*claws eyes out*

Started by Nino, July 19, 2006, 05:33:52 AM

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I like how the hair came out in this one. I guess. I don't know. Vector art takes so long it makes me want to kill the entire cast of OC, and possibly Laguna Beach if need be.

The character actually has a story to her, because I was thinking about possibly making a webcomic. Basically she is some sort of angel... yeah yeah yeah, I havn't put a whole lot of thought into it, at least with her character. Basically I just wanted to see if I could do a decent picture of a furry and thought up some random character that I may or may not use even if I actually do end up ever doing a comic.

I'm going to bed.


Link's busted (has the end of quotes on it), but the image is SHIT HOT!

Great job.


Quote from: Netami on July 19, 2006, 05:34:29 AM
Link's busted (has the end of quotes on it), but the image is SHIT HOT!

Great job.

Holy crap I fixed that five SECONDS after I posted it... geez that was a quick response!

Haha, and oh yeah... thanks!


Whoa...that is awesome! O_O

Excellent job!


Nice style  :mowsmile
good job ^_^ horrendously good.


Wow, that's frikin' awesome man!  Love your style. :D


 D: Bunny!!!  :bunny She's so cute!  :3

Unholy Chronus

Quote from: Kattuccino on July 19, 2006, 05:35:51 AM
Quote from: Netami on July 19, 2006, 05:34:29 AM
Link's busted (has the end of quotes on it), but the image is SHIT HOT!

Great job.

Holy crap I fixed that five SECONDS after I posted it... geez that was a quick response!

Haha, and oh yeah... thanks!

Yeah that guy's really a seriously crazy 10 ninjas.

And by the way:
Really awesome!!!
I love it.


Thanks peeps =D

Oh yeah, and when I say angel, I don't mean as in DMFA angel.


*envies* beautiful work...

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


That's awesome! What program do you use for the vector art? I've always wanted to try it, but didn't know if Photoshop had the option.


Looks way spiffy. I like the colors and bunnys are just cute!

Quote from: Clara E. Leet on July 19, 2006, 05:15:29 PM
That's awesome! What program do you use for the vector art? I've always wanted to try it, but didn't know if Photoshop had the option.

Sorry to butt in but Adobe Illustrator is sort of like the mirror of Photoshop for vector. I think.. If that makes sence.. Photoshop being the raster program and Illustrator being the Vector. You use Corel.. Uhh. Paint? Corel Draw is Vector too I think. (Corel does have a vector program, if its draw or not I am a little fuzzy but we used to use Corel and Illustrator at the one place I used to work)


Quote from: Wildy on July 19, 2006, 08:39:16 PM
Looks way spiffy. I like the colors and bunnys are just cute!

Quote from: Clara E. Leet on July 19, 2006, 05:15:29 PM
That's awesome! What program do you use for the vector art? I've always wanted to try it, but didn't know if Photoshop had the option.

Sorry to butt in but Adobe Illustrator is sort of like the mirror of Photoshop for vector. I think.. If that makes sence.. Photoshop being the raster program and Illustrator being the Vector. You use Corel.. Uhh. Paint? Corel Draw is Vector too I think. (Corel does have a vector program, if its draw or not I am a little fuzzy but we used to use Corel and Illustrator at the one place I used to work)

Haha, well I'm too cheap to actually BUY a program for art, or a scanner for that matter (though my parents have one, since I havn't actually ever taken any art classes, I can't draw worth crap... thus most of my lineart, inculding the one for this peice, is done with a mouse).

I use a program called Paint.NET: http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/paint.net/ It's awesome. I've actually used Illustrator in C++ class when I had gotten my work done early, and I hadn't found it nearly as easy to use.

Best of all... wait for it... it's FREEWARE! And it doesn't have any spy/adware bundled with it, which you always have to look out for when downloading free stuff. It's funny though; my boyfriend is the one who told me about it, and he doesn't do graphics at all... all the graphic artists I know havn't even heard of it.

Edit: Though the downside is that it doesn't save the individual vectors (once one is placed it can't be reselected), meaning it doesn't scale nearly as neatly... but I still like it better than Illustrator.

Paladin Sheppard

Looks really good Kattuccino!


Quote from: Wildy on July 19, 2006, 08:39:16 PM
Looks way spiffy. I like the colors and bunnys are just cute!

Quote from: Clara E. Leet on July 19, 2006, 05:15:29 PM
That's awesome! What program do you use for the vector art? I've always wanted to try it, but didn't know if Photoshop had the option.

Sorry to butt in but Adobe Illustrator is sort of like the mirror of Photoshop for vector. I think.. If that makes sence.. Photoshop being the raster program and Illustrator being the Vector. You use Corel.. Uhh. Paint? Corel Draw is Vector too I think. (Corel does have a vector program, if its draw or not I am a little fuzzy but we used to use Corel and Illustrator at the one place I used to work)

Painter doesn't have vector stuff o.o


Quote from: Kattuccino on July 19, 2006, 09:45:55 PMI can't draw worth crap... thus most of my lineart, inculding the one for this peice, is done with a mouse).
That's even more amazing! :eek


Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on July 20, 2006, 02:56:43 AM
Quote from: Kattuccino on July 19, 2006, 09:45:55 PMI can't draw worth crap... thus most of my lineart, inculding the one for this peice, is done with a mouse).
That's even more amazing! :eek

Haha, thanks. I've been doodling on the computer since I was in 4th grade, so I guess I kind of got used to it (though my proportions are always off in some way no matter what because I don't know how nor want to know how to use those blasted circles). And actually... I still use the same mouse too. It's the most awesome thing because it's not jiggly at all, like a lot of the new ones. Sadly it does not have a scrolly thingy in the middle... ah well. </deviation>


Very nice! :D

Don't think I have mentioned it but the adoptables you've made are great too.  :mowcookie
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King Of Hearts

Yes, yes, yes lovely... You have quite a good eye for color.

...so soft.


Quote from: King Of Hearts on July 20, 2006, 04:47:51 AM
Yes, yes, yes lovely... You have quite a good eye for color.

...so soft.

Funny you mentioned that, because I've changed the colors of this character ike twenty times. First she was a bright redhead with a green skirt, and a brown skirt, then I changed her hair color to chestnut, then carroty orange, then blonde, then finally to the color it is now. The fur I changed from purple to pink to brown to yellow then back to purple, only a lighter shade. And I don't even remember how many times I changed the color of the clothes, and because I didn't do them in seperate layers it was such a pain every time.

So you have no idea how happy you just made me just by saying that.

And thanks Itos, I'm glad you like my adoptables too. I feel really stupid because I didn't know there was an art board so I posted them in the main DMFA discussion section... and no one said anything (but I know you all were thinking that I'm a big newbie... admit it =P).


The colors are awesome, so you don't have to worry about that.  As for posting the adoptables in the DMFA section, it was probably best since all the characters are from DMFA, anyway.