Interest Check for a Cryptid RP...

Started by familyghost, April 19, 2010, 10:52:22 PM

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I have an idea for a RP based around captive Cryptids (cryptozoological creatures for those who don't know) set in a secret mountain base where tons of bizarre creatures are kept until they break free and the guards struggle to hold the onslaught of powerful and strange creatures back until backup can arrive to push the creatures back.  That just one side though as the creatures are not just mindless beasts (for the most part) and are actively doing everything to escape and sabotage the guards at every possible turn.  I have a brief intro if anyone is interested.  As for what creatures I would allow... the field is pretty much open to anything but advanced aliens and any creatures capable of teleporting as well as mutant humans.

So who's interested?   :)


And "cryptozoological" means mythical or legendary, for those who don't know that (I didn't).

Hmm, might not be my cup of tea (then again, I said that about the Dungeon RP), but I think I can see there being some interest for this...would there be PCs on both sides, the guards and the cryptids?


Ugh... I knew I should have just put legendary beasts...  Thanks techmaster.

and yeah both sides would be competing against each other with at least one or two StoryTeller controlled (me) creatures hunting everyone else.


So here's half of the intro, just somethign else to provoke interest.  And yes this colonel is highly inspired by Colonel Quaritch of Avatar.


Several men and women file into a non-descript room in an even less descriptive building.  There they stand at attention and soon a man in urban combat fatigues walks in from a door near the south.  He commands instant attention with a scared, one eyed face.  He looks carefully over the men and women, eying them as a connoisseur would judge a work of art.  Then in a great bark he yells. 


The men and women snap to attention and he continues.

"The world is filled with various creatures of all shapes and sizes and we discover new species everyday, much to the ignorance of the public.  We are the men and women of the Cryptid Restrain and Containment branches of all world governments.  We were established to hunt down, contain and if need be destroy the monsters of the world.  Welcome to the ranks soldiers.  I am Colonel Robert Tonnenden and I am the man in charge here."  His single good eye rolls over several recruits.  "You are here because you have seen, heard or persisted in pursuing something of the cryptozoolalogical field, or you have pissed someone very important off.  Your job here will be containment in the glorified zoo and the security of the researchers.  That being said, welcome to your new home.  You get sixty days of requested off time, don't spend it all at once."

The group smiles knowingly.

"You think I'm joking."  The colonel smiles as he looks to several guards.  "Bring in the little guy."

The guards look warily as they open a well hidden door and quickly step to the side.  Within seconds of the door opening a  creature about the size of a small child comes rushing out towards the group, but is stopped dead by a chain.  The group gasps as they watch the small creature, covered in matted gray hair claw and spit at them.

"This little demon is what we here like to call a 'goblin'."  The colonel smiles.  "There are bigger and meaner the lower down you get and the worst you ain't never gonna see.   Respect them still.  Now I'm gonna go ahead and let the sergeants who're probably laughin' their asses off come in and assign you all your duties.  Before I go though, any questions?"

One meek looking soldier raises his hand.

"Go ahead son." The colonel nods.

"Are there aliens here?" He asks, hoping not to get laughed at.

"Oh yeah, but you ain't got to worry about them."  The Colonel laughs.  "Their in the lowest level, and no they ain't technologically advanced, they are beasts."

Another hand goes up. 

"What are the chances of containment failure?"

"On a single containment cell, about five percent."  The Colonel smiles confidently.  "Anything more doesn't happen."

"Sir?" The soldier asks.

"Anything more and we have failed." The colonel says as he turns to leave. 

In the ranks the soldier looks next to him, to his partner and smiles darkly.  A plan has begun to weave itself into the CRC containment lab in the Appalachian Mountains.


Here now do I say I express interest in this roleplay. :U

A few questions, what are some pros and cons to the different sides? What level of containment could player characters be: i.e. minimal, moderate, or 'lower levels' grade dangerous? Technology-wise, are we talking future, near future, or present levels?



Well the pros and cons would follow something similar like this.

