The Video Game Name Generator

Started by Paul, November 29, 2007, 06:22:36 PM

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Don't Deep Space Pokemon Apocalypse, Amish Terrorist 2000 or Caribbean Rainbow Jihad sound like fun video games? Too bad they don't exist, but using The Video Game Name Generator, you can conjure up these and other magnificent titles such as Cthulhu's Buddhist Fiasco, Undercover Bedtime Voyage, The Muppets Manlove Symposium and Full Metal Sushi Conquest. It's much funnier than it should be.


Mavis Beacon Teaches Walrus Yoga
Teenage Bomberman Sisters
Undercover Lizard vs. Capcom
Aquatic Transvestite Alpha
Rock 'n' Roll Chess in the Desert

This is fun...


Hip-Hop Bobsled Dynasty
Armored Bow Hunter Crusader (I wanna play this one....)
Ancient Limbo Lord
Corporate Polka Warfare
Hideous Ostrich Special Edition
Strategic Hoedown Balls

Hee hee hee....  :B
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Canadian Theme Park Rave
Cthulhu's Railroad Crime Scene Investigation
Satan's Bungie Rider
Professional Florist Interceptor

Oh, and here's my favourite: Olympic Zombie Power


Kamkaze devil king.                                                    8-Bit Nudist vs. Street Fighter. 
Michael Jackson's Sex Plus!?                                       The Care Bears' Indian Trivia.
Perverted speed of death.                                          Awesome Buddhist Combat.
Masters of the Shaving in the Salad Kingdom.            Retarded Amish Wars .
Downtown Samurai - The Movie.                                 Dynamite Metal Princess.
Regal Demon Bastards.                                               Yoshi's Vegetarian Advance.
Primal Police vs. Capcom.                                            Unforgettable Dance Wars.
Religious Bomberman Voyage.                                    Everybody Loves the Mushroom Z.
Ye Olde Penguin Tournament.                                    We Love Cardboard Academy.
Drunken Afro Slaughter.                                             Dance Dance Porn Special Edition.

This program comes up with possibly the weirdest titles I've ever heard, I might do this again later, just because it's so random and ammusing.


*reads thread*
*reads posts*


*tries some myself*

Drunken Shemale Inferno.
Ok, seriously, what the ****?

Imperial Bongo Overlords

Maximum Breakdancing in the Desert
Oh yeah, breakdancing in scorching hot grinding sand! Awsomeness! [/sarcasm]

Lord of the Barcode Island
So, what, he's a store cleak living on an island of barcodes?

Small-Time Hitman Caper
Screw small-time hitmen mysteries!

Mega Man's Writing Soldier
...I don't really even have anything to say about this one...

World Of Nuclear Crusade
Bejeebus, how is this stuff coming up? it actually almost makes SENSE!

Dead Or Alive Moon Spectacular
Just what I always wanted, a lunar-based fighting game!

Ancient Rugby Man
How old is the game of Rugby?

Michael Jackson's Plumber Symphony
.... :erk

Rushing Puppy Armada
You must fear the...PUPPIES IN SPAAAACE!!!!!!

Lethal Equestrian Nation
It's the Riders of Rohan!!!!

Mavis Beacon Teaches Werewolf Fighting
Ok, THAT'S just scary...

Mystery Flatulence World Cup
Y'know what? I'm outta here! This is too insane and yet makes too much sense!


Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Panzer Yeti Attack.

That could be such an awesome game.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


Once upon a time I actually posted here.


A lot of these would make great band names.

British Elevator of the Damned, for example, just screams that they would 'rock hard'.


Ha, I like these things. (See also anime name generator, "They Fight Crime"...)

Scandanavian Dog Bandit

World of Platypus Trivia
I guess if you're aiming for an itty-bitty cult audience...

Big Blood Base
The fact that it's in red text is the best part.

Forgotten Yeti Forever least two things wrong with that.

Legend of the Pirate Slam
Arr, this one sounds like fun.

Sleepy Mech in Busytown
And this one just sounds hilarious.  Sounds like a two-hour game written by a comedian that comes in a box of cereal.  I would buy that cereal.

Jedi Bingo Patrol
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.

Faerie Alex

Ha ha! Very funny. I found one in particular I had to post:

Middle-Eastern Furry Basketball


Then later, I got "Irresistible Sex Planet." Take it as you will.
Jeez I need to update this thing.


Mario's Dating II
So there really isn't a field Mario hasn't plumbed huh?

Rogue Axe Symposium
Yes, learn how to barter axes to various villagers and peasants until a king puts one of your own axes into you head!

