Aravni (Post sheet in your opening post)

Started by seru, June 17, 2008, 09:30:13 PM

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You look upon you instructor, a man in his prime, his eyes a cool green, and his hair a hazel brown. The wind caught the ponytail and robe he wore, blowing them towards the east. He looks at you, and begins to speak.

"The way of the sword... it is only a profession, true? No. It is everything. We are the people of Aravni; we can call forth the Spirit of the Sword. The powers within the Sword depend on the sword itself. A well-forged blade is Powerful, and it's spirits many, while a Sword that has rusted is weak, and may not even have a spirit left. While a Katana may have powers of Grace, a Claymore would be destructive in nature. A Blade forged with Flamestone would unleash flaming attacks, where as one forged with Angelstone would unleash the powers of Him above.

The Sword is a valued weapon among Aravni, for it is the sign of nobility. Only Nine Smiths are authorized to forge the Revered Blades. Each changed his or her last or first name to that of their specialty. Many of them have forsaken the company of others, to refine their abilities to that of a divine forger.

To carry a sword without the position of Sword Knight is to die lest you are an Apprentice to one. And Even then, to use the Spirit of the sword is to invite the wrath of the blade itself. There is a tale of a man who was neither an apprentice nor knight. He invoked the power of a Katana named Muramasa. It slew his foe, then buried itself within his stomach, and drank his blood. That blade is now held in the hands of Marquis Elision, the Pirate of Hell."

He spoke again, telling you an oft known piece of history.

"There are Nine Smiths, as it has been told before.

Lana Claymore
Velthin Zweihander
Arcus Longsword
Eljin Rapier
Selus Saber
Meifus Cutlass
Masa Katana
Ferich Falchion
Scizen Scimitar"

He begins to sniffle slightly, and eventually began to cry as he continued.
"It is told that the Marquis Elision was not always a Pirate. They tell of a time when he wielded a noble Longsword, but when he found the Katana Muramasa, he turned his back upon the way of his Heavenly Blade, the Sword of the Heavens, Skycrasher, and turned to the Blade of Hell, Muramasa. His ship, the Acheron, is the terror of the seas. It preys upon Merchant ships, and any other that enters the waters unguarded. It is said a crew of Demons accompany him, and that he is a Graceful man among Hellish Fiends.

His sword was the work of a rogue smith, who was once a student of Masa, and as such, it became an evil blade. It is forged with three stones. Devilstone, Darkstone, and Doomstone, all of which give the wielder immense demonic power, in exchange for having to bathe the blade in the blood of Humans once a day.

The Lord above blessed Skycrasher, the blade of the heavens. And forged of Angelstone, Lumagem, and Rainbowstone, and the holy Orichalcum metal, in contrast to the Befoul Vemethist that Muramasa was born of, and it's dark sacrament by the fiend below.

Arcus gave his own blood to the god above, as a sign of penance, and was willing to sacrifice his life, when Iehova was moved, and sent forth his Marshall, Prince Michael, to give him the Orichalcum to be used to defeat the Foul Muramasa. Forged with the assistance of Michael, and his cohort Gabriel, the three made the holy blade, and swore to destroy Muramasa. They chose a champion to present it to, hoping he would be able to break the evil blade, but they mistook the weakness of humans.

Elision found and smote the holder of the evil blade, but when he held the Skycrasher high, was seduced by the evil sword, and took it's hilt, becoming the feared Pirate of Hell. Skycrasher has been presumed destroyed, but we do not know. It is rumored that there is times when he spares all but one of the sailors he overtakes, and merely takes their goods. We pray that it is Skycrasher fighting to retake its champion.

We pray also for the soul of Elision, for he was once a noble lord over his demnse of Limbress. He was known to have given the people a voice, and to have ensured they were cared for. All were given a fair trial, and he had the most Sword Knight's ever to be recorded. All of them were loyal, and when he received the holy blade, he made it his quest to destroy Muramasa. It is said the Silver Knight no longer sleeps, for he has failed in his quest."

He stops crying, and looks into your eyes, holding his hand in a gesture of friendship.

"Please, noble Student, welcome to your last days in the academy of Limbress, come, let us begin your final rites, so you may take up a blade, and go on your path. May it lead you to the heights of the Seraph's Peak, where the fabled Angel Knight rests for eternity, or to the Acheron, to join Elision, it is your path. Sleep well tonight, for it may be the last time you sleep in these walls."

The Sheets need a name, the weapon you use, appearence, and personality. This is Freeform.


...Huh? :confused

So...what's the focus of this RP again?


Whatever the party is interested in. It's a Freeform RP.

And please stop clutering my thread with OOC, I am of the mind to think Sacred lands died because I let people walk all over it and me.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


there was something like this about a year about but it became the castle.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey



OOC will be put up if this thread gets off the ground.

And I don't really care if anything similar to this has been done. This is an original Idea of mine, and I want to see it work. If your not going to join, please stop filling the thread, it is incredibly annoying. And discouraging to others.