2014/04/17 - [DMFA #1478] Aggressive negotiations

Started by MT Hazard, April 17, 2014, 04:21:15 AM

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MT Hazard

Personally I reckon her parting lines are a joke on Krias part, revenge for their efforts to bore her to death, the only method of attempted murder she really has a problem with.

Sherri looks adorable in that bow, hopefully its just to hiding her new stitching, rather than keeping her head on.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Kria's got pretty good balance. She just recently lost what must be at least five pounds from one side of her body,and she seems to be just fine and dandy with it. Then again,Kria being Kria,not giving a damn and smarminess are all she needs...


Good grief Kria... pity about the resident snake lady though.

And that blue looks really good on Sherri, as well as the bow.  ^_^  (so I concur with you MT Hazard)
You have my permission not to love me; I am a cathedral of deadbolts and I'd rather burn myself down than change the locks.

My scribbles: http://lorien077.deviantart.com/


It can be easy to forget that Kria is actually pretty evil.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Oh, brother. I just love Kria's interpretation of politics. The weak, pacifist countries tend to get herded out pretty quickly and the more warlike ones tend to come out on top. That's just how politics works.
Quote from: Amber Williams on October 29, 2012, 05:55:06 PM
I expect if flamethrowers exist, Matilda would be tempted to install one into her shower.


She'd legitimately hate a sniper with a solid creature-piercing gun.


Sometimes I wonder if she is really lawfully good or just neutral good.  You can never really tell with her personality.


Kria? She'd tell you Chaotic Evil, though demons seem to play up that "We're CRAZY!" thing, they're hopefully not that stupid. Her nature probably stands closer to Chaotic Neutral. It's in her interests to keep Zinvth in order, so that's what she does.


Well, considering Kria is a regular at the Evil Beach Party, she might think she's evil. I respect everyone's opinion on this, but my opinion is Kria isn't "evil" she falls under "Blue and Orange Morality." Here's a Tropes link, beware! http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BlueAndOrangeMorality

Make the wrong things difficult, and the right things easy. Notice the smallest change and the slightest try and reward him.
----Ray Hunt


Ooooh yep! Kria definitely found her vacation spot.

You know considering all we've seen of Kria and in relations to her job and just how she is in general, I don't think Kria was really enjoying the prospect of invading this place. Her look while drinking could have been a combination of trying to get her assassin to act as well as trying to take her mind off something that politics was going to force her to do.

It kind of looks like from the birds eye view that we have that Kria utterly enjoyed that fight and gets to snub her political duties of being made to care how people see her and being forced to invade a place to keep up appearances on the political theater of things.

Of course thinking about things other then the impossible task of trying to understand how Kria's mind works. It's interesting to think about the contracts.....What could they be trading with one another?
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.

Grey Wolf

Quote from: MT Hazard on April 17, 2014, 04:21:15 AM
Personally I reckon her parting lines are a joke on Krias part, revenge for their efforts to bore her to death, the only method of attempted murder she really has a problem with.

Sherri looks adorable in that bow, hopefully its just to hiding her new stitching, rather than keeping her head on.

Yeah... I doubt Zinvth was planning a takeover. But Kria now has a nice spin to put on the story.

About the bow... You do know that old campfire tale, yes?
Warning: This forum goer is prone to bouts of logic, and has a dry sense of humor.


I think the only reason she'd have invaded would have been to make the place more "interesting", not out of political obligation.


Quote from: Grey Wolf on April 17, 2014, 02:15:16 PM
Quote from: MT Hazard on April 17, 2014, 04:21:15 AM
Personally I reckon her parting lines are a joke on Krias part, revenge for their efforts to bore her to death, the only method of attempted murder she really has a problem with.

Sherri looks adorable in that bow, hopefully its just to hiding her new stitching, rather than keeping her head on.

Yeah... I doubt Zinvth was planning a takeover. But Kria now has a nice spin to put on the story.

About the bow... You do know that old campfire tale, yes?
You never can tell with Kria.

She suggested to Dan she knew her daughter lied to her but she kept her peace and played along. She chase's down ice cream trucks in her night gown and tells her daughter she doesn't care what others think and see. She also likes making lewd comments about her daughters relationship with Dan on public T.V. to possibly tease her daughter for lying to her. She even teased Abel about learning magic would increase his school work load.

Kria is fun!
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.

Sienna Maiu - M T

When I read the comic yesterday, my initial thought was, "can't tell if Kria is serious or only joking. I think that she's being serious... but one can never tell. :|"
However, today... I was reading it again and realized, "Her eyes are still kind of pink-ish..." They were more pink than red in #1477, which had freaked me out. ... what if that's not Kria at all?! :O
What if Kria actually was defeated? (Doubtful to be dead, but then again, with the way the comic's been going...) She could be either dead or incapacitated elsewhere. Mehlata's eyes are more of a purple and certainly shifting to a form which currently is hairless would be much more simple for her to maintain, given that she hasn't any normally herself? This would allow her to not only succeed in defeating Kria without repercussions from her own people, but would allow her to pass the trade agreements, put Trik'Na on the defensive, and gain influence in Zinvth (at least temporarily, but honestly that just sounds suicidal).

Quote from: joshofspam on April 17, 2014, 01:41:07 PM
You know considering all we've seen of Kria and in relations to her job and just how she is in general, I don't think Kria was really enjoying the prospect of invading this place. Her look while drinking could have been a combination of trying to get her assassin to act as well as trying to take her mind off something that politics was going to force her to do.

It kind of looks like from the birds eye view that we have that Kria utterly enjoyed that fight and gets to snub her political duties of being made to care how people see her and being forced to invade a place to keep up appearances on the political theater of things.
An interesting aspect that I hadn't considered, josh.

QuoteOf course thinking about things other then the impossible task of trying to understand how Kria's mind works. It's interesting to think about the contracts.....What could they be trading with one another?
Well, I would imagine that given their main export is food... Also, Zinvth is a city, not generally inclined to have a) agrarian culture suitable to meet their needs, and b) being a city, they grow beyond their means easily, especially if they have to expand out over farmlands. Even with magical means to enhance crop-growing, it's still probably easier/more productive to simply trade for it/buy it. (Even if it's purchased with blood money, magically procured gold, or simply money gained in exchange for magical services.)
   Avatar by me. Signature image made from a picture by shadows-play on dA (circa 2007-2008).      :deadhorse
my art thread


I know it's a comic, but what I'm trying to figure out is this.  How is she not in agonizing pain over having lost her wing.  It's like losing your arm and just shrugging it off as an inconvenience.


Quote from: joshofspam on April 17, 2014, 03:07:08 PM
You never can tell with Kria.

She suggested to Dan she knew her daughter lied to her but she kept her peace and played along. She chase's down ice cream trucks in her night gown and tells her daughter she doesn't care what others think and see. She also likes making lewd comments about her daughters relationship with Dan on public T.V. to possibly tease her daughter for lying to her. She even teased Abel about learning magic would increase his school work load.

Kria is fun!

Kria's more or less an evil (by a certain definition of the word) toon.  Sort of what Judge Doom from Who Framed Roger Rabbit would have ended up like if he Just Didn't Take Himself So Seriously.  Kria doesn't take much of ANYTHING seriously, except having fun.  Running Zinvith counts as "fun" most of the time.

Like I said, she'd be 20 laughs to have a relationship with, until she got bored and ate you - particularly if the act of eating you would also embarrass her daughter.  That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.


Quote from: ArchTeryx on April 17, 2014, 08:27:08 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on April 17, 2014, 03:07:08 PM
You never can tell with Kria.

She suggested to Dan she knew her daughter lied to her but she kept her peace and played along. She chase's down ice cream trucks in her night gown and tells her daughter she doesn't care what others think and see. She also likes making lewd comments about her daughters relationship with Dan on public T.V. to possibly tease her daughter for lying to her. She even teased Abel about learning magic would increase his school work load.

Kria is fun!

Kria's more or less an evil (by a certain definition of the word) toon.  Sort of what Judge Doom from Who Framed Roger Rabbit would have ended up like if he Just Didn't Take Himself So Seriously.  Kria doesn't take much of ANYTHING seriously, except having fun.  Running Zinvith counts as "fun" most of the time.

Like I said, she'd be 20 laughs to have a relationship with, until she got bored and ate you - particularly if the act of eating you would also embarrass her daughter.  That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.


Quote from: Tapewolf on April 17, 2014, 05:25:18 AM
It can be easy to forget that Kria is actually pretty evil.

She eats people and murders people on a regular basis. It's not really hard to forget.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: joshofspam on April 17, 2014, 01:41:07 PM
Of course thinking about things other then the impossible task of trying to understand how Kria's mind works. It's interesting to think about the contracts.....What could they be trading with one another?

It's easy to see one way - food. The island can grow lots of food, since it's in a sunny area, and the local inhabitants don't need any. Conversely, the city will need a lot of food, and doesn't have anywhere that they can grow it easily, being covered with houses and roads.

It's a bit harder to see what the island of Trik'Na wants from Zinvth, though.
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Just when I thought Sherri couldn't be any cuter... :sheep

Sienna Maiu - M T

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 18, 2014, 12:41:48 AM
It's a bit harder to see what the island of Trik'Na wants from Zinvth, though.

Money for fun things, technology, entertainment, and sawdust, of course.

Also, likely protections and other resources.
   Avatar by me. Signature image made from a picture by shadows-play on dA (circa 2007-2008).      :deadhorse
my art thread


ArchTeryx I don't think Kria goes around willy-nilly eating her lovers when she tires of them. From Amber's question and answer session question #17 Kria's worst romantic experience: Finding her boyfriend cheating on her with an adventurer and to find out they had planned to kill her to become town heroes.

Call me crazy, but I think that's why she actually killed her boyfriend. Maybe she goes around eating guides and such, but I don't think she does that with people she likes and or considers friends; who knows with her spy network contacts, maybe she knew they were dangerous assassins. Her treatment of Abel's mother is a demonstration of the fact she is a loyal and caring friend. I think if you don't cross Kria, you have nothing to worry about from her. Do I think she is a ruthless and deadly efficient opponent? Yes. Do I think that she has padded her reputation? Yes.

She may be evil or even perverted as defined by Demons, though. She seems to care about her daughter more than a demon should. She obviously refrained from killing Dan when she could have and saved him from her brother. She seems to have been drafted into her current station because Dark Pegasus was killed and she had to take over the family's business. As we saw in Abel's story she was a teacher and liked kids and even to pass her "exam" she refrained from killing anyone... especially Abel. Luckily it was pass/fail, kinda like the flying with griffons final.

The really neat thing I like about this comic (besides the art) is rarely are the 'bad guys' one dimensional and that they can have their own valid way of looking at things. Dark Pegasus started out kicking the dog by killing the undead rabbit girl, but as seen later feels that it is his responsibility to clean up the undead mess (if only to end the constant reminder of that failure). Even with Mahlata it was clear she felt she had a valid reason to kill Kria and was willing to sacrifice her unlife to do it. Maybe she was wrong about that and maybe not, but she sure wouldn't have thought she was the bad guy in the situation, but the hero.

With the trade deal, I think the advantages to the island is that they have a market and an arrangement with a powerful ally. I bet no pirates would interfere and hijack a cargo shipment from Trik'Na to Zinvth.
Make the wrong things difficult, and the right things easy. Notice the smallest change and the slightest try and reward him.
----Ray Hunt


...wouldn't want to be around Kria for the next few days as her fur begins to grow back...she might not give a fig about pain, but itching?

(...to say nothing about burns healing, if any...)