How do we want to do OOC comments?
Option 1: let's use OOC brackets; it's more precise!
votes: 2
Option 2: Let's pick a color to use for all OOC text; it's less cumbersome!
votes: 5
Option 3: I have a better idea... see my post in the OOC thread.
votes: 1
Current Character RosterThe RP is currently closed.Check out the RP itself from the beginning, if you like, right here. (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7189.msg318222.html#msg318222)
The RP is, once again, closed. If you have already send a character idea to me and I have responded, but you haven't sent a full character sheet, you're still in.
Player: | Character: | Race: | Species: | Job: |
techmaster-glitch | Xephelon (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7171.msg317726.html#msg317726) | Mythos | Green Imbuer | Enchanter/Artificer |
danman | Glup (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7171.msg317743.html#msg317743) | Chuul | Nephropidae | Cerebral Vendor |
Liatai | Kittrick (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7171.msg317763.html#msg317763) | Gryphon B | Jaybird | Postmaster |
Drayco84 | Zyrais (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7171.msg317941.html#msg317941) | Angel | Dragon | Security/Surveilance |
Whitefox | Nathalzar (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7171.msg317790.html#msg317790) | Undead | Giraffe/Ex-Demon | Librarian/Archivist |
Meany | Barbarus Hagoo (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7171.msg326939.html#msg326939) | Were | Feline | Not Specified |
Basilisk | Baseel Wolkshammer (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7171.msg326941.html#msg326941) | Demon | German Shepherd | Field Marshall |
Tipod | Mnogo (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7171.msg327694.html#msg327694) | Elemental | Mudman | Security/Labor |
Currently Inactive:
SquirrelWizard | Urist Rokkar (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7171.msg317770.html#msg317770) | Being | Mole | Mining/Masonry |
Ashen Star | Asheilatharr (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7171.msg317774.html#msg317774) | Dragon | Valley? | Financial Securities |
Missing and/or Inactive:
otaku999 | Katya (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7171.msg317720.html#msg317720) | Demon | Hamster/Cat | Torturer |
Players who are in, but haven't sent me a character sheet:
Many thanks to Whitefox for helping me figure out tables. Yay!
Note: All brief OOC comments in the main RP thread should be color coded for clarity.
Today's official OOC threat level is: Teal (Low risk of OOC commentary)
More substantial OOC comments should be posted in the OOC thread, and linked to if necessary.
Introduction The dark, stone walls echoed with the sounds of tapping chisels and the scraping of tiny, scaled feet... the dark, oppressive gloom was punctuated only by the glint of countless green eyes; a constellation of feverish activity. Swarms of tiny, reptilian humanoids flowed through the hallways and arches, dwarfed by the architecture around them. There was very little talking; the occasional yip or bark between laborers, or the hushed, hissing conversations of stonesmiths as they poured over maps and diagrams.
Zeshak moved quickly through the constant flow of scaled bodies. His people were tiny compared to almost every other race in existence... but he knew these halls were massive by any standard of living. The stone here was tough, as well; they had ruined entire bushels of bronze tools in the first week alone.
He reached the final room at the end of the main hall; one of only two rooms his people had not furnished. It was a huge circular chamber, ringed with equally large archways. Each was set with gems and inscribed with strange symbols, but revealed only to a flat stone wall behind. They were no mere physical passages.
Zeshak awaited. After perhaps an hour, the gems on the farthest archway began to glow. A shimmering surface formed, like a pool of light, and a sharply silhouetted figure appeared. At first, it resembled a woman; but it slithered rather than walked, pulling a massive, muscular tail through the portal in great loops and coils. Other than her tail, she resembled a perfectly ordinary Being of serpentine descent. She wore the same strange outfit he had seen before (something she referred to as a "Business Suit"), and held a clipboard in one arm.
"Foreman. As specified by our contract, I have arrived to do a preliminary examination of the facilities. I look forward to seeing the results of your efforts."
"Of course, blessed mistress." He knelt on the floor, bowing until his head touched the stone tiles.
She gestured for him to rise. "Please... I'm not yet the ordained priestess for this place. My name will suffice until then."
He rose, nodding and brushing off his legs, and trying not to look too nervous. "Yes, mistress Nadhiya. Of course. This way, please."
He led her through the cavernous main hall, describing the immediate layout. They passed through many hallways and rooms, with bare but cleanly built stonework. She took especial note of the waterways that flowed through every single room; shallow channels and pools set in the floor tiles, troughs embedded throughout the walls, and smooth, artificial waterfalls cascading down the sides of some of the larger chambers. The water was warm, clean, and never-ending, and nobody had been able to figure out it's ultimate source.
She eventually turned to face him, speaking softly. "Your people's work has been outstanding. I received your report regarding the difficulty of working the local stone, and had a piece of it analyzed... your difficulty is understandable, and your progress forgiven. Be sure to pass my thanks to your people."
"This is high praise, blessed one! We thank you." He stood straight, feeling a surge of both relief and pride.
She took the tiny black rune-stone from her belt, unfolding it with a snap and poking at it with a finger. It let off musical chirps, like a tiny metal bird. She slithered back the way they had come, gesturing for him to follow. "How are the chambers I requested?"
He hopped after her, running to keep up. "The chambers are all in order, blessed mistress. The portals, as you know, were delivered and installed by the ogre magus you sent. A group of shadow goblins installed the door for the treasure vault, and delivered the forge and smelting gear as needed."
She snapped her shiny magic stone shut, and clasped it to the belt of her skirt. "Good. And the living quarters?"
"There are many lairs for living in; many sizes, for many creatures. Some big open halls for feasting and dancing, or selling things. Other halls good for whole tribes of little creatures; we make good homes out of holes in walls for now. Food, we are not so sure of... but water is clean, and flows everywhere. Water is even warm. No need for smokey, sooty bonfires. Not so sure of garbage... rooms for throwing piles of trash, but no great pits or chasms. Maybe throw trash through portals?"
She grimaced at that. "No... portal bandwidth is at a premium, and we need to keep their usage to a minimum. They aren't designed for bulk transport; we still haven't figured out why teleportation and divination fails between this dungeon and the rest of the world, so the portals are our only line of communication. Hmm.. we'll have to solve the refuse problem as we go."
Their return to the portal chamber was brisk, and Nadhiya's demeanor was professional. "Your people have earned their pay. Each of your laborers may leave with as much gold as they can carry on their person. No carts or wagons. Your tools and supplies will be transported for you."
Again, Zeshak had to move quickly to keep up. "There is much work left, of course. So many more walls and rooms to fix; the lads were only just getting used to the stone. Digging new halls, even... there was rich gold in the few new halls we dug. Probably much more to find."
"Certainly. Your people are done here, and our contract is complete. But we will continue to need a skilled civil engineer such as yourself. We will contact you in the future when we need any major renovations or repairs done."
Zeshak nodded, and cleared his throat before speaking "Contract work... very expensive. Perhaps... you want regular workers? Maybe... stay on? "
Nadhiya paused just before they reached the portal chamber, and turned back to regard him. Her face showed a touch of surprise. "You have a home, Zeshak... a tribe of your own. I can't ask you to abandon them for our sake."
"Maybe. But this place... it is also a home. People will live here, soon. The workers, they are thinking... maybe a good thing to stay, and help it work." He looked back over his shoulder. "If we leave now, it is a great accomplishment for us, and good pay. But if we stay... maybe it will be a good home. Maybe we be part of great thing here."
She seemed to stare at him for awhile, then glanced around in consideration. She took the magic stone from her belt, flipped it open, and held it to the side of her head. "Nadhiya. Yes, only just. Of course. One thing, though... I think I've found our general contractor for the dungeon. Yes, certainly. Mmh... alright. By next week, at the latest. You too, sir."
She snapped the stone shut. "Discuss it with your people. I can arrange for portal transportation for any families that need to move in, and to transport your final pay. You can have one of the larger halls as a common township, if you like."
He nodded. "I will talk with them. Yes."
"One other thing, though... as general contractor, you'll handle all construction and maintenance for the dungeon. However, your people are also a part of this community... and I'm placing you in charge of them. I'm giving you a seat on the Creature Council."
Zeshak's bright green eyes grew wide, and his jaw went slack. She quickly added, "No no, not the full Creature Council... just a local council, for this particular community. We'll be inviting quite a few other races to live here, and each of them will have a single representative on the council. I want you to have a seat on that council."
His expression lessened from completely astonished to merely surprised. "Who... else on council?"
"That... is yet to be seen." She frowned in deliberation. "But we'll know soon enough. I'll be holding a meet-and-greet here in one week's time, and inviting as many significant personages as possible. Each will be in charge of an aspect of the dungeon itself. We'll have to hope the rank and power will be enough to draw the sort of creatures we want... and it's vital we get as many different races as possible. Variety and versatility will be our lifeblood."
"Do I get to vote? On stuff?"
"Of course."
"I vote we not call it Creature Council. Already one of those... and way bigger than us. Too confusing."
She arched an eyebrow. "Well... alright. What do you think we should call it?"
"Dunno. Just not that." He scratched the back of his head. "maybe we vote on what to call it when we all together?"
A quiet pause. "Well... I can't file the paperwork to form an official group until we know what kind of group it is in the first place."
"Well... what else they call group of important people who vote on stuff?"
"A... committee?" She looked almost hesitant, as if she found the word unpleasant.
Zeshak shrugged.
Turned for the exit portal. "Well... we have a week to think about it. I'm sure we'll think of something more dignified by then."
A week later, Zeshak's laborers were busy once more. They flowed through the main hall, now carrying scrolls and parchments rather than stones and tools. Lines went into the portal chamber, and all eight arches were lit up. As soon as one opened up to a new location, a dozen kobolds scampered through with armloads of papers.
The portals led to a vast array of places, spread throughout the far reaches of Furrae; cities, strongholds, caverns... the ports of pirate fleets, the portal chambers of academic buildings, the outposts of mercenary warlords, the camps of nomadic tribes... anywhere a monstrous or villainous creature might reside. Wherever the kobolds emerged, they scattered out in search of a place to post their bills. The finely crafted scrolls found their way to billboards, walls and gateposts, for all to see:
Powerful creatures needed for a newly formed dungeon, only just refurbished!
Join our new home, and help guide our community to greatness!
Hard work, experience, and distinct supernatural powers are welcome!
All unique races guaranteed a seat on the local creature committee! No race to exotic!
Join us for a meet-and-greet, tour, and informal interview! Free lunch buffet!
The bottom of the bills had all been slit into tabs, each bearing the co-ordinate runes needed for a public portal transit.
Premise Jeez, this took me long enough to sort out. In any case... ever play Dungeon Keeper?
No? Well nevermind. Just keep reading.
In this RP, the players assume the role of classic fantasy monsters that inhabit a subterranean dungeon. Instead of being a neglected dilapidated deathtrap, this dungeon is a professionally maintained franchise; the monsters are not only employees, but upstanding members of the community. While they will eventually need to destroy legendary heroes and lay waste to civilization, these are far-off goals. For now, they have to raise families, hold jobs, and put up with their neighbors annoying habit of putting up tacky lawn ornaments. Especially that medusa down the hall... who needs that many ceramic lawn gnomes, anyhow?
Depending on the community's success, the dungeon might become a comfortable middle-class gated community full of happy married couples with a brood of 2.5 spawnlings... or a ramshackle Levitown, consumed by petty squabbling and ripe for heroic predation. The fate of your white-picket bastion of evil rests on your shoulders. Assuming you have shoulders. Be sure to pack a sense of irony, some dry wit, or a few extra cans of black humor.
Player Character Responsibilities First and foremost, you are the dungeon's most powerful inhabitants. When the dungeon is breached by invaders, you are the first and last line of defense. If a dangerous mission requires someone to venture into the world at large, your name is at the top of the list of volunteers. Whenever anything just plain darn weird happens, you have to go investigate it.
Military rank will not be available to the characters at first. The Dungeon won't have an army at all until it becomes strong enough to swat at hornet's nests. Participation in the militia, however, is mandatory. No exceptions.
Secondly, characters have professional responsibilities. You might be in charge of a vital dungeon facility; the magical library, the blacksmith, the apothecary, the torture chamber, and so on. You could also assume a community role; leader of the neighborhood watch, the home-owner's association, the tourism division, or a daycare and babysitting service.
This job is often assigned to your entire species, to make the best use of their unique talents. You can usually afford to sit back and issue orders to your minions, but some problems will require your personal touch.
Thirdly, each character acts as a sponsor for their race. When a powerful new creature moves in, it helps persuade others of the same species to immigrate and find work as a minion. They know they'll be treated reasonably well as long as one of their own sits on the council. You might not actually care about their well being... you might even have to fight them off when they try to usurp your rank and power... but you can still control them, which makes the Dungeon stronger as a whole.
It is important to note that the Dungeon will only allow one member of each species to sit on the Local Creature Council. Since the player characters will all be members of this council, it follows that each player will have to play a different race. Therefore, if multiple people want to play the same race, I will select the most appropriate, well written, and interesting character submission. This goes double for half breeds. If one player wants a Half-dragon-half-mythos, nobody else can play a dragon or a mythos. If every single player ends up wanting to play a Cubi, the GM may pitch an undignified hissy fit. No promises, though.
Please note... I can think of all kinds of ways to justify this in the RP, but it really comes down to one factor; I want as much variety among the protagonists as possible. Cubi, Demons and Mythos are interesting, but their racial interactions are already thoroughly explored by official canon.
As partial compensation, you may pick whatever kind of outrageous monster you like. Seriously. Go ahead and flip through the D&D monster manual, or pick your favorite horror-movie monster. Figuring out a way for a gelatinous cube to meaningfully participate on a committed is left as an exercise to the player.
On one final note, the GM politely requests that players consider creating original character concepts, rather than just using their standard forum avatar... unless your usual forum avatar would genuinely want to work in a dungeon, and is at the same power level as the other characters.
Character Skeleton This is your character's skeleton. Their
skeleton. How did it get out? Why is it walking around? Who knows! Ooooooo... spooky!
Character Format This, on the other hand is the layout I would like people to use when submitting a character concept. Please remember that the RP calls for each player to be a different species. That goes double for hybrids... if you want to be a half-dragon half-mythos, go ahead... but that means no other players can be dragons or mythos. As mentioned below, all three types of Gryphons are "Gryphons", whereas Type B Phoenix are just beings.
In all cases, the player characters themselves are all about the same level of power and competence. If the party includes a dragon, a cubi, and a being, they are a very weak dragon, an average cubi, and an extremely powerful being.
Name: The character's name.
Player: The forum user's name.
Race: The type of creature or monster the character is. (Ex.: Miss Mab's race is "Fae")
Species: The type of animal you are, if applicable (Ex.: Daniel T'Fiona's species is "Feline")
Creature Rating: A balance between individual power and racial solidarity (see below)
Description: A paragraph about the character's appearance and personality.
Responsabilities: A line or two about the character's job in the Dungeon. For new characters, either leave this blank or make a note of the job they WANT to have.
Backstory: A few short paragraphs about the character's past and history, how they got where they are now, and their plans for the future.
Attributes: A description of the character's untrained abilities and natural defences; physical, mental, social, and supernatural. Includes things like strength, charisma, agility, intelligence, spirit, raw magical power, and countless others. List any and all that apply, and describe them. Anything you don't list here is assumed to be completely average.
Powers: A well defined list of the character's (or their race's) arsenal of unique special powers. Describe how each of them works, what they can (and can't) do, and how powerful they are. Most powers do one very specific thing; others are very versatile, but require preperation and resources (like hi-tech gadgeteering or magical spellcasting). Powers can also be totally mundane; great wealth, beauty, political clout, and celebrity status could be considered powers.
Flaws: An optional list of disadvantages the character (or their race) suffers from. If a flaw can't be used against you and doesn't present a serious health hazard at least some of the time, it's not a flaw!
Skills: A list of mundane things the character has trained, studied, or practiced in. They represent both competence with and knowledge about a fairly specific activity. They can include combat training with one specific weapon, professional experience with one specific job, or study in one specific field of science, technology, or magic.
NOTE: A skill can represent training with one of your powers, to make it more reliable or accurate; Characters with the power to fly will probably also want the Aerobatics skill, allowing them to perform complicated stunts and battle maneuvers. Magical Powers also benefit greatly from Magical Skills; Magic Power determines raw force of will, while magic Skill represents discipline, reliability, and practical knowledge of how magic really works. If you don't take a skill, your power is "wild;" it just does what it does.
"Creature Rating" This is a measure of how significant the members of your species are as individuals. Creatures with a high CR are individually powerful, and feared by weaker races. However, they also have much less social solidarity; there are much fewer of them around, and they are less likely to cooperate with each other. This makes them harder to replace, and much harder to control.
The benefits of high CR balance evenly against the drawbacks, so a high or low CR is neither good nor bad. In all cases, this applies to NPCs only; Player Characters are
exceptional members of their race, and equal to other PCs in power.
There are five levels, a few of which have subtypes. You may select any of the following eight choices to describe your character's race (or suggest your own, if none seem to fit).
CR 1: Hordelings These races are normally insignificant as individuals, and must gather in large groups to get anything done at all. Personal accomplishments are often unimportant to such races, while utter loyalty and mindless dedication are seen as virtues. Isolated from their tribe, they cannot survive. Their sheer numbers, along with their lack of safety concerns, allows them to perform great things on occasion. Examples include Goblins, Kobolds, and Pygmy Shrews.
CR 1: Hive Drones
Hive Drones are functionally similar to hordelings, but their weakness is mentally hardwired; they are slave drones who depend on their master for instructions. They can be extremely powerful and intelligent, but lack the ability to make their own decisions. If seperated from their master, they would be unable to even feed or protect themselves. Leadership is strictly genetic. Examples include undead or robot minions, and certain breeds of Insectis.
CR 2: Minions.
These races are only somewhat below average as individuals; either physically, mentally, or socially. They can survive just fine alone, but must work in groups to accomplish anything great, or to gain any advantage over other more powerful races. They often serve as underlings to superior races to makeup for their own limitations. Leadership often falls to whoever is most powerful, and they often have no problem with slavery. Some races even prefer to serve as slaves, rather than deal with the chore of making their own decisions. Examples include Orcs, Lizardmen, and Warp-Aci
CR 3: Equals.
These races are the most likely to form large civilizations and rich cultures. Members of this race expect to be treated fairly (by each other), and dislike those who abuse their privelages. They celebrate and revere personal achievement, without tolerating abuse from those of greater wealth or status. Good cultures may support liberty and responsability, while Evil cultures may become hyper-capitalistic and decadent. Examples include beings, gryphons, sentient undead, and most Cubi raised at Saia.
CR 4: Rivals.
These races are powerful as individuals, but tend to be too agressive and competetive to form a lasting civilization. They place greater value on personal rank and status, and regularly challenge each other for positions of power. They respect competence and ability, and may believe that less powerful creatures are mere servants, or even livestock. They will work together for personal gain (or out of desperation), but are quick to usurp their leader at the first sign of weakness. Examples include Demons (who respect only power), and Angels (who are extremely competetive). Many Cubi not raised at Saia fall into this category as well.
CR 5: Solitary
Solitary creatures may interact socially, but do not cooperate to accomplish anything. Asking for help might seem like a weakness to them, or there may be too few of them to form a functional civilization of their own... or it may genuinely not occur to them to do so. An example is the Dragon race.
CR 5: Hostile
Hostile races are a direct threat to others of their kind. They either see asking for help as an unforgivable weakness, or they stand to gain power by destroying others of their kind. You cannot rely on them for help... though you might defeat them to increase
your power. An example is the Vampire race (now extinct)
CR 5: Unique
Unique creatures are not truly races at all; they are one of a kind organisms, or they have fixed populations. They do not reproduce biologically, and are created either through singular events, or through eternal reincarnation. Examples include Deathbringer (who was the result of an experiment), Type A Phoenix (Who reincarnate at will), and the Fey (who posess a fixed quantity of souls, and thus a permenantly fixed population).
Example NPCName: Nadhiya
Player: Mechanisto (The GM)
Race: Naga
Species: Cobra
Challenge Rating: 4 (Rivals)
Nadhiya is a naga; she has a being's upper torso, with the body of a giant snake from the waist down. Her scales are a rich brown with black and gold diamond patterns, and her eyes are bright, glittery gold. Her fangs are small (she would say "cute"), and only slightly visible during normal conversation. She has a cobra-like hood in place of a hairstyle, and wears an elegant golden head-dress decorated with tiny, mystical symbols. She usualy wears a black formal business suit and tiny secretary glasses, and carries a clip-board and a blackberry. Her expression is almost always calm and friendly, though she occasionally exhibits a purse-lipped frown when displeased.
Nadhiya represents the congenial right hand of the dungeon's tyrranical master, and she is the only creature who can communicate directly with that mysterious entity. She leads and manages the local creature council, and distributes orders and policy changes from her master.
As a priestess, she handles all official healing and ressurection. She also serves as head of human resources and tourism; recruiting employees, handling promotions, and settling internal disputes or complaints. She is still trying to hire managers to take over these extra duties, but is is extremely hesitant to risk hiring a potential traitor or usurper. In the meantime, she is overworked and underpaid.
Nadhiya's parents were reasonably powerful clerics who had manipulated a population of beings into worshiping them as lesser deities. The loyalty of the cult alowed them to live in relative safety and comfort. From a young age, Nadhiya grew up with the unconditional respect and love of others. Her parents protected and taught their worshippers, and in return they made offerings of wealth and living sacrifices. If the beings found these sacrifices repugnant, they certainly never expressed their feelings to Nadhiya.
As is often the case, her secluded temple home was eventually attacked by adventurers who slaughtered her friends and family, and ransacked their riches and magical artefacts. Having hidden herself from the invaders, Nadhiya was the sole surviver; she mourned her loss, and was forced to set out into the desert without any supplies or wealth. The first settlement she came across resulted in her first experience with racial hatred; instead of welcoming her with open arms, they fought her like a dangerous monster. Stunned by the unexpected reaction, Nadhiya begged for mercy; the beings imprisoned and tormented, in vengance for the bloody rituals her parents had performed.
She was eventually sold to a passing caravan as an exotic pet. Soon after the caravan set out, it was attacked by a raiding party of lizardmen. They agreed to set her free in exchange for her magical talents, and she spent the next few years acting as a healer and clerical spellcaster. By the time she matured, she had saved up enough spoils to set out on her own. She has since served as a powerful priestess, developing her administrative skills to match her aptitude for divine magic. She is currently the lead manager of a newly established dungeon, and is determined not to let her tragic history repeat itself.
Naga are highly social creatures, reknowned for their charisma, cunning, and spiritual resolve. They are also swift and agile, with lightning reflexes. As a chimeric being, their physical attributes are sharply divided; their upper bodies are dextrous but frail, while their massive tails are powerful and well armored, but far too clumsy to do anything but slam and crush prey.
Nadhiya is attractive looking, but otherwise physically average for her race. She is much less cunning and manipulative than other naga, instead relying on her superb charisma and empathy... which other naga find distasteful. She is no less ruthless than her kin.
Hypnotic Gaze: A subtle power, the Naga's gaze can acquire and maintain the attention of a single target during a non-violent encounter. It makes her seem more confident, and lends her words and actions greater significance.
Armored Scales: These tough, flexible scales only cover the Naga's serpentine lower body, offering excellent protection against harm. They do not protect her delicate upper torso at all.
Venom: Certain Nagas wield a poisonous bite that is powerful and deadly, but difficult to deliver. The naga's fangs are very tiny, and only contain a small dosage. The venom may be ineffective against larger, healthier targets.
Constriction Attack: A naga's long, muscular tail can coil around even the largest and strongest of enemies, hindering their movement and strangling them into submission.
Clerical Magic: The magical powers of a holy priestess. This gift provides access to potent spells of healing and blessing, and allows the performance of miracles, sacrifices, and exorcisms.
Evil Priestess: As a priestess of a blatantly evil cult, Nadhiya is vulnerable to the powers of holy clerics and champions. True faith and holy symbols can weaken or negate her magical abilities, and rituals that repel demons or evil spirits will affect her.
Cold Blooded: As a reptile, a naga's body does not generate it's own heat; this makes them vulnerable to cold and freezing attacks, and much more susceptible to hypothermia.
Clerical Vows: As a priestess, Nadhiya must maintain certain vows and offer regular prayers and sacrifices to her deity. She must also perform regular services to her flock.
Ritual Ceremonies: The knowledge required to perform religious rituals, both mystical and cultural; includes marriages, blessings, divinations, sacrifices, and exorcisms.
Administration: The skill and knowledge of operating a large business or organization.
Healing Spells: Special training in the use and knowledge of restorative spells.
Diplomacy: The art and science of peaceful reconciliation.
Negotiation: The ability to broker deals, reach agreements, and haggle.
Language / Draconic: Fluency in the language of dragons and reptile creatures.
Wrestling: A form of unarmed combat that relies on slams, takedowns, and holds.
Knives: The use of short blades in combat, both for melee and throwing.
Ooh, this looks pretty interesting. Maybe not my kind of game, but I'm sure there are people here who will have fun with it...
Question; is this the Furrae setting? You mention a "creature council", but it's still not explicitly stated...
Indeed it is placed mostly in Furrae. Other realms may figure in the plot.
The dungeon itself is physically isolated, and teleportation and divination spells can't reach it from the rest of the realm. It's portal chamber, however, enables public transit to and from any other portal chamber in Furrae.
Also, the setting will be primarily magical fantasy... but characters from other eras and technology levels can still join. Things may be less convenient for them.
Ooh, sounds like an interesting idea. Do you think there might be room for a gryphon (B)? I've had a character concept for one knocking around in my head for a while now. :smile I'll need to work out some details first, of course, to make a decent character submission.
Although, that brings up a question... What about the different gryphon/phoenix subspecies? Say, if someone made a phoenix (B) to join the game, would other players be able to make a phoenix (A) character?
Hmm... I actually do have an idea for this RP myself, too. I'd love to try it, but actually being the "evil" dungeon is a bit of a problem for me...
A type B gryphon would be fine!
Quote from: Liatai on March 20, 2010, 04:15:28 PMWhat about the different gryphon/phoenix subspecies? Say, if someone made a phoenix (B) to join the game, would other players be able to make a phoenix (A) character?
Hmmmm... good question.
The official Demonology literature clearly states that type B Phoenix are pretty much avian beings with an alternate form, while type A Phoenix are a distinct race. I'd just count Type A Phoenix as beings.
The literature is silent regarding type A Gryphons, unfortunately. They seem to resemble avian beings... but they have exactly the same reproductive compatabilities as type B Gryphons. This suggests genetic unity. All three types are described as having close social and historical ties. It's possible that type C Gryphons are only limited in their... ah... compatabilities... due to the... physical constraints of their... erm... body mass. Yeah.
I'd tend towards calling all three Gryphons a single race, but let me know if you find evidence to the contrary.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 20, 2010, 04:25:53 PM...actually being the "evil" dungeon is a bit of a problem for me...
The dungeon will tend towards evil, and the players will need to dabble in some classic villainy now and then... but the player's don't have to be unrepentant black-and-white mustasche-twirling disney villains. They might just want to raise a family where they can avoid pursecution from (and predation by) adventurers. They think they have good reasons for what they do... and they need to consider the consequences. If some characters really are true villains, the more level headed players may have to deal with them before they tear the community apart.
Also, I should have mentioned this before:
the RP will not be mature. Evil should be
implied wherever possible. You can
say you eat babies... you can even have a bushel of babies placed inconspicuously on your kitchen table... but don't actually
eat any onscreen.
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 20, 2010, 04:55:52 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 20, 2010, 04:25:53 PM...actually being the "evil" dungeon is a bit of a problem for me...
The dungeon will tend towards evil, and the players will need to dabble in some classic villainy now and then... but the player's don't have to be unrepentant black-and-white mustasche-twirling disney villains. They might just want to raise a family where they can avoid pursecution from (and predation by) adventurers. They think they have good reasons for what they do... and they need to consider the consequences.
Meh...that still doesn't really work for me. The only characters who I'd make who would have the motivation of escaping persecution are trying to escape from the very things that would inhabit the dungeon (my character Traxen in The City RP being a good example of that), and would actually work
with adventurers, when beneficial... I don't really go any further than that.
Oh well...
*raises hand*
Might I join, too? Possibly as an obnoxiously cheerful demon-chick that works in the torture and maiming department?
Can we take the posistion of chief engineer, and if so do we have the ability to create massively overcomplicated magma death traps that are run by kittens?
sounds interesting, if there is enough people!
I am thinking of a chuul (large aquatic psychic lobster tentacly thing speaking deep speech) who wants to run a brain shop (apparently those are disgusting and poisonous to them)
EDIT: Just as a thought - i doubt anyone will choose anything besides mythos from orig furrea inhabitants , as even when sometimes evil Cubi and such are not monsters in the cooperative DnD sense ... besides they would get bored in caves....
otaku999: Indeed! Hm... that might also require you to handle the company health plan... some creatures might use the torture chamber as an exercise gym and health spa.
SquirrelWizard: Indeed! The position of civil engineer is already filled by an NPC, but that's only for very basic construction and regular maintenance. Special engineers are always in great demand.
danman: Indeed! But do you refer to the D&D Chuul? I can find no references about those being psychic... unless you mean the Uchuulon, which I can't find a decent description of. Regardless, players can design monster races as they like, within reason.
As far as other races go, remember; this place may be a dungeon, but it's also a community. The monsters have families and neighbors; they have homes and jobs. Think about Saia; that place is technically a monster-filled dungeon too, and some very bad things happen there on occasion.
As for caves being unpleasant; parts of it are clean enough to resemble any above-ground castle or apartment building, and the portal chamber allows you to commute to just about anywhere in Furrae on a daily basis.
And besides... these caves are anything but boring.
Against my better self-judgement, I'm starting to think I may join this, if only to use a concept I really want to try. He'll also probably be neutral, and may frown on anything particularly villanous, but oh well.
Do you have a character skeleton you want us to follow, or would we just make our own as needed?
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 20, 2010, 09:28:16 PM
danman: Indeed! But do you refer to the D&D Chuul? I can find no references about those being psychic... unless you mean the Uchuulon, which I can't find a decent description of. Regardless, players can design monster races as they like, within reason.
As far as other races go, remember; this place may be a dungeon, but it's also a community. The monsters have families and neighbors; they have homes and jobs. Think about Saia; that place is technically a monster-filled dungeon too, and some very bad things happen there on occasion.
As for caves being unpleasant; parts of it are clean enough to resemble any above-ground castle or apartment building, and the portal chamber allows you to commute to just about anywhere in Furrae on a daily basis.
And besides... these caves are anything but boring.
Hmm in the DnD4 definition which is the one i was thinking of, it has psychic aura and the second type (Chuul Juggernaut) an mind attack too.
Any case - it eats everything except brains which gives interesting ideas ,,,, Imagine one with yellow "gloves" on its tentacles storing brains for further use...
Thinking of this - we might employ use some purple worms as miners, as my thinking goes...
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 20, 2010, 09:28:16 PM
As far as other races go, remember; this place may be a dungeon, but it's also a community. The monsters have families and neighbors; they have homes and jobs. Think about Saia; that place is technically a monster-filled dungeon too, and some very bad things happen there on occasion.
As for caves being unpleasant; parts of it are clean enough to resemble any above-ground castle or apartment building, and the portal chamber allows you to commute to just about anywhere in Furrae on a daily basis.
And besides... these caves are anything but boring.
Ummmmm.... yeah.... I think its safe to say that my character concept is out...
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 20, 2010, 09:56:35 PM
Against my better self-judgement, I'm starting to think I may join this, if only to use a concept I really want to try. He'll also probably be neutral, and may frown on anything particularly villanous, but oh well.
Do you have a character skeleton you want us to follow, or would we just make our own as needed?
He might get along with my gryphon, then. She would just be in it for the pay and the prospect of treasure. They can tut-tut at the more villainous creatures together. :razz
And you stole my question! I was just about to ask the same thing.
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 20, 2010, 09:28:16 PM
otaku999: Indeed! Hm... that might also require you to handle the company health plan... some creatures might use the torture chamber as an exercise gym and health spa.
SquirrelWizard: Indeed! The position of civil engineer is already filled by an NPC, but that's only for very basic construction and regular maintenance. Special engineers are always in great demand.
danman: Indeed! But do you refer to the D&D Chuul? I can find no references about those being psychic... unless you mean the Uchuulon, which I can't find a decent description of. Regardless, players can design monster races as they like, within reason.
As far as other races go, remember; this place may be a dungeon, but it's also a community. The monsters have families and neighbors; they have homes and jobs. Think about Saia; that place is technically a monster-filled dungeon too, and some very bad things happen there on occasion.
As for caves being unpleasant; parts of it are clean enough to resemble any above-ground castle or apartment building, and the portal chamber allows you to commute to just about anywhere in Furrae on a daily basis.
And besides... these caves are anything but boring.
Heh, I'm imagining you saying that last line in a deep and intimidating voice.
Anyways, I was thinking that Katya (that's what I'm thinking of calling her) wouldn't really be in charge of it, more like a higher-up worker person. But yeah, I think she could handle the health thingy too. XD
Thinking that Katya isn't what one would think of when they hear 'demon'. Herbivore (species-wise, I mean. She's probably like Lorenda in the teeth department), cheerful, friendly, upbeat, maybe a little too fangirly over ancient methods of torture, but over all a nice gal. Well, aside from the evil thing...
Answers: yes, there will be a Skeleton. I was almost thinking of using a really, super-basic point-buy system... but that's probably more work than it's worth.
Hm... The red text may be more useful than I thought...
Also, all the Player Characters will end up being in charge of something, as well as being the representative leader for their race. Not all races will be all that cooperative, though... and characters who aren't any good at leadership will lokely let others do the actual management.
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 20, 2010, 11:59:12 PM
Answers: yes, there will be a Skeleton. I was almost thinking of using a really, super-basic point-buy system... but that's probably more work than it's worth.
Err...yeah, on being more trouble than worth. When I said skeleton, I mean something like;
Name:Age:Race:Haircolor/Eyecolor/anyotherapplicableminutiayouwant:Phsyical Description:Personality:"something" Abilities:"other" Abilities (repeat as needed): Any other fields you want:and add or remove any fields you think is necessary. Maybe "family" or "affiliations", or anything you can think of that would be needed for this kind of RP.
EDIT: Ooh, I know a good one; "Dungeon responsibilities"
EDIT EDIT: and instead of things like "combat abilities" and "other abilities", you could go a "strengths" and "weaknesses" route instead. There are many different ways you can put a character skeleton together, we just need to know if you actually have one you want us to use.
Dangit! Again with the people stealing my brainthoughts! Now nobody will believe I included "Responsabilities" before you suggested it.
I do have a layout in mind, which I shall post as soon as possible. And no, I won't be going with a point system after all.
EDIT: Aaaaand updated. Goodness, the color coding makes it so much easier to make sense of. I also included the stats for Nadhiya; the dungeon's administrator, and the highest ranking person the players are likely to meet for awhile.
OTHER EDIT: I just realized I described the Type A Phoenix as being just like a being. That is wrong and stupid; Type A are the fiery oracles. Type B are just like beings. Bad self! No cookie for me!
It looks good! I'm already working on filling it out.
One question, though... can the backstory section be longer than three paragraphs? I started to write it out last night, and it ended up being closer to six. :animesweat
So, wait...This takes place in Furrae? And, ISN'T Mature rated?
Well... use the example NPC's backstory as a guideline for length. The RP is supposed to be more about the character's future than their past. Like anyone who is moving to a new town, this is an exciting new chapter in their life.
And as for the no Mature rating... the point of the RP is not to be as despicable and violent as possible. If anything, it's the opposite; an attempt to become more civilized and cooperative. Traditionally, monsters are a walking pile of hit dice, godl coins and XP... what happens when they try to be more than that? When I say non-mature, I mean PG-13; can involve a mature subject as it's theme (without depicting it explicitly), and can include drug use, more-than-brief nudity, depictions of violence, and one use of a harsher expletive.
The only exception I can think of that would be hard to pull off is combat; having monsters chop up heroes is much more intense than having heroes chop up monsters. To be honest, extreme graphic violence is my least concern.
Name: Katya
Player: otaku999
Race: Demon
Species: Hamster/Demon-cat
Creature Rating: 4 (rivals)
Description: Katya mostly resembled her father, a hamster being. Appearance-wise, Katya actually looks rather cuddly. She has soft, fluffy brown fur, aside from a large white section running down her chin and stomach, big brown eyes, and usually wears her short black hair in pigtails. Her tail is short and fluffy, and she likes to wear baggy jeans and brightly colored t-shirts. She is NOT chubby, just... poofy. Even her black, bat-like wings don't take much away from the cuteness, nor do her tiny horns. Her cuteness all but evaporates when she opens her mouth, though. Katya has an unusual amount of sharp, pointy teeth, which she takes good care of, making sure they are white and shiny. Further inspection will reveal "ketchup" stains on her clothing and jewelry that looks strangely like bones.
A conversation usually quells these fears, though. Katya is very sweet, charming, and childish, and seems much more interested in cuddles than killing. Not that she has any problem with killing, that is. She just likes to draw it out. While Katya is a rather friendly girl, she is also rather sadistic. She doesn't see much of a problem with hurting people she doesn't care about, and likes to go into long rants about how the various machines in the torture chamber work. Some even suspect that she's used these machines on herself, just to see how they feel.
Morbid hobbies aside, Katya is a very loyal friend, and doesn't hold any prejudice against beings, or any other species for that matter. She refuses to hurt children, though she's been known to take them on tours of the torture chamber on occasion. She never harms anyone she doesn't feel "deserves it", and will lash out violently against those who harm innocents.
Responsibilities: Katya works in the Torture and Maiming department, alongside many other demons. She makes sure the racks are in proper working order, the guillotine stays sharp, and the bamboo plants are watered. She also makes sure the cleaning crew keeps the dungeon from smelling TOO rotten (but not too clean, either. Wouldn't want people to think it's never used!). She sometimes instructs the torturers on techniques, as well. How to extract information, exactly how much pain one can take before passing out, etc.
Backstory: Katya's parents were an... interesting couple. Her mother terrorized a small village for a few decades until they decided to try and leave her a virgin sacrifice. Katya's mother, Felicia didn't really care about such things, and probably would have just killed the sacrifice and went on with what she was doing, but they sent her the cutest little hamster by the name of Jor, and she just couldn't bring herself to hurt him. Felicia and Jor eventually married, much to the shock of the villagers, and lived together for quite some time. Katya was born and raised in that village, regarded with fear from her neighbors but never malice. Inevitably, Jor died of old age while Katya was still quite young by demon standards, and without Jor to keep his demon family at bay, the villagers became even more terrified. Felicia eventually took her daughter and traveled the world with her, teaching her what every demon needs to know.
Katya eventually grew tired of travel, and wanted to settle down somewhere, meet a nice guy, have a family. But she knew that she would always have the urge to cause pain and terror, as well. She found an opportunity for both in the dungeon. While she's yet to meet a nice guy, Katya has made lots of friends and enjoys her job.
Attributes: Like most demons, Katya is very strong, fast, and resilient to damage, though less so because of her half-being heritage. While she can take on a well armed being with ease, she would have trouble with a full blooded demon. She knows a few spells, but likes using them to sneak up on friends rather than fighting, and isn't very good at more complicated ones. Katya is a bit faster than usual, possibly thanks to her hamster father. Katya is of about average intelligence, but would much rather people think of her as silly and childish. It makes them much easier to manipulate. Katya loves getting what she wants, and isn't afraid to pout and sniffle to do so. She's pretty good at it, too, having a couple centuries of practice.
Strength: Katya is much stronger than most beings, though not quite as strong as other demons. She can break bone with little effort, and can restrain opponents much larger than herself.
Agility: Katya can keep up with most other demons without much difficulty, and is almost a blur when racing beings.
Skin: Like other demons, Katya can make her skin diamond hard, stopping most things from cutting her. She can also make her nails very sharp, and easily slice through flesh.
Teeth: Katya has razor sharp teeth, and she is very proud of their strength. They can bite through most softer materials, and shred flesh and skin easily.
Shadow Magic: Katya knows very few spells, but she's rather good at those few. She likes to blend into shadows and sneak up on people, usually appearing out of nowhere. She also likes to make "shadow puppets", forming them into various shapes, though this is more of a distraction.
Young: Katya is still a relatively young demon, and could easily be defeated by an older, more powerful creature.
Sadistic: Katya enjoys causing those she doesn't like pain, and often focuses on this more than killing.
