About the new city of Jova..or is Veros? and about Character money....$$$

Started by Pamela The fire Angel, June 05, 2010, 04:43:33 PM

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Pamela The fire Angel

It sems that, adventure, kill monsters and Dracula Don't give money as it used to, because did you notice that all the characters have opened a store, on Jova, or is veros? No shure it's Jova :kirby

Katrina-Magic Shop
Link-Amor store
Princess-became the mayor and now Take care of the city hall

Some villains Also oponed Business such as Frank and Mummy That are now private investigators, and Shredder clones have a restaurant / pizza place. :eager

The only exceptions are the Angel and the Golem. :rolleyes

but my point is... :B

Is Just me or... Darkmoon stopped using Haverst moon sprites and now is using a unique city, made by him or Jeorge?

because I dont remember seen that city in any game, the sprites remind me Seiken Densetsu, but the places where the houses are placed and the magic shop of Katrina seem new to me.

Castle Pokemetroid

It's not that hard to build a VG BG town. All you need is the building sprites and ground tiles. Sure, it takes a while, but it's not hard to build a BG if you have the right stuff.

On that money issue, I've noticed that monsters don't really randomly drop money when defeated. Sure, Darkmoon runs away from most of them, but he dose defeat some too.

It dosen't make sense for monsters to drop large amounts of gold, but it's standard for most RPGs.


I guess they could loot the monsters/villains they defeat, if they're carrying anything of value. But I doubt they'd be able to live on that.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Castle Pokemetroid

Darkmoon is known to loot and take anything not nailed down to the ground.

With that said, where the hell dose he keep it all? Is he a walking armory like link or other RPG characters, who can hold vast amounts of objects, no matter their size, weight, or number?

At least in Terranigma, they explain how Arc holds all his stuff. He gots a pocket dimension box. The guy can even carry around a boat and a plane.

llearch n'n'daCorna

... doesn't explain how you can get them _into_ the box, though.
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Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 08, 2010, 05:17:36 AM
... doesn't explain how you can get them _into_ the box, though.
It's a magic box.
Oh seriously, just be glad you don't have to spend twenty minutes wandering around aimlessly while wondering "Now where the hell did I park that freaking boat/plane this time?"


I redesigned the town for CVRPG III. When you have a series of RPGs all using the same characters, the sprites, locations, and various abilities tend to get updated between games. That was the goal for CVRPG. As the comic progresses, it goes through games, and the games would require updates.

Thus, Katrina gained a new costume. Alec gained a new costume. The town got an update (with Secret of Mana 2 sprites, but the layout remained mostly the same).
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