[Writing] The Bounty Project, final chapters (5th Jan 2018)

Started by Tapewolf, May 06, 2017, 08:08:09 AM

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That's a very... odd thing for Daryil to request... Even considering it is Daryil. :P Is it supposed to be some sort of test or something?


Please say that you'll make this story into a comic one day, that last scene needs to be seen!


Quote from: CubiKitsune on July 16, 2017, 11:16:17 PM
That's a very... odd thing for Daryil to request... Even considering it is Daryil. :P Is it supposed to be some sort of test or something?

Groundhog Day syndrome, I suspect.

Quote from: TruthQuest on July 25, 2017, 12:48:32 AM
Please say that you'll make this story into a comic one day, that last scene needs to be seen!

That is the plan, though obviously Merlin has to agree to it.  I'm currently working on chapter 20 and the story is still ongoing.  I'm considering running the written story weekly, but that will mean problems if I need to go back and fix something.

This is what we're looking to do next, barring some catastrophe:
'To Catch a Demon' has one page left - after that, the plan is to blitz CK's 'Ark of Ur' story and get that finished.
After that, Aisha has written a story I'm rather fond of, so to keep things ticking over while Bounty is being written, I'm hoping to do that as a comic.
After TCaD, the next one to complete will be Dark Lord Rising which is 10 chapters and we're reaching the end of chapter 7.
So I'd be hoping to start running Bounty at that point.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on July 25, 2017, 04:37:18 AM
That is the plan, though obviously Merlin has to agree to it.  I'm currently working on chapter 20 and the story is still ongoing.  I'm considering running the written story weekly, but that will mean problems if I need to go back and fix something.

This is what we're looking to do next, barring some catastrophe:
'To Catch a Demon' has one page left - after that, the plan is to blitz CK's 'Ark of Ur' story and get that finished.
After that, Aisha has written a story I'm rather fond of, so to keep things ticking over while Bounty is being written, I'm hoping to do that as a comic.
After TCaD, the next one to complete will be Dark Lord Rising which is 10 chapters and we're reaching the end of chapter 7.
So I'd be hoping to start running Bounty at that point.

Yep, that all sounds sensible. I do want to draw this story too mwaha >:3


Chapter 7

"Shit," Steve said as the computer chimed.

"What's wrong?" Ralf asked, lying on the sofa and cocking his head quizzically.

"An adventuring job.  Emergency priority... and I'm all short-staffed."

"Cool!  Can I do it?"

"Heh," Steve chuckled.  "Sorry.  But I might have to send Mary, and that's unlikely to end well."

"That's not fair!"

"Fair or not, I can't send you unaccompanied, Ralf.  You're on probation, both as an adventurer and as a prototype lifeform.  Once you've been on a couple of missions with the others, then we can see about turning you loose on something simple.  In any case, your appearance is likely to startle people."

"Like Mary won't?"

"She will - but there have been Demon adventurers before.  There has never been a feral wolf robot with glowing eyes as an adventurer before.  Besides which, she is a card-carrying guild member.  You are not.  However..."

"Yes?" the cyberwolf asked eagerly.

"I should at least show you how to operate the AdventureNet terminal, and give you some basic training in answering the phone and making coffee..."


"That's how most interns start out," Steve grinned evilly.

*  *  *

"I guess it's a good job Mary isn't here," Daniel said.  "She wouldn't have let those three go.  Given that we're not going to be able to bring the heads with us easily, she'd probably just smash their skulls, or set fire to them or something."

"I remember when she twisted that guy's muzzle off his face..." Ben said, making a disgusted expression.

"Yesterday you said that it was mostly Beings that you were called to deal with as adventurers," Lady Featherstone queried.  "Does this really provide you with more trade than monster-slaying?"

"It's the economy," the fox replied.  "That and the easing of tensions between Beings and Creatures.  Like Dan was saying earlier, peace is a good thing for common folk and nobles alike, but it has put a lot of adventuring guilds out of business.  Some of those who have been let go start using their talents in... other ways.   Either out of desperation or because of... well, sadism.
"You see, many of us became adventurers because we wanted to keep people safe, but not everyone does.  There's more than a few Beings who became adventurers because they get to kill people with no repercussions.  And now there's nowhere to vent that frustration legally, they've taken to killing people illegally.  So at least some of what you're saying about Demons being psychopathic murderers who kill for fun... well, that can apply to Beings just as easily."

"Tell me again about this Mary of yours," Lady Featherstone said.  "Clearly she falls into the psychopathic murderer category.  Why does your guild allow someone as obviously dangerous and brutal as her?"

"Because she's dangerous and brutal," Ben said.  "That can be an advantage in the adventuring career.  It's like good cop/bad cop.  And she can be a very bad cop."

"She's also happy to do Ben's dirty work for him," Roger said.  "Executing people and stuff."

"Most importantly," Daniel interposed as Ben's lip curled, "This arrangement allows her to use her talents for the benefit of society.  This way she gets to let off steam, killing only the people society believes should be killed.  For the most part, everyone is happy.  Left to her own devices, she'd be wantonly massacring random strangers."

"Perhaps she should," the opossum mused.  "It would provide a legal basis for having her executed, after all..."

Everyone chuckled, but Daniel could feel Ben's growing unease, mirroring his own.

*  *  *

"Ah, Mary," Steve said.  "I am a little worried that you might not be following procedure as closely as you could be."

"In what particular way?" the she-wolf enquired.

"Well, this report you filed upon encountering a highwayman... 'I find you guilty of possessing an unauthorised class B thinking apparatus, the sentence for which is death by me.'"

"Oh, yeah!" Mary beamed.  "That was fun.  Especially the bit where I confiscated it!"

"Yes," Steve snarled.  "And not only did you include his brain with your report, you also had the cheek to ask if I could run it through the computer."

"Did it work?" the wolf Demon enquired.

"Of course not.  Facial recognition, OK.  Iris scan, no problem.  But the AdventureNet system can NOT positively identify a suspect from a picture of their brain!"

"Well, maybe it should," Mary said.

"Fine... I will file a bug report," Steve said.  "In your name.  By the way, another job has come up."

"More executions?!" Mary asked eagerly.

"No.  Missing persons report.  Greg Swanson.  Urgent.  Everyone else is in the field, so it's down to you.  I'd go myself, but after the last time you handled reception... Well, we can't have that again.  PLEASE be careful on this mission, Mary... no rampaging.  We need to find this person, not kill them.   So leave the axe behind."

"Alright, alright," Mary said, looking at the lion's face gazing back at her from the poster.  "I'll just take a sword."

"That's fine," Steve said, and looked up suddenly.  Mary glanced around to see Jason enter the office, face a picture of determination.

"Sorry, Steve... I need a word.  This is urgent," the jackal said.

*  *  *

"Josh," Fairwater said, "As I said, I think I have a lead for you."

"Svenson?" the husky said, examining the note.  "Clan Bal'Necht?"

"Indeed.  He says that he was framed.  I would like you to visit the guild which issued his death warrant and get their version of events.  It would also be helpful to establish what really happened to Obediah."

"Is that an order, Majesty?" Josh asked.  Fairwater rolled his eyes.

"I think better of you than that, Josh.  I could send one of my own men, but the intimidation factor... people tend not to be entirely truthful when talking to a representative of their King.  Especially if that representative is a demon in motorcycle gear with a very sharp sword.  Of course, if you have a better lead of your own..."

"Not really," Joshua smiled.  "Thank you for the tip, O King."

"This is Svenson's home address.  I've had him watched - partly due to the investigation, but also for his own protection.  One last thing... Obediah's guild is out in the sticks.  As someone who was born in a city, I would suggest teaming up with someone who has experience of adventuring in a medieval territory.  You may perhaps know Jason of Clan Daryil...?"


Josh winced as they made their way through the town of Southmoor.  Unlike Jason, who was in full platemail, the husky had gone shirtless but wore leather pants and a shortsword at his side.  Most of the buildings were made of wood and other temporary materials, and unpainted.  As a result, they didn't last long and were either falling apart or newly-built.  The only buildings showing no sign of decay were the town hall, and a medium-sized church dedicated to the worship of some local deity.

None of these details were particularly offensive to Joshua, nor was the adventuring gear that he wore as they trudged towards the guild hall.  What upset him more was the large scaffold in the centre of the town, with a chopping block that had clearly been used.  Behind it, the body of a malamute swung gently in the breeze, fastened to the frame of a gallows by a noose.  There were worn spots on the beam where ropes had gone - at least three victims had clearly been strung up together, and on enough occasions to leave marks upon the beam.

"Yeah," Jason said, quietly, glancing at the husky.  "These places aren't exactly what you might call tolerant.  I was lucky, I guess... I could have been executed for any number of sins.  Having wings... Sodomy..."

"I didn't know you were that way inclined."

"'Cubi often tend to be bisexual," the jackal muttered.

"I did wonder why that was happening," Josh mumbled, embarrassed.

"You were 'cubified during the android upgrade, right?  Don't worry about it.  It's normal.  Or at least I assume so... I can only speak for Daryil's clan.  And since it was us that converted you... well, we probably made you normal for a Daryil member."

"Anyway," he continued softly.  "In the city I grew up in, they were more accepting.  Homosexuality was unusual but was not a crime.  They had a distrust for winged folk, and they did try to kill me once they realised I was actually an incubus.  However, Daryil told the king it would be a pity if his nice kingdom had an unfortunate accident, and subsequently that particular problem went away.  Here, I wouldn't risk it.  Wings, I can probably get away with, but..."

Jason glanced darkly at the towering building.  "Church of the Crystal Dragon.  They're one of those throwback groups... very puritanical.  Strongly, anti-technology, anti-gay, anti-fun...  Not fond of Creatures either, but too dependent on trade with Fairwater to do much about it."

"I know the type," Josh sighed.  "Yet another religion that couldn't adapt to a post-medieval society..."

"Tell me about it.  It's like Beings have to have something else to discriminate against now they get on better with Creatures...  No offence intended," he added quickly.


"Welcome to Southmoor guild, adventurers," the rat said, as Jason introduced himself.  "The King of Fairwater did tell us of your coming.  What think you of our town?"

"It reminds me of home," Jason said wistfully, looking at the log cabin guild hall.  "All those decades ago... "

The adventurers glanced at Jason, obviously surprised at the blacked-back jackal's words, given his youthful appearance.  They noticed the wings as if for the first time, and took a nervous step or two backwards.

"I suppose it has a certain rustic charm," Josh allowed, "Is the computer in the back or something?"

"The future machine?  We do not have one.  They are forbidden!" the rat seemed horrified at the notion.

"Then how do you get on AdventureNet?"  Jason asked, wings fluffing out slightly.  "Where do your orders come from?"

"We do get those by messaging orb," put in a feline adventurer.  "There be a relay station 30 miles away, just outside of our jurisdiction.  They do have the future machine box there.  They do message the orders to us, and we do message them with updates when the orders be completed."

"I see.  My colleague... has implants," Jason said slowly.  "Are those forbidden?"

"Blasphemy!" the rat exclaimed, making a gesture to ward off evil.

"Yes," the feline said nervously.  "Were I you, I would conceal this.  The Church will be angered, should they learn of it!"

"I am sorry," Josh bowed.  "We are strangers here and do not know your local customs."

"Indeed.  I would leave this land as soon as your business does allow."

"We shall.  But first, what can you tell me about a guild-member of yours called Obediah?"

"Obediah...?  He has been sent unto the LORD."

"What?!  You mean he's been executed?!"

"Aye.  He had forbidden sex with a guild-mate.  His accomplice did surrender his head yesterday morn for agreeing to accommodate his friend's sinful, unnatural affections... Obediah himself danced the hempen jig for misusing his loins, a slower, less merciful punishment as a warning to all.  His body hangs still from the dule-tree in the centre of the town, to remind all of the wages of sin and lust.  There he shall hang until the week ends."

"The malamute outside..." Josh said, eyes narrowing.

"Aye, 'tis him."

"Well," Jason said, blinking rapidly, "I guess that concludes our business here.  We will have to check the relay station as part of our investigation, since I need to know about an order relating to your late colleague.  But we'll do that as quickly as is feasible, and leave your lands post-haste."

"Fare thee well," the feline said.  The rat sat in a corner, apparently muttering prayers to himself.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Hoo boy, more religious crazies (Niall would like a word with you!). This will not end well.


Chapter 8

Mary sighed as she approached the door.

Pity this isn't a hit, she thought.  It's always fun to see their expression when you walk through their front door without opening it first.  Missing Person cases... so boring!  And they send such nasty complaints to the guild if the missing person comes back to find their door smashed in...

