Today My Great Grandmother Is Turning 100

Started by Shadrok, June 02, 2013, 11:29:05 AM

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As the title says my Great Grandmother is turning 100, not many live to see their 100th so it's a day to celebrate.  In fact after I post this I'll be leaving to visit her for her birthday party. It's interesting to think of how the world has changed from when she was little.

Here's a link to events that happened in 1913

It makes you wonder what the world will be like if we make it to 100 ourselves.

Amber Williams

Congrats to your great grandmother!  I want to make some sort of reference to Highlander here but I confess I don't know how good with a sword the lady is.  :U


Give the Centenarian gentle hugs and love!
Heroic adventuring at the speed of slow.
Never mistake kindness as a sign of weakness.
Not a complete idiot, parts missing.

Dropping Proeliator from the name was way overdue.

Avi by Tabi



Congratulations - not many make it that far indeed.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes for my great grandma. The party went well; fortunately she was in the right state of mind for all of the party, so no "who are you?" moments. I also met some cousins I didn't know I had.

Quote from: Amber Williams on June 02, 2013, 12:06:41 PM
Congrats to your great grandmother!  I want to make some sort of reference to Highlander here but I confess I don't know how good with a sword the lady is.  :U
She's not too handy with a sword but I'm sure the years of cooking from scratch have made her able to wield a knife pretty well. :chef


It's Mind-boggling to think of what she has experienced in her life, from the Russian revolution, the end of the first world war, the great depression, the Second world war, the moon landing, the entire Cold war, the fall of the Berlin wall, and the start of a new millennium... I send my congratulations to her, and may she live for many more years.   :hug

Also you might make it to 100 yourself, if genetics are in your favor.

But remember that the rate of how fast the world advances is speeding up rapidly, and I can easily see the world change more in 30 years than it has in the past 100.

(credit: Gabi)