The Clockwork Mansion

Underground Warehouse => Treasury => Haunted Ballroom => Topic started by: Lisky on February 28, 2010, 06:14:57 PM

Title: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on February 28, 2010, 06:14:57 PM
"It was 20 years and a handful of days ago when -they- first appeared... if it were any other kingdom, nothing would have been like it is now... no one did anything to stop them, no one even tried to slow them down... there were few if any creatures to begin with in those lands... no one worth rescuing, no one of influence or power..."

"They came forth almost like a chitinous tide, their great machines spewing soot and ash into the skies and the first of three smaller kingdoms fell.  The other two, seduced by greed, formed a loose alliance with the swarms... Their was resistance at first, a feeling of domination, but, given the few creatures left were either killed, or fled to safer areas, there was only so long one had to wait before public education turned the rebellious nature of the nation's youth on someone else.  In all honesty, someone should have seen it coming, perhaps even tried it first... but, whatever else happened, they took their grand machines to the surface, eventually merging all 3 kingdoms into a single, solidified nation.  Now their on the warpath again... things are already strained in this part of the world... everyone ready to jump the other guy the moment they show a little sign of weakness... Though really... what can you expect when the short lived races reproduce like mice, and their word is as tangible as the waste their machines spew into the air?... "

"Some wish to change the status-quo, other seek to exploit it... perhaps there's a grand war on the horizon, or perhaps I'm just rambling... An old man's mind trapped in a young one's body, a cynical, jaded and ancient soul who just sits back and watches as the world crumbles and burns around him... I have little care of what happens, though they tell me that i should pass on what i know to the youth... Perhaps so. Or, perhaps i should hoard my knowledge like so many do gold, and other valuables.  Keep it where no other may touch it.  There is value in knowledge, you know... men have fought, died and killed over knowledge.  Knowledge is at least as powerful as any weapon, and often sharper than the finest of steel... but, I digress... I'm sure you're more interested in finding out where you're here, of all places... well, perhaps i know, and perhaps not... mayhaps I'll answer your real question should we meet again by some chance..."

The raccoon angel gentle eased himself to his feet, casually taking a first step, a tentative second, and his third seemed to be a hop-step as if he were to run.  Large feathery wings unfurled, and with a single hop, he took to the skies... heading north, or perhaps north-west... it's hard to tell these things just by the position of the sun, after all.


Hello and welcome players... That little intro was just to set the stage... i'm sure it left more questions than it answered, and as such i'll give players the basics of what they'll need to know to create a character sheet.

We're dealing with a single continent for this particular chapter of the game, in an alternate Furrae.  It is broken up between 5 large nations, and several smaller ones... the large ones are the focus, as small nations change their names as often as their lords.  Along with a brief over-view of what you can expect, technology wise, from them... These are mostly just guidelines, what is common knowledge about each place.    

Ahnk' Ator  - Political goals: World domination, control of magic, At war with all other major nations

primary inhabitance: Insectis, Being

Technology: Heavy machines ranging from your typical coal and steam driven train to some exceedingly advanced many-legged war machines.  They rely on Insectis earth and fire magic to make very tough, though very heavy materials with which to build their empire.  They rely heavily on tried and true steam or gunpowder driven weapons.  

Aeliseium - Political goals: "The Greater Good" rid the world of creatures and their magic fueled pestilence.  At war with all other major nations. (as a side note, they are ruled from a capitol city, the amount of control exerted is inverse to the distance from the capitol)

Inhabitance: Beings
Technology: without the aid of magic, the beings have focused their energies into creating grand machines to achieve parity.  They focus on survival of the individual rather than grand machines like the insectis build.  They use complex clockwork technology that stores energy in springs and gears to power personal armor, supported by steam powered mechs and tanks...  Zeppelins are common, though exceedingly weak, and flammable due to their lack of magical enhancements, they are used as heavy lifters and for quick transportation.  Gyro-copters are not uncommon either

They have found a way to store and fire lightning as weapon, and it is the staple of their heavy armaments, however, lighter technologies tend to be clockwork chain-blades, and gunpowder weapons far more complex than the simple single shot, or revolvers found in Ahnk' Ator

Political goals: Expansion or, at least survival. (currently in a very loose neutrality with Sevastia'Nyad [see below])

Primary population:  Demon, Cubi, Mythos and Being (though all magic races can be found here)

A combination of magic and technology, Nhylamar produces the finest of machines, if a little simple compared to the being nations.  Machines are decently rare, though Zeppelins are exceedingly common. Armored skins allow for massive fly fortresses, and soul-stone powered machines allow for moderately powerful fixed wing planes, along with lighter power sources, and enhancements magic allows one to weave into their machines, Nhylamar firearms, although somewhat simplistic (a typical revolver) are both commonly built to larger sizes which accommodate creatures, and with easily enchanted ammunition, to give even more bang to already very powerful guns.

:  Political goal: Survival and possible expansion (currently in a very loose neutrality with Nhylamar)

Primary Population: Angel, Cubi, Phoenix (though all magic races appear here)

Rather than true technology, The Nyads use magi-tech, magic built technology.  Rather than clumsy and cumbersome Mechs, they use golems , which are also slow... but their magical nature, and sturdy construction give them a far more reliable reputation.  They use airships, though not in the conventional sense.  Rather than being supported by balloons, gas-bags or other physical means, the Nayd use soul-stone powered magic-generators to lift their "sky-ships" into the heavens.  They use wands rather than firearms, bound with a number of pre-defined uses of usually a basic fireball, or magic-missile type attack.  They are a renegade branch of Voethfel (See Below) who left several millennial ago. Nyads are rumored to be the real source of the undead race.

Voethfel: Political Goals, to be left alone and thrive.

Primary Population: Demon, Angel, Cubi (though all magical races can be found here)

Voethfel is very similar to what you'd expect from a creature only location, it's schools focus on the arcane, to train creatures to use their magical potential to hurl waves of ice, or balls of energy.  To shield themselves from harm with a barrier of energy that appears with the sway of a hand, or the flick of a wrist.  Voethfel is home to an entrance to SAIA, and the cities in general are far grander, more thought out, and far better protected than the sprawls of the industrial revolutionary nations.  A well trained demon with a finely crafted blade  is often times more than a match for a mechanical walker if simply because of the fluid motions, enhanced speed, reaction time, and strength a powerful creature can bring to bare.  


With introductions complete, what i'll need from you, the players:

Country of origin as well as current residence:
Physical Description:
Magical Abilities (if applicable):
Trivia (if you so feel like it):

Please PM me your idea first, rather than posting... i can answer questions there, as i'm certain there are many questions pertaining to things that would not be common knowledge to every one in every land.

So, on that note, hope you all have fun with this

Player List

WhiteFox - Gabriel Cartwright (,7076.msg314712.html#msg314712)
Arroyo - Arroyo M. Milori (,7076.msg314829.html#msg314829)
Paladin Sheppard - Paige Nova Sheppard (,7076.msg314839.html#msg314839)
SquirrelWizard - Stephan Oralis (,7076.msg314891.html#msg314891)
Gabi - Anabelle Clemens (,7076.msg314993.html#msg314993)
Tapewolf - Sethir Clandover (,7076.msg315049.html#msg315049)
The1Kobra - Kyirri Teekay (,7076.msg315093.html#msg315093)
Ashen Star - Ashlynn "Ashes" Taige (,7076.msg315140.html#msg315140)
Kafziel - Lucy Alighieri (,7076.msg315189.html#msg315189)
SpottedKitty - Zelah Marazanvose (,7076.msg315359.html#msg315359)
techmaster-glitch - The Vaponci brothers (,7076.msg315361.html#msg315361)
Mel Dragonkitty - Dr. Adelaide Montegu (,7076.msg315391.html#msg315391)
Tezkat - Tezkat "Fang" Bloodfang (,7076.msg315448.html#msg315448)
Ghostwish - Challam Tal'Rael Seme (,7076.msg315463.html#msg315463)
Tipod - Bart Thom'sen (,7076.msg315463.html#msg315463)
insidexml - Sikici Bapetos  (,7076.msg315490.html#msg315490)
Azlan - Locke "The Starfire Count" Pyrinost-Highwynd (,7076.msg315506.html#msg315506)
llearch - Sir Cyril Whittington-Smythe the Fifth. (,7076.msg315623.html#msg315623)
Keaton the Black Jackal - Keaton Jyraneth (,7076.msg343213.html#msg343213)
Mechanisto - Dame Errant Josephina Hortence (,7076.msg325748.html#msg325748)
Corgatha - William Di'hei (,7076.msg323251.html#msg323251)
JamesCray - Johan Marek "Mak" Ledwinka (,7076.msg323297.html#msg323297)
Boogyman - Jeremiah Ac'Gregor (,7076.msg327204.html#msg327204)
Cogidubnus - Alexander Sharpe (,7076.msg334698.html#msg334698)
Meany - Haien Messua (,7076.msg336818.html#msg336818)
danman - Avram Kalugin (,7076.msg337099.html#msg337099)
AmberCross - Chris Tellurian (,7076.msg343530.html#msg343530)

If you ever need to reach me personally, or have a question you want to ask without it becoming general OOC knowledge, you can usually catch me on MSN, AIM, or through Boxy's IRC (

PMs also work as well.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: WhiteFox on February 28, 2010, 10:09:23 PM
Name: Gabriel Cartwright
Race: Rat
Age: Youth, exact age unknown.
Country of origin as well as current residence: Nhylamar
Physical Description: 4 feet tall, light but tough. Light brown fur, black eyes, strawberry blond hair.
-Gabriel and Holland (

-"Holland"; short barrel, large bore pipe-gun. Crude, but effective. Uses a magical ignition system.
-Gun belt
-Walsh; Steam powered motorcycle. Burns oil, has enchanted components.
-Various mechanics tools
-Paperboys Cap
-Small brass pendant, a cog on a chain loop.

Magical Abilities:
Gabriel knows a few spells and some magic theory, but only enough to work with Nyhlamar engineering. He's picked up a little bits here and there.

History: Gabriel works as a freelance engineer and mechanic, and has spent most of his life crawling around machines. He is usually energetic and upbeat, and is a diligent and hard working young lad. He hasn't had any formal education, but has enough on the job training and experience to fix and maintain just about anything. Or at least make a good attempt.

Trivia: Though friendly and easy to work with, Gabriel spends more time around machines then people. He doesn't socialize much.
Gabriels steam powerd bike is named after the Walschaerts drive gear, which it is built with.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Arroyo Milori on March 01, 2010, 09:23:12 PM
QuoteName: Arroyo M. Milori

Race: Being/Feline

Age: 23

Country of origin as well as current residence:
He was born in Nhylamar, but moved to Sevastia'Nyad to further his study of magic at age 18.

Physical Description:
He is a light gold yellow and orange lion. He has orange fluff on his chest, and orange bangs. He also has a lazy looking mullet that he considers a "Mane." His eyes are a green and his paw pads (along with his nose) are brown.
Here's a picture if you can't imagine him well in your head (

Attire-wise, he wears a brown pilot's jacket, held together by a light tan waist wrap followed by a single thin belt. His pants are ordinary brown pants and he also wears leather boots. He also wears goggles, which are also protected by a guard visor that oddly doesn't disrupt his vision when wearing them. Though he wears the goggles on his forehead when it is not in use.

Rusted gold charm, Snake sword, two canteens (containing a quart of water each), and mana pressure cuffs on each arm. He also owns a steampowered boat that doubles as his house.

Magical Abilities (if applicable):
Water Manipulation- Arroyo's primary ability. He was born with this magical power to manipulate water with motions he makes. This ability of his is a key ability for his secondary powers, without it he wouldn't be able to further his studies with the magic he had and grow stronger with it.

Blood Manipulation- One of Arroyo's secondary abilities. This allows him to control the blood that runs through his veins. Most of the skills used in this field tend to be passive, such as living armor (using the blood in his veins, and the marrow in his bones he can take damage head-on as if he was wearing a suit of armor and ect.) He uses this ability as a case of emergency, due to the fact that using it as a weapon will cause a bit of stress to his body.

*symptoms may include blacking out, exaustion, and ect.

Steam Manipulation- One of Arroyo's secondary abilities. Not a very flexible ability, usually used for powering machines, convert water into steam (and vice versa) and create small illusions. He would rarely use this ability unless a situation calls for it.

Arroyo must be within 2 to 3 meters radius of water in order to manipulate it.


History: He Grew up in Nhylamar, and studied magic as a profession. He believed that technology and Magic will further our process evolution and understanding of life. However he felt that his skills were not tested further enough and transferred to an academy of higher learning for magic at age 18. Now at his current age, he is considered a spellsword and a traveler.

Trivia (if you so feel like it):
-Arroyo values his hair more than anything; cutting a single lock of hair will evoke his wrath.

-Arroyo is a casual Traveler. He is currently learning how to manipulate steam-powered machines with steam, seeing that Engineering caught his interest at his current age.

-His charm necklace is enchanted (as well as soulbound to Arroyo), turning into his snake sword "Brocken Spectre"

-Arroyo was a fast learner and well committed to practicing magic. His swordsmanship is near average for his age.

-The purpose of the mana cuffs was to train himself to use less mana when using his abilities. He had these when he was 18.

My bio : 3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Lisky on March 01, 2010, 10:04:07 PM
also, if you have any major questions, feel free to fire them off either here or via PM... i'm trying my best to be helpful, and i'll try and get to you as soon as i can...

Welcome aboard, players... when i get a few more profiles posted, i'll open up the IC and get this show on the road...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on March 01, 2010, 11:25:35 PM
Name: Paige ( "Frosty" Nova Shep'Pard

Race: Succubus

Age: 580

Country of origin as well as current residence: Aeliesium(Birthplace)  Wolksheem Dukedom(Current location)

Physical Description:
Hair:    Light brown/blond
Eyes:    Brown
Fur Coloration:    Rusty Brown and Black
Appearance:    Standing at 5'10" Paige is fairly tall, slender and busty, striking in her looks bordering on gorgeous (And damn well knows it). She has muscle mass but its suits her form well. Her long hair rests at the middle of her back in a ponytail or untied depending on her mood. Her black fur markings are her neck to groin, forearms, calves and feet, the tip of her tail and her cheeks.  Generally seen wearing a black padded leather catsuit, with a bomber jacket, thigh high adamanite capped boots, and a pair of flying goggles.

-Frostmorne & Arctic Touch: Paige's enchanted short swords. Appear to be made out of blue ice but far far stronger than any being made steel.

-A .60 Cal 6 shot revolver with a 10' barrel and a wand mounted underneath, however the wand only projects a beam of green light. (Can be swapped out for other wands as needed)

-Aeliseium AeroFighters  A-16E Spitfire Fighter/Bomber (modified)
                -8 Disposable Wand Self-loading Systems (30 shot wands with 10 reloads per system)
                -4 Unguided Anti-armor rockets
                (Note: like all fighters is fairly fragile. Relies on speed and maneuverability for defense)

Magical Abilities (if applicable): Paige is  fairly powerful in frost and ice magics, so much so she enchanted her own swords without using a soulstone as most cubi weapons are.

History: Up until a week ago Paige had been the second in command of a up until now rather successful Air Pirate band. After a near flawless heist of a Aeliseium arms shipment the band was unfortunate enough to stumble into a Ahnk' Ator long range patrol while transferring the cargo to their own armored zeppelin. The resulting explosion destroyed all of the involved Zeppelins, and most of the fighters in the brawl. Paige's A-16 Spitfire was almost swatted into the ground but her flying skills enabled her to escape the fate of her companions and allowed the succubus to escape the surviving Ahnk' Ator craft. Since then she has been sitting drinking or sprawled unconscious in bar at the aerodrome in Meadhall, part of the small free state of the Wolksheem Dukedom.

Trivia (if you so feel like it):

Paige's goggles allow her to spot targets at great distances, and gives her a view of what is behind her as well.

Her clan mark is on her right ankle and as she poses as a being most of the time is mistaken as a tattoo.

Paige's catsuit acts a g-suit when in her fighter, allowing her to pull far tighter G-forces than most pilots.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: WhiteFox on March 02, 2010, 02:10:54 PM
Hey, Arroyo. Guess I'm not the only one going from the tower to the ballroom.

Reads bio.

(Jesus christ it's a lion! (}  :U


...Gold doesn't rust or tarnish.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on March 02, 2010, 02:32:18 PM
Name: Stephan Oralis
Race: Squirrel (Cubi)
Age: 23
Country of origin as well as current residence: Nhylamar
Physical Description: 6'0" 160 lb, athletic build, clan marking is on the back of his right hand so he typically wears gloves to cover it. no head wings yet. Black Hair, brownish orange coat, black bat like wings. typical attire is brown slacks, white dress shirt, slate gray vest, and Brown Long Coat. He wears a black bowler hat when he's outside. He always wears gloves to cover his clan mark (see Noctali Clan below).
- "Caster" Flare Gun: Stephan originally designed to allow for targeted light or smoke effects on stage, after it proved too powerful to use safely, he re purposed it to allow him to use pre-enchanted magical ammunition to cause magical effects over a small area (IE Blinding Flash of Light, Smoke Clouds, Nauseating Miasma, Instant freezing of Water.)
- Specialized Toolkit: Stephan carries a kit that contains a combination of lock smiths tools, mechanics tools, and watchmaker's tools. It doesn't contain all the tools of its respective sub kits, but it has the ones he uses to maintain his shows equipment.
- Revolver - 6 shot double action.
- Mary's Special - Small, Concealable, single shot pistol. with .41 slug.

Magical Abilities:

Stephan's Father taught him several spells in regards to his clan, but also spells to help him with the family profession as a stage actor.

-Stephan can teleport himself near instantaneously within line of sight
-Using the same spell he can teleport other people to or from him, and he can teleport himself with one additional person, again line of sight only and it takes a couple of seconds to complete the spell though. The strain of these spells is minimal allowing a couple "blinks" per hour with no real strain, "blinking" an additional person applies additional strain. (this is a benign teleport). Also, blinking in this manner is disorienting, and nausiating to those who are not used to it. Stephan is used to the disorientation, and as such he doesn't suffer any ill effects unless he has to blink more than twice in rapid succession.
- Finally, by spending time to study and form a mental image of a location, he can later teleport to the location as long as he is not too far away, and takes much longer to cast.

*note regarding the teleport* the spell itself doesn't transfer inertia, meaning that the spell can be used while falling or being thrown. While the spell doesn't transfer inertia, as long as a person doesn't become disoriented or isn't teleported to a location that would prevent them from following through, it shouldn't break their stride.

-Stephan has access to a small extra dimensional space, 1 yard on each side, to access this space he has to conceal his hand from observers, typically using his coat or hat. The size of the opening used to access this space dictates how big of an item he can place/retrieve from the space. There is enough air in the space for a relatively small creature to survive for one hour (again restricted by the size of the opening). There is no gravity in the space, which means that the contents cannot just be dumped out. (it has a rough weight limit of 300lb before it starts to become a strain on Stephan's mind)
-He was also taught a spell to make his back wings disappear.

Apart from these specific spells, Stephan has some moderate magical ability to conjure up "effects" which ranges from fog, ethereal lights, acrid smoke, freezing mist, and so forth. His knowledge of purely offensive magic is rather limited (except he is competent with a lightning spell, but that was due to it being used as part of a stage show.)

Stephan is adept at weaving enchantments into materials, but less so at mechanics. Though he has occasionally made something new (at least to him), most of his mechanics experiences is tending to the current machinery on his cart and stage props.

History: Stephan has been traveling around Nhylamar and Sevastia'Nyad as a traveling illusionist. His show is pretty much standard though he tries to shake things up with an electrical flair. He travels with his stepsister Mary who offers her services as a tinker, and occasionally designs strange and wondrous, but ultimately dangerous, devices that sometimes get used in the show. Mary is Stephan's only family, as his father mysteriously disappeared when he was 16 which led to the declining health of his mother, and eventual death, at the age of 20. Stephan is by no means a person who seeks out combat for pleasure or profit; but, if pressed, will typically use his abilities to change the direction of battle, either by misdirection, confusion, or other sorts of arcane trickery.

Personality: Stephan is fairly outgoing, personable, and proud of his abilities. He tries to avoid conflict as much as possible, and if something were to come up he tries to talk his way out of it rather than fighting. While he is a showman, he tries to avoid revealing the fact that he is a cubi. As Mary is his only family alive, he tends to be protective of her, sometimes to her irritation.

Trivia: Stephan's father told him that he was a cubi, but the extent of Stephan's knowledge on Cubi is only what he remembers from his father, or what the locals speculate. Much of what Stephan has heard has led him to question whether he wants to be a Cubi or not.

Just to give a bit of background on Stephan's stepsister...

*note: Stephan is the character I'm playing, Mary is an extra situational character that might show up from time to time depending on where we go.*

Name: Mary Oralis
Race: Rabbit Being
Age: 20
Country of origin as well as current residence: Nhylamar
Physical Description: 5'4" 115 lb, slight build. Long White Hair (typically pulled back in a pony tail), Gray coat with white "gloves". Typical attire is a modest dress and a wide brimmed hat. While tinkering she opts for overalls and a long sleeve shirt, or boiler suit depending on what she's working on.
- "Old Man Winter" - born during one of Mary's design frenzies, OMW is a combination of a liquid coolant system, and a liquid injection system. Both spectacularly overengineered. The weapon is about the size of a rifle and works in two phases, first it launches a stream of highly pressurized water about 20-25 feet in distance, much like a modern day squirt gun, second it magically freezes the water into ice. The freezing process doesn't cause any damage itself, though having a limb, or machinery encased in ice for any period of time could lead to hypothermia or mechanical failure. The Freezing process affects not only the water from OMW, but also any water the OMW's spray hits during the freeze phase (note freshwater only). The resulting ice from the gun is non-magical, and subject to its environment. Repeated usage of OMW adds to the thickness of the ice on the target. Without a backpack unit, the OMW has about two shots worth of water. To Freeze the water, the gun uses special ammunition cartridges enchanted with freezing power, Mary typically gets Stephan to enchant the ammunition since he's a more powerful spellcaster.

-Toolkit Satchel: Mary has a set of common mechanics tools she carries around in a leather satchel.

Magical Abilities: just enough to do material enhancements for most Nhylamar tech, and am munitions.

History: Mary has no memories of her real parents as she was found orphaned on the doorstep of the Oralis residence, and regarded her step parents as her real parents, and Stephan as her brother. Lately she's been traveling with Stephan, assisting with the various show mechanics, occasionally stepping in as an assistant. When she isn't helping with the show, she also runs a tinker shop, either for a profit or bartering for rare materials or foreign tech. Mary can repair most Nhylamar tech given the time, materials, and tools to do so. She is fascinated by all of the various technologies of the other factions, and will try to make off with any she can get her hands on, but those opportunities are few and far between. Her knowledge of outside tech is second hand, and she can typically identify parts of a machine, though she may not have the knowledge, materials, or capability to repair it.

Personality: Mary is a cheerful soul and she likes meeting new people, especially those who share an intrest in mechanics. During her moods she becomes completely obsessed with her project, often brushing people off. Mary isn't much of a fighter, she can be handy with a wrench but she prefers to avoid combat as much as possible. Mary's only family is Stephan, and she sometimes rails under his protection. She feels that he sometimes spends more time watching over her than living up to his full potential.

Periodically she gets the urge to design something, and typically works in a frenzy until a prototype is designed. During these urges, its not unusual for her to be found asleep at her bench surrounded by designs and parts. These designs are typically wondrous in nature, but inherently dangerous to the user as in her fervor to get the idea down on paper she forgets certain safety measures. If a design is worth keeping she often has to go back and work in the safeties to make it usable.

Trivia: Mary likes to act a little naive so that people underestimate her. It helps people feel more comfortable around her, and gives her an advantage should they underestimate her.
She also likes to keep a cheerful outlook on life.

Teh Wagon

Stephan and Mary travel the countryside in two large wagons, both wagons are powered by magic engines though typically they just have one engine running, and drag the second cart in reverse behind them (they do it this way as it allows them to power up the other cart's engine and back up if they need to.) Even though the carts are magically powered, neither can achieve any great speed, and are about as fast as most other carts in Nhylymar. One wagon has Mary's workbench and is their machine storage for the show, the other cart serves as a sleeper cart.

Noctali Clan (Clan of Smoke and Mirrors).
Members: 28
Affinity: Amazement and Confusion.
Mark: A blue arcane looking eye.
Clan Leader Status: Unknown, Noctali (a Ferret Cubi) has died and come back to life on numerous occasion, and seems to appear and disappear as he sees fit. No one person is sure of his status.
Quirks: Noctali clan members like to put on a show. Everything they do draws attention, either to them or away from their true intention. Whenever a Noctali teleports he always leaves and arrives in a puff of smoke. Also, the tentacles of Noctali Cubi will randomly switch from heads to no-head tentacles each time they bring them out. There is no pattern with this, and two Noctali cubi can have both tentacle types between them at the same time. The status of their wing tentacles doesn't prevent them from shaping them into tentacle heads though.
Clan Behavior: Members of the Noctali Clan range from entertainers, spies, and adventurers. They thrive in any situation in which they play to an audience by wowing them with feats of trickery, athleticism or luck. As such, the Noctali clan often sees itself as a clan of individuals instead of a whole. It is not unusual to see two clan members butt heads trying to outdo each other; though this air of competition quickly evaporates should an interloper join in. Politically the clan members are free to choose their own, though occasionally the clan will weigh in on specific issues as a whole.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 02, 2010, 06:02:27 PM
Hmm, I've been poring over this for a few days and I must admit I'm kind of tempted.  I might watch for a bit and think about whether I can adapt one of my characters to the setting or something.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Lisky on March 02, 2010, 06:13:51 PM
If there's anything in particular you're looking at, i can answer questions here, via PM, or over MSN/AIM, any would work... Also, glad there's some interest there, Tape :3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Sunblink on March 02, 2010, 06:18:25 PM
I'm in. I am so in. I just need to figure out how to adapt my own character.

Steampunk <3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Arroyo Milori on March 02, 2010, 06:19:33 PM
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 02, 2010, 02:10:54 PM
Hey, Arroyo. Guess I'm not the only one going from the tower to the ballroom.

Reads bio.

(Jesus christ it's a lion! (}  :U


...Gold doesn't rust or tarnish.

I was thinking of someway that it shows age, it has the color but that doesn't mean that it is Gold. I wanted to describe the color of it, for all we know its gold colored metal. : U
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 02, 2010, 07:10:14 PM
Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on March 02, 2010, 06:18:25 PM
I'm in. I am so in. I just need to figure out how to adapt my own character.

Steampunk <3

Well, if Keaton's in the running and Pal is in the running, I think that settles it.  I have to give it a try, at least.  Now I just need to choose between Jakob, Niall and Daryil  :rolleyes

Presumably we're looking at a technology level somewhere around the Thief games or Perdido Street Station where electricity is not commonly used, with magic acting as a partial substitute?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Lisky on March 02, 2010, 07:31:18 PM
that's about right, Electricity is semi-common in Aeliseium, but, it's usage is almost strictly military... it's still in an unstable and difficult to control stage, and as such, not fit for civilian use... yet...  without a steady flow, you've got uses such as tesla cannon which build a massive charge, then discharge at a target via hair-thin copper wire, but the voltage output varies greatly.   In other countries, magic more than makes up for the lack of electrical power...

Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 02, 2010, 07:39:15 PM
Are 'Cubi free to go around winged, or are they forced into hiding as is often the case in DMFA proper?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on March 02, 2010, 08:09:35 PM
I think that in Voethfel, Sevastia'Nyad, and Nhylamar cubis are accepted, though cubis in Sevastia'Nyad and Nhylamar may opt to hide their wings so as to avoid immediately anouncing their lineage, and to not aggitate the populace (I mean cubis are still soul sucking creatures, even your most accepting being is going to be a bit wary when they see one.) I cant really guess about how cubis work in Ahnk' Ator, though due to their outlook and composistion they likely kill cubis on sight. The Aeliseium basically kills anything that doesn't look like a being on sight.

though keep in mind there is an advantage with hiding your heritage and looking like a being, as people will typically treat you as a being, which you can turn to your advantage. I'd reckon any cubi with a couple of brain cells to rub together would have at least acknowledged this fact (though it doesn't mean they hold true to it)

edit: This is just my interpretation from the info Bas posted, he has the final say so in it.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 02, 2010, 08:19:22 PM
Quote from: SquirrelWizard on March 02, 2010, 08:09:35 PM
cubis in Sevastia'Nyad and Nhylamar may opt to hide their wings so as to avoid immediately anouncing their lineage, and to not aggitate the populace (I mean cubis are still soul sucking creatures, even your most accepting being is going to be a bit wary when they see one.)

Yes, but so are Demons and Angels.  In fact probably more so, since 'Cubi have a vested interest in not killing people (dead people tend not to have emotions).
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Lisky on March 02, 2010, 08:48:59 PM
Squirrel got it pretty much as i would explain it... in any of the creature nations, they'd be accepted regardless of form... as for the general guidelines, the insectis/being relationship in Ahnk' Ator is somewhat strained as is, creatures flaunting their power is a big no-no, and generally speaking, except with a rare few exceptions, the offending creature is attacked on sight...

There is a similar case with Aeliseium, except there is religion also backing the destruction of creatures... for rough figures, in Aeliseium 50% of the total population are completely indoctrinated with the religion, 30% don't trust creatures, they'll be passive aggressive, 15% are completely neutral/apathetic, and 5% have sympathy for, or are magic users and or creatures in hiding.

I could go on, but a lot will be covered over the course of the first few posts IC when i get enough characters to open up...

... As for hiding wings, there's not much point outside of the two countries who actively hate creatures, in fact, it's often times an easy way to advertise for a job... flaunt your wings, show off a bit, and perhaps you get a job enchanting materials, or some other easy, yet high-paying job that requires magic... it depends how one wants to be viewed... Also note that demons tend to be arrogant and flashy, they like making shows of their power, which is all the more reason to have their wings, horns and demonic abilities on display... flaunting how powerful they are... Angels are cunning and manipulative... they also have access to creature to being amulets if need be, along with morph magic...

That said... I think an important note to add that's completely off topic: the availability of souls to powered machines, along with other less reputable uses, should one have the coin to afford them.  In Voethfel, Sevastia'Nyad and Nhylamar the death-penalty goes beyond simply ending the life of the body, committing acts of murder, rape or otherwise horrible deeds that would put you on death row also involve the forfeiture of your soul... your soul is then either used for science, or sold to the highest bidder at local auctions... Soul-stones are reusable/refillable... that note is their for multiple reasons, and is something to keep in mind...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 03, 2010, 03:44:52 AM
Quote from: Basilisk on March 02, 2010, 08:48:59 PM
That said... I think an important note to add that's completely off topic: the availability of souls to powered machines, along with other less reputable uses, should one have the coin to afford them.  In Voethfel, Sevastia'Nyad and Nhylamar the death-penalty goes beyond simply ending the life of the body, committing acts of murder, rape or otherwise horrible deeds that would put you on death row also involve the forfeiture of your soul... your soul is then either used for science, or sold to the highest bidder at local auctions... Soul-stones are reusable/refillable... that note is their for multiple reasons, and is something to keep in mind...

Yes.  I was quietly wondering about that.  Truth be told, now you've said that it's a bit of a turn off, I might be a bit too soft-hearted to really want to be part of a society where that happens, so to speak.  We'll see how I feel about it and I'll work on a character sheet, but it has raised a big question mark I have to say.

We may end up with my character ranting about the injustice of it, because I'm not the greatest fan of the death penalty and what you're describing is far, far worse  :rolleyes

Since their civilisation uses the souls of sentient people (as opposed to Morrowind etc, where any old animal will work), there's going to be a significant demand and you've basically recreated the scenario in A gift from Earth and the A.R.M. series by Larry Niven, where people are given the death penalty for jaywalking, speeding, running a red light so that their organs can be harvested.

Is Pal aware of that, FWIW?  Has he thought it through, since someone who engages in piracy is going to lose their soul as soon as they're caught.  Unless there's a taboo about using Creature souls (and Beings get the short end of the stick), Creatures would be especially prized since it's implied their souls have substantially more energy than a Being's would.

Also, what happens if the executed person is later found to be innocent?  Do the judge, jury, executioner and plaintiff also lose their souls for obliterating an innocent person?