Grasping the doorknob, she twisted it hard, ripping the lock from the frame with a muted splintery noise.

"Coo-ee!" the wolf demon called.  "Mister Swan-son!  Anybody home...?"

Summoning a light spell, she prowled the house, remarkably stealthy for all her bulk and armour.  In the kitchen she heard a faint noise in the darkness, and quickly extinguishing the spell, glanced around, every nerve on edge.
Suddenly there was a thunk as a sword slammed into the back of her neck.

"Ow!" Mary retorted, spinning around, katana already streaking through the air.  There was a moment of resistance, followed by a satisfying thud, a loud crash and finally the soft gurgle of blood.

"Score!" the demon said, and grinning broadly, turned on the light.  As she studied the severed leonine head, her face fell and she quickly re-read the job sheet.  It was Swanson's.

*  *  *

"Well, Mary," King Fairwater said, "I had the misfortune to have to execute your parents, so I truly hope you won't have to follow in their footsteps.  Normally I would be extremely unforgiving about this kind of thing, but in view of recent events I will not rush to judgement."

"I was carrying out work for the guild!" Mary protested.

"Very badly," the king retorted.  "You were supposed to be finding a missing person, and instead you beheaded them.  I called your guildmaster earlier, Mary.  He is extremely angry with you, and shattered a number of glass stress balls during the conversation."

"I didn't know it was HIM!  I thought he'd kidnapped Swanson!"

"Oh, right!  And how exactly was he going to tell you where Swanson was without a head...?"

"Swanson was an adventurer, so you'd need a gang of people to kidnap him.  Besides, killing minions who attack us on guild work is lawful self-defence,"  Mary protested, running a finger through her shortened locks and stroking the pink line where the blade had sliced through her fur. 
"That bastard tried to take MY head off!  Skin-hardening doesn't do jack to protect your hair!  Look what he DID to it!"

"Swanson's attack could equally have been self-defence... to try and protect himself from YOU!"

"Doesn't work like that, O king.  Beheading demons only works when you take us off-guard or neutralise our powers first.  Once the skin hardens, that kind of thing could break your arm, and sometimes your sword too.  You want to kill a Demon, it has to be an ambush.  If I hadn't already hardened my skin out of caution... or if I was some other race, that stroke would have decapitated me.
"Look, your Maj, if I had gone rogue, why would I report his death to the authorities?" Mary objected.  "Sure I enjoy killing people, but there's plenty enough legal kills to keep me busy!  Getting arrested and tried for a capital crime would just get in the way!  Being executed would spoil all my fun!  Why would I want to risk that?"

"The thought processes of Demons are not always comprehensible to other races," the King said.  "Fond as you are of chaos and discord...  However, I happen to know that there has been a rash of adventurer-on-adventurer killings lately."

"A set-up?"  Mary said, looking thoughtful.  "It would explain a lot."

"It is definitely possible," the King allowed.  "But it is also possible that you overheard this from your guild and are using it as a cover to commit atrocities.  For all I know, YOU filed the missing persons report to try and cover your tracks.  Further investigations are needed, and you must remain under arrest for the time being.  Riders... find her a secure cell.  This interview is over."

"Fine," Mary scowled, as two Black Riders led her away.

*  *  *

The forest thinned out and a large, craggy hill stood before them.  Surrounding it was a high wall of solid rock, worked into shape through some ancient magic.  A fortress loomed over the only visible pass through the wall.  As they drew closer, Lady Featherstone became furtive and the group began to speak in low voices, moving quietly from cover to cover inside the dwindling woodland.

"Behold..." the opossum said, quietly.  "The lost city of my forebears, and our final destination."

Poking his face through the leaves, Daniel took in the scene.  A mighty citadel rose before them, the front shattered by some conflict in times not long past.  The Doberman noticed that there appeared to be bullet-marks in the facade, which meant it was from some time within the last two centuries.

"This ruin of yours appears to be occupied," he murmured, noting movement in the watchtowers looming over the gate.

"Disappointing, but not surprising," the opossum said.  "It would make a fine hideout for bandits.  Let us approach and see if they are friendly."

"I'll go first," Ben said.

He walked jauntily out from their cover.  Nothing happened immediately so after a small delay, the others trailed behind him.

As he approached the gate, an arrow slammed into a tree next to Ben.

"HOLD!" a voice called down from the watchtower.  "State your business!"

"Are you bandits?"  Daniel called, raising his hands.  "We have no valuables.  We are exploring.  May we enter the ruins?"

"Oh gods... It's HER!" someone yelled.  There was a confused babel of voices from inside the lookout.

"Strangers... leave this place immediately!" a new voice called.  "This citadel is ours, and you are NOT welcome here!"

"Lay down your arms and let me pass!"  Lady Featherstone commanded.  An arrow struck a tree just above her head.

"Lady, we have to get out of here," Ben said, launching himself at the opossum and knocking her to the ground.


"NO," Daniel said firmly and between the three of them, the adventurers dragged their employer back into the forest, struggling and cursing.

"Get your hands off me!" she snarled.

"When we're out of crossbow range," Roger said.  "You hired us to protect you, so let us do our job."

"Very well, but it will just be delaying the inevitable," the opossum snapped.  "I have come too far just to turn back now!"

"And do what?" Daniel retorted hotly.  "That's not just a couple of highwaymen camping out there, those bandits have occupied that ruin.  Fortified it.  Hell, they've even been repairing some of the damage!"

"So get rid of them!  Why do you think I hired three of you for escort duty?!"

"Lady Featherstone, be reasonable," Ben said, touching Daniel on the shoulder.  "Emptying that place will need an army.  Three typical adventurers, no matter how skilled, cannot snap their fingers and conquer a citadel filled with warriors.  If you wanted that, you should have hired Demons."

"Demons!"  The opossum spat.  "They'd just kill me too."

"Not a Demon adventurer.  Most demons can be a bit wild, but killing the person who commissioned you... well, you'd better have a REALLY good reason or the consequences will be dire.  If you're lucky it will just end your career.  Otherwise... well, there's a reason most guild halls still have an execution chamber.  Rogue adventurers don't make the profession look good."

"All this is fascinating, but I do not wish the company of Creatures!" the opossum said testily.  "I was upfront about this from the start.  If that means I have to raise an army of Beings, then that is what we'll have to do.  There is a town half a day's march east from here where I can hire a great many mercenaries, though I had hoped it would not be necessary..."

"You're serious?" Daniel said, astonished.  "Are a couple of relics really that important?"

"YES!"  The opossum snapped.  "I have planned this expedition for over a year!  I hired you, paid for the trip and paid your expenses specifically to enter that citadel, and I will NOT be turned back by a bunch of ruffians!"

"I think this may be exceeding the parameters of our mission," Ben said.  "Look, if you really need reinforcements, what about Mary?  She can knock her way through anything."

"Mary is not here," the opossum snapped.  "We need what we can get right now!  I want those fools gone from my citadel!"

"Why?" Daniel asked.  "You're on a treasure hunt.  All we have to do is get inside the ruin, find the relics and then leave again.  Surely we can come to some accomodation with the guys occupying it."

"NO!  THEY HAVE TAKEN OVER MY...." Lady Featherstone stopped abruptly, and took a deep breath.  "They are occupying my ancestral home," she said.  "Yes, I came for some relics, but there's more to it than that.  I wish to re-establish the ancient home of my forefathers."

Roger whistled.  "That's quite a long-term project," he said.

"But doable," she insisted.  "You were commissioned to help me do this.  The citadel is now held by my ancient enemies, and for my own safety, they need to be evicted.  If you refuse to help me, then I will find others who will.  But you will not get the remainder of your fee and I shall lodge a formal complaint with your guild!"

"I think this is a really bad idea," Daniel said.  "But since this folly is what you hired us to do, I guess we'll just have to go with it and try to protect you as best we can."

"That's better," Lady Featherstone said, checking her compass.  "We go this way."

*  *  *

Fairwater sat on his throne, staring intently at the screen in his hands.  Suddenly the display went blood-red.

"Should have looked behind you," Admaria crowed.

"Technically, fragging the king is treason," Fairwater grumbled.  He glanced back at the queen and his face fell as he saw the catsuit she was wearing.  "Oh no... Why the black outfit...?  We don't have any executions scheduled, do we...?  That's all I need right now..."

"No, dear.  But you've been so stressed out by this adventurer nonsense, I figured you could use a little... relaxation," the border collie purred, posing as seductively as she could manage without actually leaving the throne.

"Ah what the hell," Fairwater smiled.  "Yes.  We're 'cubi - may as well act the part.  Shall we close petitioning early?"

"I thought we could do it in the middle of the throne room," Admaria offered, handing him a black catsuit and gloves.  "We've never done that before.  The supplicants can wait.  Or hell, they can join in if they like."

"I've never tried hearing someone's petition while making love," the Doberman said thoughtfully.  "But I'm open to new experiences."

"Majesty..." one of the guards called.

"What is it?" the king asked irritably.

"We found this, sire," the lioness said, handing him a crumpled piece of paper.

"Pineapple upside-down cake?  Is this some kind of joke?"

"Turn it over, your majesty.  We found this in Swanson's wastepaper basket.  It appears to be in his handwriting."

Fairwater's eyes widened as he took in the message, and his headwings fanned out.

"Good gods..." the King said.  "HE wrote it?  A draft of the bounty?!"

"Yes, Sire.  He used an alias, but this Swanson filed a missing persons report for himself."

"...and ambushed the adventurer sent to find him?!  That doesn't make sense."

"But it does match the suspect's story.  Shall we release her?"

"Later," Fairwater said, stretching a black shiny glove onto his wrist.  "After I've ravished the queen."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Chapter 9

They arrived in the town just before noon.  A crowd gathered in the square, where some unfortunate wolf was being led to the gallows.

"Must we watch this...?"  Ben asked plaintively.

"I am still surprised, that for an agent of justice, you seem so offended when it is carried out," Lady Featherstone said.

"We have no idea what passes for justice here," Daniel pointed out.  "When I execute someone or accept a bounty for their head, I want to know what they've done.  I have to be certain that they've done the deed, or I won't do it.  Killing an innocent is not justice, it's murder.  For all we know, this man was late paying his taxes, or is gay..."


"And those things are not usually capital crimes except in some hick backwater," Ben hissed.

"Watch what you say," the opossum snapped.  "Someone with colours as unnatural as yours should tread lightly here, unless they wish to do the rope dance as well."

"That rather emphasises his point," Daniel muttered.  "In any case, there are more merciful ways to kill a man than slowly throttling him."

"There are also less merciful ways," Featherstone retorted.  "This criminal... at least his family will have an intact body to bury.  A headsman would leave him in kit form."

"That is true," Daniel admitted reluctantly.  "Though jailing the miscreant instead of killing him would spare his family even more distress.  Very well.  We watch the execution.  We're your escort... we can't leave our charge unprotected, and if the locals are as hostile as you say, splitting up could get us in trouble."

"So she's escorting US?" Ben replied.

"Shh," Roger hissed.  "I want to watch this!"

At length the canine's kicking and thrashing subsided and he finally went limp, swinging gently as his tongue lolled, darkened by the rope cutting off his arteries like a tourniquet.
The crowd broke up, with Ben and Daniel looking very subdued, while their charge strode off with Roger, a spring in her step, avidly discussing the details with the feline.

"They make quite a pair, don't they?" Daniel muttered.  "I be HE gets a glowing review after all this."

"I just hope we get a bonus for having to put up with her.  Olaf is going to get a right earful from me!"

"He couldn't have known the mission would creep like this," the Doberman pointed out.  "But yes, I think we're due compensation."

*  *  *

"My Lady!" the guild head exclaimed as they entered the hall.  "This is an unexpected pleasure!  I thought not to see you again!"

Ben and Daniel raised their eyebrows.

"I have these adventurers to thank for that," the opossum said.  "They have proven invaluable as guides and escorts.  But to regain the sceptre, I need more hands at my side.  The citadel is occupied by bandits and enemies."

"Bandits..." the pademelon said, as if tasting the word.  "Yes.  Yes, I can provide hands.  You were ever popular among us, there will be no shortage of volunteers.  We can likely set off this eve with a veritable army behind you!"

"Do you still need us?"  Ben asked, cocking one ear in slight puzzlement.

"Perhaps not," Lady Featherstone said.  "But I would be happier with you at my side.  After that unpleasantness in the forest... it would please me much, and reflect better upon you when I write to your commander."

"I would come with you if you'll have us," Daniel said.  "It seems to me that if we are to re-establish your ancient realm, this will be an historic occasion.  I would not miss it for the world!"