Easily distracted: Katya is easily sidetracked by shiny objects and new torture machines, thus leaving herself open for attack or rushing through a boring yet important job.
Immature: Katya often acts very childish, poking her nose where it shouldn't be, getting giddy over new "toys" (usually torture mechanisms), and is a bit too trusting of those who are nice to her.
Manipulation: Getting others to do as one wants, through pouting, promises, and deception.
Torture: Getting others to reveal important information by causing them pain.
Blunt Weapons: The use of blunt, heavy weapons in melee combat, such as hammers or maces.
Wrestling: A form of unarmed combat that relies on slams, takedowns, and holds.
(Appearance stolen from inspired by this image: http://www.mabsland.com/Art5b/Roz_Taur.jpg , which I obviously did not draw)
Right, here's my character submission. As there are many kinds of Mythos, I went and made up my own one. I'm also not entirely clear on the "creature rating" thing, so I left that blank for now... (though, as best as I can explain, most mythos of my kind are generally solitary, but will work together easily enough, unless an individual in question is like that.) I also reordered the format slightly to make it flow better.
Name: Xephelon
Player: techmaster-glitch
Race: Mythos
Species: Green Imbuer
Creature Rating: 5 (Solitary); Unlike other solitary creatures, the Imbuers (both Blue and Green) are not solitary by choice. They are simply so few in number that they have not been able to establish any sort of communities or societies for themselves. As individuals, however, they are often friendly with each other and will usually cooperate if they meet.
Physical Description:
As an Imbuer Mythos, Xephelon is basically a landbound octopus or squid. He is neon-green in color, and looks little more than a fleshy mass two feet in size, with small tentacles. He has two small eyes and a mouth on a little "head", but otherwise, his body is quite malleable due to not having any bones, and able to squeeze into small spaces. However, his actual body is rarely seen (see below).
Xephelon belongs to a rather remarkable type of Mythos. While physically small and weak, they are gifted with prodigious magical power. However, this magic cannot be cast in spells like normal magic-users; all Mythos of the Imbuer type use magic by "imbuing" it into any nonliving object they touch. Xephelon's species, Greens, can enchant objects to hold nearly any magical quality or power temporarily (permanently if time measured in hours or days is spent on the object). They can't cast a fireball spell, but they can enchant an object to shoot fireballs. They can't cast a spell to make someone stronger, but they can enchant an object the person is wearing that will then make them stronger. Due to this, Green Imbuer Mythos are masters of creating magic items of nearly any kind, even edging into "magitech". As they like to create their own objects to receive their magic, Green Imbuer Mythos also often pick up skill at crafting and shaping mundane materials, using magic-enhanced tools in construction.
One thing particular to Green Imbuer Mythos (and often their defining trait) is that due to their abilities and the fact their physical bodies are very weak and vulnerable, nearly all of them create a personal magical "exo-shell" to enhance their interactions with the world around them. These exoshells are very unique, taking on almost any shape and size, and are often specialized to their creator's preferences. Some make great juggernaut exoshells that are engines of combat, other make exoshells geared to mining or construction, or any other purpose besides. Few people ever actually see a Green Imbuer Mythos' real body--only the exoshell they reside in.
Xephelon is highly intelligent, possessing a keen analytical mind. His social skills are fairly adequate, and is good at calmy talking and reasoning things out. When outside of his exoshell, however, see "flaws" for his physical attributes.
Xephelon's capabilities extend to imbuing any object with a variety of magical properties and effects simply by touching them. The more complex the property, the more time it takes to imbue the object. These effects are temporary, and vanish some time after the imbuing (usually more than ten minutes, sometimes up to an hour). However, if he spends hours or days on an object, he can permanently bestow magical properties on the object, making it a magic item. Highly advanced projects, such as the creation of magical constructs, can often take days or weeks, including the time it takes to craft the body.
--Xephelon's Exoshell:
Xephelon's personal shell (which, like most Green Imbuer Mythos, he spends almost all his time in) consists of a main torso/body set on a quadrupedal base. There are four arms attached to the main body, and each arm has a variety of retractable/deployable tools. The exoshell stands roughly five feet tall, and is built from what looks like interlocking plates of metal, and glowing lines of magic wrap around most of the shell (the color is usually green). Three lights that look like eyes are set into the center of the torso. In the back, there is a small hole only a few inches wide that is usually covered by a metal plate. When Xephelon exits the shell, the plate moves out of the way, and the hole leads to the cavity inside the main body where Xephelon would reside.
With the tools built into the arms of the exoshell, it is an excellent vessel for crafting and manufacturing objects. Most of the tools themselves have individual enchantments on them to enhance their capabilities. Two of the arms have small crystals in them that can easily accept and channel temporary enchantments on the fly. These are generally used when constructing an unusual object and a special effect is needed, but in combat, Xephelon may sometimes put some kind of offensive magic into them.
Xephelon's exoshell, being made mostly of enchanted metal, is decently tough, and is also lightly warded against small damage and ambient effects. However, it's not built very thick, and a big hit from anything is liable to cause significant problems. The central torso, where Xephelon is housed, is the the toughest part of the exoshell (and while the lights in the center do indeed function as "eyes", they aren't a weak point, only being magic enchantments). Obviously, the exoshell is stronger than Xephelon's real body, and allows him to lift things he couldn't normally, but it won't be winning any arm-wrestling contests with an ogre any time soon.
Xephelon is very poor in direct combat, even when within his exoshell. It isn't designed for a fight, hardly has any real weapons, and isn't very tough, so Xephelon will generally opt to let allies with items enhanced by his magic or his own constructs do his fighting for him. Outside of his exoshell, Xephelon is completely exposed, being small, weak, and vulnerable. His body is a boneless mass of flesh and light muscle, severely hampering his strength and mobility. If he doesn't have something enchanted to help him, he moves by shuffling and squiggling, and there are few things he can actually lift (sufficiently-sized books can give him problems). In fact, no Mythos of the Imbuer type has significant unaided mobility. His body also cannot really take any punishment of any kind, except for may a weak blunt blow, or squeezing/squishing. While Xephelon is somewhat dexterous, and able to wriggle out of tight spots, he is otherwise at the mercy of anything that catches him outside of his exoshell.
-Exceptional Craftsman: Highly adept at working with materials and shaping them into desired forms, including weapons and armor.
-Master Artificer: Second to none at creating magic items and objects.
-Magic Analyst: Can examine, analyze, and "reverse-engineer" magic effects already in place.
-Logistics: A knack for good resource allocation.
Maintenance and construction of magical items, constructs, devices, and utilities around the dungeon. Analysis and processing of incoming magic items.
Xephelon's kind is a fairly rare type of Mythos (as far as Mythos go), and thanks to the sheer alien appearance of his exoshell, he's rarely met with open arms by any community that's never seen one of his kind before. On the other hand, he has actually worked with a few open-minded adventurers before, but he's been looking for a more permanent residence to settle down in and fulfill his desire to advance magical engineering. Just recently, he happened across a nice flyer with appealing taglines. He honestly doesn't know what he's really going to find in the dungeon...
Xephelon is actually a nice person. While he does look out for himself, he does understand the value of friends and allies, and looks down on those who do actions that would directly harm or upset others, and when he has worked with adventurers, it was for taking down a particularly destructive Creature or other villain. While Xephelon doesn't actually have any real skill with diplomacy or negotiation, he will try to talk himself out of a situation and avoid fighting whenever possible, though he will commit his constructs and abilities if his allies are threatened.
Misc Trivia:
-The other type of Imbuer Mythos are the Blue Imbuer Mythos. They are slightly inverted to the Greens; where Greens can enchant properties into objects, but must spend a long time to make an animated object or construct, Blues animate and bestow semi-life any object they touch. However, to give additional properties beyond simply bringing things to "life" takes a significant investment of time, likie a Green for creating constructs.
Oooh... cool characters, both!
Katya looks good so far, but is she actually a half-being-half-demon, or simply a weak demon? Beings are CR3; they co-operate as equals. Demons are CR4; they respect power above all, and challenge each other for dominance all the time. If she's half-breed, she could choose to live either way.
I love the concept for Xephelon! The only quibble is that his enchanting ability is a Power, rather than an Attribute... but it's still balanced and interesting as is.
I get the feeling I need to re-write the Creature Rating thingy... I'll get on that.
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 21, 2010, 04:39:59 PM
The only quibble is that his enchanting ability is a Power, rather than an Attribute... but it's still balanced and interesting as is.
I understood Attribute to be analogous to "racial" or "natural" abilities, while Power was individual-specific, but oh well...
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 21, 2010, 04:39:59 PM
I get the feeling I need to re-write the Creature Rating thingy... I'll get on that.
Maybe, or just expand on it more (or do away with it entirely).
Hmm, so i will add in, too!
I kind of took a Chuul juggernaut and filled in the missing bits with Lobster + other fun stuff .
Name: Glup.
Player: danman
Race: Chuul
Species: Nephropidae
Creature Rating: CR4
Description: EDIT: A picture is always handy
A giant, very subdued (mostly by algae) yellow-green lobster-like with dozen mid-length tentacles around its mouth, and something resembling swimmer's goggles, but ones which distort light profusely, fastened around the plates at back of its head with a tough rubber band.
An observant person will notice that 4 of the tentacles are covered with something most resembling a bright yellow, thick rubber umbrella sheath.
He speaks Deep speech, and has learned some common on his travels, although it sounds somewhat like gargling
The coming of digital age has improved his situation a lot in terms of expression, as 12 tentacles can type rather faster than one of them can write: "Have you thlied shalpening a pensil with a thentha'le?" in his own words.
An intelligent creature, he has transformed the problem of the race to a boon - his main source of income has been selling well-cleaned brains to Ilithids, mad scientists ,and other interested customers.
EDIT: Actual parameters as calculated from DnD - He is 15 feet long, and has a 10 feet reach
Interested in maintaining electronics, and perhaps selling brains.
A nice pool in the cave would be welcome
Glup hatched, along with several dozen of his kind , in a murky pool in some nondescript cave.
He had little knowledge of their parents as they left soon, so as not to attract attention to the lair, not that parents are very important in the culture of beings whose parental instinct goes the first way (let's have a load of them so some survive)
After a few months of hunting pool-fish, fighting among themselves , and generally having a good time as chuul life goes, he and most siblings were fished out by a bunch of ilithids and transferred to their settlement as garbage disposal and guardian animals. Although rather less free, Glup had a steady supply of corpses, was taught deep speech, and as he exhibited intelligence even for his kind, some basic psionics as well, and was left in charge of a small group of his brothers, each being in charge of less intelligent creatures (The ilithids realized, that to subdue an intelligent species, it is best to make it a part of the hierarchy).
When they were attacked by a group of heroes, Gulp witnessed a spectacular (one could say critical :D) failure of the illithid cleric to cast an offensive spell and his subsequent slicing up.
He and his underlings played a significant role in defeating the party, but the few illithids left had no use for such a large creature population, and so they gave them freedom as a win-win reward.
Left to wander freely, a striking realisation came to him when killing and eating a caveman , and instinctively leaving the brain behind,something he has not seen for years.
There are creatures that use these!
Using his abilities, he soon began selling prime-quality brains to any customers willing to deal with him - luckily, most beings needing brains are intelligent enough not to care about appearance.
However, tired by the unceasing attacks by local druids ("One should be glatheful fol sush eashy pley, exshep' theil blains ale lubbish") he decided to migrate to Furrea, where, apparently they are not such a problem.
As mentioned, once there , he was able to fit within the city of Zinvh well,had his goggles made, which greatly facilitated most of his activities, and learned about technology which besides a few electroshocks proven to be well within his ability to master.
Looking through local newspaper (rents are quite over the head there) he noticed the advert.
Chuuls , whether sand or water dwelling seem mostly solitary beings, who pretty much seek others of their species only when interested in mating.
Gulp exhibits this tendency to a somewhat lesser extent, due to being instilled with a sense of hierarchy between the ilithids.
Overall he might be described as lawful evil of sorts - he is not sadistic or so, just ruthless...
He believes order makes things simpler and better, and of course cares that the order will include as many chuuls as possible...
Due to a monotonous voice and lack of facial expression, his reactions can be somewhat difficult to understand for those not being Cubi.
Due to the spectacular failure he remembers, he is devoutly atheistic, considering any gods either nonexistent or not worthy of worship. He knows little of magic as well, only meeting some at hands of his enemies, and later among Zinvth citizens.
Ageless - Like other nephropidae, because of the ensyme telomerase, chuuls lack aging - if not killed, can continue indefinitely
Crustacean (power and drawback) - Sharp bladed weapons are notoriously poor against this being
Poison - the tentacles can deliver a sting of paralytic poison to an opponent , or prey
Psionic - as well as being able to "lure" prey, which in the chuul variant consists of torturing the opponent's mind but doing it less fervently when he goes in the desired direction, and an unpleasant psychic hum which weakens enemies' mental defenses, and annoys the hell out of allied psychics, and those who can hear thoughts
Psychokinesis - similar to telekinetic ability, but he must be in contact with the thing it is being applied to - allows him to perform difficult feats with his tentacles, although doing it for a long time is somewhat tiring.
EDIT: also as shown in the short example - this can improve his apparent strength even beyond natural.
Darkvision - The makeup of the eye, focused on reflective elements allows it to see in a way similar to a cat.
Large spiked pincers - any more needs to be said?
Fast swimmer - Similarly to a lobster, he can move wiggling his torso and tail in water, reaching remarkable swim speed in the backward direction.
T-34 - His armoured body is usually covered by wet algae which lessen impact of fire spells
(the name refers to the fact that soviet tank drivers used to attach shovels, wire meshes and random junk to their tanks to protect them against german Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck hand-fired missiles)
Strong Lobsters and such possess striated muscle, similar in efficiency to fish mammals and so. Pincers possess leverage. Does any more need to be said?
Healthy Due to the mentioned regenerative properties ,armor and whatnot, its damage resistance is higher than one would expect for the size.
Crustacean - (both power and drawback) Blunt weapons are quite dangerous, as even if not breaking the armour, concussion can occur easily.. Also, freezing attacks make this doubly so.
Ew, Brains! - Brain tissue is poisonous to Chuuls, as well as disgusting.
Non-humanoid - Although able to use most things and tools, armor and things like magical rings etc are generally useless as he has nowhere to put them on.
Turn hard Although agile otherwise, multiple feet and a long body makes it harder to turn than for a bipedal
Aberration Generally hated by nature-worshippers, certain spells are more powerful against him
Poor vision (corrected) If his goggles are removed, his vision is of somewhat subhuman standard due to species limitation (able to see shapes navigate somewhat and fight (also by other senses) but not much more).
Exoskeleton If the exoskeleton is broken, Glup needs to mend himself with superglue, or get healed, otherwise his haemolymph will seep out (sustained damage by bleeding, depends on size of injury)
(Note: Superglue is an actual method to mend giant spiders if they injure by falling!)
Psionic training - as said, compared to a common chuul , his psychic abilities are somewhat better.
Electronics skill - having some understanding of electricity is always a boon. Having 12 tentacles when soldering is another one.
Speaks Common although a little hard to comprehend EDIT: Note - Also knows so-called Deep Speech but that is usual for the species
Autodidact Hard to categorise as a boon or a flaw, he received little formal training beyond that by ilithids
He knows things through practice and ocassional books from Zinvth public library, which makes him more versatile and practical but also somewhat idiosyncratic in application of his abilities(You kchan do thath?. Oh, you kchan kchollect!)
Glup carries most possessions in two waterproof bags tied around his body (like the packs on a donkey somewhat)
They include: Soldering equipment, screwdrivers, spare "gloves", any gold he has, spare goggles, and some books
such as "Electronics for the mad scientist" "No-nonsense psionics" and "Sociopath's How to interact with fellow beings handbook"
I'll have a more complete sheet later today. Right now, I'm going to call dibs with the following:
Race: Undead (Demon)
Career: Necromancer/DeathKnight
Responsibilies: Librarian/Archivist
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 21, 2010, 04:39:59 PM
Katya looks good so far, but is she actually a half-being-half-demon, or simply a weak demon? Beings are CR3; they co-operate as equals. Demons are CR4; they respect power above all, and challenge each other for dominance all the time. If she's half-breed, she could choose to live either way.
While Katya is a half breed, I'm saying she's a demon for simplicity's sake. I'm really basing a lot of this off Lorenda... And I'm changing the Creature Rating thingy now.
Hmmm... Golden opportunity to break into roleplaying on The Haunted Mansion... And since I've always been interested in a DungeonKeeper viewpoint, this sounds too good to not try... (Translation: Yes, I'm an interested newb.)
I need to double check some D&D references for this and write up some stuff. I'm going to tentatively reserve the following...
Race: Dragon (Very young.)
Species: Force
Creature Rating: CR5 (To others, he's snackable.)
Responsibilities: Security/Surveillance
Name: Kittrick
Nicknames: Kitt, Jaybird
Player: Liatai (Li for short, I guess.)
Race: Gryphon B
Species: Well, she looks a fair bit like a blue jay...
Creature Rating: 3 (Equals)
The majority of Kittrick's fur and feathers are a medium blue, with brighter blue black-tipped covert feathers and white flight feathers on her wings. The underside of her neck and belly are white, and her paws and beak are black. There is a black stripe running between her wings, starting between her shoulder blades and running along the back of her tail. She also has a black "mask" that sweeps back from her beak over her eyes and curves down to her chest, much like a blue jay's; hence, her childhood nickname, Jaybird. There is a scar on her right flank from a riding crop. Have some sketches until I can get a colored picture done. (http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/132/b/a/Kittrick_Sketches_by_Liatai.png)
As far as personality goes... Picture a stereotypical librarian. Grey hair piled high on her head, looking over her glasses at you, stern, cold, no-nonsense... Now make her a gryphon and take away the glasses, and you have a pretty good idea of what Kittrick is like at first glance. She's somewhat leery of strangers, but once she warms up to you a little, her Gryphon B wit and playfulness starts to show, usually starting with clever observations tinged with a bit of cynicism. Kittrick is rather proud and fiercely loyal; if she takes a liking to you, she will defend you and your good name to the end.
Postmaster. It's Kittrick's job to ensure that come fireball spell, sword, or hail, you will always get your mail. Duties include the delivery of messages, orders, and packages; the sorting of said messages, orders, and packages; and double-checking to make sure no one is sending things that they shouldn't through the mail.
Kittrick was born into a mixed wing of gryphons that lived in the snowy mountains, near a tiny mixed village of creatures. It was a good life, if a hard one; the gryphons acted as messengers and a sort of early-warning system for the village, while the villagers worked to grow food and provide services for the gryphons. When she was fifteen, she left the snowy peaks in search of fame and fortune, and to see the world. Figuring that the adventurers' trade was the best way to go about this, she started to seek a group that would take on a fledgling at the trade, but found very few who were willing to hire a creature, much less one who couldn't hold a sword and had little magical experience.
Eventually, she found one that was willing to let her tag along, but there was a problem. They didn't want a fellow adventurer; they wanted a mount. Kittrick played along for about a year, but after being treated less like a sentient being and more like a horse, and a few too many lashes with a whip, she parted company with them on rather ugly terms. That coyote was lucky that his wings weren't all he inherited from his angel mother. Otherwise, he might be missing that arm completely. As it was, he still can't see out of one eye, and one ear has a nice chunk missing from it.
She swore to stay away from all adventurers after that, but she still wanted to have her journey, and she still needed money. So, with trepidation, she signed on when she saw a notice on a bulletin board, left by a Dr. Adam Culbertson asking for an escort for him and his assistant, a two-headed Mythos named Hohokam, through gryphon-infested territory to the Great Oaks archaeological site. As they traveled, Kittrick found herself liking the hare being and Mythos, despite her initial misgivings.
This was the start of a seventeen-year friendship. When the seasons permitted, Kittrick worked as a messenger for the students at the dig site, carrying letters, care packages, and food out to them and bringing messages and artifacts out to museums, the academy, and worried families. During the off-seasons, she lodged with the Culbertson family and attended the academy, paying for her lessons with wages earned at the dig site and post office. Some students joked at first that she was Dr. Culbertson's new pet, but she soon set them straight with a snarl and a flex of her talons. Those seventeen years were among the happiest she had, learning about magic, history, and archaeology, graduating with a degree in archaeology and staying on to help at Great Oaks.
That all came to an end when Dr. Culbertson was killed by a group of Insectis after a cave-in exposed a cavern they had been using for some purpose. Those who survived the attack did not stick around long enough to discover what that purpose was. Dr. Culbertson and three students were slain immediately, while another student was taken underground for her feathered wings and never seen again. Hohokam and four other students managed to escape, but not without injury. Kittrick was away on duty when the attack happened, and learned about it from Hohokam after he was treated by the local medics. It was her sad duty to deliver the news to the families, including the Culbertsons, who she had come to see as a second family.
Kittrick couldn't bear to be near the Great Oaks site after the deaths of her friends, and went back to live with her wing in the mountains for the time being. She discovered the kobolds' flier on the back of a sign warning about a washed-out trail, and after seeing several other ones like it, she decided to attend the open house, if only to see what they were all about and whether they would take a gryphon who knew some magic. After all, what did she have to lose? Besides, they offered free food.
Gryphons are a social species, living in mixed groups that I will refer to as wings. Demonology refers to these gryphons as belonging to three separate subgroups; Gryphon A, which resemble beings with great magical power; Gryphon B, quick-witted quadrupedal creatures often found in the workforce due to their love of gold and gems; and Gryphon C, a giant, largely solitary group of creatures that are magic-resistant, highly territorial, and showing no signs of sentience. Gryphons of the B variety are quick, sharp-witted, and can carry heavy loads. However, they have little magical power compared to their cousins, and are known to hold grudges. For more on Gryphon B's, see this page (http://www.missmab.com/Demo/gryphonb.php).
Kittrick is fairly average as far as gryphon B's go, but is fairly smart, and has learned several magical skills from her time with the Culbertsons. See "Skills."
- Darkvision: Gryphons can see even in pitch darkness.
- Flight: Grphons of the B variety are agile fliers, provided they have enough room to spread their wings.
- Talons: Need more be said? Her beak is pretty sharp, too.
- Pounce: A gryphon's preferred method of attack is a pounce, rending the creature with talons and tearing into them with their beak. Kittrick is also fond of swooping in, grabbing foes from above, and dropping them onto their fellows from a height.
- Ability to Command Gryphons of the C Variety: Gryphons of the C variety are humongous, magic-resistant, territorial beasts that have a tendency to attack anything that isn't a gryphon and are, frankly, dumber than mud. However, they take commands from A and B gryphons.
- Magic: Kittrick has learned some magic from her time at the academy, mainly of the wind and earth varieties.
- Fragility: Kittrick isn't the sturdiest gryphon around, and isn't trained for combat.
- Weakness for Gems: At least twenty-five percent of Kittrick's income goes toward purchasing shiny stones to decorate her lair with. She is easily distracted by shiny things.
- Low Magical Power: While she has studied wind and earth magic under Dr. Culbertson's wife, B-type gryphons have less magical power than their A-type cousins. She can go toe-to-toe with a being, but something like an angel, 'cubi, or demon would easily outclass her.
- Quadruped: While she hasn't let it stop her before, Kittrick has a hard time using doors and such designed for humanoid hands. This also means that she cannot use weapons or armor designed for humanoids.
- Hatred of Chitinous Creatures: Insectis killed her greatest friend and teacher only a year ago. At best, she will be cold to anyone of the chitinous persuasion at first. At worst? I hope you can fend off a raging gryphon.
- Weakness for Horse Meat: It was a delicacy in her wing. Horses are her favorite prey, which is part of the reason she objects so strongly to being treated like one.
- Selectively Squeamish/Finicky: Soil and dust are fine with Kittrick. As long as it's dry dirt, she doesn't mind getting her paws dirty. The moment any sliminess enters the equation, though, she recoils. She hates touching anything slimy or sticky, partly because those characteristics equal "rotting" in her mind, and partly because slimy, sticky stuff takes forever to wash out of her fur and feathers. Yuck.
- A lifetime of experience as a messenger and carrier of packages.
- Knowledge of history and archaeology.
- Wind magic: mainly used for mundane purposes, such as stabilizing herself in flight and allowing her to make tighter maneuvers. However, it comes in handy sometimes for generating blasts of wind to kick up dust clouds or knock people back. Kittrick can also use her wind magic to amplify the volume and pitch of her voice or screech. It comes in handy for delivering orders to multiple people out in the field, or for deafening attackers while raising the alert at the same time.
- Earth magic: mainly used for self-defense, although she used it in the field with Dr. Culbertson every now and then to help shift stones that were in the way of the dig. Favorite spells include localized earthquakes, clouds of sand/scree/soil/whatever's around, summoning stone spears, and the always classic "summon-a-rock-and-plunk-it-on-the-bad-guy's-head" trick.
- Kittrick has three brothers; Kizzle, Grick, and Whippir. Kizzle was the one to come up with the Jaybird nickname. She calls him Blueberry.
- While she has not seen them since Dr. Culbertson's funeral, she regularly sends letters to his widow, their daughter, and her friend Hohokam.
- Dr. Adam Culbertson is named after two Seneca archaeological sites, dated to 1560-1575 CE (Adams and Culbertson). Hohokam is named after an archaeological culture that lived between 500-1500 CE, known for its painted pottery.
- There is a male gryphon of the C variety who lives with Kittrick's wing. She refers to him as "Cousin Kip," despite not being related to him in the slightest.
Messenger's harness with silver badge; a silver bracelet on her right foreleg that is enchanted with a warming spell (for high altitudes and winter); a potsherd from Great Oaks in a pouch; a scroll describing the rules of the gathering; a small collection of gold pieces; two small gems (tiger's-eye and malachite) in the pouch with the potsherd.
Name: Urist Rokkar
Player: SquirrelWizard
Race: Being
Age: 45
Species: Mole
CR: 3
Description: Urist is a short squat mole being. His fur is a missmatch of brown, grey, grease, and grime. He has a palatable odor that can take peoples breath away. He wears an extremely grubby foremans outfit, and is often seen with a Jug of extremely potent spirits, and a mining pick. For those extremely rare occasions for when he goes outside he wears a set of goggles to protect himsel from the sun. His claws extend by 5 inches from his hand.
Responsabilities: Overseer of excavation, masonry, mechanics, and foundry work.
Backstory: Urist Rokkar is the eldest son of the tribe's last foreman, and took over the position after his father died in an accident. Growing up he was part of the general workforce, with his father passing him from one posistion to another on the job list. At the age of 23 he took a wife had three children, two daughters and a son. During the next fifteen years his eldest daughter and son would be lost to work related accidents, but his legacy is safe with his remaining daughter and wife. He is well respected by his tribe members both for his ability to keep the tribe afloat.
Attributes: The Mole Beings are a strong and hearty race, but not that very charismatic. They prize heard work and hard labor and are fantastic masons, smiths, and engineers. Due to their intensive time underground, all mole beings can see in the dark.
Stonesense: Urist, and his fellow Mole Beings, can read stone like many people would read a book. They can tell where nearby air, gas, water, and magma pockets are and, by examining the local stone, can map out where the extended pockets of these types are at a greater distance. Also, they never lose their sense of direction when they're underground.
Alcoholic: All mole beings drink alcohol, often to excess.
Unintelligible: The mole beings dont have much to do with the outside world, and as such they're dialect can be somewhat hard to follow.
Sun-blindness: Moles outside without special goggles, are usually blinded by the harsh light. They have trouble seeing any real distance.
Smell: Mole Beings typically dont bathe that often, as such their smell is... unique.
Dangerous Work Conditions: It isn't unusual for a tribe member or two to die a horrible death while on a job. So much that most of the moles dont even think about it and accept it as a fact of life.
Logistics: As a foreman, Urist has been in charge of managing his tribes labor and money flow.
Architecture: Growing up in the tribe, and as being groomed as a future foreman, Urist has mastered a few of the skills that are in high demand on their projects.
Metalurgy: Growing up in the tribe, and as being groomed as a future foreman, Urist has mastered a few of the skills that are in high demand on their projects.
Mining: Growing up in the tribe, and as being groomed as a future foreman, Urist has mastered a few of the skills that are in high demand on their projects.
Brewing: Urist brews his own alcohol.
Wow... that's a lot of big posts. :o
As a note, I won't decide who will be in the final group until everyone has had a chance to submit characters. So when I say your character is good, that means your character is a valid candidate; not nessecarily garuanteed a spot. That also means people can't call "dibs" on a race. If two people want to play the same race, I'll be forced to pick the most interesting submission.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 21, 2010, 04:47:32 PMI understood Attribute to be analogous to "racial" or "natural" abilities, while Power was individual-specific, but oh well...
Dunno what to say here; the section on powers specifically mentioned "racial" powers.
The attributes, though, are "natural" in a universal sense. They are the qualities all sentient creatures have in some degree, with very few exceptions. This should give people an idea of what I mean:
The exceptions would include slimes that do not have intelligence
in any way, and incorporeal spirits that do not have constitution
in any way. Maybe i shouldn't have described "Raw magical power" as an attribute, since not everyone is a mage... hmn...
Regarding Glup: Me likey! But could you add a quick note about his physical attributes? It mentions he's quite large and well armored, but doesn't mention if he's strong or healthy. If you don't list it, the assumption is that he's exactly as strong and healthy as a normal being... if that being was magically grown to be the same size as him.
Quote from: otaku999 on March 21, 2010, 05:10:56 PMWhile Katya is a half breed, I'm saying she's a demon for simplicity's sake.
Tis' cool. Many halfbreeds have the freedom to choose which half of their heritage to embrace; If you live as a full demon, you'll be treated as a full demon.
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 21, 2010, 07:17:51 PMHmmm... Golden opportunity to break into roleplaying on The Haunted Mansion... And since I've always been interested in a DungeonKeeper viewpoint, this sounds too good to not try... (Translation: Yes, I'm an interested newb.)
What? A newbie? Why would I allow anyone with so few posts in!? Begone from my sight!!!
Wait... I'm up to 13 posts so far.
Waaait! Come baaaack! I'll buy you a soda!
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 21, 2010, 07:17:51 PMSpecies: Force
Not sure what you mean by this; could you elaborate? Species is sort of a "Furry" trait; the real-world animal your character resembles. This might be important for you, since some dragons can turn into what looks like a normal being.
Regarding Kittrick: An excellent character description, if I dare say so. Oh, Oh! Could you cause a boulder to burst out of the ground and up into the air, swoop down and catch it in your claws, and then dive bomb something with it?
...I'll be quiet now.
Regarding Urist Rokkar: Another excellent character! This is a trend. However, because there's already two players (and one major NPC) who do Civil Engineering of some sort, I just thought I'd mention; they all specialize in different kinds of work, so there's no problem with overlap. It's an underground dungeon. There's
plenty of demand for this sort of thing.
Also, the NPCs do strictly "government work." They're inferior workers... but there's hordes of them, so they mostly stick to cleaning and maintenance.
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 21, 2010, 10:09:26 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 21, 2010, 04:47:32 PMI understood Attribute to be analogous to "racial" or "natural" abilities, while Power was individual-specific, but oh well...
Dunno what to say here; the section on powers specifically mentioned "racial" powers.
The attributes, though, are "natural" in a universal sense. They are the qualities all sentient creatures have in some degree, with very few exceptions. This should give people an idea of what I mean:
The exceptions would include slimes that do not have intelligence in any way, and incorporeal spirits that do not have constitution in any way. Maybe i shouldn't have described "Raw magical power" as an attribute, since not everyone is a mage... hmn...
Ah, I see. I'll modify my profile when I have the chance.
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 21, 2010, 10:09:26 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 21, 2010, 07:17:51 PMSpecies: Force
Not sure what you mean by this; could you elaborate? Species is sort of a "Furry" trait; the real-world animal your character resembles. This might be important for you, since some dragons can turn into what looks like a normal being.
Force Dragons are a type of D&D dragon, I think. I've heard of them before, but I don't know what they do. I also thinks it works well enough for species, as there's "true" dragons, "crystal" dragons, and here, "force" dragons. But that's just what I think...
Name: Asheilatharr... but like Ashes is totally cool too!
Player: Ashen star
Race: Dragon. Like who else would have a name like that? Du-uh!
Species: Ummm... fire?
Creature Rating: Level five. Hellllo? Dra-gon! I'm not an oversized salamander, ya know?
Description: Okay, so like... huh. How to do this? Well, I'm like red. I really like red. I got red scales and stuff which I totally try to keep clean and sparklie, ya know? I mean I don't just swim around in lava pools for fun. What? How big am I? You saying I'm fat?! Grrr... I would so totally eat you if I wasn't trying to lose weight. Well if I like out all straight and stuff then I guess I'm like thirty feet or so. But my neck is long and my tail is really really long. Malagaratharc is such a shellhead, she said my tail was too skinny but she's just jealous, like yah Know? I also got wings too. Like, what kind of dragon doesn't? Ha! A loooo-ser dragon!
Responsabilities: Anyway, I like totally am completely perfect to watch the dungeon's treasury? I was just thinking that it'd be great to let the heroes finally make it in and then I'd be all ROAR and they'd be all "Woah" and I'd be like "PWWWWUSH!" and... ooopse. Sorry. Didn't mean to flame ya!
Backstory: Okay, so like I was trying to do the whole 'stake out your lair and make with the social engineering thing' but it was like SO boring. That's like what mom and dad would do a couple centuries back but then they'd fight over whose side of the horde was whose and there's like all kinds of complecations when you steal treasure. Then the beings get all mad and then they send adventurers and it's like such a drag! But then I heard all about this like dungeon thing and I thought, like, this would be totally cool! I mean there's all kinds of monsters to soften up adventurers and I get all the gold to sleep on I want! Talk about a sweet deal. And of course I'm not one of those uber 'wheels within wheels' dragons plotting and getting people to worship them. Like, sooooo lame! So of course they'll take me. It's like, DUH!
Attributes: So like, I'm strong. Like, really strong. Like if I smack you your grandkids are gonna be born bruised strong! Yeah. It's called dragon strong. And I'm tough too. Okay, maybe NOT as tough as mom and dad but tough enough that you're going to have to work to hurt me. I'm also really quick for my size. I'm not some fatty like Malag... grrr... she things she's all that just because she's half lightning dragon! Oh. And I'm like so totally a genius and super wise and... um... what were we talking about again? Oh right! How awesome I am. Cause like, there's dragons and awesome and then there's like, me! Right?
Powers: So my powers? Like, hello! Draaaagon! I got wings and fire breath and the GRRR and the BOOM so like what else do I need?
Flaws: Like, none, duh! Dragons don't got flaws! We're dragons! We're the most biggest and the most strongest and the most smartest creature out there! I could totally take on like fifty griffons and win, no sweat, yeah? Okay, so maybe I might have problems with the occasional adventurer but you just have to remember to flame anyone wearing a robe FIRST. Unless they're like all wearing robes. But what if they were like all naked! Ah, I wouldn't want to fight a whole troop of naked adventurers! That's like so totally gross! Ew... so, like, what were we talking about? I was getting bored.
Skills: Like I got some moves. Well, okay. So like I do this thing where I can be like all big and then POOF, I'll turn into a cute red winged dragon girl. I mean, I like tried to turn into a cat or something but was like, eh, this is close enough? Right?
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 21, 2010, 10:09:26 PM
Regarding Kittrick: An excellent character description, if I dare say so. Oh, Oh! Could you cause a boulder to burst out of the ground and up into the air, swoop down and catch it in your claws, and then dive bomb something with it?
...I'll be quiet now.
Hmmmmm. :evil I'd say that depends on the size of the boulder. Something being-sized? That might be a stretch, considering she'd need to use an extra burst of wind magic to be able to lift the thing due to its weight. Something smaller, like, say, the size of a large beach ball? Totally doable, and doable several times in succession, too.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 21, 2010, 10:13:52 PM
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 21, 2010, 10:09:26 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 21, 2010, 07:17:51 PMSpecies: Force
Not sure what you mean by this; could you elaborate? Species is sort of a "Furry" trait; the real-world animal your character resembles. This might be important for you, since some dragons can turn into what looks like a normal being.
Force Dragons are a type of D&D dragon, I think. I've heard of them before, but I don't know what they do. I also thinks it works well enough for species, as there's "true" dragons, "crystal" dragons, and here, "force" dragons. But that's just what I think...
Yes, Force Dragons are indeed a type of dragon. To be specific, they're an
epic level D&D dragon. You remember those spells that have "Force" in their description, like Wall of Force, Magic Missile, etc? That's their "element". The only way I found out about them was in Neverwinter Nights, and they were called Shadow Dragons there. (To be honest though, I don't think it's the same type of dragon...) And to be honest, I was kinda confused about that. (And Dragon, Dragon just seemed too redundant.) Anyway, I found the info I needed, spent some time on a character bio, and I have this:
Name: Zyrais
Player: Drayco84
Race: Force Dragon
Creature Rating: 5 (Unless the other dragons are younger and/or weaker, he won't be able to reason with them, much less get them to do anything on his/the dungeon's behalf. Older dragons obviously won't respect him, and stronger dragons will try to usurp him. Heck, they may even succeed... Unique.)
Description: Zyrais has deep purple hide/scales with silver talons and matching eyes. He has a large, pupil-shaped silver gem in the middle of his forehead and a similar one on his chest. On either side are talon-shaped horns that point forward. He's also small for his species, really small. As in, his shoulders come up to most beings' crotches when he's on all four legs.
Responsibilities: Security/Surveillance. Zyrais uses dark-colored discs with a silver, gem-like "pupil" to scry on certain areas within the dungeon. These discs are, potentially, capable to being connected into a network and used as a monitoring and early warning system. Currently, in addition to scrying, all of them are capable of holding enough magic for a single offensive spell usually some kind of magical missile. While this probably won't kill any would-be adventurers outright, it can be used to take out a weakened intruder, or make a useful distraction. However, once the spell is triggered, the disc no longer has enough power to use for scrying. (Conversely, if they go too long without recharging, they can't be used offensively either.)
Backstory: Zyrais was the runt among a clutch of dragons. While the others got bigger and stronger much more quickly, Zyrais quickly found out that he had incredible talent for magic. However, this did little to keep his bigger (and stronger) siblings from picking on him. As time passed, he learned to make up for a lot of those differences with his magic, like creating small, magic-based walls and creating magic-based missiles that hit with their target with the force of a baseball bat. (Unfortunately for him, most of his siblings had already left the nest by that time.) One day, he was experimenting with a magical spell when somehow, he got teleported to another world. The first thing he noticed was all the colorful fur, and then screaming... Lots of screaming... And then a bunch of creatures running towards him with weapons... Sharp, pointy weapons.
Zyrais barely managed to escape the town with his life, only to run into some bizarre, bipedal creature with two large wings and two smaller wings on their head. What made it bizarre was the fact that the creature's larger wings turned into some weird tentacle/claw things and it also attacked him. Now totally confused and too scared to think, Zyrais ran elsewhere, eventually almost crashing into some even weirder creature with fairy-like wings and antennae. The creatures following Zyrais stopped dead in their tracks, and then ran in the opposite direction. Zyrais apologized to the annoyed-looking creature he had almost ran into, and started explaining everything. The creature seemed nice enough (Although Zyrais felt that it had a few too many screws loose, but was too polite to say anything.) and eventually explained a few things about the world Zyrais was in. It then taught him a spell that it called a "Somebody Else's Problem Aura", which it claimed was ten times better than invisibility. Zyrai then began wandering from place to place, thanks to his new spell. Eventually, he encountered an advertisement for Deathtrap Dungeon. He checked out the website, made a mental note, forgot about it for about a week, eventually encountered the ad again, and then decided to check out the place.
Attributes: Zyrais's intelligence and raw magical power are his best and most obvious attributes. He's capable of finding bizarre but working solutions for problems. Since he's still young (For a dragon, anyway...) his capacity and ability to learn are impeccable. His charisma is impressive and the fact that's rather young and cute (For a dragon.) adds to that. His bodily strength, however, is easily his weakest point. A close second is his stamina, and in third is his lack of worldly experience.
However, despite his initial reaction upon arriving in this world, do not underestimate him. If he wasn't in shock and taken by surprise, he could've easily wiped out the adventurers, killed the cubi, and greatly annoyed the fae. He also seems prefectly innocent at first glance, and worthy of another's trust. What's worse, not only is he capable of intentionally abusing that trust, he enjoys doing so.
