2017-06-30 [DMFA #1765] It's a twap! (Be Safe Out There)

Started by keybounce, June 30, 2017, 12:07:55 PM

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So, Amber writes,
QuoteNot sure how many folks will read this what with Anthrocon going on which likely means everyone is out over there except for meeeeeeeee. But for me and the seven remaining readers we can sit and read an update. And if all goes to plan there should be a new wallpaper this weekend and taco review as well. So it is almost like a tiny party? Right??

So I'm one of the 7 dwarves. Who else?


"Death before Dishonor" they always said. It's because death is far less painful than eternal dishonor.


So yes, it's looking more and more like a trap for Destania.  It is worth noting that Lost Lake probably doesn't count as Zinvth for the purpose of protection from the bounty.  And the inn is a rest stop for adventurers, which most likely covers mercs and headhunters of the kind Hizell is contracting.  So Abel may well be trapped in Zinvth/SAIA until such time as Hizell's realm has fallen and the bounties are no longer valid (or Abel is given one of those handy Fae curses).

I guess he'll have to quit his job at the inn...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



Party time!
Anyway, interesting! Perhaps I missed a step, but I am curious about this trap itself - the question at hand is who the trap is for, but how is it to go off?
My current guess is maybe Fa'lina, as it is impossible to attack her inside the sanctuary that is the Academy.
An attempt to draw her out, perhaps?

I am excited to find out! Or at the least, to see how she reacts


I guess I make seven. Now, I think Hiz just wants SOMEONE,possibly ANYone at this point, to fall for the trap, but the way things are going it's just as likely that Dan walks into it(blindly in his case) as anyone else.

(Also, because I'm Doopy) :P


Considering, that Abel will need to take some time to recuperate, he will more likely be in that hospital for quite some time, so even then I don't think being able to leave Zinvth will be high on his priority list. Best that Abel takes one thing at a time, heal first and then worry about this "bounty".

I had theories before that Hizell leaving Abel alive was an intentional ploy to draw out Destania, so this pretty much helps confirm my suspicions further. Destania sadly isn't fully well in the head, so it's highly liking she will react rashly to Abel still being alive (even if barely) and when she does it will only be a matter of how and when that is up in the air. Yet, I strongly believe that "rash decision making" is the reaction that Hizell is looking for.

I will say Abel has stated before that he sick of staying at the Academy and watching himself kind of waste his life, so I highly doubt he will return to SAIA even after Hizell's attack, while I can't say this for sure as I am not sure how his current mental state will be after this; I strongly feel he will tough it out as life is all about dealing with the hard times, even when you hit rock bottom.

That being said, since currently Jyrras is Zinvth's Bachelor of the Year, I wonder, if there is a way to temporarily and legally make the land he owns a part of Zinvth's territory. It could all be thrown under "protection that is granted" to the Bachelor of the Year by Zinvth. While some may think, why even consider this, I just thought it might be a possible nice option that Abel could at least stay safely with someone he completely trusts and still be protected within "Zinvth's territory". This Bachelor of the Year title, could be the perfect legal loop hole, if used right to be honest. :3

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


Quote from: Mrs_A_ZeTavia on June 30, 2017, 04:45:30 PM... since currently Jyrras is Zinvth's Bachelor of the Year, I wonder, if there is a way to temporarily and legally make the land he owns a part of Zinvth's territory. It could all be thrown under "protection that is granted" to the Bachelor of the Year by Zinvth. While some may think, why even consider this, I just thought it might be a possible nice option that Abel could at least stay safely with someone he completely trusts and still be protected within "Zinvth's territory". This Bachelor of the Year title, could be the perfect legal loop hole, if used right to be honest. :3
That, barely worked this past night, and wouldn't stop anybody determined, might hinder them though.

The One Guy

I agree with Mrs_A_ZeTavia that it's likely for Destania.  So long as Abel is under Zinvth's protection, anyone she might commission to do the job would be unwilling or unable to do so, so the only way for her to kill him is to do it herself, not only revealing herself, but also turning Zinvth against her.


Quote from: TruthQuest on June 30, 2017, 04:48:58 PM
Quote from: Mrs_A_ZeTavia on June 30, 2017, 04:45:30 PM
That being said, since currently Jyrras is Zinvth's Bachelor of the Year, I wonder, if there is a way to temporarily and legally make the land he owns a part of Zinvth's territory. It could all be thrown under "protection that is granted" to the Bachelor of the Year by Zinvth. While some may think, why even consider this, I just thought it might be a possible nice option that Abel could at least stay safely with someone he completely trusts and still be protected within "Zinvth's territory". This Bachelor of the Year title, could be the perfect legal loop hole, if used right to be honest. :3

That, barely worked this past night, and wouldn't stop anybody determined, might hinder them though.

