The worst taste in the world...

Started by Jim Halisstrad, November 18, 2006, 01:16:04 AM

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I once drank-

- Approx
   1 part Dr. pepper
   1 part beef tips
   1 part blue cheese
   1 part old charcoal
   2 parts Health shake for diabetic persons
   1 part mustard
   1 part cottage cheese
   1 part horseradish (I think)

     It tasted very...bad.



I believe a lot of money was involved. :3


Nice. :cool  I used to do things like that, but I've recently found my dignity.


In my defense, I was young and foolish. On the other hand...
It works both ways, yeah?

"You can't blackmail me. I have no dignity!" has been a phrase of mine. >:3

lucas marcone

i have it all beat, take one Omnicef(antibiotic) pill and youre tasteing t for the next 20 hours. seriously

Drake Manaweilder

Any thing cooked by me for the first time.
"Who wants mostly raw or burnt-to-a-crisp hamburgers" 
Seriously, I could burn water. :mowdizzy


I make a very, very nasty black pepper sauce. And I've become highly inured to strong tastes. So the problem with my food is not that it's badly cooked; actually, I have had comments that I am a very good cook. But my family members have all learned by now never to take leftovers from stuff I've made for myself out of the fridge.

And that's not bad taste - That's pain, baby!



My old science teacher used to make us eat mealworms and other assorted nastiness for extra credit.

Since I did well in that class, and thus felt no need to try for EC, it was exceedingly entertaining. >:3


When I didn't want to do certain things since I had already read about or tried, I used to down the lab samples as well, just to be strange. Mostly it was tulips and cockroaches and the occasional fish.