Game Boy Micro

Started by Darkmoon, August 29, 2005, 04:47:44 PM

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Mageknight Locke

you'd better check it asap, some guy some moron managed tto dump his entire hard-drive in mine because i was too lazy to stop uploads :(


I will look into it asap.

Mageknight Locke

moral of my story: lazyness kills off websites!


Well attachemtns are limited to one per post, limited in size, and limited to only jpg, gif, and png now. Should prevent most anything like that happening.


Yeah, I used to be a part of this other forum, and these two guys kept spamming the place and acting retarded. Then, they came after certain ppl they didn't like and I was one of them. They made me so mad, so when I left they got a new forum...lets just say I accessed their site from school and friend hacked it. I just wanted to mess with their minds for a little, but she hacked it...and now let's jsut say they don't mess with me or my friends. And my friend doesn't hack all the time, only if she gets really mad at someone.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?

Jorge D. Fuentes

Hehe, we were hacked too.
I thought it was kinda funny, actually.
Random, though.  I don't think we have enemies that care enough to h4xx0r us.  :P

Well... maybe I do.  :)


It was funny in retrospect, but not when it happened. Rather stressful when it happened.


i dont like the micro because NINTENDO makes consoles and more and more and dont give us thechance to take all o those