
Started by Dakata, May 02, 2008, 07:46:54 PM

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School's almost over (For now :c) and our favorite kinds of tests are coming up. Whoo.

When're you high-schoolers/college-folk taking your exams? (I think college students take exams around now...)
What do you think you'll get on them?
When're your finals/When's your last day of school?
What grades do you have right now?

I'm taking mine in early June, don't know when. We had more snow days than we should've so our last day's either June 6th or June 9th, or some time after that...maybe. (I don't know, I keep hearing different things! :c)

I've got exams for a computer class (Easy, and probably easier than everyone else's because I do alternative work), Geometry (Easy, I'll either get an A or a B), English (Easy, maybe A or B), Spanish (Easy), Chemistry (Oh god no), Geography (Medium-easy, maybe a B or C, A if I'm REALLY lucky), and a health class (Easy).

And I have almost all A's and A-'s right now. Except for Chemistry. :c Because it's hard.

(And does this belong in the Fortress or the Villa? I'm not sure. The Fortress seemed like the best place.)


Can I join in? Cause...I'm seeings things from the other angle. I don't know if this topic is only for students, not for teachers to discuss final exams.

Oh dear.


Quote from: rabid_fox on May 02, 2008, 07:57:49 PM
Can I join in? Cause...I'm seeings things from the other angle. I don't know if this topic is only for students, not for teachers to discuss final exams.
Knock yourself out, Rabid.

I can help you with that if you want. >:3 I think I've got a crowbar somewhere around here that I can use...

Roureem Egas

It's midterm week for me right now, and they were pretty easy. I've got one left tommorow on Psychology, and I'll have to see how it goes. I think I'll be okay though. English was a bit bizarre but I guess it's nothing too out there.

Actual finals for me aren't until June, then it's summer vacation.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I'll be taking mine some years back. Does that count?
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Didn't have to take my math final, because I averaged above a 95 for the year.   :ipod


Quote from: bill on May 02, 2008, 08:43:23 PM
Didn't have to take my math final, because I averaged above a 95 for the year.   :ipod

I don't know the American scoring system. But i do know you didn't do your exams, so you must be a nerd.

I'm still in the midst of exam season.


Ok, basically, even though I have no reason to, I am so creaming myself over my students. They are more interested in proms and leaving assemblies than revising their texts for their English exams. Or more interesting in looking for accommodation for University than securing the grades they need. I've taught them everything on the course but you hit a point there there is nothing you can teach them as a CLASS - because it's up to the INDIVIDUAL and you know what? I know that there are going to be students who'll give stacks of "Oh he never told us that" or "How was I supposed to know..." even if I can point to the day, time and lesson where I covered that piece of the course.

Basically what I'm saying is that students are very blame-handy when things don't go their way, but very self-congratulating when things do work out. It's a bloody crap situation for teachers to be in and as such I hate this time of year where I know that anything that goes well has 'nothing to do with me, but is entirely the student's success' but if it goes wrong, it's 'that useless teacher's fault cause oh my god, how could *I* fail, it can't be my fault".

It's crap being a teacher at exam time.

Oh dear.


Quote from: rabid_fox on May 03, 2008, 09:43:11 PM
It's crap being a teacher at exam time.

Your rant seems to be aimed at high school, but university teachers can make epic rants too ;p.  The classic "You never told us that!"  When I have recordings of when I did, to people who beg you for an A.  I don't care if your scholarship depends on it, maybe you should have thought of that before skipping half of my classes.

I'll tell you, having to take exams of your own is awesome when you also have to grade other's exams.
The All Purpose Fox


It's funny, these rants about school kids is the exact same revelation I had when I was leaving elementary school and entering highschool.  That's why I always just quietly accepted my grades and went on through.

Granted I also have an inability to sense any corelation between my grades and my odds of living a successful life.  Probably because I'm a bit doomed in the genetics area on that point.

If only I could fake stupidity so I could be accepted by people in the real world and get a job rather than living in my semi-hermitage student lifestyle.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


I don't have finals this year. i'm applying, so I'm actually looking forward to next year's finals in a way. :B
Yap by Silver.

Aisha deCabre

Ugh, finals...ours don't start until sometime in the next two weeks.  The last day of normal classes is on the 7th.  Good thing is, I only have actual test finals in two classes...the other of which I have to turn in a paper.  And one of those two classes has been so blocky with attendance that the professor canceled the last regular exam.  I don't even know the date for that final.   :rolleyes  Plus I bet if there is one, I'll be the only one taking it.

Bad news of course is that I won't be graduating until December...but what's one more semester of classes and finals.  It goes by like that.  *Snap*
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Aww, man. :( I hate my finals schedule.

Thursday, June 5       Full day*   1st hour exam
Friday, June 6Half day2, 3, 4 hour exams
Monday, June 9Half day5, 6, 7
* - It's pretty much like any normal day, but first hour's a little bit longer and the other classes are like 3-10 minutes shorter.

I was hoping there wasn't school on the 9th and it was only a rumor! D: Bawww.

Quote from: Toric on May 04, 2008, 10:55:49 AM
I don't have finals this year. i'm applying, so I'm actually looking forward to next year's finals in a way. :B
Kill the robot!

Quote from: rabid_fox on May 03, 2008, 09:43:11 PM
It's crap being a teacher at exam time.
Solution: E's (Or F's) for anyone who complains!

At least you won't hear 100+ students complaining about how Mr./Ms. So-and-so's a big fat meanie and never explained ANYTHING or let them turn their homework in two months late or let them go put their make-up on in the bathroom without a pass or...:B


My finals usually consisted of me stressing out about it for weeks, deciding to screw it on the last weekend, adopting a devil-may-care attitude, passing, getting a high-five from my professor who would inform me that I was, indeed, the man(to which I would respond with "No, YOU da man"), and wondering if the money I spent towards my education is going to waste.
And that's how I spent four years of my life. That, and drunk. :V


My finals currently involve the joy of 3 back-to-back-to-back finals tommorow(in 13 hours from the time of this post), the need to get an apartment lease finalized this week, and pie. Lots and lots of pie.


Oh yes, finals.

I'm done school... forever.  I'm free! 

Not.  Now they want me to spend eternity in the lab, never going home, never sleeping, working endlessly with no overtime pay until I drop dead.   :<

High school was a breeze compared to this.  Even undergrad was nothing compared to this torment. 

I miss my old job more every day.  Oh why did they have to sell the company and subject me to this misery!   :cry
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Money Al, money.  Which also answers the question of "Why do you work for them then?"

Man, that one word answers nearly every question about life....  I should remember that for my own finals.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)