Statistics Q's

Started by Kenji, September 13, 2010, 01:41:50 PM

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Howdy. I'm starting up a project for a statistics class and I was curious if anyone here, Castlevania lover, DMFA, or even Darkmoon, would be willing to answer. It involves the notion of double standards between males and females in any particular location. That being does one sex get looked down upon or made fun of for doing x instead of y.
All I need you to do is post your sex(preferably the one on your birth certificate, even if you believe you are otherwise or have received surgery to alter said sex), your country of origin, and answer the questions. If you don't want your response to be public, feel free to PM them to me if you still wish to participate. No names will be mentioned in the report itself, just the answers.

1) Do you believe there is a double standard in your location between men and women in what is acceptable in appearance? This includes things such as apparel, make-up, earrings, or hair.

2) Do you believe there is a double standard in your location between men and women regarding what is expected of them on a professional scale? That being, do you believe there is a double standard where, say, men/women are looked down upon for not working, yet there is no problem with the other not working provided they are in a relationship with the first sex.

3) Do you believe there is a double standard in your location between men and women regarding what job they are allowed to do? For example, men being able to be fashion assistants and not be made fun of, or a woman being a construction worker.

4) Do you believe there is a double standard in your location between men and women regarding what they are allowed to eat? Cases such as vegetarian/vegan diets vs a more rounded diet.

Thanks for your time and I hope you guys can fill in the blanks. :)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Hetero. Uh... that's not on my birth cert, though. Did you mean gender rather than orientation? That would be male.

... Country of origin, or current location? The former is Scotland, the latter is England.

1) Yes. Duh. Men wear suits, women wear neat clean clothing, but not a suit. Men dress down more, women don't. Obvious inequalities.
2) Yes.
3) Yes.
4) Not so much, I think. There is a difference between "what they're expected to eat" and "what they wish to eat"; I believe the latter varies more than the former.

Of course, I'm in a large city, so variations in personal choices is probably larger than in a small town...

I note that your questions are all "as I believe" rather than "as I perceive" or "what is", which is a matter of perception rather than reality... books have been written about that. ;-]
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Male and hetero.

Atlantic Canadian, s'all you're getting.

1) Same as llearch's with the exception that somethings that are explicitly against the rules (shorts etc) get passed over for women if they're clean/fashionable where as guys are nailed outright for it.

2) No.  A layabout is a layabout.  No one likes them around here.

3) Surprisingly no.  There used to be a lot of that when I was growing up, but things have changed a lot in the last few years.  It's been pretty drastic, but interesting to watch.

4) No.


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


heterosexual, male
Born: Czechoslovakia, Currently in England

Not really (Well, there is the trivial difference in expectation that a man will probably have larger appetite, but nothing else i can think of)
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Female, heterosexual, from Argentina.

1) Do you believe there is a double standard in your location between men and women in what is acceptable in appearance? This includes things such as apparel, make-up, earrings, or hair.
Do you mean aside from clothes and accesories made specifically for one particular sex? Because most clothes and apparel are made for either men or women, and it looks really weird if the other sex wears them. Very few clothing items are unisex, let alone shoes or accessories. As for make-up, men are not supposed to wear it unless it's for a show or something like that (actors, clowns, etc. do wear make-up for work).

2) Do you believe there is a double standard in your location between men and women regarding what is expected of them on a professional scale? That being, do you believe there is a double standard where, say, men/women are looked down upon for not working, yet there is no problem with the other not working provided they are in a relationship with the first sex.
Yes. While most women work these days, there are some who don't and no one's surprised by that. But when a man has no job, people either look down on them or pity them, and unemployed men tend to get depressed quite easily. As for what is expected of them professionally, it depends on where they work, but there are many who believe men will perform better than women at most jobs. And what is worse, women usually get a lower pay than men for doing the same job. On the other hand, men are not allowed to take some time off work when their children are born, while women are expected to do so. I think that is also unfair.

3) Do you believe there is a double standard in your location between men and women regarding what job they are allowed to do? For example, men being able to be fashion assistants and not be made fun of, or a woman being a construction worker.
Yes. For example, some people will only hire young women for certain positions (mainly sales/advertising-related jobs). I've yet to see a female construction worker, and while I've seen a few female taxi drivers, they're rare and their lives are tough. Male hairdressers and most male artists are usually assumed to be gay whether they are or not. Male secretaries and nurses are often referred to as female because some people just can't understand that a man can do those jobs (though I've seen quite a few of them). And women have a lot of trouble if they try to be active in a syndicate, because the men who run them don't accept them. And women who own or manage restaurants tend to get a lot of disrespect from male waiters. I'm sure there are more examples, these are just the ones I can think of right now.

