08/30/09 [DMFA #1038] - Someone ask for a cute hostess?

Started by Lisky, August 30, 2009, 12:20:16 AM

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Quote from: Kitesfear on August 31, 2009, 01:56:23 AM
You know, the proper response to an ambush(ie, 'trap') is, in general, to locate it's center and assault it directly, as vigorously as possible, with the aim of driving your way through. Turn the tables on the enemy and transform a defencive situation into an offencive one.

Those poor, confused adventurers.
Yes, that worked so well for Lieutenant Colonel Custer at the Little Big Horn.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 02, 2009, 06:08:39 AM
What, you thought I didn't read the article?
Actually yeah, I kinda did...since your phrasing sounded like people suing to get money for their OWN stupidity, which, while common, is nowhere near what happened.  Why do you feel that the children who were beaten are stupid for bringing a lawsuit against the organization that was charged with protecting them, but failed?
In addition, not "Alleged".  Rita was convicted in 2000, it just took this long for the kids to reach 18 and be able to hire their own lawyers.
/yes, this threadjack has also become a test of llearch's reading comprehension skills


When this discussion turned to Neil & Lerner Report. Lets talk about the important stuff like how sexy Abel is as a hottie gal. I love it keep up the great comedy  :giggle


This whole thread can be summed up with 4 words.

"Words words words words!"
Help! I'm gay!

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: ishidan on September 02, 2009, 01:23:58 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 02, 2009, 06:08:39 AM
What, you thought I didn't read the article?
Actually yeah, I kinda did...since your phrasing sounded like people suing to get money for their OWN stupidity, which, while common, is nowhere near what happened.  Why do you feel that the children who were beaten are stupid for bringing a lawsuit against the organization that was charged with protecting them, but failed?
In addition, not "Alleged".  Rita was convicted in 2000, it just took this long for the kids to reach 18 and be able to hire their own lawyers.
/yes, this threadjack has also become a test of llearch's reading comprehension skills

Interesting. Where in the article did it say she was convicted in 2000? Of offenses that, according to the article, occurred between September 2000 and February 2005?

My point, however, was that the article, while damning, tends to slip between alleged activities and outright fabrication, with no clear line of the difference between the two.

While the court files are acceptable, and I'm not going to suggest that the people in question aren't guilty as sin, the article is poorly, and sensationally, worded.

The stupid people I had in mind were the lawyers, however. Stupid in intention, not ability. The children probably deserve at least some compensation; how much, I leave to the courts to decide. But I'll admit to some bias, here; the antics of people on the other side of the world are hardly a suitable subject for my ire, and yet, ire there is. So my words may have been less than fully considered...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Kitesfear on August 31, 2009, 03:03:35 PM

Oh, hes commuincatnig, insofar aas h'es susseccfully convayed hiss intneded maening, witch is teh coar principal of langauge.

Hee's jus, ya knwo, riting in an "partickularly crood dialeck." Stil, perfeckly undrestandable. :D
Fixed your un-typos.

"Okay, I want you to go out there...and hit the pace car!"
"Hit the pace car!?!"
"Cause you hit every other damn thing out there, I want you to be PERFECT!"
---Robert Duvall criticizes Tom Cruise's driving skills, Days of Thunder


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 02, 2009, 07:20:09 PM
Interesting. Where in the article did it say she was convicted in 2000? Of offenses that, according to the article, occurred between September 2000 and February 2005?

Hm?  *reads again*  ah, you are correct.  Her sentence began in January, she was convicted in 2008 of crimes committed in 2000-2005.  Very good catch!
Where is the outright fabrication, then, since I'm apparently missing that as well.
I will say that bringing up Allen Makekau about charges filed in 1953 is sensationalism, though...what does that have to do with anything, beats me.  But how's your 'depths to where humans will sink' meter, eh...

Ted Schiller

So, will Dan walk in on an adventurer and a transformed Abel?   :rolleyes

With regards,

PS  I am prepared to utterly deny I ever posted this.  :)


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this yet, but...

Would the adventurers checking for traps use a Spot check?

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


Well, I was reading the backlog on this page of the thread to get a handle on what the general topic of conversation was, but apparently it is either random, or utterly tangential. I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that Abel is probably just yanking Dan's chain. Though, it would be interesting to see where Amber might actually take this concept.

Also, I'd hit that... really I would! Okay, obligatory guy statement made. Hmm, I can't seem to form a cogent argument... must be the music I'm listening to distracting me. Curse you A Flock Of Seagulls! Curse you!!!! You were TOO awesome!


