5/24/09 [#135?] Slick has a spine and a fan!

Started by ChaosMageX, May 25, 2009, 05:08:05 PM

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Really, I never would have pictured Miss Niaida as the fangirl type, since she's an official from min-joy.
It probably would have been more hilarious to see Veled acting like a fangirl, though.

Also, why is Addy saying "Wow..." if she knew what was in the bottle the whole time...unless she didn't know.  That, or she didn't know the efreet would be able to kick that much butt in so little time.  Or perhaps she's in awe of what a good shot Slick is, being able to land one between the eyes from such a long range.

EDIT: Along with many others, I am very curious about Slick's statement: "I am Slick Mordecai Giovanni, Don of Third Jerusalem!  All evidence to the contrary will be dead once I escape!"

Does that mean that anyone stating that he is not who he says he is, including Candycane, will be dead after he gets out of prison?

Icon by Sunblink


its possible candycane will be dead BEFORE slick gets out
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

Jigsaw Forte

Loosely translated:

Quote from: SlickWhen I get out of here, I'm taking back what's mine and killing anyone who gets in the way of me doing just that!

Clear enough?

As for whether or not Candycane will be alive to see Slick fulfill that promise depends on several things. Thing #1 involves finding out what sort of impact is caused by Slick publicly declaring a challenge and, y'know, killing a Galaxy Girl Scout by shooting her with an Efreet to further clarify what sort of power he actually has.


Hehe and I don't need to be told twice the little man giant wants to do


Huh. I'm wondering what kind of impact this will have on Last Resort. I figure not too many people are going to be happy that one of the criminals claims to be wholly hellbent on continuing his reign of crime once he escapes.

Then again, that's probably the case with all of the criminals.

Otherwise, I like this turn of events. >:3 I don't feel very sorry for the Galaxy Girl Scout for some reason.

Weirdly, I had the craziest theory about Fenirel and Jason's grudge on Daisy.


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on May 26, 2009, 09:52:55 AM
Huh. I'm wondering what kind of impact this will have on Last Resort. I figure not too many people are going to be happy that one of the criminals claims to be wholly hellbent on continuing his reign of crime once he escapes.

Then again, that's probably the case with all of the criminals.

Otherwise, I like this turn of events. >:3 I don't feel very sorry for the Galaxy Girl Scout for some reason.

Weirdly, I had the craziest theory about Fenirel and Jason's grudge on Daisy.

Yeah, I didn't feel sorry for that particular scout either, probably because Jigsaw made her out to be such a b****.
She shot everyone with a high gauge long-range rifle, which isn't very fair, and she seemed to sadistically enjoy it.
Not to mention that whole arguing with her fellow scouts thing.
They all seem like b****es to me, which is why I will thoroughly enjoy seeing that Efreet kick their butts.

BTW, if she and that one Star Org guard that almost got his soul eaten are of the same Kendril species as Geisha, then does that mean that their face has to be a certain level of...'ugliness' before they gain the ability to turn others to stone, or does that ability have to do with how far off from Sterling they are?

EDIT: For spelling errors.  Also, no theory is too crazy for here.  If you have one, let's hear it! :D

Icon by Sunblink

Jigsaw Forte

Quote from: ChaosMageX on May 26, 2009, 11:24:30 AM
BTW, if she and that one Star Org guard that almost got his soul eaten are of the same Kendril species as Geisha, then does that mean that their face has to be a certain level of...'ugliness' before they gain the ability to turn others to stone, or does that ability have to do with how far off from Sterling they are?

Sterling has nothing to do with it. (Geisha's soul is perfectly intact -- it's his head you ought to be wondering about...)

Presumably, Kendril produce a particular paralyzing (and possibly petrifying) poison, its potency predicted by the pH of the poor plighter's blood, among other pretenses; once enough time for permeation has passed, just perturb per personality, and ... Presto! Perfectly to plan, the putz becomes a pretty planter.

... okay, seriously. Poison + severe shock = paralyzation / petrification. Of course, only a few folks (like Geisha) can do it fast enough to petrify the entire body at once; most folks who've survived a Kendril assault do so because the Kendril in question couldn't petrify much more than the heart. Types of poisons vary, but the overall effects are roughly the same. Most of the time, though? There's a reason you'll usually see a Kendril at the dentist's office and asking if you need any anesthetic.

All the Kendril we've seen so far are the same species -- the "two eyes / four eyes" thing is a racial trait between them, and most of the "ugliness" is otherwise inherited and variable between folks; the only consistent "ugly" trait between all their faces is a split lower jaw, which, even on an otherwise unmarked face, is still very unnerving.