Zyrais, like any child, has quickly learned much about computers and the internet in general. Heck, he's already gotten into the habit of converting every computer he encounters from a commercial operating system, to open-source software. (Amazing what you can accomplish with a "Somebody Else's Problem" aura, huh?) Aside from that, he's skilled at using any kind of spell that uses raw magical power or "Force" magic. Because of this, he can also recharge magical items.
Force Magic: The ability to create a single or many orbs of pure magic, to walls, to large hollow spheres for offensive or defensive purposes.
Immunity to Force Magic: If it's pure, unrefined magic, he can walk right into it, through it, or stand there and take it.
Darkvision: Capable of seeing in complete darkness up to 60ft.
BlindSense: Able to find living creatures by the sounds and vibrations they make.
Spellcaster: Able to use quite a bit of non-elemental magic (Like scrying, for example.) and some elemental-based magic like most mid-level sorcerers. However, the latter takes a considerable amount of study, and even more practice.
Look ma! No claws!: Uses his mouth, tail, and the gem on his forehead to cast magic. His forelegs also work like hands, but he's normally using them to stand.
AntiMagic Vulnerability: Anything that disrupts magic, ranging from antimagic weapons to fields to dispelling magic, leaves him unable to protect himself from physical and magical attack. In fact, due to his highly-magical nature, antimagic fields and auras even make him physically sick.
Small Size: For a dragon, he's a runt. For a force dragon, he's squishable.
Low Physical Strength: A dog of comparable size can throw him around and use him for a cushion.
Internet Addict: Internet disruption? Makes him mad. Internet goes down before he can grab that super-rare item he spent all week trying to get? May (Insert deity of choice here.) have mercy on your soul...
Quadruped: He can stand up on his hind legs and even walk, but unless the weapon was specifically made for a quadruped, he can't use it. Since this also applies to armor, well, see below... (Well, he has scales, so he's not really armorless...)
Exhibitionist: Doesn't normally wear armor or clothes, but since he's a quadruped, the censors don't seem to care.
Gender Blind: Dragons don't have mammory glands, and Zyrais isn't old enough yet to get the difference between "male" and "female". All he knows is that he's "Male", whatever that means.
MagiTech Geek: Skilled with computers and searching for things on the Great Network. Also able to recharge such devices fairly easily.
Linguistic: Knows Common and Dragon. Knows bits and pieces of other languages, but only enough to ask where the bathroom is and a small variety of "Yo mamma" jokes.
All-Seeing, All-Knowing: Due to the fact that he manages the surveilence system, less and less escapes his notice. Especially once his devices are spread out all over the Dungeon...
Master Extortionist: (See above.) Want to keep last night's drunken escapade from being seen by your spouse and/or the internet? That's gonna cost ya...
Pure Magic Specialist: Able to power or recharge magic-based technology, regardless of who made it or what "type" of magic it uses. I'm open to questions, comments, suggestions, whatever.
EDIT: Fixed quoting.
Techmaster Glitch: Something tells me your right... Dragon is a race, while "Force" is the species, or Sub-race. Hm.
I think I has the solution: a Dragon's power to turn into a Being is just that: a Power. The appearance of the alternate form has to be clearly stated in the description of the power.
Aaaand... the first great decision arises. Drayco84's character is quite well thought out and balanced, and probably more functionally useful... but Ashen Star's character description was more fun to read than I'm comfortable admitting to myself...
We shall see how this goes.
Not to intentionally help out the competition here, but the dungeon could probably use a savings and loan... (AKA a Bank.)
Hey! It's like, totally got one! It's called 'my shiny golden horde'. Okay, so like it isn't technically MINE but like sorta is, ya know? And if ya try and borrow it when it's not cool then your butt is like SO medium well! But like don't call it a bank cause there's like evil and then there's like oh my gawd evil!
Alright, modified my profile. Shuffled the specific enchanting thing to Powers, added a small note on his mental attributes, and added one more thing to responsabilities.
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 21, 2010, 11:47:49 PM
Not to intentionally help out the competition here, but the dungeon could probably use a savings and loan... (AKA a Bank.)
Bit of useful trivial: The dungeon's Treasure Vault serves not only as a central bank, but as a gold reserve; the collection of gold bricks a governmennt uses as collateral for issuing their own currency. The more gold you have, the more money you can keep in circulation.
I'm not making this up, folks. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_reserve)For this reason, the dungeon lays claim to any and all gold veins found within it's territory. Citizens who prospect for gold will still be paid full market price for what they find, and archeological artifacts or treasures are exempt.
EDIT: Oops. All my stuff seems to be under the wrong category. Will fix later.
Name: Nethalzar
Player: WhiteFox
Race: Undead
Species: Giraffe, Ex-Demon
Creature Rating: CR3
Nathalzar is a giraffe, with inverted grayscale fur colours (dark webbing, light patches). 7ft tall at the shoulder, and 10ft tall overall, broad shouldered. Very well muscled, somewhere between athletic and weightlifter in build. Instead of hair, his mane and tail tuft manifest as blue tinted vapors that constantly roil, like a blend of fire and mist. You know the look I'm talking about. His eyes are blue, and glow softly.
Nathalziar has lost the flesh on his fingers through decades of wear, and are now bony claws. His wings have bluish white bones visible through the skin, and blackened, ragged membranes. Otherwise, he's remarkably well preserved for someone dead several centuries.
Clothing: Typically a combination of half plate armor, usually gothic in styling, and billowy pants and shirts. His preferred colour is pale green and black. He usually wears black leather half-gloves.
Accessories: Necronomantic tomes, giant ornate swords, glowing crystal orbs, wands of bone or ivory, pens and ink.
Responsibilities: Head Librarian and Archivist
-Archival: Storing, organizing, and correlating records, and services associated with them.
-Academics: Nathalzar is in charge of any research that his library can cover. Since it's the only library in the dungeon, that's a lot of topics.
-Undead: As a Necromancer, Nathalzar is the Dungeons go-to guy for any sort of undead anything. If you can't tell if you're being haunted by a ghost, wraith, or apparation, he can tell you. He isn't required to do anything about it, though.
Right from the beginning, Nathalzar sought to reach the pinacle of demonic standards. He rigorously strove to acheive excellence in every physical and magical form available. Over time, this grew to encompass not only raw strength and aptitude, but martial skills, and eventually philosophical concepts surrounding battle, warfare, and power.
After a few centuries, Nathalzar held prowess of the mind in equal regard to prowess of the body. His pursuit of both led him to necromancy, the apex of study of the body, the mind, and the spirit, living and dead.
Eventually, Nathalzar reached the limits of his natural body. To continue to progress, he took a step few are willing to contemplate, and moved past the constraints of a living body by becoming undead himself.
Decades later, Nathalzar accomplished the truest goal of any necromancer. In a small, private tower, performing his rituals alone, Nathalzar caught a true glimpse of existence beyond death.
The event left him shaken, and for months Nathalzar was reduced to an incoherent wreck. Since then, he has redoubled his efforts. Like many necromancers, he is now desperate to escape what fate awaits him beyond the mortal coil. Unlike many others of his peers, however, he is not trying to bargin with divine forces holy or unholy, or to redeem the evils he has done so far. Nathalzar has kept his discovery to himself; likewise, he isn't sharing any plans or objectives he's made since then.
Nathalzar has honed every physical and mental attribute he has. He is, however, entirely lacking in social skills. Nor does he really care much for them.
Undead, top to bottom. Physically durable, retains all the strength of his living body (though his demonic powers have been replaced), and doesn't have to care anymore about what's lethal and what's not.
Nathalzar is, indisputably, evil, undead, and unholy. Attacks from Paladins, holy priests, and devine relics hit him like a truck, and he has only a few defenses against such things. He is not himself a priest, and has none of the protections a patron unholy deity would provide. He is also vulnerable to fire to a degree, though this damage is merely physical.
Magical skills and studies relating to death, the undead, and not living anymore. Most necromantic powers are ceremonial, and require time and preparation to execute. Most rituals benefit from, or require, a number of apprentices.
Sample listing of abilities:
-Summon/Banish Spirit
-Animate Body: Creates a shambling zombie from a corpse, with a basic intelligence and senses.
-Command Dead: Compels an undead creature to follow an order. Limited by the intelligence of the ceature. Sentient undead can attempt to resist.
Weaponized necromancy. A deathknight utilizes eldritch spells and combat arts to kill people several times over as quickly as possible. Beatdowns continue long after death.
-Wrack: Purple bolt of energy that kills organic material. Heals undead tissue.
-Necrosis: afflicts the target with the sensations of death: bone chillilling cold, needles and itches, numbness, stiffening of the joints and muscles. Rated by the Mages Guild as the only hex worse then "Simulated Hangover"
-Corpse Explosion: As described.
-Smite Good
Formal Education:
Professor of History
Doctor of Thaumatology
Master of Business Administration
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Studio Dance
[EDIT] Changed the official spelling of the name from "Nathalzar" to "Nethalzar".
Yes, but what about private lenders? And who's watching/managing that Treasure Vault?!
Wait, whadd'ya mean ME?! I'm too busy watching Mr. X cheat on Mrs. Y with Miss Z and recording the whole thing for Mrs. Y's viewing pleasure if Mr. X doesn't pay up. (And if he neglects the No-Internet-Posting fee, there's half a dozen video sites it could be put on where Mrs. Y could "accidentally" find it...)
But hey, it's not like I'd do the above... Nope, not me. *Casts Suggestion.* You must be thinking of some other purple dragon that manages the surveillance systems around here...
Wait, why am I helping the competition again? Oh, right... Because I'm excited and I tend to yak because of it... *Casts Suggestion again.* I'm obviously the superior choice.
Currently workign on a character roster for everyone's submissions.
This totally wasn't a post I was just using to test table formats, acidentially submitted, and am unable to delete.
Nope nope nope.
Also, many thanks to Whitefox for helping me figure out how tables work.
I am, like SOOOO not a valley dragon! I like volcanoes and stuff. but whoa... like... there are islands with volcanoes and so I could like be in the sun and fly up for a dip in the nice toasty magma. Ooooh yeah! Wait, what was I talking about? Huh... Besides, I am like totally a real dragon! That other dragon is like... um... the one thing that's not a dragon but looks like a dragon but really isn't. He's not big and tough and fire breathing. He's like a technomagicy mini me dragon. I mean, he doesn't even want to roll around in a great big old heap of gold! That's like so totally wrong? O.M.G! So like if there's gotta be a dragon spot at the table then I am so all over it because you can't like be a dragon if you're not like thirty feet tall and scaring the pee out of people, ya know? Gotta be wicked.
I assure you, young lady... there is no longer any pee in my body whatsoever. :U
You owe me a new chair.
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 12:24:54 AM*Casts Suggestion again.* I'm obviously the superior choice.
Drayco is obviously the superior choice...
Quote from: Ashen Star on March 22, 2010, 12:57:22 AM
I am, like SOOOO not a valley dragon! I like volcanoes and stuff. but whoa... like... there are islands with volcanoes and so I could like be in the sun and fly up for a dip in the nice toasty magma. Ooooh yeah! Wait, what was I talking about? Huh... Besides, I am like totally a real dragon! That other dragon is like... um... the one thing that's not a dragon but looks like a dragon but really isn't. He's not big and tough and fire breathing. He's like a technomagicy mini me dragon. I mean, he doesn't even want to roll around in a great big old heap of gold! That's like so totally wrong? O.M.G! So like if there's gotta be a dragon spot at the table then I am so all over it because you can't like be a dragon if you're not like thirty feet tall and scaring the pee out of people, ya know? Gotta be wicked.
This... is the best. Dragon. Evar.
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 22, 2010, 12:50:22 AM
Also, many thanks to Whitefox for helping me figure out how tables work.
YAY! Favoritism!
Quote from: Ashen Star on March 22, 2010, 12:57:22 AM
I am, like SOOOO not a valley dragon! I like volcanoes and stuff. but whoa... like... there are islands with volcanoes and so I could like be in the sun and fly up for a dip in the nice toasty magma. Ooooh yeah! Wait, what was I talking about? Huh... Besides, I am like totally a real dragon! That other dragon is like... um... the one thing that's not a dragon but looks like a dragon but really isn't. He's not big and tough and fire breathing. He's like a technomagicy mini me dragon. I mean, he doesn't even want to roll around in a great big old heap of gold! That's like so totally wrong? O.M.G! So like if there's gotta be a dragon spot at the table then I am so all over it because you can't like be a dragon if you're not like thirty feet tall and scaring the pee out of people, ya know? Gotta be wicked.
I'm aware that this probably isn't the
wisest course of action, but...
Oh YEAH, Ashen?! Well, I'M in a tunnel with a ten foot ceiling! Nee-ner nee-ner NEE-NER!
Oh, who am I kidding? No dragon is gonna take advice from a twenty-year-old
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 01:34:08 AMOh YEAH, Ashen?! Well, I'M in a tunnel with a ten foot ceiling! Nee-ner nee-ner NEE-NER!
Fire... flows.
Quote from: Ashen Star on March 22, 2010, 12:57:22 AM
I am, like SOOOO not a valley dragon! I like volcanoes and stuff. but whoa... like... there are islands with volcanoes and so I could like be in the sun and fly up for a dip in the nice toasty magma. Ooooh yeah! Wait, what was I talking about? Huh... Besides, I am like totally a real dragon! That other dragon is like... um... the one thing that's not a dragon but looks like a dragon but really isn't. He's not big and tough and fire breathing. He's like a technomagicy mini me dragon. I mean, he doesn't even want to roll around in a great big old heap of gold! That's like so totally wrong? O.M.G! So like if there's gotta be a dragon spot at the table then I am so all over it because you can't like be a dragon if you're not like thirty feet tall and scaring the pee out of people, ya know? Gotta be wicked.
I... am not sure if I want to hug you or hit you with a large, blunt object until you stop talking...
Aw, hell, HUGS! :hug
Hmm, i am going to fix that - strong and healthy are kind of the only things needing addition + added one logical drawback
Besides, the Ashen Star dragon is funny!
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 22, 2010, 02:23:11 AM
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 01:34:08 AMOh YEAH, Ashen?! Well, I'M in a tunnel with a ten foot ceiling! Nee-ner nee-ner NEE-NER!
Fire... flows.
SHHHHH! She may not have thought of that!
And yes, I'm well aware that I'm up against some stiff competition. (Anyone that can keep posting like that IC has my respect.)
And since the best inspiration and ideas come to you while you're trying to sleep, I'm announcing my withdraw from being the Dragon representative and starting my bid for LEGMNOMT, the League of Evil Geeks, Mages, Nerds, and Other MagiTechnophiles. Which, I guess is more of a company/corporation than anything else, but nothing's perfect. Oh, and don't call them with any "stupid" tech-related questions. You can, and probably will be, openly mocked. (Yeah, they're gonna get me in a crap-ton of trouble sooner or later, I know it... Better get a few lawyers to draw up some contracts...)
I will change my CR to reflect this new development...
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 10:34:10 AM
And since the best inspiration and ideas come to you while you're trying to sleep, I'm announcing my withdraw from being the Dragon representative and starting my bid for LEGMNOMT, the League of Evil Geeks, Mages, Nerds, and Other MagiTechnophiles.
I think my guy's already got dibs on anything like that (except, y'know, not evil), considering that's the
only thing he was built for :U
::A five foot tall cute dragon girl comes walking around the corner, gives a giggles and a little pose, winks, and blows him a fireball kiss.:: I'm not like totally stupid or anything! Loooo-ser. ::She laughs and then returns to her full size.:: ERRRPH! OW! Wow! This is like really really tight here! ::Her tail strikes madly behind her as she tries to crawl out.:: Ooomph ow huff... ooof! Owwwwwies.... ::Lays there and sulks.:: I'm stuck...
Hmmm... You're right... I'm prolly gonna have to leave it at 5 (Unique)...
Do you have any plans to design fiendishly nerve-wracking puzzles into the Dungeon's defenses? For example, those ones where you have to pull some (usually heavy) device and run through the door before it shuts? (Or worse, those same traps but with many heavy objects that you have to move out of the way just so you can get through the door in time?)
And hey, I'm only two-and-a-half decades old, what's your excuse? (Big meanie!)
Clanking of chitinous feet is heard, as Glup surveys the cave looking for a nice spot.
He notices the butt of a red dragon moving around in failed attempts to dislodge itself.
He crushes a few rocks at the sides, grabs its feet by his pincers, and with some psychokinetic assistance, unblocks the dragon, and pulls it to the main cave.
"Neksht time watsh whegle you stishk youglself , fatty!"
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 10:59:00 AM
Hmmm... You're right... I'm prolly gonna have to leave it at 5 (Unique)...
Do you have any plans to design fiendishly nerve-wracking puzzles into the Dungeon's defenses? For example, those ones where you have to pull some (usually heavy) device and run through the door before it shuts? (Or worse, those same traps but with many heavy objects that you have to move out of the way just so you can get through the door in time?)
And hey, I'm only two-and-a-half decades old, what's your excuse? (Big meanie!)
if you're talking to me...
My guy's actually not the trapmaster, that's Urist's job, though Xephelon might be able to enchant a few traps for some extra punch. My character's more the "item guy/equipper", and the sky's the limit. You want a suit of dragon-shaped
power armor? You come to this guy :3
And uh, Danman... I don't think the actual IC thread has started yet... just making sure, as it almost sounds like you're not simply goofing off with Ashen.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 22, 2010, 11:12:01 AM
And uh, Danman... I don't think the actual IC thread has started yet... just making sure, as it almost sounds like you're not simply goofing off with Ashen.
Just having a bit of fun before it starts ... you can imagine that all the apllicants are now likely running around surveying the place, and since Ashen started to make it somewhat interesting...
I simply found it funny that my character functions a little like an industrial clamp bulldozer
Quote from: danman on March 22, 2010, 11:15:03 AM
...I simply found it funny that my character functions a little like an industrial clamp bulldozer
Who knows? That could end up being your real job after all! :3
Hey! Woah! Watch where you're grabbing! YEEP! Oooof! AHH! POP! ::Shakes herself off, showering everyone around her with a rain of pebbles.:: Right! Like, I'm so glad I thought up this test. Yup! So totally meant to do that. Right? ::Gives him a huge toothy grin before she limps back to her lair.:: Ooooh... Like how'd I get rock up there! Stupid mountain is like totally unfair.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 22, 2010, 11:26:39 AM
Quote from: danman on March 22, 2010, 11:15:03 AM
...I simply found it funny that my character functions a little like an industrial clamp bulldozer
Who knows? That could end up being your real job after all! :3
Hmm, it seems like i am going to be the mr. Versatile - selling brains, messing with electronics, and now heavy construction :D
Quote from: Ashen Star on March 22, 2010, 11:33:14 AM
Hey! Woah! Watch where you're grabbing! YEEP! Oooof! AHH! POP! ::Shakes herself off, showering everyone around her with a rain of pebbles.:: Right! Like, I'm so glad I thought up this test. Yup! So totally meant to do that. Right? ::Gives him a huge toothy grin before she limps back to her lair.:: Ooooh... Like how'd I get rock up there! Stupid mountain is like totally unfair.
The last sentence was excessively funny - i am adding it to my signature, if space allows!
The last line was actually aimed at Ashen, sorry for the confusion. (Yes, I could've written that better...)
Just because I'm bored, the following races are still available:
Phoenix A?
Phoenix B (Avian)
The ones with a ? beside them are ones I'm not sure if Mechanisto/TEH GM will allow as they pose some... Unique challenges... (Especially since Mer are quite shy and are hindered by limited mobility.)
On the other hand, there's a crap-ton of monsters from the D&D handbooks left...
Drayco84: The issue isn't really what you do for a living so much; your profession is already distinct enough. It's that both you and Ashen Star are dragons.
And actually, the only one that's hard to accept is the Fay; they seem to be... kinda... invincible. Also, having the Insectis move in would require the permission of their royalty, which might be hard to explain... but it could be done
I wasn't aiming the list at Ashen, I was just pointing it out.
And seriously, I don't know of much, other than a Tri-Wing cubi, that could power a ton of magically imbued cameras...
Plus, in no way, shape, or form could my char be considered a leader, especially among dragons...
Wait a tic... Angels...
I've just had a supremely evil idea...
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 01:07:48 PM
And seriously, I don't know of much, other than a Tri-Wing cubi, that could power a ton of magically imbued cameras...
My character? :razz
Well yeah, but do you really wanna be stuck playing a battery charger all the time? But hey, if you're fine with it, that's all well and good with me.
I'm checking something out, be back later... Might have to re-do my char sheet...
Properly enchanted items power themselves. They're magic. :)
...wait. Angel? Evil idea? Character re-do?
...storm's a brewin...
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 01:13:20 PM
Well yeah, but do you really wanna be stuck playing a battery charger all the time? But hey, if you're fine with it, that's all well and good with me.
Actually, now that you mention it, he isn't really a battery charger... he just sets a permanent magic enchantment on items, and they then function without him "powering" them, as it were.
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 22, 2010, 01:14:33 PM
Properly enchanted items power themselves. They're magic. :)
Yeah, that.
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 01:13:20 PM
Well yeah, but do you really wanna be stuck playing a battery charger all the time? But hey, if you're fine with it, that's all well and good with me.
I'm checking something out, be back later... Might have to re-do my char sheet...
Actually a plant monster, stormrage shambler might do - it heals from electricity and pulsates with electrical energy.
(just checking my DnD4 manuals)
EDIT: For a tech monster, i thing a gibbering orb would not be bad either - they are powerful, appear insane, but are apparently "perversely rational" as described by manual - should make for interesting RP
I thought of doing one but the chuul i liked better
Meh... *not much of a high-five person...high-fives anyway for politeness*
So! After Draco and Ashen's characters are reconciled, will we be ready to start up IC?
Alright, char-sheet re-do complete! (Again...)
Name: Zyrais
Player: Drayco84
Race: Angel
Species: Draconic
Creature Rating: 5, Hostile (While few of his race may be around in this type of area, he'll have to keep three steps ahead of them if he wishes to maintain power. There may also be unexplained murders among his kind...)
Description: Zyrais has deep purple fur/feathers with silver talons and matching eyes. He has a large, pupil-shaped silver gem in the middle of his forehead and a similar one on his chest. Normally wears a long coat made of woven, cloth-like mithril and carries two matching swords with 2ft-long blades.
Responsibilities: Surveillance. Zyrais uses dark-colored discs with a silver, gem-like "pupil" to scry on certain areas within the dungeon. These discs are, potentially, capable to being connected into a network and used as a monitoring and early warning system. Once he gets more skilled with using them (And the offer is good.) he'll start making discs that fire laser beams made of brilliant, silver light.
Real Backstory: Zyrais is better known as Zyrais, 47th son of Quetzalcoatl. However, he is among the youngest of the half-dragon/half-angel's offspring, who's numbers have dwindled to only a handful. He is one of the few that has met his mother face-to-face in combat, and so far, is the only one that's lived to tell about it. His father is rumored to be none other than Samael, the Divine Poison. Given Samael's reputation for sleeping around with whatever and whoever he can, and Quetzalcoatl's reputation for seeking out "powerful mates" to produce strong offspring, this is quite possible...
While he has been exiled from the family that acknowledges him, he is far from being the complete monster that his mother and siblings make him out to be. Where his mother and half-siblings regularly sacrificed and devoured the souls of "worthy" victims, most notably creatures, Zyrais took a different route by taking part of a being or creature's soul. This has led him to discover a few things... One, that it's easier to "adjust" another's viewpoint to seeing things his way. Two, it allows him access to his victims' magical essence, which he slowly "feeds" off of. However, if he's far enough away, he can't use his victims' magical essence to power his own magic and to sustain him.
Zyrais was doing quite well on his own. He had built a large town from the ground up using his particular methods of "persuasion", in addition to his natural charisma. In addition to a decent armed force of beings, he had a number of various creatures in his cult, including his lifemate Aegle, a succubus. He also had a fair number of angels under his command and was beginning to unlock the dark secret behind his species' infertility problems when disaster struck in the form of a few armies of beings, and several adventurers...
Zyrais had planned for an attempt by one of his more powerful siblings to try and take over his city by force, and was prepared. His magical defenses were potent, he had rigged up a unique method of surveillance using crystals infused with scrying spells that enabled him to "see" his entire city at once, and his forces were well-armed and well-trained. However, somehow the adventurers had manged to sneak into the city and with amazing skill or just incredible luck, take out his unique surveillance devices, disable his magic-based offenses, open the gates to allow the opposing armies inside, and challenge him in the heart of his operations center.
The battle was long, difficult, and exhausted Zyrais of most of the magical essence he had collected, essence that was just shy of allowing him to make an attempt for ascension. In the end, it was only when his strongest soldiers entered the command room and hold off the adventurers that he managed to escape to his panic room, an underground shelter where his most loyal followers had already fled to. Faced with imminent defeat, Zyrais activated the one-time, one-way teleport in the room to Zinvth. There, he and his remaining two dozen followers laid low for several months, making use of a safe house he had perviously purchased and kept stocked with backup supplies, "conditioned" assassins and "loyal" bodyguards disguised as maids and butlers.
Eventually, he found an ad that mentioned a certain dungeon's opening and how it needed employees. Thus, he left his remaining followers at the safe house and went in to investigate...
Attributes: Zyrais's intelligence and raw magical power are his best and most obvious attributes. His capacity and ability to learn are impeccable, while his charisma is impressive. Meanwhile, his speed and agility in combat is just amazing. His bodily strength, however, is easily his weakest point. A close second is his stamina.
Light Magic: This can range from bursts of blinding light to blades made out of pure magic, to light-based shields.
Immunity to Light-based Magic: He can walk right into it, through it, or stand there and take it.
BlindSense: Able to find living creatures by their magical aura. (Also works for magical objects, but magic-less beings are "invisible". Oh, and it doesn't help him find walls, floors, ceilings, nor other non-magic obstacles.)
Ambidextrous: "Oh, I have a slight confession to make... I normally dual-wield."
Spellcaster: Able to use quite a bit of non-elemental magic (Like scrying, for example.) and some elemental-based magic like most mid-level sorcerers. However, the latter takes a considerable amount of study, and even more practice.
Too Magnificent A Bastard: (TV Tropes entry omitted to keep site-wandering to a minimum.)
Backstabber: "If you can't get to their heart, the spine works pretty well too."
AntiMagic Vulnerability: Anything that disrupts magic, ranging from antimagic weapons to fields to dispelling magic, leaves him unable to protect himself from physical and magical attack. In fact, due to his highly-magical nature, antimagic fields and auras even make him physically sick.
Internet Addict: Internet disruption? Makes him mad. Internet goes down before he can grab that super-rare item he spent all week trying to get? May (Insert deity of choice here.) have mercy on your soul...
Perverted Voyeur: "Hey, I have to make sure the ladies' dressing/changing rooms are secure, don't I?" "But FIVE scrying devices?! Isn't that overkill?" "Not in my line of work."
Linguistic: Knows pretty much any language under (Or hidden from.) the sun.
MagiTech Tinkerer (Surveillance): He knows how they work and when something goes wrong. Can make some modifications, but only to surveillance-related MagiTech. Still needs someone else to make the initial device.
All-Seeing, All-Knowing: Due to the fact that he manages the surveilence system, less and less escapes his notice. Especially once his devices are spread out all over the Dungeon...
Master Extortionist: (See above.) Want to keep last night's drunken escapade from being seen by your spouse and/or the internet? That's gonna cost ya...
Charismatic: You look into those soft, silver eyes and you'll do whatever he says... Time and time again... (Even if you're a male!)
Light Magic Offense: Knows a wide variety of light-based, offensive magic.
Best. Backstory. EVAR. For those that disagree, tell me, why would I have used the word "Expunged"?
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 02:14:33 PM
Magnificent Bastard: (TV Tropes entry omitted to keep site-wandering to a minimum.)
THANK YOU. :mowdizzy Although I ended up going there anyway because your line about him being ambidextrous reminded me of "I Am Not Left Handed." DANG IT.
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 02:14:33 PM
MagiTech Master: If you didn't know better, you'd swear he developed some of this stuff...
I take offence to zis! Thar can only be ONE! :O
is magitech)
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 02:14:33 PM
Charismatic: You look into those soft, silver eyes and you'll do whatever he says... Time and time again... (Even if you're a male!)
Seems that being aberrant, and completely un-being like is an advantage for once
Quote from: Liatai on March 22, 2010, 02:21:35 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 02:14:33 PM
Magnificent Bastard: (TV Tropes entry omitted to keep site-wandering to a minimum.)
THANK YOU. :mowdizzy Although I ended up going there anyway because your line about him being ambidextrous reminded me of "I Am Not Left Handed." DANG IT.
Hmmm... Not a direct bastard point...
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 22, 2010, 02:23:27 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 02:14:33 PM
MagiTech Master: If you didn't know better, you'd swear he developed some of this stuff...
I take offence to zis! Thar can only be ONE! :O
("artificer" is magitech)
Unfortunately, you can't go far in the extortion racket if you have to rely on others all the time. Sure, they're replaceable, but as the old saying goes: "If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself." Besides, that means he'd have to give your character a cut once he finds out about the "side business". (And interspecies murders are always,
always messy...)
Well, considering that he can only
enchant the stuff himself, he'll still need the physical crystal to act as a focus...
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 02:35:46 PM
Unfortunately, you can't go far in the extortion racket if you have to rely on others all the time. Sure, they're replaceable, but as the old saying goes: "If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself." Besides, that means he'd have to give your character a cut once he finds out about the "side business". (And interspecies murders are always, always messy...)
Well, considering that he can only enchant the stuff himself, he'll still need the physical crystal to act as a focus...
wait...what? who and what are you talking about with this 'extortion" and "murders" and things? All In was saying was that there's only enough room in this dungeon for one magictech "master"...
A point to make - Since when is Magnificent bastard (as for TVTr def) a flaw!?
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 22, 2010, 02:41:49 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 02:35:46 PM
Unfortunately, you can't go far in the extortion racket if you have to rely on others all the time. Sure, they're replaceable, but as the old saying goes: "If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself." Besides, that means he'd have to give your character a cut once he finds out about the "side business". (And interspecies murders are always, always messy...)
Well, considering that he can only enchant the stuff himself, he'll still need the physical crystal to act as a focus...
wait...what? who and what are you talking about with this 'extortion" and "murders" and things? All In was saying was that there's only enough room in this dungeon for one magictech "master"...
*Looks up from polishing a sword.*
Yes, and I'm simply too busy with my own tasks to worry about that kind of title. If you want it, you can have it. But, if you ever
really want to dispute it... Eh, accidents happen... That reminds me, is your life insurance paid up?
*Goes back to polishing sword.*
Quote from: danman on March 22, 2010, 02:47:37 PM
A point to make - Since when is Magnificent bastard (as for TVTr def) a flaw!?
How many of them are
alive at the end of the show/movie/series? And really, it depends on who you talk to.
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 02:53:29 PM
How many of them are alive at the end of the show/movie/series? And really, it depends on who you talk to.
Havelock Vetinari for example?
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 02:53:29 PM
*Looks up from polishing a sword.*
Yes, and I'm simply too busy with my own tasks to worry about that kind of title. If you want it, you can have it. But, if you ever really want to dispute it... Eh, accidents happen... That reminds me, is your life insurance paid up?
*Goes back to polishing sword.*
Okay, serious now.
I'm just saying, my character was built to be a magitech character and nothing else; ergo, he should be the best at it. Other characters may dabble in things, but can't match the proficiency of a specialist. What's worrying me here is that it
almost sounds like you're playing this guy up to be skilled enough to match my character, which he should
not be able to do if he does anything else in addition to magitech. (and hypotetically speaking, if he -is- nothing but magitech, well then, that I would have a real problem with, as we'd have two characters with the exact same job/abilities/skillset)
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 22, 2010, 03:11:12 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 02:53:29 PM
*Looks up from polishing a sword.*
Yes, and I'm simply too busy with my own tasks to worry about that kind of title. If you want it, you can have it. But, if you ever really want to dispute it... Eh, accidents happen... That reminds me, is your life insurance paid up?
*Goes back to polishing sword.*
Okay, serious now.
I'm just saying, my character was built to be a magitech character and nothing else; ergo, he should be the best at it. Other characters may dabble in things, but can't match the proficiency of a specialist. What's worrying me here is that it almost sounds like you're playing this guy up to be skilled enough to match my character, which he should not be able to do if he does anything else but magitech. (and hypotetically speaking, if he -is- nothing but magitech, well then, that I would have a real problem with)
Joking and characterizations aside, he maintains the surveillance systems and dabbles in computers.
That's it. The char sheet has
now been significantly downgraded. He
will have to go your character for any physical problems other than cabling or basic troubleshooting issues, and he
will have to put up with any and all snide remarks your character can dish out. (Go ahead, feel free to tease him.)
My apologies.
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 03:28:15 PM
Joking and characterizations aside, he maintains the surveillance systems and dabbles in computers. That's it. The char sheet has now been significantly downgraded. He will have to go your character for any physical problems other than cabling or basic troubleshooting issues, and he will have to put up with any and all snide remarks your character can dish out. (Go ahead, feel free to tease him.)
My apologies.
Alright, just making sure. And don't worry, I don't play snide characters; your guy is safe from any heckling :)
And besides, my guy is an utterly weak and small mass of tentacles that has to inhabit a magitech shell to be physically effective at all. He can't really talk about much xD
(in fact, my guy would probably love any job dumped on him...would probably see it as the next challenge in magical engineering ;) ...although there really isn't anything "challenging" about magic :U )
Thinking on this - i think they can still work - just that the D84 one is a specialist - he probably knows more about magic surveillance than even the squid, but only has basics in other stuff ...
Quote from: danman on March 22, 2010, 03:34:49 PM
...just that the D84 one is a specialist - he probably knows more about magic surveillance than even the squid...
Now that I grant.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 22, 2010, 03:30:37 PM
And besides, my guy is an utterly weak and small mass of tentacles that has to inhabit a magitech shell to be physically effective at all. He can't really talk about much xD
maybe he should sign up for the torture chambers, or at least the mistress's harem....
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 10:59:00 AM
Do you have any plans to design fiendishly nerve-wracking puzzles into the Dungeon's defenses? For example, those ones where you have to pull some (usually heavy) device and run through the door before it shuts? (Or worse, those same traps but with many heavy objects that you have to move out of the way just so you can get through the door in time?)
Oh! Jumping puzzles! TIMED jumping puzzles! I frigging hate those.
"we'jer kin spin fert a bask defpck boot inna b'much." Urist holds up a schematic that basically outlines a lava pipe spewing red hot magma onto a crudely drawn adventurer.... or at least you think its an adventurer... it could just be a grease smudge.
Quote from: otaku999 on March 22, 2010, 04:09:56 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 10:59:00 AM
Do you have any plans to design fiendishly nerve-wracking puzzles into the Dungeon's defenses? For example, those ones where you have to pull some (usually heavy) device and run through the door before it shuts? (Or worse, those same traps but with many heavy objects that you have to move out of the way just so you can get through the door in time?)
Oh! Jumping puzzles! TIMED jumping puzzles! I frigging hate those.
I was just hoping for something that left the would-be heroes too tired to move for an hour or so... Ooooh! Chambers that fill up with sleeping gas! Those are awesome!
But I now have a concern... Some of us can't EAT heroes... Where do we get food at?
Oh, the squishing... Right... *Pulls out a glittering, sparkling ball.* Hey draggy! *Toss.* GO FETCH THE SHINY!
Quote from: SquirrelWizard on March 22, 2010, 04:14:37 PM
"we'jer kin spin fert a bask defpck boot inna b'much." Urist holds up a schematic that basically outlines a lava pipe spewing red hot magma onto a crudely drawn adventurer.... or at least you think its an adventurer... it could just be a grease smudge.
Yes, and tell me, HOW are we going to collect the loot they had on them with all that lava in the way?
Well, flesh-eating acids will work, but it'll be hard to scoop out the lootables...
"Bask, y'jit." Urist thocks Zyrais on the knee leaving an unsightly smear of grime, "If'ndja wan lut y'pai mor."
Er... guys, don't you think we should be waiting for the IC thread to get in-character? :animesweat
:shifty ... although if we're talking about suggestions for traps, I nominate timed block puzzles. With slick floors so that the blocks slide until they hit something or fall into a pit. Those things always eat up my time in adventure games...
::Watches him toss the shiny thing, narrows her eyes, leans towards him, reaches out and then flicks him into next tuesday.:: Like I'm not a total moron, okay? Hrmph. ::Notices the shiny thing again.:: Ooooh pretty! Like where did you come from? Wicked sick! ::She said as she lumbered back to her lair and left him to pick himself out of his wall crater.::
Quote from: Ashen Star on March 22, 2010, 05:11:04 PM
::Watches him toss the shiny thing, narrows her eyes, leans towards him, reaches out and then flicks him into next tuesday.:: Like I'm not a total moron, okay? Hrmph. ::Notices the shiny thing again.:: Ooooh pretty! Like where did you come from? Wicked sick! ::She said as she lumbered back to her lair and left him to pick himself out of his wall crater.::
Owwwwwwwww... Why do... All of... My bones... Feel like...
Shattered glass?Anyway, Char sheet has been updated for
hopefully the last time. (Along with the "Magnificent Bastard" line.) MagiTech has been specialized, so there's no way my char could possibly compete with Techmaster. Job specifics have also been specialized, so if someone wants to form a militia/REAL security detail, the door's wide open.
On an unrelated note, we're still missing a Cubi player, though...
Jumping puzzles will do, but what if you get those adventurers with stiff knees? What if they fall? And what about the one puzzle that is impossible to solve because somebody botched the translation from Japanese to English?!
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 06:05:44 PM
... Job specifics have also been specialized, so if someone wants to form a militia/REAL security detail, the door's wide open.
On an unrelated note, we're still missing a Cubi player, though...
Maybe we'll be lucky and get someone from Taun's clan? They'd fit right in, in that case. :smile
Quote from: Liatai on March 22, 2010, 08:25:36 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 06:05:44 PM
... Job specifics have also been specialized, so if someone wants to form a militia/REAL security detail, the door's wide open.
On an unrelated note, we're still missing a Cubi player, though...
Maybe we'll be lucky and get someone from Taun's clan? They'd fit right in, in that case. :smile
Hmm, although some characters come to mind, there is not that much anger around. Cyra clan would be ideal, but they are in short supply ...
Besides, as i mentioned. i think most cubi have better things to do than sit in caves, not to mention us having a DRAGON there
I might note... just because there is only one person in the dungeon is
in charge of artificing or enchanting doesn't mean that they're the only ones who
can do enchanting.
I mean, Nathalzar is in charge of the library. That doesn't mean he's the only who can read books, or is allowed to.
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 06:05:44 PM
On an unrelated note, we're still missing a Cubi player, though...
Shush! If we're lucky, no one will notice.
Quote from: Liatai on March 22, 2010, 04:44:57 PM
Er... guys, don't you think we should be waiting for the IC thread to get in-character? :animesweat
Seconded. :blankstare
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 22, 2010, 08:46:08 PM
I might note... just because there is only one person in the dungeon is in charge of artificing or enchanting doesn't mean that they're the only ones who can do enchanting.
Oh, I wasn't disagreeing with that. But otherwise, yeah...I suppose I may have come off a little strong on that, but it's not that someone else can do enchanting, it was the way it was written and the way he was joking about it made it sound like his characters was suppsed to be as good/better than mine at it, and that's what I was reacting to...
Either way; my apologies, Draco.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 22, 2010, 08:52:03 PM
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 22, 2010, 08:46:08 PM
I might note... just because there is only one person in the dungeon is in charge of artificing or enchanting doesn't mean that they're the only ones who can do enchanting.
Oh, I wasn't disagreeing with that. But otherwise, yeah...I suppose I may have come off a little strong on that, but it's not that someone else can do enchanting, it was the way it was written and the way he was joking about it made it sound like his characters was suppsed to be as good/better than mine at it, and that's what I was reacting to...
Either way; my apologies, Draco.
His character was mainly supposed to be a boastful %#@.
I think he pulled it out a little too well - reminds me of this comic (http://www.thenoobcomic.com/index.php?pos=35)
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 22, 2010, 08:52:03 PM
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 22, 2010, 08:46:08 PM
I might note... just because there is only one person in the dungeon is in charge of artificing or enchanting doesn't mean that they're the only ones who can do enchanting.
Oh, I wasn't disagreeing with that. But otherwise, yeah...I suppose I may have come off a little strong on that, but it's not that someone else can do enchanting, it was the way it was written and the way he was joking about it made it sound like his characters was suppsed to be as good/better than mine at it, and that's what I was reacting to...
Either way; my apologies, Draco.
