Dimanikage - coincidence or not? [old DMFA #1428]

Started by Delian Williams, December 14, 2014, 09:12:52 PM

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Delian Williams

(Starting a new topic, because I don't want to drag #1428 all the way up here. Also this might be Tinfoil Hat Tearoom material
or deleted altogether.)

The smiley licking in #1428 always had me wondering, if this was a meme or just Dimanika's random nature. :mowdizzy

Well, it seems like Didi was not the first one (FA link) to confuse people by licking a yellow fellow.

*LOL* So... coincidence or not?

Truth be told, I'm starting to worry about Ray.


i had assumed it was a cookie, as its somewhat similar to ones i make

Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

Amber Williams

It's mostly a sight gag since the comic before has Dimanika making the sad smiley face in: http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1427.php

So its that strange fourth wall "wat" moment as she apparently grabbed the image from her word bubble and is now messing with it.

Delian Williams

I guess there are the funniest coincidences, when clowning is involved.
Thanks for clarifying! :boogie

Truth be told, I'm starting to worry about Ray.


...Amber Williams and Delian Williams...... Coincidence?

Delian Williams

Quote from: CubiKitsune on December 16, 2014, 08:01:43 PM
...Amber Williams and Delian Williams...... Coincidence?

Delian Williams is my Furcadian name and it's composed of Dahlia and Williams. I'm a bit superstitious and "William" seemed to
be associated with so many successful and/or likable people like Robin Williams or Will.I.Am, that I always wanted it to be part
of my alias. Strange enough it didn't occur to me, when I chose my CM username. I probably thought, Amber would be posting
around here as Missmab or Ambarrrgh. But who knows, maybe Masonry is behind it. *cough*

Truth be told, I'm starting to worry about Ray.

Amber Williams

Well my husband's name is Mason...so it seems very likely.  :V