The last hug

Started by Eowyn, July 27, 2007, 12:40:46 AM

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Brunhidden- on thursday june 26 the cat known as Sif was put to sleep. Sif was more or less Eowyn's sister, but Eowyn is not yet old enough to understand death.

What Eowyn types- wwwhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr     kkkkkiiittttyyyyyygggg
What Eowyn says- where kitty go? kitty, whereareyou?
What Eowyn means- I miss her already

Brunhidden- Sif was put to sleep at age 7, due to having FIV (AKA- kitty aids) for her entire life, which stunted her growth and we knew one day she would have to be put down to prevent suffering. For the past month she was vomiting constnantly, peeing on the floor, and lost all intrest in playing. Its better this way before she suffers too much (including not eating, retaining fluids untill drowning, and severe liver problems) and before Eowyn wakes up one morning to find her sister in a heap.

Brunhidden- we told Eowyn that kitty had to go byebye, and she gave a last hug and a last kiss. I can only hope that she remembers her first friend years later.

....shes waving at the picture, its very hard for me to post this, but my wife was so shook up she was unable to drive home after the vet.



I lost my cat Rubix a few years ago. She'd been sick for a while but denial and such had me refusing to put her to sleep. One night before bed I got the strangest urge to go hold her. I wound up falling asleep on the couch with her laying on my chest, when I woke in the morning she'd apparently been gone for hours.

I know just how you're feeling Brun. I too hope that Eowyn remembers her friend in the years to come, even if merely a snippet of memory.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Yeah, losing a pet can be difficult. My family once had a dog named Darcee. She was a black Labrador-Dalmation mix, and very friendly. In her later years, she was getting arthritus, or however you spell it, Anyway, the same thing happend to Netrogo's Rubix; She just went to sleep one night, and never woke up.

Sorry for Sif. I hope for the best for little Eowyn.


We've lost 3 hamsters, now.  One actually lived to his full life expectancy.  It's easier to say "goodbye" when they only live 2 or 3 years.

The first died of an eye infection from trying to climb out of her cage.  Two years of gnawing at the wires garnered her a stab in the eye.  She was obviously suffering just before she went.

The second, to the best we can figure, died of hypothermia.  My brother woke up one morning to find his hamster out of her home, but not moving.

For the third, we finally managed to stop them from climbing out of the cage, and kept him in the warmest area of the house.  He died an old man of 3.


Aww.  I'm so sorry.


(My parents are going through a similar thing right now with their dog, but I'm not keen to share details)

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?

lucas marcone

times like this i miss my old dog baggins... he was a scrappy little yellow feind. he was so strong eventually him being as small as a large cat could pull three cinderblocks around like nothin. i remember when he had to leave us. i was a bit too young to understand but my dad explained it the best he could. he had trouble digesting his food and would have wound up starveing. i was ticked at the time but in hindsight it was for the better. anyway sorry to hear about the poor kitty.  :cry


The only pets I've lost are fish, but... y'know, they're fish. :/  I do, however, have two dogs who have been around for about 7 years, now, and I don't really look forward to the time they're gone, but I know it's going to happen and there's nothing I can do about it.  I'm actually surprised (and very glad) they're still alive, what with getting into a half-empty 5 lbs. bag of chocolate chips and all...

I can't imagine what you're going through, right now, seeing how I've never experienced it, myself, but I'm hoping a nice, big hug will, at least, help a bit. :hug


The power and the glory is over, so I'll take it.
The power and the glory is over, so I'll make it.
The power and the glory is over, and I'll break it.
The power and the glory is over....

Ryudo Lee

I've lost quite a few cats over the years, most due to old age.  It's going to hurt a lot when my current cat, Sonny, leaves us.  I feel for you Brun.  :hug

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

llearch n'n'daCorna


Words fail to convey the sympathy, for both of you.

Remind me sometime to tell you about the cat we had for about 17 years or more - We got her a couple of months before I turned 4. I still miss her.
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