As for the question of whether a 'Cubi character in a Creature area would go around openly, I guess I'm still none the wiser there.  If their souls are worth more on the auction they'd obviously go around as a Being to avoid ambulance-chasers who want an excuse to de-soul them.
If Creatures tend to get off the hook (a'la that thing about white people usually avoiding the death penalty), which is actually the case in DMFA proper (see DMFA 287 (, then they'd want to flaunt it for exactly the same reason.

In DMFA, 'Cubi hide their wings because they're often persecuted (sometimes with good reason, of course).  However that also makes them be seen as untrustworthy and deceivers.  What I was thinking in terms of was having a character who makes no bones about the fact that he's 'Cubi (in a Creature territory) in order to try and say 'I have nothing to hide'.  Obviously if doing this poses a threat to their own lives, they wouldn't do it.  That's really what I was trying to figure out.


Now the flipside of my screed about the souls is that you've come up with a scenario that has got me on edge emotionally, and I usually write pretty damn well when it's something I'm passionate about >:3
Either way, I'd be interested to see what other players have to say about the idea of their characters potentially losing their immortal souls.  Keaton's characters, for instance, invariably have a long history of crimes, and if I go with this I'd probably have to cut out a lot of evil things Jakob would do and get away with in DMFA proper.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Tipod on March 03, 2010, 04:07:57 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 03, 2010, 03:44:52 AM
Also, what happens if the executed person is later found to be innocent?  Do the judge, jury, executioner and plaintiff also lose their souls for obliterating an innocent person?

Have you ever played King of Dragon Pass? It probably works like how trials did there: you conduct a divination and hope your ancestors/gods/oracles don't have some petty grudge against the accused :U
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 03, 2010, 04:19:04 AM
Quote from: Tipod on March 03, 2010, 04:07:57 AM
Have you ever played King of Dragon Pass? It probably works like how trials did there: you conduct a divination and hope your ancestors/gods/oracles don't have some petty grudge against the accused :U

Heh.  I would like to think that they used a panel of 'Cubi from different clans to scan the accused's thoughts or something like that, and only used this punishment for exceptionally severe crimes (e.g. stealing someone else's soul).  However, supply and demand...

EDIT:  Do they have a concept of a 'blood price', whereby you can pay restitution instead of losing your soul?

New question.  Internal combustion engines.  Do they have those?  Assuming traffic offences don't cost you your soul, I'm kind of wondering about doing some kind of biker character, but obviously if motorcycles are not common it's going to make things a little awkward.  Unless the guy designed it himself, of course.
What, for instance, are the engines used in the Zeppelins Pal mentioned?  Do they have heavier-than-air flight, which is difficult to make work with steam?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Arcalane on March 03, 2010, 07:08:41 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 03, 2010, 03:44:52 AMYes.  I was quietly wondering about that.  Truth be told, now you've said that it's a bit of a turn off, I might be a bit too soft-hearted to really want to be part of a society where that happens, so to speak.  We'll see how I feel about it and I'll work on a character sheet, but it has raised a big question mark I have to say.

We may end up with my character ranting about the injustice of it, because I'm not the greatest fan of the death penalty and what you're describing is far, far worse  :rolleyes

Since their civilisation uses the souls of sentient people (as opposed to Morrowind etc, where any old animal will work), there's going to be a significant demand and you've basically recreated the scenario in A gift from Earth and the A.R.M. series by Larry Niven, where people are given the death penalty for jaywalking, speeding, running a red light so that their organs can be harvested.

Is Pal aware of that, FWIW?  Has he thought it through, since someone who engages in piracy is going to lose their soul as soon as they're caught.  Unless there's a taboo about using Creature souls (and Beings get the short end of the stick), Creatures would be especially prized since it's implied their souls have substantially more energy than a Being's would.

Quote from: Basilisk on March 02, 2010, 08:48:59 PM
That said... I think an important note to add that's completely off topic: the availability of souls to powered machines, along with other less reputable uses, should one have the coin to afford them.  In Voethfel, Sevastia'Nyad and Nhylamar the death-penalty goes beyond simply ending the life of the body, committing acts of murder, rape or otherwise horrible deeds that would put you on death row also involve the forfeiture of your soul... your soul is then either used for science, or sold to the highest bidder at local auctions... Soul-stones are reusable/refillable... that note is their for multiple reasons, and is something to keep in mind...

I think you're overreacting/overcomparing things a bit, Tape. Jaywalking is not an "otherwise horrible deed". Unless your name is Larry Niven, clearly. :U

The power available and actual number of uses are a significant impact on their demand. It depends on how flexible they are. Are the stones just batteries that can be used for any old magical purpose, or are they only really usable by highly experienced mages/spellcasters/artificers? Is the power you can get from your average joe worth going through the required rituals, if there are any?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 03, 2010, 07:22:25 AM
Quote from: Arcalane on March 03, 2010, 07:08:41 AM
I think you're overreacting/overcomparing things a bit, Tape. Jaywalking is not an "otherwise horrible deed". Unless your name is Larry Niven, clearly. :U

Piracy will almost certainly be on the list, though...

Well, actually the point was that if they're used as batteries for desk lamps, or for powering cars, they will need a continuous supply of lots of them, and the threshold needed to take your organs/soul drops until littering has the death penalty.  And only people like me complain because most people want their desk lamps >:3

But yes, I may well be overreacting a bit (partly because this comes as I'm putting the finishing touches on a song which is very firmly anti-death penalty).

That said, which are considered extremely terrible deeds on Earth seem to be par for the course in DMFA proper.  Rape, for instance is taught in SAIA.  Since there are a lot of Beings and not many Creatures it's statistically rare and not many people bat an eyelid unless it happens inside their territory.

QuoteThe power available and actual number of uses are a significant impact on their demand. It depends on how flexible they are. Are the stones just batteries that can be used for any old magical purpose, or are they only really usable by highly experienced mages/spellcasters/artificers? Is the power you can get from your average joe worth going through the required rituals, if there are any?

Quite.  This is something that Bas will need to clarify.  Though the way I see it:

1. In DMFA proper, your average Joe can light a desk lamp at the very least
2. In Bas' world, they use it to power vehicles and gadgets
3. If the average Joe can only provide enough power to run a lamp and nothing else, then they're definitely going to be after Creatures to keep their vehicles running, which again comes back to the wing-hiding thing.


...of course the big question is how long a given soul will continue to power said widget - if the market for them is fairly saturated, or they are hard to come by and the governments haven't lowered the threshold to increase the supply (and profits), then soul executions are going to be a fairly rare event.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Lisky on March 03, 2010, 09:11:29 AM
Military campaigns are also a good source of souls, along with raids... your average joe can provide 10,000 years of fuel for lamp... or, a few weeks of power for something really big.  The soul executions are pretty straight-forward, and given the creature/being level of things, it's a bit unfair to beings, but, rape is by class level... there's a serious penalty, but rape and murder on your own social class level or higher is what indicts a soul-execution penalty.  Rape in general requires an ID... Which, if we're talking Cubi, means they probably won't be in their main form.

Nhylamar is by far the highest user of souls between the 3 magic using super-powers.  They require roughly 35-40 new souls a week... given that steampunk is industrial revolution era, there is a population boom in the lower class... who tends to be the ones who get the short end of the stick already...

Punitive raids are Nhylamar's primary source of souls.  Sending a few creatures into being held territory, collect a small village's souls, then head back.  Above and beyond the collection of an enemy country's population's souls, there are "black market" merchants, they tend to come from Voethfel, as the concentration of creatures there is high... and when there are deaths they often times produce creature souls... or, the stones are filled during raids on being held territory... Either way, selling souls is dangerous (especially if you get caught in the production end) though very lucrative.

As for the act of piracy within a nation's border, that is on that list... however many pirates do enjoy the relative safety of Voethfel's border in exchange for not raiding Voethfel's cities and towns... if a pirate is caught in the act, or fleeing the scene, anyone operating as a pirate, crew or captain, they're all sentenced to soul-execution.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 03, 2010, 09:26:01 AM
Thanks, that is very helpful.  I believe it answers most of my questions regarding the soul-execution business.  I'd still be interested to know about internal combustion engines, but apart from that, I think I have most of what I need to write the character sheet, assuming I can figure out suitable locations for my character's past and present.  For those who read 'Future History', I'm seriously considering using a version of Sethir.

One more question - have you specified a starting location for the characters, or are we all going to get a summons when it starts?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Lisky on March 03, 2010, 09:29:08 AM
you'll start out at different locations and be collected... but suffice to say, their is a definitive "bad-guy"  that you'll be trying to uncover/ discover in the first chapter :3

also note that your first interactions will probably be on rather unfriendly terms, simply because of the current political system
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Gabi on March 03, 2010, 09:58:42 AM
My character is in!

Name: Anabelle Clemens ("Annie" for friends)
Race: Capybara being
Age: 22
Country of origin as well as current residence: Nhylamar, although her family came from Aeliseium.
Physical Description: Medium height, robust build (a little on the chubby side when compared to most other species, yet not as fat as a cow). Chocolate fur, dark brown eyes and straight, shoulder-length reddish brown hair.
Equipment: healing kit (herbs, thread, needles, bandages, towels, pots, some tools), general purpose knife, rope, clothing, water, some travel rations, a wooden wand (to channel and aim spells when physical contact with the target is not possible), cooking implements, a music box and a bar of soap.
Magical Abilities: Healing, mending things, brewing of certain potions, tagging objects so that they can be easily tracked, some air magic. She also posseses general knowledge of nature and non-magical healing techniques.
History: She comes from a long line of magic users who practiced the arts secretly in Aeliseum (usually doing magical favors to a circle of trustworthy neighbors, or covertly using magic to help in their day jobs). They used bening magic and thus managed to stay out of trouble for some time, but eventually rumors started spreading and they were forced to escape to Nhylamar.
Annie was born in Kerantan, a major city in the heart of Nhylamar, but moved to Lamylar - a small village on a relatively safe border - where she has been living for the last two years, working as a village witch. The reason was that her magic skills were not so helpful back in her old home (as Creatures were more readily available), and she didn't want to spend the rest of her life as a housewife (especially since the only guy who proposed to her was a jerk).
Trivia: She had some target practice with her dad as a child, but she's never shot a living target. Some of the rumors about her family included the presence of Creature blood; Annie hasn't heard of any Creatures in her ancestry, but doesn't completely rule out the possibility as her knowledge of her own family tree only goes back a little over a century. Other facts about her may come up in the game.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 03, 2010, 04:04:35 PM
Okay, Seth has been approved, so here are his specs:

Name: Sethir Clandover
Race: Wolf incubus
Age: 600
Country of origin as well as current residence:  Nhylamar

Physical Description:
Sethir is a white wolf of trim build with dark hair, red eyes and black, feathered wings.
Like most 'Cubi he has a natural aura of attractiveness unless he deliberately works on hiding it.
Appearance-wise he tends to stick to his base form, and reveals his headwings where it is safe and polite to do so.
As a rule he keeps his backwings hidden for convenience, since he usually wears a black, two-piece racing suit.

(Yes, it's grey, still trying to get the black version to look right)

Sethir generally wears a black leather racing suit as mentioned.  Possessions he is likely to have to hand include:
* A longsword which he usually keeps on his back for self-defence.
* Small toolkit - wrench, spanners etc
* A Stirling-powered motorcycle of his own design

Magical Abilities:
Usual 'Cubi abilities.  Good at short-range telekinesis, say 1-2 ft... handy for retrieving bolts that fell into an engine, for example.  Able to cast fireballs and heal minor injuries, otherwise relatively minor attacks etc.  He relies more on his sword and tentacles for that kind of thing.
Sethir's emotional affinities are based around justice and excitement.

Sethir was born in Nhylamar, but moved to Voethfel during his youth for political reasons.  He stayed there for a few years before attending SAIA.  Afterwards he returned to Voethfel where he did some freelance mercenary work to earn a comfortable living.  He began to study the art of engineering, but despite his reluctance to return to Nhylamar he felt compelled to do so in order to take advantage of their higher technology level (the alternative of studying in a hostile, Being-controlled territory was even worse).
He currently runs a small machine-shop where - when not doing work for clients - he has been experimenting with the use of clockwork and Stirling engines as a means of propelling vehicles.

* Sethir is vehemently opposed to the idea of stealing souls as a punishment, and it was this which caused him to leave Nhylamar as a student.
* He wishes to return to Voethfel or another more enlightened area at some point, but the combination of the war and having sunk most of his savings into the garage does not leave him in a good position to move out at present.
* Sethir's Being father and Succubus mother are both dead.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: WhiteFox on March 03, 2010, 07:36:00 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 03, 2010, 04:04:35 PM
* A Stirling-powered motorcycle of his own design

Woo-hoo! We can race.  :3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 03, 2010, 07:42:20 PM
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 03, 2010, 07:36:00 PM
Woo-hoo! We can race.  :3

Heh.  I hadn't actually noticed that.  Steam seemed a bit cumbersome, but a Stirling engine has the advantage that it's (A) 1816 technology and (B) can actually run a relatively stock car.  Whether anyone has actually used them in motorcycles is something I intend to look up.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 03, 2010, 08:05:22 PM
   Well, this -is- a steampunk setting, which by definition means that steam technology has been cranked up beyond any level that ever actually existed...and while you are from a nation that uses tech not as impossibly sophisticated as Aelisium stuff, you do have the benefit of magic enchantments to pick up the slack  :razz

But...hmm. *looks up Stirling engine* Ooh, that's neat..
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Arroyo Milori on March 03, 2010, 08:31:36 PM
I'm very tempted to change my profile a bit so I have a steampunk motorcycle...or a bathtub car in some weird way. : B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Noone on March 03, 2010, 08:44:29 PM
Posting up profile:

Name: Kyirri Teekay
Race: Kangaroo Rat Being
Age: 20
Country of origin as well as current residence: Nhylamar/Nhylamar
Physical Description: Kyirri stands at around 3 foot 2. His skin is incredibly pale, and so is his fur, they look as though he's spent his entire life in a cave without any sunlight touching him. His cephalic hair is short and rather neat, though it is of an unusual silky white color. His tail is around three feet long, and the tuft of hair on the end is also of silky white color. His eyes look quite unsettling however, as the iris of his eyes, has a pale, sickly green color to them, and looks like it's been shrunk.
The clothing that he usually wears is plain and unadorned. Pants, shoes, socks, a shirt, a small jacket, and gloves. They're all colored various shades of gray, and while well maintained, have a rather stingy look to them. He keeps everything from the neck-down covered by his clothes.

Kyirri tends to be rather bitter. While he's usually polite, and almost never swears, he is rarely openly friendly towards anyone. He generally tries to avoid getting close to anyone. He's also extremely evasive when asked personal inquiries. He's generally distrustful of strangers, to the point of being somewhat paranoid. He tends to view generosity with suspicion, as he's used to being exploited. He also has a tendency to view those with a lot of power and wealth with disdain, especially those who abuse it. He's also extremely well disciplined, and takes oaths, vows, and agreements very seriously. Kyirri tends to be incredibly stoic, he's almost always perfectly calm.

Born in Nhylamar, he's always been an introvert, and is used to being pushed around by taller beings. He's never had any friends, and was never close to anyone aside from his parents. When he was fifteen years old, both of them were soul-murdered, and the killer was never found. He got thrown out of his home, and while he was too old to be considered an orphan child, he was too young to get a stable job and source of income. With that, he was thrown out of his home, given no compensation by anyone, and had no one to turn to.
Kyirri managed to avoid starving on the streets by picking up odd jobs in the slums of Nhylamar. He managed to get by on bare minimum salaries, often not even having enough income to pay his rent or to feed himself. He lived in a place where crime was rather rampant, where the law often seemed to get bribed off by both criminals and wealthy individuals. Currently, he's out of a job, and is looking for other means of employment.

Equipment: His clothing, a wallet, a tiny bit of money, a small vial of magical healing salve.
Magical Abilities (if applicable):
None that have manifested.

Trivia (if you so feel like it):
Kyirri never radiates emotions. Cubi would be able to detect this anomaly immediately.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: WhiteFox on March 03, 2010, 10:48:18 PM
techmasterglitch: Pumped up? Walsh just has a compound triple expansion engine, oil fueled firebox, walschaertes valve gear, and exhaust manifold routed through a water pre-heating sub-tank for extra efficiency through cogeneration. It's hardly what I'd call pumped up.  :3

Well, okay, it has a magical flash-heating system to jumpstart the boiler, but even still.

...And this is why Walsh is taking more then a week to draw.  :U

Kobra; Rat pride, man. Can't let 'em walk all over you.

*Lifts fist for a bump*

C'mon, dude, don't leave me hanging... :<
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 03, 2010, 11:29:53 PM
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 03, 2010, 10:48:18 PM
techmasterglitch: Pumped up? Walsh just has a compound triple expansion engine, oil fueled firebox, walschaertes valve gear, and exhaust manifold routed through a water pre-heating sub-tank for extra efficiency through cogeneration. It's hardly what I'd call pumped up.  :3

Well, okay, it has a magical flash-heating system to jumpstart the boiler, but even still.
Which is exactly why it's Nhylamar magic-enhanced tech, and not uber-Aelisium tech :P It's still not something you ever saw in the real world...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 04, 2010, 08:42:59 AM
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 03, 2010, 10:48:18 PM
Kobra; Rat pride, man. Can't let 'em walk all over you.

Presumably Gabriel is a Being?  I don't think it actually says  :3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Ashen Star on March 04, 2010, 09:44:12 AM
I'd like to try playing for a change.  Might be a bit slow given I'm on pain meds right now.

Name: Ashlynn "Ashes" Taige
Race: Being skunk.
Age: 22
Country of origin as well as current residence: Aeliseium

Physical Description:  At first glance you would note the five and a half foot tall skunkette was of attractive porportions.  Yet as you approached, the wrongness of her appearance became more and more apparent.  Her black and white stripes had blended into regions of light gray and darker gray.  Here and there, scars reversed the grain of her fur to transform her hide from an attractive blend to an uncomely patchwork. Then there was the dull sheen of metal; a metalic right forelimb and a metallic left leg... both filling the air with a persistent harmonized clicking noise.  Then you'd catch the metal plates fused to the right side of her head and a faintly glowing mote of light set within the clockworks of her eye.  Closer still and you could see the multitude of pendulums, gears, springs, and levels mimicing the intricaties of her intact hand.  And then you'd meet the hard gray eye of her left that caught you staring at the machinery lodged in her flesh, wondering when you were going to get past looking at her prosthetics to see her.

Equipment: Fortunately, you could be forgiven for missing most of the above unless you caught her nude.  Her clothes were Aeliseian uniforms: white breeches, long black bots, powder blue shirt and navy blue jacket.  Her equipment was also standard fare for a Lieutenant in the army: An eight shot repeater revolver, a dual reciprocating saber, three torsion batteries for the latter, and her Lebarge scattergun; a torsion powered shot gun that could rapidly advance and fire one shell after the next.  The bandoleer about Her waist held thirty two more brass shells.  Her private vehicle was a torsion velocipede, nothing fancy thank you, which resembles a torsion powered moped.

Magical Abilities (if applicable): Ashes has no magical capabilities.  To be quite honest, magic and the creatures that employ them quite unnerve her.  She sees magic as the final crushing detriment to a civilized and orderly world and tool of creatures that oppressed and destroyed beings for centuries.  She is prejudiced and indoctrinated against magic, but she is not a bigot.

History: Ashlynn lives her life as any good and sensible Aelisean; educated that good and reason where the pivotal points of civilization and that only her country could truly extend them to beings; who had eternally suffered at the hands of vile supernatural beings.  Her family was large, with six brothers and seven sisters, and so Ashlynn decided to leave home early in her life; putting more attention into study and fitness than in the social or trivial interests of her siblings.  Her father was a well off landholder, though not aristocracy by any merit, and he encouraged her participation.

She entered into the 45th regulars as a line regular, given rifle and small arms training to which she excelled, and with full accommodations was given a chance at an officer's commission.  She failed, but returned a year later and passed the entrance into the academy.  Her keen mind caught the pattern of intolerance and indoctrination, but she dismissed it as simple harmless nationalistic zeal.  Then she was placed in a very special facility; one whose activities she began ignorant of but would soon turn to nightmares.

In ended with the explosion that destroyed the facility.  She was the only survivor, and after debriefing it was decided to use her as a propaganda tool.  Her missing limbs would be replaced and she would be a public spokesskunk against creatures.  Something to rile the troops.  However, she proved an unenthusiastic participant.  Her superiors concluded that her injuries had 'unwound her spring' and assigned to the much less critical or prestigious post of town guard lieutenant in Pouxteux Bree.  That posting wasn't much better; her prosthetics alienated her from the rural towns people.  She is, however, a fair officer to her fellow soldiers and a light attaché to the people so her 'odd quirks' are generally dismissed.

Trivia (if you so feel like it):
Ashlynn can play the piano, harpsichord, guitar, and flute.  She was in the 45th regular's band which, contrary to most people's expectations, required more duties on top of fighting.

Ashlynn's prosthetics are detachable.  She removes them to oil, wire, repair, and replace the metallic parts.  She also usually removes them to sleep.  The prosthetic in her head rewinds with two tiny pendulums.  She honestly has no idea how it works, and prays that it never ever breaks.

Ashlynn can drink.  She came in first regularly at the 45th's frequent beer drinking contests.  She also impressed officers by beating them at drinking contests.  Either through metabolism or luck, alcohol doesn't affect her half as much as it does beings twice her weight.

Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: WhiteFox on March 04, 2010, 09:02:40 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 04, 2010, 08:42:59 AM
Presumably Gabriel is a Being?  I don't think it actually says  :3

Whoops... forgot to say. Silly me.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Kafzeil on March 04, 2010, 11:20:05 PM
Name:Lucy Alighieri
Race:Feline Undead
Country of origin as well as current residence:Aeliseium
Physical Description: The young, now deceased ocelot stands at about 6' 2". Reddish brown fur ta ht lightens up at front near her chest and belly, with black spots and rosettes decorating her fur. As typical of her race, she possesses black eyes with glowing yellow irises, and still has many of the injuries she sustained prior to death, including the Undead bite mark and a knife wound to the heart.In terms of clothing, Lucy prefers brown long coats, pants, waist coat, tie, black derbies and a brown fedora. He blond hair is about shoulder length, and usually combed back into a ponytail to keep the rest of her face clear.

Equipment: A standard gunmetal zippo lighter, a cigarette case containing about 24 cigarettes, A standard seven shot revolver and a speed loader. Her wallet, with about 150 dollars of Aeliseium Cash in it, her ID, and a public transportation pass.

Magical Abilities (if applicable): Aside from the obvious dark force that brought he back to life, Lucy is only just beginning to manifest the dark-based magic typical of the race, though it is currently small, Lucy fears it'll grow out of er control.

History:HWile born in the middle class, her father's vocal disapproval of the country's, and Aeliseium's primary religious beliefs earned them many enemies. Her father was murdered by an unknown assailant when she was 12, which lead Lucy to silently accept the concept of the "Greater Good, now feeling the zealots of her own country were far more dangerous then any Creature she would ever meet. Taking a job a a Private Investigator, she mostly took jobs rooting out an Creatures in hiding, that is, until a few days ago when she awoke in back alley, a knife in her chest, a bite mark on her arm, the rain pouring down and the memories of being killed by a cult known as "The Children of the Reaper".

Trivia (if you so feel like it):-Lucy prefers the rain to clear skies. she claims it sooths her.

-Lucy doesn't know how to drive, much preferring public transportation.

-Lucy is rather apathetic when it comes to Aeliseium's Creature beliefs. While somewhat remorseful of hunting down creatures, she only wants to stay out of the way of Aeliseium's more crazed anti-creature zealots. She's even considered fleeing the country several times before.

-In spite of carrying cigarettes around, Lucy doesn't smoke. They're usually offered to clients and used as leverage to bribe information out of people.

-Her lighter was a birthday gift from her older brother.

So make fun of...Arroyo's...mullet... :B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: WhiteFox on March 05, 2010, 05:35:44 PM
Quote from: Kafzeil link=topic=7076.msg315189#msg315189
So make fun of...Arroyo's...mullet... :B

Are you gonna tell a mage with "Blood Manipulation" listed under their powers how to cut his hair?

But then, if you're undead, you might not have any blood. Hm.

(Edit; fixed the busted quote tag.)
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Kafzeil on March 06, 2010, 03:16:40 AM
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 05, 2010, 05:35:44 PM
Quote from: Kafzeil link=topic=7076.msg315189#msg315189
So make fun of...Arroyo's...mullet... :B

Are you gonna tell a mage with "Blood Manipulation" listed under their powers how to cut his hair?

But then, if you're undead, you might not have any blood. Hm.

Well, that depends if and when the two would meet. Once it starts Lucy's still quite "fresh", though I imagine basic bodily functions don't work at the very least. Also, I may have missed it, but Arroyo didn't mention if he could maniplaute others blood, though I imagine that he could, it's just it'd be veru taxing on his body.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 06, 2010, 02:56:23 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on March 02, 2010, 08:48:59 PM
In Voethfel, Sevastia'Nyad and Nhylamar the death-penalty goes beyond simply ending the life of the body, committing acts of murder, rape or otherwise horrible deeds that would put you on death row also involve the forfeiture of your soul... your soul is then either used for science, or sold to the highest bidder at local auctions... Soul-stones are reusable/refillable... that note is their for multiple reasons, and is something to keep in mind...

While it's not my intention to derail the thread, this is extremely apropos:

Soul auction (
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Azlan on March 06, 2010, 03:58:57 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 06, 2010, 02:56:23 PM

While it's not my intention to derail the thread, this is extremely apropos:

Soul auction (

I'm not sure it is a wise decision to buy hostile spirits... in a fantasy, it makes a certain amount of sense.  However, in reality, most of us lack the capacity to utilize something like that.  I'll give them props for such an elaborate hoax though.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Sunblink on March 06, 2010, 04:37:46 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 06, 2010, 02:56:23 PM
While it's not my intention to derail the thread, this is extremely apropos:

Soul auction (

Dude. That just gave me the most awesome character idea.

I'm taking this article and running off into the sunset with it like a crazed sugar ant with a marshmallow my similes need work. Thank youuuuuuu~
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: WhiteFox on March 06, 2010, 06:39:01 PM
Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on March 06, 2010, 04:37:46 PM
Dude. That just gave me the most awesome character idea.

I'm scared.

I haven't even checked out the Soul Auction link yet, and I'm scared.  :U
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: SpottedKitty on March 06, 2010, 07:32:09 PM
I had an idea or two, rubbed a couple of brain cells together, and this was the result.

Name: Zelah Marazanvose
Race: Feline 'Cubi
Age: 240
Country of origin as well as current residence: The ex-village of Crugmeer, near the town of Tregonetha in a remote part of Aeliseium. Currently in Nhylamar and trying to decide if going there was a good idea.

Physical Description:
A reddish tabby feline, 5' 4" tall. Greenish-gold eyes, short and fluffy green hair. Palm-sized green symbol on left side of chest, usually hidden under clothes. Unless hidden, green batlike wings on back and head. Lean build, with a little bit of muscle, or voluptuous and curvy, depending.

Weapons include a lightweight clockwork chain-blade, a few knives, and a compact repeating gun with several spare magazines. All of these are usually securely packed away, unless trouble is expected imminently. Other equipment includes tool/cleaning kits for the chain-blade and gun, a small amount of dried food for emergencies, and spare clothes.

Magical Abilities (if applicable):
Zelah has a more powerful (although not very well trained) magical talent than the average Being, with emphasis on offensive Dark and Fire magic. He can also use some defensive Light-based magic, such as Shielding and Healing spells. Zelah also has many of the usual 'Cubi abilities: shapeshifting, wing-tentacles, thought-reading, emotional affinities, etc., but none are as powerful or reliable as in a 'Cubi with normal clan or SAIA training. Shapeshifting in particular — this is not entirely under conscious control, and he doesn't really understand how it works. Because of a limit in her imagination, he can only change herself into other small and medium sized felines. Hiding headwings is fairly reliable, but a big enough physical or emotional shock can cause his backwings to pop out or make her revert to base form. He's also limited to only being able to control one wing-tentacle per wing at a time.

Something else Zelah doesn't really understand is her emotional affinity. He knows he's attracted to people who seem to be particularly confident, but she hasn't yet made a connection between this and the fact that he's barely eaten or drunk anything in the last two hundred years.

Zelah's mind has been a train wreck for at least the last hundred years. She keeps it carefully hidden, but deep inside his head is a gibbering maniac. He knows what she is. She knows what he'll end up doing to people. And it terrifies her. He can be friendly, even affectionate, but only in temporary terms. She's quite willing to be more than friends with someone, but any attempt at a longer-term relationship will be repulsed, sometimes almost in a panic.

Her moods are volatile and rarely subtle, she can be a creature of extremes. His reactions, and almost his whole personality, will frequently vary to best fit in and feel safe with whoever he's talking to. This doesn't make him a passive doormat: if she decides the safest (or only) possible action is to attack, she will be very aggressive.

Zelah was born in the village of Crugmeer, close to the ruins of an ancient castle so old there weren't even any local yarns pretending to be "the truth". Perhaps too close: unknown to everyone, unstable magic permeated the ruins. This  went wild and detonated soon after Zelah's birth, destroying the ruins and most of the village. The young kitten was considered lucky to have come out of the ordeal, the rescuers thought, with only a pair of wings and odd-coloured hair. None of the handful of other survivors, all adults, were sane, perhaps due to their much more drastic changes from the burst of wild magic. Rejerrah and Erme Marazanvose, raccoons in the nearby town of Tregonetha, adopted Zelah and brought him up to help run their merchandising business. There were a few Creatures living in disguise in Tregonetha (although everyone knew who they were), so no particular attention was paid to Zelah's... unusual features.

The truth came out twenty years later, when headwings and an odd green marking appeared on Zelah's chest. Rejerrah Marazanvose had made sure his adopted daughter had a good general education, but he knew almost nothing — that was accurate, at least — about 'Cubi. Zelah spent the next few years trying to find out for himself what he was, but her best find was an ancient book of Creature lore, of dubious accuracy. As a result, ever since learning how to shapeshift beyond simply hiding her wings and headwings, Zelah has been constantly shifting between male and female and vice-versa. (This is just a shape change, of course, not — as she thinks — a true gender change.) It appears to be partly random, and not always under conscious control. So far he hasn't gone on a seduction rampage every night against the (currently) opposite sex, as the lore book said, but he knows it'll happen eventually.

Another thing Zelah didn't expect was outliving his entire family. They all lived to ripe old ages and died, but she stayed young. When the last of his adopted brothers and sisters died of old age, she left Tregonetha, never to return. In the following nearly hundred and fifty years of wandering in Aeliseium, Zelah's done a little bit of lots of things. He's been a successful businesswoman, as her adopted parents taught him. She's been a soldier. He's dabbled in politics. She's set herself up as an engineer, although this was one of her less successful enterprises.

Like many 'Cubi, Zelah is easily distracted, and in some respects more psychologically fragile. Occasionally she forgets what he is and reacts to a situation as if he were her base form, or the opposite sex. Since she was never properly trained in filtering thoughts or emotions, an overload (whether from his own head or someone else's) can be painful: a really bad one can knock her out like a two-by-four between the headwings.

Since moving to Nhylamar (in a bit of a hurry, just ahead of the nice people with torches and pitchforks), he's realised she isn't used to being in the open, undisguised presence of other Creatures. Any flaunting of Creature anatomy or abilities will make her uneasy, although he probably won't descend into outright panic. Unless things go horribly wrong...

Trivia (if you so feel like it):
Zelah's wing-tentacles have no heads, so whatever his clan is (if there are any other surviving members) its founder is no longer among the living.
The book Zelah used to educate himself about 'Cubi was a mediaeval bestiary. What she "knows" about her nature is therefore at least 95% inaccurate... and sometimes gives him the screaming heebie-jeebies.
Zelah's mind-shield is the sort a Being would use, not a 'Cubi.
In his travels, Zelah hasn't yet encountered another 'Cubi... that she knew about, anyway. In a serious fight with one, he'd probably lose because of all the things he doesn't know about her own nature.
Zelah's shifting is more frequent and less controlled if he's agitated: once when she was in a near panic, he shifted more than half a dozen times in less than a minute, and almost collapsed in exhaustion. Usually she won't shift while sleeping: the few times this has happened, it has been known to cause abrupt screaming departures from the bedroom if he happened not to be alone.
Because of this odd shapeshifting, Zelah never wears tightly-fitting clothes. She considers the elasticated waistband to be one of the greatest inventions in history.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 06, 2010, 07:55:06 PM
Alright, finally got my profile sorted out with Bas. I don't know whether to say "For shame!" or "Whoohoo!" that I'm the only guy with a mech. At least, so far...