"Then it's settled!" the opossum decreed.  "Once all this is done, I shall reward you richly for your trouble!"

And I will have all the facts when we return to the guild, Daniel added mentally.

*  *  *

"Hold, strangers!" the guard said as they approached the gate bordering the town.  He was accompanied by two more guards whose armour was not the sensible grey of the rest, but ornate and brightly-coloured.

"Is there some sort of trouble?"  Jason asked.

"Not with you.  But your companion we must take in for questioning."

"May I come too?" the jackal asked.

"Aye.  I see no reason you should not."

Jason's brow furrowed slightly as they were led back through the town, past the town hall and past the guildhall.  As they approached the Church his heart sank.  The stained glass windows bore the same insignia as the brightly-coloured armour of their captor.

Shit, he thought.  It's the Church militia.

"In here, strangers," the guard said, leading Josh and Jason into to a large confessional.  The lock clicked shut behind them.

"The Cardinal will be with thee shortly," a priest's voice informed them from the grate.  "If thou hast anything to confess to now, it may save us time."

"I can't think of anything offhand," Josh said.

"Heresy?" the priest asked hopefully.  "Having carnal knowledge of thy companion?"

"I haven't," Josh said.  "And even if I wanted to, I wouldn't do so in this town.  I understand such things are frowned upon here."

"'Tis true," the priest said.

"Why is he being detained?"  Jason asked politely.  "When can we expect to go?"

"The Cardinal wishes to question him.  Whisperings of heresy have reached his ears."

"What counts as heresy in these parts, anyway?"

"'Thou shalt not make a machine in the image of a Being, or any part thereof'.  There are sinful men who do join flesh to metal, or worse... pour their own immortal soul into a graven image!"

"Is platemail a machine in the image of a Being?" Jason asked, rubbing steel fingers across a steel thumb.

"Nay, for it is but a cloak thou doth wear, it is not a part of thee."


"They too are sinful, for they take the image of Beings but are not Beings.  Oft times they slay and murder...  But I digress.  Husky... be you a heretic?"

"It is true that I have implants," Josh admitted.  "I did not know they were forbidden here, and we were just leaving when we were arrested.  I can pay penance if you so wish and will not enter this land again..."

"The penance shall be for the Cardinal to decide," the priest said.

*  *  *

"Oh great gods, she's invading!" the lookout cried.

"Slay her!" a voice commanded.  "A thousand gold coins to whoever brings back her head!"

"Not on our watch!" Ben yelled back.

The great wooden door burst open, and a number of men ran out, armed chiefly with swords and spears.

The pademelon from the guild, who was clearly leading the army, raised his sword and the men ran forward to meet them, armour and weapons gleaming in the early evening sun.
Crossbow bolts slammed into the ground and several of Featherstone's army fell with their brains or hearts pierced.  The hail of bolts dried up fairly quickly, and was not soon replenished... fireballs and oil-filled crossbows came in the return fire from the attackers and soon black smoke poured from the lookout posts, forcing the archers to flee.

"Not very good shots, were they...?" Daniel remarked, but soon he and Ben were on their feet again, pulling the opossum to the ground and dragging her away from the combat area.

"Is this some kind of game?!" she squawked angrily.

"Yes, it's called 'Stop your employer getting killed in the battle,'" Ben told her.  The opossum looked indignant but her protesting ceased.

One of the soldiers, some kind of knight or paladin, barrelled out of from the keep and fought his way valiantly through the horde, slicing the heads from several opponents with a broadsword.  As he approached the opossum, Daniel drew his own broadsword and the two fought as Ben and Roger stood guard over their charge.

Distracted by the fight, Ben suddenly glanced around to see a some kind of feline hybrid, and assassin approaching the lady, crossbow in hand.  He cast a spell, projecting a line of solid ice which shattered at the crossbow's impact, before drawing his sword and charging at the assassin.  While he attempted to reload the device, Ben's guild-issue short-sword lashed out, slicing into the man's arm.  He staggered and the weapon fell from his grasp.  Ben's sword came round again and struck the head squarely with the flat of the blade, dropping the assassin who went down hard and did not move.  Roger was over him in an instant, raising his axe for an execution.  Ben snarled and lashed out at his companion too, striking the leopard's arm painfully as a warning.

Roger growled irritably and contented himself with binding the man's wrists.  There was a clash of steel upon armour and the knight was down too.

Ben glanced around, and then looked away again very quickly.  Daniel stood with a grave expression and his sword wet with blood.  The body lay sprawled, a trail of bright blood painting the way to where his helmeted head had rolled.

"I had no choice," the Doberman said sadly.  "He was too skilled for me to end it without bloodshed..."

"But clearly not skilled enough," Lady Featherstone said, admiring his work.  "You shall have a bonus.  And regret not his death... it saves us the trouble of executing him later."

Ben's expression soured, and he was about to reply when a cry went up from the fortress.

"WE HAVE WON!" the pademelon called, approaching Lady Featherstone triumphantly.  "Your enemies are broken... they have surrendered!  The fortress is ours!"

Lady Featherstone strode over to greet him, and the two were quickly deep in discussion about losses during the battle, and the next steps in making the fortress secure.  Daniel's ears pricked up at a sound behind him.

"Why...?" the assassin gurgled, blood trickling down his face.

"Why what?" Daniel asked, checking the man's injuries.

"Why did you aid... HER...?  I thought... adventurers tried to do good..."

"Lady Featherstone?  We aided her because we were commissioned to," the Doberman said, casting a healing spell.  "She hired our guild to protect her and bring her to some ancient ruins.  We were attacked and we defended ourselves and our employer.  Are you feeling better?"

"Yes, thank you, young man...  She USED you, adventurer.  She was exiled two years ago for her crimes... Brought forth an age of prosperity...  All over now... We tried to stop the Dark Lady reclaiming her city..."

"What are you saying?!"  Daniel yelped.  "This place is a going concern?!  She used to rule here?!"

"With an iron fist!"  the feline said, struggling to rise.  "Did you not see the damage done during the uprising?  The tyrant was overthrown and..."  Suddenly a crossbow bolt pierced his brainpan and the older man fell back, twitching and spasming in death throes that made Daniel feel sick to his stomach.

"That's quite enough of that," the opossum said, lowering the weapon.  "Tyrant, indeed!  Can you believe that?!  Just because some disagreed with my priorities..."

"You've killed him!"  Daniel snarled.  Roger put a warning hand on the Doberman's shoulder, restraining him.  Daniel fell silent and his expression softened a little.

"He opposed my reign," Lady Featherstone said.  "He was a traitor.  I suppose it WOULD have been more fun to round up his friends too, but there's plenty of time for that.  For now, we celebrate!"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Oooh Josh, you should have run while you had the chance...

And lo and behold, Featherstone was not trustworthy, either. My gut has not failed me.

I'm betting she turns on Ben and co. next.

llearch n'n'daCorna

It's all a matter of perspective. And, if they get away, they can always send Mary back with a bounty on "Lady Featherstone"'s head for the guy she just nailed.

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Chapter 10

"I must ask thee to disrobe, my son, that we may determine the extent of thy sin, and the penance thou must pay," the cardinal said as they stood before the altar in the empty church.
Reluctantly, Josh complied, removing his adventuring gear until he wore only a pair of slip briefs.  A priest entered shortly afterwards, trundling a large machine which they plugged into a wall socket.

"That is an X-ray machine," Jason said.  "Have you been properly trained to use it?  Do you have radiation protection?"

"The LORD will guide my hand," the Cardinal informed them piously.  "The power of our faith will protect us!"  Jason sighed and discreetly cast a spell to shield himself from the radiation.

As the image formed of Joshua's internals, all hell broke loose.

"HERESY!"  The cardinal screeched, and a number of paladins appeared from the back rooms with remarkable speed.

"I take it that's a big penance?"  Jason asked.

"Thy companion has replaced his body - a gift from God Himself - with metal!  Such blasphemy is forbidden and he must pay with what remains of his life!"

"Hold on, hold on."  Josh interrupted.  "We are on a mission from the King!  If you mistreat us you risk his wrath!"

"What is your King compared to the glory of God...?  We serve a far higher authority!"

"Be that as it may, we were given leave to defend ourselves!" Jason warned, broadsword in his hands as he stood to defend Josh.

"Throw down your sword, my son..." the Cardinal entreated.  "You are surrounded and we have no quarrel with you.  Let us do justice upon your sinful companion and you shall leave unharmed."

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that," Jason said.

The Cardinal clicked his fingers and one of the paladins approached, halberd raised.  Jason brought his sword up in a defensive posture, but then saw something out of the corner of his eye.

"Oh no you don't," he snarled and swung the around.  His blade connected with the figure, biting deep into the paladin's helmet and cleaving his skull.  The Being spasmed and fell in a twitching heap of metal and pooling blood.

"Oh shit," Jason said.

"Heresy!  Murder!  Let them be punished by the neck!" the cardinal thundered.  "Hang them from the...  Eeep!" he yelped, as Jason's head-wings appeared.

"Behead them!  The blasphemer and the monster both!"

"Bad idea," Jason sneered, handing the dead man's halberd to Josh with a wing-tentacle.  "See, if being captured will get me executed, I have no incentive to surrender quietly.  In fact, it makes far more sense to kill everyone who could prevent me escaping.
"And when you know there's nothing worse that can happen to you, you might as well start sucking out people's delicious souls into the bargain!"

"So," he finished, grinning horrifically, "Who wants to be destroyed first...?"

A stun spell hit Jason in the back of the head and he went down.  Josh, distracted by his companion's mishap, was seized from behind and enchanted bracers placed around his arms, which promptly went numb.  Pinned to the floor, similar restraints were placed on his legs, rendering him helpless.

"The wholesome, righteous magic given us by the LORD shall always overcomes the heathen," the Cardinal said piously.  "'Tis well known that electronics do not like magic."

"What do we do with them, your grace?" the priest asked.

"The monster is to be beheaded on the altar as an offering to the LORD," the Cardinal decreed.

"No!"  Josh yelled, as the prone incubus was laid out by the militia.

"Afterwards, the machine-man shall be beheaded too.  And if that does not work, we shall try putting the bracers on his neck.  He lives, therefore it must be possible for him to die..."

"On your command, your grace," the chief guard said, halberd at the ready.

*  *  *

"I don't mean to interrupt," Ben interrupted, as they entered the throne room, "But, well... our work is done here, isn't it?  So if you'll just pay us the remainder of the fee, we'll be off..."

"Oh, but not yet!" the opossum beamed.  "You must stay, I insist!  After all you've done to restore me to my rightful throne, crude money hardly seems a befitting reward.  Come!  We must at least hold a banquet to celebrate our success!  Besides, as soon as the traitors have been rooted out, I will have great need of headsmen and torturers.  Having you here already would so convenient!" she smiled, gesturing at Daniel and his broadsword.

"That's DEFINITELY not what we were commissioned for," Ben said apologetically.  "Defending you on your expedition is what we were asked to do, and that's what we've done.  And what's more, if I may be frank, milady, you have been less than honest with us about the whole venture.  This is no ruin!  It has electric lighting!  Tarmac roads!  Cellular phone coverage!"

"Now, now, Benjamin," Lady Featherstone smiled, taking her place upon the throne.  "As it happens, everything I have told you was true.
This IS an ancient stronghold belonging to my forebears, and there ARE ancient family heirlooms here.  Chiefly, the hallowed sceptre of Arndale... divine symbol of my rule!"

"I stand corrected, my lady," Ben bowed.  "Even so, deliberately setting out to end someone's life is a most serious matter.  Hunting bandits tends to be all-inclusive, and obviously any deaths incurred in self-defence or while protecting our charge on an escort mission are part-and-parcel.
"But what you're asking for now are executions and/or assassinations!  That's expensive and there's all kinds of red tape involved.  Each kill has to be signed off by our boss!"

"If money's no object, you can open a tab," Roger said helpfully.  "Triple the usual rate to cover the extra admin.  And afterwards, if you don't pay up, we chop your head off too!"

"I hope you're not threatening the ruler of this realm," the opossum smiled, leaning back in her throne.

"Not at all, Ma'am," the panther said gruffly.  "Just my little joke."

"Good!  Well, I think that's all for now.  I shall contact your guildmaster and enquire as to opening this... tab.  On the morrow a banquet shall be held to celebrate my glorious return!  You shall be guests of honour!"

"Parthos here will find you some accommodation.  Sleep well, gentlemen!"

Daniel removed his armour and lay back upon his bed.  Shortly afterwards there was a faint click.  The doberman crept stealthily towards the door and tried the handle.  It was locked.