Stupendous STD in My Pocket
Look, I know you have to tell me, but I don't think that it's in you pocket or that it's stupendous.

Bewildering Dodgeball in My Pocket
You can hide a dodgeball in your pocket?  Eh, I've heard weirder video game abilities.

The Sims: Plunger Party
It's been done....  Oh Dear God it's been done...

Drug-Induced Bubble Lord
Since when do you need a video game to experience this?

My Very Own Pogo of the Dead
So playing with a pogo stick raises the dead?  To hell with the chickens and blow fish then!
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


is it wrong that many of these games sound like i would like to play them?
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

Sienna Maiu - M T

Master Chief's Caveman Legend, Almighty Hitman DS, Red Hot Goblin Commander, Mechanized Catapult Co-Op, annnd.... Underground Magic Rally.

Oh wow am I glad I went for the fifth one...


why are there no "really busy hospital" games?

(bonus point's if you know the reference)
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


This thread has been deemed funny. Let's see what I get.
Mega Man's Afro Gone Wild
.....Could be a hair-based Katamari Damacy sequel.

Sexy Frog Fighter
Probably something like that on DeviantArt.

Indiana Jones and the Android Siege
.......Star Wars!!!!

Latino Dating Zombies
Zombie chica says "Raah." Possible responses: 1)"Mrrh.." 2)"Graaaah!!" 3) Give spiced brain

No One Can Stop the Football of Mystery
.......I can't think of what this could possibly be like, but I want it.

Nudist Kart Nitro
......I'll pass

Japanese Furry Combat
More catgirls and kitsunes than you can shake a stick at!

Demonic Squirrel Chase
Because chasing RJ around just isn't entertaining enough, it seems.

Heavy Grizzly Bear Crime Scene Investigation
It's awesome in the same way that Snakes on a Plane was awesome!

Obsessive Compulsive Punching Dynasty
I come from a long line of.... (okay that's six words, time for a) *Punch!* "Sorry! Now where was I? It *Punch!*

Third-World Badminton Prophecy
When the bird falls for the last time, the path will show itself.

Explosive Amish Paratroopers
I should stop now, or I'll be doing this all night. :mowmeep

Edit: "Really busy hospital games"? You mean like Fiery Surgery Hospital?
Yap by Silver.


Kirby's ninja paratroopers

Midevil tricycle

Mystery Spork Fest

Gehetto Football Mall Bouncers

Guitar penguins turbo... I'm guessing this is the unholy fusion of Guitar hero and surf's up.

   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on December 02, 2007, 01:16:46 AM
Guitar penguins turbo... I'm guessing this is the unholy fusion of Guitar hero and surf's up.

This inspired me for some reason :giggle

Click Here
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


0_0 Dude. I have a bandana just like that penguin.... but then again, it was part of a Halloween costume. Anyway.

Sonic's Puppy Brawl
...Does that sound illegal to you?

Spirit of the Squirrel Stars
I should be able to come up with a cleverer comment for this one.

Drunken Banana Insurrection
"It's *hic* peanut butter jelly TIME TO RISE UP AGAINSHT THE MASSHES *hic*!"

Rogue Zamboni Rebellion
DAMN. I wanna play this one!
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


oh, why not.

The Muppets Hamster Disaster I really want to know?

Inappropriate 3D Romance
so what... another porn game?

Helicopter Racing Derby
This one could be fun.  You've gotta win the races to upgrade your helicopter's parts.

Eternal Dating Strikes Back
"Darling, we've been here for seven years, three months, seventeen days, and six hours.  Are you going to kiss me goodnight, or not?"

Fantasy Karaoke Raider
singing while picking pockets... rather counterproductive, isn't it?

Narcoleptic Bingo Adventure
could be exciting, except all of the balls in the cage read "ZZ"

Hazardous Go-Kart on Wheels
This title is redundant in every way possible.


A few more I got

Helicopter Punching DX
Because when you want to feel tough, there's nothing like punching a chopper out of the sky.

Frankenstein's Ninja in the Salad Kingdom
Another game that I would greatly enjoy playing for novelty's sake.

Kermit's Lawnmower Hop-A-Bout
Pilot a jumping lawnmower in a swamp. Sounds fun to me!

Narcoleptic Dating Machine
See how many rounds of speed-dating you can pull off before you *ZZZZZZZZZ*

German Sandwich Empire
This could very well be the home of Frankenstein's Ninja before he goes to the Salad Kingdom. He's bringing back ingredients for BLT's!

Escape from the Frog Massacre
"I knew we shouldn't have given Kermit a hopping lawnmower!" "It's not easy being mulch, is it!? Mwahahahaha!!!!"

