Newbie :3

Started by Synonymous, September 18, 2006, 06:26:08 PM

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Hello. I'm new here. (Obviously.)

My name is Syn, and it's not a stupid "cool" way to spell sin.  :C ...It's also not my real name, but I like it so that's what I go by. I don't think I needed to explain that, but I did. Argh, I can't stop rambling...

'Kay, so basically my little story thing is that I've been reading DMFA for a while now; I'm not exactly sure when I started reading it. (Before the SAIA arc, for sure.) I occasionally visited the forum and read posts, but I never actually signed up. For some strange, unknown reason, I seem to have worked up the courage to join the "new" forum and even make a little "hi i'm new lol" post. (I'm not sure why, though, since this is a combined forum and therefore I don't know who all of the people are anymore.)

I love reading webcomics, and unless I think they're boring or stupid, I read them whenever they update. I also like reading novels, watching cartoons/anime, playing video games, and writing. I draw sometimes, but the result isn't anything spectacular, as evidenced by this.

I probably won't post much, unless I get the urge to say something and I can't stop myself. If I post too much, people might know who I am, and then I'll flee.  :U I have commitment issues or something, I think.

So in short, I'm a procrastinating stalker that probably already knows who you are. ...Because I lurk for a long time before joining anything. It really helps, because then I know who will annoy me and who I think is cool.  :D Um... I'm going to stop typing now. This is getting kinda long.


'Jour. Reading your intro, it looks like I can forgo my bad intro speech, so, have a nice time.  :)


Welcome additional new comer. You're like the 8th this month.


Well let me be the first second third (:mad) to say welcome, Newbie! :)  *Holds out hand wishing for a shake*



are you any good at Castlevania games?? :3
kidding, welcome dude have a hell of a good time and fun! ;)
are you? >:3

llearch n'n'daCorna

I'd say "hi, welcome, etc" and give you your warnings, but... I can't be bothered.

Maybe tomorrow, ok? :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


here, have this:

don't understand? you will... :paranoid


Hey, a Louisville Slugger! Old Skool FTW!


once and for ftw means anyway??????? :U



*slinks out of the closet* Synonymous, eh? Cool name. Well, if you've been lurking on the forums that long you've probably already heard what I have to say to newbies millions of times. However, since I have little better to do...
1) Be nice, or the forumites will eat you.
2) Cute rules all in the DMFA section. Don't piss off chibis.
3) Artists are in charge. Writers are also in charge. Mess with neither, or they'll probably find some suitably creative way of getting you back. See number four.
4) Don't be pretty. Trust me, you'll thank me later.
5) If you see a ferret or a fox smiling at you, any of them, for the love of (insert thing you like here) RUN THE @#$% AWAY!

By the way, the pics aren't that bad. You're most certainly off to a good start.


Nice, Boogeyman, now I get to mix up this thread with the other ones. Woot.  D:


don't be pretty??? :B
am i in trouble? :paranoid



To everyone: Thanks for the welcomes!  :3 

To ×HaZ×MaT×: *shakes hand*

To Leafar: I actually haven't played any Castlevania games.  :< I heard they're good, though, and I might play one someday if I can stop wasting my money. I think I actually have a Castlevania song on my computer somewhere, though I'm not sure how it got there. And I'll just take your word on the bat thing.

To Boogeyman: Thanks!


sure thing! ;)
if you need something, anything, don't hesitate pm'ing me k? ;)

ps: sometimes my english fails me (i am from brazil) but we will understand each other! ;)

great, now my eye hurts of so much blinks :S


Oh good, you made a second post. Have a brownie point, and enjoy the madness.

llearch n'n'daCorna

The third post is, of course, the critical one that shows if they'll ever come back, or if they've gone into hiding under their chair, mewing piteously and praying the world becomes sane again...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


To Leafar: You're from Brazil? I actually couldn't tell that English wasn't your first language.
And if I need help, I'll be sure to PM you. Thanks for the offer! I'll be sure not to attack you with questions or anything, though.

To BillBuckner: I'd feel bad if I didn't reply to the people welcoming me. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have replied. Thanks for the brownie point, though. :3

To llearch n'n'daCorna:  :)


Quote from: BillBuckner on September 18, 2006, 07:23:35 PM
For The Win.
Bull crap, FTW is just WTF backwards. :<


i have just applauded you syn, you seen like a very nice guy! ;)
btw, you can ask me anything, if i am online it means i have the time! ;)

haz: what a discovery!!!!!!! :O btw everyone knows why i have this username? :3


I do believe you mentioned it earlier.


Quote from: Leafar on September 18, 2006, 07:51:20 PM
i have just applauded you syn, you seen like a very nice guy! ;)
btw, you can ask me anything, if i am online it means i have the time! ;)

haz: what a discovery!!!!!!! :O btw everyone knows why i have this username? :3
I mean FTW is 'f*** the what?' as opposed to WTF being 'what the f***?'


I guess it could, but it should be clear in context that we mean "For The Win".  :P


Well I never saw it that way.  (Oh look, we're already offtopic and we're still on the first page!)


My God, Haz, what hell hast thou wrought?


*poke the newbie!!*

Rawr. I'm Miaka, and you'll find out about me at some point, I suppose. I don't actually do much, but uh..... I s'pose I fall under that "Artist" label, don't I?
I used to have warnings and such, but people stole them over time... those bastards.
Oh well.

Feel free to ask me anything, just send a pm my way or something and I'll dio my best! Or, y'know, if you just wanna talk to someone about something, I'll try not to be a horrible person and listen to you.

Have an acorn of +1 Squirrel distracting.

Someone else try and describe me, I'm lazy. ><


Quote from: BillBuckner on September 18, 2006, 08:05:43 PM
My God, Haz, what hell hast thou wrought?
I wrought the hell that has lots of biscuits (cookies). :twisted


Quote from: Miaka on September 18, 2006, 08:09:16 PM

Someone else try and describe me, I'm lazy. ><

miaka is cool man! ;) *whispers: she is dangerous :S * *is spotted* oh mm...ahem... :paranoid


Quote from: Leafar on September 18, 2006, 08:13:57 PM
Quote from: Miaka on September 18, 2006, 08:09:16 PM

Someone else try and describe me, I'm lazy. ><

miaka is cool man! ;) *whispers: she is dangerous :S * *is spotted* oh mm...ahem... :paranoid
Me? Dangerous? What basis do you have for that?  what have I ever done to anyone other than Kaos?

and I hope thaty pun wasn;t intended.