Kryptic vs. Wild

Started by Kryptic, July 06, 2007, 08:52:12 PM

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Hah. I feel the need to write a little on my wilderness experiences already.

*Points at Avy* for the next week+, I'll be up in West Yellowstone, out in the boonies in a cabin. There's bugs, bears, and one really happy golden retriever.

This is my family reunion - so as everyone shows up today - we'll cram 50 people in two cabins and a boathouse. And you can just -feel- the family love.  :3

7/6/07 - Day I - Kryptic's wilderness experience today was rather cool. I spotted an American bison roaming around outside the cabins - and I got within 10 yards or so of it. It was sweet! The bull was basically just munching around and harassed someone's duffel bag. And we got very candid photos with it. I want to see if I can upload the one with me tonight. >,<

So, that's all from me. I thought you might all be interested. I want to see if I can spot some other wildlife around here too (besides my family) - there's wolves, mule deer, bears (though I believe they're rather rare), moose, and all sorts of furry things. Wheee!


Keep us posted, sounds like your 31 family-reunion could be quite fun!!


Make sure to kill as many as you can


Yellowstone, eh?  Hope it doesn't blow up. :P


Okies - I'm updating. It's day three now of family-reunion-ness. Joy.

Nothing really exciting happened... My dad got smothered in shaving cream and had cheetos thrown at him... I totally pwn'd at the three legged race with my cousin... But other than that, nothing.

We're going into the park in a day or two, I think. I'll have more interesting stuff then.

Animals Seen: A squirrel and one furry thing I didn't see well enough. Also a German Shepherd and a Border Collie that live in the next cabin over.

And a billion bugs.


OH OH watch out for the nuclear mosquitoes those things won't just bite you they'll also slap you and if you eat a banana you are as good as dead

this message was brought :kirby to you by the lint under my bed :kirby


It's actually more a problem of horseflies than mosquitos. But I don't like bug bites of any sort.

Wildlife Spotting: 4-5 Bald Eagles, including a nest (Nifty, Huh?), Many, many Elk. All of 'em were cows and calves though. No big ol' bulls. But I think there was one moose or bison amoung them. It was weird.

One plushie wolf I purchased in town (I named it Birch. Yay, me.), and some pelicans. There's also been several rainbow trout caught.

There's a little place in West Yellowstone I want to go, though. It's called "Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center" - they have some wolves, bears, and some birds of prey there. I soooo want to go!

Leaving tomorrow. Not sure whether I'll miss it or not. I miss my internet connection. And my bunnies.