A little bedtime reading for Halloween

Started by RJ, October 23, 2007, 01:04:18 PM

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Cursory glance over the first couple of pages.

Tiny cave...


*is highly claustrophobic.*


Fun! I love pages like this. They always end the same, but they never fail to amuse and disturb. <3



Quote from: BillBuckner on October 23, 2007, 07:43:04 PM

It's worth it, though there are parts you can skip over like how you get into the cave and that.


think I'll wait for daylight to finish reading page 10.

Is the ending that there's no page 11?  I've never seen 'these types of stories' before.

*looks around*  why am I the only person posting here who doesn't have axes under his title?


I also have this offering too: http://www.dibbukbox.com/

The infamous 'Dibbuk Box'.


you wanna know something freaky first off in order to understand most of this you have to understand my life. i was born in ohio and moved to new york when i was 1 i have one sister and one brother both are older than me. anyways so i moved to new york and went back to ohio after around three or four years because my grandpa died. i stayed in ohio for 2 years exactly down to the minute. we then proceeded to stay in new york for around 5 and a half years then we moved to my current location of branson Missouri.(aka misery)anyways on with the stories.

my sister when we lived in new york for the first time there was a monument close by that had a few rumors most of which being that you could hear the battle take place. well my sister in her ignorance listened to my aunt about these rumors and started saying stuff like ohh i hope i get to see dead people on a trip that we were taking to the monument. well long story short my sister when we got there kept on proclaiming those words then finally she decided to go off and look at the monument... well she got what she asked for, after about five minutes she came screaming back muttering to herself about the screams of the horse and soldiers dying. my mother not surprised said to her that she was asking for it.

my sister also got into trouble when she broke up with a misogynist, this was during my stay in ohio, she went out and bought a ken doll then tortured it pierced it made tiny clothes for it then called it her boy friend. well it became possessed after my mother said that this whole incident wasn't going to end well my brother was the first one to realise that something was wrong. back then i was five or six and we had the family computer in my sisters room along with a tv. my brother would always watch tv in her room because it had only one window whereas the front room had a tone of windows. but anyways he would watch tv leaning against a couch and for the longest time i could remember he avoided the room entirely because he always complained of almost being chocked to death by his shirt he said "it's like some one is pulling the back of my shirt trying to choke me. my mother grew even more concerned now that my brother was being hurt. my mother knew that it was the stupid ken doll, anyways she said that if my sister did not get rid of that ken doll then she could not stay in that house. well that night while "trying" to go to bed the furniture started moving and the couch eventually apparently went to the tv and back my sister scared out of her mind ran to my mothers door who then proceeded to rebuke the demon that was in the ken doll. the next day the ken doll was thrown into the trash... i actually remember this one vividly because i pestered my sister to allow me to pierce the ken doll, i'm glad i didn't.

my former house in a little town in upstate new york called shushan WAS haunted but my mother didn't allow it...

finally we have a friend of the family who when he was alot younger got into stuff that he admitted he shouldn't have like talking to dead people. this happened supposedly before i was born, basicly he was having a friend over and he had a battle ax on the wall. well anyways about half way through his friend visited they were mid term into the ouigi (sp) board when the battle ax came off the wall and got into this swinging motion like it was thrown and just barely missed both of them...

that dybbuk box, remember how they were saying that one of the symptoms were seeing shadows in their peripheral vision... that actually has happened to me before, i was living in schenectady new york and i was two but i would see little shadows just running along the walls you know tee hee look here i am and then vanish... well it got to the point were they would not leave me alone finally after telling my mother about it she just said no to it and left it at that... to this day i have only seen one of those shadows once or twice, both times it was right before i got grounded for lying.

i will say that in Shushan my mother was known as "the wall" if anything spiritually was afoot, she would be there. she had no tolerance what so ever of me and my siblings being hurt or her friends. my family has many stories about possessions and ghosts and such to the point where we consider every ghost an evil spirit aka a demon. finally my family has a belief about fear it's very simple "fear opens doors, don't fear".

Sienna Maiu - M T

Sienna is far too easily frightened a person to read that. However, I went and skimmed the pages anyways.
The scariest part was when I clicked for the next page... and it wasn't there.

I'm getting paranoid. Need sleep.


I've actually applied the shadows and movement i see in my peripheral vision all the time to a plot device in my comic.

It was added to the newest page, but you can't see the little dark figures very well.

I call them "Figments," dimension-floating creatures which anchor themselves to people for various reasons.  The more Figments you have around you, the more often you see things like that out of the corner of your eye.

And yes, I see things like that out of the corner of my eye ALL THE TIME.

*will read more thoroughly after class.*


I think i nearly died of fright. That was scary man.

Jim Halisstrad

Wall of Text hits Jim for 4d4 subdual damage.   Jim is knocked out x.x

http://www.visitdeadends.com/index2.html  is a pretty good read imho, hasn't updated in a year sadly :/


That was well written and set up ^^ the way it ended was annoying (I clicked refresh how many times! >:o ) but otherwise it was good.

a lil research online showed that it wasnt original >.> And was actually based off of a book written in the '80s by Thomas Lera, called The Fear of Darkness. (Sorry, I resorted to google to try and find an ending lol)

Still, put online like that was a nice way of getting more belief.

oh, incidently I read the link I put in above, and it does actually carry on where tedthecaver left off. Good for anyone who actually wants to know what happens next =D


(just skimmed through the Dibbuk Box, will probably read later)

Interesting about the Dibbuk Box, a short story I recently wrote involves a leather trench coat like that: it's possessed by a demon, who is held in check by an angelic spirit.

It's not horror-themed, but I can post it online if anyone wants to read it.


that was freaky, the bit that weirded me out was the thing pulling the rope.