Time Splitters Three. The splitering

Started by Jim Halisstrad, October 28, 2006, 12:33:48 AM

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Jim Halisstrad

Single Player review.

So last week I totally played the everloving crap out of TS3.   Now I haven't a clue how multiplayer is yet because I have but one controller and I lack the funds to acquire a second one.  But single player wise it's not quite as intense  action wise as Two (never played one ;.;).  It still throws the same if not more amount of fodder at you, but it just doesn't seem as hard.  I think this is due to the fact that checkpoints are much, MUCH closer together.  And even on hard if you search hard enough you will find health and or armour every other checkpoint or so.  Unfortunately there are only 6 different time periods spread across 13 stages, but the scenery doesn't get to tedious as each area is action packed.  Weapon wise it's (IMHO) not as robust as Two was, although there is a new grenade this time around.

It's still a blast and a half however and the bosses are more interesting this time around.  There are numerous drunken guards littered about the stages.  The conversations between guards usually will crack me up (You want to wear a girls uniform?)  But by far the best thing is LESS FREAKING SPLITTER HOARDS AN NO MORE TIME CRYSTALS.  Thats right, gone are the days of snagging a crystal and running all willy nilly to the nearest portal.  This time Cortez has someone to port him personally.  Although he has a habit of running into himself, so to speak.

Which brings me to the story.  Spoiler free :o

The story is even more hooky  and unbelievable then the previous one.  This is a good thing, unless you seriously study the possibility of time travel.  They don't come anywhere close to the realm of theoretical possible. 
The cut scenes this time around are almost all comedic gold.  And the characters this time actually have a quite a bit of personality and aren't afraid to show it.  You'll get to learn neat things about some of the characters from previous games along the way.  And the main star actually comes out to be this hilariously goofy hero with lines that would have made the A team stop and go "Dude.  No."  The voice acting is a percarious mix of being just a little to over the top and freaking aw some.  "No, the red one... on the side"

All in all, I give this game an imagenary score out of another imagenary score.

But I'll tell you to rent or buy this damn game because it rocks the freaking world.


I never played Timesplitters 1. I heard Timesplitters 2 was an unofficial Goldeneye sequel, so I picked it up. I was frankly disappointed by the story. You jump into the bodies of people with zero personality. And the guy who was doing the jumping didn't get much character development beyond "Grr, I'm a tough-as-nails commando dude!"

I greatly preferred Timesplitters 3, it had a much better story. The characters had casual conversation aside from mission-based chatter, and the protagonist actually had an interesting personality. Loved the little easter-eggs you'd find in each level, from the random conversations to the visual gags. Good, entertaining challenges for multiplayer unlockables after you beat the game as well.

As for multiplayer, really reminds me of Perfect Dark with bots.
I agree, it's a great game.
Yap by Silver.


I presume you mean TimeSplitters: Future Perfect, since it was never titled TimeSplitters 3. :P

Thing I like about TS:FP is  that it actually has a semblance of a storyline and some good voice acting. Even though the guy who does Cortez does most of the lines for the characters in MP select.

Still, it's worth noting that I nearly choked on a mint when I first heard R-110's taunts in Singleplayer.


I had fun with most the game..Hope the gun totaing first person is better this time


Normally, I really, really hate first-person shooters. But I like humor, I must play anything with humor! So I went and rented the game based solely on your review. And I am most pleased! With a couple changes to the controls, it's quite enjoyable, and not too difficult either. And of course, hilarious.

Unfortunately the experience has been marred by the appearance of zombies, exemplifying perfectly why I will never play a Resident Evil game, ever, period. Not even comedy helps with that. Looks like I'll have to bring out the GameShark for this one; not so much because I need infinite health, but more because I need to know that I have infinite health so I don't lose my mind. Zombies aren't cool.


Yeah, I hate the entire haunted mansion chunk. The bosses were insanely tough for me, especially the one with the friggin' time limit. But other than that, it's a great experience.
Yap by Silver.


Only problem I have with that section is that my LCD/Plasma TV is too dark to display it, so it's very hard to make out the level. :B

Alright, so the shotgun-wielding zombies piss me off, but still... it's not that bad. :P

Jim Halisstrad

Man, I agree with you guys about the mansion.  To ease my frustration though whenever I knock a zombie head off I pick it up with the uplink and wield it as a weapon.  Zombie heads actually make pretty good decapitators, and if you are quick enough clicking the trigger button when you knock a zombie's head off you can actually grab the freshly freed head. 

Beat it on hard yesterday, reward wasn't really worth it :p

Awsome that I could point you to this game DigitalMan :3