The land of the free?

Started by Alondro, March 12, 2007, 11:11:23 AM

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Reese Tora


OK, that was stupid.

The company has every right to censor thier own systems, but they need to apply the censorship in a fair and impartial manner.

I think that you could go after the company as a clear case of discrimination, but you couldn't take them to court them for censoring in general;  If you won't allow one side of an argument, you can't allow the other and remain impartial.

(Completely aside, they are not allowing one group to solicit for a social club using thier mesage boards, but they are allowing the other group to say hateful things about a group that the one group is a subsection of, so one could argue that these are different things.  At least, that's what I gather from what was said in the article.  I would want more information on the messages from the other side of the argument.)
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