*  *  *

"Good morning!"  Lady Featherstone said, taking her place at the head of the banquet table.  "Eat, drink and be merry, for this morning is the dawn of a new era for Andovia!"

Daniel and Ben didn't strictly need to eat, since they were 'Cubi and able to feed on emotions.  From long experience and the courses they had attended, Ben and Daniel were well aware that not eating would look suspicious, especially since adventuring was a physically demanding profession.  So they helped themselves to various dainties, while Roger ate with gusto.

At length the feast came to a close, having given way from breakfast into lunch, the main course was cleared away, leaving only the wine and various pastries for any who were still peckish.  Lady Featherstone took a fork and tapped the side of her glass a few times, drawing attention from her comrades.

"I hope you have enjoyed that as much as I," Lady Featherstone began.  "And, now that I have been returned to the seat of my ancestors, we must start preparing for the next phase of our campaign!"

"It will be tough," the pademelon said.  "The palace is heavily guarded."

"I have a strategy that should provide access," the opossum said.

"My Lady," Ben said.  "Forgive the interruption, but what is this plan of which you speak?"

"Bloody mercenaries," one of the soldiers muttered.

"Now, now," the opossum scolded.  "Is that any way to thank the heroes who were instrumental in my return to power?"

"Thank you, lady," Ben said.  "Even so, if you wish us to be part of some new adventure, it will have to go through our guild master.  Time is money..."

"Have no fear.  The next phase will not begin immediately.  We have a few days to prepare.  But fear not, there will be other tasks for you and your comrades in the meantime!
But, so as you know what to expect, we will shortly begin preparations to dethrone King Fairwater."

Daniel choked on his wine.  Ben looked appalled.

"You what?!" he yelped.

"Have a care, Benjamin," Lady Featherstone said, her expression souring slightly.  "My gratitude for what you have done is vast, but it is not boundless and nor is my patience."

"Anyway," she said, and stood up.  "The plans for my conquest can wait.  First, it is time for the entertainments!"

A footman ushered the guests out of the banquet hall as the serving staff began clearing the tables.  Out into the corridor the procession flowed, and finally into the courtyard of the castle, where a large frame stood, covered in plush cloth.

"Do you think it's a statue of herself?" Daniel whispered.

Shortly afterwards, the clock struck noon.  As the last bell faded away, Lady Featherstone pulled grandly upon a silk cord, and the ornate covering fell away to reveal a large gallows.  Five Beings stood, muzzles gagged, hands bound behind their backs.

"Behold the traitors!" the opossum's voice rang out.

"Two years ago, I was usurped from my rightful throne.  These men and women here led the coup against me, and I must confess, it was quite successful.  But there was one flaw... in their weakness and cowardice they merely sought to exile me instead of dirtying their hands and making an end to me.  Grateful as I am to be here today, I shall not make the same mistake in granting them their reward."

So saying, she pulled a lever and the floor gave way beneath the unfortunate five.

"Dance, dance, my pretty ones!"

Ben trembled slightly, keeping a neutral expression and suppressing his anger with effort.  Daniel watched keenly with feigned interest, while Roger pushed his doubts aside, enjoying the spectacle as best he could.

The clock ticked on and on, until the kicking finally ceased and the last of the five Beings lapsed into unconsciousness and death.

"There will be more," Featherstone said.  "More than I have time to deal with personally.  But Roger and Daniel here are experienced headsmen and I leave the honour of executing common traitors to them!  I shall make my preferences regarding the manner of death known in due course.
"Any surviving ring-leaders I shall deal with personally.  And I have not forgotten Ben either!  For you, I have a special task.  It can be hard to tell traitors the innocent, but there are ways!  Removing a finger or two can help loosen the most stubborn of tongues!"

"I..." Ben started, and then glanced back at the unfortunate figures swaying gently from the noose.  "I am honoured, my lady."  I'll report this to the guild, he added mentally.

"I thought you would be," the opossum smiled.  "My captain tells me that the dungeon torture chamber has since been converted into storage, so alas we are missing a lot of the instruments of persuasion.  Send me a list of what you will need on the morrow and I will do my best to accommodate you."

"I shall, Lady," Ben said, bowing deeply.

"Good.  We might be able to find some of it on TheeBay."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Yeesh. RUN, you fools! It's only a matter of time before she turns on you!

...Wait, what the hell? She wants to go to war with Fairwater!? ...Okay, figure out the details, then run.


Chapter 11

"We have captured Henderson, My Lady," the guard said, bowing before her.  "What do you wish us to do with her?"

"Ah yes, the sloth." Featherstone said, drumming her fingers upon the throne.  "I shall decide an amusing death for her later.  She deserves to suffer - after all, she is one of the seven deadly sins.  Yes!  See if we have an iron maiden, and if not, add it to Ben's list of torture devices.  I doubt Henderson will object to the delay while we procure one..."

Roger clenched his fists at this, but said nothing.  Ben and Daniel struggled to keep their faces straight.

"My lady," the fox interrupted, "Earlier, you spoke of overthrowing King Fairwater.  Might I enquire as to why?  What exactly is your problem with the King?"

"He is a monster!" the opossum snarled.  "A fiend who not only sated his lust for blood as an executioner, but was all the while plotting treason against his liege, King Ordros!  This Fairwater usurped the throne through his unnatural powers and holds it still today!"

"But all this happened long before any of us were born," Ben pointed out.  "Surely it is time to bury grievances that lie nearly two centuries past?"

"My great, great, great, great grandfather was King Ordros," the opossum said.  "Ruler of what is now called 'Fairwater'.  But before Ordros was seduced by some whore of a succubus, he had a fiancĆ©e - my great-great-great-great-grandmother!  She was with child when she fell out of his favour, replaced by that evil hussy of his!
"Fortunately, the old King finally came to his senses and had the harlot's winged head struck from her shoulders!  I mean to visit that same fate upon the usurper, and the Princess Admaria if she lives still!  I shall hunt her down and watch her beg for mercy!  Yet all her pleadings shall be in vain, for the blade shall claim her too.   They shall pay dearly for their interferences... were it not for them, my ancestors would have ruled as queens, and I also in my turn!"

"I'm not sure that would have worked, my Lady," Daniel said.  "You only exist as you do because your grandmother married the man she did, a freedom of choice she could only have as a noble or commoner.  If she'd been born a princess she'd have ended up in an arranged marriage to some foreign prince, and there would be some other prince or princess here today instead of you."

"That is not the point," Featherstone scowled.  "The point is that I am the true heir to the throne!  And soon, it shall be MINE!  Once I have his head on a pike, I shall proclaim a public holiday to celebrate my new reign!   That day shall also be an amnesty for Creatures within Fairwater!  They will have until sundown to leave, or be executed on sight within my realm!  Things will be back to how they were in the halcyon days of King Ordros the Just!"

"King Ordros the Round, you mean," Roger snickered.

"Treason!" Lady Featherstone screamed, looking genuinely appalled.  "Guards!  Execute the traitor!"

"Wait!  You can't do that!" Ben cried.  "It's in the contract!  We reserve the right to defend ourselves with lethal force!  You'll be executed if you return to our lands!"

"Well, these are my lands," Lady Featherstone snarled, as strong arms grabbed Ben and Daniel, putting them into a neck-hold.  "And for standing by this traitor, your actions make you his accomplices!  Behold your fate!"

She pointed at Roger, who was pinned down by two of her guards.  "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"

*  *  *

When Ben had been a young cub, his school had not had room for a dedicated gymnasium, so the main hall, normally used for assemblies and as a dining area at lunch time, could also be used for this purpose as well.
Owing to the multi-purpose nature of the room, the climbing frames were swivelled so that they could be folded against the wall when not in use, and swung back into place when required.  A steel bolt slid down into a metal-rimmed hole in the parquet floor, locking the structure safely in place.

What happened now was very similar - a group of guards and servants rushed into immediate action on hearing Lady Featherstone's cry.  Each performed a different task to ensure that the Lady's will was carried out as swiftly as possible.  A pull-cord drew back a curtain which had been hiding aparatus similar to the old school climbing-frame, but instead of climbing bars, it was clearly a guillotine.
Daniel's mouth fell open as the team swung the device into place, locked it down and readied it for the unfortunate victim with well-rehearsed precision.
A bucket was brought and Roger was forced into a kneeling position just as the blade reached the top of the runner.

Ben looked away, but he couldn't avoid hearing the thud as the blade slammed home, the soft, wet thump as Roger's head dropped into the bucket, or blot out the pain and futile rage as his comrade's mind faded and died.  The entire operation had taken less than ten seconds from the order being given.

"Impressive," Daniel said, an envious tone in his voice.  "I've never seen an execution take place so swiftly and smoothly!"

"Why, thank you!" the opossum smiled.  "If it takes more than fifteen seconds, those responsible lose their heads too.  It helps keep them on their toes.  Of course, it's been a few years since they did this, so I was prepared to show them a little leniency while they get back up to speed.
"Very well, young Daniel... since you are so impressed, I shall execute you LAST, so that you may watch and savour as the operation takes place once more before you die."

"Next, the fox!" she shouted, pointing at Ben.  "Off with HIS head!"

Ben tensed, and his wings appeared, knocking his captor to the ground.  Panic set in amongst the guardsmen as they realised they were dealing with a powerful Creature, and the fact that they were likely to exceed the 15 second deadline.
They came at him in a desperate rush, and he quickly found himself mobbed.  Bracers appeared from somewhere and were clamped to his wrists, shorting out most of his incubus powers.
Looking around, the fox realised that Daniel had also succumbed, growling and struggling, his eyes wide as they took in the guillotine.  The blade was rising for its next victim,  still wet with Roger's blood and spinal fluid.
Through a quirk of the bracers, Ben could no longer morph his wings, but he could still perceive thoughts and emotions... his mental filters blocked by the magic of the bracers.  His comrade's fear and guilt came in loud and strong as the Doberman thought back to the criminals, the men and women he had decapitated in the name of justice, a fate he was due to suffer himself.  "Live by the blade, die by the blade..."

The guardsmen looked anxiously at Lady Featherstone, who scowled angrily.  "Go on, you idiots!  Destroy these monsters!  Quickly, now... before they can wreak some new mischief!"

Roger's feet and tail were still twitching gently as they shoved his corpse aside.  Ben found himself staring down into a fresh bucket as the lunette snapped closed around his neck and stained it with his dead colleague's lifeblood.
Beside him, someone reached out and pulled the release lever.  Heart racing, Ben gritted his teeth and pushed hard - his wings jumped forward just as the blade was released.
He screamed with pain as the hard razor edge struck the bend of his wings, shielding his neck with the nearly indestructible stuff that 'cubi wings were made from.
"A sword, then!" the opossum screamed furiously.  "Strike the monster's pretty little head off!"

Ben struggled in the confusion, his wings trying to lift the lunette and release his head.  Others swarmed around him, some trying to keep his neck in position, others tugging at his wings to try and release the blade.  At this height it couldn't take his head clean off but would still cause a fatal injury to his neck, opening an artery and likely severing much of his spinal column.
Suddenly the fox's head popped back through the hole, the crowd parting around him, but not for long.  A burly hyena took hold of him, grabbing a head-wing with one hand, katana raised in the other.

Daniel tore himself away from his opponents and kicked the executioner, the deadly sword flying from the man's hand and skittering into a corner.  Daniel grabbed it, and then turned to see one of Lady Featherstone's guards hastening to obey.  Fury spilled over and he leaped, eyes glowing as he lost control.  When the red rage had cleared, the katana was dripping with red.  Three guards lay headless at his feet, Ben still mercifully alive.

The Doberman went down as someone jumped on him, pinning him to the ground and binding his arms behind him.  He looked around with horror.  On the steps of the dais, Lady Featherstone stood.  Ben's wings and wrists were firmly bound, and he looked dazed.  Blood trickled from a gash in his forehead as the opossum grabbed him by his long hair, holding his head in place as she raised the katana to strike it off.

"Oh, you'll join him shortly," she said, smiling cruelly at Daniel.  "But first, you'll watch your boyfriend die.  I know about 'cubi, I know you'll feel his pain as his head comes off, and his horror as the blackness overwhelms him.  And you'll die knowing that you SHOULD have saved him, but couldn't!
"Die, little foxy!" the opossum crooned, and then screamed as something invisible crashed into her, knocking her over.  The sword fell, clattering as it tumbled down the steps.  She glanced around in panic, looking for her assailant.

Daniel was suddenly bowled over as the same thing happened to the Being holding him captive.  He crawled forwards, trying desperately to get upright without the use of his hands or wings.