And yes, go ahead and laugh at the names. Best to get all the laughs out now...

Names: The Vaponci brothers, (vah-PON-chee)
  Gezzemocht "Gezz" Vaponci (GEHZ-eh-mokt)
  Gaakronacht "Gaak" Vaponci (GAHK-ruh-nakt)
Ages: 26 and 24, respectively
Race: Beaver Beings
Country of origin as well as current residence: Aelisium, still residing

Physical Descriptions: The Vaponci brothers are similar in most respects. They stand around average height and are of thin build, though the younger brother Gaakronacht is slightly shorter than the older brother Gezzemocht. Gezz has darker black fur, while Gaak has lighter brown. Of course, being beavers, they both also have wide, flat tails. They both wear helmets and some light armor padding, with some small plates of metal built in. Gezz wears a toolbelt-bandolier over his outfit, while Gaak opts for a vest of some kind.

Lucheek's rendition of the brothers here ( (outfits are lighter versions of the armor in this video (

Storm Scorp (steam mech): Built mainly by Gezzemocht, this is the pride and joy of the two brothers, and has seen them through more than a few battles. It is an advanced Aelisium steam-mech standing between the average Aelisium light and medium mechs, though it's design is so different from common mechs that it can be hard to classify. It is slightly more armored than a light mech, yet still almost as nimble. However, it has far fewer weapons than a medium mech. Its name is derived from both the mech's resemblance to a scorpion, and that its primary weapons are that of "storms"; namely, thunder and lightning.

=Configuration: The Storm Scorp is in the very basic configuration of a scorpion, something of an oddity among the usual Aelisium fare. At its core, it is low-set quadrupedal in design, built around an armored central chassis that houses the steam engine, main drive mechanisms, and other important components. Due to this design, it stands a little lower than the average bipedal light mech, but it still slightly bigger overall. On a main joint on each of the four legs, a large circle or wheel appears bolted on. Two arms are attached to the front of the mech, with rudimentary manipulators on the ends of those. There are two very different, but formidable-looking modules mounted on the foresection of each arm. A raised and arched "tail" comes up on the back of the mech, with a weapon mounted on the end of that. The primary pilot's cockpit it set into the front section of the mech, affording control of all the mech's primary functions, specifically mobility, the two arms, and a few other things. A secondary cockpit sits in the back of the mech, in the crook of the "tail". This cockpit does not offer any significant control over the mech aside from its tail, but it does have access to some of the mech's internals.

=Armaments: The two primary weapons of the Storm Scorp are those that give the mech its name; the two modules mounted on the arms are actually cannons. One is a relatively common Aelisium lightning-cannon, while the other is a decidedly more unique weapon, and the brainchild of Gezzemocht; a sonic-concussive "thunder" cannon.
    The lightning-cannon is more or less standard among other Aelisium lightning-cannons. It is a close-to-medium range weapon that shoots a single burst of a lightning arc to a target. At medium ranges, it is effective at disrupting machines and mechs by frying and fusing delicate components, as well as potentially affecting any crew. At closer ranges, it can blast apart many materials on top of its disruption effects. While possible, it is unwieldy to aim and fire at infantry and other small targets. The lightning-cannon is powered by the mech, and has the capacity to "hold" many shots when fully charged with its several "jars" (and each jar holds approximately ten shots), although recharging takes an extensively long time. The recharge is slow enough that it's generally impractical to recharge during a fight unless it's a long, pitched battle. When the mech is shut down, the recharge speed is more manageable.
    The thunder-cannon is a stranger weapon, and yet its ultimate effects are often similar to the lightning-cannon. It is a short-lived, high-speed vibration mechanism housed in a focusing array. When fired, the thunder-cannon shoots a concussive blast in a line. It's range is also similar to the lightning-cannon; it is only good at close and medium ranges. It's effects are also similar to the lightning-cannon's in that it tends to do more disruption than actual damage; At medium range, it can shake about and knock loose small pieces of anything it hits, generally mechs or machines. At close ranges, the concussion can tear more solid things apart. The thunder-cannon is also "powered" by the mech, and its capacity takes the form of five ultratension springs. There are fewer of these springs for the thunder-cannon than jars for the lightning-cannon because they take up more space, and also can only "hold" a single shot. However, they are wound up far more quickly than the jars are recharged, counted in minutes or less, and when individually wound take no noticeable drain on the mech itself.
    The mech is also equipped with a more conventional heavy shot-cannon, mounted on the "mouth" of the mech, just a little under the front end. This cannon is used whenever a little long-range accurate punch is needed, and is the most penetrating of the mech's weapons (though not necessarily the most destructive), often making it take the role of "sniper". At closer ranges, it can still be used to good effect. It is not an Aelisium auto-cannon in the sense that it is in a revolver-configuration, but it does have an auto-loading mechanism. Therefore, its rate of fire is far lower than an equivalent revolver auto-cannon, but it has better accuracy and a little more punch. It is the only weapon actually housed in the mech's main body, although it isn't actually "powered" by the mech's engine (the auto-loading mechanism is completely negligible).
    The final weapon of the mech is the one that is mounted on the "tail", a mounted rotary (gatling) gun. This gun is a rapid-firing antipersonnel (read: keeps Creatures or saboteurs from getting too close) gun, and is controlled exclusively from the secondary cockpit. The tail is capable of bending up, down, forward, and backward somewhat, and is turret-like in that the base it's on can also rotate 360 degrees. Being set in the back of the mech, firing at the zone directly in front is slightly difficult (and generally handled by primary weapons anyway), so the "turret-tail" is most often used to cover the sides and back of the mech. The rotary gun is also used as the mech's primary anti-air weapon. Like the shot-cannon, the mechanisms for the rotary gun are negligible.

=Other Notes: The Storm Scorp mech is a fairly solid design. With its three cannons, it is capable to tangling with other tanks and mechs, but is often outgunned against any machine larger than itself. At long ranges, the shot-cannon is the only weapon of any use. While bigger mechs have significantly more firepower at longer ranges, the Storm Scorp's low profile is something of a help. The mech generally does better at closer ranges, when it can bring the full force of thunder and lightning to the battle. When using both of them in conjunction, the Storm Scorp can deliver a devastating one-two punch that can seriously hinder an enemy machine's operation. At close and melee ranges, the mech can actually be quite effective; like any other mech with arms, the Storm Scorp can use them as weapons, and at point-blank range, the primary cannons can be devastating. In melee with another mech, generally a bipedal one, its lower profile is something of both a hazard and a help; many other mechs can look down into the exposed open pilot's cockpit, but conversely, the mech often has easy access to the other mech's legs. Both primary cannons used on both legs at point-blank range can often decide a battle. Due to the mech's quadrupedal design, it cannot go into a full run or gallop like other bipedal mechs, but it has far more stability, and is quite agile as well, along with the capability of walking in any direction. The Storm Scorp has more armor than the average Aelisium light mech, but not by much; any decently heavy impact can still punch through or throw off some mechanisms.
  Against infantry or Creatures, the tail-gun is the most effective weapon. However, it mostly can only cover the sides and back of the mech--there's some difficulty in firing down front of it, both due to being set in the back and the inherent danger of firing over the main pilot's head. Thus, the mech is slightly weaker against a frontal approach by infantry or Creatures. At point-blank range, the best thing to be done is generally to attempt to crush the offending personnel, either with an arm or the whole front of the mech. Failing that, as a last-ditch effort, the main pilot can pull out a scattergun to deal with close threats.
  As the Storm Scorp is not capable of good speed over long distances, making such travel problematic, it has a special function; the wheels mounted on the legs joints are exactly that, wheels. The Storm Scorp can tuck its legs under itself and rest the wheels on the ground, giving it a much faster alternative form of transportation. However, the mech loses much of its combat capability when doing this; it often also has to fold up its arms as well for both power and stability purposes; generally, only the tail-gun remains active. Of course, the mech also sacrifices virtually all of its maneuverability when using the cumbersome wheels instead of legs, making this "mode" only used for long-distance transportation.

Other Equipment: Both brothers carry personal pistols, both made by Gezzemocht. They are not revolvers, only single-shot, but they aren't reloaded like muskets either; they're "cracked" open and a small "shell" is slid in (think a miniature sawed-off shotgun). In the main pilot's cockpit, there is the abovementioned full-sized scattergun for use of warding off any enthusiastic would-be boarders or pilot-killers. There is a compartment in the mech where all other personal possesions are kept; primarily all the tools used to repair the mech, but also rations, blankets, emergency kits and equipment, and anything else needed for those living on the move. They also have kept much of the standard equipment and outfitting they got while in the Aelisium military; their helmets, light armor, boots (though they handed in their uniforms), and other accessories, such as knives and protective masks.

History: The brothers grew up in an Aelisium town that was not close to the center of the nation, but not quite a border-town, either. As engineering savants and pilot prodigies were not an unusual thing across the Aelisium nation, both brothers were shaping up in that direction at an early age; Gezzemocht could build all sorts of gadgets and contraptions, while Gaakronacht displayed a knack for operating various machines used by the townsfolk.
  Calls for military service came around every now and then, and while the brothers weren't actually averse to serving, it took a few years for both to be old enough and ready, and they signed up together when they finally did join.
  Both were quickly matched up with their aptitudes; Gezz was put into the engineer division to work on various weapons and other machine projects, while Gaak was assigned as a field machine and vehicle operator. Eventually, both showed enough skill that Gezz was advanced to a lead engineer position, and Gaak was put in as a special mech-pilot. Gezz worked on much bigger projects, leading the creation of many prototype machines. Gaak was in the postion of live field-testing new prototypes mechs, especially ones of unusual designs; it seemed the stranger the mech, the better Gaak could pilot it. Finally, Gezz had gotten enough standing to initate a project of his own, one that he brought Gaak in on. The result of this project was the Storm Scorp.
  Both brothers we ecstatic when it was finally completed and tested. It was the best thing that Gezz ever built, as well as the best thing Gaak ever piloted. Both brothers went into the field with the Storm Scorp, contributing to battles against Ahkn'Ator and Voethfel, while the Storm Scorp saw them through it all.
  Eventually, the required service time drew close to its expiration date. While the Vaponci brothers and their mech made good contributions to some big battles, they heard that border towns were suffering from increasing small raids and pirate attacks. Instead of hiring full mercencary or privateer companies (which most border towns could not afford), these towns had taken up the practice of hiring many individuals to work together for single missions. The brothers decided they could do more good helping these small places--when their service time expired, they did not renew or extend it.
  The Vaponci brothers have been traveling from town to beleagured town, using the money they get from taking any contracts in the area (along with any other sufficiently armed people passing by) to maintain the Storm Scorp and supply themselves.

Personalities and Abilities: Gezzemocht and Gaakronacht are fairly typical brothers, enjoying needling each other but still caring very much for each other's well-being. Gezz is often the more serious of the two brothers, giving things thought and reasoning through a problem. Having mostly built the Storm Scorp and many if its componets, Gezz is a highly talented engineer. When operating the Storm Scorp, Gezz will usually take the secondary seat, controlling the tail-turret and having access to some of the mech's internals when needed (In the heat of battle, Gezz can often perform emergency, but temporary, repairs). Also, as Gezz of course built the mech, he is certainly capable of piloting the whole thing if such a need arises, he just can't do it with the same grace and finesse as his brother (he also can't aim the weapons very well).
  Gaak is the more frivolous of the two brothers, tending towards impulsiveness, and generally using intuition to solve a problem. Gaak tested and used many different mechs during his time in the military, and he is an excellent pilot. Gaak will usually be in the front main cockpit of the Storm Scorp, piloting the whole mech with skill that his brother never has, and is very good at placing shots with the mech's main weapons. Gaak aided in the construction of the Storm Scorp, and while he can effect minor repairs alone, he does not understand the mechanisms on the level his brother does, and cannot do much if there is a serious or delicate problem. However, if he is working under the direction of his brother, they can get far more repairs and other work done than his brother can alone.
  Having grown up in Aelisium and having served in the military, the Vaponci brothers don't like Creatures very much. However, not being near the core of the nation, they were not quite indoctinated with the fanatical hatred towards them. While going around the border-towns, the brothers actually have met neutral, friendly Creatures. They are still very cautions and initially mistrustful whenever meeting any new Creature, but if the Creature shows no hostility, the brothers will do the same.

Trivia: (coming soon...maybe.)
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 06, 2010, 10:15:58 PM
Basilisk gave me an idea.

I shall be writing up a character tomorrow.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 06, 2010, 10:41:53 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 06, 2010, 10:15:58 PM
Basilisk gave me an idea.

I shall be writing up a character tomorrow.
Oooh, I can't wait! :3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: WhiteFox on March 06, 2010, 11:08:34 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 06, 2010, 10:15:58 PM
Basilisk gave me an idea.

I shall be writing up a character tomorrow.

First Keaton. Now llearch.

We're all doomed.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on March 07, 2010, 01:00:02 AM
Name: Dr. Adelaide Montegu, Healing Knight of the Order of St. Vesalius
Age: 635
Race: half angel/quarter demon/quarter being
Species: chinchilla/grey squirrel
Family: Not in contact with them

General Appearance:
Hair: hot pink, long and worn up in a tight bun decorated with a jeweled clip.
Eyes: black
Fur Coloration: light grey
Appearance: 5'6" and 140lb makes her very tall for a chinchilla. She has the typical large ears of a chinchilla but her tail is a bit longer and fluffier than normal due to her squirrel genes. Her wings are large and the feathers are white with black speckles, giving them a grey appearance from a distance. Her apparel consists of a long navy blue skirt, a white ruffled front shirt fastened at the neck with a brooch, and a leather vest that doubles as very light armor. Gloves are wore almost constantly. Over her clothing Adelaide wears a long white coat with gold trim, bright blue lapels, and red insignia showing her status as a doctor. She is wearing two belts. One is covered in small pouches that carry her medical supplies and the other is the holster for her battle hammer. Each pouch is magic enhanced to hold about double the supplies it would visually appear to hold.

Combat Abilities:
Strong magic user due to her heritage. Lightly trained in fighting by her Order. She is better than average but doesn't have true knight training.
Strengths: trained from childhood as a doctor/mage by the Order of the Knights of St. Vesalius. Typical light magic abilities. Angel/demon strength and speed.
Weaknesses: absolutely hates being touched. She actually isn't very good with her hammer due to training being limited by the Order, but she is frighteningly enthusiastic with it. Not able to harden her skin due to her mixed heritage.
Weapon(s): Battle hammer, enhanced to triple the strength of blow. Many of her medical tools can double as weapons. Her last defense is that her hair dagger is an actual dagger.

Born in Voethfel, Adelaide was the third child of an angel chinchilla and a half-demon squirrel. One of five children she was left with the Order of the Knights of St. Vesalius as a young teen. This abandonment left her emotionally crushed. She was devastated a second time a few years later when told that the Order only trained females to be healers and she was denied full knight training. The final straw was when she returned to her family manor to show them she had graduated top in her class as a doctor and both her father and oldest brother denied knowing her. Addy has less emotions than your average shark.

She has only risen to the middle ranks of the order due to her rather laissez-faire attitude towards healing. She seems to alternate between near miracles and total disasters. Her Order has posted her all over the magic-friendly territories, moving her as soon as her bad attitude begins to irritate the locals. She can manage pretty manners in front of her superiors and this, plus her ability to pull off healing miracles, has saved her from being kicked out. This constant moving around has placed her at some of the hottest battles as well as some of the most boring backwaters. She is currently cooling her heels in a small and backwards border town in Nhylamar.

Disposition: Healing isn't really her calling, but she is very good at it when she's in the mood. She is cold, arrogant, and really doesn't like many people.

Trivia: Her wings came in two years after she was abandoned at the Order
Her clothing is extremely prissy and buttoned up, with only her face showing.
The brooch at her neck contains a cleaning spell so her clothing always stays clean and her coat blindingly white. She bought it after a series of demerits at school for not having her coat meet the teacher's standards.
Her father was an angel nobleman who abandoned three of his children at various religious orders around the continent because they didn't look like angels.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 07, 2010, 12:41:29 PM
So, um....what nation is Adelaide from/did she grow up in? It sounds like she's from Voethfel, but it's not actually mentioned...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Tezkat on March 07, 2010, 04:55:56 PM

Name: Tezkat "Fang" Bloodfang

Race: Jaguar Incubus

Age: 19

Country of origin as well as current residence:

Born in the desert city state of Aenyr. Currently hanging out around Nhylamar.

Physical Description:

A handsome, athletic young panther with black fur, golden hair, and sapphire eyes. He wears three gold earrings in his left ear and a gold ring on his tail. He passes himself off as a Being or Demon, with blue and violet markings (including his clan mark ( adorning black demonic wings.

He has a knack for magically altering clothing and changes his wardrobe regularly. Lately, he's become a fan of military coats and long, flowing scarves.


Tezkat wields a magic sword named Demonbane and a magically silenced revolver with assorted enchanted bullets. He rides a soulstone-powered magitech bike that flies on folding demonic wings.

Magical Abilities:

Tezkat taught himself to use his natural Cubi abilities and can easily alter wings or minor features, but complicated metamorphosis is beyond his current skills. He has, however, practiced shaping his body to approximate a new form and filling in the rest with illusion.

He is a genius illusionist, able to conjure exquisite imagery with a photographic memory for details and a talent for uncovering deepest fears. Casting simple glamours requires little more than a thought, but maintaining multiple or complex effects demands considerable concentration. His shadowy nature dampens spellcasting that manipulates the physical world.

His familiar, Ky, can shapeshift with ease, even into inanimate objects, and warp to previously visited locations.


He grew up never knowing his real father, or even his real name. His mother raised him on the run, staying in one place only until their faceless pursuers drove them aboard the first ship to anywhere with little more than the clothes on their backs.

On one such voyage, disaster struck. The ship fell to pirates, who dragged the captives to their stronghold in the Demon Isles for sale into slavery... or worse. That was the last he saw of his mother. He was ten years old.

His new master, a young Demon named Than Bloodfang, named him Tezkat and took him to the jungle fortress of Myktlan. A training ground for Demons to flense the weak from their gene pool, Myktlan boasted wonders of dark magic and the collected wisdom of millennia. But each day promised new pain and terror. With only quick paws and wits to match physically and magically stronger Demons, mere survival became a thrilling game.

His Cubi abilities awakened unexpectedly at the age of fifteen, setting the stage for his escape from the Demon Isles. He stole a flying bike belonging to Than's older sister and fled to the mainland. He's on the run again, though he conceals his identity less often these days--almost as a challenge to the demons of his past to catch up with him. And, perhaps, provide him with answers... if he only knew the questions.


Aeris is very peeved about her bike and has placed a large bounty on his head. Fortunately, he's worth much more alive--she wants the pleasure of tearing him apart herself.

Tezkat never shows fear, finding it so delicious and energizing that he goes out of his way to court danger.

Although quicker than most Angels or Demons, he wears out easily and catnaps frequently.

The earrings are real, but his tail ring is actually a product of metamorphosis. It's a copy of the morphing amulet he used as a child, and it helps him focus his shapeshifting.

His natural wings sport iridescent blue and violet feathers, and his wing tendrils manifest as glowing shadows (as does Ky's true form). Displaying such evidence of his mysterious heritage makes him uncomfortable.

Without training to properly filter thoughts, large crowds can give him headaches. He typically solves this problem by drowning out the voices with hard liquor.

Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Ghostwish on March 07, 2010, 09:37:27 PM
Name: Challam Tal'Rael Seme
Race: Incubus
Age: 392
Country (both birthplace and residence): Nhylamar
Physical Description: Tall and lean with a lanky build, Chal is a recognizable fennec. His fur coat consists of a sandy brown overcoat with a white undercoat, and his eyes are a pale grey. His wings are yellow with black crests. He stands at 6'7 in height, and weighs just over 180 lbs. He typically wears a pair of tan jeans, and a simple, long-sleeved button-up shirt, with a vest over it. His clan symbol is on the outside of his left hand, so he frequently adds a pair of finger-less gloves to his ensemble.

Equipment: A single, steam-powered sniper's rifle. Yes, steam-powered. The device begins with the steam-chamber, which consists of a water-magic charged gem, which supplies the water, in unison with a fire-magic charged gem, which thereby creates the steam. The steam is carefully funneled into a pressure-sensitive chamber, which cuts off the paired-gem reaction when the pressure has reached a certain point. When the trigger is pulled, the chamber released the steam through a series of pipes and hoses into the 'firing' chamber, from which the round is forcibly ejected through the muzzle. Keyword: Forcibly. The chamber seals immediately afterward, and begins building up pressure again.

Be careful to note this 'reloading' process can take some time. It is suffice to say that the operator could easily fire a shot, reload the rifle through the manually operated lever-sealed slot, and aim in on his next target before the rifle is ready to fire again. Not a rapid fire weapon in any scenario.

Now, Challam could set the rifle into an overload state for a particularly nasty shot, but this is very risky, as a ruptured chamber would be most painful for the operator indeed.

Regardless, he regularly maintains the rifle, both checking the different parts of the gun and recharging the gems.

Magical Abilities: Standard fare for a cubi, meaning a well-rounded repertoire of both offense and defensive magics, with no exceptional abilities to note. He's a well-rounded generalist, meaning that anyone with a specialization would certainly have more power in their field than him, but he may have a few more tricks than they do.

History: Challam was born to a being father and succubus mother, who was the last of her clan after numerous incidents between the wars of the dragons and rival clans. Sadly, these tragedies followed her still, and both of Challam's parents were murdered. He nearly shared the same fate, if not for the fact that the cubis who murdered his family were all carrying bounties, and a cold and calculating being arrived in time to slay the offenders, only to notice the single survivor of the incident.

Be it by fate or by chance, this being apparently helped cubi just as often as he killed them, and took mercy upon the fledgling cubi. He delivered the shaken child to the one place he knew to take in orphan cubi, which was a holding of Clan Seme. He was promptly adopted, seeing how his own clan was non-existent.

Despite the rough start, the rest of his life progressed easily enough. He grew into his new family quite well, and passed through SAIA with an amazing lack of incidents. After graduating, he spent most of his life guarding holdings of Seme, and during that time, he began refining his marksmanship skills, and personally built his rifle.

Challam possesses a very easy going, introspective personality. He prefers to consider all possible solutions to a problem, but also likes quick decision making. He is often polite to strangers, although a tad distant, and many will simply remember him as the kindly rifleman.

And just as a side-note, seeing how we have both boxeh and keats in this storyline, I'm filing a life insurance policy on Chal right now. :P
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Tipod on March 07, 2010, 10:09:09 PM
oh snap son

Name: Bart Thom'sen
Age: 98
Gender: Male
Height: 6 feet, 1 inch
Weight: 195 pounds
Eye color: Dark red
Species: Demon, vaguely reptillian
Physical description: Relatively brawny and proportioned like your stereotypical hoodlum, Bart's overall frame is nothing particularly imposing. However, up close his form is disconcerting: very dark and rough flesh, hands which taper off into three-inch claws, prominent eyes, a mouth not unlike a small beartrap with assorted canines, and a lack of ears, hair, or nose. He carries himself rather casually, slouching and stretching his legs out whenever possible, and assumes an vaguely simian posture when moving quickly or fighting. No sign of wings, horns, or prehensile trail, but does sport a white Thom'sen family branding on his right bicep.

Current residence: Nhylamar
Backstory: The Thom'sen lineage is an extended family of demons descending from a single, obscure figure known simply as The Great Progenitor, a demon cursed for murdering fellow clan members and voraciously consuming their flesh and bones as part of a crazed purification ritual. The stigma of being outcasts and cannibals lasted well until the last millenia, when the clan moved from living underground to settling in a proper compound in Nhylamar.

Born out of wedlock between a Thom'sen mother and a father from the dogmatic demon Clan Jacobii, young Bartholomew would have been a healthy little canine Creature like his cousin Raffiele, but Jacobii would have none of it. Cursed from birth by their petty magics, Bart came out as an implacable monster, still demonic but with a bizarre lack of features. The Thom'sens dropped the issue immediately rather than risk an open feud by challenging Jacobii custom and authority.

A young Fury, Bart's history is full of benign jobs peppered with occasional scuffles with other Creatures, but with Anhk 'Ator looming over the horizon, he has taken the more proactive duty of gathering information and arrangements with whatever weapons dealers and gunsmiths he can find. The finest Thom'sen warriors need to be caught up with the latest trends before facing an insectis menace.

Personality: Casual and humorous, Bart often mingles quite well with anyone who isn't a complete monster. He is not quick to anger, doesn't pry into people's business, and can usually read someone's mood unless they're being obtuse. Like most of his cousins, Bart doesn't harbor much ill-will towards any particular species with exception to angels, feeling that they're manipulative and snide. Even then, a good angel will get a pass in his book.

Abilities: Like others in his family, Bart is gifted with great regenerative prowess and the typical demonic strength and reflexes, as well as a mystical affinity for fire; there's nothing he enjoys more than setting himself ablaze when fighting a particularly grabby opponent.

Unfortunately, that's where his advantages end. While he has a certain knack for pyromancy, the most he can do with it is set himself on fire and not be burned. Any other magical art is completely lost upon his undisciplined mind. His regenerative powers also have their limits, as decapitations and any shot that pierces the brain are impossible to recover from.

Possessions: Padded leather armor with metal inserts, heavy slacks, boots, iron facemask, backpack, hatchet, dagger, sewing kit, assorted stamped coins of silver and gold, family bible, white facepaint.

Trivia: -Like many others in his family, Bart is a firm believer of meritocracy.
-It took Bart his entire adolescent life to adjust to his "knife nails," and has accidentally cut people's wrists with them while attempting a friendly handshake on several occasions. He still has no idea how to retract them to a safe length.

Derp, needed area of residence listed.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: insidexml on March 08, 2010, 12:43:50 AM
Name: Sikici Bapetos
Race: Tiger (Angel) - Male
Age: 314
Country of origin as well as current residence: Voethfel
Physical Description: He stands at 5'11'', looking neither muscular nor fat nor skinny, nor that handsome, for that matter. In fact, with regards to looks, he's relatively average, and kind of plain. This doesn't really bother him, however, and he is stronger than he looks. Like all angels, he does have feathered wings, all orange except for an outline of black near the bottom.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Fur: Like a tiger's, white fur with black stripes in front, orange fur with black stripes in back

Equipment: Two thrusting daggers hidden away in the sleeves and strapped to forearms (8" blade, wide base). That's all, besides the essentials of life that one can carry with them (food, clothing, etc.).
Magical Abilities (if applicable): Moderately strong with light-based magic, and knows a good deal of healing spells. Leans towards defensive spells over offensive ones.

History: Born and raised in Voethfel, Sikici has rarely formed a strong opinion in regards to any issue. Sometimes he claims that it is because he is truly a neutral person, while other times he says that it is just because he's horribly indecisive. Either way, he has no qualms towards any race, which is good for anybody who seeks his services. Working as a wandering healer, Sikici moves around the country, seeking out those who require his healing spells. Of course, he does charge... well, when he can. Many times the people he treats are in no condition to pay, so Sikici doesn't ask for payment (although he does remember what he did, so as to check up on them later in the case that they can pay in the future).

Trivia (if you so feel like it):
Sikici believes he may be slightly crazy. It doesn't bother him or anything, though.
The thrusting daggers are to be used purely as a last resort. If magic could be used instead, magic will be used instead.
He can often be caught chanting to himself, quietly. When asked what he is chanting, Sikici will make a casual remark about the weather, and then start chanting again. In truth, he is attempting to create a spell that will cure his mother, who has one of those 'incurable' diseases. It is why he became a healer, after all. Oh, and profit. And power.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Azlan on March 08, 2010, 03:55:52 AM
This one is approved and now posted.

Name:  Locke "The Starfire Count" Pyrinost-Highwynd

Race:  Angel

Age: Appears to be in his late 20s

Country of origin as well as current residence: Born in the city of Ar'Koyaen in the March of Pyrinost of the nation of Sevastia'Nyad.  Currently goes where ever the currents take him.

Physical Description: Pale gray fur with fine light purple (Han) head hair and black spots with black striped facial features (a cheetah's black tear streak face markings) and a white front side.  His eyes are ruby red.  He is a feline, specifically a cheetah.  His manner of dress varies from an ensemble consisting of a burgundy smoking jacket (tuxedo type) with black cuffs, black vest, white ruffled shirt, gray ascot and black pants to a fine military uniform of the Sevastia'Nyad Aeroforce (SNA).
Locke stands just short of 6' with a light, wiry build and average mass.  He is a good physical structure for someone who tinkers with machines a lot.    

•   Arcrael:  Ancient heirloom from old Voethfel.  Finely made enchanted saber bearing the symbols of Pyrinost and Highwynd.  The blade 'glows' black, casting no light, but it sears flesh when it cuts.
•    Dueling Pistol-wand that operates similar to a revolver, though it fires bolts of force rather than bullets.  Very rapid in recharge between firing.
•   Cannon-rod long arm: The equivalent of a being-infantry light cannon, but due to possessing a creature's strength, he can employ it as a long arm.  Fires an explosive blast that is impressive, but the weapon is very slow recharge between uses.
•   Flamehaze: An excellently maintained Swift class Corvette manufactured by the Averdeen Aeronautics Corporation of Sevastia'Nyad.  She employs a solar wave-induction soul crystal matrix main drive and is a very fast, sleek aeroship.  Well armored, but lightly armed with flak cannons and magical bolters.  The one exception is the Storm Fire main gun, fixed forward in what is typically called a 'spinal mount', which can give even a line/rated warship pause.  The Flamehaze should require a reasonable sized crew, but is somehow automated with the Captain able to handle the operation of the vessel with ease.

Magical Abilities (if applicable): Locke seems to possess magical abilities, but does not do much if any casting.  He seems to channel what power he has into artificing.

History:  Locke is the son of the Marquess and Marchioness of Pyrinost.  He is a count himself by title, having been granted the County of Highwynd Vale, though a steward administrates it while he studies abroad.  Originally attending the Arlanever Academy of Arts in the capital, he acquired his ship through 'interesting' means and set out to see the world and for adventure.  In his time plying the airstreams, he has ended up as an unwitting privateer and something of an august adventurer.  He earned the nickname of "The Starfire Count" from the Aeliseium airship merchants for his propensity to attack at the twilight (colloquially known as the "fire of the stars" among aeroners).

Locke is an engineer and tinkerer by education and desire.  He can blend magic and mechanics into a beauty of form and function.  A unique blending of arts that many see as the true future of the world.  His greatest creation was Flamehaze herself, not the aeroship frame, but the soul within her.  Locke managed to tap the living soulstone matrix, and as a side effect of increased efficiency and perpetual energy loop, a type of life came into being.

Trivia (if you so feel like it):

Locke hates responsibility and doesn't really want to be a royal.

Locke has managed to avoid bloodshed in his raids on shipping.

He treats Flamehaze as his sister.

He had a crew once, but he doesn't talk about what happened to them.  The cabins on the ship still have a lot of personal effects in them.

Edit: Spelling corrections and italics for a name.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 08, 2010, 04:40:01 AM
So, assuming that all the posted bios have been approved (not casting aspersions, but I can just see someone walking in and posting one at random :3 ), that's about 17 players so far, right?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Gabi on March 08, 2010, 07:23:06 AM
Wow, even if only half the players actually play, this game can be quite active. (And mysterious: we'd be wondering how we'd ended up with a half player).

Anyway, why so many Cubi?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 08, 2010, 07:40:02 AM
Quote from: Gabi on March 08, 2010, 07:23:06 AM
Anyway, why so many Cubi?

