2014/02/13- [DMFA #1463] Why the fluffy sheep? Why?

Started by Techcubi, February 13, 2014, 01:05:24 AM

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Sherri's not going to be totally killed off, is she? Will her talking be just loud enough for a drunken Kria to hear her, and, come in and save her?


I'm not sure. I think Kria might stumble in drunk, but then again, maybe not.

But, yeah. I agree. Sherri's such a likable character than a lot of us would miss her if she died here.

Well, died again. Permanently.

You know what I mean!
Am I the only person who thinks that Mr. Roboto rusts out and eventually becomes the Ironman?

No not that Ironman, the other one!


I bet Kria will fling the door open, crushing Mehlata behind it XD

and Hey! Sherri figured out that it was Mehlata that killed Ree!

... plz don't kill Sherri, Mizz Ambarrgh - she's nice :(


We all got to really like that one undead Amazon that Dan was friends with way back when.

You remember, the one Dark Pegasus *FZZAP*'d to oblivion to establish his puppy-kicking cred back in his intro-chapter?
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


Quote from: Les on February 13, 2014, 05:09:12 AM
We all got to really like that one undead Amazon that Dan was friends with way back when.

You remember, the one Dark Pegasus *FZZAP*'d to oblivion to establish his puppy-kicking cred back in his intro-chapter?

I do. It also served to establish Dark Pegasus as a dangerous tactician; he is a cold-blooded demon rather than a hot-blooded one. Then again, Mehlata has already established her own puppy-kicking cred by blowing up Ree, a fellow Undead. And while her increasingly frenzied failed attempts at killing Kria are funny, her rising agitation and desperation are alarming. Mehlata's state of mind was already well established for me before she showed up in Kria's room. The only question remaining in my mind is whether Kria's chaotic luck/intuition will kick in to save Sherri in time. A pity it couldn't save Sherri's hair.

another check in with the situation in SAIA would be nice as well...


Looks like that lamb has been chopped.  /bricked

Its pretty amusing how one of Sherri's first comments is her hair, but that does make a lot of sense.  Its gotta be really rough watching your own beauty and what you were proud of degrade, must have some interesting effects on undead psychology.  (Maybe that's how the really nice artificial parts and bone plating evolved?)

Anyhow I sure hope Kria hears and drunkenly staggers in.  Something tells me she'll be pleased as punch to have a nice fun fight with Mehlata.
You have my permission not to love me; I am a cathedral of deadbolts and I'd rather burn myself down than change the locks.

My scribbles: http://lorien077.deviantart.com/


Here's the best transcript I could come up with.

Buh? Murder? But why! Is it because I owed you money? Was I a terrible employee? But we got along so well at the <UNKNOWN> party and oh no my hair! I'll never be able to grow it that long again. This is the worst <UNKNOWN>aaah.... Nevermind the fact that you're apparently the <one responsible for?> killing Ree and are going to kill Miss Soulstealer... but you're killing <UNKNOWN> n't you have wait<UNKNOWN>re! I know we <UNKNOWN> but I always th<ought UNKNOWN> you helped sa<ve UNKNOWN> hero and now <UNKNOWN> to kill a demon? <UKNOWN>e guy who made all the undead but it seems like a bit of <UNKNOWN> you have to kill <UNKNOWN> have so much to live for! Well... <UNKNOWN> like this... It's <UNKNOWN> way to go and waah my hair! It was <UNKNOWN>ed my hair <UNKNOWN> now I'm stuck under your big metallic <UNKNOWN> can't <UNKNOWN> ing out? Maybe you don't... <trails off here>

Look who she mentioned. Isn't that interesting?


Sheri!! Dang, at least we don't have to wait more than one day to see the next exciting episode...

Mehlata is doing a fine job of being a villain I dislike. I really didn't like Dark Pegasus for a long while because he zapped the Zombie bunny girl. He has slowly won a grudging respect from me and I no longer dislike him and actually kinda want him to stay around.

Mehlata, however has killed or re-killed people she actually knew and interacted with. This puts her at a big disadvantage to ever redeeming herself in my eyes at least. It's one thing to want to clean up a mistake you believe you have caused and quite another to heartlessly kill fellow workers to accomplish your vengeance by not caring at all for innocent bystanders.

Sheri hasn't been re-killed completely yet, and hopefully Kria will save her and stop Mehlata permanently in time and wrap up her business on the island and return to the mainland to check up on a certain kangaroo rat and psychedelic- draconic-sabertooth hybrid. Sheri would make a good personal secretary for Kria back home. I can hope for that for 24 hours anyway.
Make the wrong things difficult, and the right things easy. Notice the smallest change and the slightest try and reward him.
----Ray Hunt


I'm still of the opinion that Kria knows EXACTLY what's going on and HAS KNOWN all along - hence the sudden bathroom break, going out shopping, making Sherri put her stuff away and thus enter the dark hotel room first... I imagine all that sawdust flying around along with Sherri's hair-trauma dialogue, plus whatever villainous monologue Mehlata's going to rant up tomorrow is all going to provide the PERFECT cover for her to stealth in and destroy Mehlata. After all, she IS legally allowed to kill them if they upset her...  >:3


I believe this is a fundamental and monumental tactical error on Mahilita's part. She is attacking someone who could be manipulated into being a partisan, or at least a cat's paw. She's also risking being outed by doing this. What is she going to do, blame Kria? Umm... remember the whole 'legally allowed to kill us' thing? Yea, even if she did, so what? There's zero reason for this.

And really, I think Kria actually likes the little lambchop. Which means she's going to go from happy and horny drunk to very pissed off and lobbing magic all around drunk. And I really, really don't think Mahilita is going to come out ahead there. I mean, come on... Kria's a professional assassin for crissakes, or she was at one point. She's used to taking out things a heck of a lot more dangerous. All you are going to do is get her to flip into berserk mode and roflstomp.

I can almost imagine a parody of Superman and Lois Lane, though. Little Sherri screams, Kria downstairs has her ear twitch as she hears it, then comes busting in to Save The Day. Bonus points if she's got a tablecloth stuck in her jacket, flapping behind her in the breeze.

This cannot go well for our scheming serpentine. There is no outcome here with her on top. Because maybe she might kill Sherri, and Kria might not be able to stop the murder... you can bet she's going to be able to avenge her. This goes from 'possibly amusing or an anecdotal tragedy' to 'Hey! I liked her!'