot.
Last game with the old Castlevania art & style were the N64, which I just happen to play again. Ultimate Dracula is still one tough bitchofabat.
But for a side series, that the advanced IGA castleroids are, I think the Castlevania X-like animé art is alright.

Castle Pokemetroid

I've got news for POR. It seams that it will be FREAKEN HUGE!!! Instead of 100% map, there is 1000% map coverage!!!  :mowhappy


awesome....it was about time...100% for me is like = some 30 minutes :cool

Castle Pokemetroid

Quote from: Leafar on September 29, 2006, 06:41:49 AM
awesome....it was about time...100% for me is like = some 30 minutes :cool

And there will be a 1000% chance of more bosses. Why I say this? Because in a special boss rush mode,  you will fight all the bosses from Dawn of Sorrow!

King Of Hearts

The one thing I am looking forward here...



Oh come on. Stop pulling numbers out of your ass and find some real ones...

Nimrods Son

IGA told some webpage, I guess IGN.com, that the map would be about 150% of Down of Sorrows. I'm pretty sure there won't be 1000% map completion, otherwise IGA had pointed it out in order to sell the game.
Getting out of the castle again is great. It gave Cv II & Cv III (and, to a certain degree, SCV IV) the feeling of an actual world being simulated, not just a claustrophobic Castle.

Castle Pokemetroid

Quote from: Angantyr on October 03, 2006, 05:36:34 AM
IGA told some webpage, I guess IGN.com, that the map would be about 150% of Down of Sorrows. I'm pretty sure there won't be 1000% map completion, otherwise IGA had pointed it out in order to sell the game.

I don't know. I have no credit to that info. I just posted what was heard from a guy that acually has the game. Jap version or somethin. I don't know.

Nimrods Son

there's no version available at the moment, neither japanese nor chinese proxy.
a playable demo would never include all the areas, I'm sure.
SO, that guy must be a LIAR :objection