Here's a breakdown:

1. Being  (Gabriel)
2. Being  (Arroyo)
3. Cubi   (Paige)
4. Cubi   (Stephan)
5. Being  (Anabelle)
6. Cubi   (Seth)
7. Being  (Kyirri)
8. Being  (Ashlynn)
9. Undead (Lucy)
10. Cubi  (Zelah)
11. Being (Vaponci brothers)
12. half-Angel (Adelaide)
13. Cubi (Tezkat)
14. Cubi (Challam)
15. Demon (Bart)
16. Angel (Sikici)
17. Angel (Locke)
18. Angel (Sir Cyril)
19. Cubi (Keaton)

Beings: 6
Cubi: 7
Angel: 4 (counting Adelaide)
Undead: 1
Demon: 1

(...I've counted Techmaster's brothers as a single person for this exercise)
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on March 08, 2010, 08:39:43 AM
Heh, interesting breakdown of things.

I also notice the Nhylamar has the largest population too...  >:]

I'm looking at getting the IC up either tomorrow or Wednesday.  Welcome aboard all who've been approved, and as always, if there's any major questions that you'd like answered, here, PM, Email, AIM or MSN all work.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Sunblink on March 08, 2010, 09:06:27 AM
As a note I feel like I should apologize to Azlan and insidexml (and Mel?) in advance - Keaton's probably gonna act like a horrible prejudiced bitch to the Angels. :< Oh dear.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 08, 2010, 10:05:20 AM
Quote from: Basilisk on March 08, 2010, 08:39:43 AM
I also notice the Nhylamar has the largest population too...  >:]

I knew I should have put Seth in Voethfel  :rolleyes

QuoteI'm looking at getting the IC up either tomorrow or Wednesday.  Welcome aboard all who've been approved, and as always, if there's any major questions that you'd like answered, here, PM, Email, AIM or MSN all work.

I notice a lot of dissimilar vehicles - have you figured out how to take that into account?  Some are fast on land, some fly and then you've got the mech which is neither >:3

...maybe I should list a breakdown of the vehicles too...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on March 08, 2010, 10:09:36 AM
I've actually taken a good deal into account, which is why, at least early on, we're looking at 2 or possibly 3 separate yet "parallel" parties.  Though there is intent to merge them after a few specific events take place. :3

As for being in Voethfel, it's probably the safest place to be at the moment :P
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 08, 2010, 10:12:06 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 08, 2010, 10:05:20 AM
Quote from: Basilisk on March 08, 2010, 08:39:43 AM
I also notice the Nhylamar has the largest population too...  >:]
I knew I should have put Seth in Voethfel  :rolleyes
I'm actually surprised you didn't take Aelisium, not only for the clockwork mechs and power armor, but Bas was saying last night that they specifically condemn the use of souls as power, and soul-murder. Would've been right your alley...

Quote from: Tapewolf on March 08, 2010, 10:05:20 AM
I notice a lot of dissimilar vehicles - have you figured out how to take that into account?  Some are fast on land, some fly and then you've got the mech which is neither >:3

...maybe I should list a breakdown of the vehicles too...
That's made up for by, so far, being the most heavily-armed and armored thing anyone's got. And it's still less than an Aelis (who's mechs are the smallest on average) medium mech!
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 08, 2010, 10:21:02 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 08, 2010, 10:12:06 AM
I'm actually surprised you didn't take Aelisium, not only for the clockwork mecha sn power armor, but Bas was saying last night that they specifically condemn the use of souls as power and soul-murder. Would've been right your alley...

Yeah, if I had known that last, I would have seriously considered it.  However, there are a number of issues, which is why I'm not planning to change it.

1. My understanding is that while they may condemn soul-stealing, they also condemn people who happen to have wings on their heads.  I wanted to have it part of Sethir's design that he's upfront about being 'Cubi to try and gain people's trust rather than springing it on them later (hence my original question).

2. I've been thinking over Seth's attitudes and backstory and it's become a bit Nhylamar-centric.

3. I chose Voethfel as Seth's adopted homeland because it seemed to have the lowest use of souls of the three Creature-centric countries, though I could be wrong of course.

QuoteThat's made up for by, so far, being the most heavily-armed and armored thing anyon'es got. And it's still less than an Aelis (who's mechs are the smallest on average) medium mech!

True, but in terms of getting from A to B, it's going to be at a bit of a disadvantage.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 08, 2010, 10:24:48 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 08, 2010, 10:21:02 AM
1. My understanding is that while they may condemn soul-stealing, they also condemn people who happen to have wings on their heads.  I wanted to have it part of Sethir's design that he's upfront about being 'Cubi to try and gain people's trust rather than springing it on them later (hence my original question).

2. I've been thinking over Seth's attitudes and backstory and it's become a bit Nhylamar-centric.

3. I chose Voethfel as Seth's adopted homeland because it seemed to have the lowest use of souls of the three Creature-centric countries, though I could be wrong of course.
Simple; make a Being, you cubi fanboi >:D

Quote from: Tapewolf on March 08, 2010, 10:21:02 AM
QuoteThat's made up for by, so far, being the most heavily-armed and armored thing anyon'es got. And it's still less than an Aelis (who's mechs are the smallest on average) medium mech!

True, but in terms of getting from A to B, it's going to be at a bit of a disadvantage.
Which is why it's got a wheeled mode.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 08, 2010, 10:35:43 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 08, 2010, 10:24:48 AM
Simple; make a Being, you cubi fanboi >:D

Beings are no fun to write  :<
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Arcalane on March 08, 2010, 12:39:31 PM
Quote from: Gabi on March 08, 2010, 07:23:06 AM
Wow, even if only half the players actually play, this game can be quite active. (And mysterious: we'd be wondering how we'd ended up with a half player).

Chainsaws. >:3

Quote from: Gabi on March 08, 2010, 07:23:06 AM
Anyway, why so many Cubi?

Fanboythings. :U
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Gabi on March 08, 2010, 12:57:56 PM
Beings can be fun to play. You just have to work more on character development. But that's something I enjoy.

As for why I chose Nhylamar, it sounded like the first place a magically inclined being would think of when trying to find a new home in a rush. That said, Anabelle does not approve of soul-stealing, but she also believes that no place is perfect and it's best to do what you can with what you have. It's not like it would stop happening if she went elsewhere.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Kafzeil on March 08, 2010, 02:30:19 PM
Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on March 08, 2010, 09:06:27 AM
As a note I feel like I should apologize to Azlan and insidexml (and Mel?) in advance - Keaton's probably gonna act like a horrible prejudiced bitch to the Angels. :< Oh dear.

When you put like that I somehow regret not making an Angel character, if only to watch Keaton and my character bounce off each other. Then again, I love do these kinds of things in RPs. I'm something of a masochist in that respect.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Sunblink on March 08, 2010, 02:50:52 PM
Quote from: Kafzeil on March 08, 2010, 02:30:19 PM
When you put like that I somehow regret not making an Angel character, if only to watch Keaton and my character bounce off each other. Then again, I love do these kinds of things in RPs. I'm something of a masochist in that respect.

Aw, you're right. That would've been fun. They'd be like angry ping-pong balls! >:3

Although to be fair, if most of the party constituted people that Keaton hated, she would probably be thrown out very quickly :P

Actually, she acted horribly to James StarRunner's character in Furrae Chronicles because of similar racial tension (James's character was an Angel), but Keaton's changed a bit in characterization since then so she's more tolerable. James is a nice guy so it was kind of weird having Keaton jab at him all the time.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Kafzeil on March 08, 2010, 03:07:16 PM
Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on March 08, 2010, 02:50:52 PM

Aw, you're right. That would've been fun. They'd be like angry ping-pong balls! >:3

Although to be fair, if most of the party constituted people that Keaton hated, she would probably be thrown out very quickly :P

Actually, she acted horribly to James StarRunner's character in Furrae Chronicles because of similar racial tension (James's character was an Angel), but Keaton's changed a bit in characterization since then so she's more tolerable. James is a nice guy so it was kind of weird having Keaton jab at him all the time.

I have used Lucy before, in other forms. She has undergone a lot of changes, most notably she calmer, but she tends to be sarcastic and snide to people she doesn't like. Generally though, you have to do something to piss her off first.

I have been brainingstorming a pair of ANgel characters. One of which would likely do little to qwell any sort of prejudices Keaton has. Kind of a Sinister Junkman/Con-Artist.  A total bastard. i imagine the party would toss him ouyt. Or frag him. :B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Gabi on March 08, 2010, 03:57:08 PM
You can always find another reason to jab each other. It's not so hard to get on Keaton's bad side (the character, not the player).
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Ghostwish on March 08, 2010, 04:10:55 PM
Quote from: Gabi on March 08, 2010, 03:57:08 PM
You can always find another reason to jab each other. It's not so hard to get on Keaton's bad side (the character, not the player).

Yes, beware the player. She'll steal your cookies.  :mowcookie
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: SpottedKitty on March 08, 2010, 05:33:35 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 08, 2010, 07:40:02 AM

Beings: 6
Cubi: 6
Angel: 3 (counting Adelaide)
Undead: 1
Demon: 1

Given Zelah's twitchiness in the presence of people who are obviously Creatures, I can see the first few game-time "hours" of this being... interesting. <scribbles a few more character notes>
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tipod on March 08, 2010, 06:25:37 PM
Since that's the case, I'd love to see her reaction to Bart's almost "what very small children think Creatures look like" design (dark and lots of teeth).
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Azlan on March 08, 2010, 06:26:09 PM
Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on March 08, 2010, 09:06:27 AM
As a note I feel like I should apologize to Azlan and insidexml (and Mel?) in advance - Keaton's probably gonna act like a horrible prejudiced bitch to the Angels. :< Oh dear.

No worries, it seems to be shaping up to be interesting all around.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: SpottedKitty on March 08, 2010, 07:50:22 PM
Quote from: Tipod on March 08, 2010, 06:25:37 PM

Since that's the case, I'd love to see her reaction to Bart

Possibly an intense desire to run (not walk) up the nearest tall object. Whatever or whoever that might be. I haven't yet worked out all the details of how thoroughly the fewmets have hit the windmill for Zelah over the last few days, but his nerves are definitely hanging by a thread.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 08, 2010, 08:25:29 PM
Huh. Basilisk says this is okay. I think it needs more polish, but hey, look at that, we're outta time.


Name: Sir Cyril Whittington-Smythe the Fifth.
Nickname(s): Are you kidding? Nobody would be willing to admit to having given him one. Just in case.
Age: 872
Race: Angel
Species: Badger
Family: No family of his own, for reasons that will become apparent, but has a couple of  siblings spread around, who have families of their own. He does not stay in touch.

General Appearance:
Hair: A short fuzz of hair, coloured to match his mask.
Eyes: Navy blue.
Fur Coloration: He has the typical badger mask, only in his case, the darker colour is a deep navy blue, whereas the lighter colour is a lighter maroon. He is, as a result, just a little touchy about people calling it pink.
Appearance: Whittington-Smythe is particular and fastidious about his appearance. He manages to remain dapper, no matter the circumstances. He usually wears a white shirt, with the waistcoat and trousers of a dove grey suit (the jacket is in the back of his closet, and usually remains there; if he gets cold, he usually unmasks his wings and uses them to keep warm). He accessorises with a pale blue neckcloth, a gold pocketwatch on a chain, inlaid with a pattern in lapis lazuli, a gold and sapphire tiepin and matching cufflinks. On his feet are a pair of shiny patent leather shoes, polished to a high shine in almost any situation. And, finally, he has a top hat he brings out when he needs to really look the part.
His dapper appearance is kept in shape by a spell of his own devising. In order to actually damage his outfit, he needs to be extremely worn out first; unless, of course, he is persuaded otherwise.
Other than that, he's merely of average height, clocking in at a shade under five feet and six inches, but, as with most badgers, he is stocky in build, weighing about one hundred eighty pounds. He keeps in shape with a morning jog and some gym time every week.

Combat Abilities:
Strengths: Very, very strong magic defensively. Fairly strong magic offensively. And, of course, is exceptional at offending. Especially people he sees as stupid (see under weaknesses).
Weaknesses: Can't swim. Not a big deal, since he can freeze the water into ice, and kick off his shoes, using his claws to not slip. Or any of a number of other ways of resolving that problem.
Can't walk past a bookstore without going in and, usually, buying something. Often half the store, if he finds something he hasn't got.
Allergic to stupidity. And acerbic, too.
Weapon(s): Claws, not that he uses them much, not wanting to damage his careful manicure. Other than that, he uses magic as other people breathe.

From Sevastia'Nyad, he teaches in one of the more prestigious, if not the _most_ prestigious (he'd argue it wasn't, but he's a bit opinionated) universities in the major educational city therein. Well, "teaches" might be a bit of a misnomer. He tends to take one or two students at a time, after they get a doctorate in his particular area, and puts a bit more polish on them. He only takes that few because he's among the very best, and there are few that can keep up with him. Much of his time is taken with research and development, along with various visits to the Sevastia'Nyad equivalent of the Department of Defence and defence contractors, although he's under various magical NDAs about it and won't tell you even if you ask.

His past includes some time spent learning about the machines that have been used against his home country, and how to break, twist, bend, mutilate, and spindle them and their operators, preferably without getting your own hands dirty. He is, however, willing to roll his sleeves up and take apart an engine or motor, should the opportunity be required, in order to learn how better to break it, next time. He has also spent a lot of time learning defensive spells, and, of course, since the best defence is a good offence, this includes a fair swathe of offensive spells. Particularly offensive, since he feels that properly rubbing someone's nose in their ineffectiveness on the battlefield makes them suitable chastened later in negotiations.

His parents left him fairly well off when they passed on, and, since this was a while ago, he's fairly well adjusted for an academic. He may, one day, meet a lady who impresses him enough to change his mind about being single, but so far, he's not met anyone.

Disposition: Keeps a stiff upper lip, and maintains a cheery disposition, in order to bolster the lower classes. After all, we can't let the workers know we're worried, can we?

Is always willing to teach someone. Providing they're willing to learn.
His pocketwatch is a link to hammerspace, one of several ways he has of reaching in. It's also a gift from a friend, which is why he keeps it, and convenient, unlike some of the other ways.
Drinks tea, usually pulled from the watch. May also pull scones, and cream, and jam, and sugar, etc, if he feels the need to be miserably superior; say, if someone's machine just broke, again. Unlike his magic. And he had nothing to do with the break, at all.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Azlan on March 08, 2010, 10:30:30 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 08, 2010, 08:25:29 PM

Name: Sir Cyril Whittington-Smythe the Fifth.

Funny thing with part of that name, I just played a Doctor Whittington Smythe in Doctor Who from Cubicle 7. 

I must say I like your sardonic chap.  He might possibly the best one to date.  Love the tea, scones, cream, jam, sugar, and such from hammerspace.  Nice touch.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on March 08, 2010, 10:42:14 PM
i think i'm going to call this closed for now... there are 18 current players, and with Keaton already claiming a slot, that's 19...

Hopefully interest isn't too overboard... i'll be opening the IC at some point tomorrow.

Welcome to the game, and hope you enjoy.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: WhiteFox on March 09, 2010, 12:16:25 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 08, 2010, 08:25:29 PM
Appearance: Whittington-Smythe is particular and fastidious about his appearance. He manages to remain dapper, no matter the circumstances.

Come on down to the engine room some time! We got grease stains and coal dust for everyone!

I kid.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 09, 2010, 03:22:37 AM
Thanks, Azlan.

Whitefox, you wouldn't want him in your engine room. You'd find odd patches of rust in places that couldn't possibly rust (inside the firebox, while it's lit, for example. Or on copper. Or gold contacts...), on alternate mondays the fire would burn cold, no matter what you did to it, and when the moon was full the engine as a whole would run backwards at five minute intervals.

And you wouldn't be able to figure out how he'd done it to you, or even prove it was him. ;-]
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 09, 2010, 05:13:52 AM
In case anyone's interested I amended the breakdown on the assumption that Keaton uses Keaton as her character, which last I heard was the plan.  We now have 4 Angels and 7 'Cubi, so I guess Gabi's complaint was kind of justified  :P
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Ghostwish on March 09, 2010, 09:18:22 AM
God dang head-winged buggers. Loony, the whole lot of em!

But not as near as loony as the players behind them. ;)
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on March 09, 2010, 09:56:40 AM
Hey! I resemble that remark :3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: SpottedKitty on March 09, 2010, 01:41:40 PM
Quote from: Ghostwish on March 09, 2010, 09:18:22 AM

But not as near as loony as the players behind them. ;)

It took you this long to notice...?   ;)  :P
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Ghostwish on March 09, 2010, 03:46:39 PM
Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on March 09, 2010, 09:56:40 AM
Hey! I resemble that remark :3

How strange. It seems I do as well. I sense a conspiracy. :O
Quote from: SpottedKitty on March 09, 2010, 01:41:40 PM

It took you this long to notice...?   ;)  :P

Hey!! Let's see you catch all pokemon and be so attentive at the same time! Huh? Huh? I didn't think so! :P
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on March 09, 2010, 05:35:34 PM
on an unrelated note, i've got a rough map sketched out of the region.  It's in the northern hemisphere, and the arctic circle is just a smidge above the very top.  I'll get it colored, and add more details in the near future, but figured for reference sake, this would be helpful.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: WhiteFox on March 09, 2010, 06:16:21 PM
Quote from: Ghostwish on March 09, 2010, 09:18:22 AM
God dang head-winged buggers. Loony, the whole lot of em!

But not as near as loony as the players behind them. ;)

I'll have you know, Gabriel is a perfectly ordinary joe. He isn't a 'cubi, for that matter.

Anyway... I've noticed the ones to look out for are people who have average, normal characters. The quiet ones are always have something to hide.  :paranoid
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 09, 2010, 06:25:28 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on March 09, 2010, 05:35:34 PM
on an unrelated note, i've got a rough map sketched out of the region.  It's in the northern hemisphere, and the arctic circle is just a smidge above the very top.  I'll get it colored, and add more details in the near future, but figured for reference sake, this would be helpful.

What are the numbered regions?  And I guess it's going to be a bit cold there...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on March 09, 2010, 06:27:44 PM
The numbered regions are smaller nations who, due to either positioning or local populace, switch rulers, government type and/or names every 20-30 years, and as such, don't have official names on any map... let alone official borders.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 10, 2010, 06:40:58 AM
I have made a few - possibly rash - assumptions about how far the train wreck is from the capital of Nhylamar.  Let me know if there's a problem and I'll see if I can rework it.


Quote from: SpottedKitty on March 10, 2010, 05:24:17 PM
... Her sense of time told her it should be about time for morning mass... no, she wouldn't be going to any services for a long time. Maybe never again.

Okay, now I'm really curious.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: WhiteFox on March 12, 2010, 01:28:15 AM
Any PCs at the train wreck want to hook up with Gabriel?

If someone needs a ride, Walsh could tow a wagon or the like.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 12, 2010, 06:52:07 AM
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 12, 2010, 01:28:15 AM
Any PCs at the train wreck want to hook up with Gabriel?

After Seth has done what he's doing with the trapped passengers, then sure.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: SpottedKitty on March 12, 2010, 01:07:29 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 10, 2010, 06:40:58 AM

Quote from: SpottedKitty on March 10, 2010, 05:24:17 PM

... Her sense of time told her it should be about time for morning mass... no, she wouldn't be going to any services for a long time. Maybe never again.

Okay, now I'm really curious.

Nothing more nefarious than usual, Zelah's just gone on the run from his homeland, and it's starting to sink in how many normal everyday things he won't be able to do again. Aeliseium might want his head on a platter — body optional— but he'd lived there all his life. It was home.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 12, 2010, 01:20:11 PM
QuoteNothing more nefarious than usual, Zelah's just gone on the run from his homeland, and it's starting to sink in how many normal everyday things he won't be able to do again. Aeliseium might want his head on a platter — body optional— but he'd lived there all his life. It was home.

Aw, shame.  I thought she'd gone to Mass and completely freaked out in some darkly amusing fashion.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 12, 2010, 02:21:32 PM
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 03, 2010, 07:36:00 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 03, 2010, 04:04:35 PM
* A Stirling-powered motorcycle of his own design
Woo-hoo! We can race.  :3

By the way, somethe else interesting, Tezkat also has a bike (though his is Sevastria Magitech, instead of Nhylamar magic+tech, and it flies), which means we've got three characters with "steampunk" bikes.

Oh yes, there better be a race...  >:3

And on a more practical note, you guys could even team up (you're even all starting out in the same place!) and make up some kind of light cavalry lance or something, when you meet up with a large party...think of the possibilities! :D
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: SquirrelWizard on March 12, 2010, 02:29:55 PM
we need a demon from Anhk'ator with his own steampowered moster of a bike, and we'll have our own 4 horsemen of the steampunk apocalypse.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Kafzeil on March 12, 2010, 02:32:06 PM
Quote from: SquirrelWizard on March 12, 2010, 02:29:55 PM
we need a demon from Anhk'ator with his own steampowered moster of a bike, and we'll have our own 4 horsemen of the steampunk apocalypse.

DAMMIT! Why didn't I think of that before?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on March 12, 2010, 02:33:10 PM
Because being a demon from Ahnk' Ator is to be signing up for life of either slavery or a quick execution, depending on how powerful they are :P
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: SquirrelWizard on March 12, 2010, 02:43:45 PM
but he rides a giant freaking soot belching bike! He's a rebel!
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Kafzeil on March 12, 2010, 02:46:58 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on March 12, 2010, 02:33:10 PM
Because being a demon from Ahnk' Ator is to be signing up for life of either slavery or a quick execution, depending on how powerful they are :P

Well, then Insectis then. The boke would also likely resemble a ATV then an actual motorbike.  :P

Also, I am so tempted to join up with glitch and Ashens' characters now.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: WhiteFox on March 12, 2010, 03:38:32 PM
Quote from: SquirrelWizard on March 12, 2010, 02:29:55 PM
we need a demon from Anhk'ator with his own steampowered moster of a bike, and we'll have our own 4 horsemen of the steampunk apocalypse.

Can I be Plague? I mean, Gabriel is a rat after all.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on March 13, 2010, 12:38:24 AM
figured i'd go post a quick note with shopping starting to occur, so as people don't get confused or make up too much

Money for Sevastia'Nyad is paper currency, Dollars and cents, though the banking system is advanced enough to have the magical equivalent of debit cards.  Where, upon using the slip of paper, a specific amount of money is transferred from one account to another.  It's not so much automated, merely, the paper sends a signal, which is transcribed at a bank, who then performs the proper paper work to have funds transferred directly.

In Voethfel, money is in weight of gold or silver.  In Nhylamar it's in gold, silver and copper coins, in Aeliseium it's in Marks and Pents (paper and coin currency respectively) and there's a paper system in Ahnk Ator, though based on a gold and silver standard.  Every Flect is worth .01g gold.  Flect being the insectic currency, which has since become the standard.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 13, 2010, 04:58:26 AM
This might be a point for Seth to run into Bart.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tipod on March 13, 2010, 12:49:18 PM
Definitely feel free to have him do so :V
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: WhiteFox on March 14, 2010, 03:25:34 AM
For those who are interested, I finished colouring Gabriels picture. Updated the link in his bio accordingly.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 15, 2010, 06:43:17 PM
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 14, 2010, 03:25:34 AM
For those who are interested, I finished colouring Gabriels picture. Updated the link in his bio accordingly.

Just checking, is that Sethir you've spotted in the RP?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: WhiteFox on March 15, 2010, 07:56:55 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 15, 2010, 06:43:17 PM
Just checking, is that Sethir you've spotted in the RP?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 16, 2010, 07:03:54 AM
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 15, 2010, 07:56:55 PM

Ah well, the sudden change in situation kind of banjaxed that.

Anyway, what keeps the Zep aloft?  And is Seth going to know?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on March 16, 2010, 08:58:18 AM
It's a rigid-structure, supported by lift bags, it's a zeppelin with a built in structure...  for a horribly rough reference something akin to this (better links down below, and this link is broken) though, note that it's far less armed... and far more lightly armored.  It's a military medium transport with a couple of cannons added for protection.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 16, 2010, 09:03:47 AM
That link's blocked by the side, I think you have to link to the parent article instead.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tezkat on March 16, 2010, 12:31:01 PM

Or you could just refresh the page without a referrer URL... :animesweat

Anyways, it's a concept sketch of the Silverna from Last Exile. I managed to locate an artbook scan ( with a higher res colour image. Last Exile = awesome and win. :3

Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Azlan on March 16, 2010, 01:22:06 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on March 16, 2010, 12:31:01 PM

Or you could just refresh the page without a referrer URL... :animesweat

Anyways, it's a concept sketch of the Silverna from Last Exile. I managed to locate an artbook scan ( with a higher res colour image. Last Exile = awesome and win. :3

Last Exile designs seem appropriate in this RP.  Tez, do you remember what the name of the advanced ship the Anatoray were using to hunt the Silverna (Silvana?)with?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tezkat on March 16, 2010, 01:42:58 PM
Are you thinking of the Urbanus ( Been some years since I last watched that show...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Azlan on March 17, 2010, 03:02:16 PM
Yes, that is it!  Thanks, off to contemplate FH now.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 18, 2010, 03:11:28 AM
In other news, the wonderful Lucheek has done a sketch of my two brothers! :mowhappy

Link to the sketch added to my character sheet. (And in case anyone's wondering, their outfits are supposed to be lighter versions of the armor worn by the pilot in this video ( She says she can't do steampunk well, but I think she did a great job :) )
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 19, 2010, 03:35:57 PM
Okay, here's a question that Seth himself would know the answer to, but I don't:
What are the legal implications of killing the airship guys if they are enemy soldiers, and how different would it be if they were pirates?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on March 19, 2010, 03:47:57 PM
Given the fact that they're an organized unit, and are actively raiding Nhylamar, none whatsoever.  In fact, devouring their souls would be completely acceptable under such circumstances, as they'd all be tried, and probably found guilty of piracy... which is a soul-executable offense
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 19, 2010, 04:14:27 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on March 19, 2010, 03:47:57 PM
In fact, devouring their souls would be completely acceptable under such circumstances, as they'd all be tried, and probably found guilty of piracy... which is a soul-executable offense

Seth in his original story specialised in hunting Creatures who ate souls, so that's not exactly his style.  He's more likely to try and kill them to prevent what would ensue if they were convicted.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Gabi on March 20, 2010, 10:01:24 PM
First bits of trivia about Anabelle: she likes pies a lot, and she likes to block her own thoughts with light talk when she gets too nervous.

Yes, trivia is supposed to be trivial.

Also, please do not compare the apples and the oranges.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 21, 2010, 07:17:12 AM

That's a heck of a post, there, Gabi.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Gabi on March 21, 2010, 09:47:45 AM
Thanks! I'm glad someone read it. :)

Renard's lines were written by Bas.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on March 21, 2010, 09:48:45 AM
Hey now... i worked out the dialogue with you, and read it as well :3... and thus, as soon as i finish the IC post up things should start to be more interesting
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Gabi on March 21, 2010, 09:51:04 AM
I know you did, Bas. Well, I didn't know you'd already gone through the post, but I was assuming you would, eventually, because you're very dedicated.

I wasn't expecting anyone else would read it though, considering it's a long post and not directly related to anyone else's stories.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 21, 2010, 11:08:26 AM
I read it all, too... :3

It was interesting in that it sounds like the demon was hit by some kind of Ahnk special forces... probably not what happened, but that's what it sounds like.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 22, 2010, 10:51:44 PM
Bas has allowed me to announce this;

Some of you have been chatting with Bas about the game and posts, some of you haven't. Those of you that have are not often in the same place.

Well, now there is one convienient place for everyone to gather in! Here (* is llearch's IRC server, from which you can get to Bas' channel at any time by typing the command /join baschat (or by replacing #comicfrenzy with #baschat in the login). No singups or downloads required, anyone can come in at any time! Chat about posts, ask Bas questions about the game... anything related to this RP (Those of us who have already been using this chat have gotten some choice information ;) ). One easy place that everyone can use!

*Bas wil be putting up the same link in the first post of this OOC thread, for ease of location
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 23, 2010, 10:10:08 AM
If anyone is interested I've added a picture of Sethir to his profile, courtesy of Ren.  I think it still needs a little tweaking (the ear is too short?), but that's the general idea.  The suit is a bit more Project Future than steampunk, though I've been assuming that such things (including polymers for the helmet) are available from places with magic-enhanced manufacturing capability.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 23, 2010, 12:50:48 PM
Ooh, that's pretty nice...although yeah, I think the outfit's a little too "slick" for a steampunk setting :P
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Ashen Star on March 23, 2010, 07:45:39 PM
sorry, very bad day with bad spinal infection will get back soon.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 23, 2010, 08:47:06 PM
Quote from: Ashen Star on March 23, 2010, 07:45:39 PM
sorry, very bad day with bad spinal infection will get back soon.
Spinal infection? :erk That sounds really bad...hope you get better soon :dface
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Kafzeil on March 23, 2010, 09:45:01 PM
Quote from: Ashen Star on March 23, 2010, 07:45:39 PM
sorry, very bad day with bad spinal infection will get back soon.

Ouch, hope you get better soon. That sounds nasty.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: WhiteFox on March 23, 2010, 09:57:48 PM
Posted after confering with Bas on a few things. Yes, the song is of personal significance to Gabriel, and was edited down accordingly. Players are warned to be careful what they read into it, as I will giggle incessantly at misconceptions.

Ashen: Condolences, and well wishes
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 24, 2010, 05:39:39 AM
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 23, 2010, 09:57:48 PM
Yes, the song is of personal significance to Gabriel, and was edited down accordingly.
Actually, I've been looking for that song for a while now.  What's it called?
(You have no idea how hard it was to avoid mentioning Long Lankin while Seth was mopping up after his kill.)

QuoteAshen: Condolences, and well wishes
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: WhiteFox on March 24, 2010, 06:19:25 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 24, 2010, 05:39:39 AM
What's it called?


It's called "Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye." (

(I sense an imminent face-palm)
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 24, 2010, 06:33:33 AM
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 24, 2010, 06:19:25 AM
It's called "Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye." (
(I sense an imminent face-palm)

As it happens, Steeleye Span's version seems to have been titled "Fighting for Strangers"  >:3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 24, 2010, 06:55:01 AM
Heh. And here I was thinking of Dropkick Murphy's version...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: WhiteFox on March 24, 2010, 07:14:26 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 24, 2010, 06:33:33 AM
As it happens, Steeleye Span's version seems to have been titled "Fighting for Strangers"  >:3

That's because it's a completely different song.

Most all of the traditional celtic versions I went by (Clancy Brothers and Dubliners, though I'm not especially partial to either rendition), was called "Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye."

Incidentally, I imagine Gabe's last line ("Drums and guns...") as sung by the Dropkick Murphys. Their cover is called "Johnny I Hardly Knew Ya," so I can understand there might be some confusion there.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 24, 2010, 07:27:21 AM
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 24, 2010, 07:14:26 AM
That's because it's a completely different song.

Most all of the traditional celtic versions I went by (Clancy Brothers and Dubliners, though I'm not especially partial to either rendition), was called "Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye."

I don't think I've heard any version of it in more than 25 years, so yeah, memory is a little hazy :3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on March 24, 2010, 10:51:03 AM
I'm obviously not playing, but I always thought it was bizarre that (at least the tune I'm familiar with) the instrumentation for "Johnny I hardly knew ye" is identical for "When Johnny comes marching home again", and yet the tone presented by the lyrics is diametrically opposed.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Liatai on March 24, 2010, 02:46:43 PM
I'm not playing either (but I'm enjoying reading it!), but talking about tone dissonance... I'm most familiar with that tune as a kids' song.  :blink

"The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah..."
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Sunblink on March 25, 2010, 07:21:50 PM
I just got back from my psychiatrist's after discussing the fact I haven't been able to think clearly or coherently beyond a very limited vocabulary, and it turns out we're switching around my medication. However, making sure I get some proper sleep and wake up without feeling like my head's filled with sand is the highest priority, and restoring writing and artwork is way behind.

I don't know how long things are going to take anymore. I'm sorry for this really depressed post, but as it turns out I don't think I'm going to be playing in the RP for a while. I really thought I was making progress in the areas that mean the most to me, so this is an unbelievable disappointment. I'm sorry, guys.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on March 25, 2010, 07:27:02 PM
 :tighthug  You get yourself better Keats, and we'll be here when you're ready...

Take all the time you need, and if you need anything, feel free to ask.

Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: WhiteFox on March 25, 2010, 08:01:29 PM
Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on March 25, 2010, 07:21:50 PM
I don't know how long things are going to take anymore. I'm sorry for this really depressed post, but as it turns out I don't think I'm going to be playing in the RP for a while. I really thought I was making progress in the areas that mean the most to me, so this is an unbelievable disappointment. I'm sorry, guys.