I totally understand, though. Earlier, I was slowly moving into position to try and steal some of your character's dynamics, (I assure you that I wasn't trying to!) and when you thought I was trying it
again, you got defensive. As for me, yeah, I probably would've reacted in the same way, so I can't fault you for that.
And as for Zyrais's attitude, his whole
goal is to make your first response something along the lines of "Ooooh, that
bastard..." If that's your initial reaction, then he (And I) have succeeded. (It's also a fairly easy goal for me to keep, too.)
And... I'VE BEEN MISSPELLING THAT NAME ALL THIS TIME?! SONUVA(Censored)! Ugh... I always thought it was spelled "Drayco" in Dragonheart... Dammit...
Anyways, yeah, I'm gonna hold off on the IC RP until things are finalized. I'm getting too carried away already. (And it's kinda scary how liberating playing a remorseless jerk can be...) Yeah, I'm jumping the gun, but this is my first time
really unleashing my evil side...
Do you know what side I picked in Overlord?
Good! I passed up most of the evil actions because... Well, they just weren't
evil enough! I mean, keep the food and let the villagers starve, or let them have it? IDIOCY! I wanted a healthy labor force! They can't get much done starving to death! And rescue the elven woman of grab a pile of gold? To heck with the gold! I wanted elven concubines! And keep the "nice" girl with a head for tactics or carry off the smokin' hot seductress? Of course I kept the nice girl! Superior tactics and planning aren't the whole battle, but they help! (And seriously, why the heck did I have to choose in the first place?)
Hmmm... Maybe I'm just too genre savvy for my own good here...
EDIT: Oh, that reminds me... Are we allowed to have concubines/slave boys? (I know they're rare, but we do have some lady players here...)
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 11:43:27 PM
I totally understand, though. Earlier, I was slowly moving into position to try and steal some of your character's dynamics, (I assure you that I wasn't trying to!) and when you thought I was trying it again, you got defensive. As for me, yeah, I probably would've reacted in the same way, so I can't fault you for that.
And as for Zyrais's attitude, his whole goal is to make your first response something along the lines of "Ooooh, that bastard..." If that's your initial reaction, then he (And I) have succeeded. (It's also a fairly easy goal for me to keep, too.)
So, no hard feelings! :) And...hmm. My character would porbably just try to ignore or avoid someone with such an attitude...
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 22, 2010, 11:43:27 PM
And... I'VE BEEN MISSPELLING THAT NAME ALL THIS TIME?! SONUVA(Censored)! Ugh... I always thought it was spelled "Drayco" in Dragonheart... Dammit...
Actually, now that I
notice it *smacks forehead*, I think it looks cool...
I would rather RP this stuff instead of talking about it endlessly.
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 23, 2010, 01:14:30 AM
I would rather RP this stuff instead of talking about it endlessly.
I'd love to as well, but mechanisto hasn't shown up since this morning... :<
Yeah, that kinda has me concerned, too... Oh, backstory's done! Here's a copy in case you don't wanna look through the previous page to find my char sheet:
Random Village 01: Arrested and convicted for: Disturbing the peace, extortion, and acquiring concubines. Paid fine, records were expunged.
Random Village 06: Arrested and convicted for: Disturbing the peace, blatant disregard for public safety, rampant extortion, and acquiring concubines. Paid fine, records were expunged.
Random Village 11: Arrested and convicted for: Using technology to commit extortion, buying and selling unwilling concubines, astounding disregard to public safety, and using unsafe methods to extract cats from trees. Paid fine, records were expunged.
Random Town 19: Arrested and convicted for: Public indecency, using magic to acquire concubines without their pre-written consent, blatant disregard for public safety by annoying a Fae, and abusing caffeine. Not convicted of: Using technology to commit extortion. Paid fine, records were expunged.
Random Town 27: Arrested and convicted for: Exhibiting faked humans for the sake of profit, blatant disregard for public safety by annoying a Fae, a Dragon, and several Mythos, running an extortion ring, using technology to perpetrate extortion, racketeering, and hastening the speed of government corruption, using magic to enthrall beings without prior written consent, and misuse of a town bus. Paid fine, records were expunged.
Random City 39: Arrested and convicted for: Organizing and running a city-wide racketeering operation, practicing law without a license, running an illegal caffeine ring, buying and selling black market weapons and other goods, improper use of a pear tree and local wildlife, perverted voyeurism, attempting to revive disco, repeated use of technology for the perpetration of crime, abusing magic and unnatural charms to collect a willing harem of females, misusing magic to abuse public officials, misusing magic for forced public indecency, misusing magic to remove the clothes from a judge while in a court of law, misusing magic to summon thousands of banana peels, rainbow-colored candies, mows, and perpetrating chaos in general. Excused: Killing several circus clowns, due to repeated warnings about respecting his personal space. Paid fine, records were expunged.
Currently Wanted For: Blatant disregard of intellectual property and copyright laws, and possible tax evasion. (Highly expected to fake his own death at this point.) Considered armed, dangerous, irresistibly charming, and a bastard in general.
... town bus? Pear tree and local wildlife?
Sorry for the delay, all. I have been somewhat distracted... by the complete wipe and reinstall of my PC operating system. No more vista for me. Also no more hideously intolerable viruses and broken system options. Yay. It's nice being able to actually use more than 20% of my computer again.
In any case, I have much catching up to do. I shall be posting the RP itself soon. In the meantime, some rapidfire updates:
Drayco84's Zyrais is acceptable. Updating character roster to match!
techmaster-glitch is correct; Zyrais' ability to make magical artifacts is limited to security and surveillance devices. He merely dabbles, whereas Xephelon's knowledge runs both deep and wide.
danman is correct; handsome angles are unlikely to attract abberations, though they are still persuasive and charismatic. However, if you wanted to take "Unearthly Beauty/Handsomeness" as a supernatural power, you'd be attractive to almost all sentient life.
Litai: unfortunately, timed block puzzles are considered crimes against all sentient life. There's evil, and then there's evil...
Whitefox is correct, in that people's jobs can overlap, as long as they don't overshadow. We have a lot of engineering characters, with various specializations; there's room for some overlap.
Drayco84: The Dungeon will have to establish it's own ordinances and bylaws for various topics, including slavery. Part of the character's jobs will be to help sort those out in the first place. (Did I just hear Zyrais cackle...?)
Also, quick edit: technmaster-glitch has yet to specify the Creature Rating for his race. I have updated the descriptions in the first post to be more... descriptive. If there's still confusion, please let me know.
And so it starts! The official IC thread is open.
I have decided, possibly against my better judgment, to let all eight players in the RP. Please let me know if I've made any mistakes, or if I've forgotten to do something. And I know this will probably go without saying, but...
The GM then explained that he would like people to phrase their posts as if they were writing any other kind of fiction, describing their character's actions.
"For instance," he elaborated, " if your character says something, simply put it in quotes. It'd be nice if the RP read like a novel or story."
(OOC: Of course, if you need to break character to describe a character's action or ask an OOC question, feel free to do so like this with an OOC thingy. The more OOCs you use, the less chance of stepping on toes or doing things that make no sense.)
Hm. Or we could just pick a color, and then say that any text posted in that color is to be taken OOC. It might be less cumbersome than using brackets and tags...
I smell a new vote.
EDIT: I think we should use a color... but if we do, let's not use blue. It's hard on the eyes, for some reason. Ugh.
Yay! :boogie
I vote for a color, seeing as color-coding seems to be working well so far, but something subtle that won't draw people's eyes away from the meat of the post... maybe a dark blue/navy blue? It's a little hard to see on the black default background, but we can always highlight it for more contrast if we need to.
OOC comments should be... in the OOC thread. That's what it's for, isn't it? :B At least, that's how all the other RPs here handle it...
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 23, 2010, 09:01:26 PM
OOC comments should be... in the OOC thread. That's what it's for, isn't it? :B At least, that's how all the other RPs here handle it...
Hm. I was referring to quick FYI notes to avoid confusion about character powers or "rules", like:
(OOC: My character is secretly using his magnetism power on the Iron Golem... if anyone has any metal objects, they'll be affected too)
In most cases, that sort of thing can be done simply in ordinary writing. We need not bother with it at all unless it becomes necessary to avoid confusion between players. If we wanted, we could limit comments to something like:
(posted details in OOC)
Just so people know there are OOC explanations and clarifications of whats going on in a post. Mostly I just hate it when players get confused about what's going on, and what other players are doing, and why.
Ooh... Teal is nice. Distinct, but not too rich.
I'm all for OOC in colour comments, as long as they're just small notes and errata.
And, the teal is nice.
Ooh, almost forgot...
Xephelon, Urist Rokkar and Nathalzar could very likely have been sent specific invitations for the event. Their players may decide for themselves if they actually were invited, or if they just showed up as an unlisted guest.
Other characters either don't have immediately essential skills, or would be too impractical to contact in a hurry.
Oooh, that's very interesting... I think I shall incorporate it into the post I'm writing. Good thing you caught me before I finished ;)
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 23, 2010, 10:25:34 PM
Oooh, that's very interesting... I think I shall incorporate it into the post I'm writing. Good thing you caught me before I finished ;)
Glad I caught you, then. :)
Also, the decision of how to depict OOC comments doesn't mean I want people to use OOC comments
more than usual... I just everyone to use the same method.
It will be a bit before I get an IC post up, kinda working on a big post with another rp.
Whew, finally got my post up...dang, you guys have been moving fast! :dface
Posted. Short and sweet.
Heh... "Meat and Greet." Nice one.
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 23, 2010, 11:35:45 PM
Posted. Short and sweet.
Heh... "Meat and Greet." Nice one.
Confession time. I spelled it properly at first, then said it out loud to myself... and had to edit.
danman: Erm... is the quoting really necessary?
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 24, 2010, 12:09:24 AM
danman: Erm... is the quoting really necessary?
Oh, did i leave it in??
Sorry, deleting (i quote so that i can see the orig text then erase)
danman; And er...one other thing. Why are the last sentances in your posts ending without periods? It's really bugging me, beacause it seems as if some of your post is missing...
One last, mostly minor modification to my char sheet. His Blindsense is also a Detect Magic ability, but doesn't detect normal, magic-less objects. This includes walls, ceilings, floors, rocks, normal swords, etc., etc. His tail-blade has been removed as a tail-gauntlet with an attached blade sounds much better. Oh, and...
I will NOT modify my char sheet anymore.
I will NOT modify my char sheet anymore.
I will NOT modify my char sheet anymore.
I will NOT modify my char sheet anymore.
I will NOT modify my char sheet anymore.
I will NOT modify my char sheet anymore.
I will NOT modify my char sheet anymore.
I will NOT modify my char sheet anymore.
I will NOT modify my char sheet anymore.
I will NOT modify my char sheet anymore.
I will NOT modify my char sheet anymore.
I will NOT modify my char sheet anymore.
I will NOT modify my char sheet anymore.
I will NOT modify my char sheet anymore.
I will NOT modify my char sheet anymore.
And please remember, this is my first RP and thus, I'm bound to make some mistakes or blunders while getting familiar with the process. Thus, if I "run somebody over" or skip their turn, let me know!
By the way: if you're going by magic sense, Nathalzar would light up like a christmas tree. He's not your typical Undead.
I'm aware. I got the impression that he's more akin to a lich than anything else.
"Deathknight/Necromancer" But yeah. Dead and deadly. You know the drill
Hey danman, after I've posted Xephelon's response, can you translate this line for me?
"Is the thing made pglopegly or with enchantementsh? Cosh fo' a pglopegl ekshoshell it is kind of shmall - thegle wash a way of building one in one of the booksh i 'ead at the Zinvth libglagly"
Best I can tell is "Is the thing made ____ or with enchantments? 'Cuz for a ___ exoshell it is kind of small... ____ ____ a way of building in one of the books I read at the Zinvth library."
But by all means, I'm not asking you to change the accent or provide translations in the future--that's why I'm asking
after I posted. It's fun trying to respond to things you only half-understand ;)
And mechanisto, did you ever get my PM about Xephelon's Creature Rating?
properly is most of the words you are missing.
Try to read it aloud, it will make sense, and when the creature attempts to pronounce 'r' it gives out a weird gargling noise - imagine how would you talk with a mouth full of spittle.
For ease, i have attempted to keep it (a bit unrealistic) as a constant sound - so in general you can begin by replacing 'gl' with r anywhere -the others are better modelled as they are easier to spot
I know this game.
Is the thing made philosophically or with enchantments? 'Cuz for a banana exoshell it is kind of small...
Ah, I see...whitefox guessed it was "properly", but I was thinking it was "technology"... and I did try and sound it out, but I drew a blank. Although I can't imagine why Glup would say "properly"... :P
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 24, 2010, 11:38:28 PM
I know this game.
Is the thing made philosophically or with enchantments? 'Cuz for a banana exoshell it is kind of small...
Oh man, don't make me dig up my family's old Mad Libs books... xD
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 24, 2010, 11:39:15 PM
Ah, I see...whitefox guessed it was "properly", but I was thinking it was "technology"... and I did try and sound it out, but I drew a blank. Although I can't imagine why Glup would say "properly"... :P
Ohh DnD knowledge..
you see, Illithids are good psionics and have priests, but they not use much magic and consider it inferior.
As he was raised by them, he kind of taken on the attitude, and learned technology later (+his attempts at enchanting ended epically screwed) so his attitude goes something along the lines "a spell might be nice, but me (or in cases what he cannot do "a real expert" ) can do even better with psionics or pure tech or whatever
this has gotten a little softened in Zinvth after observing but still is mistrustful of magic....
Now he thinks as he needs to admit the suit is too nimble to have been made purely by technology (or at least the kind of tech he knows about) so suspects enchanting but still does consider it inferior somewhat
Quote from: danman on March 24, 2010, 11:35:06 PM
For ease, i have attempted to keep it (a bit unrealistic) as a constant sound - so in general you can begin by replacing 'gl' with r anywhere -the others are better modelled as they are easier to spot
Ah! That makes his speech much easier to decipher. :smile I was wondering about the "properly," too.
Also, danman, I'm sorry Kitt's such a standoffish jerk around creatures with chitinous exoskeletons that she thinks are insectis. :animesweat
okay..... I'm done with the post for the other RP, I'll start seeing about getting a post up for this rp.
Hmm, Gryphons chirp?? Something like tigers purring! - an exception between large birds!
(Made my day!)
Quote from: Liatai on March 24, 2010, 11:48:09 PM
Quote from: danman on March 24, 2010, 11:35:06 PM
For ease, i have attempted to keep it (a bit unrealistic) as a constant sound - so in general you can begin by replacing 'gl' with r anywhere -the others are better modelled as they are easier to spot
Ah! That makes his speech much easier to decipher. :smile I was wondering about the "properly," too.
Also, danman, I'm sorry Kitt's such a standoffish jerk around creatures with chitinous exoskeletons that she thinks are insectis. :animesweat
Well my character is not all that nice either - but so far there are neither druids nor selfimportant priests (he does not even know the occupation of the Naga besides being a manager, and her clothes say nothing too)
(besides for attractivity, chuuls are impressed by large claws, bright tentacles, and wide. well plated ventral->tail part...)
Quote from: danman on March 24, 2010, 11:53:09 PMbesides for attractivity, chuuls are impressed by large claws, bright tentacles, and wide. well plated ventral->tail part...
Hey, hey hey! Let's keep this PG13. Kids might read this forum!
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 25, 2010, 01:51:13 PM
Quote from: danman on March 24, 2010, 11:53:09 PMbesides for attractivity, chuuls are impressed by large claws, bright tentacles, and wide. well plated ventral->tail part...
Hey, hey hey! Let's keep this PG13. Kids might read this forum!
And there go my attempts to teach anyone some DnD biology... :D
Reproductive biology... reproductive!
Still, this was pretty much on the level of Discovery channel documentary ...
either there is a misunderstanding of something or you are pulling a really well obfuscated joke
err...aren't you both joking? :/
Unfortunately, jokes are like frogs. When you take them apart to see what makes them work, the first thing you have is a non-functional specimen.
Biological topics require biological metaphors, I guess. :3
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 25, 2010, 03:10:25 PM
children. >:3
Only a note folks - on 27th i am going home to slovakia and i will likely be posting much more scarcely, not having good internet acess ,and focusing on arguing with family and doing old engineering problems for end of year exams. I will most likely resume afterwards.
As a note to, I'm going to use a capital U for the Undead creature race, and a lowercase u for all undead in general. So, Nathalzar is undead, not an Undead. He is in charge of all Undead in the dungeon, which is why he has CR3. If he were in charge of every zombie, ghoul, and skelly, he would have had, like, CR0.2
Quote from: danman on March 25, 2010, 09:43:07 PM
Only a note folks - on 27th i am going home to slovakia and i will likely be posting much more scarcely,
That's a shame... I'm having fun with the brain merchant. >:3
Have a safe trip, and good luck with your exams.
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 25, 2010, 10:36:16 PM
That's a shame... I'm having fun with the brain merchant. >:3
Have a safe trip, and good luck with your exams.
I will just be away for two weeks - i hope you can manage without demolishing the dungeon...
EDIT: I am using the DnD4 Chuul version - an aquatic one (the psionic Chuul juggernaut to be precise - that is where the 15 feet length and psionic skills comes from as well (this one knows some more, listed separately, and will likely improve if he "levels up" later in the RP)
Wow, I go to sleep and suddenly the thread takes off! xD I might take a while to write a new reply once I catch up.
Apart from the physics of what Glup is doing to the disk... do keep in mind that when an enchanted magic item is damaged, the enchantment is lost.
Not that it was overly precious or anything; just making a note.
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 26, 2010, 01:08:50 PM
Apart from the physics of what Glup is doing to the disk... do keep in mind that when an enchanted magic item is damaged, the enchantment is lost.
Not that it was overly precious or anything; just making a note.
Well it was a 10 minute spell, and in any case, the crystal is the important bit, not the mirror - is like pointing a projector at a wall
Wait... so... dragons are not reptillian?
Hmm well they can shift form to simulate a being, but that does not make them that, right? Alyika can be a cat yet she still is bird creature, not?
Quote from: danman on March 25, 2010, 10:42:57 PM
I will just be away for two weeks - i hope you can manage without demolishing the dungeon...
The dungeon itself will be fine...
Your section, on the other hand... Well, just make sure your insurance is paid up... (Won't be me! Maybe... Regardless, I'll probably sell you a recording of the event...)
my character isn't reptilian. Yeah, he looks draconic, but other than the feathery wings, he
does have fur. (And if he was female, he'd also have functioning mammary glands. Yeah, I said it! I went there!)
Mechanisto, I'm more of a fan that if an object holding a spell is broken, then the spell either A: Dissipates, B: Gets triggered, using the closest creatures as targets, or C: Explodes. (And yes, I'm aware of how gross that could be with forehead gems! Luckily, non-hostile enchantments usually have the result of A.)
Hmm , what a finicky gryphon do we have :mowtongue nice post, made me laugh!
Generally the fleshy undead tend to be the less bad of the kind -the dry ones by definition have been around longer ...
Heh heh, yeah. Cracking open horse bones to suck the marrow out of them? She's fine with that. Brains? Flesh golems? Ew ew no get it away I don't want it to touch me ew yuck. :lol
To be fair, though, most of the dead things she's had to deal with have either been archaeological remains or food, not up and walking around.
sorry my writing muse is dead at the moment. I just haven't be able to focus.
i think when she finds out how Glup gets the brains this will happen (http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_062.php)
to quote the DnD4 monster manual:
A chuul devours nearly all of its captured prey except for te creature's brain. Brains are both distasteful and poisonous to chuuls , but they eat everything else, even going to the trouble of peeling away bits of skull
I made a longer post to do with me being away all of tomorrow and then who knows when.
the idea is a bit taken from abel mentioning the desk lamp but it seemed fun, and explains why he was so curious about the lich and his books so i put it in - it came to me when i was thinking about how to power the thing, and in any case even if Glup sucks at magic, i guess that an aberration would have an easier job with certain darker acts
Also it makes plot sense for him to be away for hours which are days in terms of the game's actual rate
to Danman:
That post seemed very wonky until I saw your post here. Personally, I think a better way of writing this would've been to write Glup starting on the cell device, and wait until such time as the rest of the IC gets to the point where he would finish, then post that. The problem with the way it is now is that it seems you've gone and done a time-skip while leaving everyone else behind, which isn't exactly good RP etiquette (yes, I did learn that myself the hard way). Of course, there's also the the problem where if time is a major or the only limiting factor in something that a character can do (especially for mine), jumping right to the end has the effect of nullifying that limitation.
Just giving you my advice for the future, though we'll also want to see if Mechanisto has anything to add, or if he wants to say to ignore me, which I suppose is possible... (and I'm definitely not asking or telling you to alter your post, only the GM can do that if he feels it's warranted)
(o_O) Urge to smash smart guy's machine, rising... (Luckily Zyrais is more of a mage... He can vaporize that sucker from 50ft. away if he feels inclined!)
Regardless, make sure you mention/acknowledge that the Understand Languages spell wears off. Why? I dunno... I just don't like plot holes... (OMG! My cheesecake! I stuck it in a plot-hole!)
ad techmasterglitch:
Well when i have thought about this - there is no way i am posting tomorrow and so, and i guess my character is pretty much isolated from the others messing with the machine in the corner.
I thank for the advice since i do not have that much forum rp experience (the only other place where i float is nationstates.net, my country being Central Slavia if anyone cares) and to say never met this kind of time-issue before.
I kind of fast-forwarded time for myself as the problem is what to do when new folk ocme in otherwise - i will not be much able to reply...
ad Drayco84
Well you would have to be precise with the vaporisation, otherwise you will have a creature with a 10ft reach slicing you in half like the mentioned zombies :D In any case you have one shot :mwaha
To say with this - it is made care of - For one Nadhiya has a translator amulet and for two i do not think you feel a spell wearing off except of the effects (ie if someone speaks common fast, he will be meeting some mr. Toujours again)
Ooooh... Thanks for the heads up on the range of those pincers... Oh well, at least I won't be the one cleaning it up!
I wonder if it handles wifi, too... (Well, it is the same kind of signal, just a different frequency...)
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 26, 2010, 09:40:17 PM
Ooooh... Thanks for the heads up on the range of those pincers... Oh well, at least I won't be the one cleaning it up!
I wonder if it handles wifi, too... (Well, it is the same kind of signal, just a different frequency...)
Well you can find it in any DnD internet page - i am using the conversion of 5ft per square.
One could also say it to be 14.4 feet since dnd makes no distinction between sqrt(2) and 1 - besides the size and reach are in the character sheet, much like Ashen Star did for the dragon.
The device, as was mentioned subtly is based on a powered down death ray from his book :D
It handles wifi - it is built for the blackberries of the dungeon staff ,and in fact it steals the wifi of some being in the overworld :D
Well...techmaster-glitch and danman:
It's a minor point this time, but in the future it's best to say your character is attempting or starting something... this gives others a chance to respond. In this case, for example, my response would be that the device will properly establish a local cell network in the dungeon, but doesn't seem to be reaching any satellites; possibly due to deep-core mineral deposits above the dungeon. The only other way to reach the network would be through the hardline Nadhiya mentioned, which is somehow dependant on the portal chamber.
Also... you guys post way more than Me. I need to start posting more often.
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 26, 2010, 11:23:11 PM
It's a minor point this time, but in the future it's best to say your character is attempting or starting something... this gives others a chance to respond.
That is one of the things I was referring to, yes... :3
Oh, we have a hardline?? I will edit the post... i have forgotten that there are other means to connect it.
I left the machine as it is,, it is funnier as a semi-failed plan. Besides this better explains need of amplifiers
Luckily tomorrow we are going by car a long way so i will sleep it off there
Sorry to say, but I cant keep up with the RP. Real Life issues have cropped up that make it hard for me to keep up with where everybody is and make a coherant rp post. I dont want to bog it down as people wait for my characters, and as such I've removed them.
Sorry for the interruption.
Well... Crap... I really don't know what to say... I hope RL stops beating the tar outta 'ya soon.
Though, to be honest, even Ashen hasn't posted in the IC yet...
Yeah, even though I already said it to you, it's a shame you won't be in the RP, squirrel...
As for Ashen, as she's said over in the OSaS thread, she's got a spinal infection of some sort that had her in the hospital for a few days. She'll be returning when she can.
Dammit, I really suck at condolances...
You shall be missed, but I'm sure we all understand. Your characters, of course, may return to active duty if and when you desire.
Meantime, the best of all possible wishes to the both of you.
:< *hugs* :hug
Take care of yourselves, both of you.
That makes me wonder, though... Should we put a halt on the RP until everyone can join in, or should we keep this train wreck a-rollin'?
Personally, I'd rather start to get some of the setting-up out of the way as I have a habit of forgetting about things left on the back burners. But, that's just my opinion, and this is my first RP, so I don't know the preferred way of doing things...
I can't speak for anyone else, but personally, I'm all for moving forward with the RP. We're missing three players out of nine (if we include Mechanisto as a player) at the moment, by my count (actually, four out of nine, now that I look at the roster. Has anyone heard from otaku999?); and even though Nalthazar is currently off somewhere else, I think that as long as we have at least two people active, we can keep a dialogue going (or exploration happening) and get the plot moving somewhere.
... although I don't think we'll be able to go anywhere until we get a reply from Nadhiya, or perhaps a kobold/NPC wandering by if Nadhiya has her hands full. :animesweat *pokes the GM good-naturedly*
I've been gone long enough for people to consider me missing?
Ouch. I definitely need to post more often. I'll be out for today, but will post as soon as I get this afternoon/evening.
Heh, I hope Xephelon's comments don't start the IC spiralling into a political tangent before we've even gotten to the Committee... xD
Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... Must avoid philosophical debate... AW, FUGGIT!
should I rethink my next twenty-eight chapters worth of plot material where the players all have emotionally charged philosophical debates? >:3
Probably, Mechanisto... Probably...
Oh, wait... We're both geeks and will probably oversleep...
On second thought, that gives me about half an hour to get ready...
Aw, screw it. I'm just gonna drive by your house and open fire with a Vulcan EBF-25. Pic below to clear up any confusion...
Lesee... You live in... (O_O) California?! Aw crap! My car won't make it that far! (Stupid Ford!) Eh, heck with it...
Mecanisto; exactly how wide is the shaft we're at?
And drayco: ahahahaha xD
FYI, I'm still reading. Nethalzar a bit aloof to stick around and chat.
As a note, can we have fewer "Why are people ignoring me?" comments IC? I mean, it's perfectly reasonable to point out here in the OOC that your IC post needs a reply.
Plus, for those new to RPing, stop and ask yourself if your post actually calls for a response from the other players or GM.
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 29, 2010, 06:54:58 PM
should I rethink my next twenty-eight chapters worth of plot material where the players all have emotionally charged philosophical debates? >:3
Bring it on, legs. Just try and bring up existentialism or metaphysics, I'll have you asking if you had ever done so to begin with.
In regards, yes; people don't have to say "why I be ignored" quite so often.
However, if you as a player are waiting for an answer to your character's question, you are perfectly allowed to ask the GM "what gives" in OOC font.
Don't be afraid to poke me with OOC reminders!
How about this; "You didn't answer my OOC question, the post right before whitefox, the one you just responded to" :U
EDIT: Got a post mostly written now, but it can't be finished until I have the answer to that question, so I know how to react...
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 29, 2010, 10:10:08 PM
As a note, can we have fewer "Why are people ignoring me?" comments IC? I mean, it's perfectly reasonable to point out here in the OOC that your IC post needs a reply.
Plus, for those new to RPing, stop and ask yourself if your post actually calls for a response from the other players or GM.
I'd appreciate some feedback on this, actually. I'm used to playing far more loquacious characters than Kittrick, who doesn't talk to anyone she doesn't trust (and she doesn't really trust anyone in the dungeon yet). I'm trying to include actions or details that people could potentially play off in every IC post I make, though; is it coming off that way, or does it just seem like a "look at me?"
Although, speaking of actions, I should just say here, once, that you guys and your characters are free to do whatever you like to the jaybird at any time. Poke her, shove her, use her as comic relief, heck, even
tickle her if it's IC. She doesn't like being poked, but honestly, I love putting my characters into wacky situations and making them deal with it. :P So, yeah.
... Okay,
that was a bit of a "look at me." :animesweat Sorry.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 29, 2010, 10:23:53 PM
How about this; "You didn't answer my OOC question, the post right before whitefox, the one you just responded to" :U
Exactly. :)
It's big enough to drop a small house in. The shaft itself is about 30 yards in diameter, with a five-yard ledge spiraling along it's inside surface. This leaves about 20 yards of unobstructed shaft in the center.
Also, Kittrick (and any other winged creatures) will immediately detect an updraft in the shaft; a breeze, but not too strong.
Quote from: Mechanisto on March 30, 2010, 12:55:45 AM
It's big enough to drop a small house in. The shaft itself is about 30 yards in diameter, with a five-yard ledge spiraling along it's inside surface. This leaves about 20 yards of unobstructed shaft in the center.
Excellent, thank you. :)
...and you know, while I'm at it, did you ever get my PM about Xephelon's creature rating?
I have PMs?
Argh. Response forthcoming.
Welcome, otaku! Nice to see you finally drop in :) Although, I do note one small detail...
She caught up with the group, looking around at the other guests. A griffin, an angel, a giraffe zombie, and some sort of mythos.
Unless she's actually seen an exoshell before and thus knows there's a Mythos inside it, really Xephelon should look like some 8-limbed robot/magical construct... Not asking you to change it, just letting you know for the future.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 30, 2010, 07:45:04 PM
Welcome, otaku! Nice to see you finally drop in :) Although, I do note one small detail...
She caught up with the group, looking around at the other guests. A griffin, an angel, a giraffe zombie, and some sort of mythos.
Unless she's actually seen an exoshell before and thus knows there's a Mythos inside it, really Xephelon should look like some 8-limbed robot/magical construct... Not asking you to change it, just letting you know for the future.
Okie-dokie, fixing now!
The story thus far...
The PCs and GM are currently exploring the Dungeon. Nathalzar may or may not be with the group and is up to something. Zyrais is an ossan, but doesn't look his age. Nothing of major consequence has occured so far. (Or so I think, anyway.)
And the OOC color is teal.
Quote from: Liatai on March 29, 2010, 11:21:40 PM
I'd appreciate some feedback on this, actually. I'm used to playing far more loquacious characters than Kittrick, who doesn't talk to anyone she doesn't trust (and she doesn't really trust anyone in the dungeon yet). I'm trying to include actions or details that people could potentially play off in every IC post I make, though; is it coming off that way, or does it just seem like a "look at me?"
There are, hypothetically, only two things that require a player to stop writing a post. 1) Asking another character a question (PC or NPC). 2) Attempting to do something. If a post ends without one of these two things, the players and GM are not
required to respond. The situation doesn't make it necessary for them to do so. If the other characters don't have reason to respond, chances are pretty good it'd be out of character for them to do so.
So, I suppose there are a couple of options. Keep doing passive things, and you might eventually do something that gets someones attention. If your character came to do something, go and do it.
Feel free to go talk to Nethalzar. He's circulating and snacking at the moment.
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 30, 2010, 08:01:34 PM
Nothing of major consequence has occured so far. (Or so I think, anyway.)
Are you
implying that the arrival of The Great Nethalzar is
inconsequential?! Outrage! >:O
In regards that to stuff that hasn't happened yet... I should note that I don't think anyone has actually been
hired so far. :3
Except possibly Nethalzar. >:3
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 30, 2010, 08:01:34 PM
And the OOC color is teal.
That is to say, anything coloured teal in the IC topic is OOC.
Quote from: Liatai on March 29, 2010, 11:21:40 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 30, 2010, 08:01:34 PM
And the OOC color is teal.
That is to say, anything coloured teal in the IC topic is OOC.
Heh, sorry. I posted shortly after I came home from school, and my brain didn't really feel like thinking...
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 30, 2010, 08:33:14 PM
There are, hypothetically, only two things that require a player to stop writing a post. 1) Asking another character a question (PC or NPC). 2) Attempting to do something. If a post ends without one of these two things, the players and GM are not required to respond. The situation doesn't make it necessary for them to do so. If the other characters don't have reason to respond, chances are pretty good it'd be out of character for them to do so.
So, I suppose there are a couple of options. Keep doing passive things, and you might eventually do something that gets someones attention. If your character came to do something, go and do it.
Those seem like good rules of thumb to follow; I'll have to keep those in mind when I'm writing future posts. Thank you! :smile Seems I need to do some more thinking on Kitt's motivations and goals aside from "get a job" and "people-watch."
I would send her to talk with Nelthazar, but I don't think they're in the same room. :animesweat I might try to make her talk to Thessaly and/or Katya later, though. After I get some sleep. Yay, sleep.
Sooo... Are most of us waiting for the GM to move on? He hasn't logged in for over a day again...
Logically, I'm guessing that he has appointments or something on Weds. and Thurs. Either that, or RL slaps the crap outta him on those days...
EDIT: Ugh, too tired to post something constructive or creative... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Yeah, I was kinda waiting on the GM too, mainly because I couldn't think of anything really meaningful to say or do. I would've put something up last night anyway, but I was much too tired then.
Pokes the GM.
He's just being lazy.
WhiteFox! What the frig is WRONG with you?! You don't poke GMs!
Here, use this Nerf Vulcan. It's a little harder to ignore a barrage of foam projectiles.
Just a moment.
[EDIT] My work is done.
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 01, 2010, 09:12:09 PM
WhiteFox! What the frig is WRONG with you?! You don't poke GMs!
Here, use this Nerf Vulcan. It's a little harder to ignore a barrage of foam projectiles.
I just want you to know that someone came into my room just now and shot a Nerf(TM) foam dart at my head from the doorway.
It was an excellent shot.
That is all.
Quote from: Mechanisto on April 01, 2010, 09:27:18 PM
I just want you to know that someone came into my room just now and shot a Nerf(TM) foam dart at my head from the doorway.
It was an excellent shot.
That is all.
At the risk of overwriting WhiteFox's awesome picture, A: I need to post a picture of my collection sometime. (Seriously, I have too many frickin' foam-flinging weapons... Why did I ever buy that many?!) and B: Is it just me, or has everyone gotten a case of writer's block. (And yes, I'm aware that we're missing a couple players. One of them due to a disturbingly-scary surgery. I see Danman posting every once and a while as well.)
Sooooooo... *Shoots topic with a titan missile.*
EDIT: Oh yeah... And a map/layout/floorplan/whatever could be helpful down the road.
I just got in a relatively recent post... waiting on everyone else to move things along.
But wait a sec, if you're referring to Ashen about the "disturbingly-scary surgery", are you saying you actually have had some kind of contact with her?
POST FACT-CHECKING: You had mentioned it before, on page 6. But other than that, no. I don't know anyone on this forum IRL. At least, as far as i know, anyway.
To me, any time somebody is coming after your spine, brain, or another vital organ with a sharp/pointy tool, it's disturbingly-scary. Oh hell, anytime somebody is coming after me with a needle in general it's scary... (Allergy shots were fun, BTW. Oh, and they didn't work.)
EDIT: I guess it's just the fact that I'm excessively paranoid and a pessimist. Hell, I was sweating when they removed my wisdom teeth for crying out loud! Oh, and what Christmas present do you give a kid that they'll remember forever? Circumcision... Thankfully, that was just a crap-ton of pain...
EDIT #?: I'm done editing...
Hmm, just few days more and i shall update too - i think monday we are returning
As far as surgery ,i had appendix taken, tonsils, ingrown toenail, and as a bonus they pumped out my sinuses once....
all of that within first 15 years of my existance :D
But i agree - spinal infection is scary stuff, and so i hope Ashen star is well and will come back to the forum soon!
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 08, 2010, 01:19:37 AMOh hell, anytime somebody is coming after me with a needle in general it's scary... (Allergy shots were fun, BTW. Oh, and they didn't work.)
Next time, ask your school for flu
prevention shots. :)
Though in all seriousness, isn't a flu inoculation supposed to give you a mild case of the flu so your body adapts?
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 08, 2010, 01:19:37 AM
EDIT: I guess it's just the fact that I'm excessively paranoid and a pessimist. Hell, I was sweating when they removed my wisdom teeth for crying out loud!
In the states, I hear they give you local anesthetic. I cannot imagine that. Here in Canada, they
knock you F'ing out. My Wisdom Teeth operation was actually less painful than the needle that knocked me out.
Ached like all-get-out for a month after, though... and I was babbling idiot on the drive back.
Regardless, people won't be kicked out for not posting in awhile. If any of the active players notices another player is lagging behind, let everyone know here in the OOC. Nobody's going to get kicked out for lagging, especially when there are so many possible good reasons for such.
Get well soon, people... get well soon! :<
Quote from: Mechanisto on April 08, 2010, 04:36:10 PM
Next time, ask your school for flu prevention shots. :)
Though in all seriousness, isn't a flu inoculation supposed to give you a mild case of the flu so your body adapts?
Yup. That's what a flu shot is
supposed to do. It's an injection of a weakened virus so your body gets "target practice". But, there's a few problems with it... One, it's an "educated" guess of what the year's flu virus is going to be. Normally, this isn't a problem, though.
Two, probably more important, is that in the States, they continually have vaccine shortages until well
after the flu season is underway. For example, by the time they had released the vaccine for Swine Flu/H1N1, I'd already had it. (Supposedly, I got the mild form. In other words, standard flu stuff.) Plus, they're usually given out in
public places. Seriously, it's bad enough that I'm getting jabbed with a needle, why does it have to be in a wide open space too? And no, most real, private clinics
aren't allowed to distribute them. (At least, not in my area...)
Three, they may not even work! One of my neighbors' has a daughter that had a chicken pox vaccine, and still got chicken pox! So... Yeah...
As for me, most of my immunity to disease has been gotten the hard way...
Surviving the epidemics! Quote from: Mechanisto on April 08, 2010, 04:36:10 PM
In the states, I hear they give you local anesthetic. I cannot imagine that. Here in Canada, they knock you F'ing out. My Wisdom Teeth operation was actually less painful than the needle that knocked me out.
Ached like all-get-out for a month after, though... and I was babbling idiot on the drive back.
Thankfully, they also knocked me unconscious before they tried anything. (Nitrous oxide 4TW!
;P) Afterwards... Well, I don't remember much of those days other than pain, and my bunny suddenly getting puffy cheeks like I had...
Jeez, you guys are making me feel nervous. I still have my wisdom teeth, and I hope they never need to get pulled... :dface
Get well soon, everybody. :hug I'll admit, I haven't been posting because of some massive writer's block on my part, but I'll see if I can't get a post up tonight.
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 09, 2010, 12:08:10 AM
Two, probably more important, is that in the States, they continually have vaccine shortages until well after the flu season is underway. For example, by the time they had released the vaccine for Swine Flu/H1N1, I'd already had it. (Supposedly, I got the mild form. In other words, standard flu stuff.) Plus, they're usually given out in public places. Seriously, it's bad enough that I'm getting jabbed with a needle, why does it have to be in a wide open space too? And no, most real, private clinics aren't allowed to distribute them. (At least, not in my area...)
Three, they may not even work! One of my neighbors' has a daughter that had a chicken pox vaccine, and still got chicken pox! So... Yeah...
To be fair to the scientists making them, though, making a viable vaccine is
really hard. You've got to isolate the infectious agent, which can be a quest in and of itself; find a way of replicating said virus on a large scale (fortunately, chicken eggs work well for a lot of them); find a way to make the virus inert; make sure that whatever process you're using to make the virus inert doesn't denature any of the proteins that your body uses to detect the virus in the first place, which would make any immunity gained from it useless; find a solvent that keeps the inert virus in one piece for transport and doesn't harm people... and if anything goes slightly wrong with one batch of vaccine, you need to throw out the whole batch and start the culturing process over again. And that's not including safety testing, which can take years in some cases.
Plus, since everyone's immune system is slightly different, what works for 99% of people still won't do anything for that other 1%. No vaccine can be 100% effective 100% of the time on 100% of people, sadly. So, I give the scientists major props for being able to get the amount of viable vaccine they produce distributed every year. But then again, I'm biased. (<-- medical nerd :P)
As for the H1N1 vaccine, though... yeah, I hear you on the private clinic thing. In my area, though, they can distribute it, but they're stingy with it because they're saving their supply for a high-risk population. I know when I went to go get mine, they told an older relative of mine that they didn't have any, but they offered it to me five minutes later because I was in a high-risk group. Go figure. :/
I got on the H1N1 shortlist cuz I'm diabetic. It worked.
