Dr. Ink song: New and Improved!

Started by Alondro, October 19, 2006, 08:19:48 AM

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I thought it time, given the approaching holiday of darkness and all things twisted and evil, to brush off the old "How the Ink Stole Mab" song and add a few more verses.  Heh heh, and I'll have even more by Christmas.  A little revenge upon the evil Dr. for helping Charline devour me!   I thought they were bitter enemies, then I found THIS!!  *picture of Ink and Charline in the sack!*   :U  Horrible, isn't it?  Anyways, enjoy the updated song!

You're pure evil, Dr. Ink.
You're as low as low can sink!
A rotten rodent in your trousers can't hide your infernal stink, Dr. Iii-ink.
You're an un-fluffy rock-filled pillow that puts everyone's neck in a crink!

You're a monster, Dr. Ink.
Ascended from the depths of hell!
Your humor's from Halloween and your icy smile feels fell, Dr. Iii-ink.
Anyone that gets close to you has their soul sucked out into that well!

You're disgraceful, Dr. Ink,
A wolfish fox in snowy white!
Freddy Kruger shakes with terror whenever you come into sight, Dr. Iii-ink!
Next to you, Charlie Brown would feel safer with that tree that kept eating his kite!

A spectral shadow, is Dr. Ink,
He'll appear when least you know!
A needle jabs at your behind, and there's a tarnished halo's glow, from Dr. Iii-ink!
Given the choice of cubification by you and elective bowl surgery without proper anesthesia, I'd hand the surgeon a mallet and say, "Just give my head a hard blow!"

You're so naughty, Dr. Ink,
You hate joy taste in your tea.
You'd like to drink some bitter sorrow, and soak up endless misery, Dr. Iii-ink!
You took the anti-Hippocratic oath and now do as much harm to your patients as is physically possible, all while grinning with glee!

Go to blazes, Dr. Ink!
You've pulled every nasty trick.
You're a poisonous piñata to a child's whacking stick, Dr. Iii-ink!
So they actually let you become a doctor?  Thank the gods I'm not siiiiiiick! 

You're a bastard, Dr. Ink.
For who would dare claim to have sired,
The most abominable creature, by Lucifur his form inspired?  Dr. Iii-ink!
I suspect he devoured his parents from the inside out like some horrible alien parasite, their souls the first he acquired!

Abominations, by Dr. Ink,
Lurk the halls of SAIA;
Though nauseating in appearance, they're positively bright and gay, for Dr. Iii-ink!
Normally these monsters, like everyone else in Furrae , would be gay for Abel.  Dr. Ink has simply twisted their minds... in many perverted wayyyyys!
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Damn, I thought we were going to get to hear it  >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

I can fix that, if you want.

Well... I'll warn you now to keep the glasses and windows well away when you play the resultant file, though. :-)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Erf, I wish I had a microphone.  I would have sung it and let you all hear my angelic voice... which would be far more evil than anything Dr. Ink has done.  :mowtongue
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



You know Charilne....For an evil lioness...You sing about equaly as good as Fa'Lina...Scary but true people!