Take as much time as you need to, Keats. We'll have a spot for you when you're up and running again.

Now go get some sleep. :3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tipod on March 25, 2010, 08:21:41 PM
Ditto, I don't think anyone here's going to fault you for that. In the meantime, chillaxary and maxilary.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Ashen Star on March 25, 2010, 08:23:30 PM
out of the hospital now.  Still have a nasty infection.  104 fevers suck!  Still not up to posting but I hope by next week I will be.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on March 25, 2010, 08:32:09 PM
No worries, Ashen.  Thanks for the update, and hope you feel better soon
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 28, 2010, 09:25:28 AM
Seth's still waiting on the fireball ploy.  I guess you were waiting for Bart's move?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on March 28, 2010, 09:53:04 AM
That i am, though i'm going to be doing shorter posts to keep conversations going today between players and NPCs... so, most likely, soon after Bart's post, i'll get a train-crash post up too
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on March 28, 2010, 09:57:01 AM
Quote from: Basilisk on March 28, 2010, 09:53:04 AM
That i am, though i'm going to be doing shorter posts to keep conversations going today between players and NPCs... so, most likely, soon after Bart's post, i'll get a train-crash post up too

Just checking.  With this many players it would be easy for something like that to slip through the cracks.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Gabi on April 01, 2010, 11:28:58 PM
There's a reason I'm stalling. I'm going on a trip on the 17th, and returning... probably on the 29th.

And I still have a lot of work to do before I leave.

I've already talked to Bas, so here's the plan: if everything goes well, I'll research the newcomers, get to talk to them, initially decide to stay because the village needs me, and then join them when it becomes clear that I'm not so needed anymore.

Also, Bas is amazing. :hug
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on April 05, 2010, 07:07:15 PM
Regarding Bart, don't forget that Seth has tried to shoot the mare while she was trying to get up, I don't know whether he hits or not, but you might want to take that into account.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tipod on April 05, 2010, 07:49:14 PM
To be honest, I was kinda bleary eyed when I wrote that and kinda glossed over the last few posts so missing that detail was my bad. Is it a safe assumption that Seth's shot would've hit or miss before Bart could get over to her? I don't think his reaction time is faster than a speeding bullet, plus considering how messed-up his hearing would be with a bunch of high-yield explosives detonating nearby :B

Though to be fair I'm not really the one who makes the call on whether she gets hit or not.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on April 06, 2010, 04:47:41 AM
Quote from: Tipod on April 05, 2010, 07:49:14 PM
To be honest, I was kinda bleary eyed when I wrote that and kinda glossed over the last few posts so missing that detail was my bad. Is it a safe assumption that Seth's shot would've hit or miss before Bart could get over to her? I don't think his reaction time is faster than a speeding bullet, plus considering how messed-up his hearing would be with a bunch of high-yield explosives detonating nearby :B

Yeah, I think it's probably safe to assume that Seth fired before Bart moved.  Whether he hit or not is up to Bas, as you say.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 06, 2010, 06:53:40 AM
hehehe. Mel, you is ebil. *applause*

.. now to think on a post...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: WhiteFox on April 15, 2010, 01:01:20 AM
Some errata related to post #194: (,7124.msg321961.html#msg321961)

-Time-wise, Gabriel should be looking for work at the same time the Mjolnir is in port. Unless I've screwed up the continuity.
-There may be some... oddities in the post that are deliberate.
-Gabriel is a cinnamon coloured fancy rat. I think of this as the equivalent of having strawberry blond hair, as far as fur colours go. Gorgeous, yet unassuming.
-His favorite foods are jujubes and/or gumdrops. He can be bribed.
-No, his mini-torch is not soul powered.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {3 slots open}
Post by: Lisky on April 20, 2010, 10:04:00 PM
sooo, Call me a glutton for punishment... but i figure that i'll add a few more slots on the list now that things have settled down to a more comfortable pace for me... only 3 for now, though.

Basic rules for new applicants, please PM me first before posting, i find it more personal, and easier for me to keep track of things that way...

#2 you're going to start in the vicinity of people who are currently playing... besides that, feel free to submit your new characters at your leisure...  I'll have the next IC post up some time fairly soon...  That is all.

PS: Hope you're all having fun
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {3 slots open}
Post by: WhiteFox on April 21, 2010, 02:14:33 AM
I wouldn't mind meeting up with another character. Gabriel is currently wandering around a trade district looking for work, so he'd be pretty easy to bump into.

PS: Is having fun.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {3 slots open}
Post by: lucas marcone on April 21, 2010, 03:14:49 AM
i am interested, give me a bit to read over the important stuff....(meaning, when i'm not sick as a dog ill give it a look)
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {3 slots open}
Post by: Tezkat on April 21, 2010, 03:22:10 PM

Um... unless Seth has some sort of magic to divine race, there's currently no indication that Tez is an Incubus. Thanks to some childhood misadventures, he's a bit shy about his "condition" and masquerades as a Demon whenever possible (hence the references to bat wings and such despite the fact that he normally has feathers).
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {3 slots open}
Post by: Tapewolf on April 21, 2010, 03:26:47 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 21, 2010, 03:22:10 PM
Um... unless Seth has some sort of magic to divine race, there's currently no indication that Tez is an Incubus.
Okay, I'll fix that.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {3 slots open}
Post by: Techcubi on April 22, 2010, 09:34:17 PM
Is there something I need to do in order to join a Mature thread?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {3 slots open}
Post by: Sunblink on April 22, 2010, 09:43:20 PM
Quote from: Techcubi on April 22, 2010, 09:34:17 PM
Is there something I need to do in order to join a Mature thread?

Speaking from experience... nope. It's just a rating that warns people about future content, like R or Rebma.

When I'm able to get my own app together I'm pretty sure my character will be responsible for 80% of the vulgarity.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {3 slots open}
Post by: Lisky on April 22, 2010, 09:47:10 PM
*POUNCE GLOMPS* Heya Keaty! welcome back to the RP boards.  Your slot is reserved and made obvious in the first post.  Hope to see you around more often, and take care!  :tighthug
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {3 slots open}
Post by: Techcubi on April 22, 2010, 11:30:02 PM
(My application is pending approval.)
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {3 slots open}
Post by: Lisky on April 22, 2010, 11:41:10 PM
uh... Number 1 i specifically asked to be PMed character sheets before they got posted... Number 2 Desert eagle... yea... little bit high-tech for a steampunk setting
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {3 slots open}
Post by: Techcubi on April 22, 2010, 11:46:21 PM
You want me to edit out everything of my post, and, change the Desert eagles to something else?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {3 slots open}
Post by: WhiteFox on April 23, 2010, 12:02:57 AM
If you want to play, read the instructions.

Guidelines for submitting a character were clearly stated. Not to mention, Steampunk is typically a Victorian era setting. Basilisk said on more then one occasion that firearms were limited. Pre-WW2, IIRC.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {3 slots open}
Post by: Techcubi on April 23, 2010, 12:05:22 AM
Ok, so, should I edit the stuff out of my post, change the desert eagles to soemthing else, and then PM it to Basilisk?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {3 slots open}
Post by: WhiteFox on April 23, 2010, 12:09:46 AM
I tried. I really did.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {3 slots open}
Post by: Techcubi on April 23, 2010, 12:14:20 AM
Edited my post and PMed the app to Basilisk, Alright? You can stop thinking of me as some dumb n00b, now.

Edit: Gah! I forgot to hit the thing that I was supposed to check in the PM...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {3 slots open}
Post by: Lisky on April 23, 2010, 12:16:01 AM
WF: pre-WWI weapons, with the sole exception of pump-action shotguns

Techcubi: i can see you're energetic about joining, which is great and all... just understand that i had the rules set up so as to ease my own level of work i have to put into this game... the character index is useful, but having many attempts makes finding questions harder when they are asked, and referencing earlier game points becomes nigh impossible if i have everyone submitting character sheets, then edits, then more edits with more character sheets...  By streamlining the process (for myself) it helps everyone... as it means I can focus my attention on things less mundane, which in turn, means interesting plot twists, witty dialogue, and proper execution of planned events... things i can't do, or at least, not as well, if people don't follow the rules.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on April 23, 2010, 02:44:35 PM
Sorry for the double post... i noted that i had several messages pending... first 3 characters to respond

Corgatha Taldorthar



Apologies for taking forever to check my messages, finals have kinda hit me and studying has eaten up a lot of my attention and energy... Those who've applied after these 3, you'll be notified when the game opens up again... until then, however, i'm sorry, but i just don't think i can handle more than what i've already got...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on April 23, 2010, 02:48:11 PM
Name:  William Di'hei (Commonly called Will)
Race: Being
Age: Twenty five
Country of origin as well as current residence: Originally from Aeliseium, now a transient
Physical Description: A roughly 4'10" mink, very dark brown fur, clear black eyes, short tail. Often wears cheap, working clothes, tattered with use. Short sleeved shirts, dark slacks, worn overcoat, tough, knee high boots make up his usual apparel.
Equipment: Clothes, money, traveling bag, a long knife used both for self defense and to eat with, (and pick his teeth) A hooded lantern and several packets of oil for its usage, flint and steel.
Magical Abilities (if applicable):none
History: Uneducated son of laborers in Aeliseium. At the age of twelve, "officially" entered into the factory that his parents worked at as a full time employee. Parents died in a fire at the factory when he was sixteen. Shortly thereafter, he had an altercation with the shift manager, ending with him slashing the boss across the face, leaving a disfiguring scar, and Will on the next train out of the country. He's hopped from location to location since then, never staying in one place  very long, never putting down roots. He has no clear goals or ambitions, and no definite plans for his future, outside of staying as far away from Aeliseium as he can.

Trivia (if you so feel like it): I don't really intend for this character to last very long, he's really intended as something of a throw-away. As such, his name is an anagram of "He will die"

There's more, naturally, but permit me to have a *few* secrets held between me and the DM.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: WhiteFox on April 23, 2010, 07:06:57 PM
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on April 23, 2010, 02:48:11 PM
At the age of twelve, "officially" entered into the factory that his parents worked at as a full time employee. Parents died in a fire at the factory when he was sixteen. Shortly thereafter, he had an altercation with the shift manager, ending with him slashing the boss across the face, leaving a disfiguring scar, and Will on the next train out of the country. He's hopped from location to location since then, never staying in one place  very long, never putting down roots. He has no clear goals or ambitions, and no definite plans for his future, outside of staying as far away from Aeliseium as he can.

There's more, naturally, but permit me to have a *few* secrets held between me and the DM.

Looks like he has a fair bit in common with Gabriel.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: JamesCray on April 23, 2010, 08:00:24 PM
Name:  Johan Marek "Mak" Ledwinka

Race:  Being

Age: 24

Country of origin as well as current residence: The son of diplomats from Nhyalamar, Johan's childhood was spent travelling so often that it's hard to say if he truly feels he has a permanent home. If he had to claim one, however, he would probably choose the embassy in Sevastia'Nyad where his parents live.

Physical Description: Sandy dark-tan fur, with dark brown head hair and tipping his tail and the two massive ears that readily identify him as a fennec fox. He has grey eyes, edged in dark blue.  He tends toward a medium grey suit of a frock coat and trousers, white shirt and cravat. He stands a mere three feet, six inches tall, slim and slight, and carries a black and silver cane. Also, he wears a pair of silver wireframe glasses.

• The cane: A metal cane, lacquered black, with chrome fittings. The head unscrews, revealing a slender dagger.   
• The hat: A fairly standard top-hat, albeit with a number of pockets attached to the lining, holding random odds and ends, including ammunition.
• The glasses: Designed to correct a defect in his vision, where the closer objects get, the more out of focus they become.
• The pistol: A tiny derringer by Nhyalamar standards, he keeps it in a false compartment at the top of his hat, the brim also weighted to maintain proper balance. In a world with demons, a small-caliber pistol isn't going to make much difference in a fight unless used quite decisively, but the sound can draw attention.

Abilities: Not magical, but extremely intelligent, resourceful, and very cultured due to his upbringing.

History: Johan is the son of Karel and Eliska Ledwinka, diplomats from Nhyalamar. Rather than a 'Traditional' education, his mother, a translator, saw fit to bring him along on their travels and personally see to his education, with the help of the great classroom that is the world. Eventually, however, his parents retired to a semi-permanent posting in Sevastia'Nyad, and he was sent back to a fine university

Unfortunately, Johan proved to not quite be cut out for the more rigid, structured aspects of the scholarly world. Diplomacy was second nature to him, so he could be friendly, but he had a deep belief that respect must be earned, not demanded. This did not play well, and the university sent him packing, leaving him to take a job his parents lined up for him as a diplomatic courier at age twenty-two..


As a youth, his parents often entrusted his care to some of the lower-level embassy workers and guards when both of them are occupied, thus the number of languages he can curse in is more than three times the number he speaks fluently

During his adolescence, when his parents started spending more time in Sevastia'Nyad than back home, he snuck out and got into an altercation with a group of young demons. His size delayed them catching him, but they did. However, an older demon, a lupine female by the name of Sera, intervened. Apparently, she was embarrassed that six demons would take on just one being. She accompanied him back to the embassy.

On all later trips to Sevastia'Nyad, Sera would invite him to accompany her. When he asked why she did so, her reply was "Bait." She said that her hanging around with a being was practically a dare for hotheaded younger demons to try to attack, and she enjoyed the fights. To this day, however, they correspond, and remain fast friends.

In his teenage years, the fascination he always felt for motor vehicles exploded into a full-blown obsession. Unfortunately, his travels make it impractical to actually own a steam carriage, and his own personal airship would be more than a little extravagant, but in his duties he has proven himself somewhat of a natural in the operation of both.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: lucas marcone on April 27, 2010, 12:28:07 AM
well that sucks.... i was just about to submit a character too.... guess ill have to be quicker on the draw for reading/character thinking
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on April 27, 2010, 07:23:10 AM
i was rather shocked at how fast the slots went, looking back on it... if i'd payed attention, i would have closed within 36 hours of opening up again :B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on April 29, 2010, 05:12:34 PM
Anyways, finals are over, and now i have more time on my hands... there will be a post up later today, and i'll be around more often to answer questions, if anyone has any at this time
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on May 03, 2010, 10:39:27 PM
Right, apologies for the triple post... Boog has requested to be moved to the top of the "waiting" list, and given that he posted before the others, he has claim to the first open slot when i feel i can handle more players.

#4 is in, then, and that would be Mechanisto

you others who are waiting, i'll inform you in a similar post, plus via PM when you can post a character sheet here, and ready to get goin' in the game... right now, i'm on summer vacation for a few months, so i'll see how much my confidence builds in the next few weeks... if i think i can handle it, don't be too surprised to get added sooner than the obligatory 3 month period... if not, well... I'll do my best, as that's all i can give:B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on May 05, 2010, 04:52:38 AM
How far away from Seth is the Being who's about to turn the gun on him?  I'm trying to figure out if they're within easy tentacle range.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on May 05, 2010, 08:18:14 AM
about 10 feet, little bit outside his arm reach, most likely inside the wingspan
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Mechanisto on May 06, 2010, 12:10:57 AM
THERE we go. Here's a shortened version of my character's sheet, for the perusal of all.

Character: Dame Errant Josephina Hortence
Country of Origin: Flagstone, Aeliseium
Race: Cubi / Unicorn
Age: 68

   A white unicorn, with pastel blue mane and socks, a short silver horn, and steel gray eyes. Her build resembles that of a female deer, rather than a horse; slender and graceful to the point of frailty. Her wings are bat-like, and fade to faint blue; She keeps them hidden whenever possible.

   Electric "Death Ray" Pistol, matching Arc-Rapier
   Signet Ring of the Royal Family of Flagstone
   Several fine Victorian dresses and military uniforms
   Diplomatic "Black Bag" (officials are not legally permitted to examine the contents)
   "Exemplar" heavy infantry Gearskin (

Magic Abilities:
   Standard Cubi Powers: Empathics, shape-shifting, tentacles, wingies
   Advanced mental discipline: Resistance to psychic/empathic effects
   Soul-Forging: Use and collection of soul energy, maintenance of soulgems

   Dame Josephina Hortence is a gearskin pilot, and a royal guard for the Queen of Flagstone; a tiny independent mining colony that later surrendered to and was absorbed by Aeliseium. Her homeland is now little more than an industrial complex that serves to manufacture goods for the vast Aeliseium war machine. The royal family was allowed to remain on the throne; although the current queen is little more than a figure head, she still retains her status as a monarch.
   One such perk of being a monarch is the right to field a personal guard; the Royal Guardsmen are now the only soldiers who remain under her complete control. Most have been deployed to other territories as agents, perhaps simply to make the queen seem like less of a threat. Josephina herself is now a Privateer, plundering the trade lanes of other nations and funneling the profits back to Aeliseium. The change from chivalric defender to international thug has taken it's toll on her pleasant demeanor, but she nonetheless remains a lesser noble of the court. She takes her duties seriously, regardless of what she thinks of them.

The Vehicle:
   A "Gearskin" is a humanoid clock-work mech that appeals to the Flagstone love of chivalric melee combat. It's lone pilot controls it with a combination of conventional instruments and direct mental control. This mental link gives the vehicle incredible agility and reflexes, and makes the pilot uncannily aware of their surroundings... the cost, however, is that the pilot experiences some pain from any damage the Gearskin suffers. They range from 8 to 14 yards in height, but must be custom built to match the pilot's body structure and proportions. The effectiveness of the Gearskin depends on the skill of the operator; "Ace" pilots have been known to demolish entire squadrons of better equipped rookies and conscripts. When Aeliseium assumed control, Flagstone engineers were forced to replace all magical components with standard Aeliseium technology. The resulting downgrade made the once graceful Gearskin little more than an aukward, ineffective shock troop.
   The Exemplar Class Gearskin is used only by the Flagstone Royal Guards, measures 11 yards from heel to shoulder,  and is designed for intense, frontline warfare. It is an elite fighting machine built to the highest standards of engineering, and suffers from none of the clumsiness of it's militia brethren. Though it retains the agility and reflexes of the original Gearskins, it is also a physical powerhouse. It is incredibly strong and durable for it's small size, and can operate for very long periods without maintenance or refueling. It is, above all else, built to last.
   The Exemplar's main weapon is a massive armor piercing halberd, able to cleave through vehicle armour with frightening speed. It also fields a pair of medium pop-up cannons concealed in the forearms; a long range electric death ray, and a repeating cannon. The weapon modules can be swapped out if needed, and the Gearskin's hands are agile and strong enough to use any upscaled weaponry it may come across.
   Despite it's superior combat performance, the Exemplar's ranged firepower is limited; it is vulnerable to ranged attacks and aerial bombardment, and must close to melee to do any serious damage. It is rumored to possess an experimental defense system that uses Aeliseium technology in a previously unknown way. If this system exists, it's purpose and function remain unknown.

Miscellaneous Trivia:

Stays true to her sense of chivalric honor whenever possible... even though she's kind of a thug.
Keeps her Succubus nature hidden whenever possible.
Refers to all Electric based Aeliseium weapons as "Death Rays"
She's not a pirate. She's a privateer. There's a difference. Do not call her a pirate.
Despite her military background, she actually likes high society gatherings.
Drank horrible army-ration tea for so long, she can't drink anything else now.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on May 15, 2010, 03:57:32 AM
Are we waiting on Tezkat for an update of the badlands situation, or has it fallen victim to tiredness?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on May 15, 2010, 07:52:15 AM
I was waiting on Tez... but i'm going to get an update done this afternoon either way :B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Boog on May 16, 2010, 12:14:15 AM
About time, I believe

Name: Jeremiah Ac'Gregor

Race: Being

Country of Origin: Nhylamar

Present Residence: Moves around a lot. Lately in Voethfel

Gender: Male

Species: poisonous tree frog

Physical Description: A build more scrawny than wirey, shaggy brown hair, blotchy black and orange skin pattern with green eyes. Tends to slouch, more than a little jumpy, and has an overall animated personality. Wears a normal workman's dress shirt with suspenders, and a tweed overcoat.

Combat Abilities: In and of himself? Next to nil. Some minor skills with spells relating to illusions or hypnosis, and a knife that he's used maybe twice in his life in an offensive manner. His reflexes are fairly decent though, that and sheer panicked adrenaline rushes are generally all it takes to keep him out of the hands of the law.
When his curse kicks in, however, he can also age things with a touch, manipulate kinetic force, steal thoughts from someone's head (although he doesn't learn them himself) or command his very surroundings. Fortunately, when these abilities kick in his IQ is knocked down to approximately that of a turnip and aren't under his full control, so he isn't exactly looking to use his curse on purpose either.
An additional weapon is a small, spring-loaded spike in his sleeve, but Jeremiah doesn't know he has it. Bal, in one of his moments of control over Jeremiah's body, purchased the underhanded weapon and hid it in his coat, inside a hidden false pocket. When Bal is in control, he'll happily use this as a quick, unseen method of... Disposing of unpleasantries.

History: Once upon a time, Jeremiah was a high school art teacher in Nhylamar, when eventually one of his demonic students went on a rampage through the university. When the matter was done with and the bodies carried away they found Jeremiah unconscious in his classroom, the student (having been VERY surprised when her curse went awry and broke her arms) not too far away.
The curse, inexpertly cast, was meant to destroy and isolate the teacher, time robbing him of everything as he lost control over his life and went mad. Instead it created six personalities that quickly staked out portions of the poor man's skull and began fighting for control, furthering their own goals via the hapless frog and use of the magic that the curse siphoned from Jeremiah to keep itself going. These personalities were In, Nex, Plic, Cab, Bal, and Lunacy; In destroys, Nex isolates, Plic steals, Cab commands, Bal rots, and Lunacy warps. These six have been driving Jeremiah insane, both literally and figuratively, causing him to go a bit eccentric apart from the whole "people in his head talking to him" thing. He keeps going as best he can, if only on the basis that fate hates a moving target.
Soon after, wanting nothing else to do with magic and not entirely stable, Jeremiah evaded border guards to move from Nhylamar to Aeliseium, trying to live a normal life in spite of the voices in his skull. For a while he was able to quiet them entirely with a mild narcotic, but he kept needing more and more to suppress the symptoms of his curse. Eventually he found himself wandering far from home, almost on impulse, gravitating toward areas with large repositories of arcane knowledge. Now he's searching for a cure for his condition, but most legal means of procuring the information he needs have failed him. He's beginning to consider finding ways of breaking into the restricted sections of these libraries, or stealing the books from those who borrow them.
In his traveling Jeremiah is easily mistaken for a vagrant or homeless man. He manages to keep his head above water, financially, selling drawings to passing tourists or with simple sleight of hand scams.

Trivia: Jeremiah's good at coming off as funny and charming, with only a few of those little eccentricies showing up on occasion. He's more than somewhat prejudiced against creatures, but is fine with individuals when he gets to know them.
Usually in order to relax he'll start drawing or shaping a small lump of clay he keeps in his pocket, or practicing his illusions. He's never lost his interest in art, and has a soft spot for fine antiques.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on June 06, 2010, 08:18:55 AM
Seth would know whether a plea bargain with the authorities is possible/likely.  If so, I'll add it to my list of options he's offering her.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on June 06, 2010, 08:50:06 AM
Given the circumstances, Seth and Tez , being the direct victims of her assault, could request a lesser sentence.  Though, under the circumstances, running for the border is exactly the kind of thing she'd be going for :B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on June 06, 2010, 08:59:52 AM
Quote from: Basilisk on June 06, 2010, 08:50:06 AM
Given the circumstances, Seth and Tez , being the direct victims of her assault, could request a lesser sentence.  Though, under the circumstances, running for the border is exactly the kind of thing she'd be going for :B

I think I'll leave it as-is then, since he's trying to persuade her that talking to them = good, talking to the authorities = losing your soul.  But that's handy to know.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on June 09, 2010, 07:23:30 PM
Figure now would be a good time to say it... i'll be disappearing for the next 2 weeks, starting this upcoming friday.

First i have a cousin's wedding in KittyHawk to attend, and then staying a few days at the beach with the fam.  After that, i rush home, do laundry, do some last minute running around, and head off to AnthroCon... soo ya.. i'll have a laptop with me, and, as long as i've got an internet connection, i'll check in from time to time... but for the most part, i'll be disappearing... Hope to get posts done in everything that is owed first, but if not, i'll do my best in the evenings.

Have fun while i'm gone, and try not to cause too much trouble :P
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on June 10, 2010, 04:49:19 AM
Quote from: Basilisk on June 09, 2010, 07:23:30 PM
Figure now would be a good time to say it... i'll be disappearing for the next 2 weeks, starting this upcoming friday.

Have fun, and hopefully I'll see you at AC.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Gabi on June 17, 2010, 09:34:42 AM
I've noticed there's a temporal displacement between my posts and Arroyo's. In other words, I've seen Arroyo's future. :mowgrin

I've submitted my post just to get it done, I'm not in a hurry for a reply.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Azlan on June 21, 2010, 11:53:40 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on June 15, 2010, 11:42:46 PM

(OOC Note: Writing this while on vacation has taken forever, i know i still owe more, and i'll get to them when i have time, Thank you in advance for your patients)

Just so you know, I'm referring all the stark raving barmy bonzer fruitcakes I have.  Share the fun patients I say.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on June 22, 2010, 12:03:27 AM
XP, i blame the beach and sleep deprivation for that slip up... as is... it's amusing as hell, and therefore shall be left
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: SquirrelWizard on June 25, 2010, 03:30:15 PM
Just a heads up, I will be going on vacation starting 6/27, and will be gone for a week. I dont know if I will be able to snag an internet connection out there, so I will likely be silent for a while.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on July 01, 2010, 05:19:41 PM
Are we waiting on anyone in particular?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on July 01, 2010, 05:26:40 PM
i was just about to update here, Back from AC, post coming later tonight :O
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on July 01, 2010, 05:33:05 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on July 01, 2010, 05:26:40 PM
i was just about to update here, Back from AC, post coming later tonight :O

Okay, well don't let me rush you :P
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on July 14, 2010, 06:13:08 PM
Seth is kind of stalled on Tezkat, whether he has anything to say before Seth leaves...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on July 21, 2010, 07:29:32 PM
apologies for the recent delays... i accept that i've basically been putting off a post for way too long... i'll have one up ASAP :B

Also, with the apparent disappearance of several players, i'm curious who's possibly interested in filling missing slots.... think of this as more an interest check, than an open invite, though, if you have characters for me to consider, it couldn't hurt to send then :3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Cogidubnus on July 22, 2010, 12:09:45 AM
I might be interested. I've been a bit more posty lately, so I'll see what I can scrounge up.

Hrm. Never made a Steampunk character before... :3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on July 22, 2010, 03:30:34 AM
The burning orphanage scene reminded me of something I missed in my AC journal.  I presume this was intentional :P
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on July 22, 2010, 09:03:56 AM
actually, i'd been plotting that scene for a while, well before AC X3... The timing, however, seemed just a bit too perfect

Edit: Also ISH A COGGEH! :O
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 25, 2010, 07:12:32 AM
... I need to check if I have postable content. Or if I'm considered "dead", which would be a shame...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on July 25, 2010, 10:53:29 AM
Quote from: Basilisk on July 22, 2010, 09:03:56 AM
actually, i'd been plotting that scene for a while, well before AC X3... The timing, however, seemed just a bit too perfect

Since, perhaps, a certain fire in SI? :P
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on July 28, 2010, 01:27:27 PM
More Sethir, for those what is interested: [Non-FA copy]

Again, in a present-day setting rather than one corresponding to the RP, but I'm immensely pleased with this, so...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on July 28, 2010, 06:51:46 PM
i've got a post in the works...

Awesome stuff there Tape X3...

also, you might note the first post was updated, specifically the character index.  2 of our fellow players seem to have fallen out of the game, one has yet to respond, and the other has quietly backed out.  I'll be evaluating the game, and possibly open up replacement slots.

That is all... >.>
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on July 31, 2010, 02:57:42 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on July 28, 2010, 06:51:46 PM
i've got a post in the works...

Anything coming up for Seth?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on July 31, 2010, 03:31:53 PM
gimmie a few minutes
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on July 31, 2010, 03:41:02 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on July 31, 2010, 03:31:53 PM
gimmie a few minutes

No rush, I just wondered if you were waiting on something.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on July 31, 2010, 03:50:35 PM
nah... just missed you guys completely

in other news PLOT SAYS HELLO! :O
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on July 31, 2010, 03:57:15 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on July 31, 2010, 03:50:35 PM
nah... just missed you guys completely
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on July 31, 2010, 04:15:06 PM
i am fixing that, now X3... sorry... i've got 20 players to look after... and prodding me like this is probably the best way to make me realize i've missed someone
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Gabi on July 31, 2010, 04:22:09 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on July 31, 2010, 03:50:35 PM
in other news PLOT SAYS HELLO! :O
Say 'Hello' to Plot for me. I'm sure it will be nice when we meet. :)
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on July 31, 2010, 04:26:50 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on July 31, 2010, 04:15:06 PM
i am fixing that, now X3... sorry... i've got 20 players to look after... and prodding me like this is probably the best way to make me realize i've missed someone

I won't lie, I did wonder if that had happened :P

Quote from: Gabi on July 31, 2010, 04:22:09 PM
Say 'Hello' to Plot for me. I'm sure it will be nice when we meet. :)

I was tempted to add something like that myself, but I think I've taunted Bas enough for one day...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Arroyo Milori on July 31, 2010, 05:04:49 PM
Quite an interesting jam I've gotten into. Oh, plot~ what more obstacles must I overcome?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Gabi on July 31, 2010, 05:51:38 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 31, 2010, 04:26:50 PM

I was tempted to add something like that myself, but I think I've taunted Bas enough for one day...

Bas knows I did it in jest. I've told him via IM that sometimes I can't stop myself from following up on a joke. I still think he's an admirable GM.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Cogidubnus on July 31, 2010, 09:08:25 PM
Name: Alexander Sharpe

Race: Mythos

Age: 27

Country of origin as well as current residence: Ankh'Ator, currently in Nyhlamar

Physical Description: In normal daylight, Alexander appears no different than your average being. A five-foot-nine pale white ocelot dressed in a fancy suit and waistcoat, with a black hat and a bright red sash and his general unkemptness to keep his appearance less-than-formal. He has green eyes, an easy smile, and a liquid charm about him.

In darkness, Alex looks somehow considerably different. His fur darkens to a dusky black, his eyes turn yellow, and he seems to nearly blend in with his surroundings - even the red sash's bright colors bleeding out until he's nothing but a shadow in the shadows.

In addition to his more mundane equipment - his clothing, some money, his had and the red sash around his waist, he has two revolvers he procured in Nyhlamar. .45 caliber six-round pieces of steel and magic that he has grown most fond of. Concussive based magics power them, allowing him to load ammunition that is entirely bullet and no jacket. The magics powering this gun ensure that even with the bullet's increased weight, they have enough power to punch through whatever it is he might run into. He is quite skilled with both of them. Although they are made for firing solid-metal slugs, he can use more common forms of ammunition with them. He carries two hundred rounds.

He has, additionally, a small custom-made lantern. It's an interesting little bit of work, with a small gem set into the middle rather than a wick. By turning the oil knob, instead of producing light, one can manipulate the amount of light around you. Turning it all the way up could make a starlight seem like day - or turning it all the way down would plunge everyone within sixty feet of him into complete darkness. It can, however, only manipulate natural light, and cannot eat the light that is produced by some magic.

Magical Abilities (if applicable):
Any magical abilities that Alexander possesses are a result of his race, rather than any sort of training. He is of a race of mythos that have a great affinity for darkness, and they gain benefits from being concealed in shadows. They are extremely adept at hiding in the dark (magically so - they are in fact halfway invisible), and can see through solid darkness as though it were high noon. They are quieter, faster, and possess sharper senses when immersed in darkness. Outside of it, they are no more powerful than your average being.

A member of a clan of mythos that existed within the borders of a nation conquered by the Ankh' Ator. Life with the beings was unpleasant - life with the insectis was intolerable. Put under the label of 'creature' his family and his clan were hunted down by their new overlords to make way for their grand vision for the world.
Alexander decided that he would not stand for it. He would liberate his homeland, by whatever means necessary, and liberate every single country conquered by the Ankh' Ator war machine.

