Started by TealOmega, July 17, 2020, 06:07:01 PM

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Admins, feel free to take this down if it's judged to be rule breaking or irrelevant. i just wanted to use this platform to put out a message for Amber. I don't know if it'll ever be read and that's OK.

It's been a terrible year for the whole world, and it's not your fault that you're suffering. Take as long a break as is needed for the sake of your health. I guarantee that most of the readers won't have a problem. The very few that will are the same entitled people I see in every comic demanding more frequent uploads. They're very much the minority and you're better off without them. At the end of the day this is your art, so prioritize your health and your happiness. Good luck, I'm rooting for you.

Rithm Alfortele

I completely agree with TealOmega on this.

Amber, right now, if all you can do is exist from day to day, then that's all you can do, and no one should blame you for that.  This is not a great year, stress is as high as it can be, and we're all dreading next year.

So with that in mind... please, take your well-deserved rest - as *long* as you need to take it.  We'll be here when you're ready to come back.


Amber, you're not the only comic artist who's gone through a period of uncertain comic updates this year! It's what you have to do sometimes. Because at the end of the day, taking care of yourself is what's most important. Anybody who blames you or gives you crap for that can sod right off. Please, take your time, and do what you have to do, everybody else can wait! <3


Sometimes life just gets to be a lot to bear, and you need to take a break to recenter yourself and let the stress float away down the river.

Take good care of yourself as you need, Amber, we'll be here for you!


Take your time and take care of yourself! 

I've said this before and I'll say it again: Your health comes first, whether it's mental, physical, or emotional. 

Am I the only person who thinks that Mr. Roboto rusts out and eventually becomes the Ironman?

No not that Ironman, the other one!


Absolutely agree to all of these. It's been a rough time lately and it hits people in a myriad of ways, including a lot of emotional and stress patterns that make it very hard for people to create. Like several people already posted the important part is to take care of yourself and take the measures you need to take to keep yourself in a healthy place. So please take any time you need and we all hope you feel better soon.

Red Phoenix

Stick in there Amber, according to Alexa Ranks, your viewership is still steadily growing even now.

At least it's not as bad as that massive hit in viewership you took from June 6th to June 13th. If you survived that and came out stronger than ever before, I'm sure you can survive this.