I haven't had my wisdom teeth out, but I did get a root canal in grade 9. I have a piece of gold in my skull now, so that worked.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to... go to work.
Hmm, i HAD H1N1 and was quarantined for a week /not exactly sure since in UK where i study they do not proper tests, but some relatives back in slovakia had the same symptoms (evil fever for several days and tiredness for a week+ other stuff and they had it from blood tests)/
The worst effect was that i missed some mechanics classes and learned about NationStates ...
Oh dear, as Danman just posted, I notice that we seemed to have slowed down quite a bit... :dface
And posted. Terribly sorry for the delays... I will be attending the RP much more regularly from now on. Promise.
I'm wondering if I should reveal where I'm going with this right now, or save it for later... >:3
And gawd, I'm starting to imagine a Star Trek-like situation where everyone's sitting around a command table, and Nadihya says "Options?". Katya says something about torturing something, Xephelon comes up with a magic item, Glup concieves a solution that involves brains, Kittrick suggests something about flying or delivering mail, Zyrais says they should spy on someone, and Nalthazar insists they make something undead. And they do this for every situation, no matter what xD
No fair; you've been reading my notes!
Regarding secret plans:
I will assume the players here are intelligent enough not to meta-game narrative plot information; if someone posts their character secretly plotting something, I'll assume the other characters will be mature enough not to become omniscient about it. If you have methods that might allow you to find out, of course, you can attempt to do so... but post the attempt, and allow the GM to resolve the outcome. The official spymaster, for example, might find out all kinds of things... but certain characters may still be able to keep secrets from even him. If characters become omniscient (or just happen to "stumble upon" a secret plot underway out of sheer luck), it removes a lot of the drama and political tension... everyone will feel like there's no point to plotting and planning, because they'll be found out instantly.
I don't think this will really be a serious problem, but I'll put this in extra-special GM orange, just to be clear:
If a character posts narrative or monologue about secret plotting, separate what you know from what your character knows, and role-play them accordingly. If someone plots against your character, don't be afraid to have your character be fooled once in awhile in the interests of good role-playing.
If a character wishes to do truly secret plot stuffs, or do something without the knowledge of the other players, send the GM (me) a private message with all the details. This doesn't guarantee it's secrecy (someone else might have already sent me a secret PM about sticking a microphone in just the right place to overhear you), but it keeps things fair and consistent.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on April 14, 2010, 11:52:56 AM
I'm wondering if I should reveal where I'm going with this right now, or save it for later... >:3
I'm saving mine. :x
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on April 14, 2010, 11:52:56 AM
And they do this for every situation, no matter what xD
You're really going to have a good time with Nath.
Quote from: WhiteFox on April 15, 2010, 12:10:44 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on April 14, 2010, 11:52:56 AM
And they do this for every situation, no matter what xD
You're really going to have a good time with Nath.
I wasn't really being serious, it was just an amusing mental image to me... :B
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on April 14, 2010, 11:52:56 AM
I'm wondering if I should reveal where I'm going with this right now, or save it for later... >:3
And gawd, I'm starting to imagine a Star Trek-like situation where everyone's sitting around a command table, and Nadihya says "Options?". Katya says something about torturing something, Xephelon comes up with a magic item, Glup concieves a solution that involves brains, Kittrick suggests something about flying or delivering mail, Zyrais says they should spy on someone, and Nalthazar insists they make something undead. And they do this for every situation, no matter what xD
That's a totally unfair and baseless accusation!
Spying is only one half of the plan. Part 2 involves either blackmail, or blowing it up.
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 15, 2010, 01:32:15 AM
That's a totally unfair and baseless accusation!
Spying is only one half of the plan. Part 2 involves either blackmail, or blowing it up.
And, ah what the hey, I'll just put out what I'm going for right now. It's not really a secret, just amusing;
("One of Eberron's many truths") :3
This is what happens when an engineer gets ahold of magic. Applied Theurgy! :D
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on April 15, 2010, 11:15:12 AM
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 15, 2010, 01:32:15 AM
That's a totally unfair and baseless accusation!
Spying is only one half of the plan. Part 2 involves either blackmail, or blowing it up.
And, ah what the hey, I'll just put out what I'm going for right now. It's not really a secret, just amusing;
("One of Eberron's many truths") :3
This is what happens when an engineer gets ahold of magic. Applied Thaumaturgy! :D
Dubya tee eff is that and where can I get one?
On another note, we need to standardize something... What do we use for internal thoughts, telepathy, and/or translated languages? We have Parentheses "()", brackets "[]" (Prolly not advised due to their use in the forum's code/script.) Braces "{}" and chevrons "<>". I understand that chevrons are normally used for translated text., but what about the others?
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 15, 2010, 02:44:37 PM
Dubya tee eff is that and where can I get one?
You can get one when Xephelon's done making it :3
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 15, 2010, 02:44:37 PM
On another note, we need to standardize something... What do we use for internal thoughts, telepathy, and/or translated languages? We have Parentheses "()", brackets "[]" (Prolly not advised due to their use in the forum's code/script.) Braces "{}" and chevrons "<>". I understand that chevrons are normally used for translated text., but what about the others?
For anything mental, I just use standard itallics. Danman's the one who's been doing something weird with double-colons in that regard.
As for translations, I have no idea...
Well, I'm now using braces "{}" for telepathy. Just a heads up to everyone.
i am using quotes for speech, and two doublepoints for mental processes (single quotes for literals or whatever is needed)
Hah, I like Dee already. :3 Ah... familiars with access to Shocking Grasp... that brings back memories of campaigns past. Good times, good times.
I'm just using italics for thoughts (when they're not being used for emphasis in a sentence) and quotation marks for speaking, myself. I don't know if it will ever come up, but if I type something in <chevrons,> it's usually something that's being said in another language.
Drayco, am I right in assuming that we cannot hear Dee and Zyrais' mental conversation, unless were were actually telepathically-sensitive (and maybe not even then)?
And yes, very amusing exchange :3
Well... That's a good question...
On one hand, mages and familiars can freely converse using telepathy. On the other, ALL pseudo dragons are telepathic... Heck, it's in the monster manual.
So, I'm gonna go ahead and say that anything with telepathic abilities can "listen" in.
Oh, and just a heads up for those that don't have copy of the MM1 handy, they CAN understand a few languages, but they can only "speak" using telepathy or charades.
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 15, 2010, 02:44:37 PM
On another note, we need to standardize something... What do we use for internal thoughts, telepathy, and/or translated languages? We have Parentheses "()", brackets "[]" (Prolly not advised due to their use in the forum's code/script.) Braces "{}" and chevrons "<>". I understand that chevrons are normally used for translated text., but what about the others?
I use italics for internal thoughts. If I were to do anything telepathically, I'd probably put it in italics and quotes. If it comes up, I'll probably use greater/less than signs for translated text.
Curly brackets are hard on the eyes, tho.
Also... how much of the setting is DnD, and how much of it is DMFA? Personally, I was leaning more towards DMFA.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on April 15, 2010, 02:57:12 PMFor anything mental, I just use standard italics.
Yes, please. This is the only depiction of telepathy that doesn't annoy the heck out of me... for some reason.
Quote from: WhiteFox on April 16, 2010, 12:50:57 AMAlso... how much of the setting is DnD, and how much of it is DMFA? Personally, I was leaning more towards DMFA.
The RP should be almopst entirely DMFA. Some characters, items, or abilities can be drawn from other sources (including entire player characters, in at least one case), but if they clash with what's normal in Furrae, they will seem weird or unusual to almost everyone. Furrae is extremely diverse, so I don't expect this to be a big issue.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on April 14, 2010, 11:52:56 AM
And gawd, I'm starting to imagine a Star Trek-like situation where everyone's sitting around a command table, and Nadihya says "Options?". Katya says something about torturing something, Xephelon comes up with a magic item, Glup concieves a solution that involves brains, Kittrick suggests something about flying or delivering mail, Zyrais says they should spy on someone, and Nalthazar insists they make something undead. And they do this for every situation, no matter what xD
I hate to interrupt, but...
A sadist, a masochist, a murderer, a necrophile, a zoophile and a pyromaniac are all sitting on a bench in a mental institution, bored out of their minds.
"How about having sex with a cat?" asked the zoophile.
"Let's have sex with the cat and then torture it," says the sadist.
"Let's have sex with the cat, torture it and then kill it," shouted the murderer.
"Let's have sex with the cat, torture it, kill it and then have sex with it again," said the necrophile.
"Let's have sex with the cat, torture it, kill it, have sex with it again and then burn it," said the pyromaniac.
Silence took over... and the masochist says: "Meow."
llearch: XD
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 16, 2010, 07:11:55 AM
A sadist, a masochist, a murderer, a necrophile, a zoophile and a pyromaniac are all sitting on a bench in a mental institution, bored out of their minds...
You know, I'm pretty sure we have at least one of each of those in the group.
Just so we're clear... if we don't, I'm not reopening recruitment.
Ever. :(
Quote from: Mechanisto on April 16, 2010, 08:28:34 PM
Just so we're clear... if we don't, I'm not reopening recruitment.
Ever. :(
Awwwww... But it'd be fuuuuuuuun...
Seriously though, I'm currently away for the week at a rural location... Without broadband...
Well, I take that back, I've got broadband, but in the form of one of those wireless air-cards that uses the same network as cell phones. (Notably Sprint.) Which would be GREAT if the XP partition on my netbook wasn't a rotting zombie... But, it is, and I've been too lazy to reformat and reinstall. (That and... I
LIKE PCLinuxOS. It works, why screw with it?)
So, I've trying to keep my connection down. This means less "stalking" of the thread, and less use of my "work" partition. (At least, until I find out how to get it to work on Linux...)
EDIT: Good news, everyone! The particular card I'm using has been mentioned on the forums and the problem has been solved!
The bad news is that the guy got fed up with it and got a new USB modem from AT&T...
Whoooo... Go winsuck... I didn't miss you much...
Hey Mechanisto, if Xephelon hasn't figured out what kind of crystals they are yet, can I get a better description of the crystal formations? like; what color they are, how transparent/opaque/reflective the are, etc? (I'm starting to think they aren't any "real-world" crystal...)
Not real-world, eh? Prepare to be disappointed. (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/USDA_Mineral_Smokey_Quartz_93v3949.jpg)
They still look quite pretty, and are excellent mineralogical (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mineralogy) specimens. They appear to be normal hexagonal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_structure) crystals that grow in nice big chunks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_crystal). They resemble Smoky Quartz (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoky_Quartz), but are (as mentioned) unusually durable (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deadpool). More detailed analysis will require some time in a simple laboratory (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Aps_linear_accelerator.jpg) or workshop (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemistry), at the hands of a suitable expert (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Nye). They seem black (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_hole) when unlit, but are actually translucent (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Invisible_Man) with a slightly dark (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Crystal) tint.
One of the things you'll need a lab to discover? What they're actually made of.
Of note; I actually saw about half those links already when I was looking it up while making my last post xD Even still... *reads the other half of the links*
All I needed to know was what it looked like, but I suppose I also love in-depth details... :P
EDIT: aaand it seems the other half of the links are completely random pop culture references :B No wonder I didn't see them when I was looking it up...
Tell me about it. The bizarre thing about fantasy is that if you use gemstones to contain magic, then it would pay to know what the most durable gemstones are. (Ruby, sapphire, alexandrite, and spinel, I think.)
Also, tempering (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tempering). Fire Opal's "fire" is actually spots of water within the gem. Amethyst is also a form of quartz. Last but not least, sugilite (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugilite) is a royal pain in the ass to find, but it has some awesome purple coloration, especially the gemstone-quality stuff.
EDIT: When did we get to 230 posts?
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on April 20, 2010, 10:35:51 PM
EDIT: aaand it seems the other half of the links are completely random pop culture references :B No wonder I didn't see them when I was looking it up...
The GM has a sense of humour... Beware.
Heh... translucent.
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 21, 2010, 02:33:04 AM
EDIT: When did we get to 230 posts?
Just after #229.
This topic is a combination of the interest check, signups, and the OOC. I'm not surprised it's this long already.
Plus, we seem to have some pretty chatty players.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on April 20, 2010, 10:35:51 PMEDIT: aaand it seems the other half of the links are completely random pop culture references :B No wonder I didn't see them when I was looking it up...
Random? Deadpool *is* durable!
Okay, I promise to stay on topic (http://www.retrojunk.com/details_tvshows/142-jem-and-the-holograms/).
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 21, 2010, 02:33:04 AMTell me about it. The bizarre thing about fantasy is that if you use gemstones to contain magic, then it would pay to know what the most durable gemstones are.
Indeed, realistic factors will be taken into account for such things. However, precious stones have a wide variety of magical qualities and affinities as well. Perhaps Topazes are great for making electrical enchantments, but less useful for other elements. Perhaps enchanted Opals are cheap to make, but explode violently when shattered... useless for armor and weapons, but great for magical hand-grenades. Perhaps Diamonds are the ultimate gem, durable, powerful, and able to "hold" any kind of enchantment at all... but are also a material component of ressurection spells. Decisions, decisions...
Diamonds aren't durable. Sure, they register a 10 on the Moh's scale (In other words, they scratch a steel file.) And they're proven to cut pretty much anything, but smack 'em against something, and they'll break.
Plus, diamonds aren't nearly as valuable as most think, thanks to a massive ad campaign from a consortium of diamond sellers/distributors.
Don't believe me? TVtropes has a article on it: Worthless Yellow Rocks (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WorthlessYellowRocks) BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! Add in a society where even beginner alchemists can make these things (They're just pure, compressed carbon, after all.) And diamonds are even less valuable, becoming almost as common as quartz. Or maybe even more common than... Dare I say it? Glass. (Which not only has a crystalline structure, but is also a super-cooled liquid.)
Oh, and unless there's arable land on top of that mountain, treat your dirt well... Not everyone can eat adventurers, and once a significant population builds up, food may be a problem. (Sure, it might be able to be magically created, but what if it's tasteless? Plus, we're talking super-complex chemical interactions here that the best of magic users would have a hard time with.)
Economics and science. Fun stuff!
Glup eats corpses , and any creatures living in the deep waters - not having a problem with food there...
I wonder whether GM invents something ... diving into unknown streams can be dangerous as LotR shows (the front of Moria)
This looks pretty interesting, hehe - the squeamish gryphom getting annoyed by just the type of creature she does not like ...
I wonder whether you spot him or not... Should not be too difficult with enough light next to you... if an altercation happens it will be interesting though.
If the spotlight on his forehead can't find him, I'm sure the pseudodragon with 60ft darkvision will.
Plus, there's the loud splashing, and nobody else is reasonably aquatic...
And as for the corpses/carrion, you'd need a good stream of would-be adventurers to maintain dietary habits, and that's assuming they don't get enslaved/enthralled/eaten by someone else. (Zyrais does like his concubines... As does someone else he knows...)
See... this is why we're up to 230 236 posts. Can we possibly reduce the chatter and do some roleplaying?
Ad Zyrais - it is quite possible that Glup will be leaving the dungeon few times to get some food - luckily he is not picky about meat, just Ewww brains as a food or touch without gloves...
And Zyrais should watch his concubines later on... Some hilarity could ensue if some get eaten ... :mowgrin
Quote from: WhiteFox on April 21, 2010, 05:28:54 PM
See... this is why we're up to 230 236 posts. Can we possibly reduce the chatter and do some roleplaying?
Oh, fine...
I'm going to list some terms for later on down the road, since I'm already aware that it'll be a divided issue. And these terms will involve everyone's favorite subject: Slavery! (This is more legalese/dictionary than anything else, a WIP, and is also open to suggestions.)
NotesAll classifications involve individuals that another species may or may not consider food and can range from non-sentient creatures and beings to sentient beings and creatures. This document is only to provide a legal definition of the following terms. Mostly, what this is supposed to do is open the door for discussion about what can be, and will not be allowed.
Servants Free Will: Full Possession
Servants are, simply put, employees of the Master/Mistress and are given some kind of compensation for their services. While they mostly provide domestic services, they can be well-trained and make potent fighters in a pinch. The most important thing about servants is that they're there
of their own free will and can/will leave for better employment elsewhere.
Familiars Free Will: Full Possession
Familiars are creatures or beings that are "fed" magical energy from their "master/mistress". Unlike most of the other definitions on this this list, familiars not only possesses the ability to strike back at, but they can do it well. As most familiars can use some of the magic of their magic-using "master/mistress". In terms of being able to leave, though, familiars
can do so, but they need that flow of magical power to stay alive, especially if they've been alive longer than their maximum life expectancy.
Pets Free Will: Full Possession, but no sentience. (No, I'm not debating. My rabbit knows darn well what he's doing. I'm keeping it simple.)
Pets are non-sentient creatures or beings that are mostly kept for companionship. They can do very little on their own, unless trained, which is still a crapshoot. Pets can leave their owner, but they usually don't if they're well behaved, or are on a sturdy leash. Out on their own, they can be picked up and claimed by anyone who wants them. The pet itself may be confused about the whole situation, but they can't or won't really do anything about it, especially if their new owner treats them well.
Slaves Free Will: Full to Moderate Possession, but are held by physical/magical means.
Slaves are bound to their Master/Mistress via magic or brute force. The important thing to note about slaves is that they still
retain their free will, and
can overpower their captor/s and escape. While most slaves are usually used for hard labor, there are domestic slaves too. However, it is recommended to use some means to keep them from lashing out at their captors as it doesn't take much for an angry slave to take down their captor when the opportunity arises.
Thralls Free Will: None or very little.
Thralls are essentially slaves, but
without any form of free will. Minor undead like skeletons and zombies fall into this category, as well as any sentient beings or creatures that have had it either completely stripped away, or have had enough of it removed that disobeying their Master/Mistress/Owner is a bizarre and unthinkable concept.
Constructs Free Will: None, unless granted by magical means.
Constructs like golems and animated objects are a special case as there was never any free will to begin with, and they were built with the sole purpose of serving their Master/Mistress. Thus, they're loyal until their destruction, but they require a power source to keep going.
EDIT: This can-be/probably-will-be put to a council vote later, I'm just checking to see if the
terms are agreed upon, nothing more here.
EDIT: Fixed some grammar.
Very concice and well-defined terms Drayco, excellent. The only quibble I have is things having lost their sentience going under pets instead of thralls or something else, but that's just a minor case of semantics. Other than that, everything seems perfectly in order to me. :)
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 21, 2010, 07:41:24 PM
Quote from: WhiteFox on April 21, 2010, 05:28:54 PM
See... this is why we're up to 230 236 posts. Can we possibly reduce the chatter and do some roleplaying?
Oh, fine...
I'm going to list some terms for later on down the road, since I'm already aware that it'll be a divided issue. And these terms will involve everyone's favorite subject: Slavery! (This is more legalese/dictionary than anything else, a WIP, and is also open to suggestions.)
This is a step in the wrong direction. tl;dr.
Posted. If I have ignored or failed to respond to anyone, please slap me around.
To me, "thrall" kind of implies a still-sentient organism that has been seduced or mind-whammied to the point of total obedience. They probably genuinely believe they serve by their own free will.
To be honest, this is the sort of important debatey stuff I wanted your characters to eventually discuss in character. However, I admit that if the details were all hashed out in the main thread, it would get completely clogged. As such, feel free to discuss such details here in the OOC, and then have your character make IC references to it in a more social or conversational manner.
Amusingly; I almost spelled discuss (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discuss) as discus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discobolus). Is this how the ancient Greeks and Romans passed secret notes during meetings...?
Hokay, so, If I make a golem out of flesh, imbue it with the soul of a slave to give it sentience, and fuel it with my own personal energies, is that a Slave, a Familiar, a Construct, or a Thrall?
I bring this up mostly because having this sort of loose definition is just that: loose. Chances are, nine out of ten entities are not going to fall cleanly into one definition.
As for slaves proper, I've already got some outlines for the subject as it relates to Neth. They're probably not what you're expecting. I'm saving it for IC, however.
[Edit] About the classification thing. I think it's fairly well done, but it's not really all that good for RPing.
Let's look at Thessaly. Is she a slave? A servant? She might be a Familiar, even. It's beside the point. Nethalzar isn't going to treat her like a slave or a servant, he's going to treat her like Thessaly. There's actually a complicated relationship going on there. What she is is not as interesting as who. It's a roleplaying thing.
So, in general, I'd like to get the part that I actually care about. The classification is nifty, but kind of beside the point.
Quote from: WhiteFox on April 22, 2010, 02:22:43 AM
Hokay, so, If I make a golem out of flesh, imbue it with the soul of a slave to give it sentience, and fuel it with my own personal energies, is that a Slave, a Familiar, a Construct, or a Thrall?
I'd say slave, because that's "who" is in it. At least, the most important thing came from a slave. But yes, this shall probably come up IC. As for Thessaly, what she is depends on how she was made and where her sentience "comes from", I suppose.
And the simple point of setting the definitions now is so we -don't- have to spend pages debating it in character when the issue comes up. I don't think anyone here wants that...
Danman, I've got a quick question for you; about how heavy are Glup's bags?
Quote from: Mechanisto on April 22, 2010, 02:01:11 AM
Amusingly; I almost spelled discuss (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discuss) as discus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discobolus). Is this how the ancient Greeks and Romans passed secret notes during meetings...?
Dunno about meetings, but they did some interesting things... Like shaving a slave, tattooing a code on their head, wait until the hair grew back, sent them off, and the recipient shaved their head again to reveal the message.
I knew I was forgetting something... All valid points there, Whitefox.
And yes, Pet and Thrall overlap, plus "thrall" needs some redefinition. Since this is mock-legalese (And by "mock-legalese", I mean comprehendable-legalese.)
Thanks for the support, though, techmaster.
EDIT: Since it seems kinda silly to make another post for this, anyone know an English word for "brainwashed slave"? The kind whose will has been broken and they think that they serve their owner of their own will? I'm looking towards a form of "Dominate" or "Geass". Personally, I'm leaning towards "Dominates"...
Quote from: Liatai on April 22, 2010, 01:08:06 PM
Danman, I've got a quick question for you; about how heavy are Glup's bags?
Hmm, let's see - there are several books, a freezing container with brains, spare magic goggles and load of electronic components - i would say 40-50 kg each, and they are joined by a rope (he has them across back-body like a donkey.
I can't believe this! I've been overthinking the whole thing here! (And I'm not the only one...) There's
several options for plausible deniability! For those that have been "convinced" to join your side, they're servants/underlings/whatever. Thus,
not subject to legal conventions. (Of course, there's always the hazard that they regain their memories/shake off your control/whatever...)
Quote from: WhiteFox on April 22, 2010, 02:22:43 AM
Hokay, so, If I make a golem out of flesh, imbue it with the soul of a slave to give it sentience, and fuel it with my own personal energies, is that a Slave, a Familiar, a Construct, or a Thrall?
I bring this up mostly because having this sort of loose definition is just that: loose. Chances are, nine out of ten entities are not going to fall cleanly into one definition.
As for slaves proper, I've already got some outlines for the subject as it relates to Neth. They're probably not what you're expecting. I'm saving it for IC, however.
Let's look at Thessaly. Is she a slave? A servant? She might be a Familiar, even. It's beside the point. Nethalzar isn't going to treat her like a slave or a servant, he's going to treat her like Thessaly. There's actually a complicated relationship going on there. What she is is not as interesting as who. It's a roleplaying thing.
The answer is simple! They/she are whatever gives you the most legal freedom.
Think about it in character.
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 22, 2010, 07:49:54 PM
I can't believe this! I've been overthinking the whole thing here! (And I'm not the only one...) There's several options for plausible deniability! For those that have been "convinced" to join your side, they're servants/underlings/whatever.
When the issue comes up IC, I think you'll find Xephelon's already one step ahead there ;)
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 22, 2010, 07:49:54 PM
Think about it in character.
I am thinking about it in character. Which is why I don't care much for discussing this stuff in the OOC.
-- Oh pfft! I'm a dunce. I forgot that Gryphon Bs have darkvision. :animesweat
I'll go back and edit earlier posts tomorrow to reflect that, but it shouldn't be too much tweaking. Kittrick will be sticking close to the lights because she doesn't want to get lost, she likes the extra light, and so that she can hear Nadhiya's answers to questions. As for not being able to pinpoint Glup that accurately, let's say that she doesn't have much practice spotting things underwater in the dark.
Wait, now that i think of it the chuul is a psionic although does not (yet, that waits for levelling :D) have much ability of communication, but if somebody intentionally tries to broadcast tthat should be enough...
so he might hear Dee being bored, right?
Just one minor thing to Liatai... you played it well in the end but not trusting the rope is not something i think would occur to someone because Glup wears the bags so that the rope is taking the weight of them.....
Good point, I need to reword that.
*edit* There we go, done... does that seem better?
I'm back home now, and I can get back to
Quote from: danman on April 23, 2010, 04:51:32 AM
Wait, now that i think of it the chuul is a psionic although does not (yet, that waits for levelling :D) have much ability of communication, but if somebody intentionally tries to broadcast tthat should be enough...
so he might hear Dee being bored, right?
If he's got telepathy, then probably.
Hmmm... Half of the co0nversation might be a moot point anyway if telepaths can "send" and the other party can "receive" when using telepathy. Lemme consult the rulebooks...
Of course it is! The idea of selectively squaemish griphon just makes me LOL pretty much all the time,
Plus given the generous layer of algae on Glup's armor, she is right
Just for humorous value , to prevent further misunderstandings , and in order to see how anything looks when finished with a 2mm drawing pen i got today (i spent the horrible amount of 1.99 pounds!)
i made a sketchy drawing of Glup with labels (http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~dm510/glup.jpg)
But thanks for the visual! Now Zyrais has a 90% chance of mistaking Glup for a horrible monster when he surfaces and opening fire on sight! (^_^)
EDIT: Eeeep...
EDIT 2: I just have one slight problem with the English... "Commensale" is the feminine form of "commensal": http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/commensal (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/commensal). And I hate to nitpick here, but I hardly call getting devoured "being unaffected" in terms of a biological relationship.
Other than that, I thought chuul were about the size of a medium quadruped... I now know THAT THOSE THINGS ARE FREAKIN' HUGE!
Still beats getting eaten by giant spiders though... *Shudders.*
The mods are pretty lax about some of those things, actaully.
Drayco84, you might wanna know, it's not polite speak on their behalf. I've been reprimanded for that before.
danman: Have you thought about posting it in the Tower of Art? You could add it to Glups character sheet, too.
The thing is, often if a post is just edited nobody notices new material. If i understand it well, these type of things are mostly important for the discussion fora, here in RP, it is looser.
Edit: The thing indeed is a commensale - it is just stuck there and uses the water he moves - it is a type of huge barnacle.
However those things kind of itch and are annoying so he tends to remove them from pincers using less than nice methods as you see
Edit2: And now you understand why i told you before that in the case of an altercation (we were talking about reach) you would have to kill Glup before he got within the ten feet that is his reach
I will indeed add it to the Glup's character sheet, perhaps even embedded (as it is just 86 kb).
I did not want to make a new thread in ToA and it has nothing to do with my comic either so i did not know where to post it - that is why i put it here just as a link
The Mods don't enforce the "no topic necromancy" or "no double posting" regulation in The Tower as long as you're adding new content to your own topic, so you can post it here (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7258.0.html).
Don't forget to change the topics title. You can do this by editing the first post, and changing the "Subject" line. Include a tag for what what you're posting, the title of the pic, and the date (EG: "[Comic] DSOF#59 (03-27-'10)" or something along those lines. There's no official format, that I'm aware of).
The first post of an art topic should have an index of all the content in the topic, too. I'm not really sure how firmly enforced that regulation is, though. It's awfully handy, though.
Ad Mechanisto...
Shall i assume that Glup sees nothing interesting in the new portion of the cave so far? (ie that it is just like the rest)
That does bring something to mind.
Important note! Every time you make edits to your posts in the IC thread, make a new post in the OOC thread describing the changes and, preferably, including links to the altered posts. As Danman mentioned, new posts are easy to notice... edits slip under the radar easily, which can cause other people's responses to make less sense.
I'm fairly sure there's an official forum rule disallowing the deletion of posts in an RP thread, for the same reason; to maintain cohesion and continuity.
Also, Drayco84: When you submitted your character, I assumed he would be the same size listed in the Monster Manual... but you can make him whatever size you like. The benefits of being strong and tough balance out with the dangers of being a bigger target, and having a harder time with fine objects.
Quote from: Mechanisto on April 23, 2010, 09:58:38 PM
Also, Drayco84: When you submitted your character, I assumed he would be the same size listed in the Monster Manual... but you can make him whatever size you like. The benefits of being strong and tough balance out with the dangers of being a bigger target, and having a harder time with fine objects.
Nope. I always figured he'd be bipedal-being size. Besides, he's a magic-user, which are physically weak anyway. On the other hand, the ability to blow things up from a good distance is a major advantage. Plus, he's got a number of defensive spells. (And now you should be seeing why dispelling magic and anti-magic fields are dangerous to him.)
It just didn't click in my had how big chuul are until I thought that the commensale was a commoner/being. (Wiktionary failed me!) Since it's a large barnacle, I probably overestimated his height. (Speaking of which, Danman, how tall is Glup, anyway?)
Whoops... Sorry, trying to test something....
Anyway. WhiteFox has brought up a good point in the IC now, and is color-coding his spells lime green.
Any objections if I use yellow for a similar purpose? Or is that too close to the extra-special DM orange? (Red seems like the best alternative, or possibly blue or purple.)
well, according to monster manual he is on a 3 by 3 square which gives him the length of five meters, the rest being scaled according to that. I think that would be without pincers, as he has 3 meters reach.
Taking a ruler and measuring, this makes him little over 2 meters tall. (20 cm head to tail, 9 cm foot to top of back, but head is a little higher)
I never said that the barnacle is a small species
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 24, 2010, 01:19:21 AM
Whoops... Sorry, trying to test something....
Anyway. WhiteFox has brought up a good point in the IC now, and is color-coding his spells lime green.
Any objections if I use yellow for a similar purpose? Or is that too close to the extra-special DM orange? (Red seems like the best alternative, or possibly blue or purple.)
Hm. I was mostly doing it for dramatic purposes. I couldn't italicize it, since I was going to use quoted italics for telepathy.
I don't mind, as long as it's used sparingly. The brighter text colours are harder to read then moderate ones. Yellow looks distinct enough from orange for me, too.
Oh joy... EDITS...
http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7189.msg323151.html#msg323151 (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7189.msg323151.html#msg323151) See EDIT remarks.
http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7189.msg323287.html#msg323287 (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7189.msg323287.html#msg323287) See EDIT remarks.
Both posts have minor, grammar-related stuff. We're talking about a comma and three missing quotation marks in all.
Wait a sec, Zyrais has offensive magic prepared against Glup? Oh dear...has he forgotten the big warning posters at the entrance of the dungeon already? :dface And why is he doing it in the first place?
He had offensive magic prepared before that Nadhiya overlooked. (Prepared to be unleashed on anything monsterous-looking. Anything at all... Unfortunately, chuul are pretty monsterous-looking.) And it really -is- a beacon so that Glup can find his way back. Besides, combining magic is pretty tricky and it's not like it's going to explode at full power...
It's really more of a case of negligence on Zyrais's part.
"My apologies, Glup. That spell was not supposed to explode... Then again, the cookies I once tried to make through alchemy weren't supposed to come to life and try to eat people either... If anyone wants the recipe, I still have it a-AAAAAAAARGH!"
"When I find that damn recipe, I'm going to shove it up an orifice of my choice! I still have nightmares about those things!"
"See! Aaaagh! Even Dee can vouch for the cookies! Aaaaaaiiiieeeeee!"
Still, it never hurts to have a backup plan or three...
Mechanisto, how high is the ceiling where the tour's at and if a winged creature were to, say, jump into the giant hole in the middle of the staircase, would the updraft support the weight of a being-sized creature? Or would they actually need to physically fly?
EDIT: Moot point on fixing grammar by now, but it bugged me.
The tour is currently in the huge, natural water-cave area; it's like the inside of a three story building, so plenty of space. Also, the updraft is strong enough to slow the fall of a winged creature to safe speeds; it's not strong enough, by itself, to provide lift. If you were extremely light, say half the weight of a being, you might get some lift out of it.
Also... the big warning posters did seem to suggest that not only that spell casting would be punished, but that it could be punished. It's hard to imagine Nadhiya putting those posters up unless she really did have access to a banhammer of some sort.
And Zyrais is enough of an idiot to test the powers of that banhammer....
After all, you can't really play the game unless you know how the pieces will move...
EDIT: Then again, he could also be testing her for when his siblings/others-of-his-species come knocking...
Hmm, i am starting to thing the "Psychic lure" attack is going to get some action quite soon.
Hehehe. At least i will be able to work out the mechanics of it.
But dinner first
Now, to clarify - this is an innate chuul aura called psychic hum, it acts (normally) at 5 feet range and decreases will defense as well as induces a vulnerability to psychic.
However because of the nice accentuation of the rage, as well as to make sense i decided that while truly acti[ng only at cca. the described range (it can be a little bigger as he has psi training ,but i do not care now) it is heard (=perceptible) at 4-5 times so, and grows in intensity - It makes sense to me that the malus to the victim comes when the intensity passes a certain threshold, rather than being "just because":
Quote from: danman on April 26, 2010, 01:54:18 PM
Now, to clarify - this is an innate chuul aura called psychic hum, it acts (normally) at 5 feet range and decreases will defense as well as induces a vulnerability to psychic.
However because of the nice accentuation of the rage, as well as to make sense i decided that while truly acti[ng only at cca. the described range (it can be a little bigger as he has psi training ,but i do not care now) it is heard (=perceptible) at 4-5 times so, and grows in intensity - It makes sense to me that the malus to the victim comes when the intensity passes a certain threshold, rather than being "just because":
Okay, so am I correct in assuming that this a psychic "buzzing" noise that will annoy, and more importantly distract, everything around Glup? And it also has a five foot range when your claws have a ten-foot range? AND WHY ARE YOU IMMUNE TO POISON?!
Mind you, Zyrais is some bizarre freak-hybrid of Furrae angel with (mostly) Sorcerer levels (Hence the charisma.).
EDIT: Oh, neat! Mending is a spell that makes minor repairs on an object, AND it's a cantrip, which don't have too many offensive spells anyway.
The important effect - the will weakening and psychic vulnerability truly is only area 1 so 5 feet;)normall)
However as i have added it is audible and annoying to most around about 5-6 times the range, i would say changing in intensity i would say in an inverse square manner (one square closer, K times intensity)
If anyone cares, the glasses story as i have just made it up consistently:
Glup truly got them at the black market in zinvth from a non-being crafter (he himself has little idea what he was , being a foreigner at the time) in exchange for the aforementioned cubi brain - i figure that with DnD description, + his classification and the kind of skills he has - somewhat better suited at fighting someone whose biggest power is illusion and sharp tentacles, Glup might have been able to beat a normal cubi in an epic mortalkombat-style battle.
He got the second pair from the manufacturer, after kindly (Zyrais had an experience) explaining to him that a second pair is easier to make when there is a first one, that the cubi nearly killed him by embracing his lower body with tentacles and actually cutting through the weaker armor (like you might peel a shrimp) and that after doing this, killing him if he will be obstinate is not a difficult task
The goggles have several enchantments - firstly and mainly the dioptre-count magically adjusts to match where he is looking - glup's eyes are naturally inferior to mammalian ones in this respect (although works with darkvision)
secondly, they, at least the glass is (it seems some of it is a rather shoddy job, out of spite) is very shatter resistant, which keeps the spell in, to his luck.
Thirdly, when on, they protect against up to mid-range blinding spells directed at him - something fog-like, or flash-like will still work , but for stuff which does the eyes damage directly one needs to take them down first.
Fourthly, the elastic lace is made of modern durable polymers - In Zinvth, this is a far more expensive things than most would imagine
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 26, 2010, 11:24:47 AMAnd Zyrais is enough of an idiot to test the powers of that banhammer....
Obviously, I do not condone the testing of Ban-Hammers in actual forum posts. People who do this in real life are dummies. Who get banned. Don't be a dummy!
But within the scope of this RP, I think it might have actually been be poor role-playing for Zyrais
not to push the rules just to see how effective they are. Angels respect power just as much as, if not more so than, Demons. This could be the Angel equivalent of shaking your hand, just to see how strong a grip you have.
Changed colour due to legibility, looks still surprisingly good
Yeesh, I should've mentioned I was AFK taking care of bunnies...
Had to move a swatty-girl into a different hutch...
@ Techmasterglitch
Quote... As Glup ranted at Zyrais, and filled the air with an ominous buzz ...
That had a really nice (un)intended meaning (suggesting that the air was filled with his rant)
I LOLed hard.
Well done!
Yeah, now that I think about it, I probably could have worded that a little clearer...
Well, the fact that i have described what is wrong does not necessarily mean that the character realises it as well... especially when plotting Zyrais's untimely demise.
You know like the monty python scene : "And now, me and sir Galahad climb out of the rabbit.... ehm"
Wheeee... (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SufficientlyAnalyzedMagic)
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on April 27, 2010, 01:51:26 PM
Wheeee... (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SufficientlyAnalyzedMagic)
SYSTEM: Drayco will not be posting today, thanks to Techmaster getting him sidetracked on TVtropes.org. All hate mail and flames should be directed to Techmaster.
EDIT: I did that wrong. It's now fixed.
It's not mah fault! You aren't acclimated to it in the way I am! I've read so much, I have more trouble deliberately finding something new to read that I do trying to stop reading something xD
Quote from: danman on April 27, 2010, 01:31:02 PM
Well, the fact that i have described what is wrong does not necessarily mean that the character realises it as well... especially when plotting Zyrais's untimely demise.
You know like the monty python scene : "And now, me and sir Galahad climb out of the rabbit.... ehm"
So, what else is broken that a closer observation would reveal?
EDIT: NVM. I be slow today...
That, pretty much - see the reply! I thought this would be the funniest way to defuse the situation.
Though it is entirely possible for Zyrais to reignite it with a few choice comments in his usual manner
Quote from: danman on April 27, 2010, 02:25:38 PM
That, pretty much - see the reply! I thought this would be the funniest way to defuse the situation.
Though it is entirely possible for Zyrais to reignite it with a few choice comments in his usual manner
Oh no, he's saving those for Nadhiya... (One deathwish at a time, please.)
At this point, I am contemplating dropping out of the RP.
why? do we suck that much or you are busy?
Also, i have edited some unwanted single quotes out of my description if anyone wonders about the modify
It's because we suck, isn't it?
If we're going to be blunt, thats fine.
1: We have spent more time discussing what our your characters can do then actually doing anything. I counted posts.
2: The semi-serious tone the RP started with has descended into outright idiocy.
3: The quality of writing is shoddy.
4: Most of the posts has been pointless long winded rambling.
5: It has taken far too long for the "plot" to get anywhere.
So far, the majority of this RP has been a waste of time.
Hmm, B-( - I must self critically agree with all except pt. 2 (i kind of thought it will get silly from the beginning)
It is not a good sign when a game has more OOC posts than IC posts - the last such thing (a war on NS) i saw died quite rapidly...
Well, i still find it entertaining, and i hope others do too but i see why you might want to leave and concentrate on other games that are running.
Quote from: danman on April 27, 2010, 09:47:10 PM
Hmm, B-( - I must self critically agree with all except pt. 2 (i kind of thought it will get silly from the beginning)
It is not a good sign when a game has more OOC posts than IC posts - the last such thing (a war on NS) i saw died quite rapidly...
Well, i still find it entertaining, and i hope others do too but i see why you might want to leave and concentrate on other games that are running.
There have been one or two other RPs around here with more OOC than IC posts, and it wasn't
necessarily a bad thing... just saying.
And yes, I have been finding this RP entertaining as well (which really is the core point of any RP, as an RP is a game at its core), which has sustained continued interest. Of course, what's fun for one person isn't always fun for another... sorry to see Whitefox go, but I understand his choice.
I said I was contemplating dropping out. It's not a sure thing, just yet.
It sure is starting to look that way, though.
Well, let's hope that in the game thread, Nadhiya will employ some primary school teacher tactics, and the tour will be over soon
I'm probably going to be staying away from the RP for a couple of days. One of my bunnies of eight years passed away a few hours ago and I won't be able to focus. I'll be checking in and staying current on the storyline, though...
Oh, :mowsad
I view rabbits as food in general but well , i remember when in june last year a car killed my cat and i was out and useless for several months...
hope you get better soon!
