[WRITING] The Forsaken Era

Started by Roach Lord, November 30, 2009, 12:13:28 AM

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Roach Lord

I made an Text-RPG a while back based off a story plot I put together. Well, I finally decided to write the story. Here is the introduction, If you want a reference on small things that could pop up in the story, go ahead and use the RPG thread (http://forums.deletionquality.net/showthread.php?t=8522). Alright? I'm gonna try and update around weekly. Heres the intro.

PS I posted this on another forum, so the RPG link, is a link to the RPG on THAT forum. The reason? I've been on that forum a lot longer.

The young cat watched emotionlessly as the old wolf woman was being separated from her truck, yelping when a uniformed Arcanian canine grabbed her muzzle and tore her from the driver's seat. She cried as her body united with the savannah and the other two Arcanians beat her with the butts of their rifles. The feline walked forward, toward the rabble, the three Arcanians made no attempt to stop him, he ceased a foot from the old wolfs bruised and bloodied head, likewise the two Arcanians desisted their fun. The wolf looked up at him, tears and blood covering her gray old face, her eyes pleading for help or mercy. The cat smiled, not a cruel or evil smile, but a sweet one. He reached down and tenderly gripped her paw, helping her to her feat. The old wolf stared into his hazel eyes, thanking him with her own. The cat stared back at her, his gaze sweet and tender. He placed his hands on the sides of her face, holding her head forward. She made no attempt to move, the feline's caring stare holding her in a peaceful trance. In one moment, the world around the old wolf seemed to be in complete silence and peace; her life was moving happily through her mind. The cubs, long dead, playing healthfully in the den, her husband holding her in a warm and caring embrace. Then, in another moment, nothing. Her thoughts had turned dark, her breathing had ceased, and her body had fallen in the long savannah grass.   
"You could've just smashed her skull while she was down, instead of wastin' precious time helpin' her up and then breakin' her neck." Said the Arcanian German Sheppard who was now sitting in the driver's seat of the truck, he was going through papers and files that were in the glove compartment. He looked over at the white furred cat, whom was no longer there. "Jesse? Where'd you go?"

"Right next to you, ya twit."Jesse said, his feet on the dashboard and rear in the passenger seat. "I figured it would be faster to kill her peacefully than to let the twins rape her old ass seventy times and beat her to death."

"How kind of you." The dog said sarcastically, he looked over at the old wolf corpse to see the twins raiding her body. "HEY! You worthless slugs better get your asses into gear or I'm gonna sell your pointless kitty hides, got it!?"

"But sir! 'Dis bitch 'as a gold watch! See?" One of the goons held up a small shiny object.

"Does it look like I give two shits!? Get in the back of this mother fuckin' truck, before I rip the damn ears off your hollow skulls!"

Both of the Arcanians gulped and rushed to the vehicle. Once the dog heard the two lumps jump into the back of the truck, he pressed down on the gas and did a u-turn. The truck drove smoothly over the grass, and soon left the savannah behind for the endless, dry and hard, dirt.

"Were we right?" Jesse asked suddenly. The dog smiled and chuckled happily at the chance to answer the question.

"Yep. This truck is a gold mine; it's got documents, manuscripts, maps, records, supplies, uniforms, guns, and much more. All for the heretics." The dogs chuckling turned into laughter. "With a catch like this, they'll have to promote us, we'll finally be able to leave those two boneheads behind."

"Hm. A bit of a shame, I was starting to like those two, even though they're dimwits." Jesse, who was cleaning his claws, stopped. He looked through the back window to see the twins playing bloody knuckles, their knuckles actually bleeding. He shook his head slightly and stared out the windshield, a sigh escaping his lips.

"The base is in sight" The dog said, still smiling at their good fortune. The base was really just a tunnel that led to a monstrous canine-constructed underground cavern, it used to be a home to maybe hundreds of canines, but the Empire of Arcane got their greedy paws on it, and turned it into an army facility. There were soldier rooms, with plenty of bunks, a slop house, the war room, offices, and more. Five tank-sized platforms surrounded the tunnel entrance on each side; there was also plenty of barbed wire surrounding the area, along with a sniper tower behind the entrance. The dog stopped the truck at by a few guards, who checked their IDs and retinas, then allowed them to pull the truck to the first platform on the right side of the entrance. The German Sheppard turned the truck off as the platform started to lower them through the ground and into the cavern. Once it had reached the floor the four Arcanians emptied out of the truck. An old Tiger, an Arcanian general, approached them as they all lined up by the truck and put their arms to their sides, stiffened their bodies, and put their chins up. When the general had reached them he nodded and they all relaxed. The five Arcanians stood there for well over a second until the general pulled out a 500 Magnum from the holster behind him and shot one of the twins point blank between the eyes. The other goon didn't get a chance to react before he too had a hole in his forehead. Both their bodies laid next to each other in silence, no more stupidity, brutality, or any other of their traits, no more bloody knuckles or other stupid games, they were now nothing more than rotting flesh and bone, bleeding on the cavern floor. Neither Jesse nor the dog reacted to the murder of their old partners. The gunshot may have echoed throughout the entire cavern, but no one bothered to take a look, or show any concern at all. The general holstered the Magnum and used his paw to signal a couple Canines to approach.

"Okay.  Jesse, Mac, c'mon." The old tiger led the two down the cavern, while the canines began cleaning the mess that had been two twin brothers. The general, Mac, and Jesse had arrived to an office door at the far wall of the cavern; a guard opened the door for the three to enter and closed it behind them. They were now in the well-lit office, with a table and five chairs, two one side, three on the other. There was already and old black cat male and a cheetah female, both generals, sitting in two of the three chairs, the tiger occupied the third. Mac and Jesse took the two chairs on the opposite side.

"Alright." The old black cat began with a sigh, "Give me a detailed report, and it better be good."