A Bone to Pick (M) (IC)

Started by VAE, June 16, 2012, 09:56:43 AM

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Fergus' mood darkens with someone stoking the fire in his eyes. Thoughts dart back and forth followed by confused eyes trying to spy his lost thought instead reaches for more sobering ones, "I didn't like him that much when he came up.  Only the unclean dress in suits that don't fit them. His body shook like the quivering stare of one of the junkies that come around here sometimes. I didn't like him or the way he talked. I was by myself away from the crowd where the monsters from some of your songs would want me to be. I propped myself up on my hammer in case I had to hit him. I can't get a good swing at anything sitting on the ground. When the world turned away I told myself I had to pound him till one of us was bleeding to death. Instincts I guess. I can't let things like this wander around if I can do something about it, you know? You're always at your carts and I'm starting to think it knew where I was."

His eyes dart to and fro looking at Emory's expression and manages a smile, "You were my next stop. I'm supposed to fix things that might hurt the circus, yeah? He might have known someone was alone where I was going next. If things like that can get in I'm going to have to figure out a better weapon I can use from the ground."

He mumbles, "maybe a spring piston? I can be worried later."



"Damnit, Gigi, get us back to the ground before-" He looks down to spot Zanfib. "Damnit..." Should he let himself be captured? In this condition, he might not have much of a choice. But, in all honesty? It might be a better idea to at least TRY to escape. His Master wasn't too forgiving of failures. So, he tried lashing out at Gigi with his tentacles to keep it away from him, then while falling, he would turn to face the ground, and, would then try to use his wings to try and fly away from the area.


What went through Chris' mind upon seeing the gryphon in better detail is perhaps hard to explain, especially in regards to what he did next. So while the angel/devil on shoulder conversation (and its many derivatives) are rather cliche'd, it will be used here anyway because it is perhaps the best way to explain his thoughts.

"That gryphon is in trouble!!!" cried out a tiny Chris in traveling garb that popped into existence hovering near Chris' left shoulder. The tiny Chris, we will call him Adventure, was waving a sword in the direction of the battle and doing the flying equivalent of hopping up and down. "You need to help it!" It should be noted here that as a story metaphor, Adventure does not actually exist and as such Chris can neither hear, nor see him.

Another tiny Chris, this one dressed in more a casual outfit showed up to the right. "No, that gryphon *C* is in trouble. Not our problem! Why are we even here?!? We should never have left home, this whole trip is crazy!"

This newer Chris, Caution, was well aware that he was only a story metaphor and thus invisible to Chris. He did not try to talk to him or get Chris' attention. To be fair however, even were Caution and Adventure not story metaphors, Chris still wouldn't pay much attention to Caution anyway. He had been pretty much ignored ever since they ran away from home. Even the other story metaphors tended to ignore Caution.

Thus unsurprisingly Adventure completely ignored Caution and opened an imaginary panel in the back of Chris' head to reveal a couple of levers which he pushed forward causing Chris to take off in the direction of the fight. Just in case it was not clear, the levers and panel were also metaphors, although when considering tech levels, it may be better to pretend they are reins.

"What? Adventure, that's a gryphon C and the snow hag! No matter which one wins, the winner will attack us next! Adventure? Adventure, stop!!!!" And in a fit of unusual boldness, Caution seized the reins and pulled Chris to the side.

"No!" exclaimed Adventure, taking the reins back. "It's the right thing to do!" The two continued to fight over the controls causing Chris' flight to veer unsteadily, though overall in the direction of the fight. Viewed from afar, it rather  gave the impression of a butterfly that had gotten drunk and pulled over by a constable for reckless behavior and asked to fly in a straight line.

One last tiny Chris wearing glasses showed up, Pragmatism. "Just to check... do we actually have a plan? Last I checked we had no idea how to fight a gust of wind." This observation actually caused Adventure to falter and in the ensuing pause, Caution tried to seize the reins one last time. However still determined to do the right thing, even if he didn't know how to, Adventure held on tight and the reins snapped leaving both of them staring dumbly at their frayed ends. Chris was left plummeting in the direction he last had, straight at the fight with a look of terror on his face and giving what could be generously interpreted as a battle cry as Pragmatism fell behind, facepalming while Caution and Adventure, also screaming, got dragged along for the ride.


'Dirtying your floors' wouldn't be a proper response. 'Giving you the business' would be even less appropriate. He was already trespassing as far as most of the locals were concerned, so it was time to be professional. If only earthkin had any negotiating experience to draw on whatsoever. But then, where was the fun in having things go right?

Turning slowly, Oyugun's eyes met with the shrill homeowner. There was a softer glow to them as opposed to the usual harsh brightness.

"I'm here on important business, governor. Business that concerns you, this settlement, and everyone inside of it." Something told him this governor probably didn't care much either way. Given the attitudes of the local militia, he was probably itching for an excuse to have him set on fire and thrown out. "We need to discuss morale. Specifically, the morale of my people when exposed to your country's ways and means."
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


The last of the powder hits the ground by this time, and the cheetaur pats Fergus on the head.   "You did good, ending it that way.  Don't let old Kaz even imply otherwise, okay?"  Emory looks up to the sky and sighs.  "We're probably going to be moving after...this.  Saw some of the boys packing up the smaller carts when I was coming over, don't know where we're headed though."
Gorod Kur
"You assume we grant that your people have morale and are not just things-" The shrill voice was cut off as Luna lightly stamped a foot, causing the entire building to violently shake and dust to come spiraling down from the ceiling.
"Sir," the woman started, "the Capitol has already warned you about supplanting official policy with your personal views."  Not a raised tone beyond a drawl, but the impact crater from her stamp and the display of raw power itself seemed to do the trick, for the little man.
"...what morale and means is in conflict specifically...ambassador?"  The suppressed venom was palpable.
The little creature started to move, when all things started to slow down for Zanfib.  Objects falling slowed to a painful crawl, people speaking became little more than occasional static blips to his ears, even the sensation of touching the ground and the two women near him was delayed.
"Well well well." An almost mechanical voice came from all directions at once, echoing in the slowed down world.  "I finally got one of you people to contact me, and it's through the warp aci of all things.  Serendipity, I guess." Out of the corner of his eye, Zanfib could see his own shadow seeming to move on its own, pulling off the ground, and standing  as if with substance.


Zanfib found this sudden change to be just a tad on the side of unsettling, to say the least. He kept looking about, trying to make sense of this madness (for their was no other word for it).. and then his shadow began to move.

He locked his eyes on the anomaly, trying to probe it with what powers would work in this oddness.. "Who, or what, are you?" He asked his shadow. Oh if the mental institute could read that line..