New here, just wanted to introduce myself.

Started by KingofAnime, March 30, 2007, 09:05:57 AM

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Hello guys, new person KoA here. I was just web browsing when I stumbled across this site. It looked great and so I joined up.

Uh, some info about me:

I'm an aspiring artist who despite self-teachings for over ten years still has quite aways to go. :P

I have a deep passion for spriting. In fact, the beast in my avatar is a sprite I made myself. I've been trying my hand in CV style spriting lately too, which brings me to my next point...

I'm a game programmer as well. I'm currently responsible for, or am lending my services to, about 6 different projects. One of which being a Castlevania Fangame. (I'll post the details of it in another place, mkay? :P)

Well, I'm also an extremely personable fellow. You'll find it hard to be mad at me because I enjoy being with people and am very sociable.

With all that said, I hope we all get along great! :)


Welcome, nice introduction you typed there! I hope you will enjoy being among us King. Also if some people act insane don't be alarmed that's normal here.  :)

Lift one activ... Lift one activ... Lift one activ... Lift one activ... ed


Yes, and beware of everything lest you... not be aware of it.

And if someone tells you to ignore him/her just ignore him/her.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Hey, and welcome to the site!  Oo, a sprite artist, eh?  I'm a sort-of sprite artist, but I haven't been at it nearly as long (I sort-of just recently discovered I was good at it, and that discovery filled me with joy).  But you're waaaay better than me.  Um, if you ever decide you want an apprentice, call me.


You know, to be fair, I've not spent years and years on spriting like most others. I'm actually about to enter my one year anniversary come April 17th. The only reason I started off so well was that I used my hand drawn art skills to give me a jump boost.

And sure, I'll be glad to help out anyone who wants to sprite better. I did offer online spriting classes via instant messenger services. If you're interested, hit me up and I'll share my knowledge.

Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone.


Quote from: KingofAnime on March 30, 2007, 10:29:21 AM
The only reason I started off so well was that I used my hand drawn art skills to give me a jump boost.

Right there's a major difference between us.  I like spriting because I have /no/ hand-drawn art skills.  Meh.


Glad we could meet...Enjoy your stay here and I hope it wont effect much your sanity and leave it at the door thnx much and enjoy this Incy bear and I shall be off *hands you it and leaves*


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Oh, I thought my sig didn't work, nice to know it does.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: KingofAnime on March 30, 2007, 10:29:21 AM
Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone.

oh, we're just getting started. :-)

Welcome to our little corner of the world. Have fun, leave your sanity outside the door (but don't expect it to be there when you get back - mind if I keep your claim ticket? Thanks, that's so kind...) and watch out for anyone who warns you to watch out for anything, especially those that use specifics. They need to be watched.

Those warning you to watch out for talking boxes, you should be specially careful of. Those ones are the ones that are just outright trouble. (especially that BillBuckner guy. He's horrible to new members.)

Other than that, have fun, read the rules, and try nto to annoy the admins. Same as anywhere, really...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Tiny crested flint

Welcome! Here you go, have some welcome fire for no particular reason :wizfire

Quote from: Gabi on March 30, 2007, 10:11:56 AMAnd if someone tells you to ignore him/her just ignore him/her.
This is refering to me :baghead


Hello! ...I don't really have anything else to say besides that, I'm not as verbally gifted as some other members here.  But what can be said through lines and lines of text that a good old-fashioned 'hello' can't? :)

Quote from: ITOS on March 30, 2007, 10:44:47 AMHey! It's a real sig! :dface
What do you mean 'real' sig?

Hmm, you know what?  I haven't done this for a while...  *Bombs Da Thread!*


Quote from: Haz on March 30, 2007, 02:38:42 PM
Quote from: ITOS on March 30, 2007, 10:44:47 AMHey! It's a real sig! :dface
What do you mean 'real' sig?

An image, I assume. Though I could be spectacularly wrong. Again.


Quote from: BillBuckner on March 31, 2007, 07:55:57 AM
Quote from: Haz on March 30, 2007, 02:38:42 PM
Quote from: ITOS on March 30, 2007, 10:44:47 AMHey! It's a real sig! :dface
What do you mean 'real' sig?
An image, I assume. Though I could be spectacularly wrong. Again.

It's an image but one that represents you and your name. Just like a normal signature but instead of your name written in an incomprehensible way it's an image.

Many people have images at the end of their messages but a "real" sig is one that stands for you specifically.
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Heh, I like the avatar.  And a fellow programmer, too.  What languages do you work in?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



Quote from: Illusionist on April 04, 2007, 01:07:38 PM
Hello, KOA.

Have a cigar!

That one was about to be mine!

Meh... Anyhow, nooblet. Welcome to the forum. Watch out for the talking box as he edits the whole site unscrupulously, without distinction or conscience, or so much as hesitation. Or even judgement, come to think of it...

Also watch out for me. I am a reknowned evil clown, baiter, pervert and vegan-kicker, so please ignore everything I say.


He's also the bomb. *Pushes the 'Bomb the Thread' button.* :mwaha

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Stygian on April 04, 2007, 07:42:41 PM
Also watch out for me. I am a reknowned evil clown, baiter, pervert and vegan-kicker, so please ignore everything I say.

... especially when he uses that funny font... :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Once again thanks for the comments all.

Ad to answer that one question, I use gml.


Again, I do not understand the fixation with the font. It looks better! Why mu...


"You called down the thunder... :wizlit Now, reap the whirlwind!"