Trivia (if you so feel like it): Looks like an old west gunslinger. Very good with those two pistols. Quite a personable fellow, although he might throw you off a bridge if he thought it would help him.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on August 07, 2010, 04:31:29 PM
Just in case he's been forgotten, Seth is waiting on the receptionist...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on August 07, 2010, 05:13:30 PM
nah, i'm working on posts X3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Chairtastic on August 18, 2010, 11:07:44 PM
:U  Please dun kill me. 

Name: Haien Messua

Race: Demon Ram.

Age: 652

Country of origin as well as current residence: Voethfel/Nhylamar. (Respectively.)

Physical Description: A seven foot tall ram, broad shouldered and a bit skinny. His wool is virgin white, with flecks of bronze color around the neck, face, shoulders, and wrists. His hands have two fingers and a thumb on each, and are black in color, as are his hoofed feet. Both horns are black and curve around his ears, though the right one is missing six inches; cropped brown hair grows between them, spreading down to the base of his neck; his eyes are copper colored. Clothes consist of a bronze colored satin button-up shirt, and a black frock coat, both with large portions removed from the back due to his bat-like wings; as well as black slacks with a brown leather belt.

Equipment: Clothes (see above). Brass amulet enchanted to violently explode with the right command word. Little black book.  Single fountain pen enchanted to withstand horrendous shock without breaking or leaking ink. Purse of twenty-six silver coins.

Magical Abilities (if applicable): Due to his many centuries of existance, Haien has amassed a considerable magical arsenal, with his specialty being the manipulation of Fire and Smoke.  However, since entering civilian life he has shown a preference for non-elemental magic, things like repairing broken dishes/furniture, manipulating multiple objects telepathically, so on and so forth. 

History: Haien began his adult life as an adventurer, traveling the world, and slaying evil. After a decade of that, he reversed fields, and became an adventurer-slayer; but he did not remain so for long. Returning home to Voethfel, he worked to achieve a Master's credential as a mage; succeeding shortly after in fire magic. He took on a more challenging field, smoke magic. While not having a Master's skill in the subject, he did successfully preform a Master level spell, by dint of his race's powerful magic. Shortly thereafter, he apprenticed himself to a merchant, and showed skill in the art of business. He relocated to Nhylamar, set up a shop of his own, and has been selling just about anything to just about anyone ever since.

Personality: Haien has been a businessman for a long time; he prizes hard work, competence, and the thrill of a good deal (good for him, anyway). Typically, he is not very nice; if he can take advantage of a situation, he will unless given good reason not to. However, he does have a few soft spots that can be taken advantage of; for instance, he puts the customer's needs first, and can be convinced to do just about anything so long as it potentially makes him more money.  When the mood strikes him, he is a splendid giver of gifts, all of which tend to be expensive.  However, he is fiercely protective of his property, associates, and trade secrets; which coupled with his potent Fire magic can make for explosive hijinks.

Trivia (if you so feel like it):
Haien is a profound lover of music.
He loves the color bronze, and detests the color gold.
He dislikes the concept of credit, immensely.
Haien's first store was destroyed when, during a particularly bad fiscal year, two of his employees came to work, wearing some merchandise from one of his competitors.  The ensuing explosion completely vaporized them both, as well most of his store.
He's rich.  Like swimming pool full of money level rich.
No, you may not swim in his pool of money.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on August 19, 2010, 04:10:52 AM
Quote from: Meany on August 18, 2010, 11:07:44 PM
:U  Please dun kill me. 

Bas might if you didn't run it past him first ;-)
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on August 19, 2010, 09:20:50 AM
he did... i've already chewed out enough people, that and meany has been bouncing ideas off me for a few weeks X3... as i've said, a few people have gone inactive, so i'm filling those slots
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: VAE on August 22, 2010, 03:23:51 PM
Allright, new meat coming for the grinder this place seems to be :D
It will be a lot of fun if Avram ever meets Sethir...
Picture eventually coming
EDIT: This indeed holds the Bas seal of approval
EDIT: Removed a leftover note from when it was a draft

Name: Avram Kalugin
Species: Siberian forest cat demon
Age: 386 (of course might change wrg. to history)
Nation: Nhylamar (present)  - nation of origin is currently part of Ahnk'Athor

Physical description: A mid-height cat demon of a tabby pattern and a stout build, appearing even larger due to fluffy fur. His eyes are green, and horns are of the goat-like type. His cranial hair is black, and mid-lenght. He generally wears a workman's blouse and baggy trousers made of resistant fabric,  pockets filled with whatever needed at the moment. Wingspan average for his height.

* A toolbox which includes ordinary equipment, as well as devices for dealing with magically influenced technology.
* A cranky tricycle converted to run on souls, though noone would suspect it at a glance. with a large box-like open-top carriage on the back, where he carries above box and other needed items
*If enemy gets close enough, he prefers unarmed combat, using his claws as weapons.
*a small bearing from the robot he ran away in, which he uses as a ring - the robot itself was sold for scrap parts upon his arrival, in order to get something to start with

Magical abilities:

Soul engineering: Avram understands the workings behind, and can, with appropriate equipment, manufacture soul engines, soul gems , repair them if damaged and use souls to enchant weapons. Besides this specialisation, his mechanical abilities aren't remarkable.

Unlike most demons who focus on shadows, Avram, partly due to his dealing with technology focuses on metal magic. This involves two branches:
Warping or joining metal together (touch only)
Power over electricity (eg. lightning bolts)

Avram can generate roughly 50 kW of lightning power at best, and focus it to places where he needs to.
Through air as a medium, his max range is about 7-21 metres (depending on air properties - the lower bound would be very dry air, the upper a rain)  the initial bolt having roughly enough current to stun a being. After the arc is estabilished, he can pump it up even at this distance for considerably bigger oomph , though the whole thing is a channelled spell  - it requires his attention.
The aiming depends on distance, abovementioned air conditions, or the presence of a conductive pathway between him and target, and also, whether there are good grounds near, and their relative position  - an extreme example would be the enemy taking cover behind a traffic sign, which would work quite well even though against most normal attacks it's a lousy cover.
Damage depends on power, and time , though type varies - for high current, heating is most important effect whereas for high voltage, shock is... not that it matters so much for organic life

He also has the usual demon properties though due to his technical and magic focus he is somewhat sub-par compared to other demons in hand to hand or armed fight.

Avram was born and raised in the usual demon way in a small  demon-run state of Aneb'tu near the mountainous wastelands.His skill in battle was good enough to allow him to slowly rise along the hierarchy, which granted him means to go about with his research into soul usage - demons often used souls for enchanting weapons and armors, but that was about all, not to mention it was done with little scientific thought behind it.
However, their country was one of the first the combined insectis-being army took as their target.Besides homeland and compatriots, Avram also lost his traditional demon beliefs, seeing how although the warlord Neblaj, and his guard could take out over 100 of the enemies, clearly inferior to any demon, they were overrun and shamefully killed. His life was saved when he, having some understanding of technology,killed a driver of one of the siege vehicles they used, and figured out how to make it move, masquerading himself among the opponents.
Traversing the northwestern border to Nhylamar, angry and somewhat ashamed of his leaving, he swore to return, take back the lands of his ancestors, and pretty much reduce Ahnk'Athor to a bunch of rubble.

His skills were more than welcome in the land so reliant on magic enhancements to their technology,
mostly being sought after by the army, and by the rich, who could supply the material, and afford the results, be it engines, soul-enchanted items, or just refuelling soulgems.
Due to his job, he was attacked several times by those stupid enough to think he'd carry any of the valuables with himself... their souls currently drive a war mech, a horseless carriage, and a teapot.

Currently, he is well to do, there being an increased demand after his services due to the war, however, this also attracted unwarranted attention to his previously somewhat covert business, and although so far he was able to make an example of those involved, he considers moving  before someone catches him off guard , or is a bit too powerful. He also ponders whether to join the army - it is somewhat too dangerous for his taste but he definitely wants to be among those to purge his old homeland from the Ahnk'Athoran scum.


Due to his experience teaching him a sharp lesson ages back, he is somewhat more cooperative than most demons, generally willing to work with other demons, cubi, and even worthy beings or undead, of course if they seek the same goal as he does.

He enjoys killing as much as other demons, but is... less courageous.. this leaves him somewhat  ashamed  , but then, if he was ,he'd be dead and of no use while this way there still is a chance.

Avram is also fond of water and a good swimmer, there being many lakes and "sea eyes" in the parts he is from

His horns annoy him as he can't wear caps properly and they tend to bump into doorframes, ending just above his ears

His last date was about 100 years ago with a feline succubus ... they engaged in many soul-searching conversations.... indeed finding enough for both, but later split because of somewhat different opinions on torture, proving the theory that the closer two positions on a matter are, the worse arguments will go on between their followers.

Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on August 30, 2010, 12:04:23 AM
soo, anyways... after taking a few minutes to update the character index, i figured i'd prod people and see if i can't get a few more replies before moving things along.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: SpottedKitty on August 30, 2010, 05:13:17 PM
Apologies for the silence, RL's been a bit more distracting and grabby than usual lately. I'll try to have something up for tomorrow.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Mechanisto on August 31, 2010, 06:32:37 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on August 30, 2010, 12:04:23 AM
soo, anyways... after taking a few minutes to update the character index, i figured i'd prod people and see if i can't get a few more replies before moving things along.

Consider myself poked, good sir.

EDIT: Look at this. This, sir, is determination. Certitude. Grit.

You still need Grit, right?

Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: VAE on August 31, 2010, 06:48:17 PM

Hmm, with the unsure, inconfident tone... i seem we have a two in a row  (
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Kafzeil on August 31, 2010, 07:50:33 PM
Quote from: Mechanisto on August 31, 2010, 06:32:37 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on August 30, 2010, 12:04:23 AM
soo, anyways... after taking a few minutes to update the character index, i figured i'd prod people and see if i can't get a few more replies before moving things along.

Consider myself poked, good sir.

EDIT: Look at this. This, sir, is determination. Certitude. Grit.

You still need Grit, right?


Your Avatar ha sto be senitenet, I swear.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Arroyo Milori on September 02, 2010, 12:50:43 AM
Hey Bask I think you might have skipped my post in your latest IC update. I dunno if it was intentional or not.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Chairtastic on September 02, 2010, 02:47:33 AM
First post is up.  Dear House and Piflak jointly almighty does it suck.

Feel free to throw rotten fruit.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: VAE on September 02, 2010, 08:52:19 AM
And avram's government dealing-with adventures have been posted on, the post will get a minor change when i ask bas a few details.... i hope that everything in makes sense and does not clash.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature)
Post by: Mechanisto on September 02, 2010, 11:00:10 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on March 03, 2010, 09:11:29 AMThe soul executions are pretty straight-forward...

There's only one kind of soul Josephine refuses to make use of.

You could say it's her soul exception.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on September 02, 2010, 11:05:22 PM
that is a terrible pun... if i were a more vindictive GM, you'd be punished for that... oh wait... who am i kidding... MORE HORRIBLE FOR EVERYONE! 8D
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Mechanisto on September 03, 2010, 12:02:57 AM
Hokay, I just though of something. Since people are kind of scattered about, I generally only read the posts that are taking place in the vicinity of my character ( Kind of makes it easy to avoid metagaming (, I suppose, but I still worry that I'm missing out on posts that I don't realize are taking place near Josephine.

I noticed Baseel has been structuring his posts with Bold-Faced Descriptions of Location and Context. Some people started putting the same labels in front of their own IC posts. Would it be a good idea to require everyone ( to do this, just so we know what scene ( everyone is participating in at any given moment?

I dunno if this would annoy people, but I know I'd find it helpful. What say you, good people? (
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: WhiteFox on September 03, 2010, 12:05:55 AM
Mech: Some people do.

I'm up for making it a standard, tho.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on September 03, 2010, 12:14:28 AM
i'd have no problems if it became standard requirements...  if everyone thinks the little extra effort is worth while, i'd have no problems with people giving a rough descriptor in bold to introduce their posts :3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Kafzeil on September 03, 2010, 12:17:44 AM
Hmmm, I wouldn't mind, I could start doing it. I can see one problem arising but the Chance it it actually becoming a big issue is about the same as being stuck by lightning. Twice. On the same day. While it is sunny out.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on September 03, 2010, 08:51:00 AM
To: Mech    From: Paige

*Said in the immortal words of a hand puppet:* "I KILLLLLL YOOOU!"
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 03, 2010, 10:40:50 AM

Mech, you're ruining Paige's quiet time.

... I'm tempted to have Cyril wander past and engage in conversation, just to wind Paige up a bit. Sadly, it's not his style. I think. ;-]
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Mechanisto on September 03, 2010, 05:25:22 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 03, 2010, 10:40:50 AMhehehehe.

Mech, you're ruining Paige's quiet time.

Really, now... does Paige strike you as the sort to have quiet fun?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: WhiteFox on September 05, 2010, 12:33:09 AM
Blarg... sorry to hold things up. I'm a little occupied.

(impending CCC deadline, assuming the responsibility of GMing the Deathtrap Dungeon RP, assisting people with character generation for a GURPS RP, learning Maptools for said GURPS game, and trying to get some work on my comic done.)

I'll try to at least have a brief post up soon.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: VAE on September 09, 2010, 08:08:06 AM
Hmm, i  hope i haven't messed up anything by the outside description of what i understand to be a military dock...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Gabi on September 09, 2010, 10:59:27 AM
Quote from: Basilisk on August 12, 2010, 12:31:13 AM
Train Station

Renard lead the way to a booth.  The area around the tracks was gated.  An older looking feline being was sitting in the little booth.   He was a brown housecat with blond highlights, and graying hair.  He wore a simple vest, with a pocket-watch tucked into his right-breast pocket.  A brass chain dangle to where it seemed to connect to a small rod, threaded into the vest.  A simple, yet near full-proof method of avoiding theft.
He eyed the pair for a moment before reaching towards the inside of the booth, just outside Ana's field of vision.  "I suppose you'll be wantin' 2 tickets for Nhylamire...  That'll be..."  Pausing as Renard showed his badge, and papers.  "Billed to someone else...  Train'll be ready in a few minutes... just make yer'self comfortable for a few minutes."

A passenger train, 6 cars long, perhaps 150 passengers total, pulled into the station, unloading a handful, while the rest stayed aboard, waiting for future stops.  Renard handed Ana a ticket, Car 2, booth  4.  "If you need a hand stowing your bag, let me know. It'll be a long ride."  The demon said, as he started making his way aboard.
Inside, the first thing that would be obvious, the interior was several degrees larger than the exterior.  Space was plentiful, and the simple wood-paneled car seemed to have several luxury items located in booths near the middle.  A diner, bar, and small shop selling trinkets, along with necessities that are commonly forgotten by travelers, such as umbrellas and brushes.
I can't believe I completely missed this update. >_< What should I do now? Reply to it as if nothing had happened, or try to catch up with the "present", whatever that may be?

Also, I didn't know umbrellas existed in that world during that period.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on September 09, 2010, 11:56:57 AM
well, whatever you'd like to do, Gabi... if you'd like me to railroad you along (pardon the pun) i can get you up to date, or, i can work with you to try and get a larger post in, getting a little more exposition/interaction in :3

just lemme know what you decide, and i'll be glad to work with you.  Though, probably tomorrow or some time over the weekend
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 15, 2010, 11:32:59 AM
Well damn, Arroyo, that's a hell of a way to introduce your character :boggle I would point out that the Storm Scorp both isn't actually facing him (I think Bas may have mis-said that), and that only one of the brothers is in it--the other is picking through the burnt-down building--but somehow, I don't think that's going to change much :animesweat
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on September 15, 2010, 11:55:10 AM
i said that Arroyo head entered the village on the opposite end as the scorp... i don't think i ever specified which way the scrop was facing


Using my powers as a GM, i shall have to correct this...

Arroyo: i'd suggest you alter you post slightly, because, as far as i'm reading it, Tech's Scrop-mech is still facing the side, towards the general area of the orphanage, and the house Sel Kar had hopped to...

Thank you in advance,
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Arroyo Milori on September 15, 2010, 12:15:31 PM
Alright all fixed. : 3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on September 18, 2010, 12:23:54 AM
I am disappearing for a long weekend... will be back around late monday evening (EST)

Great adventures shall be had... so, i shall catch you all upon my return :3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on September 18, 2010, 05:15:38 AM
Quote from: Basilisk on September 18, 2010, 12:23:54 AM
I am disappearing for a long weekend... will be back around late monday evening (EST)

Great adventures shall be had... so, i shall catch you all upon my return :3

Have fun!
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on September 19, 2010, 11:16:04 AM
Yarr... it be talk like a pirate day... and i be sharing some gloriously appropriate music with ye
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on September 24, 2010, 12:20:46 AM
As per a personal moment of whimsy... there are several references in the upcoming titles of the soon to come into existence IC post.  Whoever manages to get the most of them, without assistance from google (using the honor system here) will be rewarded in some way... Have fun with these... and have fun with the game... There is much happening now... and the plots should be getting interesting.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Shachza on September 24, 2010, 07:27:38 AM
Tipod's playing a politician?!  What has the world come to?!  The horror!   :giggle
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tipod on September 24, 2010, 01:25:45 PM
It's not as if he'll be alive for much longer.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Tapewolf on October 07, 2010, 12:49:42 PM
Not sure how much of Ana's mind Seth can see, but he's not exactly the prying type anyway.  If she's shielded her thoughts, we can probably assume he's working off a combination of her emotional response and body language.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Gabi on October 07, 2010, 01:35:01 PM
She has only a very primitive mind shield that relies on her willpower to work. She can keep it up without much effort, and she has been ever since Renard started making intrusive comments, but if something shocks her, it's bound to drop. If someone tries to break through it, I think it's a matter of mindpower and strength of will. Someone with Abel's ability could probably break through within a minute or so.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Closed}
Post by: Lisky on October 20, 2010, 01:26:19 PM
Apologies for the delays... been busy with class, homework and work... i'll be getting a post up fairly soon... probably this evening...

i figured i'd take the time to figure out who's still around, as a lot of players have gone quiet... i've talked to some, and should probably update the character list
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Lisky on November 26, 2010, 12:16:12 AM
Right... i'm working on the IC section right now... however, i've updated the character index, and have decided to allow an opening or 2 to make up for the lost players... probably not my brightest moments... but, we shall see...

New applicants, your sheet will -not- be accepted if it is not PMed to me first for approval.  What is needed can be found in the first post... and it clearly states to PM me your sheet before posting in this thread.

IC will be up within a few hours :3

Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Sunblink on November 26, 2010, 01:05:31 PM
Oh my god I almost never thought I would write this.

Most of it's kind of bad, but I whipped it up pretty quickly, and when the AC was clogged by allergies, no less. Hopefully I'll get my first post up soon.

Evil, I've come to tell you that she's evil, most definitely;
Evil, ornery, scandalous, and evil, most definitely.

Name: Keaton Jyraneth
Her full name is Katherine Beatrix Imenwati-Jyraneth. In Jyraneth Clan society, the last names of all individuals of nobility (i.e.; Cubi residents of Harla'keth of pureblooded Jyraneth Clan descent) were hyphenated. The clan name came last, while the family name came first.

Race: Cubi (Succubus)
Species: Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas (
Age: 489
Place of origin: Uncharted territory, in Harla'keth, a hidden civilization entombed in a mountain range.
Country of current residence: Drifting. Might be heading toward Voethfel due to its pro-Creature government, but is still uncertain.

Family: No children. Doesn't have a lover.

Physical Description
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair: Dirty blonde
Eyes: Brown
Build: Athletic

Physical Appearance: For all her idiosyncrasies and mental glitches, Keaton is moderately pretty – beautiful, perhaps, when her lips aren't curled in a sadist's smile. Angular features and erect, pointed ears are the hallmarks of a jackal, but the exaggerated size of her ears and the abnormally voluminous state of her tail betray her mixed heritage. Her pelt is a bright yellow that is delightfully cheerful – complemented by the creamier shade smudged around her muzzle and running down her stomach and the dusty amber color of her disheveled, aerodynamically-styled hair. The rest of Keaton's body is dichotomous, as an euphemism: the sunny colors brutally offset by the natural dissonance provoked by her markings. Extravagant and violent, a spectacular clusterfuck of black spirals, swirls, and curls cover her body in no predictable arrangement, disturbing any semblance of symmetry. The only consistency in Keaton's markings are the two forked crescents artfully sweeping over her eyes; the rest branch over her every limb, crawling up her leathery, bat-like wings by the frames and sprawling over her tail in a dramatically artful pattern. On the backs of Keaton's wings, slapped over the inky black membrane, are two white eyes, reminiscent of the glowering gaze of a moth's wings. Her head-wings possess no such markings.

The only other trace of white on Keaton's body is her clan marking; however, due to its intimate placement (it rests on the left side of her pelvis), it's normally hidden. The Jyraneth Clan marking consists of three shapes: a jagged white angle and two triangular shapes flanking it. For a better understanding of what it looks like, here is a picture of it taken from the Wiku-Wiki. (

Other pictures of Keaton:
There are a lot more pictures, but these are mostly compiled as references.

Clothes: Unsurprisingly, Keaton favors clothing that suits her brutish, violence-fueled lifestyle – adhering strictly to a catalogue that might as well been pilfered from [blah some men-only place] with rarely any deviances. Flowing skirts and sparkly gowns do little to facilitate leaping from rooftop to rooftop or free movements of her legs, after all. Currently, her favorite attire is plagiarized directly from a fashion magazine using her metamorphosis abilities – with some stylistic modifications, but I digress.

Her upper body is clothed in a plain button-down shirt that is partially hidden by a fur-lined red jacket, the leather a more subdued shade of russet-crimson and bearing a texture reminiscent of snake scales. She normally leaves this jacket open. Veterans from earlier RPs will recognize her iconic, obnoxiously large boots, although the lace-up footwear sheathing this incarnation's less-than-delicate tootsies are crafted from weathered brown leather. Long brown pants that she rarely tucks into her boots; they come with suspenders that she rarely uses for their intended purpose. She crowns off her appearance with a near-ubiquitous baker's boy hat.

Once upon a time, Keaton may have been a happy, well-adjusted person, happily thriving amongst her brethren. Born and raised in seclusion, protected from the decadent whorehouse that was the universe beyond her sanctuary, Keaton is a relic that struggles to exist in a world in constant motion. Separated from all she knew and understood, and with her family in ruins, all she has left to cling to is the past, and she has emerged from her trauma as a cantankerous witch that still struggles to find her foothold in a society that refuses to kowtow to her indomitable will.

Keaton is a Cubi, a superior creature foremost, and she will never, ever, ever allow you to forget that. Keaton was raised in a society ruled by the delusion that Cubi were naturally allowed to claim whatever they liked in the world, and while those beliefs have been tempered into something relatively more secular, none of her experiences have stripped her of her arrogance or her flair for melodrama. She obviously revels in what makes her superior, which can either elicit actions of disgust for her decadence, or disbelief at the corniness of her megalomania. Most of her antics go straight for shock value instead of a more long-lasting significance, as she's absolutely desperate to affirm that she still has a place in society despite her refusal to relinquish the past.

In the right circumstances, Keaton can be personable, she can forget the fact she's conversing with a throwback in the grander scheme of Furrae's fabric and reveal a blacker sense of humor, but sometimes all those moments of friendliness are undermined by the fact she expects for Beings to share the same ideals as her. It's not that she's deliberately trying to offend you (although her perpetual abrasiveness leads people to believe otherwise), she just doesn't understand why nobody laughs at her burning orphanage jokes or the hallmark humor she was freely able to share amongst her fellow Jyraneth Cubi. When it boils down to that sort of interaction, Keaton is hopelessly naïve, and even vulnerable.

That is Keaton in a nutshell.

While Keaton will never, ever admit it, she's gradually succumbing to the world's pressure. When her pretenses have dissolved and her guard is down, she moves from being a cardboard cut-out villain to being sarcastic or even playful in her antics, and that's what keeps her from being truly alone in civilization, even if she still feels isolated. She'd desperately like to collect souls like easter eggs and gobble them all up to ratchet her power through the roof, but because that might not be acceptable in more Being-dominated cities, she keeps her tantrums relatively low-key, and is unafraid of masquerading as a more well-adjusted member of society when it is necessary. That doesn't always disguise her blatant social awkwardness or her malicious moments, but she still survives. Maybe there's one or two people that get a chuckle out of her uninformed statements and naiveté.

Keaton's kind of a bully, and while she can put on a pretty face, she has a petty streak that she enjoys flaunting every so often. Become your friend, and you earn her unfaltering allegiance, but Cubi that ignore their heritage earn her uncompromising disdain, and she dislikes Angels in particular since she thinks they are uniformly opportunistic, deceitful creatures. People who challenge her rigid blueprint of the universe are subjected to nonstop antagonism, ranging from being simply annoying to downright brutal. With a superficial flair for presentation and an insatiable appetite for attention, she milks every moment for all it's worth, managing to force a charismatic mask to embellish her acts of outright cruelty that manifest as megalomania or unabashed barbarity. If there's a shiny button, she will push it and laugh at the confetti that rains from the sky. Keaton will say it's because she relishes in testing the threshold of what Beings are willing to tolerate, but she's bullshitting you. She's just a troll, and likes the wicked thoughts you're projecting at her, even if you're secretly wishing her head would incinerate under the heat of the murderous glare you're sending her.

However, while Keaton tries to color her actions with a faux-philosophical complexity that simply isn't there, sometimes the humorous approach to all her shenanigans slips, and that's where the monster emerges. All the compliance to the world's downward spiral and subservience to the demands of puffed-up Being peanut galleries masquerading as societal institutions shatter beneath the fucking fury that comes screaming out of that little cage in her chest, trampling anyone who is caught in the stampede of emotion beneath her rage. The elegance goes flying, and she resorts to name-calling, violence, or uninhibited frustration, disregardful of any judgment she may receive from higher powers.

Murder, arson, larceny, soul-stealing – they're all atrocities that receive nothing more than a neighborly nod from Katherine Jyraneth, child of the Jyraneth Clan. You might think she's devious, a sinister creature, but she doesn't care – it's just the way she is, and how things should be.

But she knows that times change, and will never admit that.

Keaton is a wild fighter, divided between two spectrums of competence. The first is her animalistic, single-minded bloodthirst and how she brutally and obsessively chases her quarry. The second is a startling amount of sophistication that can be executed with both creativity and intellect. Between attempts to maim, mutilate, or otherwise spectacularly destroy her adversary, she demonstrates shocking improvisation on many levels. There is a certain edge of creativity that she implements in her overall battle technique that makes her unpredictable, and the way she utilizes her natural proficiency for shapeshifting only enhances that.

Keaton's magical abilities lie in a unique form of shadow manipulation. To her, shadows are like clay in the hands of an artist, and she can meld them however she likes with enough time and effort. The more outrageous the feat, the more energy it takes to properly execute the attack, but ultimately the restrictions boil down to Keaton's imagination. Projectiles are swept away by barriers, tender faces are pulverized with fists comprised from physical shadow, and fleeing prisoners are captured by nooses and cages of writhing darkness. When Keaton is molding the shadows into a weapon such as a throwing star, she 'locks' it into a solid form. This protects the shadows she is currently manipulating from being driven back by sunlight. However, the bindings do not guarantee protection from concentrations of magical light. A single spell that produces a ball of shimmering light is probably enough to melt a virtual obstacle course of black blades and saws that she has grown – when it comes right down to that, the name of the game is avoiding the caster long enough to catch him off-guard. More importantly, Keaton can only manipulate shadows when there are shadows to manipulate. If there are no shadows, she cannot control them.

Light magic is Keaton's fundamental weakness, and anyone with a competent understanding of such magic can easily melt her defenses. It should go without saying that Keaton's shadow abilities are far from foolproof, and when the disorientation and versatility fails, her pretenses can easily be stripped away by something as simple as a bullet or a blast of fire. Cubi abilities aside, Keaton can be subdued, immobilized, or even killed by fairly normal means. That's partially why Keaton carries a shotgun – not only does it compensate for her lack of experience in other fields of magic, it is a powerful weapon that is on-par with most firearms.

Oh, and she can sew. She carries quite a few of her stuffed animals around in her luggage, but don't tell anyone.

Strengths and Weaknesses
Strengths: Versatile, unpredictable, and talented. Metamorphosis and dark magic is Keaton's forte, and she excels in completely disorienting and blindsiding her opponent before they can even bat an eye.

Weaknesses: Weak against light magic – her versatility ultimately relies on a single element of magic, and has a straightforward weakness. Although psychology rarely passes as a legitimate excuse nowadays, Keaton is an embarrassment in social situations, and while she's not prone to random acts of violence, the fact she sometimes reminds Beings to "know their place" in fits of anger or threatens Adventurers that are back-sassing her doesn't do much to endear her in the hearts and minds of her companions.
Aside from those things, Keaton is unremarkable in protection, and in some ways the overwhelming nature of her unpredictability is just smoke and mirrors, since it can easily be combatted with anything else, or outright neutralized with light magic.

The only equipment Keaton currently has to her name is Catastrophe, a massive shotgun of competent craftsmanship. It makes a conspicuous traveling companion, but so far she's been able to devise a number of ways to let her carry it from continent to continent without encountering law intervention.

Catastrophe is a shotgun, and is contemporaneous to Furrae's current level of technology. It has a cumbersome loading process, so when Keaton runs out of shotgun shells, she normally prefers to pack it with her own magic and fire bursts of darkness at her opponents, which doesn't carry the same punch, but gets the job done. Hand-crafted by request, Catastrophe's side is engraved with Keaton's clan marking. Not much else can be said about Catastrophe's strengths and weaknesses; while a tremendous weapon, its hiccups and outbursts are plainly conspicuous, and it can be dismantled or broken like any other firearm. However, break Catastrophe, and Keaton breaks you.

A more sentimental possession rests in Keaton's drawstring backpack, alongside the stuffed animals and other knickknacks she accumulated over the years. Keaton occasionally plays with a marble when her mind wanders (and it often does); it churns with a bright variety of opalescent colors, smoky and twisting together, and is quite eye-catching. It was bewitched in Keaton's childhood to return to its owner regardless of distance when thrown, and was ensorcelled by her and her sister in a joint experiment as their first foray into magic.

- Born and raised in a hidden city, Harla'keth, which was literally entombed within a desolate mountain range. Most wanderers – especially Dragons – thought the region was uninhabited, which was largely how the clan went unnoticed during most of the Cubi and Dragon Wars. Jyraneth Clan's matriarch was a fanatical, absolutely atrocious lunatic, but obviously a pragmatic one. Drooling invalids were obviously not leadership material, but Jyraneth herself was a charismatic beast – she was a true Svengali, and knew how to orchestrate the bleating macrocosm of believers and unbelievers in accordance to her whim. Her flock, at most, thought she was enlightened, and at the very worst thought she was a force of nature not to be trifled with. Whether or not Jyraneth's insanity was just a front or truly debilitating was left up to speculation.
Jyraneth Clan was a religiously fanatical clan, highlighting Cubi as the true inheritors of the earth, and all other races as inferior offshoots. According to Jyraneth's scripture, Cubi were entitled to use Beings as their resources and assault heathens at their leisure, disregarding clan politics.

- Keaton was born into a noble family; her mother was a retired Judicator (one of Jyraneth's generals), meaning she was allowed to circumvent reproduction regulations and start a large family. Her childhood was typical for one brought up in a noble Jyraneth family: she was a spoiled and entitled child with a tumultuous upbringing, mostly sheltered and cared for but struggling against the conditioning used to inure her to committing the unimaginable against God's mistakes. Ultimately, when she learned to accept the barbaric nature of her clan's society, she took to it rather well.

- Her mother was unloving, militaristic, and cold, while her father was unusual for Jyraneth Clan Cubi – instead of embracing a life of bloodlust, he preferred to work on his art, and fostered a similar talent in one of his daughters, Esmeralda.

- Keaton got along excellently with most of her family, but bonded with her twin, Lianna, in particular. While they were kindred spirits in their childhood, their relationship in adulthood became strained, especially as Keaton started training as a slaver. Lianna took her father's more liberal attitude to heart, and had a fairly angsty, bitter, disillusioned adolescence as she experimented with her philosophical beliefs. By this point, Keaton distanced herself from Lianna, but considered staging an intervention to save her sister from the heathen chopping block.

- In spite of her sister's wavering faith, they both passed through the adulthood ritual with flying colors – the 'ritual' in question being a ceremony that takes place after a noble Cubi grows their headwings.

