
Started by Darkmoon, April 01, 2006, 06:03:38 PM

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I got you guest comic for tomorrow ready. I'll be on later so I can pass it to ya.



Her comic. Yada yada.




I am your father?


search your feelings. You know it be true...

Where the fuck is Nang?

And who the fuck says "you know it be...?"


You do. Sage darkmoon


Dear lords, did you just sage me?


Destina Faroda

Guest comic?  Oh snap!  I was supposed to be on last night!

Seriously, I came down with something all of a sudden.  So I took some Actifed to clear me up, and it not only knocked me out but also made me COUGH, which means I had to take something else for that.  Now I took Alleve and now I'm just starting to feel the effects of that....and all cold medicine tends to knock me out at worst or make me very, very "loopy" at least.

How I am able to write even a semi-coherent post right now is beyond me.

What were we talking about?
Sig coming...whenever...


Quote from: Sailor Steeler on April 02, 2006, 12:41:01 PM
Guest comic?  Oh snap!  I was supposed to be on last night!

Seriously, I came down with something all of a sudden.  So I took some Actifed to clear me up, and it not only knocked me out but also made me COUGH, which means I had to take something else for that.  Now I took Alleve and now I'm just starting to feel the effects of that....and all cold medicine tends to knock me out at worst or make me very, very "loopy" at least.

How I am able to write even a semi-coherent post right now is beyond me.

What were we talking about?
I dunno. You tell me.


 :spidey Spidey likes goats  :spidey *goat noise*


Quote from: Sailor Steeler on April 02, 2006, 12:41:01 PM
Guest comic?  Oh snap!  I was supposed to be on last night!

Seriously, I came down with something all of a sudden.  So I took some Actifed to clear me up, and it not only knocked me out but also made me COUGH, which means I had to take something else for that.  Now I took Alleve and now I'm just starting to feel the effects of that....and all cold medicine tends to knock me out at worst or make me very, very "loopy" at least.

How I am able to write even a semi-coherent post right now is beyond me.

What were we talking about?

Whenever you're ready I have it for you.