2013/11/27 [DMFA #1446] Dorky Mantis Style!

Started by Yarott, November 27, 2013, 09:34:27 PM

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I, myself, don't really mind fandoms and, in this case, bronies. But when a side tries to poke you about liking it or hating it? Well, my stance for that would be of a Frenzied ferret all hyped up in caffeine, scratching and maybe tossing myself around with a big shiny ball because, well... should I even have to have a reason to do or not to do so?


It is very nice to see this handled with a witty and cute manner. Often times, yes, those questions are more loaded than a twice baked potato.


Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


I'm very much a live and let live sort of guy.  I may not share all fandoms, but I know how to have a good time with a fan of near any stripe.

Example: I'm a casual brony that went to a Dr. Who convention with a hard-core Whovian, and had an absolute blast; one of the most fun cons I've ever been to.

They're all bonkers, but to quote Tim Burton, let me tell you a little secret: All the best people are.


Quote from: ArchTeryx on November 28, 2013, 04:41:02 PM
I'm very much a live and let live sort of guy.  I may not share all fandoms, but I know how to have a good time with a fan of near any stripe.

Example: I'm a casual brony that went to a Dr. Who convention with a hard-core Whovian, and had an absolute blast; one of the most fun cons I've ever been to.

They're all bonkers, but to quote Tim Burton, let me tell you a little secret: All the best people are.

QFT! The best are often the best for their "unique" choices of their own talents!