- Keaton became a slaver, Lianna languished. Frustrated with Lianna, Keaton decided to drag her along on one of her raids so she could see the beauty of their task in motion. This backfired, and instead instilled Lianna with an unhealthy, dangerous fascination with the outside world. Keaton clashed with Lianna repeatedly, but refused to disown her outright in spite of her loyalty. She still believed her sister could be saved.

- One day, Lianna fled the city without fuss or fanfare, throwing the entire clan into pandemonium. Assassins were sent after her, hoping to eliminate Lianna before any of the clan's secrets landed in the wrong hands. The hunting parties came up empty-handed, and the clan buckled down for any lasting repercussions Lianna's rebellion might bring.

- Keaton was mercilessly interrogated, and eventually her mind was pried open and her memories evaluated. They realized she had absolutely nothing to do with Lianna's disappearance, but still distrusted her for her tolerance toward her blasphemous ways. Keaton was told that if Lianna betrayed the clan, she would suffer the punishment in place of her sister.

- Harla'keth was attacked by Dragons. Most of Keaton's family was killed in the slaughter. Keaton managed to escape through dumb luck. Jyraneth herself deserted the clan, allowing her followers to be massacred – the perfect barrier against the Dragons seeking her life. With her life crumbling apart at the seams, Keaton limped away from the ruins of her former home. She fell into a deep depression and state of mourning.

- Not long after the slaughter, Keaton came across a small group of survivors. Immediately blaming her sister for the carnage, they shunned her, then when Keaton became too persistent, they attempted to kill her. She retaliated, but was overwhelmed and was forced to retreat.

- Lived a mostly miserable existence for a few years. Took up odd mercenary jobs, mostly assassination work for Demons and Angels who needed people killed. Most of her customers were widowers or grieving families demanding vengeance against those who killed their friends or loved ones. It was considered improper for Demon families to want retribution for murdered family members, as it went against the Demon philosophy favoring the strong over the weak, so such desperate souls resorted to more clandestine tactics to enact their revenge. Business was booming.

- Keaton attracted the wrong crowd, however, and went head-to-head with a crime family run by an Angel named Kytharion. Kytharion's hitmen had actually been hired by Adventurers who wanted to nip the problem in the bud, but did not have the resources to find their elusive target. Kytharion, however, saw some potential in Keaton, and decided to recruit her instead of killing her, thus removing the problem and repurposing it into an asset.

- Keaton became an enforcer, intimidating Kytharion's enemies with her outlandish abilities. She enjoyed this a lot more than the mercenary work, as many people complimented her for the skills she learned as a slaver. She grew cozy to Kytharion himself, admiring his intelligence and cutthroat tactics. Keaton became his mistress. It wasn't love, but an equal appreciation – more of an intimate sense of kinship than anything else. Basically, they were friends with benefits.

- Kytharion betrayed Keaton when she ran afoul of a mafia Cubi clan called Kamei'Sin Clan, and she had to escape before she was killed. Keaton was, quite understandably, pissed, but had no means of getting revenge against Kytharion. Her way of coping was to lapse back into Jyraneth teachings as repentance.

- Although she was a pariah in her own clan, Keaton longed for Jyraneth companionship, and wanted to know the truth behind Lianna's departure. She learned about SAIA, the academy responsible for grooming generations of young Cubi into seasoned warriors, and signed up so she could investigate whether or not any of her clansmen had drifted into the school. Jyraneth Clan was one of the only clans that refused Fa'Lina's invitation, as it meant tolerating the blasphemy of other clans under a universally neutral roof.

- There were no Jyraneth Cubi to be found, but Fa'Lina convinced Keaton to stay, and promised she'd let her know if any of her surviving family or clansmen arrived. She enjoyed the classes, she benefited from the training, but became restless when years passed with little to no progress in her search, that dissatisfaction twisting into paranoia. She finally snapped and accused Fa'Lina of deliberately keeping her in the dark (an unfounded and ultimately untrue accusation), then quit.

- Slumbered for about two years, then set off on a new adventure back to Voethfel. Present day.


The tension is getting hotter;
I'd like to hold her head underwater, oh.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Tapewolf on November 26, 2010, 03:15:50 PM
This should be fun.  As and when Seth meets Keaton, anyway...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Sunblink on November 26, 2010, 03:20:10 PM
Fun for Keaton, at least. She's gonna troll Seth hardcore, bro. >:3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Tapewolf on November 26, 2010, 03:43:17 PM
Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on November 26, 2010, 03:20:10 PM
Fun for Keaton, at least. She's gonna troll Seth hardcore, bro. >:3

Well, you never did get me back after Time and Date, so...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: AmberCross on November 26, 2010, 04:21:32 PM
Oh geez, I had just PM'd Basilisk asking when the next time this would be open was and this happens >.>

I'm not actually ready with a prepared character sheet or anything! What I have is downright pitiful after what Keaton posted :/ Nevertheless, I would like to try anyway. Just... you know... give me a bit of time to get things together... this may take the weekend.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Lisky on November 26, 2010, 04:23:57 PM
Don't worry, since the interest is there, i'll give you time... it's not like it's a race or anything... i'll still need to work with any and all applicants to figure out where to start them off, along with editing out things that diverge from the world as a whole.

Glad to see that there's still interest though X3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Arroyo Milori on November 26, 2010, 04:26:33 PM
Quote from: AmberCross on November 26, 2010, 04:21:32 PM
Oh geez, I had just PM'd Basilisk asking when the next time this would be open was and this happens >.>

I'm not actually ready with a prepared character sheet or anything! What I have is downright pitiful after what Keaton posted :/ Nevertheless, I would like to try anyway. Just... you know... give me a bit of time to get things together... this may take the weekend.
Thats ok, my bio is rather pitiful as well -w-

I might have to try to avoid Keats, I don't want my ship to be wrecked D:
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Kafzeil on November 26, 2010, 08:45:05 PM
And Keats have joined the party. There goes the neighbourhood.

Might be fun to have Keats and Lucy meet, mostky because I;m curious about how they'd interact.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on November 26, 2010, 09:47:44 PM
Annnnnnd as usual Keaton blows everyone out of the water with her character bio.

Methinks Paige is gonna be trolling Seth AND Keaton  >:3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 26, 2010, 11:23:16 PM
Catastrophy is a shotgun instead of a mace now....heeheehee. Nice touch. :3

And I second Paladin; as usual, Keaton whips out the best profile in an RP ;) And in addition; At long last....welcome back, Keaton. Welcome back. :)
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: VAE on November 26, 2010, 11:26:15 PM
Well, it's Pancor Jackhammer for one of the known multiple shot ones.
Also, i third the motion.. awesome character profile there
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: AmberCross on November 27, 2010, 03:33:05 AM
Well... then... I guess I fourth it. And then I somehow go back in time and insert my assertion that Keaton's profile be awesome ahead of all of y'alls! Yay... time powers >.>
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Inumo on November 27, 2010, 03:43:13 AM
... I'm tempted to try and top Keaton's now, except that I don't build characters as well as I build worlds... To plotting! Just 'cuz.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: SquirrelWizard on November 27, 2010, 11:42:57 AM
Folks, I would rather have you make a dynamic character who has a somewhat short bio, than make a stale character with his own autobiography.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Inumo on November 27, 2010, 11:56:57 AM
Squirrel, that can be useful if you want to be able to explain away your accidental self-insertion moments, but really a deep backstory is there to explain certain reactions, thoughts, mannerisms, etc. A character can still be dynamic even with a history; the history just sets the starting point.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: SquirrelWizard on November 27, 2010, 12:39:28 PM
what I was getting at is that the creation of an interesting character should take precedence over padding your word count.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 27, 2010, 02:24:32 PM
Well, I would say that Keaton is a very interesting character, squirrel ;)
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Sunblink on November 27, 2010, 02:25:40 PM
FFFFFF oh my god, guys thank you. It's so good to be writing a character bio again. :tighthug I missed RPing here.

Uh but I am sorry if I genuinely made anyone feel discouraged. I banged out a three thousand-word monstrosity. :/ I overdid it because I'm kind of a perfectionist and beat myself up about things.

SquirrelWizard speaks the truth.

Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on November 26, 2010, 09:47:44 PM
Methinks Paige is gonna be trolling Seth AND Keaton  >:3

Oh shit, son, it's ON. >:[
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Inumo on November 27, 2010, 02:37:38 PM
Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on November 27, 2010, 02:25:40 PM
Uh but I am sorry if I genuinely made anyone feel discouraged. I banged out a three thousand-word monstrosity. :/ I overdid it because I'm kind of a perfectionist and beat myself up about things.

I wouldn't worry about it. I do the same whenever I'm writing sci-fi or fantasy stories. It's fun to overdo things sometimes. :P
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Gabi on November 27, 2010, 04:11:31 PM
Your posts are not monstrosities, Keaton. Only some of the things in them, sometimes. ;)

I was a bit confused by Seth's "loud whisper", but I'm assuming Ana heard it.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Tapewolf on November 27, 2010, 05:05:19 PM
Quote from: Gabi on November 27, 2010, 04:11:31 PM
I was a bit confused by Seth's "loud whisper", but I'm assuming Ana heard it.

It's where you speak loudly but don't engage your vocal cords.  He's trying to ask people about the sound without his voice masking it too much.  And yeah, it's intended for everyone to hear.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Tipod on November 27, 2010, 05:16:50 PM
My only regret is that Bart probably won't be close enough to witness the terrible things Keaton will undoubtedly inflict upon the world at large :V
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: AmberCross on December 03, 2010, 04:09:09 AM
Okay, got this in... you'll be seeing my character soon and I'm PRETTY sure I can post this now...

Name: Chris Tellurian

Race: Were

Age: Mid-twenties

Country of Origin/Current Residence: Voethfel/Sevastia'Nyad

Physical Description: An ermine/long-tail weasel crossmix, he looks mostly like an ermine with a tail that can actually reach the ground from standing. With blond hair, his fur will always fall somewhere between white and black on the grayscale, any color would have to be dyed in. In summertime his hair and fur tends to be darker in shade, almost brown and black and conversely in winter it tends towards white. He has slate colored eyes, but for some reason they look different colors based on a few factors. They range through various shades of blue and even sometimes into green.
     A little on the short side, he looks for the most part like a being. Due to a hatred of not being able to carry things, he wears cargo pants for the numerous pockets, but his real secret is the numerous silvery looking chains running from point to point on his person. This tendency makes him seem a bit gothy, especially when his fur is lighter in color as he likes wearing for contrast... wearing darker colored clothes over light fur and lighter colored clothes over dark fur.

Equipment: For the most part, Chris uses a chain-like inventory system. Which is to say on the various chains he has placed charms which each contain a different item. Perhaps the most important of these to him is the staff which hangs as a pendant around his neck. Given to him by his parents, it's a family heirloom he could never bring himself to get rid of despite the bitterness between them. Aside from this, he wears two bracelets around his wrists which contain a variety of weapons which Chris will periodically use. Most of them are pretty crappy and are just for kicks, but one sword on each wrist is actually of decent quality. Enchanted for high durability and strength, this set is one of his favorite weapons to use, especially since they were made with the purpose of being good magic conduits. Similarly his staff is easily made into a quarterstaff or glaive. Chris likes his multifunctional weapons.
    Two other things of note are the glasses he wears to fix his vision (and also to look at magic) and that several of his charms are actually charms for stuff like low-level warding, defenses, etc. Not good enough for battle, but good enough to ward off a surprise attack long enough for there to be a battle. As these are cumbersome and can get in the way during fighting or other similar activities, Chris can pull them into his fur where they become silvery markings, something he constantly does with his glasses anyway cause he's worried they might fall off. These charms are self contained and do not exhibit magic with the exceptions of the ones that are actually charms.

Magical Abilities: Like with his inventory system, one of Chris' favorite tricks is weaving enchantments into otherwise ordinary objects. The net effect of this is that if he throws an apple at you, it's a safe bet to duck on the off chance it might explode. Aside from that, Chris is familiar with most elemental type spells, but prefers wind primarily and ice secondarily. Spells that don't have elemental properties such as shields, lifting objects, etc tend to work on a more runic system for him. Which is to say runes tend to appear when he does these spells, not that these spells only occur after he uses the runes. Finally, Chris' primary use for 'offensive' magic is physical enhancements to himself so that he can move faster and be stronger and more agile as a means to keep up with other more physically endowed creature races.

History: Chris was born in Voethfel which his parents moved to for the better education system. However like most weres, they were secretive and didn't tell anyone what they were, opting instead for the cover story that they were part angel and just didn't have the wings to show for it. This didn't really help Chris weather the school system any better as he was often on the short end of the social stick due to looking so much like a being. Of course like most children, if Chris knew the truth he would have blabbed it in short order to protest that he was NOT a being, so his parents naturally did not ever tell him and even went so far as to put bindings on him to prevent him from accidentally shifting form which would lead to awkward questions.
     This led to much grief for him, but eventually he managed to become the better for it and learned how to use his magic to put him on par with the other demon and angel children. He developed this skill to the point where it was as natural to him as holding in headwings is for cubi. This didn't really help much with the teasing, and mostly led to him getting into more scraps during which he held his own enough to gain a certain grudging respect. As many of the other children also had wings, a psychological side effect of his enhancement spells was a manifested pair of 'angel' wings when he fights or is otherwise in a heightened state of adrenaline. They aren't quite actually there, and are really only as real as Chris thinks they are. Aka, the more he pays attention to them, the more real they act. This ranges to being able to support him in flight to accidentally phasing through a wall when he's not paying attention to the wall.
     Details aside, his social situation caused Chris to adopt the mindset that the 'superior to you' attitude of most creatures is cruel and unfair. This gives him more sympathy for Beings than would otherwise be the case, and he actually ended up friends with a few when he moved away later. However he was not able to completely escape gaining that mindset himself and has trouble respecting those who cannot defend themselves through some way or another. He's a bit self conscious of it because of his own experiences, but that doesn't stop him from having a bit of an ego when it comes to this sort of thing. This means he does think he's better than your average Being (though he doesn't quite believe it gives him the right to kill them and stuff), and on the other side of the coin, he gets titchy when people assume he's lower than them because he looks and seems so like a Being himself. Not quite as bad as Edward Elric's shortness syndrome, but definitely in that direction.
     So childhood passes, he becomes a really good spell-caster, scars for life, all that good stuff. When he reaches the age of 18, his parents finally tell him about his heritage and he spends the next three years learning about the alternative parts of his life via private tutoring while he continues going to school and getting his education. Learning that his parents knew what he would be in for as a child and that they decided the gain would be worth the cost left him bitter towards his parents and indeed most of the nearby area. He stuck around to finish learning about himself so as to take advantage of it (power is nothing to be scoffed at after all), but after that decided to leave. With no exceptionally good friends, there was nothing to stop him from cutting ties and moving to Sevastia where he continued to study magic on his own time.


    * Maybe it's because he's short,maybe it's because he's an ermine, maybe it's cause his voice is a bit high pitched, or something else entirely, but Chris suffers from cuteness syndrome. This is alleviated slightly when he's fighting, but in all other cases this tends to undermine attempts to be taken seriously.
    * Chris' eyes tend to glow in color relation to whatever elemental spell he's casting. Also his non-elemental spells tend towards blue or green.
    * In primal form, elemental manifestations tend to occur near him when casting particularly powerful spells. This can include floating ice crystals, eddies of wind, smouldering fur, arcs of static, etc.
    * The runes that appear on his shields are not any language in particular, but they usually look like they could definitely mean something.
    * Being short can be awkward sometimes, so he has a tendency to float when it bothers him more than usual... especially when in primal form.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Lisky on December 12, 2010, 03:13:45 PM
Updated character index today, along with a post last night. 

save for the first section, every title is song lyrics... i got a little bored last night after studying <.<
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Azlan on December 12, 2010, 03:34:13 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on December 12, 2010, 03:13:45 PM
Updated character index today, along with a post last night. 

save for the first section, every title is song lyrics... i got a little bored last night after studying <.<

You aren't stealing my silly little shtick are you?   :P
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Lisky on December 12, 2010, 03:37:12 PM
oh no... i tend to do movie quotes... or skew pop culture... however, i was inspired while listening to music and typing posts :P
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {1 or 2 Open}
Post by: Inumo on December 12, 2010, 11:48:57 PM
Unless some sudden objection arises, I have apparently joined the ranks of OSaS players. :D

Name: Kathostral Dyxmara

Race: Demon

Age: 627

Country of origin: Mar'Nexeus (country taken over by Ankh'Ator)

Current residence: Officially Nhylamar, but travels constantly

Physical Description: Kathostral's body, clearly displaying his bull-heritage, is covered largely by scars and he makes for an imposing figure with his highly developed muscles, standing at seven feet, four inches (224cm) and weighing three hundred and twenty-seven pounds (148kg). Wherever the scars don't cover, his fur is a dark, gleaming red. Broken crescent-moon shapes are scattered on his thighs and biceps in a dark brown, and lines of the same color run across his brow, then down the bridge of his nose and around his eyes, the only feature of his fur he hasn't partially mangled with scars. A dark splotch also spans his back and stretches a few feet into his wings.
   His strong face, crowned by hair obviously cut by a knife to slightly higher than eyebrow length, adequately represents his lifestyle. Bright green eyes look out from under bushy eyebrows, a wiry black goatee sprouting from the end of his snout. A pair of foot-long horns rise from his temples, faintly stained with the blood of his enemies. When in combat, a wicked grin spreads across his face, filled with a mixture of bloodlust and ecstasy, and his eyes gleam in their sockets.
   His daily attire consists of a bone earring carved in the shape of a crossed hammer and lightning bolt, approximately two inches across, in addition to a ragged shirt and pair of pants, which occasionally show the scars underneath. One would rarely find him without his fifteen-foot spear strapped across his back, as well as his metal round shield six feet in diameter. Often, he will also have a fifteen-inch knife belted around his waist, and a rough canvas rucksack slung over his shoulder containing a variety of supplies.

Equipment: Enchanted leather breastplate and helmet, metal round shield 6 feet in diameter, 15-foot long pike, fifteen-inch knife, rucksack containing a pair of whet stones, a waterskin, a tent, a piece of flint, and a week's worth of dried rations.

Magical Abilities: Kathostral utilizes a variety of offensive and enhancement magic, as well as some minor healing magic, learned by observing his betters and talking with what shamans he met. This education only fills his repertoire with spells on the simpler end of the spectrum, such as the generic fireball, a shaking of the earth, a speed enhancement, and something to close his wounds, if not actually heal them. Of his wide-ranging, if basic, spell list, he favors ice and forceful spells.

History: When Kathostral was born, his mother went to the community shaman and pleaded with him to grant him a blessing that would make him the fiercest warrior possible, whatever the risks. In a spit of anger, planning on seeing his blessing turn into a curse and have the child accidentally kill or starve himself because of it, he reversed the babe's pleasure and pain signals.
   Fortunately for Kathostral, his mother was a stubborn woman, and force-fed him enough to keep him alive, and kept his father's weaponry out of his way. Once he was more capable of rational thought, he trained himself the endurance to deal with the average daily pleasures-turned-pains, as well as the restraint to not suicidally go for the ultimate pains-turned-pleasures, contenting himself with cuts on his arms and legs as he became a warrior.
   When Kathostral was two hundred and three, the Insectis annexed Mar'Nexeus, though he managed to escape. With a rucksack on his back carrying all that he had obtained during his career as a warrior, he sneaked through Aelisium by following the border. After safely escaping both anti-Creature countries, he headed to Nhylamar, working to replenish his depleted supplies along the way. When he finally arrived at Nhylamar, he realized that he didn't really want to leave the traveling lifestyle, as there were fewer pains, so he struck out once more, planning to follow a mercenary lifestyle.
   Thanks to his willingness to take close on to any job, he was successful in this venture, often hired to work as a bodyguard or to help fight with another mercenary group. To commemorate his fiftieth job, supplementing a small nation's military in a raid against a neighboring country, he cut out the pelvis of one of his kills and carved it into the bone earring he wears, in the tradition of the Mar'Nexian elite.
   Since he was a child, he had been led to believe that there was no way for him to be happy like normal people. He maintained this belief through his years, despite his apparent ability to maintain relationships, though opposing interests and travel often broke them soon after. Now, though, he has started to look back on his life as he grows older considering his profession, and is trying to look farther into what makes him happy than he had before.

-Despite his barbarian upbringing, Kathostral's years outside of his culture have taught him manners and scholasticism to a small extent.
-Kathostral won't use utensils if the situation doesn't expressly call for it.
-The blessing/curse the shaman cast on Kathostral only affects physical pleasure and pain, not mental or emotional.
-Thanks to his periodic pain from life's small pleasures, Kathostral views anyone that appears to be content or happy regularly with some measure of distaste.
-Due to the bleeding Kathostral does from time to time out of pleasure, he has less endurance than an average demon.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Lisky on December 12, 2010, 11:50:46 PM
and with this. the open period for OSaS is finished for now... i shall inform you others who applied when it will open again, and give you first shot at the open slots...

For you new-comers... welcome to the game... hope you're not too attached to your characters >:3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Lisky on December 31, 2010, 02:49:29 AM
Additional posts will be made in the very not distant future... just working on a few things with a few folks and other things in my own twisted mind... Get ready for the rollercoaster ride ladies and gentleman... the adventures have begun :3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: AmberCross on January 01, 2011, 03:36:12 PM
Blah, internet at home is so much fail! Why is it the one time everyone else suddenly has free time... I can't get online? >.<

EDIT: Wait... nevermind. Seems I did not miss pages and pages of OSaS... I just spontaneously logged out between 'unread posts' and the RP thread... again. Anyway, if anyone was wondering where I've been all this time, twas internet and not just holidays that kept me away.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Shachza on January 07, 2011, 01:43:14 AM
"Kelendros?"  When did Skie show up?  Is Kitiara somewhere around as well?   :mowtongue
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Gabi on January 07, 2011, 04:50:47 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on December 12, 2010, 11:50:46 PM
and with this. the open period for OSaS is finished for now... i shall inform you others who applied when it will open again, and give you first shot at the open slots...

For you new-comers... welcome to the game... hope you're not too attached to your characters >:3
Are we playing Paranoia now?

I'm only just getting to know my character.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Tapewolf on January 10, 2011, 09:29:28 AM
Okay, just to make sure, Seth, Ana, Nadia and co. are currently about a mile out of town, right?  I suddenly had a horrible feeling that I'd misread it and they were still in the street, looking at something about a mile away.

Also, is there any indication how far away the object is and how swiftly it is moving?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Gabi on January 10, 2011, 09:50:04 AM
I may have misread too, but I understood that they were about a mile away from the town, that the machine was inside the mine moving very slowly, and that there were people trapped in with it and screaming.

If any of that was wrong then my latest posts don't make much sense.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Tapewolf on January 10, 2011, 10:26:41 AM
Quote from: Gabi on January 10, 2011, 09:50:04 AM
I may have misread too, but I understood that they were about a mile away from the town, that the machine was inside the mine moving very slowly, and that there were people trapped in with it and screaming.

If any of that was wrong then my latest posts don't make much sense.

As far as I can tell from Bas' post, it's broken the surface and is IIRC now heading towards the town itself (though this last is only a guess).  Seth and so on are looking at it, but it's a long way off.  I'm assuming they have some sense of scale since it has been described as being larger than a city block.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Lisky on January 10, 2011, 11:01:26 AM
Right-o... to clarify

Seth, Ana, Nadia and Renard are about a mile outside of town, the monster-machine has broken the surface at the mine-entrance, and is quite massive... however, given it's size it's also very slow.

It's heading roughly in the direction towards town, again, -very- slowly
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Tapewolf on January 10, 2011, 11:11:13 AM
Quote from: Basilisk on January 10, 2011, 11:01:26 AM
It's heading roughly in the direction towards town, again, -very- slowly

[Imagines Ana, Nadia, Seth and Renard still bickering over what to do while the thing goes past them and demolishes the town]
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Gabi on January 10, 2011, 01:00:12 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on January 10, 2011, 11:11:13 AM
[Imagines Ana, Nadia, Seth and Renard still bickering over what to do while the thing goes past them and demolishes the town]
I shouldn't have laughed at this, but I did.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Azlan on January 11, 2011, 12:48:51 AM
Now if this was a adventure comedy show, or a webcomic, that would be a funny visual gag.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Lisky on February 11, 2011, 10:46:45 AM
now that things are settling down a bit on my end, i'm going to try and get back into regular updating about once a week or so... figured it'd be a good time to start this up now that i've gotten my schedule worked out ^_^
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on February 18, 2011, 02:45:32 PM
WOOOOO! :woot

The Black Jackal has FINALLY arived! Welcome, Keaton, it is wonderful to see you active again :mowhappy
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: VAE on February 18, 2011, 02:50:11 PM
I second the motion in place.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Tapewolf on February 18, 2011, 03:53:58 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on February 18, 2011, 02:45:32 PM
The Black Jackal has FINALLY arived! Welcome, Keaton, it is wonderful to see you active again :mowhappy

Let's hope she's able to sustain it...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Sunblink on February 18, 2011, 03:55:58 PM
Fffff thank you guys. ;_; I hope I can keep up the momentum.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Inumo on February 18, 2011, 05:43:56 PM
I suddenly have the urge to write something. Damn muse, where'd you run off to...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Yugo on April 13, 2011, 11:13:10 PM
Name: Ezekiel "Zeke" Thomas
Race: Being
Species: Snow Leopard
Age: 19
Country of Origin: Aeliseium
Residence: Seeking permanent residence and asylum in Nhylamar

   Father: Captain Tycho Thomas (KIA)
   Mother: Unknown
   Single, with no siblings.

Physical Appearance
   Height: 5'2"
   Weight: 130 lbs
   Hair: Deep black
   Eyes: Blue-Silver

Description: Of a moderate build, Zeke is fairly short, with ill-kempt white fur that is always has soot stains. His hair is spiky, cropped close to his head and held up with a stretchy black headband. He always has a pair of tinted goggles around his neck, and wears a permanent half-smile. He wears a tight black sleeveless shirt, and a black leather stormcoat stolen from an Aeliesian officer, with black dress pants and jack boots. At his hip is a long-barreled percussion-cap revolver in a low-slung holster, and he has a fat workman's belt around his waist littered with tools of various kinds.

Equipment: Zeke has a tool-set Tim Allen would be envious of. He also has a stolen Aeliesian mech with a state of the art diesel engine, approximately twelve feet tall, but with parts being as rare as they are, it is in a state of disrepair. Its weapons are a construction claw meant for grasping and lifting large objects, as well as basic mining duties. On its left arm is a five-shot repeater, with relatively quick-ejecting magazines. It is ill equippped for combat, but Zeke makes do with the skills he possesses.

Non-magical skills: Zeke is an ace mech pilot stuck with sub-par weapons and systems. Given his need to always maitain his own mech, he is a skilled mechanic, particularly in maintenance and jerry-rigging equipment; Zeke can always make a round peg fit in a square hole. Given his fugitive status, he is a survivalist used to working alone, and can salvage parts from the most unlikely places, always finding what he needs.

History: A military brat, Ezekiel was raised by his father on an Aeleisian military base with high expectations. Given his father's officer status, Zeke was put into the mech pilot's academy as soon as possible so he might familiarize himself with the systems early on in life. With no siblings, and no other family members to speak of, Zeke focused his entire life on these machines. He has only been deployed in brief skirmishes, and did not see extensive combat. When he was seventeen, his father was killed in action during the prolonged war with Ahnk'Ator. While trying to investigate the cirumstances surrounding his father's death, Zeke has run into an endless series of "need-to-know" and red tape. Frustrated with his government's inability to be forthcoming as well as Aeliesian xenophobia, he stole one of their top-tier scouting mechs, fleeing to Nhylamar. Ezekiel is still trying to keep a low profile, hoping desperately that the Nhylamar will be willing to grant him asylum in exchange for technological data and blueprints.

Personality: Easy to befriend, but awkward when it comes to anything more serious. Zeke is always cheerful and upbeat, even in desperate situations, and has a dash of arrogance and braggadocio.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Lisky on April 13, 2011, 11:15:47 PM
Based on several MIA/missing/dropped players, i'm going to add a person or 2... PM other proposed characters if you're interested in attempting to join.

Welcome aboard Yugo, i'll be adding you in the next GM post :o
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: AmberCross on April 14, 2011, 12:01:05 AM
/me takes this opportunity to remind Bas again that his character didn't not get updated.

Unless we're just waiting for the other group to sneak in so we can rendevue and team up.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Lisky on April 14, 2011, 08:09:06 AM
i'll do a post in a day or 2... gonna see if there are any other interested peoples for OSaS :o
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Azlan on April 19, 2011, 03:37:49 AM
I posted myself into a spot that requires I post a continuation... I shall do that at some point very soon.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Lisky on May 07, 2011, 06:09:37 PM
With exams finished, i shall be posting a bit more regularly now :o... expect a post at some point by monday.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Tapewolf on May 18, 2011, 11:29:14 AM
AmberCross, FYI Seth's headwings are out.  Both headwings and backwings are in their natural feathery form.  He may switch them back to Demon style once inside the machine, if you want to take the initiative there I'll play along.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: AmberCross on May 18, 2011, 09:15:20 PM
Okay, knew they were feathery, couldn't find if the headwings were out. Since we're doing direct character interaction I think we're allowed to do several posts in succession between GM posts to get Seth to that room.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Lisky on May 18, 2011, 09:33:01 PM
yes you can :D

Though, given the free time i've got at the moment, expect GM posts to be a much more common occurrence now :o
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Tapewolf on May 19, 2011, 03:08:12 AM
Quote from: AmberCross on May 18, 2011, 09:15:20 PM
Okay, knew they were feathery, couldn't find if the headwings were out. Since we're doing direct character interaction I think we're allowed to do several posts in succession between GM posts to get Seth to that room.

Yeah.  I wasn't sure whether doing that would tread on Bas' toes in terms of whether he wanted to move Nadia first, or whether Seth fails some kind of roll, hits his head instead of going in the vent or something like that.  While he's been running an engineering firm for a number of decades, it's not really for me to say whether he's able to work out the mechanism at first glance.  A lot depends on how much of it is visible to him.

EDIT: It may also help if there is any visible relationship between the timings of the mechanism they can see and the legs which they might also be able to see through the grille, or by flying in and out of the room.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: AmberCross on May 19, 2011, 05:33:36 AM
Well the idea is get you there first, then you can look and next GM post tells you how much sense you can make out of it rather than just something like, "So you're inside now. Yup... hallways and stuff."
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Tapewolf on May 19, 2011, 06:41:13 AM
Quote from: AmberCross on May 19, 2011, 05:33:36 AM
Well the idea is get you there first, then you can look and next GM post tells you how much sense you can make out of it rather than just something like, "So you're inside now. Yup... hallways and stuff."

Well, right from the beginning I took this game to be one that you don't want to do rash things in if you are at all attached to your character.  So yeah, I've been taking a slow and deliberate approach, lest like in Amber's paranoia game a few years ago, you walk into the lift and find it's an open shaft :P

That and I've been bitched at in a couple of other games for making too many assumptions that what I'm doing succeeds, i.e. powergaming.  But yeah, perhaps I'm being overcautious.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: AmberCross on May 19, 2011, 09:36:34 PM
Yes... admittedly I'm new to these RPs where getting your character killed is a significant danger. Good thing Meany works on a warning system. Which is to say unless you do something REALLY stupid, there seems to be at least one GM post telling you that your last course of action was stupid and will probably have consequences.

Most other places I used to RP in were more collective story telling than GM driven I guess. Though it does explain the fact that we had the occasional god modder >.>
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Tapewolf on May 20, 2011, 03:06:40 AM
Incidentally, if you shout at Seth he'll snap out of it.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Arroyo Milori on May 22, 2011, 06:54:50 PM
Sorry it too kme a long time to post >_< Been very busy the past weeks but now I am ok. : D
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Yugo on June 01, 2011, 01:25:27 AM
Got the plague last week. Lost my voice from coughing by Sunday, but my chest has finally cleared up and I actually feel like living again. Posting shall commence tomorrow.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Tapewolf on June 08, 2011, 03:05:46 PM
Heh, I think Paige is going to have a bit of trouble getting into the captain's bed now...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Lisky on June 13, 2011, 10:49:13 AM
i am back from adventures and slowly working the energy to post back up... expect more updates soonish :B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: SquirrelWizard on June 29, 2011, 01:30:21 AM
If you will excuse the canned message.

