If at first you don't succeed... [6-27-2007 #800]

Started by Cogidubnus, June 27, 2007, 01:42:44 AM

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Well said, Netrogo.
.....Dammit, don't we have a thumbs-up emote? ah well, this will have to do :peace


:mowmeep Well, Jyrras must really like falling. He must be an expert about it now ...

  8) And he must be getting a real thrill out of doing it too ... He is " The Man ", to becoming a fall guy ...
8) Just Hanging Around ...


If the fae world is where your dreams become reality, perhaps it would make some sense (in a bizarre way) for flying lessons to be composed of Freudian analysis of dreams.  Just a random thought to run up the flag pole.  Feel free to shoot it down.

By the way, in Peter Pan, it wasn't belief that enabled you to fly.  Belief kept the pixies from dying.  It was pixie dust plus happy thoughts that enabled you to fly.

Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


I like that big ice slide. :3 But I imagine it'd hurt barechested... Wait! No, I mean I imagine it wouldn't!


Let's hope Jyrras can keep from thinking the worst.  If not, well...




Attic Rat

Now, see... That's the heart of the problem, right there.
Jyrras found that he really LOVED terrifying plummets from high places.
So... that's what he's got. Until he gets tired of it.

Which would you like to be, ignorant or misled?


Jay needs a....



    :mowmeep Strong clothing may be needed when you go down the iceslide. It may not be fear he is screaming from, but pain ...

Quote from: Kenji on June 27, 2007, 11:04:15 PM
I like that big ice slide. :3 But I imagine it'd hurt barechested... Wait! No, I mean I imagine it wouldn't!
8) Just Hanging Around ...

llearch n'n'daCorna

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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



Ah, the old psychological stand-by statement.  "Now tell me about your mother"  Now the question is, is this the real Albanion, or is Nutmeg playing a prank again?


I and Netrogo believe this is the real Albanion we are seing. So far, only Terrycloth has expressed that he thinks it's Nutmeg. As far as I know, no one else has voiced their thoughts on the matter.


Quote from: Netrogo on June 27, 2007, 09:02:59 PM
Also you put your own foot in your mouth with your last line. Nutmeg's first appearence as Albanion was spot on because she was calm then. She started messing it up because she was losing her concentration/not paying attention as she talked with Mab, Jy, and Lorenda. Therefor THIS is the real Albanion no doubt.

Uh... what? Nutmeg has demonstrated the ability to look just like Albanion, therefore this can't be her looking just like Albanion? Now *that's* logic! :mowtongue

Yeah, yeah, she might have gone and gotten him off camera or something. It's not like finding out it's really Albanion would make me think the comic was inconsistent or plot-holey or anything. I just think it's more likely she just happened not to be in the frame for a couple comics and flew down to rescue him when she saw him fall.


That is not what Netrogo said. He said that Nutmeg can't nail looking like Albanion properly. Simply talking seems to make her lose focus, not to mention deliberately "falling' right beside someone while giving them the shrink act. Since this Albanion has the correct colors, we assume that it is the real Albanion.


It took her three comics to lose focus, so far this Albanion has appeared in one frame.


not to mention deliberately "falling' right beside someone while giving them the shrink act.
Don't you think that would speed things up, just a little? Talking takes very little focus. Deliberately falling whlw pretending to be a shrink, even for a Fae, would probably take a bit more. If Nutmeg is so inept at holding a form that she can't even talk for more than half a minute without starting to mess up the form, I can't imagine her being able to do this and hold a form at the same time at all.


Not as much as trying to trick someone who's going to stab you and/or deny you your chance at happiness would make you lose focus.

I mean, whoever this is, they're having fun with it -- they're not stressed at all.


Stress has absolutely nothing to do with it. This is really esentially multitasking we are talking about. From events, we know that Nutmeg sucks crap when it come to multitasking. And Nutmeg was losing the colors well before she was stabbed.



Um... that's what we've been saying the whole time... :rolleyes


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 28, 2007, 04:45:27 PM
Stress has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Stress has everything to do with it. When we've seen Nutmeg screw up -- the colors and the law -- it's because she was nervous.

Hovering in midair... that's not hard. She does that constantly anyway.

... hmm, I wonder if this Albanion is actually Mab? Mab was the one who we *know* saw Jyrass fall, after all. >:3


Nutmeg. Screwed. The. Colors. BEFORE. She. Was. Stabbed. I'll say again; Stess has no bearing whatsoever on this. It is a multitasking thing. Which Nutmeg is no good at.
And nutemg screwing up when she made the tail-law was a completely different situation. She wasn't shapeshifting, and it was public speaking. I completely fail to grasp how that relates to what we are talking about.


My guess is that Albanion is trying to distract Jyrass so that he will forget to fall, and therefore stop falling.


Quote from: AndersW on June 29, 2007, 12:44:03 AM
My guess is that Albanion is trying to distract Jyrass so that he will forget to fall, and therefore stop falling.



The thread title reminds me of an old adage: "If at first you don't succeed, blame someone else."

now personally I think the discussion on whether or not its actually Albanion or not is kinda unimportant, the direction Jyrras went on the other hand...