"What devilry is this?!" the opossum demanded, scrabbling for the sword.  It skittered away from her grasp, the dim shape of a feral wolf becoming visible for a moment as the cloaking device browned out.

"Here," Ralf said.  There was a brief flash of magic and a glowing amulet suddenly appeared in front of his nose, dropping to the floor in front of Daniel.  "Take it and squeeze, it'll warp you home."

"Uh, thanks," Daniel said, "But they've bound my hands.  I can't pick it up!"

"Shit," the robo-wolf said.  Carefully he picked up the device in his mouth and after several failed attempts managed to drop the thing it into Daniel's hands.  The Doberman disappeared.

Ralf turned and bounded towards Ben, who had somehow managed to free himself.  "Here's your warp amulet, Ben.  Where's Roger?"

"The traitor is dead, beast!" Lady Featherstone crowed.

Ralf started, his jaw falling open as he turned to face the opossum.  "D... dead?!  No!  He can't be!"

"Ah, but he IS!  And soon you shall take his place in the guillotine for your insolence, Creature!  But first, witness the execution of your friend!"

Ralf turned back, to see that Ben had been forced to his knees, wings pinned back by leather restraints.  The executioner hyena had grabbed the fox by his hair, katana drawn and rising in his other hand, clearly intent on beheading the incubus.

The wolf bounded over, amulet in his mouth.  He jumped at the executioner and the sword stroke went wild, striking one of Ben's wings instead of his neck.  Ralf pushed the amulet into one of Ben's hands, which closed about it, his other hand grasping Ralf's paw tightly.   A flare of energy welled from the device and surrounded them.  Just as they started to fade, the executioner raised his sword again.

"DROP IT!" called a voice.

Blinking, Ben and the executioner looked around, now seeing the familiar interior of the guild hall.  Mary, Steve and Daniel were surrounding them, weapons drawn.

"Put the sword down," Steve repeated.  "You're in serious trouble already, son.  Don't make things worse... otherwise, I'll let Mary do a smash-and-grab.  On your brain."

The hyena swallowed, as the grinning rainbow wolf approached him, one hand balled into a gauntleted fist.

"If you punch someone in the head just right, you can make their skull explode!" she informed him, with an eager expression.  "But usually we need to keep the head intact for the bounty, so I don't get to practice it much..."

The katana tumbled from the soldier's grasp with a clang.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"Ugh, I hate being surrounded,” Ben said. “It usually means I’m going to get hurt."

Well, this is downright disappointing. Not only because Ben was taken down so easily, but Roger as well. Given his bloodlust, I had expected him to be a Demon in disguise.

By the way, is there any chance that Featherstone looks like the Queen of Hearts from Disney's "Alice in Wonderland"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtCQHCOls2E :P


Quote from: CubiKitsune on September 23, 2017, 10:39:54 PM
Well, this is downright disappointing. Not only because Ben was taken down so easily, but Roger as well. Given his bloodlust, I had expected him to be a Demon in disguise.

To be fair, Ben and Daniel have been to 'Cubi school for all of 5 years, and are actually working for the guild as a summer job before the next semester starts.  There's a lot they can't do, and that goes for Daniel as well.  Someone with a few more decades under their belt might be able to do things like subcutaneous wing armour, but not these two.  And they're surrounded by guards.

By the way, is there any chance that Featherstone looks like the Queen of Hearts from Disney's "Alice in Wonderland"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtCQHCOls2E :P

In attitude, definitely.  In physique, probably not.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on September 24, 2017, 06:43:28 AM
Quote from: CubiKitsune on September 23, 2017, 10:39:54 PM
Well, this is downright disappointing. Not only because Ben was taken down so easily, but Roger as well. Given his bloodlust, I had expected him to be a Demon in disguise.

To be fair, Ben and Daniel have been to 'Cubi school for all of 5 years, and are actually working for the guild as a summer job before the next semester starts.  There's a lot they can't do, and that goes for Daniel as well.  Someone with a few more decades under their belt might be able to do things like subcutaneous wing armour, but not these two.  And they're surrounded by guards.

Oh, huh. I didn't realize this took place so soon after Epsilon.


Updating it early since I'll forget otherwise.

Chapter 12

"Shit, shit, shit..." the jackal muttered to herself the guard raised the halberd.  Lurking in the shadows, her eyes rested upon the fire alarm, which read "In case of emergency, break glass."
An evil smile crossed her features.

"...and so, LORD, we offer you the life of this heathen, that he may be forgiven by you in your mercy!" the Cardinal finished.  "Now, let the sinner be sent unto the LORD!"

One of the guards held Jason's head up by his long, green hair as his fellow raised the halberd to decapitate the unconscious jackal. At that moment, something small and round sailed past the guard's head, followed shortly by an ear-splitting crash as a section of the ornately stained windows shattered.

"No, no!" the Cardinal shrieked, appalled.  Everyone turned, the guard releasing Jason's hair and letting his head fall back on the hard stone as the priest went to examine the damaged glass.  While they were distracted, a shadowed figure darted out, seizing Jason and dragging him free of the altar with leathery wings.

"STOP THEM!" the Cardinal yelled.

Keaton threw another stone, taking out another panel of the stained glass and worked quickly to slice Josh's restraints free with a wing-tentacle.

"Thanks," he said.  "Nice catsuit, by the way."

"Take the unbeliever!"  The Cardinal screamed.  "Destroy her!  But not too quickly!  She must suffer for this vile desecration!"

"It's just glass," Keaton yelled back.  "This building is what, 20 years old?  It's not like some ancient relic...  Okay, Josh... can you help carry laughing-boy?  We need to do a runner!"

"You shall not pass," the Priest said, standing in the doorway and holding a holy symbol before to ward off her evil.

"Out of the way," Keaton snarled.

"The power of the LORD shall..."

"Suit yourself," the jackal shrugged, and lopped his head off.

*  *  *

Steve looked the hyena over.  "Well," he sighed.  "I'm sorry to say that you are in violation of clause 6 of the standard adventuring contract, under the adventuring treaty of 2073.
"By the power vested in me as guildmaster of the Northwood Lodge, I sentence you to death by beheading for the murder of Roger Falstein.  You may record your final words on paper, audio or videotape, and if you have any preferences for a last meal, please make those known."

So saying, the Demon stopped the recorder, and turned to face his men.  "Return him to the holding cell, but see that he has all he needs to record his last testament.  Mary, if you would be so kind as to set things up in the basement?  We will go downstairs at 1pm."

As soon as the erstwhile executioner was out of sight, Steve sank back into his chair, burying his face in his hands.  In front of him,  Mary ran towards the stairs, an eager expression on her face like a child at Christmas.

*  *  *

"We're not gonna make this on foot," Keaton said.  "Not carrying Jason.  We're gonna have to fly.  Or at least I will - you're a robot, you can run fast, right?"

"I can do better than that," Josh said, and his wings appeared.

"Pretty, but they're not gonna work," Keaton said.  "Leastways, Dorcan couldn't fly, nor could that snow leopard guy Jakob had the hots for."

The husky smiled at her, and his wings flickered slightly, a blue haze forming around them as he rose into the air.

"Sweet," Keaton said, jumping into the air and fanning her wings as they soared off together into the distance.

"So... where are we gonna go?  Back to Daryil?" she asked hopefully.

"Not yet.  We were sent here on a mission for the King, which we haven't quite finished.  There's a relay station just over the border that gets the adventuring guild's orders, and we need to go there first before reporting back.  Also, I'm gonna have to land in a few minutes - these wings take a lot of power to run.  We can find a secluded spot, bring Jason round and walk for a bit until I've recharged."

*  *  *

"It is time," Steve said reluctantly.  The erstwhile executioner nodded, and was shortly led downstairs by Daniel and Mary, with Jason in tow.  Steve halted on the threshold.

"Ben...?" he asked.  The fox shook his head briskly and turned away.  The others marched off in silence.

A minute later there was an audible thump.  Ben collapsed in a chair, weeping.  Shortly afterwards, the other guild members returned.  Mary was clearly walking on air, Steve grim-faced, while Daniel had a cold look of satisfaction in his eyes.  As the others sat down, the Doberman headed off and began emptying Roger's desk, placing his personal effects in a box on Steve's desk.  The Alsatian demon leaned back with a reluctant sigh, and prepared to inform Roger's widow of the news.

*  *  *

"That must be it," Jason said, circling the building once and then alighting on the ground.  The others followed shortly.

The building itself was a smallish cabin, with a sort of neo-rustic look to it.  The base and lower walls were stone, but the door and other wooden parts had clearly been sawn with power tools and stained with modern chemicals and the roof coated in tar.  Antennas protruded from the side, and a fusion-powered bike was parked against it.

Inside, they found a kangaroo Being with a ponytail, glasses and leather motorcycle gear, sitting in front of a laptop, plantigrade boots resting on the desk.  A guild-issue shortsword in a side-scabbard was the only clue that he was a card-carrying adventurer... his appearance was more like a systems administrator, which technically he was.

"Afternoon," the Being said.  "What can I do for you...?"

"This is the relay station for Southmoor adventuring guild, correct?"  Jason asked.


"You're not from around here, are you?" Josh asked, considering the Being's attire and mannerisms.

"Nah, I commute from Fairwater.  Technically I'm on the Southmoor guild payroll. mind...  I have to ride there to get my wages.  That sort of medieval hole pays in gold and can't do electronic fund transfer.  The money's good, though and the commute is fun."

"Are you gay?"  Jason asked.  The kangaroo stared at him, fur bristling.

"What the heck is this...?  The Hizellian Inquisition?"

"Sorry," the jackal said.  "We're here to investigate some orders sent from Southmoor, a bounty issued for the murder of Obediah, late of Southmoor adventuring guild.  Southmoor doesn't have a computer to get on AdventureNet so they hired you to act as intermediary, right?"

"Yes, that and and to maintain the systems here.  Though I'm not sure what it has to do with my sex life.  What are you, an incubus?!  If you want to pull, go to a nightclub.  I have work to do."

"Never mind that for now, Mr..."


"...Tim.  What can you tell me about the bounty?"

"I can't remember setting up any bounties lately, but I'll have a look..." his fingers tapped over the keyboard, and he brought up a record.  "Looks reasonable enough to me...  Guy was murdered by a rogue incubus two weeks ago.  Money's in escrow... yep, that's all legit.   Where's the problem?"  He rolled his eyes.  "Is Fairwater angry about one of his precious 'Cubi being hunted?  Well, cry me a river.  If 'Cubi want to act like monsters, they should die like monsters.  I know -I- won't be shedding any tears when his head comes off..."

"That's not the point." Josh interrupted.  "Fairwater was quite prepared to do justice to the murderer.  The problem is, Obediah wasn't murdered at all."

"Come again...?"

"He was hanged.  In Southmoor.  Yesterday... long after the bounty for his supposed murder was posted."

"Oh gods... what happened?"

"Obediah was executed for being gay," Jason said.  "And cute as you are in all that tight leather, I would steer clear of Southmoor if you're into that sort of thing."

"What?  Being gay or being a biker?"

"At this point they're likely to string you up for either, or both.  That wacko cult of theirs is on the warpath.  Seriously, I'd arrange a transfer ASAP, even if you're straight as a pin."

"Thanks for the tip," the kangaroo said.  "But I guess you want to know more about that bounty, right?"

"Yes.  You're less an adventurer and more a sysadmin, right?  Is there a changelog?  Where did you get the information about the bounty anyway?"

"You know, I can't remember...  Hmm... let's see the header...  Oh."

"Oh what?"

"It was done at 3AM, on the 9th of June."

"Late night, huh...?"

"Hardly.  I need my beauty sleep.  And..."  he hesitated, and looked through a digital calendar.

"...and I was in Valmorath.  Great biking there."

Jason and Joshua started at the adventurer, eyes narrowing.

"Are you saying you didn't set the bounty up?!"

Keaton rushed into the room.  "Hey, fellas... we got company!"

"The Church?!" Josh moaned.  Keaton nodded.

"You guys took too long," she said.  "They're a about a minute away, so let's make like a tree, and crush people!"

"No.  I don't want any more trouble," Jason said, locking the door and barring it.  "Josh, grab that laptop.  We have to leave, pronto."

"Suit yourself," Keaton said, and her wings appeared.  Jason and Joshua did likewise.

"You..." the biker gurgled, and backed away.  "You're... 'Cubi!  Monsters!"

"Yep," Keaton said, grabbing him.  "And before today is out, you'll be glad of it!"

There was a splintering crash as an axe struck the door.  "Send them all to the LORD," a voice was saying.  "The monsters, the metal one and the sinner who works here!  You... destroy the devil machine on which he rides..."