I will say I never said my thought was full proof, it was merely just an idea.... *shrugs*

I just know, if I was in Abel's situation even though I'd have this whole large territory as my oyster to feel safe in, I would still feel "trapped" and if I had the option I'd much rather stay with a friend I trusted with my life despite the risks it has, then somewhere I barely knew and be safe. That is just me though....

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


Quote from: SirDoctorAce on June 30, 2017, 03:47:31 PM
Party time!
Anyway, interesting! Perhaps I missed a step, but I am curious about this trap itself - the question at hand is who the trap is for, but how is it to go off?
My current guess is maybe Fa'lina, as it is impossible to attack her inside the sanctuary that is the Academy.
An attempt to draw her out, perhaps?

I am excited to find out! Or at the least, to see how she reacts

Five bucks says it's Destania.


Quote from: SirDoctorAce on June 30, 2017, 03:47:31 PM
Party time!
Anyway, interesting! Perhaps I missed a step, but I am curious about this trap itself - the question at hand is who the trap is for, but how is it to go off?
My current guess is maybe Fa'lina, as it is impossible to attack her inside the sanctuary that is the Academy.
An attempt to draw her out, perhaps?

I am excited to find out! Or at the least, to see how she reacts

I sincerely doubt that the trap is set for Fa'Lina.  Remember, she has no clan, essentially rendering her powerless.  (At least, that's how I understood Taun's explanation to Dan.)  So, in spite of her position as headmistress of SAIA, she is essentially harmless.  In my opinion, the trap is much more likely to be set for Destania.  Assuming that Hizell doesn't know about Dan (I realize that's a major assumption), killing Destania would both hurt Cyra emotionally, and leave her in the same state as Fa'Lina.

Just my opinion.
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Quote from: Lurkie on July 01, 2017, 03:55:29 PM
Quote from: SirDoctorAce on June 30, 2017, 03:47:31 PM
Anyway, interesting! Perhaps I missed a step, but I am curious about this trap itself - the question at hand is who the trap is for, but how is it to go off?
My current guess is maybe Fa'lina, as it is impossible to attack her inside the sanctuary that is the Academy.
An attempt to draw her out, perhaps?

I sincerely doubt that the trap is set for Fa'Lina.  Remember, she has no clan, essentially rendering her powerless.  (At least, that's how I understood Taun's explanation to Dan.)  So, in spite of her position as headmistress of SAIA, she is essentially harmless.  In my opinion, the trap is much more likely to be set for Destania.  Assuming that Hizell doesn't know about Dan (I realize that's a major assumption), killing Destania would both hurt Cyra emotionally, and leave her in the same state as Fa'Lina.
For it to be set for Destania, would pretty much require that the theory that she tipped Abel's location be true. It could be--we don't know her current state of mind after bumping into him at JyCorp. (However, the fact that Biggs didn't think about or mention her while waiting at the hospital argues against her state being noticeably worse--and he'd have a better understanding than anyone else.)

For it to be set for Fa'lina, all that would be required is for Hizell to be aware that she's weakening, that SAIA will return to Furrae when she's gone, and for him to be impatient.  All those delectable students, suddenly finding themselves unprotected...

Wonder what the "restitution" will be.  If the trap is for Destania, the restitution could involve Edward...

The One Guy

Quote from: Tuyu on July 01, 2017, 07:28:42 PM
For it to be set for Destania, would pretty much require that the theory that she tipped Abel's location be true. It could be--we don't know her current state of mind after bumping into him at JyCorp. (However, the fact that Biggs didn't think about or mention her while waiting at the hospital argues against her state being noticeably worse--and he'd have a better understanding than anyone else.)
Regardless of if it's actually true, we do know that Hizell thinks Destania was the one to tip him off, and he's the one that's setting the trap...


I think Jyrras needs to start dusting off his gryph-mechs.


There's two options here...

One, most likely, is the trap is indeed set for Destania. Abel is an affront to the Dragon's honor, the last unfinished business from the previous war that for some inexplicable reason continues to live on in a most unreasonable manner. He probably is on Hizel's top five 'need to be killed' list, and pretty near the top to boot. There isn't many more 'high value' targets than him. Except Destania.