Neon Punching Demolition
When you're done punching helicopters, you can punch buildings into rubble.

Nighttime Bobsled of the Third Reich
Every time I think about what this would look like I giggle uncontrollably.

Shameful Polka Forever
Sounds like a good eternal punishment for those Nazi bobsledders.

Grimy Handgun of the Third Reich
Well, if the gun's owners are busy with shameful polka, I doubt this will be an exciting game.

Educational Penguin Task Force
Hundreds still believe that humans only use ten percent of their brains. Tux Squad, your mission is to peck some information into these people. Are you penguin enough for the task?

Ancient Vampire Revisited
He's just as old as ever! Now with throwable denture-fangs!

Attack of the Whale Agent
The most conspicuous secret agent you'll ever see.... and the last. :mowninja

Remote Ice Nation
This describes one of the standard locations you'll find in nearly every RPG ever made.

Creepy Jungle on Wheels
"Are those trees moving down the street?" "Yup, it's my own portable jungle." "Take it and go far, far away from me."

Tiny Mahjong 2
Microscope not included.
Yap by Silver.

Drake Manaweilder

Magical Yoga Fight Club
I can't really say anything or I'll break the rules, then possibly my back.

A Boy and His Batman Terror
Run Timmy, run! D: :batman

Irish Kart Armada
I guess they'll never get his lucky charms now.

Stupendous Makeover of Death
Where the final boss is a botox wielding doctor.

In Your Face Vigilante Dudes
... real cops sticking it to fake ones?

Confusing Stick in the Bayou

Panzer Blade Wasteland
So... old tanks in the desert?

Queen of the Ice Cream Mayhem
Quick! Grab the chocolate power up! Vanilla isn't strong enough to beat the king of floats!

Heh, some of this stuff almost makes sense. :B

Kitsune Ascendant

Rise of the shopping gladiator?

I can see it now. One family, heavily downtrodden by the "joneses" of the neighborhood. Quotes like "Madness? THIS! IS! WALMART!", and an epic bloodbath showdown on black friday.

...Someone who knows a lot more about this could probably do a better job, but you have to admit that would be interesting.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Quote from: Kitsune Ascendant on December 07, 2007, 08:14:38 PM
Rise of the shopping gladiator?

I can see it now. One family, heavily downtrodden by the "joneses" of the neighborhood. Quotes like "Madness? THIS! IS! WALMART!", and an epic bloodbath showdown on black friday.

...Someone who knows a lot more about this could probably do a better job, but you have to admit that would be interesting.

Hay that's my wii *Wam! Upper cut with a wii nunchuk* :lol

Armored Office Freak
It's time to go postal. >:3

Telekinetic Army of Death
Yeah do you really think you stand a chance.

Islamic Plunger Revolution
Oh great Mario has gone jihad.

No One Can Stop the Mushroom Carnage
Great now the Mushroom Kingdom has become the Middle East.

True Crime: Cooking X
Uh professor what are you doing?

Blissful Big Game Hunter on Wheels
Try and hit the woodland creature with your truck.

German Shock in the Middle East
sounds like El Alamein

Scooby Doo and the Landmine Mania
Ruh roh shaggy it's a mine field.

Great Wagon Offensive
It's 1889 all over again. so hitch up your wagons and head west young man.

Bewildering Bong of Mystery
Dude where's my car.

The Simpsons' Blimp Conspiracy
Looks like Sideshow Bob's at it again. This time he's stolen Crusty's new Blimp, or has he? Join Bart and Lisa to find out who really has Crusty's blimp.


Just had to add this one.

Duke Nukem: Pokemon Annihilation
Pika *BOOM!*


- Ninja Breakdancing Playhouse
Wow. Getting served with kunai and tonto. Me likey!

- Medieval Goth Heroes
"Our souls craveth the shadows as well, but thou shalt die, Sir Mordred!"

- Kabuki Landmine in Africa
Dance as gracefully as you can without exploding or upsetting the natives.

- Brain-Damaged Wagon Operatives
"Are ye sure it's a good idea to let Jedediah drive? He's always been a bit slow..."

- Future Chicken Base
I KNEW IT! I KNEW chickens were gonna rule the world one day!

- Guitar Sumo Plus
Meat Loaf versus a Sumo Wrestler. Or better yet, the players have to wear sumo fat suits while trying to play Guitar Hero.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Quote from: Black_angel on December 07, 2007, 09:52:13 PM
Or better yet, the players have to wear sumo fat suits while trying to play Guitar Hero.

While comical, and probably fun, that wouldn't actually be particularly difficult.

given that a friend and I practically danced in the sumo suits once...