"At once, your holiness!" one of the guards said.  There was a crunching sound and the smashing of glass.

"My bike...!" the kangaroo wailed.  "They'll kill us all!  That door was the only way in!  I don't want to die!"

"Good," Jason said.  "So they won't be watching THIS end of the building!"

The kangaroo gaped as the jackal's wing-tentacles sharpened, and sliced through the wall like it was butter.

"Here!" a voice yelled.  "They are-"  the militia-man's voice cut off abruptly as Keaton sliced off his head.

"Must you do that...?" Josh scowled, as the armoured body collapsed.

"Who cares?"  Keaton grinned viciously, and fanned her wings for takeoff.  "Let's go before I'm sadly forced to lop off some more heads.  Or we could wait," she added hopefully.

Tim whimpered and fainted dead away.

*  *  *

"Steeeve," Mary said, making eyes at her boss.

"What is it, Mary?" the other Demon asked suspiciously.

"There's a dead guy in the basement!"

"That would be the prisoner I just executed, correct?"


"Get to the point, Mary." the commander grumbled.

"Can I have him...?  Pretty please...?"

"You ate half an hour ago, Mary."

"No, no!  I only need the head!    He's not a bandit, he doesn't have a bounty!  He doesn't have any resale value!"

"You want to eat his head...?"  Steve looked disgusted.  "Grow up, Mary.  That is a clichĆ© act of pointless maliciousness that only a teenage Demon would even consider!"

"No!" Mary protested, eyes shining.  "I want to carve it.  He'd make a beautiful Hallow's Eve lantern!"

"Absolutely not!"  Steve exploded.  "Dammit, Mary... killing someone without a bounty doesn't make them a free-for-all... It makes things much, much worse!  It's a paperwork nightmare!  I have to justify it!
I'm going to have to file a report, send photos of the body and head, send the local courts a recording of the trial, provide witness statements and everything!
"And if they find that his head has been turned into a fucking yuletide decoration, you'll be explaining to the Magister why you should stay out of jail!"

"Gods Dammit!"

"This is what we are going to do, Mary.  You are going to put him in the cooler.  Head and body, both whole and unmutilated.  No 'saving bits for later'.  I will send a message to this Queen Featherstone, offering to repatriate his mortal remains in exchange for those of Roger, as soon as the inquest is over.  His widow deserves that, at least - something which she can bury.
"If, after all that, it turns out that Featherstone has already destroyed the remains or otherwise refuses to an exchange, then, and only then will the question of disposing of the remains come up, and I will be willing to consider your proposal then.  Happy?"

"It'll have to do," Mary sighed.

And for those wondering, Tim can be seen here:

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Eeheeheehee, I like how Jason is still thinking with his loins even just after almost being killed.

What the heck is Keaton doing there, though?


I've almost finished writing the story, so I think it's worth switching to a weekly update and hoping I don't have to do any retconning to fix issues.   As usual this schedule may be disrupted when I'm away from home.

Chapter 13

"Reckon they'll pursue us into Fairwater?"  Josh asked, as they alighted on the road.

"It'll suck if they do," Jason replied.  "Both for us, and for them too - Fairwater'd have 'em killed."

"Nah, I think we're good," Keaton said.  "But I wanted to land at the station anyway.  Catch a ride.  Even those crazies won't dare interfere with a train on foreign soil.  Besides, carrying people and flying... what a pain in the ass."

"What do you want with me...?" the kangaroo quailed.

"I thought you lived in Fairwater," Jason said.  "Surely you're used to seeing Creatures?"

"In the outskirts, yeah... We don't get many 'Cubi there.  Some people want to secede because the King is an incubus..."

"That cuts both ways," Jason said.  "Someone wastes a 'Cubi, the King'll have their head.  A 'Cubi wastes a Being?  The King'll have their head.  The idea is to keep everyone safe, and nobody is wasting nobody!"

"I guess so... but if you were out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by fiends who could kill you in a second... Wouldn't you be a little scared...?"

"Been there, done that," Jason said.  "There's still a few places 'Cubi risk execution if we're discovered.  Thing is... yeah, 'Cubi can be jerks, and we can be dangerous if threatened.  But we feed on emotions.  We need people to be alive.  Killing Beings is like burning down your own farm.  Well... except for some of the crazy ones, like Keaton."

"Thanks," Keaton grouched.

"What would Jyraneth say to you if she knew you were going around saving Beings?" Josh asked, purchasing four tickets from a machine.

"Not much.  She'd take my head off first and yell about it later," Keaton said.  "There's a dozen reasons Jyraneth would want me killed.  But that goes for pretty much ALL her children.  The fanatics - they get themselves executed.  Things have changed since the Lady was in power...  Now Beings have a bigger piece of the pie and Creatures as allies to protect them, so anti-Being crusades are pretty much dead in the water.
"Turns out, without Her to protect us, killing Beings for fun ain't exactly a survival trait.  And I wanna survive.  If that means fighting alongside Beings instead of killing them, then that's what I gotta do."

"But you would kill Beings if you could...?"

"What's the point?", Keaton shrugged.  "We were told it was our duty as members of the clan.  But now the clan's broken up.  We used to do it 'cause The Lady would kill us if we didn't.  But now she won't even talk to us anymore.  It was kinda... just this thing the clan did, y'know?  Like, force of habit an' all.  And now the habit's broken, I'm kinda left wondering why we bothered."

"Doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good killing," she adding, grinning nastily.  "Just means I have to be more picky about who I kill, and why."

"But you're just using adventuring as an excuse to murder people!  People like you give the profession a bad name!"

"That's what adventuring is, dearie," Keaton smiled toothily.  "It's just a way of saying that it's okay to murder SOME people.  So I make sure that I only kill THOSE people, and everyone is happy!  Well, maybe not the people I've taken out, but everyone who COUNTS is happy."

"Why were you following us anyway?" Josh asked.

"You're protected.  You and Jason.  Daryil wanted me to shadow you... figured people might hassle you.  That priest at the church..." she grinned.  "He won't be hassling you no more."

"Though this does mean that Daryil thinks I'm disposable," she grunted.

"Where are you taking me...?" the kangaroo said.  "Can't I just go home...?"

"I'd rather you came with us first,"  Josh said.  "We are conducting an investigation for the King, and he will be very interested in what you've just told us."

*  *  *

"Well, I suppose we'd better hold the post-mortem," Steve said, and grimaced.  "Sorry, poor choice of words.  Let's say 'debriefing'."

"I like post-mortems," Mary said eagerly.  "Pre-mortems are even better!"  Ben and Daniel glared at her.

"Show a little respect," Steven snapped.  "This mission cost us the life of a valued colleague.  Also, this meeting is being recorded."

"Alright, alright," Mary said, rolling her eyes.

"Anyway.  I have invited Commander Olaf Taun of Marwood Guild, since it was his mission to begin with.  Also present are myself, Commander Steve Foster, and our guild members, Benjamin Buran of Daryil Clan, Daniel Kamei'Sin, Mary Backbreaker and R-ALF, a prototype AI from Jayhawk Cybernetics."

"To summarise," Daniel said, "We were given a relatively straightforward escort mission to some supposed ruins in a land previously known as Andovia.  Three of us were requested: Ben, myself and our late colleague, Roger Falstein.  Three people seems a little excessive as an escort, but it's what our client, Lady Featherstone, requested.  She further requested that her guides be Beings, which was a little awkward because we only had one Being in the guild.  We performed this duty, defending her from bandits on at least one occasion.
"As we approached the destination, we discovered that it was occupied by a large number of hostiles.  At this point the mission scope expanded from 'get me to the ruins and help fetch some heirlooms' to 'help me conquer the ruins or you don't get paid and I'll complain to your guildmaster'.  We then tramped off to some nearby village to 'hire some mercenaries' in order to clean out the ruins.  Afterwards, we discovered that the ruins were not ruins at all, but a thriving community recovering from a recent civil war.  This war had actually culminated in the tyrant Lady Featherstone being overthrown and exiled, and the village of mercenaries was populated largely by loyalists who had likewise been banished.
"Her enemies routed, Featherstone then took the throne and began plotting to execute dissidents and settle old scores.  Her intention was to use Roger and myself as executioners, with Ben as chief torturer.  The following day, she held a celebratory feast and hanged a number of political enemies.  At this point she revealed that her wider plan was to execute King Fairwater and usurp his throne..."

"What?!"  Olaf gargled.

"...since she was apparently descended from King Ordros prior to his dethronement by Fairwater and believes the kingdom is rightfully hers, and should be purged of all Creatures.  Roger made a snide remark about Ordros, and was immediately guillotined.  For objecting to his death, Ben and myself were sent to the blade too.  We defended ourselves, but would likely have succumbed had Ralf not been sent to rescue us by providing recall amulets.  Ralf, thank you so much for your timely rescue."

"You're welcome," the robo-wolf said.

"Good boy," Ben told him.  "You deserve a treat!"

"Sod off."

"Ben, Ralf, we're taping this for official purposes," Steve reminded them.  "Olaf, you instigated this mission.  Any comments?"

"My condolences on the loss of your friend," the wolf-giraffe said.  "Lady Featherstone's requirements were odd enough for me to suspect there was something a little shady about this mission, but I never expected this..." he sighed.  "Assassinating the King!  Has he been informed?"

"He has, and about the situation with Andovia in general."

"Something I would rather like to know," Daniel said, "Is exactly how come Ralf appeared to save us in the very nick of time.  Has he been trailing us for days...?"

"Only hours," Steve said.  "And it was thanks to Ben."


"The night before the feast," Ben said.  "Once I had been shown to my rooms, I communed with Lord Daryil and warned him that things were getting out of hand.  He promised to send help, but when I asked for details he got all enigmatic, and kept rambling about oats.  After that he attempted to seduce me and I broke the link."

"I got a warp-aci shortly afterwards," Steve said.  "Bearing a message from Lord Daryil.  He said I should send Ralf as backup for you, and watch for an emergency recall if the mission had to be aborted.  Ralf is, after all, here to be field-tested.  And he has passed his first test with flying colours."

"So... what do we do now?" Ben asked.

"You, and Daniel, take the rest of the week off to recover.  Since the King has been informed of the assassination attempt, I think our work is done.  Though we will need to hire a replacement for Roger."

"I may have someone," Olaf said.  "It's my fault you lost a colleague, so the least I can do is help you replace him."

*  *  *

"...and this is Tim, your majesty," Joshua concluded.  "He has assisted with the investigation."

"Well met," Fairwater said.  "Nice leathers, by the way."

Tim whimpered slightly.

"Forgive his nervousness," Josh said.  "For someone living in a 'Cubi-run kingdom he is rather ill at ease among us..."

"Oh dear.  Did you grow up in a medieval territory?"  Fairwater asked, looking a little crestfallen.

"No, but my parents did," Tim admitted.

"So they fed you all kinds of tales about how 'Cubi just want to eat your soul?"

"Sometimes.  We DID lose an ancestor to 'Cubi, many generations past...  He was murdered by three of them in a forest outside Ha'Khun... A jackal, a wolf and an Alsatian..."

"Ooooh!" Keaton burbled excitably.  "Wait!  He was a kangaroo too, right?  Yeah!  I remember that!"

"What?!"  Tim squawked.

"He was this bandit chief," Keaton said, eyes shining.  "Tried to murder us, but we had a Taun clan adventurer with us, who lopped his head off.  Then I killed all his little friends and made a tower out of their heads... it was way cool!  Figured we'd caught them all, but since you know about it, I guess one of 'em must've lived to tell the tale.  I still got his armour somewhere, it was cool loot!"

Fairwater face-palmed.  "Enough," he said.  "We are trying to convince Tim that he is safe in my lands.  Whether or not this person was an outlaw, bringing up old stories of your wicked past is... the opposite of helpful."

"Fine," Keaton sulked.

"Tim, you need not fear us.  The kingdom exists to keep all its citizens safe, Being, 'Cubi or Demon.  Inter-racial violence is punished harshly for the greater good.  Anyway, let us get to the matter at hand.  Josh...?"

"Yes, your Majesty," Josh said. "Southmoor is vehemently low-tech, and their guild is not on AdventureNet.  They get their orders and post bounties from a relay station in disputed territory on the Fairwater border.  This was manned by Tim here, who transcribed the messages going in and out of the guild via messaging orb.  The bounty on Swanson for killing Obediah would have been set up by him, but...  Tim?"

"Looking at the logs the bounty was put out a couple of weeks ago, my Liege," the kangaroo said nervously, opening the laptop and logging into it.  "But I don't remember doing it.  Looking at the outgoing messages...  it's not there.  It's not been sent from this laptop..."