Humans (guards, researchers)-
-Have passcodes to lock or unlock doors
-Start with basic weapons (Assualt Rifle and sidearm for guard, Tranq gun/rifle for researcher)
-Guards get light to medium armor
-Can sabotage main exits to seal cryptid (and possibly allies) in lower levels
-upon reaching armory stores can choose a new weapon (can only have 2 at a time) or equip new armor.
-Lack night vision or other extra senses.
-Fragile in comparison to a good deal of cryptids
-Vulnerable to ambushes when not in groups

-Various types of natural defenses and offenses.
-Various levels of intelligence (from simple beast minds to Human level intelligence)
-Can locate alternate escape routes
-Can go it alone or help other cryptids
-Very few can use guard weapons (must be humanoid with higher level intelligence)
-Are under constant threat from either other cryptids or guards

Various things like that.   Time period  this sort of near future (maybe 5 years from now) with some funky weapons derived to contain or eliminate cryptids.  As for how containment levels go there are 4 levels.

Level 1 are the non-aggressive cryptids (can still be dangerous if threatened).  Example: Supposed extinct Glyptodon

Level 2 holds aggressive and low to mid level intelligent cryptids.  Example- Goblins are here. 

Level 3 hold all cryptids with high to human level intelligence with mid to high level aggression.  Example: The Jurassic Park 3 Raptors would be held here.

Level 4 hold the cryptids refereed to as  "Monsters"; ultimately aggressive and/or definite human level intelligence and sapience.  Level 4 is essentially a prison for cryptids that could replace humanity if left to populate.  Example: Djinn and other elementals are held here.

I would determine a cryptid's placement by reading their character sheet.  I would expect most people to be in the range of level 2-3, maybe a few 1's or 4's.  Not to many though.


Coolio. Do you have a template for character sheets or should applying players wing it?


Presumably, he'll put up the template if he gets enough interest to start the real OOC thread... ;)


Right now I'm still making my guide map for it so I don't get lost as to where people would be.  Given enough interest I'll post it in a proper sign up topic.

--Sidenote: Stope beating me to responses Techmaster    :)




So I've just finished making a bare bones layout for my use.  So i figured I'd add some more bait to the hook as guards and researchers can pickup some special containment type weapons that are meant to knock out, not kill cryptids.  Each has it's own strengths and weaknesses.  first up...

Dart Taser-  A large battery pack held on the hip powers a small spear with an electrical coil.  the spear pierces medium strength natural armor.  Can potentially kill weaker cryptids and humans.

Sonic Pulse cannon- Powerful sonic blasts drive back and possibly stun cryptids.  Can potentially kill if turned to max power.  Power setting ranges from 1 (Stuns Goblins en masse) to 10 ( holds back "The Big One", just barely.

Gas Mines- Uses powerful tranquilizers to drop most cryptids where they stand (Ineffective against anything over 600 Pounds), Can be placed almost anywhere and sticks to most surfaces.  Tranquilizers are powerful enough to kill humans who breathe in to much (30 secs exposure will knock a human unconscious).



Firstly. Is the main focus here on "player versus player" action? How much actual cooperative/collaborative RPing would there be?

Secondly. Would we be allowed to keep the juicy details of our critter/guard secret from the other participants?

Thirdly. Is it weird for me to be showing interest in this when I'm the one running the Deathtrap Dungeon RP...?


Well sort of yeah, I mean the humans want to keep the Cryptids in, the Cryptids (for the most part) want out.  I'm not ruling out the possibility of a human helping a cryptid or visa versa but for the most part it'd be PvP with a little PVE (I'll have plenty of NPC Cryptid and Guards to throw at the players.

As for secrets, Cryptids would have a harder time keeping something secret, but if you want to submit one that is mysterious I'd take a look at it, just PM it to me.  Humans have it a bit easier, since there are no scientists prodding into their lives, again though if you want secrets I would accept a PM'd application.

And no it's not weird, i just hope that if you do apply you would be able to maintain yourself in both.


Quote from: familyghost on April 20, 2010, 06:53:34 PM
--Sidenote: Stope beating me to responses Techmaster    :)

He does that.

A lot.

I've got two or three character ideas buzzing in my head... So, call me interested.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Cool... I'm thinking I might just make the signup topic soon and let ti fly from there.  I usually do small RPs (4-8 people) so this shows enough to start from me.  might take a bit for that though.