Sorry about my inactivity lately, I've been working through some things, about which I've posted in the villa. I hope to get back to RPing soon.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Tapewolf on July 08, 2011, 11:54:40 AM
Are we waiting on anyone?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Lisky on July 08, 2011, 12:25:13 PM
I was hoping for more attention... i might just finish up a post today, and post if i can't get in touch with a few people i'm waiting on :B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: AmberCross on August 02, 2011, 02:05:12 AM
So I am fairly certain these coffee mugs are actually guns of some sort. And yet Chris has little to no technical experience and I'm pretty sure this is how he'd actually react to the situation. So I guess here's to hoping that his naivety didn't just screw things up.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Full}
Post by: Tapewolf on August 02, 2011, 05:17:08 AM
How far away is Seth from the insectis?  Would he have sensed them approaching the door?  Can he sense others nearby?  How many exits are in the room?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on August 26, 2011, 05:18:24 PM
Alright, things have been fairly quiet as of late, and i'm feeling ambitious ATM... gonna open OSaS for new submissions, or possible change of cast if any of the existing players desire.  IC post coming along, and should be sent shortly!

Thank for playing! And have fun!
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tapewolf on August 31, 2011, 04:43:28 AM
Quote from: Basilisk on August 26, 2011, 05:18:24 PM
IC post coming along, and should be sent shortly!

I guess we can blame Adam Jensen for the delay? :3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on August 31, 2011, 09:39:36 AM
<.< Yes... yes you can...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: SquirrelWizard on August 31, 2011, 09:10:21 PM
I thought your standard reason for delay was booze and dames?

just like mine is "I'm a lazy ass..."
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on August 31, 2011, 10:27:31 PM
Ale and whores... but in this case, it's not the case :P
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on September 07, 2011, 02:06:08 PM
Right-oh... updating people on what's happening! i've been derp and getting myself distracted.  I'll be doing a post tomorrow... giving you all about 24 hours notice in case anyone wants to do something before then!

Sorry for the delays... :B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on September 13, 2011, 08:47:35 PM
*waves an angry fist at Adam Jensen*  Damn you DE:HR You and your epic time-devouring awesomeness...

ya... sorry i've been derp with OSaS... classes have been rough so far, and my free time has previously been being devoured by video games, and other things.  I'll be posting in OSaS in the very near future... Apologies for the delay... Time to get posty!
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on September 28, 2011, 12:12:03 AM
Apologies for the quad post.  As your GM, i'd like to make a notice that i am currently open to taking new character submissions.  PM a sheet if you're interested in joining, and i'll get back to you ASAP for approval :B

I've been a bit derp, but i've found that running this game can be rather cathartic... so... ya... if there's anything else any of my players need, just lemme know :o
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tapewolf on September 28, 2011, 06:53:24 AM
Quote from: Basilisk on September 28, 2011, 12:12:03 AM
I've been a bit derp, but i've found that running this game can be rather cathartic... so... ya... if there's anything else any of my players need, just lemme know :o

A response for Seth from Nadia and Renard would be nice.  Not necessarily a complete move, just a reply...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tapewolf on October 18, 2011, 04:21:46 AM
Was that a 'Selling England by the Pound' reference there, VAE?

Inumo, your best bet is to ask Bas via PM or something if you're not sure.  I tend to be fairly cautious and conservative in my own approach since the game was billed up-front as being relatively unforgiving.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: VAE on October 18, 2011, 04:37:44 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on October 18, 2011, 04:21:46 AM
Was that a 'Selling England by the Pound' reference there, VAE?

Inumo, your best bet is to ask Bas via PM or something if you're not sure.  I tend to be fairly cautious and conservative in my own approach since the game was billed up-front as being relatively unforgiving.

>:3 Yes it was. It's what I had on while writing the post, and figured out it was somewhat relevant to the happenings.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: rammenstein on October 18, 2011, 07:00:13 PM
Hello hello, y'all! Just waiting for Bas to get all the new intro posts done, so Imma go ahead and throw up my character profile now. With any luck, I'll be posting in the actual Rp soon!

Name: Rowen "The Tank" Stahl

Race: Honey Badger Being

Age: 31

Country of origin as well as current residence: Aeliseium, and he has no permanent residence

Physical Description: Standing at 6'4" and weighing in at 250 lbs. of muscle outside his armor, Rowen is a sight to see. His fur is mostly black, with the distinctive white stripe starting in his short, cornrowed hair and running down his back, terminating at the tip of his two-and-a-half foot tail. His eyes are a striking blue, standing out against the black fur surrounding them. His casual attire normally consists of a simple sleeveless shirt, cargo pants and heavy-duty combat boots. When kitted out, he wears his personal powered armor over a form-fitting, one piece body suit (though he will wear his casuals underneath if he hasn't time to change), with his weaponry of choice stored in its appropriate place.

Lia drew me an awesome picture! (

- "Superbeast" pattern clockwork powered armor, with places on the hips and back to store weaponry.
- "Big Iron", semi-automatic, ten-shot, .45 cal. magnum pistol. Sized for powered armor.
- "Angel Witch", a 4 1/2 foot clockwork chainsword.
- "Thunderstruck", a Thunder Hammer; a massive, two-handed warhammer with a clockwork mechanism in the head. It generates electricity that, when activated, coats the hammerhead.
- "The Infidel", a pump-action assault gun (oversized shotgun).
- "Revenga", a lever-action, 20mm anti-material cannon.
- "Pity and Fear", combination 3 foot chainsword and .38 cal. pistol
- "The Wartruck", a large van modified to power the suit and various powered weaponry, and  serve as a mobile base of operations. There is a large bay taking up the majority of the rear of the vehicle, which acts as both a workshop and storage bay.

History: Rowen is a veteran mercenary, having lived his craft for over ten years. Born and raised in Aeliseium, he also has a working knowledge of clockwork devices, enough to maintain and upgrade his equipment. He doesn't like to stay in one place too long, and travels often in search of work. Fearless by nature, the only limit to the jobs he takes is his own morals and ethics. He has worked with several nations in the past, but never against his home country, as that is one of the things he refuses to do. As a result, he has managed to build working relations with a number of countries, while still maintaining his loyalty to Aeliseium. However, he does not affiliate himself with the Aelisian government, citing irreconcilable moral differences.

Personality: Rowen, despite his intimidating stature, is a pretty cool guy. He is fairly intelligent, with a calm and composed demeanor, even in combat. He is naturally fearless, and any attempt to intimidate him his doomed to fail. Rowen, despite being a mercenary, is a very ethical and moral person. Unless attacked, he will not harm civilians, and even then he will go no further than is minimally necessary to eliminate the threat. Also, he will never, and I emphasize, never harm children. Those that do will feel the full force of his wrath. Despite hailing from Aeliseium, Rowen has no problem with creatures or magic in general, having grown up in a border town and, thus, was mostly unaffected by the paranoia of the inner-city citizens.

Trivia (if you so feel like it):
- Rowen is somewhat farsighted, and needs reading glasses.
- He enjoys a good book, and can often be found reading in his down-time.
- As a Honey Badger, it is biologically impossible for him to feel fear. Whether this is a good or bad thing is up to interpretation.
- Rowen is not a fast runner, but his endurance is legendary.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Inumo on October 19, 2011, 02:00:39 AM
Quote from: rammenstein on October 18, 2011, 07:00:13 PM
Race: Honey Badger Being

Honey badger don't care! Honey badger does what he likes! :P
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tapewolf on November 19, 2011, 07:38:30 AM
Quote from: rammenstein on November 18, 2011, 10:00:26 PM
It was a beautiful day, the sun beat down.
I had the radio on, I was driving.

Thanks, I had forgotten about that song.  For those who never knew it, the video alone is well worth the advert thing:
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: rammenstein on November 19, 2011, 11:08:04 AM
You're welcome, Tapewolf. It's good to know there's other people out there who enjoy Classic Rock.

Trees went by, me and Del were singin'
Little runaway, I was flyin'
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on January 06, 2012, 07:19:33 PM
Apologies for the delays, all... i've rewritten this post 3 times now :B  I'll have it up in the next few hours
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on January 24, 2012, 06:38:28 PM
Soo... i've been mulling this idea over in my head, and i think i -may- be in the market for a co-GM.  This game has grown a lot, and i find my muse coming and going at odd times.  It's getting harder to put out the content that all of you players seem to crave, and it feels like my inability to write is starting to stagnate the game a bit.

Now, just because i'm thinking about it, doesn't mean i'm going to select anyone... this is more of a call of interest to see who, if anyone, is willing to help me start wrangling this project back on course, and getting sailing at full steam again. 

Take care, and looking forwards to replies
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: AmberCross on January 24, 2012, 10:26:54 PM
I would like to volunteer actually, if it's not an issue with me having a character. I'm told by many I would be good at GMing but have little to no formal experience so I figure starting off in a co-position would actually be good. I am a writer by merit of having read WAY too many books in my life and have also been keeping track of just about all the various threads of this story so I figure I at least meet basic requirements. I will understand if I don't get it due to a better candidate or my inexperience or something, but as an upfront I should warn you that I consent to NO criminal background checks. Happy hunting!
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: littlekreen on March 25, 2012, 08:42:38 PM
heh, sent basilisk a PM. Assuming this is still active. Send me back a copy of that PM would you? this forum has outbox saving off by default...  :<
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: rammenstein on March 25, 2012, 09:14:56 PM
It's still active. Bas just tends to get distracted by wenches and mead. A lot.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on March 26, 2012, 12:33:36 AM
That and school and stuff... i'll be getting around to a GM post tomorrow after class... i'm like 75% done now
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: SquirrelWizard on March 26, 2012, 03:14:04 AM
yeah I'm slowly working through my RPs, OSAS is next, followed by LitS I think.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on April 16, 2012, 02:01:52 PM
time to blow the dust off and get to posting again.  Sorry about the long delay, all... i feel like i'm finally back into my groove :3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Chairtastic on April 20, 2012, 12:39:04 AM
So we should all start running?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: littlekreen on April 20, 2012, 09:48:28 PM
Well personally I'm still waiting on input for approval :)
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: rammenstein on May 02, 2012, 11:33:26 PM
Someone really needs to take Lisky's wenches and mead away. We're never gonna get a post at this rate.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on May 04, 2012, 01:37:13 AM
But... they're... mine >[ ALL MINE!

I'm off to commit acts of Slut Puppery! 8D
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: littlekreen on May 07, 2012, 10:22:29 PM
We're gonna have to send set a trap to get him back, aren't we.  :giggle
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on May 07, 2012, 10:35:42 PM
Nah, i'm just really all over the place ATM XD  currently doing some drawing, then gonna work on RP posts again... it's mostly done... just need to work on the new app and start merging you into the plotline
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on May 25, 2012, 09:54:21 AM
So.... after lots of ups and downs... gonna go and get this post finished after work today... Will be poking people with notes in a bit to get some clarification on a few things... but, i do believe this beast is ready to awaken from it's slumber :B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: rammenstein on May 25, 2012, 12:35:45 PM
Assuming you don't get distracted again by wenches, anyway. :B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on May 25, 2012, 01:23:56 PM
Oh hey! GOOD IDEA!
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: rammenstein on May 25, 2012, 02:01:03 PM
I know, right?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on June 12, 2012, 02:20:16 PM
Okay, so... it's been a flurry of interesting things happening the past couple of weeks, and it's done great things for my creativity, but it's also left me in an odd place with regards to OSaS.  That said, i think i've finally cracked that last hurdle that's been holding me back, and i should finish editing this post and have it up before AC (thursday)  It's been close to 2 months since some of you have gotten to do anything in this game, and that's been my bad.

In regards to the game itself, i'm somewhat curious who's still around and interested in keeping it going?  I think the fact that it's taken this long to post highlights my need for a co-gm for the game.  Sooo... ya... Looking at chatting with you some more Ace, and if anyone else would like to go for a tryout run, PM me, and i'll give you something to work with.  After that, it'll be catching you up with where things are headed, and see how adaptable you are to make sure we can work smoothly together.

Again, sorry for the delays... looking forwards to building a little steam and getting this monster off the ground again! :V
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Inumo on June 12, 2012, 03:15:14 PM
I'm still interested in playing, though I'm not sure I could help with GMing. Steampunk is... iffy writing for me.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: VAE on June 12, 2012, 03:45:46 PM
I'm still interested in playing.
co-GM... hmm, maybe if my game doesn't end in a total crash, or isn't timingly excessive... I definitely like the world you have built up.
A week or two from now, and we'll see.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tapewolf on June 12, 2012, 04:39:07 PM
It may be a little hard getting back in character with Seth after such a gap, but I'm definitely willing to try.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: littlekreen on June 13, 2012, 12:47:05 AM
Still here, I'm patient :)
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on June 13, 2012, 01:22:32 PM
Still here, though after two months of false promises for starting back up before more wenches and mead snatched you away, I'm not holding my breath. :B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Kafzeil on June 13, 2012, 04:00:36 PM
I'm still here, in the same boat as glitch.Pun not intended.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: rammenstein on June 13, 2012, 09:28:21 PM
I'm in, so long as you stop letting the wenches and mead snatch you away.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: AmberCross on June 14, 2012, 12:31:10 AM
Well this being the summer I should have the time to let my creativity keep running. Although if I knew this was starting up again I may not have joined both new RPs ^.^;. Anyway, I'm still up for being GM and although we missed each other the other day, I AM usually online so I'll try to catch you when next I see you're on AIM.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Kafzeil on June 15, 2012, 08:34:47 PM's Friday now.

What did Douglas Adams say about deadlines, Bas? :B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on June 16, 2012, 11:35:17 PM
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Chairtastic on June 18, 2012, 09:34:14 PM
Still interested, and you're still late. :V  Gasp.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tapewolf on June 19, 2012, 09:18:09 AM
Quote from: Kafzeil on June 15, 2012, 08:34:47 PM's Friday now.

What did Douglas Adams say about deadlines, Bas? :B

He barely showed his face at AC, I think asking him to finish the essay which the update has supposedly become at the same time is a bit much :3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: VAE on June 19, 2012, 09:31:48 AM
That's it. Operation: Let the Steam Out.
We call for a plan to devise a method by which one can type while fucking.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: littlekreen on June 19, 2012, 10:51:38 AM
Well that puts voice recognition right out. There'd be random appeals to $Diety in the text! How does it recognize squeals anyhow?

Maybe it would be easier if just finding a good looking (insert low-paid ethnicity here) to pay to follow him around doing dictation?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: SquirrelWizard on June 19, 2012, 12:56:34 PM
So I've been steadily working on digging myself out of this creative slump. I'm still interested, my replies might come slow, but they'll eventually come.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: AmberCross on June 22, 2012, 01:16:35 AM
Kreen that is a terrible idea. We're looking for a way to have the posts typed up despite Bas being occupied. Having a good looking person follow him around would just create another occupied person unable to type.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: littlekreen on June 22, 2012, 01:29:02 AM
Well I figured at least the secretary would have enough downtime to type the things in eventually. Clearly I've vastly underestimated Basilisk's stamina.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: JamesCray on June 23, 2012, 12:59:36 PM
I'm still here, still interested in seeing where this is going.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on June 23, 2012, 03:03:05 PM
It's going... TO HELL!  I mean <.< *ahem*  It's going along again... my writing muse has been a bit wonky, and i'm slowly getting back into character and world... but it's taking more time than i'd like.  The post is mostly done, but there's some details that keep conflicting in my mind, so i'm trying to smooth everything out :B  Sorry again for the delays... your GM is alive and well... just been derpy for a month
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: AmberCross on June 23, 2012, 03:58:09 PM
Quote from: littlekreen on June 22, 2012, 01:29:02 AM
Well I figured at least the secretary would have enough downtime to type the things in eventually. Clearly I've vastly underestimated Basilisk's stamina.
Feh, if that were the case then Bas would also have downtime. It would have been a better counter to suggest that he might get distracted with someone else.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on August 01, 2012, 11:04:11 AM
Rewrite after rewrite has made me realize that i don't know how or when i'll be able to keep this up.  I think i may keep the world, keep the characters, keep the story arch, but retcon the beginning so as to keep groups a bit more concise and organized.  It'll give everyone more to do with both eachother, and puzzles to solve, plus it'll give me some opportuinities to give Ace a chance to get some details of the world i'd have had to reveal a bit more slowly given the position he was in. 

If you're okay with this, lemme know.  I'm not closing OSaS Down... merely thinking about rebooting it as a phase 2, given how overwhelmingly large it'd gotten with the first try. 

This would also be a good opportunity for new blood to join, new characters to replace old, and the opportunity for people who want to explore multiple characters to do so.  I dunno... that's just my thinking.  Let me all know what you all think?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tapewolf on August 01, 2012, 11:23:03 AM
I'm up for it.  It would be a bit of a shame to lose Seth's history up to this point, if you're talking about a complete restart, but it's fun to have somewhere to play him in.

That said, I was vaguely wondering whether it would be nice to switch to Illiath instead, but she's a bit of a god-mode character so I should really stick with Sethir.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: littlekreen on August 01, 2012, 11:37:37 AM
As I have no baggage and rather flexible to start with I'm up for whatever.  :B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 01, 2012, 12:17:03 PM
......... I am not keen on this idea.

And "rewrite" after rewrite? That's why this has taken so long? Dude, you're falling into a very, very bad trap in regards to roleplaying. Each post does not need to be the most perfect thing ever, it just needs to exist. Do not rewrite a section once written. Finish a post just for the sake of finishing it, put it out, move on with life.

Though, it's looking like I'm the minority on this here already. If this reboots, I may or may not come along with it, I don't really know.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: littlekreen on August 01, 2012, 03:06:41 PM
Well from a practical perspective I do agree with techmaster even if I have no preference for either choice. Quests go where they go. The only real rewriting to do is better done in-situ to make details fit as conditions  and goals change. Just hammer and glue things back together so it keeps some internal consistency with a moving pace since as a PC I'm not supposed to be aware of the long-term changes to start with. It's not as useful to plan far ahead when PCs are generally mugging loose plot threads for spare change anyhow.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: VAE on August 01, 2012, 06:57:39 PM
The last game that had a restart I have seen died off - deathtrap dungeon.
Also, while the line of thought "I can't post just this, I let everyone wait so long" is tempting, it is a way to the arse.
Honestly, abandoning all that has happened so far would be rather silly.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Chairtastic on August 01, 2012, 07:11:24 PM
If it happens, I'll be here.  If it doesn't, I'll be here.

I'll be honest, my Piflak Fanboyism has been kicking in recently, and I'd love to play my cubi char. :V  But eh...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: SquirrelWizard on August 01, 2012, 07:25:06 PM
Sure count me in. Gotta kick the creative juices into action somehow.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Inumo on August 01, 2012, 08:39:45 PM
I'm up for whatever ends up happening. I'm gonna be here anyways for the other RPs, neh?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Kafzeil on August 01, 2012, 09:39:13 PM
Whatever happens I'll still play. Restarting means I *could* use another character since virtually nobody played Aesllian, leaving me with Glitch for most of the RP, but I do like using this particular version of Lucy. It's a tough call.

But yeah, do what you need to do. I'll still be here if you activate the Beat Mesa and scratch this session.  :3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 02, 2012, 12:32:22 AM
Quote from: Kafzeil on August 01, 2012, 09:39:13 PM
Whatever happens I'll still play. Restarting means I *could* use another character since virtually nobody played Aesllian, leaving me with Glitch for most of the RP

Wow, I'm sorry I'm apparently such a bad dude to be around. :shifty

(Kidding, I don't think you actually meant that in that way, but it was kinda a poor choice of words. :animesweat )
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: AmberCross on August 02, 2012, 02:05:04 AM
Quote from: Kafzeil on August 01, 2012, 09:39:13 PM
But yeah, do what you need to do. I'll still be here if you activate the Beat Mesa and scratch this session.  :3
Do I smell a homestuck reference?

Anyway, my two cents about this is that my character hasn't been around for me to get terribly attached to him. I like the concept as a character, but I didn't get invested enough between the updates since I joined. Plus I was kind of playing him wrong anyway. Inevitably when I play a character it mutates something fierce from the concept I start with. Too much of my own personality leaking through I think. Anyway, if we retcon the start of this, I may use it as a way to move my character to NPC status since unless Bas changes his mind again (and I really wouldn't put it past him) I'm going to be the co-GM.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Kafzeil on August 02, 2012, 03:05:31 AM
Glitch. I mean no offence. It it was literally *just* us. Bas and his crew of badasses where off having high adventures while Lucy and Bros...yeah. Things did pick up around the village thing, but yeah. Poor choice of words on my part.

Yes, Ace. That was a Homestuck reference. I make all the references, ALL OF THEM--okay I'll stop for now.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: rammenstein on August 02, 2012, 06:14:55 AM
I'm up for it! I'll prolly keep my character, since I never really got to do much with him. And maybe this time he won't roll a nat 1 on the very first thing he does. :B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: JamesCray on August 03, 2012, 01:17:55 AM
Either way, I'm not going anywhere. I certainly know the feeling of "rewrite after rewrite", but that's also how I barely get anything done in my own creative endeavours, so it's probably not a good idea to let that take over too much.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on August 03, 2012, 02:01:26 PM
Ohkay... so i'm going to take an official vote here.


Railroad Parties Together:

Continue as best i can, but with continued slow updates:

Choose one, and i'll do my best to get things moving properly ASAP... creativity is there... but it's not really focused D:
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tapewolf on August 03, 2012, 03:07:39 PM
Railroading is my personal preference.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: littlekreen on August 03, 2012, 04:53:08 PM
conductor is your job innit? Railroad! heh.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 03, 2012, 05:19:04 PM
I'm a little leery of railroading since that might end badly for my characters in particular, though more slow posts is also not so great. Restarting would be worst, though.

So, floating vote for either railroading or continuing as-is slowly, whichever looks like is pulling ahead. Just not restarting.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: AmberCross on August 03, 2012, 07:59:20 PM
I'm honestly a bit curious as to how restarting would work. Would we reset with the same characters or would it be more like a retcon where the beginnings are posthumously declared to be different with the result of current timeline being much the same? Either way, I don't overall care too much what option we pick.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Inumo on August 03, 2012, 11:11:02 PM
Honestly, I'm with any. The railroad would likely do little on my character's story, but I feel it'd be easier to railroad with a fresh batch of locations from the restart. However, I understand that some people have done a lot more than just get into a sparring match and chase after a 'Cubi with an officer in tow. :P So, railroad or restart, either works for me. Just not this slow pace that's currently in place; it's difficult to remember what you've done with such large time gaps.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: SquirrelWizard on August 04, 2012, 02:34:43 AM
I'm up for anything.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Kafzeil on August 04, 2012, 04:41:10 PM
I'm kinda wary of railroading with the current batch of characters. No offence to Bas, but if done poorly it can be jaring. And while Bas is a capable GM, the possibility is still there. Still, i see as potential viable. It just has to be treated like a surgeon's scalpel; careful and considerate but still changing things.

I'll stick around for anything so long as we can get out of this slow as Hell funk.

I suppose if I had to vote and choose one...restart, but again, so long as this puppy continues in some from, I'll be happy.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: JamesCray on August 06, 2012, 06:42:29 AM
I'm going to be useless and say that I'm okay with either a reboot or a railroad. (Of course the railfan would be okay with railroading.) of the two, I suspect a reboot might be better for my character individually, but that's mostly because it would effectively remove some of the Early Installment Weirdness that came from me getting a feel for the character.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 06, 2012, 12:51:14 PM
Quote from: Kafzeil on August 04, 2012, 04:41:10 PM
I'm kinda wary of railroading with the current batch of characters. No offence to Bas, but if done poorly it can be jaring. And while Bas is a capable GM, the possibility is still there. Still, i see as potential viable. It just has to be treated like a surgeon's scalpel; careful and considerate but still changing things.

Quoted For Truth. This is exactly what I was trying to say, but Kaf said it in much better words.

I wonder if it would help (if we wind up doing this) for players to privately communicate with the GM exactly what carrots (and/or sticks) their characters will respond to.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Yugo on August 07, 2012, 10:32:25 AM
I would definitely want a reboot, especially because when I joined I was dropped into effectively the middle of nowhere. There were no other characters to interact with whatsoever. Being a part of it from the beginning would mean I would have stuff for my character to do.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: rammenstein on August 13, 2012, 10:32:11 AM
I'm good with railroad or restart. :3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on August 13, 2012, 09:56:13 PM
I'm thinking about trying to Choo choo this beast into a useable format at the moment... but if it doesn't work and a reboot ends up in order... well... i'm trying my best... in the event of a reboot, i'll give you all notes of what is and isn't IC available knowledge that has been learned in the game... chances are, the reboot would simply be "starting the game over" with a week advancement, and an appropriate repositioning of characters, with a summary of major events known to all, and PM of character specific events to those who need them.  Basically, it's a hybridization of the two... i hope that's accepatable... because i think that's the most doable for me to get this on track.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Chairtastic on August 14, 2012, 01:25:07 AM
Quickly everyone!  Lock up the wimmen-folk and hide the booze, then everyone get out your motivation bats and let's help Bas out!
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Kafzeil on August 14, 2012, 03:15:33 PM
I don't have a motivational bat Meany. I do have this TASER though. That good?>=D
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Chairtastic on August 15, 2012, 01:53:30 AM
Mmm.  A bit drastic.

Let's do it.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tipod on September 12, 2012, 11:49:40 PM
Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 14 days.
Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic.

I was going to say something original but that message seems pretty appropriate.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on September 15, 2012, 03:48:22 PM
Okay soo... what i've decided on is to go and move everyone forwards one week in time.  If you'd like to add a character, take yours out, or replace them with someone new... Feel free to let me know now or within the next few days.... As i'll be taking my free weekend next week.  So ya... good times to be had! :B  Also, if you want to add a second character, this is another possibility...

If you've been quiet for a while, this is a chance to rejoin as well.  Sooo... shoutout for interest and stuff! See you guys IC soon!
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: littlekreen on September 16, 2012, 03:56:50 AM
Might take me a minute to step back into the character but I'm still here, heh.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tapewolf on September 16, 2012, 07:48:54 AM
Indeed, I'm still interested.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tipod on September 16, 2012, 01:05:34 PM
So long as I get a chance to pull some Last of the Mohicans shit with Bart I'm in.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 16, 2012, 02:19:54 PM are you going to handle me and Ram, Bas? Where we left off, we had literally just -started- a battle, and what our respective characters would do after is likely heavily dependant on how the battle goes...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Kafzeil on September 17, 2012, 01:43:03 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 16, 2012, 02:19:54 PM are you going to handle me and Ram, Bas? Where we left off, we had literally just -started- a battle, and what our respective characters would do after is likely heavily dependant on how the battle goes...

I'm, I kid...I...I couldn't resist! >:3
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on October 24, 2012, 08:49:30 PM
Right, so... headache of exams is in the past... now it's time to enjoy some lovely creative times!  AC, if you're still around, lemme know :B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Lisky on January 29, 2013, 02:43:35 PM
Okay, sooo... this has been dead for far too long... I'm going to need a co-gm to help me keep this going more than likely for the rest of this semester.  I've got a good chunk of the restart done.  And by "Restart" i mean, i've moved the story ahead 1 week.  Giving people opportunities to form parties, along with making new characters if they so desire. 

If you want a new character, please Submit them to me via PM, or if you'd rather discuss things, PM me to discuss, or you can send an AIM/Skype/Email where you'd prefer to chat if you'd rather not use the note system here!

Sorry for the delays.  It's been a headache of a few months, difficult, but very rewarding.  Your GM has returned with most of his sanity intact.  Keep on the lookout for the update, it'll appear soonish!
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Inumo on January 29, 2013, 02:56:12 PM
I'm all set. I don't know what you were planning to do with Kathostral, but seeing as he's an adventurer he can be pretty much tossed anywhere.

P.S. Might want to update the player list. :P
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: littlekreen on January 29, 2013, 03:50:02 PM
I'm ready to go still. unless something in the restart would affect Tonstee I'll go as-is.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: techmaster-glitch on January 30, 2013, 11:23:45 AM
Something something oh another "I'm back" something something uh-huh sure. :P

In all seriousness, I suppose I'd be up to continuing... but, I'm still stuck in the same position as last time this was brought up a few posts ago; right in the middle of a battle that had just started. :B
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Chairtastic on January 30, 2013, 04:32:32 PM
Still here.  Still waiting.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: SquirrelWizard on January 30, 2013, 07:58:10 PM
I still lurk among these boards... still...
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tapewolf on January 31, 2013, 06:06:41 AM
Still up for it!
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: VAE on January 31, 2013, 07:50:42 AM
Sounds good. Let's see where it goes.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Chairtastic on January 31, 2013, 01:01:20 PM
So, anyone in the Nhylimar area looking to form a party with the Haien? :U  I gots money and stuff to tempt ye with.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: littlekreen on January 31, 2013, 05:09:25 PM
Tonstee's from there, meany, assuming they're both in the same city (I didn't define an origin city) someone that rich probably knows or heard of him scuttling about in the city under works and never going topside.  :spidey

if so, potential in-game knowledge to connect the two follows:
[spoiler]Tonstee would be given to obvious but mostly ignorable habits such as expanding the sewers, occasionally adding unexpected new sub-basements to small buildings then poking a hole in the floor, replacing busted foundations, pilfering unhealthy rare plant life or mundane supplies, etc.

If nothing else by an uncommon antidote for hybrid insectis poison making its way around the marketplace periodically.

Should one have connections as well the keys owned by some folks to underground areas they probably don't like folks wandering near would likely pop up on the rumor radar eventually. Other than being territorial and stinging a few weaklings into a painful and nightmarish LSD trip or writing letters most details of direct interaction with a consummate hermit are most likely born entirely of rumor.

His 5 gauge punt gun makes a heck of a racket underground if having to drive someone out. I imagine since he's probably had to use it at some point whoever of sterner stuff he shot at got an egg-shaped projectile stone upside the brain case.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Chairtastic on February 02, 2013, 10:15:27 PM
Your offer intrigues me.  But I don't see what exactly I could offer him to make the party worth it to him.  ^^;  My guy is a businessman and really low politician, and yours is a hermit that doesn't like people entering his territory.  Though I -would- love to have such a person in a party with my Haien. :B  What are your terms, good Mantis?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: JamesCray on February 03, 2013, 11:07:31 AM
Depending on where the time skip lands him, it would seem somewhat natural that the diplomatic courier from Nhyalamar might end up with the businessman/politician from Nhyalamar, so I'm interested.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: littlekreen on February 03, 2013, 11:12:23 AM
Tonstee might be a territorial hermit by nature but not a steadfastly xenophobic one. I imagine any mail carriers know where his letters pop up so he's not unreachable either. Imagine that if there's a courier for urgent letter sending.  :B *tires letter to brick* *Hurls brick from underground grating* Offer a good deal on hydroponic supplies/rare plants for service of one stripe or another and he'll likely either show up somewhat personable in your basement or if he knows what you look like when the building you're in is empty of other people. Shortly afterward you'd have a new basement to store whatever it gets, heh. Though it'd depend on Basilisk if you get your hands on information related to his queen's location, assuming you did so somehow, he'd show up skittering around looking for it.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tuyu on February 11, 2013, 06:54:30 PM
I've PM'd my interest in joining to Lisky, but I have a question that shouldn't be a problem to ask:

Does anyone still have that rough map that was posted back when the RP was starting? The file is no longer in Photobucket, and for my character's background, it would be helpful to know what borders what.

Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Chairtastic on February 12, 2013, 12:41:42 AM
I am afraid i don't, Tuyu.  Sorry. :C

Anyway, Kreen, yes that sounds good.  It sounds like they'd probably meet in the basements of Haien's bathhouse, since it has a lot of herbal waters and perhaps hydroponic plants to make the waters herbal. :p  Basically a mutual 'let's keep an eye out for each other's people of interest'?
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tapewolf on February 12, 2013, 03:05:23 AM
Quote from: Tuyu on February 11, 2013, 06:54:30 PM
Does anyone still have that rough map that was posted back when the RP was starting? The file is no longer in Photobucket, and for my character's background, it would be helpful to know what borders what.
Title: Re: Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}
Post by: Tuyu on February 12, 2013, 11:21:45 AM
Got it! Thanks a lot!   :boogie