"And Obediah was hanged yesterday for being gay," Jason added helpfully.  "Which is impressive for a man murdered in Fairwater two weeks ago."

"It is not unknown for a tyrant to exhume the body of an enemy or rival, and have the corpse hanged or decapitated," Fairwater said, "But I take your point.  Tim... If you didn't post the bounty, can you find out who did, or at least where it was sent from...?"

"On it, sire.  Uh.... Oh."

"What's the matter?"

"It was sent from 4600:5500:4300:4B00:2000:5900:4F00:5500."

The Doberman frowned.  "Doesn't mean a lot to me.  Where is that?"

"Um... 'Fuck you', your majesty."

"I beg your pardon...?" Fairwater said, head-wings fanning out.  From her throne, Queen Admaria, who had been paying only vague attention, glanced around sharply and looked at the kangaroo as if he was mad.

"Don't kill me!" the kangaroo squealed.  "That's what the address says!  See?  '20' is space in hexadecimal... 55 is capital 'U'...  00 for padding... on a little-endian processor, using 16-bit Unicode, it spells out 'FUCK YOU'.  It's fake!"

"What's this?" the Queen gaped.  "Are you saying someone's hacked into AdventureNet?!"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on October 14, 2017, 10:00:30 AM
"You're welcome," the robo-wolf said.

"Good boy," Ben told him.  "You deserve a treat!"

"Sod off."


"The night before the feast," Ben said.  "Once I had been shown to my rooms, I communed with Lord Daryil and warned him that things were getting out of hand.  He promised to send help, but when I asked for details he got all enigmatic, and kept rambling about oats.  After that he attempted to seduce me and I broke the link."

If you're trying to make me bust a gut, you're doing a very good job of it. xD

I also like the part where Tim's ancestry ties back into "Heads You Lose."


Interesting development in Keaton's character. "Wow, she must have really turned around." I was thinking. Then she was gleefully recalling when she built a tower of heads and thought "But y'know she's still Keaton."

I didn't realize that Keaton looted Jirra's body. Kinda hope Tim's family gets to have it back if only as a 'sorry I stole your ancestor's cool armor after he was beheaded centuries ago' sorta thing.
...By Puyon


Quote from: Puyon on October 15, 2017, 10:36:12 AM
Interesting development in Keaton’s character. “Wow, she must have really turned around.” I was thinking. Then she was gleefully recalling when she built a tower of heads and thought “But y’know she’s still Keaton.”

I didn’t realize that Keaton looted Jirra’s body. Kinda hope Tim’s family gets to have it back if only as a ‘sorry I stole your ancestor’s cool armor after he was beheaded centuries ago’ sorta thing.

Jirra was a murderer, remember. I wouldn't feel too sorry for him.


Chapter 14

"Tim, Josh, Jason... and Keaton," the King added reluctantly, "Thank you all for your aid in this matter.  Tim, I shall send men to secure the relay station, and attempt the recovery of your bike.  I shall arrange compensation if necessary."

"Thank you, Majesty..." the kangaroo said.

"Will that be all, your highnesses?" Josh asked.

"For now," Fairwater said.  "Jason, I would return to your guild and inform your commander of the situation.  I may need your assistance later, and I advise all of you that I might need to contact you regarding these matters.  Sadly I must end this audience... the petitioners should be arriving soon."

*  *  *

"Welcome," King Fairwater said, addressing the first petitioner.  "Do you have a grievance to put before your king...?"

"Aye, your majesty," the beaver said, bowing.  "We were promised a fifty gigabit fibreoptic data line in the borough of Folkborough this time last year, and still we wait..."

"Oho, this again," Queen Adamaria said, rising from her throne.  "I'm going to get some popcorn.  Maybe change outfit.  Could we summon the CEO of the cable company into the throne room and threaten to chop his head off?  I'm sure I can scare him into starting the deployment..."

"Very well," Fairwater said.  "Strictly, leaving the throne breaks tradition, but... whatever.  Can you fetch me some chocolate while you're at it?  Now then, good sir... Can you show me the contract?"

"Aye, your majesty," the beaver said, thrusting a sheaf of printouts at the King.

"Ouch," Fairwater said, weighing it heavily.  "I shall read these through after the petitioning.  Return on the morrow and I will tell you our decision."

"Thank you, Majesty!" the beaver said and scurried off with a triumphant expression.

One down, Fairwater thought, as the next supplicant approached.

"Welcome," King Fairwater said, addressing the new petitioner.  "Do you have a grievance to put before your king...?"

"No, your majesty," Lady Featherstone smiled, throwing back her shawl.  "Not any more."

Her hand clutched a small orb, which she squeezed.  There was a blast of magic, felling everyone else in the room.  Guards crashed to the ground, and Fairwater himself slumped forwards in his throne.  Behind the opossum, another petitioner, a pademelon, dashed into the throne room, slashing the throats of the men guarding the heavy double-doors, and pulling them shut behind him.  He worked swiftly to ward them closed with a locking spell.

"I've waited a long time for this," Lady Featherstone smiled, removing the crown from the sleeping Doberman and placing it on the back of the throne.  Dragging him roughly, she hauled Fairwater to the centre of the throne room, and lifted his head up by the head-wings.  In her other hand, a katana gleamed like a polished razor.

*  *  *

Captain Ernst Neckbreaker hurried to the throne room, leaping over the bannister and gliding past the stairs on leathery wings.  Other guards were banging at the doors or attempting to dispell the obstruction from the other side, with little success since they couldn't see exactly what kind of ward the intruders had constructed.
The feline demon backed up a few steps and then did a flying kick at the great doors, tearing the hinges out of the wall and crashing them to the floor.  As the doors touched the ground, royal guards flooded over, pouring into the room where they stopped, appalled.  In front of the twin thrones, an opossum stood, arms folded.  At her feet lay the winged head of a Doberman, and in the dead centre of the room, Fairwater's body lay in a pool of his own blood, a katana stabbed into his back like a roast chicken.

"By the gods...  NO!  You've murdered the King!" Ernst snarled.  "TREASON!  TREASON!"
"You don't have a king any more.  You have a queen!" Lady Featherstone sneered, as the pademelon walked over and placed the bloodied crown upon her head.
"The King is dead!" the guards chanted.  "Long live the Queen!"
"You're too kind," the opossum beamed, making a curtsey.  "I thought you would need more persuasion.  I shall do my best to..."
"Long live Queen Admaria!" the guards chanted.
"What?!" Lady Featherstone spat, looking around in astonishment.  "Are you saying that gay idiot had a wife?!"
"He did," said a new voice.  A border collie succubus walked in, dressed all in shiny black, her lips glossy with black lipstick.  Her eyes blazed with cold fire as she took in the scene.  Distracted, Lady Featherstone was seized by one of the guards and forced into a kneeling position.  The pademelon lay stunned upon the ground.

"This is a monarchy, you simpleton," the Queen said.  "There is a detailed plan for the succession.  The fact that my husband preferred humping other men is entirely irrelevant.  All that matters is that we have produced an heir together.  Fairwater is a large realm and the day-to-day running of its provinces are overseen by our children.  The eldest prince shall be recalled, and take Fairwater's place at the helm, with my guidance.
"I tell you this now, because you won't get to see any of it.  Instead, I will shortly arrange a brand new experience, just for you!
An off-of-body experience.  Our beloved King, my dear husband... he shall be avenged!  In your mind I see you planned to make me beg for my life.  I shall spare you that indignity at least, for no amount of begging can pardon a regicide!"
"You?  You're no queen, but a whore!" Lady Featherstone laughed.  "No lady would dress as you do, save a lady of the night!"
"This is my mourning garb," the succubus said, affecting a sadistic smile.  "Don't you like it?  For it is also what I wear when I pronounce the death penalty upon an enemy of the state in my husband's absence, and while watching their executions.  You see this glove...?" she added, flexing a shiny black hand in front of the opossum.  "Gaze upon it well, for this glove shall release the blade that chops off your head!"
"NEVER!  I'll die fighting!" the opossum shrieked, and broke free, pulling the sword from the Doberman's corpse.  "Even if I have to kill all of you, I'll do it!  This land shall be MINE, and my first act will be to round up all you winged freaks and have you all beheaded before my subjects!  This realm will be a Being realm, just as it was in the olden days!"
So saying, she stooped, picked up Fairwater's severed head and thrust it before her like some kind of talisman.  "Look now upon your King... for you shall all meet the same fate!"
"You know, that's a really bad idea," the head remarked.  The opossum let out a piercing scream and dropped it.
"Ow," Fairwater's head retorted, and turned to face them using his head-wings to orient himself.  "Think about it.  Fairwater is a very large realm.  In this city alone there are over ten thousand Creatures of varying race.
You've got a royal guard with a lot of Demons and a number of 'Cubi... Taun, Daryil, even a couple of Jyraneth, plus the black-ops teams consisting of really hardcore Demons like Ernst here... And now you want to suddenly turn all them into outlaws?! I'd be amazed if you survived until the end of the speech after dropping a bombshell like that, let alone until nightfall!"
"My liege!" Ernst said, dropping to one knee.  "It is a miracle!"
"Darling...?  You're alive?!" the Queen croaked.  "Shall a doctor be brought?"
"Nah, I'm good," the head said, "But seize that crazy bitch and her allies before they can do any more harm."

Ernst leaped across the room and pinned the opossum down, clearly fighting the urge to break her arms into the bargain.

"What are you?!" Lady Featherstone quailed, "How can you still be alive?!  How can you talk?!  Are you... undead?"
"Nope," the head informed her.  "But I'm not the King either.  I'm his stunt double.  Lord Daryil at your service... or at least, one of my avatars.  The actual me wouldn't fit in the room."
"Then where IS my husband?" the Queen demanded tersely.  "What have you done with the King?!  Is he safe..?"
"Fairwater is in his panic room, having tea with another avatar," Daryil told them.  "You should feel proud, I don't usually dedicate two of me to a task like this."  The headless corpse reverted from Doberman to fox form and crawled towards the head, which it lifted back onto its shoulders with a faint glopping noise.

"Ahhh... much better," Daryil said.  "Anyway.  This means means that Ms Featherstone here has only attempted regicide, so she might still get to keep her head.  It's up to him..."

Daryil broke off, his eyes closing for a moment.  "Right, okay... The King says to throw her in the dungeon for now, maximum security.  Keep her friend separate.  He'll decide their fates later.
Oh, and Ernst...?  If you want my advice, I'd get the Queen somewhere safe ASAP, then any other critical personnel.  And sweep the castle in case there's more of these crazies lurking around."

"Good plan, Milord," the demon captain said.  "Do it," he added to his men.  Admaria was quickly led away by the guard captain, and a Jyraneth-looking underling.

*  *  *

"Grateful as I am," Fairwater said, playing cards with Daryil, "I'm curious why you stepped in to help.  I didn't think I was important enough to merit the aid of a Tri-Wing..."

"Couple of reasons," Daryil said.  "One, I like you, despite your tendency to chop people's heads off on occasion.  Two, you're hot.  Three, you're my ally and allies deserve protection or it's not really and alliance.  Four, if you got replaced by some anti-Creature nut-job, things would get really, really messy."

"It's kind of what I did in the first place," Fairwater sighed.  "Killed the king and took over.  Part of me thinks that a similar usurpation would be a just end for me..."

"Oh shush," Daryil remarked.  "In an age when 'Cubi still risked being murdered on sight, you made that stolen kingdom into an oasis where we could live in safety and peace!  After the Destania Event it grew to an entire realm.  You've saved countless thousands of lives... Would you really risk turning a safe haven into some kind of happy hunting ground for the anti-wing maniacs...?"

"Heh, when you put it like that, it doesn't sound so just," Fairwater chuckled.

"You're upset and not thinking things through.  Have a cookie," Daryil offered.  "Regardless how I feel about you, I have a lot of children living in your territory and I want them to stay safe.  If Featherstone took charge I might have to get my hands dirty and conquer your empire.  And I really, really don't want to do that."


"No.  Look, Fairwater... I've been ascended for less than a century.  The other Clan Leaders are all over 7000, so I'm this weird new kid on the block.  They don't really trust each other, and now this eccentric new guy has joined their ranks.  They don't know what I'm likely to do, and if I was suddenly in charge of a vast empire, that'd be a major shift in the balance of power.  I don't want to spook them like that.
"Besides, running an empire can be a pain in the ass.  I might have to put Jakob in charge and his record is a bit spotty with such things..."

"Johan Cross, former insane dictator.  No, that wouldn't go down well," Fairwater sighed.