Or Dan. Now, hear me out. This could be a long-term gambit. Des is, by all accounts, unstable and getting worse. Dan is Cyra's only chance at a continuing clan. Remove Dan, then Cyra has only Des to continue on the line. Who is already in the process of self-destructing. Leaving Cyra clanless. It's a Knight's Gambit, removing Cyra's only chance at stability so that when Des finally self-destructs... Cyra will truly know it is her own fault. And Dan is Abel's friend, and as an adventurer, likely has access to Zvinth. Dan shows up, crater them both (and likely the hospital they are in). Oops. Yes yes, I know, I am a bad boy. I shouldn't have done that. Here, have some reparations and a slap on my wrist. After all, it's not like you are able to do anything about it at this point. Starting a war won't bring them back.

Fa'lina is a problem with a simple solution... patience. For one who has lived thousands of years, a few decades is paltry. The solution to Cyra is equally simple... cut off her lineage, she withers away. And the most vulnerable way to do that... is Dan. Cue epic fight scene between one of Taun's bodyguard/harem-candidates and would-be assassin, who dies in the protecting. Making Dan get a bit more serious about the situation.

Which, of course, sends Jyjy over the edge. And by over the edge, I mean the same sort of edge that Tony Stark went over when he saw the enemy using his weapons. Proceed to box of scraps and build a HulkGryphBuster


Quote from: Prroul on July 02, 2017, 11:39:32 AM
Or Dan. Now, hear me out.

An interesting idea.  However, they shouldn't know Dan exists.  He is hidden from Hizell's view by Cyra's power, otherwise he'd have been picked off some time ago.
As Taun said, some of Cyra's children were betrayed by other 'Cubi hoping to save their own clans (we do not know if that bargain worked).  So Dan's existence is liable to become known to Hizell in the near future, but probably not yet.

The other snag is that Dan doesn't really like Abel, and threatened to murder him shortly before going to SAIA.  Whether his attitude will have changed after Fa'Lina's little lecture, we don't know.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on July 02, 2017, 02:00:05 PM
An interesting idea.  However, they shouldn't know Dan exists.  He is hidden from Hizell's view by Cyra's power, otherwise he'd have been picked off some time ago.
As Taun said, some of Cyra's children were betrayed by other 'Cubi hoping to save their own clans (we do not know if that bargain worked).  So Dan's existence is liable to become known to Hizell in the near future, but probably not yet.

The other snag is that Dan doesn't really like Abel, and threatened to murder him shortly before going to SAIA.  Whether his attitude will have changed after Fa'Lina's little lecture, we don't know.
Hizell has scried the Tavern not once but several times to our knowledge, and goodness knows how many times without our knowledge. Typically, to scry a place, you must have some kind of... I dunno... knowledge of the place? Or at least it makes it easier to scry if you know the place. Yanno, like some really good description or something? And who knows how long he's been keeping tabs on the place, anyway? Or how many times the topic of Dan has come up while the scrying has been going on? It's entirely possible.

And even if not, Hizell's got all kind of agents everywhere. I mean, prosecuting a subtle anti-cubi campaign across several foreign countries is not something you can do without a very solid network of spies and communication, even if it is misinformation to dupe others into doing your work for you. Or rather, especially if it is misinformation, the old yarn about woeful webs and all. And you can just bet that any agent of Hizell that brings news of Destania's kid? Can write a blank check for himself. Barony? Pfffft, sure, is that all? Here ya go. And they all know it.

Pair with that Taun's concern over Dan's safety, and I begin to wonder if his tarncape of obscurity is becoming rather frayed. And if there is one entity in the entirety of Furrae that he would want to stomp on even more than Des... it's Dan. For aforementioned strategic entrapment.

The One Guy

Hizell scrying on the tavern was in response to the tip off about Abel; there's been no indication that he even knew of the place before then.  Furthermore Hizell's spies would have no reason to suspect a random adventurer who happened to have blue wings, which was all Dan was thought to be up until fairly recently.  Even the Cubi didn't know of him until Aaryanna sent in his application.

Quote from: Tapewolf on July 02, 2017, 02:00:05 PM
The other snag is that Dan doesn't really like Abel, and threatened to murder him shortly before going to SAIA.  Whether his attitude will have changed after Fa'Lina's little lecture, we don't know.
On the other hand, this is not really true.  Dan and Abel have formed a sort of camaraderie regardless of if either of them are willing to admit it, and Dan's threat was more along the lines of entrusting his sister in their care rather than actually wanting them dead.


*Charline fehs*  Easiest way to side-step a trap is kill the guy setting it.  People always overthing these things when good old-fashioned murder solves all your problems with absolutely no negative repercussions!  *body slides partly out of open closet.  Charline acks and kicks it back in..*  NO NEGATIVE REPERCUSSIONS!!  >_____>
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



i kinda wish i could go to the con but alas i can not
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey