2014/06/30 [EP 01-04] - First Impressions

Started by ZacAttac21, June 30, 2014, 04:16:20 PM

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Quote from: Eboreg on June 24, 2014, 07:18:00 AM
To be fair, that last guy probably didn't mean to sound so callous when he was said that.

Nope. He was totally serious. :veryevil


Been waiting for a this comic for a while.

Ways Richard could have expressed the same ideas while provoking less drastic responses:
  • 1.  Beings live less than a century, a cubi can expect to live thirty.  Their short lives help motivate Cubi to achieve as much as possible in their lives, because Beings do so with a fraction of the time.
  • 2.  Beings breed so fast compared to Cubi that it is possible to vassal a bloodline and soon have servants or soldiers with generations of dedication built into them to ensure your own children are cared for properly.  So hard to find good help.
  • 3.  Beings being so weak make good baby-engines if no other Cubi are available, allowing easy reproduction.
  • 4.  Beings dream the entire span of their lives, mining these dreams allow for a constant source of new ideas.  Little risk of legal action because they hardly remember their dreams.
  • 5.  Cubi up until adulthood are functionally Beings, allowing them to utilize Being-restricted resources or programs with impunity.

Richard's attitude is more in line with how I'd see an Angel working.  Though Demons his age wouldn't have the sense to be tactful about it either.  Political doubletalk exists for a reason, fool boy![/list]


I think now might be a good time to mention that the starting point for Richard's design was "What would Dan be like if Destania had brought him up to be like her?"

However, the result was so awful that it ended up having to be scaled back somewhat.
Richard's reasoning should become clearer over the next few chapters.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


He strikes me as a slightly more competent Regina.  Always has.