Hoo boy... I have not been looking forward to writing this response. I'm betting it mostly refers to Danman and Drayco84, but it affects everyone.
The short version:
Too much wacky hi-jinx. Not enough understated black humor, serious character interaction, and rich storytelling. I understand we have newbies, and that's fine with me as long as your making an effort to learn and grow. Now is the time to see if that will happen.
The long version:
Whitefox has expressed concerns about the theme and quality of the RP as of late. To quote Ultra Magnus, these are serious charges and they will be investigated. In particular, the following:
Quote from: WhiteFox on April 27, 2010, 09:20:38 PM1: We have spent more time discussing what our your characters can do then actually doing anything. I counted posts.
2: The semi-serious tone the RP started with has descended into outright idiocy.
3: The quality of writing is shoddy.
4: Most of the posts has been pointless long winded rambling.
5: It has taken far too long for the "plot" to get anywhere.
Before anyone else jumps on him, let me be clear; these are a concern for me as well. Also, I do not wish for Whitefox to bow out; that is not what we refer to as a "victory state." He is an excellent role-player and storyteller, and this RP will be poorer without his participation. I do not particularly care for his tone, but that certainly does not make him wrong.
Response #1: The lack of activity is my problem. I am not giving my players enough to do. This first little chapter was supposed to involve social interaction between the PCs , which normally wouldn't be a problem. However, if the players don't get along at all, giving them a plot point will not improve things. The RP should, ultimately, bne abotu your characters interacting... not about your characters individually.
Response #2: I mentioned very clearly during signups that this RP was supposed to include some black humor and irony...not wacky hi-jinx and saturday-morning silliness. Wacky and Silly are like pickles and onions; they are garnish, and best left understated. Some people like their hamburgers with an inch of each topping. I am not such a person.
Response #3: I believe it was specifically stated that some of our players were new to forum RPing. I knew this from the beginning. I allowed it because everyone has to start somewhere, and I like helping people. I assumed you would be willing to improve your writing and storytelling skills, and I gladly tolerate mistakes if it's clear you are learning. After all, we ALL make mistakes, and we ALL learn from them.
Response #4: This is pretty harsh... but in truth, long posts are not necessarily good posts. We are worried about quality over quantity. Also, characters need not write up entire posts that have characters talking to themselves.
Response #5: See #1. I was purposefully holding back on the plot so we could establish the characters and setting. But if there is a problem with the characters and setting, this becomes less enjoyable. I was going to change this, and Nathalzar is on the very cusp of advancing our first major plot point as I type this.
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 27, 2010, 08:40:58 PMIt's because we suck, isn't it?
I need to state something. I am not afraid of calling people newbies; to me, it isn't an insult. It simply means you are inexperienced... as were we all, once. This is, at worst, a fleeting limitation.
In closing, I cannot express enough the importance of tone, mood, and theme to a successful story and/or RP. If we could all lean more towards the theme I originally wanted, I would appreciate it. One of my favorite B. Kliban comics has a king standing on a balcony, addressing his subjects with the following message: "I'm the king and you all have to do what I say, or else I can't be king anymore." It is in that spirit that I, as a GM, am saying that things need to improve. Of course they need to improve. They always need to. Improvement means things are getting better.
If this isn't going to work out, I need to know immediately so I can reopen recruitment. I was considering doing this anyway, since we seem to be down a few active players. Please let me know your thoughts on the matter.
Well, as said above, I've been fine with things as they are. I don't really partake of any of the "silliness", as I am too straight for it, but it's entertaining to watch. I kinda figured it would drop off anyway once the plot got moving. Speaking of which, I'm also okay with there not being any plot at the moment; it was stated at the beginning that this first leg of the RP was character interaction and familiarity roleplaying time, so I haven't had any problem with that, either.
I suppose I don't mind if recruitment is reopened, or if the plot suddenly kicks in (the "silliness" isn't something that affects me either way). Just saying that I haven been satisfied with the way things have been going so far (as it was kind of a given they would change anyway), though that's only my opinion. Dunno about anyone else.
Understandable, and appreciated. But it doesn't really matter whether the silliness is accidental or intentional. Either way, it goes against the grain of the RP's original concept.
Well, as one of the guilty parties in the whole thing, i think i should say something too.
As far as i am thinking of it, reopening the entries would be a good idea for several reasons:
1) As you said , this is going to be mainly of character interactions. That (and even if you do not post a lot as a GM) becomes much easier to handle when there is lot of people.
2) Most of the players that left outright . or are inactive were the experienced ones. I think that such a thing is a matter of numbers - the more experienced folk usually "pull" the less experienced with them, so the overall result becomes better - i have seen things like that in netrek for example (is a team startrek themed game relying heavily on good cooperation)
danman: I really don't want you to feel like you, or anyone, is "on trial" here. There are a few issues that are bothering me, and I'd like to see some effort put into resolving them. Thats all.
tech: No, your posts haven't been silly. They have been rather lengthly and humourless, in fact. Your character spends most of his time talking about himself and his awesome-sauce powers, and you seem to dedicate whole paragraphs to superfluous descriptions.
Don't be mistaken - i am not prone to such things and i like direct approach - especially since i am no good at picking up a clue if i stepped on it :D
The thing is that although of different opinion about the silly stuff, lot of it could have been executed far better, specially to the end - (and shorter written, too ) which makes you be correct.
@Drayco84 - I was re-reading the stuff and came across a slight consistency problem - at one point Dee is telepathically speaking with Kittrick, and is in half a sentence, while a post later she is holding signs behind your back. (although i found that really amusing ,and used a similar idea in a DnD game to taunt a boss while in battleraven form )
Ugh... Not only did I lose a rabbit yesterday, but my body seems to have finally succumbed to an illness... (80 degress F in a room with at least 60% humidity and I'm still cold!)
Well, let's grab the easiest first...
Dee is trying to get Zyrais killed, preferably in a gruesomely entertaining fashion. A sign behind his back is a bit harder for him to notice than a telepathic broadcast.
You're right... My mind wandered and instead of building an Ovan or Lelouch, I made a clown. As for the shoddy writing, while I appreciate the "You're doing it wrong", specifics on what I screwed up and pointers on how to fix it would help. Hell, I thought silver text on a bright purple background was legible! (Well, to me, it was...)
Considering that I introduced myself as a newb and even used that term before the game started, I just don't know what to say because it is the truth. Unfortunately, being completely new to RP in general (And that obviously includes forum RP, btw.) I'm making a bunch of educated guesses. So, it's not really going to surprise me much if I screw up, just make sure to point it out before I start running with it. In that respect, I probably should've checked with you earlier before pulling Dee out of a coat as I have little idea of what to expect in terms of a grand scheme. (In that respect, are subplots even allowed?) And please also bear in mind that IRL, I'm painfully shy and usually go out of my way to avoid people. In a similar respsect, also bear in mind that my writing style has been "reverse engineered" through reading, and I've never gotten much any feedback on it.
I'm going to go along with reopening the RP as well.
No, i did not mean that - that is obvious, just the continuity - she noticed Dee speaking to her, did something, and a post later Dee appears somewhere else doing something else entirely. That is why is a small fix - you should have IMHO closed it up and mentioned she went somehow and somewhere, because ,again in my opinion , is unclear what is happening and leaves it difficult to respond to it
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 29, 2010, 09:02:48 PM
Ugh... Not only did I lose a rabbit yesterday, but my body seems to have finally succumbed to an illness... (80 degress F in a room with at least 60% humidity and I'm still cold!)
You have my condolences.
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 29, 2010, 09:02:48 PM
You're right... My mind wandered and instead of building an Ovan or Lelouch, I made a clown. As for the shoddy writing, while I appreciate the "You're doing it wrong", specifics on what I screwed up and pointers on how to fix it would help.
Cutting back on the silliness would be a good start. Mech pretty much summed that up with his post.
I can see what you're going for with Dee, but at the moment she's more annoying then funny. Plus, things like holding up signs and making gestures behind Zyaris' back are visual gags. They work much better in animation and comics then they do in writing.
Aside from that... your writing isn't bad. There's a few spots where you could have trimmed back the word count a little, but that's about it.
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 29, 2010, 09:02:48 PM
Hell, I thought silver text on a bright purple background was legible! (Well, to me, it was...)
I use the boards "default" themes, which has black and dark blue backgrounds and white text. I didn't notice any silver text.
...I just realized that lime green on purple probably looks awful. :B
danman: Just a tip; I've noticed that the less often a critique uses the word "you," the less harsh it is. This goes double for "you should."
To Drayco; For what it's worth, I think Dee is funny :3
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on April 30, 2010, 12:36:37 AM
To Drayco; For what it's worth, I think Dee is funny :3
Isn't that kind of the problem? Things being funny?
Quote from: Mechanisto on April 30, 2010, 04:36:47 AM
Isn't that kind of the problem? Things being funny?
*shrug* Just saying, he succeeded in his intention...
Feeling better for the most part. No need to hold back on my account. (I'm a speed reader anyway.)
Quote from: WhiteFox on April 29, 2010, 10:40:02 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on April 29, 2010, 09:02:48 PM
Hell, I thought silver text on a bright purple background was legible! (Well, to me, it was...)
I use the boards "default" themes, which has black and dark blue backgrounds and white text. I didn't notice any silver text.
I was referring to my website design...
Anyway, I was working on a real character background for Zyrais before the crap storm happened, but I'll hold off as I don't think it'll fit the theme. Instead, I'll wait and see how things develop...
Is there going to be some kind of time limit to posting? Or some kind of signal that everyone's waiting for the plot to continue?
Okay. Now that I have two minutes where I don't need to be studying, am not trying to fix something, am not asleep, and am not at a convention, I can put forth my two cents on the matter and catch up. L:
I also vote for reopening the RP. Some new blood might help move things along a little bit, especially if the focus of the RP is supposed to be character interaction. More characters equal more chances for characters to bounce off each other, and more potential conversation starters. I know I'm sometimes sitting there, reading posts and thinking "Okay, so people are talking... but there's nothing here that Kittrick would respond to. So, I guess I'll just wait..." And then I stall. New characters with more varied interests/specialties might help get some of us who are sitting on the sidelines involved.
Speaking of stalling... Drayco, I'm sorry, I kind of dropped the ball on Kittrick's conversation with Dee. :animesweat By the time I got back to a computer on Saturday, she had already left to help Zyrais, and I've just been waiting for a chance for Kitt to jump back into the conversation. It's a little late now for her to do that now, but would you mind if at some point later Kittrick tries to start up some dialogue with Dee again? She has a few more serious questions than "are you talking in my head?" that she'd like to ask her, especially about her relationship with Zyrais.
It's fine by me, especially since I'm all too well aware that RL is a bitch. Although, her backstory with Zyrais is going to be on the fence for a bit, at least until Nadhiya gets done with... Whatever it is Mechanisto is going to have her do.
Why? there is nothing happening plot-wise, so this is the perfect time to sort this out....
besides is not like we are sitting behind the board and only one thing can go on at the same time
Quote from: danman on May 01, 2010, 07:52:56 PM
Why? there is nothing happening plot-wise, so this is the perfect time to sort this out....
besides is not like we are sitting behind the board and only one thing can go on at the same time
True. I'm pretty sure Mechanisto was waiting to find out for sure if I was staying or going. Since I'm staying, I guess we can all get going.
You spend years trying to develop and hone a particular style, and then find out that such habits are hard to break... Well, I do have some jokes, but I'd need a redshirt bartender...
Q: How do make a Blackened Bartender?
A: Cast "Fireball" at a bartender, duh.
Q: How do you make a Dry Bartender?
A: Suck out all of their blood.
Yeah, needs some work... On the other hand, I never thought of The Far Side as black comedy before, though...
Nor Peanuts for that matter...
Nor even Futurama...
Hell, even The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy are on TVtropes' list...
Can we, please,
Finally, posted... terribly sorry about the delay. And now, in official DM orange...
As has been mentioned, I've decided to reopen recruitment for this RP, in the hopes of giving more experienced RPers a chance to join in! This is also an opportunity for people to bow out, temporarily or otherwise, if they wish. Remember that this RP was intended to be episodic in nature; characters can come and go at the end of each chapter.
All in all, I'll be content if we end up with two or three more than when we started. A few of the people who originally submitted characters were unable to join up for various reasons. Since their characters were already accepted, these people will be given priority if the should show interest.
Completely new recruits are of course welcome, though as mentioned before, I would prefer that new applicants be either experienced role-players, good writers, or both. We're still in the introductory phase, so it's a perfect time to slip people in. Everything you need to know should be in the first post of this OOC thread; as always, please feel free to post question here for me to answer. You may also send questions and character ideas to me, via Private Message, if you would like to keep certain things secret from the other players.
That being said, getting new players isn't essential to the survival of the RP. If we don't get any takers, things can still continue on.
Lazy GM has been playing too much SupCom2. Something must be done. :shifty
(Five minutes later)
Did something.
Quote from: WhiteFox on May 10, 2010, 06:14:42 PM
Lazy GM has been playing too much SupCom2. Something must be done. :shifty
(Five minutes later)
Did something.
Hmmmmmmmmmm... Nope, it's still funny.
In the sauna level, (The new one.) Is there any form of natural light entering the area? It's a little hard to grow a fair amount of plants without some kind of light, usually sunlight. Well, except for fungus, but some mushrooms have little nutritional value, while the rest are poisonous.
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 10, 2010, 11:58:29 PM
Is there any form of natural light entering the area? It's a little hard to grow a fair amount of plants without some kind of light, usually sunlight. Well, except for fungus, but some mushrooms have little nutritional value, while the rest are poisonous.
You might find this interesting:
Okay, I'm going to be a pretentious biologist here for a second. ;) How many plants (that is, eukaryotic multicellular organisms in the kingdom Plantae) do you know of that are chemoautotrophs? As far as I know, the only chemoautotrophs we know of so far are bacteria and protists. Methanogens, sulfur-reducing bacteria, what have you.
Still, we are in a magical setting. If we're in a place where people can reanimate the dead, communicate telepathically, and summon fire with a snap of their fingers, I'm willing to extend my suspension of disbelief long enough to believe in chemoautotrophic plants. :P Now, some algae can generate energy without using photosynthesis, but they'd have a hard time flourishing... And fungi are heterotrophic, so they could survive if the soil's fertile... But I digress.
My guess is, any plant life that may have existed was supported mainly through magical means. Once the people/objects/what have you that supplied the magical power disappeared, plants lacked the energy necessary to sustain life because there's not much light, and poof, no more flora. (Hence Nadhiya's comment about druids, I guess.) The magma may also give off light, but it's likely that the temperatures would be far too high near it for the light given off to be of much use to plants. Another possibility is that the luminescent crystals our characters saw earlier are used; they could work like sun lamps, especially if the light given off is blue, red, or white. (If they were green, though, you'd have a heck of a time growing anything green.) I guess we'll have to explore a bit IC to find out.
While the Mechanisto says that new players aren't needed to keep the RP alive, I feel that it can't hurt to get some veteran RPers in. Although, I will understand if most wish to wait until the intro is done to figure out how things are going to play out.
Well, it took me a few minutes to track down the post where I compiled it, but here's the list of races still available should any new players wish to sign up or something.... Obviously, this does NOT include dragons
Phoenix A? (The immortal ones.)
Phoenix B (Avians)
Now, since this is an admittedly small list and everyone has pretty much agreed that D&D monsters can be used, I'm also aware that not everyone has access to those books. Well, I'm fixing that...
http://www.d20srd.org/indexes/monsters.htm (http://www.d20srd.org/indexes/monsters.htm)
While this information is copyrighted, it ALSO falls under the Open Game License.
Why did I do this? I'm kinda tired and bored. Yeah, I could add to the RP...
EDIT: Added to the RP.
I would like to clarify that it isn't just D&D monsters and DMFA species that are acceptable. You may select any kind of creature from any kind of magical/fantasy setting you like, as long as it's appropriate for the RP. You may even, if you truly wish, make up your own creature.
The assumption is that the world of Furrae may well be home to all kinds of classic monsters and creatures; we simply never see them in the comic because we don't usually follow the characters on a classic dungeon crawl or wilderness adventure. In some rare cases, your critter may not even be from Furrae at all. If it's well designed and thought out, I may allow it anyways. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RuleOfCool)
Liatai: I'm pretty sure there's a lot about this dungeon that doesn't make much sense.
Quote from: Liatai on May 11, 2010, 06:13:22 PMAnother possibility is that the luminescent crystals our characters saw earlier are used; they could work like sun lamps, especially if the light given off is blue, red, or white.
Huh... Good call.
Drayco: Actually, bringing in some new players
before the intro is over would probably be easier. :B
Mechanisto: Do the inactive players still have "dibs" on their races?
Edit: Do we want to mention something in the first post about accepting new players?
It has been brought to my attention that Otaku999, responsible for our local Demon character, has not actually posted for over a month... anywhere in the forum. I think it's safe to say the character is either inactive, or no longer interested.
As such, that means the Demon race is once again up for grabs.
EDIT: This also means that the position of official dungeon torturer is also open.
Quote from: WhiteFox on May 11, 2010, 10:22:30 PMMechanisto: Do the inactive players still have "dibs" on their races?
Yes, this is the case... unless, as mentioned above, there is reason to suspect the character might not be returning.
Quote from: WhiteFox on May 11, 2010, 10:22:30 PM
Edit: Do we want to mention something in the first post about accepting new players?
Hm... I believe it
does note that in the first OOC Post. I have further updated the message to make things a little clearer.
Hold on, I've noticed a little inconsistency...
At the pace everyone was moving, they reached the next level soon enough. This area was only slightly less hot, but was far more humid. This area had aqueducts and waterways like the main level, but the flowing water seemed to be piping hot. A thick mist hung in the air, and water condensation coated every visible surface.
"I suspect this area might once have been a garden or arboretum, perhaps for a jungle environment. Most of the halls have dirt floor areas; all barren now, but they may have held rich soil in the past. I don't know that we have any druids on the guest list, at this point..."
Zyrais' search for a light source was in vain. There were obviously no sunroofs, magical or otherwise, and no current source of light. it was hard to imagine real, natural sunlight ever having touched this place. The "soil" was barely even that; it was more like dry, dusty dirt. If it had been soil once, that had been a very long time ago.
How can the dirt be dry and dusty if everything's wet? Shouldn't it all be mud?
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 12, 2010, 02:11:16 PMHow can the dirt be dry and dusty if everything's wet? Shouldn't it all be mud?
A minor setback!
Ahem. I wanted to imply that it was barren and lifeless; forest soil has all kinds of loamy, squishy bits. This "dirt" is more like a crunchy, raspy mixture of sand and flakes than anything. There would be condensation on it's surface, like every other surface, but it doesn't actually soak up any moisture.
Regardless, that is pretty confusing... Edit Man, away!
Once again, I swear your avatar is sentient. (http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/2135/sentientrotatingavatar.png)
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 12, 2010, 02:39:10 PM
Once again, I swear your avatar is sentient. (http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/2135/sentientrotatingavatar.png)
Weird... I got that one too... Creepy...
Anyway, why not just call it
coarse sand then? Actual dirt is made up of organic matter and super-fine sand (Aka broken up rock.) anyway, which may or may not also include clay. Although, in all honesty, soil doesn't "lose" its ability to host plant life. It just becomes hard and compact from disuse. Since the area is dripping wet, there's no way it can be hard, unless it IS just sand...
That also reminds me, is this mountain volcanic?
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 12, 2010, 03:49:31 PM
Anyway, why not just call it coarse sand then? Actual dirt is made up of organic matter and super-fine sand (Aka broken up rock.) anyway, which may or may not also include clay. Although, in all honesty, soil doesn't "lose" its ability to host plant life. It just becomes hard and compact from disuse. Since the area is dripping wet, there's no way it can be hard, unless it IS just sand...
RP Survival Tip: Nitpicking the GM will usually result in the GM correcting the problem in such a way that makes the situation worse for the players.
I was trying to offer a valid, plausible solution! I wasn't trying to nitpick at all! I assure you, annoying the utmost CRAP out of people is one of my few, infallible, God-given gifts and I can't turn it off! You'd think that I'd be able to make a good career out of that, but nnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...
Anyway WhiteFox, just how many darts did you unload into the GM? I've never seen Mechanisto this active...
Oh yeah, RP stuff... So, to summarize, there's the following levels, which I will double-check tomorrow...
Temperate Mall-Like Area
Large Temperate Mall-Like Area
Partial Aqueducts
Fully Underwater Caverns
Sandy Sauna
Magma Area
Levels have been sorted into something that makes logical sense due to geology... I think... It's 4am, okay?
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 13, 2010, 04:17:05 AM
Anyway WhiteFox, just how many darts did you unload into the GM? I've never seen Mechanisto this active...
One; small caliber, point blank range, right in the heart. Bullet stays in the body, so there's almost no mess to clean up.
Never post when you're tired or mad. It can only lead to trouble.
You really don't have to be self depreciating, by the way. Be cool, man. It's all good.
hey, I just realized something I'm not sure was ever addressed; the dungeon has it's portal room to access distant locations, but are there any direct physical entrances to the dungeon from the surface, and would the characters have seen it/know about it already?
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 12, 2010, 03:49:31 PM
Anyway, why not just call it coarse sand then? Actual dirt is made up of organic matter and super-fine sand (Aka broken up rock.) anyway, which may or may not also include clay. Although, in all honesty, soil doesn't "lose" its ability to host plant life. It just becomes hard and compact from disuse. Since the area is dripping wet, there's no way it can be hard, unless it IS just sand...
That also reminds me, is this mountain volcanic?
Seriously, guys. Trust me on this one. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcanic_ash) It was just a poor choice of adjective.
Talk about one question leading into another. The existence of magma does suggest volcanic activity. But how do you know this is in a mountain? It could be miles underground.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 13, 2010, 12:02:13 PM
hey, I just realized something I'm not sure was ever addressed; the dungeon has it's portal room to access distant locations, but are there any direct physical entrances to the dungeon from the surface, and would the characters have seen it/know about it already?
I believe this was mentioned, if briefly. There are no known physical connections to the surface. It would be very unusual for a underground complex to be accessible only via a magical portal that is difficult and expensive to maintain... but for the moment this is the case. Even stranger, though, is that teleportation, scrying, and communication spells cannot reach into or out of the facility. So far.
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 13, 2010, 01:15:09 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 13, 2010, 12:02:13 PM
hey, I just realized something I'm not sure was ever addressed; the dungeon has it's portal room to access distant locations, but are there any direct physical entrances to the dungeon from the surface, and would the characters have seen it/know about it already?
I believe this was mentioned, if briefly. There are no known physical connections to the surface. It would be very unusual for a underground complex to be accessible only via a magical portal that is difficult and expensive to maintain... but for the moment this is the case. Even stranger, though, is that teleportation, scrying, and communication spells cannot reach into or out of the facility. So far.
Oh dear. That throws a wrench or two into some issues o_0
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 13, 2010, 01:19:18 PM
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 13, 2010, 01:15:09 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 13, 2010, 12:02:13 PM
hey, I just realized something I'm not sure was ever addressed; the dungeon has it's portal room to access distant locations, but are there any direct physical entrances to the dungeon from the surface, and would the characters have seen it/know about it already?
I believe this was mentioned, if briefly. There are no known physical connections to the surface. It would be very unusual for a underground complex to be accessible only via a magical portal that is difficult and expensive to maintain... but for the moment this is the case. Even stranger, though, is that teleportation, scrying, and communication spells cannot reach into or out of the facility. So far.
Oh dear. That throws a wrench or two into some issues o_0
One thing Xephelon would almost certainly know; the Portal Chamber itself exists to make these spells possible, by creating a sympathetic connection between two places (the destination is usually another chamber, which forms a sort of network). Anyone with access to the portal chamber could use teleportation, scrying, and communication magic normally. In fact the "distance" from the chamber to it's destination is effectively zero, for spellcasting purposes; you could reach the other side even with a basic, short-range teleport spell.
The big sparkly portals are really just a nice bonus for people who don't know teleportation spells. Even if all the portals broke, teleport magic would still work there. If the entire chamber suffered cataclysmic damage, you might be in trouble... but the chamber is physically, magically, and ontologically reinforced.
It is very much like owning a satellite cellphone, instead of having to rely upon a hard line. If the cellphone gets busted, no biggie. If the satellite gets busted, you have bigger problems.
Not really what I was thinking of, but that is very useful information... *incorporates a few snippets into post*
That's what you get for throwing wrenches all over.
Honestly... they're for fixing things. Not throwing. :rolleyes
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 13, 2010, 01:15:09 PM
I believe this was mentioned, if briefly. There are no known physical connections to the surface. It would be very unusual for a underground complex to be accessible only via a magical portal that is difficult and expensive to maintain... but for the moment this is the case. Even stranger, though, is that teleportation, scrying, and communication spells cannot reach into or out of the facility. So far.
Huh... Well, this brings up a much more important key to survival...
AIR! Or rather, the lack thereof... Unless that portal is exchanging gases somewhere, which means that at least one of them is always open and connected somewhere... (And transferring air to boot!) Plus, little to no plant life on the inside of the dungeon, so that shoots mundane means of maintaining O2 levels...
Quote from: WhiteFox on May 13, 2010, 08:19:34 AM
Never post when you're tired or mad. It can only lead to trouble.
I'm trying! I've the "Don't post when mad." part down, but the "Don't post when tired." is a little more tricky...
If you can get through portal, and food can, inanimate matter can.
therefore just by brownian motion, air is going to pass through the portal and back.
I do not know however whether convection currents work properly
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 13, 2010, 04:57:45 PM
AIR! Or rather, the lack thereof... Unless that portal is exchanging gases somewhere, which means that at least one of them is always open and connected somewhere... (And transferring air to boot!) Plus, little to no plant life on the inside of the dungeon, so that shoots mundane means of maintaining O2 levels...
[horriblyobscurereference]Ah, that's okay, I'll just teleport down some Rock Raiders and tell them to build a few Support Stations...I'm sure those crystals in the cave can substitue Energy Crystals.... [/horriblyobscurereference]
Quote from: danman on May 13, 2010, 05:03:58 PM
If you can get through portal, and food can, inanimate matter can.
therefore just by brownian motion, air is going to pass through the portal and back.
I do not know however whether convection currents work properly
If the portals work anything like a Stargate (http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/Stargate), then they DON'T let air pass through [edit]unless it's in a container, like a ship.[/edit]. Case in point...
In terms of logic, it would make sense as the amount of energy required to continually transfer air would be [edit] large as one would be physically connecting two different points of space and that connection would need to be maintained.[/edit] But, this is subjective, and totally the GM's call as to how the magic/tech works.
LEGOs are
ALWAYS awesome, but it just doesn't fit the theme...
Hmm, the way i understand portals, they are a bridging , like a rip through a u-pipe, so you require energy to make them , but not to use them..
Quote from: danman on May 13, 2010, 05:53:10 PM
Hmm, the way i understand portals, they are a bridging , like a rip through a u-pipe, so you require energy to make them , but not to use them..
As drayco says, depends on the portal in question as determined by the author :P
You know... I think we're in a pocket dimension of some sort. Or an astral plane that's been "structured."
Thats why I had Thessaly check the water for microbiology... If the place were sterile, it would support that theory.
Whatever the case, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 13, 2010, 04:57:45 PM
Huh... Well, this brings up a much more important key to survival...
you guys have to worry about air.
well, we have a big waterworks. Set up a hydroelectric generator, and use electrolysis generate oxygen. Vent the hydrogen into the magma area, and it'll get burned off as it's generated (that might consume oxygen tho. I'm not a chemist, so I don't really know).
Or we could keep the hydrogen and use it for something...
Alternatively, I could kill you all and raise your corpses. Then no one would have to worry about food or oxygen. We have application forms available, and very generous un-health benefits and "severance" packages. Ask about our Embalming-While-U-Rot services.
FWIW, I was under the impression that the portals worked like a Holtzman Drive (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holtzman_effect#Holtzman_drive). Nadihya did mention a limit on the portals transit capacity, so just shipping in the air might get prohibitive. I'm sure we can get some plants to supplement or cover our oxygen needs.
Edit: Regarding Post #173 (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7189.msg326900.html#msg326900)
Looking to prove yourself, hmm? Some one's taking a page from my book.
Approved by the GM, so cower in fear! >:D
Name: Barbarus Hagoo
Player: Meany
Race: Were
Species: Feline
Creature Rating: CR 5 Solitary
Description: - Default: Roughly five feet tall, built in equal measure for power and speed. Fur colored a reddish brown color. Straight black hair, covers the head, where it is allowed to grow to just past the shoulders and no more; it is also present as a similarly straight tuft at the end of a narrow tail. Signs of advancing age are present; obvious wrinkles in the flesh of the face, an abundance of gray in the body fur and hair, and a muted look to the dark brown eyes.
- Human: A red skinned man, five feet tall or slightly more; built well for his age. Oddly long black hair with a fair bit of gray at the temples. A sharp, angled face with rather bird-like features, sporting obvious wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.
- Primal: A big 'domestic cat'. About the size of an ocelot, with a more muscular build to it, and a rather lion-like semi-mane and tail tuft of shiny black hair. An odd ring of black exists around the feline's eyes and mouth, hinting at the color of skin beneath the reddish fur. Multiple scars are present, mostly along the back appearing to be lash-marks, while some burn-like ones appear on the flanks, both fore and back; some even reaching completely around the limbs.
- Clothing (Default and Human forms applicable only): A simple button-up shirt, off-white in color, tucked neatly into black slacks. Sturdy black leather belt, and shoes. A red vest sporting brass buttons; topped off with a black frock coat.
- Personality: Barbarus is a dedicated individual. When he is assigned a task, he does it, and barring the occasional slip-up, will not ask for assistance or second-chances. He is tough, shrugging off all but the most devastating of setbacks in either his own machinations or his employer's; even deaths of close friends. Barbarus displays a rather Darwinist view, and adheres to it. He is evil by profession, not choice; and while he will do any number of unspeakable things, he will not enjoy them but will not hesitate to order them if necessary. On the flip side, he can be remarkably amiable, outside a professional setting; joking, partaking in frivolity, and being tactfully polite. Despite being civil, and reasonably intelligent; Barbarus is still a territorial Were, and he will defend what is his; violently if needed.
Responsabilities: Spymaster.
Backstory: The particulars of Barbarus' birth and youth have been lost to time, or rather lost to a combination of the reclusive nature of Weres and several 'accidental' fires which destroyed relevant documents. His professional career started off as an Area Guard of a dungeon mandated to the protection of a particularly powerful Vampire. His employment thus quickly ended when his employer was crushed by a dragon. He was quickly re-employed again as an Area Guard of the same dungeon but under new management. His history lulls at this point as Barbarus refined both his magical and combative powers, and was promoted to Gatemaster of the dungeon. Finally his employment at the dungeon was terminated completely after he repeatedly argued with his superiors over the more than lackluster maintenance of the various gates and fortifications. Barbarus' history again lags here, but only for a bit; as he quickly resurfaced as a Mercenary; earning a large sum of money by exploiting his race's tendency to be mistaken for Beings to successfully carry out assassinations or other acts of espionage.
He soon retired to the countryside, living off his savings and the fruits of wise investments. However, instead of gradually wasting away with old age as he had planned, he was slapped by a slew of wrongful-death suits by the relatives of his various victims that had the courage to actually track him down. After settling the cases out of court, Barbarus found he no longer had the capital to enjoy retirement as he'd hoped; and sought out work once again.
Attributes: As Weres go, Barbarus is surprisingly outgoing, far from the isolationist view of others of his kind, he will often seek out social interaction, even from Races Weres typically dislike or outright hate. For his age, Barbarus is surprisingly strong and fast; easily more so than a Being of the same age group. He is intelligent, but not a genius; outside of random instances. By dint of his feline nature, even in his old age, Barbarus is very flexible and agile, with an uncanny ability to land on his feet; also he can balance remarkably well, and react quickly to surprising situations. He is a tenacious thing; rarely abandoning a project or assignment if only out of stubbornness. His raw magical power, while somewhat dimmed by his advancing age, is still on par with most other Creatures, if lacking in similar control. For more on Weres see here. (http://missmab.com/Demo/were.php)
Powers: In human form, Barbarus is completely immune to magic; while in his primal form, he can spit out an array of powerful spells simply not possible in his default form. He can shapeshift between each of his three forms effortlessly, while doing so too often will make him 'dizzy.' Physically, Barbarus is as strong and fast as an athletic male ten years younger than himself. He is a minor celebrity as far as Weres go, as he is one of the few actively evil Were to have such a long or successful career. While not as wealthy as he formally was, he is not poor; low to mid middle class. He has some serious skill with magic, though his lack of absolute control precludes teaching it. Barbarus is tough, he can take pain and lots of it while still dishing out some of his own, however this power has been significantly weakened by his old age. He is experienced, both in the work force, as well as life in general.
Flaws: First and foremost, Barbarus is old, pushing his sixties; he is past his prime and his current skill-set reflects this. His age also has weakened him physically through rheumatism and arthritis; which will flare up if he remains active too long. His biological weaknesses (see link above) are also a major flaw, as he is unable to take as much punishment as other Creatures. Barbarus is territorial, and stubborn; this leads him to sometimes do stupid things to protect what is his, and either repeat them or refuse to make amends for them because of this. He isn't evil by nature, only by profession, and will simply not consider the 'evil thing to do' when not on the clock. He is a social Darwinist, in part due to a long career of working alongside Demons, and will sometimes allow evil, or even rudeness to happen around him without attempting to stop it if he feels it is justified. He is and has been for some time addicted to caffeinated beverages, specifically soda; and a good amount of his income goes to medical treatments to stave off diabetes, which he is dangerously close to. Despite being a potent magic user, Barbarus does not have absolute control over his magic abilities, and due to his near-constant exposure to the Dark magicks of Demons and the like, the parts of it he cannot control has become, apparently, a semi-sentient evil force, attempting to overwhelm Barbarus and take possession of his body; this means anytime he uses magic, he has to wage a battle of wills against his own power to get it to comply with his will. In the vast majority of instances, he is victorious, but the evil force will occasionally produce a unforeseen side-effect out of spite, either to himself, the people in the general vicinity, or the subject of the spell; and there is the fact that as Barbarus grows older, his ability to fight his internal evil and win gradually diminishes.
Skills: Master Mage: Barbarus, through going on fifty years of practice, has some pretty serious skill with magic. While his control may not be at Master level, and his skills are obviously diminished from their peak, he is still a force to be reckoned with, especially when he chooses his Primal form. His listed area of expertise is magic relating to the force of Change, with a minor degree in the force Destruction. His lack of control makes spells relating to the force of Creation obscenely difficult, and he prefers to function as a magical battery while another mage works the spell when Create-based magicks are needed.
Dungeon experience: He has been previously employed in various dungeons, usually as an Area Guard or First Responder, thus he has some experience with Adventurers, and some minor administrative duties.
Businessman: He has some experience in Business, from his time as a mercenary, and can spot a good or bad deal; as well as do his own taxes.
Evil: When the job requires it, he can be evil, enough to have some confusion arise from previous co-workers that he doesn't make evil his lifestyle. His personal favorite form of evil is psychological, which he admires but has only moderate skill in.
Self disciplined: He can control himself, outside certain instances like his addiction or perceived territory, remarkably well. He can take pain, and refrain from commenting on sensitive subjects, again outside of certain instances; such as foot-in-mouth syndrome, or teeth-knocked-in syndrome.
[[Note: Altered from version supplied via PM in the form of typo fixing and some snippage in the backstory department, also altered in skills, flaws, and powers departments. Responsibilities added! If this isn't able to fly, please tell me so.]]
Quote from: danman on May 13, 2010, 05:03:58 PM
If you can get through portal, and food can, inanimate matter can.
therefore just by brownian motion, air is going to pass through the portal and back.
I do not know however whether convection currents work properly
This is indeed an important issue. To settle things:
A portal's "bandwidth" is the amount of combined mass and energy it can transport in a day. More mass means more upkeep cost. Fun fact; this is why
frozen food is easier to teleport!
A portal's "fidelity" is the quality of mass it can transport safely. Portals that only transport inorganic mass are waaay more cost effective than those that can also transport organic (but dead) matter. Even more expensive are portals that can safely transport sentient, living things.
The final upkeep cost is it's bandwidth multiplied by, oh... say the
cube of it's fidelity. Thus, these portals
can be used to transport air and food... but it would be like buying first-class luxury tickets to transport three crates of baked beans or ramen noodles.
GM approved... >:3
Name: Baseel (pronounced Bah Seel) Wolkshammer, AKA Bas, The Basilisk
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Species: Demon Canine, German Shepherd
Family and Associations: (Father) Leofric, (Mother) Katia, (Brothers) Chimare, Ragnar, Alaric, (Sisters) Claire, Chariece, Elyaina
Creature Rating: 4, Rivals
Height: 6'4" without horns, 7'4" with
Weight: 230 Lbs
Physical Description: At 828 years Bas has been around for quite some time, and yet, none of his age comes through in his appearance. Tall, and thin, yet well muscled, one would find him to be the poster child of the demon race, at least in appearance. He Looks to be in his mid 20's by being standards.
Across his back, starting at the top of his head, and running all the way down his back is a near jet black fur across his front is a silver tinged with a hint of brown, running across his face, down his throat and down his body, and ending in pure silver extremities. He has full black patches around his eyes, giving him an almost raccoon mask coloring. His muzzle is also mostly black, with brown around the corners of his mouth, and a silver ring right as his snout begins to broaden. A black diamond shape sits at the center of his head and goes from between his eyebrows to the crown of his head. Half the diamond is hidden by Bas's hair.
His cephalic hair is a reddish blond, and is worn in long cables, tied together with silver rings. In combat, they seem to flail about as if snakes on a Medusa's head. At the ends of the cables, various religious icons are tied. If you ask Bas about them, he'll tell you quite bluntly that they're trinkets of the souls of those whom have wronged him to the point of deserving a fate worse than death.
Bas sports a rather impressive pair of horns that sprout just behind his eyes, they curve up and around, facing slightly forward at the tips.
His wings match his fur patterns quite nicely, dark at the top, moving to brown about the shoulders, then silver at center mass down. though the bottom wings are rimmed in black as well. His wingspan is 18 feet at maximum, and given his musculature, he seems capable of flight.
For clothing he usually wears a dark, forest green tunic, with a black undershirt with gold chords for trim and matching pants.
History: The Wolkshammer family is a bit of mystery, wrapped in a puzzle, encased in an enigma. What is known is that they're very firm believers in keeping the demon lineage pure, and they also seem to breed some of the most clever and racial stereotype-defying members of the demon families. Bas fits this mold quite nicely. He doesn't actively engage in random violence, and doesn't believe wholesale slaughter is the end all be all of amusement of the more powerful. That isn't to say he isn't brutal when he fights, nor does he avoid combat. He merely doesn't pray on the innocent, instead his mere presence usually stirs up a couple of adventurers stupid enough to try and 'slay a horrible creature'.
He's the 3rd son of Duke Leofric Wolkshammer, his 2 older brothers are Chimare and Ragnar, he gets along with the as most young siblings do, they bicker constantly, and yet still love each other. As the 3rd in line for the dukedom, Bas never had to worry about trying to build family alliances,, and his father was much more relaxed about what the demon got himself into, and who he was interested in, though Leo did 'gently nudge' young Bas towards demonesses.
Personality wise, Bas is unpredictable, yet friendly. Despite his intimidating appearance, he gives off a very likable aura, something rare for a demon. He is friendly with many, but friends with few. Those who Bas does truly befriend, he would be willing to do almost anything for. Very loyal, and proud, Bas also feels that honesty and trustworthiness are key, as one's reputation is all one has when they live for millennia.
Combat Abilities: As with most demons he can harden his skin as if it were armor and grow fingers into long, dagger like claws. He's used these skills most of his life, and they only add to his fighting prowess. Preferably, Bas likes to fight with shadow magic, and will cast spells ranging from consuming or shrouding the light in an area, to forming exploding bolts of dark energy. Other spells of note are shadowy chains, with which Bas will use similar to Cubi wings, and his ability to create a beast, a "Shadow Fiend" as he describes it. Which is more like a 2nd, magic-less demon, than anything else... The fiend is feral, and, although accepts basic commands form Bas, it has very little power for thought in and of itself.
Death Bolt (bread and butter combat attack spell): a basic spell comprised of pure dark energy, it's explosive power is based on how much energy the caster puts into the spell. The bolt is a thin, glossy-black, arrow-like projectile that is cast towards a target with great speed, rough estimates put the bolt's speed around 300 FPS (feet per second). On impact with a solid surface (either an opponent, or a wall) the magic is explosively released, expanding in all directions with great physical force. If given enough time, and focus Bas can have the bolt explode inside a victim, making the already dangerous spell even more deadly.
He can summon but 2 physical items, and they are normally stored at his family's castle. A massive 4 foot diameter metal rimmed wooded shield (heavily enchanted to increase it's durability... not unbreakable, but close) with a metal boss, and a double edged battle axe which he has named Reaper. Reaper is enchanted, much like the shield for enhanced durability, capped at both ends, the bottom grip of the shaft with metal spikes, and the massive axe-head at the top. Long, hook like protrusions form the edges of the axe head allowing it to be used to grab as well as slash an opponent.
Trivia: Bas is known to enter and exit relationships at whimsy, currently single, he seems to be quite flirtatious, though usually not serious.
His horns are massive, yet he constantly seems to ignore the fact that they're there. He's grown soo used to being a demon that he tends to forget the general social stigma of his race.
His Axe and shield were a gift given to him on his 16th birthday, and he has killed more sentients with the shield than the axe... though both pale in comparison to his body count from magic.
His title, "The Basilisk" comes from his use of flesh to stone... although it isn't common knowledge, Bas's particular brand of the spell hides the magic residue from soul-stealing and devouring.
http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh121/RentheKnight/Bas_Demon.png - For visual reference of Baseel, or The Basilisk
Also: Position serving: Field Marshall (military commander)
Man, two jobless and somewhat-amoral "combat" characters at once, what are the odds? :U
I see how this will progress - They start a fight, Zyrais will collect bets, Xephelon will correctly predict winner and get cash, Dee will sting her owner for having to use her as natural pay,Kittrick will be disgusted, Glup will collect their brains for resale, Nalthazar will reanimate them as his minions, all while Nadihya watches the scene to intervene later
Sadly, that seems completely plausible to me.
However, this raises an issue which I think should be addressed before Bas and I dive-bomb into the IC thread, namely the difference between dark and shadow magicks. Is it an apples and oranges thing, or a chiles and peppers thing?
I've always thought it was more of a jalapeno/habanero thing... One's just more 'potent' than the other. Anyway, that's just my view on it.
And I'm in the middle of an IC post...
Quote from: Meany on May 13, 2010, 09:25:44 PM
Sadly, that seems completely plausible to me.
However, this raises an issue which I think should be addressed before Bas and I dive-bomb into the IC thread, namely the difference between dark and shadow magicks. Is it an apples and oranges thing, or a chiles and peppers thing?
The only thing that really matters is the character's actual abilities. One of the requirements for a new character is that you must have a solid grasp of what they can and cannot do, and how they do it. In this case, "Dark" and "Shadow" magic seem to mean the same thing; the conjuring and controlling of shadowy forces and apparitions.
In another sense, "Dark" magic could also be taken to mean "evil" or "black" magic; such as all spells involving curses, destruction and corruption. That would be a
very broad category of magic (indeed, one third of all spells in existence), but I think in this case, you both meant "Shadow" magic.
Mech: So... in short, you define your own powers and call them whatever you want to.
(I was very particular when I defined Nethalzar as a
necromancer. It hasn't come up much in game so far, however.)
danman: I love how you seem to know just what my character would do in a given situation. It makes the actual roleplaying far more satisfying when I don't do what you expected.
...You really don't give Nethalzar enough credit. :mwaha
techmaster: I'm pretty sure we're
all jobless at this point.
Basilisk: Oh my Buddah... this just turned into one
very interesting RP, for all
kinds of reasons.
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 13, 2010, 11:09:25 PM
"Yeah, but I may need the mana to kill other creatures..." Zyrais replied. "Especially that chuul... Or the necromancer... Aw, hell... Chuul first, then the necromancer, but only if he starts going on about how great being undead is... "
Eh-heh... This is going to get educational, I can tell.
Whitefox: Bingo.
Nethalzar's description works perfectly because everyone knows what a Necromancer does. It's very clear cut. :)
Ah, thank you lot for helping to make it clearer. :)
However, I did intend for Barbarus' magic to be 'evil' in a sense; Dark being a semi-sentient force that actively eats away at the user over time if they aren't strong enough to keep it back. Meh, a minor detail. On to the intro-developing!
*typity, typity*
Quote from: WhiteFox on May 13, 2010, 07:38:51 PM
Well, we have a big waterworks. Set up a hydroelectric generator, and use electrolysis generate oxygen. Vent the hydrogen into the magma area, and it'll get burned off as it's generated (that might consume oxygen tho. I'm not a chemist, so I don't really know).
Or we could keep the hydrogen and use it for something... fun.
Alternatively, I could kill you all and raise your corpses. Then no one would have to worry about food or oxygen. We have application forms available, and very generous un-health benefits and "severance" packages. Ask about our Embalming-While-U-Rot services.
Venting the hydrogen into the magma area would cause it to fuse with the oxygen in the air to become water vapor again, with a literal bang. Remember the Hindenburg, anyone? That's why it blew up. Large amounts of hydrogen gas in presence of oxygen plus spark equals KA-BOOM! In small quantities, though, It makes a nice-sized POP sound. (College chemistry for the win. Yeah, they don't let ya play with that kind of stuff in high school anymore... Bit of a shame, really... But, I can begrudgingly see the school's standpoint on it...)
For the
really fun explosions, though, you'd need deuterium, aka "Heavy Water", which I doubt anyone has the equipment to test for an extra neutron on a single water molecule, much less huge masses of them.
Quote from: Meany on May 13, 2010, 11:34:21 PMHowever, I did intend for Barbarus' magic to be 'evil' in a sense; Dark being a semi-sentient force that actively eats away at the user over time if they aren't strong enough to keep it back. Meh, a minor detail. On to the intro-developing!
A minor detail...? Or...
a minor setback!If you like, you can give him regular, ordinary magic spells. Then, say that the evil nature of his magical power is actually a flaw that corrupts either himself, those around him, or those affected by the spells. Even in a dungeon full of monsters, that's still a decent flaw. :)
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 13, 2010, 11:38:49 PM(College chemistry for the win. Yeah, they don't let ya play with that kind of stuff in high school anymore... Bit of a shame, really... But, I can begrudgingly see the school's standpoint on it...)
I had a high school chemistry teacher who used to talk about when she was in high school. They actually let you play around with mercury! Watch it flow over the table, slip-and-slide it around the palm of your hand, that sorta thing. It was apparently very cool.
Turns out, Mercury makes you crazy.
Cue the short, punctuated "HA!" from the teacher.
This is the same teacher who, while rummaging around in the chemistry storage closet, found a reeeeealy crusty, possibly cracked old bottle labeled "Picric Acid." Curious about what the heck it was, she called some important people. They told her to get everyone out of that entire wing of the school. They then sent a guy over in a silver haz-mat suit, and a really big pair of tongs. The students thought it was the coolest thing ever.
Turns out picric acid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picric_acid) is both acidic and explosive. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picric_acid#Safety)
Ahh... fun times.
Okay, now I'm a little confused. Glup did assemble that cell tower, right? Nadihya didn't stop him from doing that, or told him to take it down... what's up with that?
EDIT: Nadihya asked him to do that (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7189.msg318254.html#msg318254). just...what? why the sudden change in "policy"?
This might just be because of my overly suspicious nature, but I'd say it's because Nadhiya is hiding something that scrying would reveal...
Well ,it's more like Glup went on to act on the request without anyone noticing that much , although it is hard not to notice the absence of something his size :D
Also there was the OOC reason that i needed to disappear until able to make posts
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 14, 2010, 12:19:37 PM
A minor detail...? Or... a minor setback!
If you like, you can give him regular, ordinary magic spells. Then, say that the evil nature of his magical power is actually a flaw that corrupts either himself, those around him, or those affected by the spells. Even in a dungeon full of monsters, that's still a decent flaw. :)
I gasp at this unexpected idea. :U It might take me a bit to figure the particulars, but provided I have your permission, I'd like to implement this. Thanks a bunch! :D
Quote from: Meany on May 14, 2010, 05:30:21 PMI gasp at this unexpected idea. :U It might take me a bit to figure the particulars, but provided I have your permission, I'd like to implement this. Thanks a bunch! :D
It is yours.
Also, I made someone gasp dramatically. My life is complete.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 14, 2010, 12:35:03 PM
Okay, now I'm a little confused. Glup did assemble that cell tower, right? Nadihya didn't stop him from doing that, or told him to take it down... what's up with that?
EDIT: Nadihya asked him to do that (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7189.msg318254.html#msg318254). just...what? why the sudden change in "policy"?
Or maybe, just maybe, Glup did this without informing Nadhiya or asking her for permission. She's not omniscient. When Glup met up with the tour group, all he said in her presence was "I think I got it working." Regardless of all this, she never asked Glup to do it. She asked him if he
could. This is not an unusual thing for an employer to ask during an interview.
Besides; setting up a local communication network is one thing. Plenty of the guests already have secret methods of local communication (though if he had attempted to contact the outside world by suborning the portals, that would be severely frowned upon.)
Trying to produce a reliable map of a secret underground complex that has not yet been properly fortified by it's current owner is quite another... especially when that complex will probably be attacked by adventurers, rival villains, or professional soldiers in the near future, all of whom would pay through the nose for such intelligence. In fact, several of the people who came to the party are probably just scoping out potential competition. This is what concerns Nadhiya the most right now; people sniping her territory. The portal chamber alone is a valuable resource.
If you really want to pick at inconsistencies, why not ask how the tour group went
down a half-dozen levels, and somehow ended up
right back where it started without ever once going up.
Yeesh. (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=yeesh)
Edit: ...freakin' typos.
hmm... i'm more curious if you want us to intro ourselves at some point... or if you've got something special planned?
If you want us to do it ourselves, should we just be sitting around the tables already? or... just find a convenient place and go from there?
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 14, 2010, 05:58:44 PM
If you really want to pick at inconsistencies, why not ask how the tour group went down a half-dozen levels, and somehow ended up right back where it started without ever once going up.
How did not notice this, people?I re-iterate my theory that this dungeon is some kind of pocket dimension or astral plane. And that we are definitely
not in Kansas anymore.
Quote from: Basilisk on May 14, 2010, 06:05:16 PM
hmm... i'm more curious if you want us to intro ourselves at some point... or if you've got something special planned?
If you want us to do it ourselves, should we just be sitting around the tables already? or... just find a convenient place and go from there?
Presumably, we've been with the tour, as some of the less talkative peoples.
Of course, I don't like to presume. :I
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 14, 2010, 05:58:44 PM
It is yours.
Also, I made someone gasp dramatically. My life is complete.
Also, thankee!
All the good peoples may indeed decide for themselves if they went along with the tour, or remained in the feasting hall eating mushroom eclairs. You may also assume, of course, that a couple of nameless NPCs tagged along for the tour.
So far, the only character to have been snagged by actual plot is Nethalzar. No other short-term special plans exist, ay tee emm.
Edit: it also occurs to me that you can say your character already went on a tour, since she's running them every hour on the hour.
Quote from: WhiteFox on May 14, 2010, 06:11:29 PM
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 14, 2010, 05:58:44 PM
If you really want to pick at inconsistencies, why not ask how the tour group went down a half-dozen levels, and somehow ended up right back where it started without ever once going up.
:erk How did not notice this, people?
I re-iterate my theory that this dungeon is some kind of pocket dimension or astral plane. And that we are definitely not in Kansas anymore.
I actually did not notice we are in the main hall until now - i thought we are still on the stairway up from the jungle room which is above the magma pocket
I have effected the change to Barb's character sheet. Is this acceptable or should it be reworked? :U
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 14, 2010, 05:58:44 PM
Or maybe, just maybe, Glup did this without informing Nadhiya or asking her for permission. She's not omniscient. When Glup met up with the tour group, all he said in her presence was "I think I got it working." Regardless of all this, she never asked Glup to do it. She asked him if he could. This is not an unusual thing for an employer to ask during an interview.
Then it seems weird she still didn't chastise Glup for it when he announced it was "working", but oh well...
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 14, 2010, 05:58:44 PM
If you really want to pick at inconsistencies, why not ask how the tour group went down a half-dozen levels, and somehow ended up right back where it started without ever once going up.
I assumed we actually
did go back up :B It doesn't seem much of a stretch that we looped back to the main shaft and returned to the top level that way, considering we went to wet caves, a magma chamber, and back to wet caves again...
Quote from: danman on May 14, 2010, 06:24:22 PM
I actually did not notice we are in the main hall until now - i thought we are still on the stairway up from the jungle room which is above the magma pocket
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 14, 2010, 08:51:27 PM
I assumed we actually did go back up :B
Read carefully: http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7189.msg326963.html#msg326963
It's pretty cut and dry. I knew we had gotten back to the main hall, but didn't clue in to the fact that we had gone
down to the main hall.
I also failed to notice that hint of subtlety and assumed we had just gone back up...
So, if one were to jump/be pushed down the middle of the shaft, one would be free-falling forever? Well, at least the "elevator" project won't need a power source...
EDIT: Teh GM also be a mind screwer... Interesting...
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 14, 2010, 10:48:36 PMWell, at least the "elevator" project won't need a power source...
Maybe. But what do you hang the platform from?
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 15, 2010, 11:55:03 AM
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 14, 2010, 10:48:36 PMWell, at least the "elevator" project won't need a power source...
Maybe. But what do you hang the platform from?
I think he means if the shaft "loops" back on itself (if you go down far enough, you wind up back at the top), to just have the elevator in permanent freefall, and people jump off and on when they pass the level they want...
My elevator will not work like that :[
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 15, 2010, 11:55:03 AM
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 14, 2010, 10:48:36 PMWell, at least the "elevator" project won't need a power source...
Maybe. But what do you hang the platform from?
Nothing, just cast a permanent "Feather Fall" spell on it.
Although, balancing the platform would be another issue... What's that thing they put in Segways, again?
We could use rails for the elevators, and a rack and pinion system with a break designed to add resistance so the platform doesn't accelerate too quickly.
And now I'm picturing little kobolds in red elevator-operator outfits.
That "Permanent Featherfall" idea is pretty cool, tho.
There is one major advantage to all this: we'll never have to worry about hauling bulk materials
up the ramp.
As interesting as this conversation is, I think we should worry about getting hired at the moment. And surviving the interview process.
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 15, 2010, 01:23:11 PM
Although, balancing the platform would be another issue... What's that thing they put in Segways, again?
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 14, 2010, 10:48:36 PM
EDIT: Teh GM also be a mind screwer... Interesting...
This. Is only. The beginning.
[EDIT:] Why didn't I think of this before?
I'll bet, dollars to donuts, that the reason scrying and correspondence magics don't work in the dungeon is because of this warped-space effect, and the teleport chamber is an area specially insulated from it.
Quote from: WhiteFox on May 15, 2010, 06:07:55 PM
We could use rails for the elevators, and a rack and pinion system with a break designed to add resistance so the platform doesn't accelerate too quickly.
Or, yknow, Xephelon could just enchant a few large stone disks with levitation. Like he said when the shafts were first mentioned. :P
(and Nadihya also said that the kobolds were indeed already using a pulley system. It's really slow, hence the reason for elevators. And considering everything nadihya described about it up to that point, I really, -really- don't think the shaft is bottomless and looping back on itself. I thought when we hit the water caverns, that -was- the bottom of the shaft, and we branched away.)
Question for the GM: At any point in the tour, did we see a floor to the shaft?
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 15, 2010, 06:21:49 PM
Quote from: WhiteFox on May 15, 2010, 06:07:55 PM
We could use rails for the elevators, and a rack and pinion system with a break designed to add resistance so the platform doesn't accelerate too quickly.
Or, ya know, Xephelon could just enchant a few large stone disks with levitation. Like he said when the shafts were first mentioned. :P
Now that I think about it, and this ALSO goes with the perm'd 'feather fall', what happens if some "hero" uses 'Dispel Magic' on it?
White Fox's idea would make a great Plan B in case someone tries to break the system... Of course, since I'm still not sure how adventurers are supposed to 'stumble in', it may be moot...
Easy - the rocks will loop around at their terminal velocity, since there is air.
Were there no air and thus no air resistance though, the result would get awesome after several hours
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 15, 2010, 07:28:31 PM
Now that I think about it, and this ALSO goes with the perm'd 'feather fall', what happens if some "hero" uses 'Dispel Magic' on it?
For the sake of integrity, in most systems, a permanent magic "item" needs something a bit stronger than a "simple" dispel to break it. If a permanent item
could be knocked out with a dispel, then such kind of dispels should be about as common as an EMP is for high-tech, because being any more common would render all magic rather useless and unfeasible. I really doubt we'll see something that honestly broken.
(not that I'm not saying magic items should be unsabotageable, I'm only saying they should take as much effort and planning to sabotage as something non-magical. Anything more would put it at a horrible disadvantage, and thus, broken.)
Quote from: WhiteFox on May 15, 2010, 06:44:54 PMQuestion for the GM: At any point in the tour, did we see a floor to the shaft?
Nope. And there wasn't any branching off. The tour went straight down the elevator shaft.
Quote from: danman on May 15, 2010, 07:44:36 PMEasy - the rocks will loop around at their terminal velocity, since there is air.
Were there no air and thus no air resistance though, the result would get awesome after several hours
You people may eventually get bonus points if you manage to turn the elevator shaft into an artillery piece. >:3
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 15, 2010, 07:45:23 PMFor the sake of integrity, in most systems, a permanent magic "item" needs something a bit stronger than a "simple" dispel to break it.
To be more on topic, this is definitely true. Dispel generally just works on temporary spells that have been cast by a person. An enchanted item would require a "suspend enchantment" spell, which is much harder to cast and has only a temporary effect. I suppose a magic item that has a limited number of "charges" could also have it's energy drained. But most enchantments don't have charges; they're just always on.
This comment is "on topic" simply because I want everyone to know how I intend magic items to work in this setting.
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 15, 2010, 09:12:02 PM
Quote from: danman on May 15, 2010, 07:44:36 PMEasy - the rocks will loop around at their terminal velocity, since there is air.
Were there no air and thus no air resistance though, the result would get awesome after several hours
You people may eventually get bonus points if you manage to turn the elevator shaft into an artillery piece. >:3
Now i see what Glup and Xephelon might do together to kill an afternoon... and perhaps something more substantial, if it either goes well or fails horribly :D
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 15, 2010, 09:12:02 PM
Quote from: danman on May 15, 2010, 07:44:36 PMEasy - the rocks will loop around at their terminal velocity, since there is air.
Were there no air and thus no air resistance though, the result would get awesome after several hours
You people may eventually get bonus points if you manage to turn the elevator shaft into an artillery piece. >:3
That's easy and can be done with two words...
Soapbox racing.
So, where do I pick up my "Most Unusual Weapon EVER" award?
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 15, 2010, 10:59:20 PM
Soapbox racing.
I was going to say; instead of elevators we could just hand out roller-skates.
Better yet, just re-route some water from the aqueducts. Endless waterslide.
Wait a sec, I forgot... These are stairs, correct? They'd need to be converted into ramps...
Eh, to heck with the dungeon, let's build a theme park.
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 15, 2010, 11:03:47 PM
Wait a sec, I forgot... These are stairs, correct? They'd need to be converted into ramps...
Eh, to heck with the dungeon, let's build a theme park.
You think I won't let you? You people are eventually going to be in charge of things, within certain limits.
EDIT: Wait... when did I ever say stairs? I'm pretty sure I mentioned several times that the elevator is ringed with a spiral ramp. Two ramps, technically, in a "double helix."
Sentient avatar! (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/images/avatar003.png)
I mean...
Stay on topic! Stop being silly!
Bah, humbug. :C
Awww, but it'd be the greatest case of supposedly mistaken identity EVER! Imagine if you will, a group of random adventurers enter a cave and suddenly find themselves in... DEATHTRAP DUNGEON! The amusement park that's fun for the whole family! In addition to the masses of normal/controlled, thrill-seeking beings, there's a bunch of villainous-themed areas and the "staff" are dressed for the part, except they have plastic and/or foam armor and weapons. As the party splits up and wanders around, enjoying the exhibits, rides, and horrendously overpriced carnival food, the "staff" keeps a close eye on them, pouncing when the party is flat broke, totally exhausted, completely unwary, and still sick from that blasted teacup ride, Tilt-A-Whirl, and the Triple Loop-De-Loop roller coaster marathon. Once thumped into submission via plastic and/or foam weapons, they're dragged off to their unholy fate as slaves, creature chow, or whatever. (After being 'relieved' of their equipment, of course.)
WHADDYA MEAN IT DOESN'T FIT THE THEME?! Hey, it sounds AWESOME to me, but then again it's after 1am again and my brain is fighting sleep... Fine, I'll consider something "serious" later...
Back to topic: Someday soon I will have the time, seriousness, and focus to make an IC post... The sooner the better, anyway... But prolly not tomorrow as I'm going out of town to a place where broadband is scarce and my PC doesn't have drivers for the wireless card my grandmother uses.
I'm back and you can nitpick my idea to death. Heck, it's a ton more work than a different idea I have, which would be a lot simpler in execution and much more open to expansion. But, I'd like to know the overall plan that the GM has in mind for attracting "visitors".
Anyway, Reading materials! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeroponics) Assuming that the tech exists in this universe...
EDIT: Post made.
I won't pretend I understand half of what that page says. That being said, the idea would be amazing. :U If the tech doesn't exist, wouldn't there be a spell to duplicate the result?
Quote from: Meany on May 17, 2010, 01:38:45 PM
I won't pretend I understand half of what that page says. That being said, the idea would be amazing. :U If the tech doesn't exist, wouldn't there be a spell to duplicate the result?
As Nadihya mentioned, this would be a job for a druid...
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 17, 2010, 01:40:56 PM
Quote from: Meany on May 17, 2010, 01:38:45 PM
I won't pretend I understand half of what that page says. That being said, the idea would be amazing. :U If the tech doesn't exist, wouldn't there be a spell to duplicate the result?
As Nadihya mentioned, this would be a job for a druid...
And the druid will be a job for Glup, considering how much love would each have for the other one...
I'm sure SOMEBODY would be able to supply a Brain-Golem bodyguard for the druid to keep a certain Chuul away... The druid may not be too happy about it, though...
Important GM message: Meany and Basilisk have not been added to the list of players yet.
Well Mechanisto, you've got me in a bit of a bind here... Zyrais, like most angels, is a hoarder of magical items. I didn't bother to put those traits into the char sheet because I thought some would re-read the DMFA Demonology page on angels and say "Ah-HA! This one can be bribed and can harden his skin to the consistency of rock at will!" (What? I did that for the rest of you...) Plus, whatever ELSE he's managed to stuff in there. Oh, and he smoked, but never inhaled, so some of it is still probably stashed away somewhere in those pockets. Regardless, odds are excellent that whatever has been deemed contraband, he's got it...
Oh, and he probably has enough weapons to outfit an adventuring party or two... (Don't worry! The previous owners didn't need them anymore!)
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 19, 2010, 12:44:02 AM
Important GM message: Meany and Basilisk have not been added to the list of players yet.
Well Mechanisto, you've got me in a bit of a bind here... Zyrais, like most angels, is a hoarder of magical items. I didn't bother to put those traits into the char sheet because I thought some would re-read the DMFA Demonology page on angels and say "Ah-HA! This one can be bribed and can harden his skin to the consistency of rock at will!" (What? I did that for the rest of you...) Plus, whatever ELSE he's managed to stuff in there. Oh, and he smoked, but never inhaled, so some of it is still probably stashed away somewhere in those pockets. Regardless, odds are excellent that whatever has been deemed contraband, he's got it...
Oh, and he probably has enough weapons to outfit an adventuring party or two... (Don't worry! The previous owners didn't need them anymore!)
Not too much of a bind, so far. Nadhiya mentioned the ability to detect "Contraband," but from what Zyrais knows of pocket dimensions this ability is probably like a metal detector at the airport. She can tell how many kilograms of magic items you may have in your bag... but not what they do, or what they are. Could be a roll of nickels... could be concealed calico with sniper scope attachment and under-slung grenade launcher.
Regardless, quite a few people in the crowd look a bit nervous... but she hasn't acted on them yet, either. She may simply want to use this knowledge as an excuse to expel serious troublemakers that she really doesn't want to hire.
How unevolved these beings are - their outer body is weak so they need to encase themselves in exoskeletons of their own make if they want to be any good in battle...
Oh man, I can't even imagine what Glup would say if he manages to catch a glimpse of Xephelon's real body, and realize just how extensive his exoshell is xD
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 19, 2010, 01:14:29 PM
How unevolved these beings are - their outer body is weak so they need to encase themselves in exoskeletons of their own make if they want to be any good in battle...
Oh man, I can't even imagine what Glup would say if he manages to catch a glimpse of Xephelon's real body, and realize just how extensive his exoshell is xD
"Oh, thanks for the snack"? >3
temptation to make a calamari joke...RISING! :mwaha
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 19, 2010, 01:14:29 PM
How unevolved these beings are - their outer body is weak so they need to encase themselves in exoskeletons of their own make if they want to be any good in battle...
Oh man, I can't even imagine what Glup would say if he manages to catch a glimpse of Xephelon's real body, and realize just how extensive his exoshell is xD
I don't think a snack would cut it, since Xephelon is basically a rubbery glove full of brain tissue... Yuck.
And the size of a (somewhat large) glove too AFAIK.
Methinks Glup would be pretty surprised - something like when you see first time someone with artificial leg replacements running a marathon... now imagine such a person with enanism as well, and he is at the lead of the race ...
"enanism"? Turning up blanks on word dictionary and wikipedia...
Perhaps he means aneurysm?
Wiktionary redirected me to "enanismo", a Spanish word for "Dwarfism".
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 19, 2010, 05:34:57 PM
Wiktionary redirected me to "enanismo", a Spanish word for "Dwarfism".
Yeah, that's the thing... Hmm, i thought that was the english word for it... i wanted to clarify myself, but i got sucked into wikipedia
Wikipedia does tend to be addictive. :U
Also, props to Bas' char for a flawless badass entry. *claps*
Quote from: Meany on May 19, 2010, 06:07:55 PM
Wikipedia does tend to be addictive. :U
Also, props to Bas' char for a flawless badass entry. *claps*
In fact it was so badass, that when reading the "how you intend to collect that which cannot be mined" fragment, before reading the next word i first thought "what is he going to do with so many souls" and then "Oh, he means body parts, sort of like me" despite the existence of more sensible explanations ....
I wonder how he will get on with Zyrais - he already managed to annoy Nethalzar , and get Glup into an minor outburst, and frankly, Basilisk looks like the type who wouldn't have much qualms about slicing his head off....
As a fun note, the mental picture of him is something like a wolfdog Illidian from Warcraft III.. :D
I don't get no props? I thought I had a pretty good enterance. Phoo.
Yay, more demons.
Note to GM: I'm assuming Neth was carrying a variety of necromantic bric-a-brack when he came in. Basic stuff, but I'm not sure how much might be considered contraband considering it's necromantic.
He definitely isn't carrying any of his combat grade hardware on him, tho.
The emerging from a pillar of smoke bit is a bit cliche, resulting in some lost points.
I read that last necromantic as necrotic, and had much laughter from it.
Quote from: WhiteFox on May 19, 2010, 09:00:14 PM
I don't get no props? I thought I had a pretty good enterance. Phoo.
Yay, more demons.
Note to GM: I'm assuming Neth was carrying a variety of necromantic bric-a-brack when he came in. Basic stuff, but I'm not sure how much might be considered contraband considering it's necromantic.
He definitely isn't carrying any of his combat grade hardware on him, tho.
The thing with his entrance that i so much liked was not so much any effects or stuff, but the thoughts - if someone enters a room with a naga, angel, chuul, gryphon , necromant, and an ex-assasin, looks around, and is put off that there is no warrior in the room or basically anyone he would find challenging in a fight, and it does not sound like bragging or internal self-reassurance, then the character is badass
Let's see how well this turns out.
Name: Mnogo
Player: Tipod (duh)
Race: Elemental
Species: Mudman
Creature rating: 4
Description: A being made of pitch and wet earth, Mnogo's form is naturally amorphous and will change at a whim. For the most part, he assumes a vaguely humanoid figure, very similar to a mannequin, albeit with a pillar of slime where the lower-half would be. Averages at about six feet, five inches in height, though is prone to change depending on whatever company he's with.
Personality wise, he is very cunning and calculating, as is required in his position as a mudman chieftain. That is not to say he won't be affable in the company of other, similarly powerful creatures, and will assume a more pleasant demeanor when the occasion calls for it. He comes across as sincere, but because he lacks a face, it's difficult to tell just how much he loathes someone on the inside. Tends to stay with his own kind, but does not entirely segregate himself from others (after all, you can't climb a social ladder if you never approach the bottom rungs). Holds a rather dim outlook on non-elementals, or "meatcreatures," both being and Creature alike. Though, if one proves themselves wise, strong, or resolved enough, or is just as sly as he is, then they will have earned some degree of respect. Is not quick to anger, but is relatively easy to annoy.
He takes considerable pleasure in the killing of those that are considered nuisances or weaklings, particularly in a drawn-out fashion (which should help motivate him should the Dungeon attract large numbers of amateur adventurers).
Responsibilities: Seeking a position in security and labor management.
Backstory: Born and raised in a humid swampland, Mnogo was a talented craftsman in his tribe. His trade? Trapmaking. He would spend hours gleefully constructing geological pitfalls all around his tribe's territory to capture and kill any organic life unfortunate enough to fall into them. It wasn't long before his ruthlessness drove him to devour the tribe's only overseer, and after some time pushing around the toilers and brutes, he would later ambush and kill the tribe chieftain, elevating himself to the lofty position.
Though the perks were phenomenal, leading a tribe in such an out-of-the-way area lacked challenge; his aggressive booby-trapping of the area and raids against meatcreature tribes left in the region meant there were no more opponents remaining to crush and kill. Unable to find comfort in such a complacent life, Mnogo left his tribe to seek satisfaction elsewhere. Hopefully, he would find more well-endowed foes to square off against, or at least a more fulfilling position.
Attributes: Mudmen are tribal creatures with a hierarchy that breaks down (from top position to lowest) as Chieftain, Overseer, Craftsman, Brute, and Toiler, with each mudman falling typically into the lower three professions after birth. Those with more drive than others will seek to take on a mudman in a higher tier, and upon defeating them, will often devour them and add their victim's mass and awareness to their own. When it comes to mudmen, self-awareness is power, and without it, you become nothing more than a drone. Mnogo, as chieftain, commands great respect both from his own tribe and others.
Physically, mudmen are notoriously hardy: they lack any vital areas to puncture or bones to smash, making them impervious to physical trauma. They can also reproduce asexually, but require material with which to make their spawn (silt, clay, etc.). If left unchecked, a single powerful mudman can sire his own tribe. Strong mudmen are also capable of terraforming the earth itself, though only to swamps or marshlands, and only with natural soil; concrete or cement is considerably more difficult for them to change without arcane powers to speed up the process. They can also meld into the earth itself, making them adept at ambushing and killing their prey.
Powers: -Physical toughness: Unaffected by blunt force trauma or piercing weapons.
-Mobility: Can burrow and slide through loose earth, and is unaffected by terrain that would hinder more organic creatures.
-Terraforming: Can alter certain terrain to fit his own needs.
-Geomancy: Mnogo is relatively adept at using arcane methods to change the earth as needed, mostly to aid in landscaping and form deathtraps.
-Offensive capabilities: Can harden his body into a drier, more golem-like form for crushing heroes and monsters alike.
Flaws: -Temperature sensitive: Mnogo operates very poorly in extremely hot or cold areas, and can be neutralized for some time if frozen or baked.
-Physically unappealing: Though he can change form, Mnogo is almost always a slimy, dirty creature. If you give him a seat, you'd better make sure it's vinyl or covered in a plastic sheet.
-One-trick magic pony: Geomancy is all Mnogo specializes in, and is incapable of learning much else.
-Partially soluble: His physical makeup keeps him from becoming entirely dissolved when immersed in water, but long exposure will leave him weak and limp for some time.
Skills: -Talented trapmaker: From sinkholes to spears of rock, there are few land-based traps he can't construct.
-Talented geomancer: If you need landscaping done, he will be more than happy to accommodate.
-Labor leader: Mnogo knows how to effectively reproduce, and is more than capable of keeping his spawn in check.
-Stalker: Years of getting the drop on hapless prey have taught Mnogo how to easily follow and ambush most creatures.
-Warrior chief: Mnogo is no stranger to frontline combat and smashing heads.
Trivia: -One of Mnogo's greatest childhood desires was to go back to the prehistoric era and kill dinosaurs.
-Favorite food is lizard meat, mostly crocodile.
-Favorite color is royal purple.
-Single (unsurprisingly).
As a sidenote to Liatai, I did not make Mnogo for the express purpose of grossing out Kittrick :V
One question though- how does he react to being broken to parts? Does he merge readily, or are the parts less --> no sentient and aware, judging from the fact that if mudment merge the result is more intelligent?
Although with the name, i would have imagined something either larger and more amorphous, or of collective intelligence
Quote from: danman on May 19, 2010, 11:02:36 PM
One question though- how does he react to being broken to parts?
Let's find out. Anyone know any ice spells?
Also: Are we waiting on anyone to post?
Quote from: WhiteFox on May 20, 2010, 12:13:45 PM
Quote from: danman on May 19, 2010, 11:02:36 PM
One question though- how does he react to being broken to parts?
Let's find out. Anyone know any ice spells?
Also: Are we waiting on anyone to post?
Not me, though the pincers are fairly strong even naturally, and remember that at the current "level of strength" Glup is he has contact telekinesis, which can be used to make it even stronger (remember pulling out Ashes from the cave-in in the before-game silliness?)
I'm not going to be able to post in the IC today, so go on without me. I'll catch up later.
I return from the Land of No Internet! Huzzah!
Quote from: Tipod on May 19, 2010, 10:25:49 PM
As a sidenote to Liatai, I did not make Mnogo for the express purpose of grossing out Kittrick :V
Hey, I think I said it before, and I'll say it again; I love putting my characters outside of their comfort zones. ;) I'm looking forward to Kitt meeting him! (I foresee much gryphon-catalyzed cleanup work for any workers in the future when/if she gets hired... "
Ugh, there's brain juice on the floor from the last delivery, there's blood on the walls, scraps of metal all over the place, a spill from who-knows-what-beverage in the corner, and to top it all off,
the mudman tracked filth all over the rug! You there! Get a mop and clean that up,
now! Do I have to do
everything around here?!" *ruffles feathers, huffs angrily, storms off* :lol)
That said, I think I'm going to wait until Nadhiya answers Baseel and Glup before I post. That will give me a chance to catch up, at least.
Hoookay; I think we definitely have more than enough character s now. I'll be closing the OOC again soon, and updating the list of entrants and participants.
If you posted a character here, or sent me a PM, don't worry; you aren't locked out or anything. If I haven't got around to you, feel free to give me a poke.
A merciless poke.
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 20, 2010, 05:08:08 PM
A merciless poke.
I'm waiting on Basilisk, and Basilisk is waiting on Nadihya.
Not anymore he isn't.
Sentient Avatar. (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/images/avatar004.png)
*Rushes off to read post.*
Quote from: WhiteFox on May 20, 2010, 05:35:00 PM
Sentient Avatar. (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/images/avatar004.png)
You have no idea. (http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/3586/solemnavatar.png)
I think I do. (http://i581.photobucket.com/albums/ss260/Liatai/SentientAvatar.jpg) :P
How do you guys do that screenshot thing? I can never get it to work. :<
Also, posted.
Shift + PrtScn (Prinstcreen), paste into an image file, upload to a filehoster (like photobucket or imageshack)
Hey Tipod... I have to ask just for the sake of argument, what would happen to Mnogo if somebody cast something like a "Transmute Mud To Rock (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/transmuteMudToRock.htm)" on him/it? Would Mnogo become a rock elemental, or would they be stuck as a statue?
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 20, 2010, 09:57:03 PM
what would happen to Mnogo if somebody cast something like a "Transmute Mud To Rock (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/transmuteMudToRock.htm)" on him/it?
GM's call, and falls under the "You wont know until you try" category of questions.
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 20, 2010, 09:57:03 PM
Hey Tipod... I have to ask just for the sake of argument, what would happen to Mnogo if somebody cast something like a "Transmute Mud To Rock (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/transmuteMudToRock.htm)" on him/it? Would Mnogo become a rock elemental, or would they be stuck as a statue?
Hm. It would depend on the exact power.
My instincts as the GM would suggest that using an "Earth to Stone" spell on a Mudman would be like using a "Stoneskin" spell on a person. Earth to Stone doesn't necessarily immobilize; it simply transmutes. He would get a chance to resist the effects, and it would not be permanent.
However, a "Petrify" spell or a Medusa's gaze on would immobilize him normally; those are designed to disable an opponent. I suppose "Flesh to Stone" wouldn't work at all, because he isn't made of flesh.
Details, details...
Quote from: Liatai on May 20, 2010, 06:55:00 PMOh.
I think Kittrick mean Goddess (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tlazolteotl). :3
Yeah, Mech pretty much summed it up nicely. As for dan asking if shearing Mnogo apart would result in two separate and intelligent mudmen... I'm gonna say "no" since having mudmen multiply so easily would be pretty ridiculous and probably a huge pain in the ass for the dungeon's urban planning committee.
Also Liatai, Kittrick had pretty much the best reaction and I love it.
Mwahaha, thank you. >:3 It was fun to write.
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 20, 2010, 10:39:04 PM
I think Kittrick mean Goddess (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tlazolteotl). :3
A goddess of both purification
and filth?! Why did I not know about this goddess when I made that neat-freak cleric of pestilence NPC for a DnD campaign a few years ago?! I so could have used that! xD
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 20, 2010, 10:39:04 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 20, 2010, 09:57:03 PM
Hey Tipod... I have to ask just for the sake of argument, what would happen to Mnogo if somebody cast something like a "Transmute Mud To Rock (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/transmuteMudToRock.htm)" on him/it? Would Mnogo become a rock elemental, or would they be stuck as a statue?
Hm. It would depend on the exact power.
My instincts as the GM would suggest that using an "Earth to Stone" spell on a Mudman would be like using a "Stoneskin" spell on a person. Earth to Stone doesn't necessarily immobilize; it simply transmutes. He would get a chance to resist the effects, and it would not be permanent.
However, a "Petrify" spell or a Medusa's gaze on would immobilize him normally; those are designed to disable an opponent. I suppose "Flesh to Stone" wouldn't work at all, because he isn't made of flesh.
Details, details...
I was just wondering if I had the option to use such a spell, then a "Stone Shape" spell for... Nefarious purposes... Hehehehehehehe... I'll probably just have to take a chance and figure out a good time to test the theory IC. Since the spell I quoted is more of a counterspell for restoring rock that had been transmuted to mud by "Transmute Rock to Mud" and I can't find anything on mudmen or even mud golems in the Open D20 ruleset. However, the rules DO state that both are permanent and anything within the mud has a chance to escape before it hardens into stone.
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 20, 2010, 10:39:04 PM
Quote from: Liatai on May 20, 2010, 06:55:00 PMOh.
I think Kittrick mean Goddess (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tlazolteotl). :3
Aw crud, you ARE using Aztec mythos, aren't you? I better hurry up and get a REAL character background done... Erm, how closely are you sticking to the mythos?
Also, judging from what I'm skimming through on Wikipedia, there's some seriously messed up relationships in there... Well, it's not like the Greeks were much better... You can't click a link without some not-so-subtle mentions about incest in their mythos...
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 20, 2010, 11:27:25 PMAw crud, you ARE using Aztec mythos, aren't you?
Goodness! I didn't mean to make my players jumpy.
No, Aztec mythology won't be a predominant factor in the RP. I was just throwing it out there because... well, the Aztecs had some really messed up mythology.
Nowhere near as messed up as the Vikings, mind you.
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 20, 2010, 11:27:25 PMHowever, the rules DO state that both are permanent and anything within the mud has a chance to escape before it hardens into stone.
The D20 rules state this, yes. My rules, however, will be a little more forgiving. Mnogo may not be organic, but he's still a sentient, animated thing and his magical aura can resist harmful spells like any other organism's.
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 20, 2010, 11:27:25 PM
Aw crud, you ARE using Aztec mythos, aren't you? I better hurry up and get a REAL character background done... Erm, how closely are you sticking to the mythos?
Is this a bad time to point out that Carter is an egyptian mummy?
...And he's a jackal, for that matter.
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 20, 2010, 11:44:43 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 20, 2010, 11:27:25 PMAw crud, you ARE using Aztec mythos, aren't you?
Goodness! I didn't mean to make my players jumpy.
No, Aztec mythology won't be a predominant factor in the RP. I was just throwing it out there because... well, the Aztecs had some really messed up mythology.
Good, because I was planning on using a figure from Aztec mythos, and one from Jewish/Gnostic mythos as the heritage of my character. (Here's a hint for the second, he's the antagonist in my web fiction and is NOT a good angel... Or maybe he is... Eh, in my web fiction he's not.)
Quote from: Mechanisto on May 20, 2010, 11:44:43 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 20, 2010, 11:27:25 PMHowever, the rules DO state that both are permanent and anything within the mud has a chance to escape before it hardens into stone.
The D20 rules state this, yes. My rules, however, will be a little more forgiving. Mnogo may not be organic, but he's still a sentient, animated thing and his magical aura can resist harmful spells like any other organism's.
Awwwww... But if he peed off my character, I was just going to craft him into a lovely statue...
A lovely, angelic statue of a female with big boobs...
What? He IS kinda perverted... And it's either that or a recreation of Michelangelo's "David"... Or a... Eh, nevermind... He
should be more mature than
THAT... And he'd let him/it out
after he'd calmed down...
Regardless, think of the opportunities for espionage! (Mudmen don't have "eyes" to see anyway, so it should work...) An angelic statue 'mysteriously' appears in the middle of the town square overnight. The town locals see it as a sign of good favor from their deity and bring offerings before it!
After a few days, the village is razed to the ground and pillaged by an assortment of creatures, its people killed or kidnapped and dragged off to horrible fates...
Quote from: WhiteFox on May 21, 2010, 12:00:08 AM
Is this a bad time to point out that Carter is an egyptian mummy?
...And he's a jackal, for that matter.
No, not at all. Wait until Zyrais has done something to anger him, THEN mention it.
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 21, 2010, 12:14:33 AM
Awwwww... But if he peed off my character, I was just going to craft him into a lovely statue...
A lovely, angelic statue of a female with big boobs...
What? He IS kinda perverted... And it's either that or a recreation of Michelangelo's "David"... Or a... Eh, nevermind... He should be more mature than THAT... And he'd let him/it out after he'd calmed down...
Regardless, think of the opportunities for espionage! (Mudmen don't have "eyes" to see anyway, so it should work...) An angelic statue 'mysteriously' appears in the middle of the town square overnight. The town locals see it as a sign of good favor from their deity and bring offerings before it!
After a few days, the village is razed to the ground and pillaged by an assortment of creatures, its people killed or kidnapped and dragged off to horrible fates...
Ohm that sounds a little like the Weeping Angels or how they were called from Doctor Who!
Another thing that occured to me --- it will be fun when Glup will be molting... i expect him needing to hide for several days from Zyrais at least...
Quote from: Tipod on May 20, 2010, 10:49:15 PM
Yeah, Mech pretty much summed it up nicely. As for dan asking if shearing Mnogo apart would result in two separate and intelligent mudmen... I'm gonna say "no" since having mudmen multiply so easily would be pretty ridiculous and probably a huge pain in the ass for the dungeon's urban planning committee.
Also Liatai, Kittrick had pretty much the best reaction and I love it.
Hmm, i meant separate and *less* intelligent mudmen - the idea is that the intelligence correlates to mass so after two or three splittings it would be just a set of randomly squirming heaps of mud
Oh, now i know what sneering means in english - i thought it was some kind of condescending expression ,but it is a "humanoid growl"!
This will have some implications as Glup is directly in the line of sight between Mnogo and Kittrick
Well, by "intelligent" I just mean "capable of thinking/feeling/doing stuff." When it comes to Mnogo, the intelligence/self-awareness he has is... for lack of a better word, "concentrated" within him. Basically, if you managed to split him in half, there would basically be one conscious half and the remainder would just splatter against the ground.
And to be clear, Mnogo isn't snarling or making any overtly hostile postures, he's giving people a look kind of like this (http://media.photobucket.com/image/sneer/myth_adventuress/WRats/WR_Tommy-sneer.jpg) :V The idea is that while he obviously doesn't have a face, you still feel that he's giving you a pretty unenthused look.
Wiktionary to the rescue... (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sneer)
Tipod, that looks more like a "WTF" look than a sneer, IMO.
Nethalzar's expression is usually one of a half dozen varieties of deadpan.
Note: Changed the official spelling of Neth's name on his character sheet from "Nathalzar" to "Nethalzar." Sorry for any confusion.
...Every time I see comments in orange, I think "Ooh, a Unique!"
Regarding Post #209 (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7189.msg327919.html#msg327919): Normally, I would never make a post this short. However, I'd accidentally hit tab and enter in rapid succession, which posted it early. When I went to edit, it occurred to me that I'd probably need three or four hours to flesh out the post, people would probably see it by then, and adding a substantial amount of material would probably result in confusion. Especially if someone posted while I was editing. So I did an edit to clean it up, and left it at that.
Well, i don't know but you could have added a note "Post being worked on" or something like that , at least , that is the way me and others generally do it on NationStates when writing a post that is long and to do with various users, so not needing to be done in one go
I saw Techmaster doing that as well and I agree that it's a great idea.
Failing that, if you absolutely must, I've found that writing the thing out using Wordpad/Kwrite/OpenOffice also works, but you just need to remember the tags and input them manually. (Or open up a Post Reply in one window, click on the buttons to input the tags into the text box, and then cut-and-paste into the document in the other window.
Quote from: WhiteFox on May 21, 2010, 11:29:10 PM
...Every time I see comments in orange, I think "Ooh, a Unique!"
The only game I've played where uniques/rares had yellow/orange text also involved red boxes, FSOD, and super-cheap enemies that
loved instant-death attacks to, well, death... This wasn't the game you meant, was it?
Do you guys know what "kibitzing" is?
Quote from: WhiteFox on May 22, 2010, 04:39:29 PM
Do you guys know what "kibitzing" is?
I do now. (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/kibitz) And yes or no to the question? I
promise I'll drop it afterwards.
EDIT: Post made. Me collapse from whatever it is afflicting me now...
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 22, 2010, 11:45:34 AM
This wasn't the game you meant, was it?
No, it wasn't.
Quote from: WhiteFox on May 23, 2010, 08:24:34 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 22, 2010, 11:45:34 AM
This wasn't the game you meant, was it?
No, it wasn't.
Diablo II, right? Gold for uniques, green for set, and orange i think crafted items...
Mech: Neth is just going to follow Nadihya. He doesn't have much to do or say (other then witty banter, but I don't want to do a post just for that) until he gets where he's going.
If Roxanne has been moved, Carter and Thessaly will go with.
Just to let y'all know, I might be slow to post for a couple of days. Got a nasty ear infection that's not letting me get much sleep.
Also; an idea came to me of something the Dungeon desperately needs. Ya know, other than food, a population, and a reliable air supply. It needs a Balrog. An honest, fire and smoke Balrog. :B[/hint to the people for when the rp re-opens]
I hate to sound offensive about this, but... Why? So the next wizard passing through can fight it via a heroic self-sacrifice and take a level in badass as they do so? Yeah, I'd pass...
Ditto for a Ring Wraith or whatever...
Wraith: "No man can defeat me!"
(Girl/woman removes her helmet.)
Heroine: "I AM no man!"
Wraith: "Oh, snap!" *Dies.*
Yeah, they might be awesome up until that point, but still...
EDIT: Oh yeah, I remember ear infections quite well... Especially since I have terrible allergies and some jerk of a kid insisted on taking off my hat every recess during the Autumn and Winter months... I've always, always had to get antibiotics for that crap, and there's nothing like agonizing, painful pressure deep inside your ear canal.
Get well soon, Meany.
Hmm, i think some mandatory Health and Safety training might be due... Pity i already have Glup and love him so much ... i could see some use coming in with Vladim (my avatar) to teach a course.... (he took one himself and also has "industry experience")
I can just about see how that would go given his rather short temper...
Vladim: So, you patrol a hall, and suddenly you hear a noise similar to something hitting the floor at the end, as the corridor takes a bend. What do you do?
Minion, one out of many: I.. uh... i rush to check what it is!
Vladim: You utter IDIOT ! Argh! *fries him with a fireball*
Other minions: -----
Vladim: Hmm... ehm... I... *hits self* Of course I intended that - he would die anyway and at least that are some XP and gear an adventurer won't get for free! And that goes for all of you!
THIS (http://web.archive.org/web/20080308025308/www.geocities.com/evilsnack/henchman.htm) should be mandatory reading for all underlings.
Although on #15, if it's a gun or a crossbow, make sure it's loaded and the safety's off for whatever it is you're holding!
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 25, 2010, 08:09:21 PM
THIS (http://web.archive.org/web/20080308025308/www.geocities.com/evilsnack/henchman.htm) should be mandatory reading for all underlings.
Although on #15, if it's a gun or a crossbow, make sure it's loaded and the safety's off for whatever it is you're holding!
That was a part of the course - the lists, analysis and suggestions - about 20 lectures all'n'all ... as Meany probably knows, Vladim had to do a project on Emperor Palpatine - highlight where he went wrong and suggest proper course of action...
No use teaching them the techniques when you don't teach them how to apply it in real world
Although, wasn't bad ... imagine that YOUR job description contained watching Star Wars for some time!
As far as ear infection ,that is how i spent my 15th birthday, and three weeks around it - horrible ear pain.
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 25, 2010, 07:22:30 PM
I hate to sound offensive about this, but... Why? So the next wizard passing through can fight it via a heroic self-sacrifice and take a level in badass as they do so? Yeah, I'd pass...
Ditto for a Ring Wraith or whatever...
Wraith: "No man can defeat me!"
(Girl/woman removes her helmet.)
Heroine: "I AM no man!"
Wraith: "Oh, snap!" *Dies.*
Yeah, they might be awesome up until that point, but still...
EDIT: Oh yeah, I remember ear infections quite well... Especially since I have terrible allergies and some jerk of a kid insisted on taking off my hat every recess during the Autumn and Winter months... I've always, always had to get antibiotics for that crap, and there's nothing like agonizing, painful pressure deep inside your ear canal.
Get well soon, Meany.
Firstly: Unless them wizards have the mystical oomph on par with a dragon, the Balrog could just step on them.
Secondly: That's why there's
nine Wraiths.
Thirdly: Thank you very much. :3 [/argumentative]
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 25, 2010, 08:09:21 PM
THIS (http://web.archive.org/web/20080308025308/www.geocities.com/evilsnack/henchman.htm) should be mandatory reading for all underlings.
Although on #15, if it's a gun or a crossbow, make sure it's loaded and the safety's off for whatever it is you're holding!
That is win. So much win.
*omnistabs all ear infections, rolls around in agony*
LOL at the nutcrackers, though, my first reaction was "wait, females have finger joints too!" .... seems our approach to torture is a bit different...
Hmm... i wonder whether a Glup without flinging threats around is even conceivable :D His attitude is something along the lines of "Hey! that guy looked at me wrong... that MUST mean he thinks i am inferior because i am a huge crustacean! I must prove him wrong, best by beating him into a pulp!"
You misunderstand, I mean LARGE, being-sized nutcrackers that the smaller hole just isn't quite big enough to fit around their neck...
Zyrais may have also attended the Lothar Hex School of Torture (http://exterminatusnow.comicgenesis.com/d/20070202.html).
If at any point in the rp he says "I have a brilliant plan..." I swear I'm going to run. Quickly. While screaming.
Quote from: Meany on May 25, 2010, 09:40:03 PM
If at any point in the rp he says "I have a brilliant plan..." I swear I'm going to run. Quickly. While screaming.
Meh, barbarus is too old to run quickly.
He probably runs at glup's pace
That's why God invented the following items:
- Red Shoes (not red shoes; Red Shoes).
- Sugar.
- Teleportation magic.
- Segways.
I'm so tempted to draw Barbarus on a Segway now. >:3
Anyway! I might not be able to post for a few days, either; my computer's hard drive is failing, and it's freezing up all over the place. (Fortunately, my computer's still under warranty, so the manufacturers are shipping a replacement hard drive to me free of charge. Whew! It's just going to take 2-3 business days.) I should be able to keep up (since I have my phone set up to receive E-mail), and I can try to bum some computer time from someone if something big happens, but... yeah. Expect a little radio silence from my end. :animesweat
Sorry about the silence on my end, guys. I got a take-home history final to finish up before I can comfortably mess around, but I should be able to get something in before tomorrow morning.
Quote from: Liatai on May 26, 2010, 06:45:54 PM
I'm so tempted to draw Barbarus on a Segway now. >:3
Anyway! I might not be able to post for a few days, either; my computer's hard drive is failing, and it's freezing up all over the place. (Fortunately, my computer's still under warranty, so the manufacturers are shipping a replacement hard drive to me free of charge. Whew! It's just going to take 2-3 business days.) I should be able to keep up (since I have my phone set up to receive E-mail), and I can try to bum some computer time from someone if something big happens, but... yeah. Expect a little radio silence from my end. :animesweat
Firstly D: about this turn of events.
Secondly: If you do draw such a scene, I think him screaming "Run for your meaningless lives, children!" would add to the funny. :3
Heh heh,,, nice! Except Mnogo should learn chuuls are crustaceans, not gastropods.... he is lucky he hasn't said it loudly :mwaha
All in favor of slipping Glup a chill-pill during his next feeding? :U
I'll be posting later today, but first I need to go attend a funeral.
And I'm so very sick of funerals...
EDIT: Post has been made. Considering that this is my first major action within the RP, please let me know what you think.
ESPECIALLY Mechanisto...
Wow. :U Epic speech for the win. Nice job.
Heh. I considered doing pretty much the same thing with Xephelon. I decided against it because I felt it would seem like too much focus on "me", and it was just a hair too out of character for Xephelon.
It's better than what Mnogo would've done, which would be to hawk a pitch loogie in the hyena's face to get it to stop talking.
@Drayco84 ... I began reading EN since you linked to it... Zyrais seems to be Eastwood 2.0 :D
I call dibs on the Rouge slot. :U
Quote from: Meany on May 29, 2010, 10:29:18 AM
I call dibs on the Rouge slot. :U
You mean Rouge the Bat? :D
Are we waiting for anyone to reply? I know Liatai has her college and Danman has some mind-breaking finals coming 'round the corner...
Dibs on Schaefer.
Mech has been preoccupied with a small programming project of his. Motivation to be applied shortly.
[EDIT] Motivation applied.
On an entirely unrelated note, I need to pick up a new baseball bat.
you mean you need a new "wand of motivation"?
Any case , i will be making a post tomorrow - if not ,feel free to poke me :D
Merciless pokes? >:3
Who-kay. I believe I have responded to all the PMs that were collecting dust in my inbox. I have also deleted all in-messages to clean up the clutter... I shall be making a significant effort to check my in-box more regularly from now on.
If anyone is still waiting on me for anything, send me a PM. I promise to check and respond.
Name: Winston Richardson
Player: Kafzeil
Race: Being / Plant Elemental Hybrid
Creature Rating: CR 3
Description: His basic frame indicates he was a fairly normal weasel being. Standing at about 3 feet with a shortish tail, and small, round ears. And Light blue eyes.
However, that's the only normal thing about him these days. His brown fur replaced by green moss, a mess of kudzu vine in in the place of his dirty blond hair, and an assortment of varied plants and plant parts, from flowers to ferns jutting out from random parts of his body.
Winston is most often seen dressed in his trusty, if tattered and damaged lab coat, brown khakis, and a white pinstripped freshet. Winston, however, detests footwear.
Responsibilities: Head of Hydroponics/Aeroponics (If that's alright)
Backstory: The son of a Druid and a mad scientist, Winston picked up his mother's love of nature at an early age, and his father's love of playing god science a few years after. An exceptionally bright boy, he left University with a Degree in Botany, and yet quickly found that most being Institutes and Corporations were strangely skeptical about his theories of Hydroponics. He was only able to land a job a Demon Overlord's think tank.
Overworked, Winston found himself at temping to to create deathtraps involving his beloved plants, such as cariverous Venus Adventurer Traps (He figured being slowly disgusted was far more effective, not to mention cheaper, then being devoured whole), though figured he could animate the plants himself, the team's Enchanter having been sick that week.
However, the spell backfired, horrifically. A seemingly minor mispronunciation of a Druid Lifegiving spell caused a magic based explosion, which destroyed the lab and the plants. Winston was seemingly unharmed. While thanking the gods he was still alive (and figuring he was now effectively fired, asking himself if the Overlord was good reference) he passed due, screaming in agony as his organs began to melt and change inside his gut.
Waking up at the local hospital about two weeks later, (with his Letter of Termination of Employment still taped to his chest) Winston found he had changed during his coma. Now realizing he was now effectively part plant. Is currently seeking employment, and hoping this time it's from someone who actually read his Thesis.
Attributes: While he still has most of the traits of a Being, most have been replaced or change to reflect his plantlike nature. In addition to affinity for plants, plant-based magic, Winston has an immunity to poison and mammalian diseases, though can be affected by plant based ones as well as extreme temperatures.While barely trained in Druidic magic, Winston has an encyclopedic knowledge of Botany.If it involves plants, Winston most likely knows about it.
Powers:Poison Immunity/Disease resistance: Winston is immune to all forms of poison as well as all diseases that affect Beings and Most creatures.
Regeneration: as being part plant Winston can regenerate and heal most injuries, up to an including dismemberment of limbs, though it's a slower process then with most creatures.
Photosynthesis: All Winston requires to live is water, sunlight (artificial can do) and Carbon Dioxide.Winston is more en ergtic in full sunlight.
Druidic Magic: Magic based around plants and nature. Though Winston's knowledge is limited mostly to communication(inert, passive), growth, and manipulation of plantlife, and even then it's not terribly strong.
Flaws: Fire: Extremely venerable to fire. It can burn him quickly and is difficult to recover from.
Extreme Cold/Frost: Cold enough temperatures can affect Winston and slowly damage his body, frost and ice based spells, can be divesting to him.
Plant based diseases/pests: Being part plant means that he is now affected by disease that harm plants. Pests such as insects can do varied amounts of harm to him, but for the most they're just annoying.
Skills:Drudic Magic: Nature based magic, such as plant manipulation and communication he's mostly a novice though, but he's training himself. he's ordered books too!
Botany: If it's a plant, he knows about. he's also skilled at making new plants through various means. Most have replaced The "Sunlight" bit of Photosynthesis with "Flesh".
Hydroponics/aeroponics: He wrote his thesis on this particular subject. He's pr oven it works on a small scale.
Character bio.Yay for killer plants and science(and magic) gone horibly wrong.
Quote from: Kafzeil on June 02, 2010, 10:48:22 PM
Character bio.Yay for killer plants and science(and magic) gone horibly wrong.
This is the first thing that popped into my head when I read the bio. (http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=188)
My post is up... it seems that Glup is going to antagonise yet someone else, although in his mind it is in dungeon's best interests....
Schaeffer is taken? ACK!
Quote from: danman on June 03, 2010, 03:52:42 PM
Schaeffer is taken? ACK!
Extra big and glowey eyes. Neth is totally Schaefer.
Quote from: WhiteFox on June 03, 2010, 06:24:09 PM
Quote from: danman on June 03, 2010, 03:52:42 PM
Schaeffer is taken? ACK!
Extra big and glowey eyes. Neth is totally Schaefer.
But Neth does not need a seat of power!
And Glup does? :U Personally, he strikes me as a Lothar...maybe a Morth.
Quote from: Meany on June 03, 2010, 06:42:59 PM
And Glup does? :U Personally, he strikes me as a Lothar...maybe a Morth.
Hmm, you might be onto something... he doesn't have a chicken fetish either.
Quote from: danman on June 03, 2010, 06:40:38 PM
But Neth does not need a seat of power!
Quote from: danman on June 03, 2010, 06:46:20 PM
Hmm, you might be onto something... he doesn't have a chicken fetish either.
You don't know that. :shifty
Actually we do. :3 Thank you, Tech for teaching me how to do that screenshot thing.
Just a pencil doodle for what i promised Tipod yesterday - Kittrick meeting Mnogo.
I hope neither of you will take offense at my portrayal of your characters. :3
Ugh! that thing is made of dirt! (http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~dm510/kittmnogo.jpg)
Quote from: danman on June 04, 2010, 08:54:31 AM
Just a pencil doodle for what i promised Tipod yesterday - Kittrick meeting Mnogo.
I hope neither of you will take offense at my portrayal of your characters. :3
Ugh! that thing is made of dirt! (http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~dm510/kittmnogo.jpg)
Hahaha, yesssss.
Alright everyone, after making a backstory that
didn't fit the RP at all, waiting to see how the RP would turn out, and some procrastination, I've whipped one up and gotten GM approval for a
real backstory. I've updated Zyrais's bio and the original post can be found here (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7171.msg317941.html#msg317941). Heck, since this is a "dark" RP, the rap sheet didn't even fit...
The idea has only been bouncing around in my head for a while, and I
may probably will extrapolate further with a brief lesson on angel culture written by Zyrais. (AFTER GM approval.)
EDIT: Oh yeah, I almost forgot...
QuoteCalling forth enough of his magical powers that anyone with the slightest bit of talent could sense, Zyrais spread his wings as he knelt to the ground with both palms toughing the floor, calling forth Barrier of Light, a series of walls made of flame-like light that sprang up between the most openly aggressive groups. Straining not from the drain on his magic, but from the amount that his coat was limiting him to, the flames quickly died out but they had served their purpose in getting everyone in the room to spontaneously shut up.
Just reminding everyone that the barrier didn't actually have any "staying power" and dissipated before he even began speaking. Nobody is currently trapped, nor does Zyrais have the power to trap everyone "en masse". He might be able to do so with a small group at best, but that would be up to the GM.
Glup? Subtlety? What was Zyrais high on?
That reminds me, Mechanisto... The players are going to survive long enough to get hired, aren't they? Or is this one of those "You live, you're hired." scenarios?
Considering Nadhiya has ressurect spells and there is an altar of evilness somewhere there, it is not such a big problem ... although dying often would be frowned upon as wasteful of resources :D
Yeah, but it looks bad when one dies right before a job interview...
Quote from: Drayco84 on June 06, 2010, 09:41:17 PM
That reminds me, Mechanisto... The players are going to survive long enough to get hired, aren't they? Or is this one of those "You live, you're hired." scenarios?
One thing I'll say about Mech... he doesn't kill players lightly. At all, ever.
I very much doubt that simply surviving will get a character hired, however.
Quote from: WhiteFox on June 07, 2010, 12:28:22 AM
One thing I'll say about Mech... he doesn't kill players lightly. At all, ever.
I'm so
very afraid to ask for more details on that...
In response to Post #232: (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7189.msg329754.html#msg329754)
To the GM: I'd like to take 3-4 hours of down time to set up a simple lab, and do some investigation, research, and testing in general. The minions will probably be doing some runaround, and the Codex that carter brought will probably come in handy.
Also: was that banished hyena infected?
Quote from: Drayco84 on June 07, 2010, 01:31:46 AM
I'm so very afraid to ask for more details on that...
I mean it at face value. Mech isn't the sort of GM that likes to torture PCs.
He's more of a "may you live in interesting times" sorta GM. Things tend to get...
interesting. He can't toy with you if you're dead.
On another note, I suspect our guards are a tad more capable then we think we are. They may not be able to prevent trouble, but they sure can stop it.
Quote from: WhiteFox on June 07, 2010, 07:19:19 PM
In response to Post #232: (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7189.msg329754.html#msg329754)
To the GM: I'd like to take 3-4 hours of down time to set up a simple lab, and do some investigation, research, and testing in general. The minions will probably be doing some runaround, and the Codex that carter brought will probably come in handy.
Also: was that banished hyena infected?
You may indeed. I shall make mention of it in IC, and will assume that if you don't post for a bit, Nethalzar is merely doing labwork.
As far as the Hyena goes, you have no way of knowing. You never analyzed him before, and hes' certainly gone now.
Quote from: WhiteFox on June 07, 2010, 07:19:19 PM
I mean it at face value. Mech isn't the sort of GM that likes to torture PCs.
He's more of a "may you live in interesting times" sorta GM. Things tend to get... interesting. He can't toy with you if you're dead.
That was one of the reasons I wanted to state very clearly that Nadhiya knows how to revive the dead. I don't want people to be so afraid of dying that they never take any risks that might get them killed.
Also, I'd just like to point out that Nethalzar's death was a pre-existing condition. That exonerates me from accusations of GM abuse. :3
Quote from: Mechanisto on June 08, 2010, 12:18:01 PM
As far as the Hyena goes, you have no way of knowing. You never analyzed him before, and hes' certainly gone now.
Okay, but
assuming he was infected, are there any undead in the portal room and how long until they start showing symptoms?
I'd also ask if the disease can jump to living hosts, but I not only get the feeling that you won't reveal that until it already
has, but that everyone will find out IC all-too-quickly.
Quote from: Mechanisto on June 08, 2010, 12:18:01 PM
Also, I'd just like to point out that Nethalzar's death was a pre-existing condition. That exonerates me from accusations of GM abuse. :3
I call shen-I mean, abuse of an undead corpse!
Abuse of an undead corpse!
Just letting it be known; I'll have a post up tomorrow morning. Right now, I'm hoping to give Liatai a chance to respond before putting it up.
Jes' sayin' so the plot doesn't move on without me :animesweat
And I'm waiting on a reply from Mech about a question I had before I post. :animesweat
Mechanisto! I'm sorry to bother you in the OOC thread, but could you please answer my PM? I don't want to post without an answer, but I will (and then correct it later) if I have to. Thanks.
Figure now would be a good time to say it... i'll be disappearing for the next 2 weeks, starting this upcoming friday.
First i have a cousin's wedding in KittyHawk to attend, and then staying a few days at the beach with the fam. After that, i rush home, do laundry, do some last minute running around, and head off to AnthroCon... soo ya.. i'll have a laptop with me, and, as long as i've got an internet connection, i'll check in from time to time... but for the most part, i'll be disappearing... Hope to get posts done in everything that is owed first, but if not, i'll do my best in the evenings.
Quote from: Liatai on June 09, 2010, 07:12:44 PM
And I'm waiting on a reply from Mech about a question I had before I post. :animesweat
Mechanisto! I'm sorry to bother you in the OOC thread, but could you please answer my PM? I don't want to post without an answer, but I will (and then correct it later) if I have to. Thanks.
Hmm, I think I can help with that... *does secret voodoo and attempts communing with a powerful spirit*
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 09, 2010, 07:26:07 PM
Hmm, I think I can help with that... *does secret voodoo and attempts communing with a powerful spirit*
*Barges into the room with a fully loaded and primed RapidFire 20, and unleashes a barrage of Nerf darts at Mech's head.*
Dangit, mechanisto! You weren't supposed to post in the thread, you were supposed to answer Liatai's PM so she could post, so I could post! I had something planed! :dface That's why I said earlier "I'll post in the morning, don't move the plot ahead without me" :C
I think your secret voodoo worked too well. xD
That said, he did answer my question, so I'm working on my post right now.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 09, 2010, 11:21:38 PM
Dangit, mechanisto! You weren't supposed to post in the thread, you were supposed to answer Liatai's PM so she could post, so I could post! I had something planed! :dface That's why I said earlier "I'll post in the morning, don't move the plot ahead without me" :C
I'm very sorry to have inconvenienced people with something as inconsequential as the main plot. truly :c
Heh. Erm... ahem.
In all seriousness, Litai: I suspect this post will not interfere with Kittrick's intended post. If it does, PM me up and we'll work something out.
Hokay... this is starting to creep me out a little.
My goodness. Do you see how sorry he is in that screen capture? You made the GM cry. You monster.
How 'bout now?
But yeesh, mention "Nerf" and "darts" in the same sentence and the plot moves along... WhiteFox, is Mech your personal psychology experiment or something?
EDIT: I'll post something tomorrow. Hopefully my mind will have time to think about this turn of events and will have a plan thought up. Plus, it reduces the odds of random grammatical errors and (hopefully) won't read like somebody posted when they were drunk...
Quote from: Drayco84 on June 10, 2010, 12:03:05 AM
WhiteFox, is Mech your personal psychology experiment or something?
Yea- no. Maybe. I dunno, it's kinda hard to tell at this stage.
Quote from: danman on June 10, 2010, 12:37:33 AM
Glup began following Nadhiya, Nethalzar and the rest...
FYI: Neth isn't with Nadihya right now. He's in a room somewhere setting up a chop shop.
I mean... a laboratory. Yeah.
Crap... This is what happens when you leave familiars sitting on the backs of other characters...
It's one am and I'm-Zzzzzzzzzz-COOL TO POST! Zzzzzzzzzzzz...
EDIT: Uhm, Liatai? Kittrick never actually described the possible accomplice to the other gryphon.
EDIT 2: Erm... Or maybe she did... Ugh... Brain, acknowledge details, please!
Whoops! This is what happens when you write after midnight. xD I was going on the assumption that she described the lady as part of her tale about the encounter... I'll go back and edit to make that clearer.
*edit* There, done... Drayco, get some sleep. The thread will still be there in the morning. :P
A minor sideway mention & request after an argument with TMG:
Which of you would appreciate me using italics for Glup's thoughts instead of ::blah:: say Aye!
...but don't weight my vote any differently than anyone else's. It's just my preference; not a GM edict.
Actually, I like you :: double colon thinking thing:: . It's a novelty, in my experience, and that makes it easier to tell apart from placing simple emphasis. :P
While a novelty, it does break the text flow and make it hard to read. Italics is a standard accepted convention for thoughts, and usually not hard to tell apart from emphasis.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 10, 2010, 03:51:16 PM
While a novelty, it does break the text flow and make it hard to read. Italics is a standard accepted convention for thoughts, and usually not hard to tell apart from emphasis.
That's pretty much my thinking; psychic messages are simply thoughts that someone else can detect. As long as you structure your narrative properly, there shouldn't be any need to differentiate.
I was actually referrring to internal thoughts, though those can indeed be "picked up" by psychics, and for actual mental messages...those can also be handled with italics, or in the case of Animorphs, chevrons. But unless I'm mistaken, I think we're just keeping with itallics for all thoughts for now...
Chevron 6 encoded... Chevron 7 locked!
Ugh... A dozen curses upon my dad's obsession with Stargate...
Anyway, for actual mental messages, I've just been using italics with quotes. It seems like it working, nobody's complained yet... (Hey, complain now or hold your peace.) I also vote for italics, btw.
And why the frig does everyone have to wait until I'm catching up on my Anime before they start posting up a storm?! Yeez... Click on the refresh button all day, but almost the minute I start trying to catch up on the backlog and VROOOOM! Thread takes off! Soon, I'll be trying to take Magnificent Bastard lessons from Megabyte. (And after that is Xanatos. Just a heads up!)
Yes, Dee IS stuck in Mnogo.
Oh, and she's obviously peed off about that fact.
So, approach her at your own risk and for heaven's sake, avoid that tail!
That is all.
I feel like I should apologize somehow for this, but... bwahaha. I couldn't resist the collision. :mwaha
Quote from: Liatai on June 10, 2010, 10:09:41 PM
I feel like I should apologize somehow for this, but... bwahaha. I couldn't resist the collision. :mwaha
Well, if you post again tonight, make sure you let Dee climb back up onto Kittrick, otherwise you'll have an angry, mud-plastered pseudodragon to worry about coming after you.
Ironically, that's better than having a
regular, angry pseudodragon after you, as Dee can't fly in that state.
I've been using italics for thoughts, and italics in quotes for telepathic communication.
I thought the double-colon was when he was speaking in a different language or something.
..."Double-colon" sounds like some kind of medical condition. :B
Quote from: Liatai on June 10, 2010, 10:09:41 PM
I feel like I should apologize somehow for this, but... bwahaha. I couldn't resist the collision. :mwaha
Normally, I'd be a curmudgeonly fart and grumble about you damn kids goofing off.
But that was just hilarious.
Are we waiting for anyone again?
I think everyone's waiting on Mechanisto...
Oh! Then in that case...
*Pokes Mechanisto with a barrage of Nerf Darts.*
BTW, I'm gonna need those back. They ain't cheap, ya know.
I'm feeling pretty bummed out and I've having a hard time trying to focus right now... (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7536.new.html)
♫ "~Where, oh where has our Geee-M gone? Oh where, oh where can he beee?~" ♫
Blargh. I have been a poor GM as of late, and my attentions have been consumed elsewhere as of late. I shall be returning to the RP in full force as of oh-now-hundred hours.
keep in mind I don't generally post super-frequently; once a day is the most people should expect from me. Of course if anyone needs me to make a couple quick responses, simply PM me and I shall oblige.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 09, 2010, 06:45:11 PM
♫ "~Where, oh where has our Geee-M gone? Oh where, oh where can he beee?~" ♫
My word... An Underdog reference... I feel old now...
And I'll stop this when it stops being funny or uncanny...
Quote from: Drayco84 on July 09, 2010, 08:44:30 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 09, 2010, 06:45:11 PM
♫ "~Where, oh where has our Geee-M gone? Oh where, oh where can he beee?~" ♫
My word... An Underdog reference... I feel old now...
What's "underdog"? :B ("where oh where has my little dog gone" was some children's rhyme, as far as I know)
*Returns from Google.*
Huh... Whaddya know... It IS a childrens' rhyme... Seems like the first and only time I've heard it, was parodied in the Underdog cartoons...
Hey... Um... Is the RP dead or just sleeping?
I was just about to ask that, myself...
I hope it's just sleeping. Does anyone have an extra-loud alarm clock?
Maybe one that shoots Nerf darts? ;)
Quick, get me a camera, and my Longstrike... (Longstrike on bottom of pic.)
EDIT: Freaking spelling errors...
I think i would use this instead
I just figured I should let Mighty post before I do.
I'm pretty sure the holdup is on my end, rather then Mechanistos. Nethalzar has a presentation to make. I've spent way too much time thinking over the information so far, making deductions where I can, asking Mech questions (Since Neth is doing labwork and all), and writing/revising/rewriting my post.
Plus, I had some RL things that have been A) taking up my time or B) throwing me for a loop.
I'll do my best to manage some expedited postage.
...I need to find a Recon CS-6. I want a (so called) laser sight.
The "laser" sight and the clip are arguably the better parts of the gun. Unmodified, the darts jam 50% of the time because the "safety" moves down while the dart is shoved into it. I tried removing said piece, but then you had to shove the darts into place by hand all the time. Then again, I got mine before the recall/fix due to the "Armed" bar sliding out of the back and supposedly injuring people. So, the newer ones may not have the jamming problem.
If you want the "laser" sight, you can get it separately with some stock darts. (I think it's marketed as a "Tactical Light".) But it "leaks" light pretty bad. You'd have to open it up and cover the insides with tinfoil or something to keep the light itself from being a beacon that's attached to the blaster.
If you want a really good light though, I'd recommend getting a scope and sticking a real flashlight in it.
Why am I posting this here instead of PMing, you ask? Eh, I just want to make sure this isn't dead.
what about a laser pointer and some duct tape?
I think that would work pretty well. and from the vietnamese you can get them pretty cheaply
Posted. Rejoice.
TL;DR version: We're all gonna die.
QuoteThe wisp suddenly danced about, agitated. Nethalzar scowled at the .
Uh, looks like something's missing... Probably minor, but still missing.
But seriously? A magic-sucking disease? Mech, do you hate my character or something? (It's okay if you do. I just thought you'd wait until his backstory came out or something before deciding that.)
Speaking of characters, I'm still waiting for the results of the Analyze Deweomer spell...
Actually, we've (and by we, I mean, pretty much the rest of us players) have been discussing this new dvelopment, and your character's probably the best one to develop a countercurse ^^
And by the way, if you want to know where we're talking, we are all on llearch's IRC server, in the channel "baschat"
(to get to it, click on this link (http://llearch.net/cgi-bin/cgiirc/irc.cgi), and type in #Baschat ,with the pound, in the channel field)
Quote from: WhiteFox on July 25, 2010, 08:38:05 PM
Posted. Rejoice.
TL;DR version: We're all gonna die.
YAY! We're doomed!
Let's all sing the doom song now.
Doom doom doom-do-doom...
Quote from: Meany on July 25, 2010, 11:37:45 PM
Let's all sing the doom song now.
Doom doom doom-do-doom...
By any chance, have you played 'Neverwinter Nights'?
EDIT: Whoops, that's from Invader Zim. I guessed at the wrong reference again...
Nope. But I have watched Invader Zim.
With the presentation post out of he way, I shall be making a GM post of my own shortly to get things rolling again. Any of the characters in the board room may feel free to ask questions.
Also, that darn Analyze Deweomer spell has forced me to actually compile a list of the magic items Nadhiya actually carries on her person... curse you!
Quote from: Kafzeil on July 25, 2010, 11:29:23 PMYAY! We're doomed!
Your not completely doomed... only
mostly doomed.
Important Update!
There may be some mix-up on whether or not the Weres were actually infected. I need to do some re-reading and fact-finding to check up on exactly what happened. In the meantime, here's an immediate statement to clear up any possible confusion before people start posting:
The Weres in human form tested negative. However, when those same Weres switched back to other forms they tested positive, but at an extremely early level of infection.I think I assumed that the Weres were tested in normal form, because they wouldn't assume human form in plain sight of everybody; human beings are extremely unusual things, and the sight of one would cause a fuss. Whitefox probably would have included this information in Nethalzar's briefing, if I had been clearer about it. It bugs me to have to post this in such a clumsy OOC way, but I figured it was important not to compound the issue further. I am terribly sorry.
Quote from: Mechanisto on July 25, 2010, 11:55:58 PM
Also, that darn Analyze Deweomer spell has forced me to actually compile a list of the magic items Nadhiya actually carries on her person... curse you!
Not just magic items, but spell effects too!
Which is half the reason I went for overkill, actually...
Quote from: Drayco84 on July 25, 2010, 10:48:54 PM\
But seriously? A magic-sucking disease? Mech, do you hate my character or something?
He's a GM. He hates all our characters.
I should note, the maladiction drains life energy. I'm not sure if that includes a mages personal mana, but it doesn't affect magical items. (eg: Golems.) So calling it a Magic-Sucking disease probably isn't accurate.
Calling it a disease probably isn't accurate, either. I don't think there's a biological side to it.
Blarghpost done, together with Glup's reaction and some appallingly bad guesses.
Now, really, he cannot make himself useful until A) Kitt comes around and gives out the info to Nadhiya and he will be able to act "persuasively" or B) a riot occurs, in which case a 5 metre long crustacean who can crush rocks and has paralytic poison is definitely a sweet thing to have around
Mech! Check your messages! *Poke... Poke, poke!*
Quote from: Drayco84 on July 31, 2010, 01:21:28 AMMech! Check your messages! *Poke... Poke, poke!*
Information sent. Use it wisely.
Or, y'know... just for giggles.
Quote from: Mechanisto on August 02, 2010, 03:00:04 AM
Or, y'know... just for giggles.
Already done. ANYWAY!
Soooo. I take it the spell DIDN'T detect the affliction?
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 02, 2010, 03:11:24 AMAlready done. ANYWAY!
Soooo. I take it the spell DIDN'T detect the affliction?
You can take it however you want, sugah (http://marvel.com/universe/Rogue).
The other players might take it differently, of course; it's up to you to share (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source) the info or keep (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Intellectual_Property_Organization) it to yourself.
Ah, I think I get it now...
One's brain is usually fried after an 8-hour shift, regardless of what one's doing.
Being tired didn't help either...
Quote from: Mechanisto on August 02, 2010, 04:01:27 AM
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 02, 2010, 03:11:24 AMAlready done. ANYWAY!
Soooo. I take it the spell DIDN'T detect the affliction?
You can take it however you want, sugah (http://marvel.com/universe/Rogue).
The other players might take it differently, of course; it's up to you to share (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source) the info or keep (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Intellectual_Property_Organization) it to yourself.
What about having an EULA on it?
EDIT: Friggin' crap...
To whom it may concern: for CCC 11, I drew a scene from the RP for Laitia; Flying Hazards (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4268700/)
Dee was added at Mechanistos suggestion. Mnogo was surprisingly hard to draw for a pile of mud.
ooh, that's great xD
Can't wait to see what Liatai says about it :3
You have no idea how joyous that make me.
Also not dead, just temporarily incapacitated.
Posted. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FlatWhat)
So, the mechanisto is dead again? Anyone got a rez?