Olroxshade history

Started by olroxshade, January 17, 2006, 10:23:09 PM

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It´s only a school project, for the english signature,feel free to criticate it:
(it´s a ficcion story)
A requiem for a Dark lord:

CHAPTER1:Dark awakening-
All start in my pitch black room,thinking in the hour to the reaper come to me,instantly
I fell the death,but a voice stop the grim work -Jose,wake up,the sun is so brigth-
she was,Alexandra Villafuerte a divine angel who stop my deadly sequence, -No,this day,not-I reply to her, -C´mon,the day is nice-(she gives to me a softy kiss)
-Well,you convinced me,go outside-.

Chapter2:The test-
Outside,we found an old friend,Michelle,ready for a travel to Europe,Alexandra and I acept and go to europe..........feeling the darkness coming to us........

Well it´s all for now,I take advantage of my location to inspirate my work. :bunny


Chapter3:In the streets of Paris
In the airport,lot of people is wandering,but one call my atention,that person,envolved in a black cloak,so wonderful.....
-What are watching Jose?-alexandra say,-Uh,nothing,continue-I reply..