JAVGW - Play It War Results and Bonus Play Poll

Started by Balade, January 27, 2010, 01:54:44 PM

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Which game do you want for your bonus play!

Batman: Arkham Asylum
2 (10.5%)
Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure
3 (15.8%)
Sly Cooper Series
3 (15.8%)
Ratchet & Clank Series
1 (5.3%)
Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
2 (10.5%)
Katamari Forever
0 (0%)
Final Fantasy 7
2 (10.5%)
Crimson Skies
6 (31.6%)
Dead Rising
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 18

Voting closed: January 30, 2010, 01:54:44 PM


Well all the results are in, you can find the final tallies and information over at http://www.javgw.com/playitwar.php suffice it to say DoA Xtreme 2 won by a landslide, with a total of 880 minutes for you guys to look foward to. I'm starting to work out when and how I plan to start doing that, it won't be part of the main webcast it'll be an extra i work out untill i complete the 880 minutes of play. On that note weve picked 9 candidates for the Bonus play game, since we have over 24 hours of bonus play we decided to throw in a few series.

We'll take the top 3 winners and do another poll to decide the bonus play game.

More Info:
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Rhapsody A Musical Adventure
Sly Cooper Series
Ratchet & Clank Series
Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
Katamari Forever
Final Fantasy 7
Crimson Skies
Dead Rising


Heh, heh, "Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure," I've actually played that game. Pretty fun too. :eager


Oh, man... decisions, decisions... "Lets Plug Disney", or "Someone Kill Me Now the Musical"... suggestions anyone?
Heroic adventuring at the speed of slow.
Never mistake kindness as a sign of weakness.
Not a complete idiot, parts missing.

Dropping Proeliator from the name was way overdue.

Avi by Tabi



DEAD RISING!... because Balade in a shopping mall full of random stuff, and zombies would be glorious...

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


My evil plan foiled. Heh. I should know no amount of art can composate for tits. Should've just offered pictures. XD HAR!

Hmmm... I was originally going to vote for Batman, but I've always wanted to see a Sly Cooper game. He looks very cool.


Huh, that Crimson Skies trailer is wierd...looks like it's for some beta version of the game.

But yes. Crimson Skies, an great arcade flight game with some really cool things not seen in that trailer. The characters are funny (the cutscenes are of exceedingly good quality for an Xbox launch title), it's got a decent plot, and of course, the planes. Lots of cool planes, with the coolest perhaps being the one featured in the trailer, and the main character's signature plane; the Devastator. It's cool because it's basically a backwards biplane.

Vote Crimson Skies! :O Lots of planes and zepplins that do unusual things!

(I will take note that Mechassault 2 is not on that list...I thought it was acknowledged that two other people seconded it, as was asked for? I thought I heard one of the casters confirm it...but oh well, as I mentioned on the cast, I didn't think it would win anyway, just wanted to throw it up there. Oh well.)

EDIT: here is a gamespot review I found looking through the videos. From looking at these videos, I now think there's actually an older PC version of Crimson Skies, and that's what the video balade has up is about.


Yeah.. shouldn't be too much of a mystery as to what I'd like to see played... >.>   

<.<  *coughdisneyallthewaycough*


Quote from: wuffnpuff on January 27, 2010, 07:49:17 PM
Yeah.. shouldn't be too much of a mystery as to what I'd like to see played... >.>   

<.<  *coughdisneyallthewaycough*

I smell a sing alooooong