"Harsh, man!" Daryil pouted.  "He helped give you the throne!"

"No offence intended, but that is what people are likely to think if he's in charge of a major power.  Send him my regards, by the way."

"Will do," Daryil said, taking a card from the pile.  He froze.  "Fuck."

"Bad card...?"  Fairwater grinned.

"No.  Lady Featherstone's just escaped."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Dang, man! I actually thought you killed him off there! :<

I noticed the queen has a "Jyraneth-looking underling." Anyone we know? :3


Quote from: CubiKitsune on October 20, 2017, 08:03:11 PM
Dang, man! I actually thought you killed him off there! :<

I noticed the queen has a "Jyraneth-looking underling." Anyone we know? :3

Even I don't know.  It was probably to underscore Daryil's point about multiculturalism.

And yes, one of the reasons the story took such a long time to get in a state where I can start publishing it is because I kept going back and honing this scene instead of writing the scenes which lead up to it.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Chapter 15

"Escaped?!" Queen Admaria repeated furiously.  "She nearly murdered your king!  How could you possibly let her escape?!"

"She had a recall bracelet, Majesty," Ernst informed her.  "Hidden under her sleeve.  We found out the hard way when she teleported."

"Rrrrgh," the Queen snorted, fists clenched in her black gloves.  "And are you sure it was a recall device...?  That she's not lurking somewhere hoping to take my head off too?"

"Fairly sure," the Demon replied crisply.  "The energy release was fairly large, I'd estimate she's gone at least 200 miles.  Even so, we're in the process of sweeping the castle just to be safe.
I may add that we still have her companion, Majesty.  He had a similar bracelet and it's being analysed as we speak."

"Ah yes, the pademelon," Admaria said.  "He killed one royal guard and maimed another.  An act of war like this calls for military justice, Captain.  I will have need of your sword shortly."

"Yes, Majesty," the cat bowed.  "I shall make his end swift and merciful."

"Good.  That will be less upsetting to Lord Daryil."

*  *  *

Dress torn and bloodied, Lady Featherstone panted slightly with exertion as she pushed open the door to her throne room.  Her eyes narrowed furiously as she took in the scene.
A fox guard stood by her throne, clad in body armour.  He wore no helmet and his head-wings were folded back neatly behind his ears.  His wrists were bound behind his back, and a spear pointed at the base of his neck.

"What is the meaning of this?!" the opossum demanded.  "A Creature, alive!  And at the seat of my power?!  Guardsmen... why have you not carried out the law?  You shall all pay for this!"

The Captain, a powerful Alsatian, bowed before her.  "A thousand apologies, my Lady," he began.  "The Creature claimed diplomatic immunity from a powerful Lord, so we stayed the execution until your return.  Now you can hear his petition for mercy if you so choose, and either grant it, or witness his beheading in person."

"Very well," the opossum nodded.  "After today's setback, an execution would please me greatly.  Fox, your request for clemency is denied."

"It was a request for common diplomatic courtesy," the fox objected.

"Silence!  In entering my realm, where Creatures are forbidden, I find you guilty of treason and sentence you to immediate death by decapitation!"

"I am not technically a Creature," the fox informed her politely.  "Also, I am authorised to defend myself."

"Having wings alone carries death in this realm, monster.  And those bracers shall make short work of your powers.  OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"

"As you wish," the fox sighed.  "But this is folly."

Standing tall and proud, the fox went bravely to his fate, offering no resistance at all.  Six seconds later, he was staring down into a bucket as the blade dropped.
His tail twitched slightly as the razor-sharp steel struck his neck, a piercing screech of metal on metal as the blade's keen edge was chewed up by the harder substance of the android's internal armour.  Lady Featherstone gasped.

The guards jumped back in fear, some sent sprawling as their comrades backed into them.  The fox ignored this.  The bracers on his wrists snapped like cotton and he reached up to the lunette, effortlessly pushing both it and the heavy weighted blade up so he could withdraw his head from the deadly machine.  At length he sat up, rubbing the back of his neck with metal fingers.  He gazed sadly at some of the red hairs that had been sliced through, and then strode over to face the opossum with a cold gaze.

"Happy now?" he asked.  Lady Featherstone slumped heavily in her throne and did not speak.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'.  My name is Bevan, and I am one of Daryil's elite guards, sent to treat with you."

"Daryil again!  Why does he keep interfering?!  What have I done to offend him...?"

"It's quite a list," Bevan said, and began ticking things off on armoured fingers.  "Murders and attempted murders, mostly.  Leaving aside that you just guillotined his diplomat, you also made attempts at beheading his clan-child Benjamin Daryil, and most also his ally, King Fairwater.  Lastly, my Lord is greatly displeased at the way you run your realm in general."

"It is not his business how I rule my own realm!"

"Ah, but it is now," the fox corrected her.  "You see, following your exile, the new administration were negotiating various trade deals with Daryil's clan.   Our representatives were present when you attacked.  The officials they had been treating with were hanged, beheaded or in some cases, both.  A number of our sales representatives barely escaped with their lives and some did not.
"It became his business then, when you started guillotining his employees and attempting to do the same to his family.
"While the Lord Daryil acknowledges that he has no authority over you, he strongly urges you to reconsider your stance vis-a-vis race relations.  While my Lord has been extremely patient with you so far, your 'execute-on-sight' laws against Creatures are a particular concern to him, and to others who would likely eliminate you.  For your own safety, he advises you to abolish these laws before you are abolished yourself."

"NO!  This realm is a Being realm!  You Creatures are not welcome here, and you shall pay for your trespass with your head!"

"As I believe I mentioned, I'm not a Creature.  For that matter I'm not a Being either - I am a series 5 warrior android."

"Silence!  If you are not a Being, the penalty for remaining here is immediate execution by decapitation!  Captain!  Fetch a sword, an enchanted one!"

"Beheading non-Beings is overly harsh, my Lady.  Gryphons, for instance, have lived beside your kind for tens of millennia, plying trade and providing transport.  You would throw all that away?"

"We have cars and trucks, now.  We need not depend upon winged freaks for transportation!"

"I am a machine, Lady.  If that commands the death penalty, things should get really interesting!  I would love to see you behead your cars and trucks..."

"DESTROY HIM!" the opossum screamed.  "WHATEVER HE IS, I WANT HIM DEAD!"

Bevan staggered as a crossbow bolt struck his head.  The shaft snapped, but the head gouged a large rent in his fur.  His expression darkened with anger, and he stomped over to the man who'd fired, batting aside anyone who dared who get in his way as though they were skittles.  The fox reached out and crushed the weapon with one hand, and then turned back to the lady.

"I shall inform Daryil of your actions," he informed her, and then vanished.

*  *  *

"Olaf," Jakob smiled, embracing the tall, armoured figure.  "How are you doing?  Are you eating well?"

"Fine, fine, Dad," the wolf-giraffe said, with a slightly embarrassed expression.  "Someone tried to claim the bounty for your arrest the other day.  He walked away an angry man..." the incubus smiled at the memory.  "It was delicious.  By the way, I must congratulate your Lord on the negative bounty idea."

"I'll let him know," Jakob said.  "Or he'll find out next time I'm in his presence."

"Welcome," Steve said, shaking Jakob's hand.  "Thank you for coming.  While Ben and Jason are children of Daryil, I felt that the situation merits the attention of his representative.  I considered inviting Daryil himself, of course, but he can be a little..."

"Disruptive," Jakob offered.

"Quite.  Also, this may involve your Jayhawk Corporation."

"Indeed.  Though now you're starting to worry me."

"We'll get to that later," Steve promised.  "The first order of business is... well, Lady Featherstone.  As I think you all know," he said, glancing around the room, "Leaving aside her attempt on King Fairwater's life, her actions have robbed us of a valued comrade.  Olaf...?"

"I had someone apply at the guildhall," the wolf-giraffe said.  "We're pretty full there, and as you know, the demand for adventurers is not what it was.  Even so, a warrior of this calibre is not someone I could easily turn down.  Fortunately, she agreed to relocate to Northwood if you will have them.  Besides, it's a bit of a sausage-fest here, Mary aside..."

The figure was hooded as they entered the room, a crimson cloak covering their body and face.  With noticeable reluctance the newcomer pulled back the hood, revealing a black jaguar face, eyes burning red.

"YOU!"  Steve yelped, taking a couple of steps backwards and striking the wall with a metallic crash.

"Holy gods," Jakob said.  "No... it can't be.  You're Aisha's descendant or something?!"

"Good to see you again, Jakob."

"Should I know her?"  Ben asked, glancing at the others worriedly.

"They used to call her The Risen," Jakob said.  "In her time she was a great adventurer.  And also a notorious demon hunter."

"That's a little unfair, amigo," the jaguar said.  "If you lost your family to Demons it would color your views too."

Daniel and Ben stared at the figure open-mouthed.  "I thought you were a Being!  They say you were killed in action after a long and fabulous career!"

Steve looked at her suspiciously, and conjured a small crystal ball from somewhere.

"Olaf...  If this is some kind of incubus mind-game, it's not funny!  I'm not prejudiced, but... Why would I hire someone who wants to murder me?!"

"Calm down, Steve," the incubus said, trying to suppress a grin.  "I brought her here because she's good - not to wipe out half your guild.  That said, I'd try to keep her and Mary apart if you can."

"Dammit, SHE KILLED MY PARENTS!"  Steve snarled.  There was a crunching noise and fine glassy powder tumbled from his fist.

"Play nice, children," Jakob said, putting himself between Aisha and the Alsatian demon.

"Peace, amigos," the jaguar said, brushing the wolf's arm aside gently, but with surprising strength.  "Yes, there was once a time when I would attack Demons on sight.  But two centuries is a long time.  Attitudes can soften.
"I am sorry about your loss... but they were wanted criminals.  Murderers.  What they did was a capital crime... and I brought them to justice.  If they had been allowed to live, they would have committed other atrocities beside."

"You watched them die," Steve growled.  "I've seen the video."

"I witnessed the execution," Aisha said testily.  "As the hero who brought them in, it was expected of me.  Refusing would have been a slight to the city, and to your parents also.  As traditionalists, they wanted their deaths to be as memorable as their crimes."

Steve glowered but remained silent.  Aisha carried on, making a gesture of conciliation.

"Listen, seƱor... I could have brought them in dead.  No trial, just death from above, followed by a quick beheading in a back-alley.  Bringing just their heads would have been quicker and easier, and I'd have been paid just the same.  But I didn't.  I brought them in alive, made sure they received a fair trial.  I wanted to be sure they were guilty.
"And, while I'm sorry for your loss, that cloud had a big silver lining," Aisha pointed out.  "Olaf showed me parts of your file, since I wanted to know who I'd be working under.  Their deaths made you what you are today... a Demon with the responsible attitude of a Being.  If they had brought you up like themselves, you'd have lost your head too.  And we'd have lost a fine guildmaster."

Steve smiled slightly for a second.  "Flattery will get you everywhere, it seems." he said.  "All the same... you'll be on probation.  I don't see any reason to trust you, and plenty of reasons not to!"

"We're all on the same side," Jakob intervened, "So let the past be the past.  Though I would like to know what Aisha has been up to and why she isn't as dead as she should be by now.  No offence intended."

"None taken, Jakob.  After all... adventurers usually die in their mid-30s," Aisha began.  "Being ones at least.  Well, I made it far past that mark, but not unscathed.  Finally my luck ran out, and I was mortally wounded.  For all her skill, even Mistress Rynkura could only delay the inevitable.  There was only one way she could find to save me... but the price...

"The price I paid was high indeed," the jaguar concluded.  Removing a band from her wrist, a pair of leathery wings appeared behind her.

"Holy shit..." the Alsatian said.

"Will that aid your trust, if we are both birds of a leather, so to speak?"  Her bat-like wings swished slightly.  Steve was unable to reply.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



Quote from: CubiKitsune on October 28, 2017, 01:41:08 PM
Interesting. How does a Being become a Demon?

With Aisha it was a special case, which will be explained shortly.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Aisha deCabre

Quote from: Tapewolf on October 28, 2017, 03:34:06 PM
Quote from: CubiKitsune on October 28, 2017, 01:41:08 PM
Interesting. How does a Being become a Demon?

With Aisha it was a special case, which will be explained shortly.

Heheh, all I can say is that it's not too far-fetched; think of Cindy from Abel's story with the eye on her hand.  Beings can have strange things done to them when magic's involved, as it seems. x3

I should probably come up with some stories for Future Aisha sometime.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Yessss more Aisha = more better

I know I ain't been commenting much, but I really have been enjoying this story a lot. So many great characters :3