X-Men: The Last Stand

Started by Destina Faroda, June 03, 2006, 05:16:40 AM

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Destina Faroda

I went to see this movie, and it sucked!  I can't blame the direction on this one, but the writing was simply abysmal.  What do you all think?
Sig coming...whenever...



While I agree the writing wasn't top notch, it wasn't horrendo. Decent, with fun action. The least of the three movies, certainly, but they other two were outstanding, so tat's still not a huge deal.

I'd give it a 7 out of 10


So should i go watch it or wait for the dvd?


Special-effects are really better seen on the big screen. And X3 has a lot of cool effects.



Hmmm as movie i really liked it, it was well made and had twist that no body expected. As adaptation is crap, and thats why the die hard comic fans are all pissed.
I still like x2 better, still x3 was very good.


I thought it was worth seeing. And of course, Hollywood is going to take liberities wih anything they touch. At least, it wasn't as bad as most video game movie adaptations have been.

Xuzaf D

A lot of people in my family considered the third movie to be pretty good. I think that the X-men 3 was much better than that last one, which makes me wonder what you all liked so much about X-men 2. hint: the right answer is not "Alan Cuming"

Destina Faroda

The right answer is a better plot.
Sig coming...whenever...

Xuzaf D

The plot where every human or mutant might die? There is no suspense there since only retards would think they would kill everyone off in one motion. Also, the whole idea was that Wolverine would find out something really important about his past, but nothing really happened there. No good enemies to speak of either. It's not like the first name everyone thinks of when they hear "X-men villian" is Deathstrike.

Destina Faroda

In that case you have to fault all three movies...

As if Magneto would be able to turn humanity into mutants.

As if Magneto was going to kill Leech.

As if Phoenix was just going to kill EVERYONE.

X2's plot is stronger not because of the improbability of the plot succeeding, but because it set up its foils better and took the time to explore the interactions between the characters.  The whole Mystique scene in the tent with Wolverine had so many layers -- showing the consequences of someone being able to take on anyone's form, the manipulative nature of Mystique to blur the defined relationships between the women Wolverine comes in contact with, a manipulation made only possible by his longer status.  Even if you know the heroes are going to save the day, the potential harm that each of the villains was willing to cause illustrated the need for the X-Men -- to combat the extremes.  Also, the climax shows not only how one's technology can used against them, but as well showed the X-Men working somewhat as a team,

Don't knock Lady Deathstrike.  At least in X2 Deathstrike had a presence if not much of a backstory (other than her involuntary conscription).  If it weren't for the Internet, I wouldn't even know half the mutants in X3, and I still don't know who the other half.

BTW, if Wolverine has enhanced senses, why is he always caught off guard in X3?
Sig coming...whenever...