when does it end?!

Started by blood butterfly, March 22, 2008, 11:03:17 AM

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blood butterfly

how the hell was this stupid "health food" craze started!?   i can't eat a couple eggs without someone telling me it's bad for this and bad for that after they watched three different studies regarding how good and bad they are for your heart and on and on and on!!!   :banghead

where do you draw the freaking line in this horrible food war?  i, for one, am quite comfortable with eating a big mac every once in a while and i don't lose sleep over a chocolate bar.  i drink water when I'm thirsty and i don't spend hours counting calories, but there are some pretty zealous health nuts and "activists" out there and i need to know:  when is enough; enough?  let me eat in peace!   :tantrum

whoever started this mess, I will bite you! 


   Well, if you only eat such 'bad' stuff on occasion, and you are not grossly obese, then you are one of the lucky few who has their head on straight. See, the reason why everyoe is crazy about it is because most people really have no self-control whatsoever, become gluttons, make themselve the size of a blimp, and die of some horrible artery clog-up. One of my high school classes actually watched a special video on this very subject recently (wikipedia "Super Size Me").
   The thing is, being obese is just as bad and deadly for you as smoking, except if you happen to smoke only very sparingly (I don't know anyoe who does, then again, I barely know anyone who smokes at all), it ptobably won't aversly affect your health too much.
   So, if you are eating stuff like that only from time to time, you are just fine. Don't bite the heads off of people who tell you its bad for you, because then they can't do that to those who actually deserve it. Just politely tell them you aren't a glutton.


Those heads are probably bad for you anyway...  :P


"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
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Reese Tora

People have problems, and people project thier problems on to other people.
(We assume that others are like us, no matter how wring that assumption may be.)

A lot of health stuff is baloney based on a few correlations in single studies that are 'statistically significant' only because the study would be considered an extreme case.
(tealking about health stuff where it's one way today, the other tomorrow, there's lots of solid stuff on your body needing x calories, these vitamins and minerals, etc.)

As for supersize me... it's meant to shock.  You need to consider that the message isn't McDonalds is bad, its that over eating is bad, and the guy in it is pushing his body to extremes it's not used to (where the rest of us may be perfectly used to eating a pair of 'macs and a large fries for every meal, his body wasn't preparted to handle what he put it through.)
From some debates that I've seen on it, it's more about overeating than health eating, and was meant to complain about the fast food places asking to supersize or if you want fries with that, trying to sell you more than you originally wanted to order.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Quote from: Reese Tora on March 22, 2008, 02:35:38 PM
As for supersize me... it's meant to shock.  You need to consider that the message isn't McDonalds is bad, its that over eating is bad, and the guy in it is pushing his body to extremes it's not used to (where the rest of us may be perfectly used to eating a pair of 'macs and a large fries for every meal, his body wasn't preparted to handle what he put it through.)
From some debates that I've seen on it, it's more about overeating than health eating, and was meant to complain about the fast food places asking to supersize or if you want fries with that, trying to sell you more than you originally wanted to order.
That I know. I did realize as it was playing that it seemed to be heavily slanted (justified maybe partially, but maybe not to the extent that it was). And like you say, its really about overeating than healthy eating.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: LionHeart on March 22, 2008, 02:25:37 PM
Those heads are probably bad for you anyway...  :P


Certainly they're bad for the owners...
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Heck, even overeating isn't catastrophically bad for you, just so long as it isn't a regular thing.  Case in point, the "all you can eat" food places draw lots to figure out who has to serve me around the holidays and I'm only 195lbs standing about 6'4".

Granted that was back in my younger days and my appetite has lessened over the years, but my name still causes their employees to worry about job security.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Next time someone tells you that, tell them that the air is bad for them so they should stop breathing.  See who listens to the other first  :mowtongue


I have two friends who've been banned from all-you-can-eat buffets, both martial artists.  One's about 160 Lbs now, and around 5'6", the other is 180 Lbs and I'd guess 6'2"(from my height, he looks about eleven feet tall.)

One of my co-workers is my height, and looks like she weighs about 100 pounds.(yeah, she's skinny.)  I comment that it's because she eats so much(which she's commented, she does eat a lot.)  Me?  I'm 5'10", 165 pounds... though I should do more situps.

My diet last year consisted largely of mayonaise, saltine crackers, ketchup, and Wendey's Bacon Double-Cheeseburgers.  Mostly crackers with mayo on 'em.(No, really, it's pretty good.)

People rarely tell me what I'm eating is bad for me(except my dad, who expresses concern at my absurd level of sugar intake, but I figure I'm safe from diabetes as long as I burn it off immediately), and when they do, I just kinda roll my eyes.  My experience has been that what (and how much) you eat doesn't matter nearly as much as how much excercise you get, and in fact, studies have shown that a chunky athlete is better off than a toothpick-couch potato.

Why the health food craze?  Because if you can induce panic, that means people are under your control, and the health-nut leaders are control freaks.