Monster Hunter, forumites! Do you play it?

Started by Boog, September 29, 2006, 10:41:25 PM

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The title says it all. Who else here plays monster hunter, the only online RPG to keep humans at the top of the food chain? On a side note, also the only RPG where you can make exploding arbolast shots out of berries and fish. xD


Ah, Monster Hunter, how I love thee. Although I haven't played in a while. Got it since the demo for peeps in the PS club, then bought it right off when it came out. I was near the point where you're about to fight the two-castle sized black dragon before I didn't have anyone to play with. Gotta love the lances. :3 Especially with stamina drinks for infinite dash attacks that can hit the big dragons five times with one pass. :D


Lances are all well and good, but I'm more of a sword and shield or arbolast and varients thereof kinda guy. Then there's the sheer amount of useful gizmos you can make out of stuff lying on the ground. As mentioned, you can make explosive ammo out of berries and fish. It's adventuring Mcguyver style!

Also, ever notice that the supplies they provide you with are usually less than 10% of what you actually need on a wyvern hunt? Among the supplies for slaying Lao Shan Lung or Fatalis (I assume that's what you mean by castle sized dragon) you get four harpoon guns, some cannons, and a fortress. Yikes.


Supplies? Supplies?! Feh! Give me 3 well done steaks, 10 hi-potions (man that's a lot of foraging..) and I'm good to take on them dragons! Only annoying one is that one who shoots around in the sand. Not the horned one, but the one with the big black fin. Getting him out of the sand is annoying unless I pop him with the lance as he shimmies by. X3

As for the palace... yes... yes that battle will be quite lovely once I actually get a chance to play it... Must. Fire. Cannons! D:


You mean cephaladrome? Yeah, he's a pain. Just a few things to remember; you can still take potshots at him when he's underground, thus forcing him aboveground. Bring paintballs, sonic  bombs, the basics. Guns, greatswords, and lances are five types of bad idea. When it's weakened it runs to area 3 and sleeps, and that place is crawling with felvine, melynx and two anklyosaurs (I forget the actual name), so before going after the Cephaladrome go kill those off, and remember that with anything with -drome attatched to it's name isn't all that strong in and of itself; it's a pack leader, it's strenth is in the fact that almost never alone.


Quote from: Boogeyman on September 30, 2006, 08:46:07 PM
You mean cephaladrome? Yeah, he's a pain. Just a few things to remember; you can still take potshots at him when he's underground, thus forcing him aboveground. Bring paintballs, sonic  bombs, the basics. Guns, greatswords, and lances are five types of bad idea. When it's weakened it runs to area 3 and sleeps, and that place is crawling with felvine, melynx and two anklyosaurs (I forget the actual name), so before going after the Cephaladrome go kill those off, and remember that with anything with -drome attatched to it's name isn't all that strong in and of itself; it's a pack leader, it's strenth is in the fact that almost never alone.

Yes, sonic bombs are quite useful in getting that sucker out of the ground. As for thinking lances are bad ideas.... obviously you've never seen me fight that guy.  ;)


I believe that's something I would like to see. What's your SN on monster hunter? Mine's Boogeyman (surprize!).


Either FireKatKid or PrinceYoshi... I forget. But if I ever have the time to get on, I'll let ya know.