4) Do you believe there is a double standard in your location between men and women regarding what they are allowed to eat? Cases such as vegetarian/vegan diets vs a more rounded diet.
No, not here. Well, people might laugh at a guy eating a heart-shaped lollipop or something like that, but gender-specific food is not a big issue here.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Yeah llearch, meant gender as in the sex you are labeled as. Thanks for the replies so far.
Need at least 7 more males and 15 more females. (Still not sure why I need more female responses, but them's the rules...)


Female, United States.

2)Yes, a bit
4)Not really


Male, UK

1. Yes
2. Yes, somewhat
3. Not so much
4. No.

Quote from: Kenji on September 16, 2010, 12:17:33 AM
Yeah llearch, meant gender as in the sex you are labeled as.

IMHO you really want to edit the original post if you're not interested in their sexuality, because it sounds like you are and that's liable to put people off answering :P

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Male, hetero, Alabama (U.S.)

1)  Yes, though I feel it has less to do with societal pressures and more due to the differences in what the opposite gender would view as a successful mate, for example if women found men with beards attractive men would grow beards and if men found a woman wearing a certain style of hat attractive, women would try to wear those hats as often as possible.

2)  Yes, mostly in the fact that males are supposed to go out and earn more money/prestige to impress the females who are supposed to constantly scan for the most successful male to establish a family with.

3)  Yes, mostly in regards to potentially dangerous work.  Males tend to get the more dangerous or exposed jobs due to the fact they are a more disposable resource than women, who are often steered or placed into jobs that offer as little exposure to danger as possible.

4)  No, it's generally considered that a well rounded diet is best for both, though some females may have restricted diets during pregnancy due to individual health concerns.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Tape: Not sure why it did it in the first place to be honest. Maybe I was doing one thing and thinking another?
Thank you for all the replies again so far. Got most of the data I need. I can at least start the base work now.


Female, Central Virginia* (US)
1) Yes
2) Not really, no.
3) Nope.
4) Nope.

*Because Northern VA makes believe it's its own state.



1 - Yes, but nothing that isn't pretty standard nowadays.  Men tend to wear shorts/pants and your standard T-shirt, longsleeved, or just go barechested when its really hot.  Women tend to wear shorts/pants but may also put on skirts/dresses.  T-shirts and longsleeved shirts are common, but you'll also find blouses, the occasional tube-top, and sometimes bikini tops, but you'll never see bare-chested.  Make-up is intended for women, and women tend to have longer hair while men have shorter.  Tattoos and piercings can be found on all, though such generally result in women being seen as slutty while men are often seen as rough customers/dangerous.

2a - I have to give a tentative "No" because of my lack of experience with a variety of workplaces.  In mine we need a certain combination of physical capability, customer-friendly service, and willingness to do your job without constant supervision that denies many people of both genders.  I would say that women tend to be turned away more just because of a higher percentage that aren't willing/able to cover the physical aspects of frequently moving and working with large/heavy loads.

2b - I would say Yes because women are still stereotyped as the ones most commonly found at home raising the kids, which is seen as just fine, while the men go out to provide for them, and not doing this is still seen as rather strange for a man.  This is changing, though slowly.

3 - Yes.  Positions that are very heavily customer service oriented are still most often filled by women, while those that are more physically oriented are most often filled by men.

4 - No.
            <-- #1 that is!


Thanks to those who've responded since last I checked here. If possible, I need about 8 more female responses. So if anyone's family happens to not mind answering, I'm all for it. >.>


Female, Indiana

1) Do you believe there is a double standard in your location between men and women in what is acceptable in appearance? This includes things such as apparel, make-up, earrings, or hair.

Yes. In my department, women get away with less dressy things then the men.

2) Do you believe there is a double standard in your location between men and women regarding what is expected of them on a professional scale? That being, do you believe there is a double standard where, say, men/women are looked down upon for not working, yet there is no problem with the other not working provided they are in a relationship with the first sex.


3) Do you believe there is a double standard in your location between men and women regarding what job they are allowed to do? For example, men being able to be fashion assistants and not be made fun of, or a woman being a construction worker.


4) Do you believe there is a double standard in your location between men and women regarding what they are allowed to eat? Cases such as vegetarian/vegan diets vs a more rounded diet.


You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Lessee.  Heterosexual male, US

If a double standard is defined as ``does one sex get looked down upon or made fun of for doing x instead of y'' then

1.) Yes.
2.) No.
3.) No.
4.) Maybe.

I think there are different standards for men and women in each of these regards.  I don't think that around here, there would be any issue for men or women working in any job, but it would probably be more socially acceptable for a woman not to work.  Unemployment is high enough here and specifically, one employer has laid off enough men that no one would question it.

Given what I do see men and women around here eating, you might say there is a double standard.  Women tend to eat a lot more vegetables.  Then again, I do tend to have peculiar tastes in food.  I've never seen anyone else eating popbarley.

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