I see your 'Flock of Seagulls' and raise you 'The Smiths'.


llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: bradley535 on September 03, 2009, 11:24:15 AM
I see your 'Flock of Seagulls' and raise you 'The Smiths'.


It's 'A Flock of Seagulls' Seeing you 'The Smiths' I counter raise you Gordon Lightfoot.


I counter raise your Gordon Lightfoot for AC/DC and Kid Rock




I see nobody seemed to notice that Dan's crotch is draw differently in that one panel...

*Look back past comics*
No wait, those "packages" pants been like that for weeks, i guess i noticed since even THAT been drawn differently for Abellette  :kirby


Quote from: Naldru on September 02, 2009, 12:37:56 PM
Quote from: Kitesfear on August 31, 2009, 01:56:23 AM
You know, the proper response to an ambush(ie, 'trap') is, in general, to locate it's center and assault it directly, as vigorously as possible, with the aim of driving your way through. Turn the tables on the enemy and transform a defencive situation into an offencive one.

Those poor, confused adventurers.
Yes, that worked so well for Lieutenant Colonel Custer at the Little Big Horn.

It may be my dirty mind, but I saw that as packed full of innuendo.
Someone will remember you, sometime.
Just try and sleep with the music on, all the time.
Well I'm sorry kid, tonight you sleep outside.


Quote from: R!P on September 03, 2009, 09:45:19 PM
I see nobody seemed to notice that Dan's crotch is draw differently in that one panel...

*Look back past comics*
No wait, those "packages" pants been like that for weeks, i guess i noticed since even THAT been drawn differently for Abellette  :kirby

... Holy Flying Cow of Benzene! He's right!

Dan's hot for girl Abel!! Oh that's awesome. I'm really hoping the update keeps girl Abel, this can have some real humour value.


As far as spell checkers picking the wrong word, well, I dun need help with that.

Substitution typo - and when sufficiently distracted and/or tired, I've been known to occasionally type entire, semi-coherent sentences unrelated to what I had in mind.

Can be quite strange. Very RAMish.

Quote from: Naldru on September 02, 2009, 12:37:56 PM
Quote from: Kitesfear on August 31, 2009, 01:56:23 AM
You know, the proper response to an ambush(ie, 'trap') is, in general, to locate it's center and assault it directly, as vigorously as possible, with the aim of driving your way through. Turn the tables on the enemy and transform a defencive situation into an offencive one.

Those poor, confused adventurers.
Yes, that worked so well for Lieutenant Colonel Custer at the Little Big Horn.

Well, yes, a proper ambush offers no escape.

But, in general, if you're ambushed and can't disengage(and if they're competent, can find good ground and bring adequate forces, and are not unlucky, you won't be able to without being murdered), assaulting through* their center is probably your best bet for survival.

*through being key - unless you can turn the tables, you still want to escape to fight another day - your best bet under most circumstances just happens to be counter-intuitive.

Quote from: Ted Schiller on September 03, 2009, 01:28:25 AM
So, will Dan walk in on a cross-dressing adventurer and a transformed Abel in bed together?   :rolleyes

With regards,



Quote from: Kitesfear on September 05, 2009, 03:41:42 AM
As far as spell checkers picking the wrong word, well, I dun need help with that.

Substitution typo - and when sufficiently distracted and/or tired, I've been known to occasionally type entire, semi-coherent sentences unrelated to what I had in mind.
I got drunk last night and drunk-typed all over facebook.  It was apparently quite spectacular. 
Also, http://xkcd.com/604/


Quote from: ishidan on September 05, 2009, 04:10:55 AM
Quote from: Kitesfear on September 05, 2009, 03:41:42 AM
As far as spell checkers picking the wrong word, well, I dun need help with that.

Substitution typo - and when sufficiently distracted and/or tired, I've been known to occasionally type entire, semi-coherent sentences unrelated to what I had in mind.
I got drunk last night and drunk-typed all over facebook.  It was apparently quite spectacular. 
Also, http://xkcd.com/604/

link me up so I could read it.


Quote from: ishidan on September 05, 2009, 04:10:55 AM
I got drunk last night and drunk-typed all over facebook.  It was apparently quite spectacular. 
Also, http://xkcd.com/604/

I don't have the excuse of talking while I type, and I don't drink, so none there, either.

It's just typos indeed firestorm the tangent triangulation atomic tertiary happens upon - fortunately, the big ones are easy to spot, it's the little ones that sneak through.


Quote from: ShiningShadow on September 05, 2009, 09:27:49 AM
link me up so I could read it.
No...but I've gone in and printed it to .pdf.  Can somebody give me a host for it?
