Adventuring story(ch. 1 up)

Started by Miaka, July 28, 2006, 10:51:59 PM

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So, I was planning on jumping on the "forumite story" bandwagon, and starting another adventuring type-story.

not much has been worked out more, but I need more than 2 characters so I can get more of an idea of what kind of plot I can pull.

Characters so far:

what I need for you character:
race:((will allow for some creatures, but making the majority of the party would be overkill))
Powers: ((if any))

[edit:] this will be, not in furrae, but in some similar world. most technology isn't horribly advanced at this point, and beings and creatures are less likely to get along so well as it seems to be in furrae.
I lasop may or may not tweak your character slightly to make it work, but it won't ever be anything major.


Heh, you're going to get about a dozen applicants. Why don't you give a bit more information about what you had in mind?What will be the main focus? When will this take place, if in the furrae universe? (important for a few people)


..oh. yeah. >>

either in furrae, or in a very similar plane of reality. this is set generally in a medieval/fantasy world so...not so much of the whole "technology" thing. I sort of wanted the story to be more D&D-esque(really only because that woked better with a couple of scenes I'd had in mind...>>)

so... yeah. I hope that helped. I'll also have an opening scene set up soonish.


You could set it a few hundred years ago and eliminate the technology factor for two reasons. One being the fact that the technology wouldn't have been around and two... being the fact that you'd only have creatures joining and they don't use technology anyways. Lots of cubis alive back then. Check the timeline for details.


"you'd have only creatures joining"

I kinda wanted the party to be mainly beings, or if creatures, creatures that would have no qualms killing other creatures, and I know that at least one of the characters they'd have to kill would have to be a cubi, so...

prolly wouldn't be much of a problem, but still.


Our beings are few and far between. The only others I know are HEAVILY into technology, of the gun persuasion. I'm pretty vanilla, but even I have a sniper rifle. Currently no one has a being character before about 50 years prior to the comic starting (that I am aware of.) so you're gonna have a lot of people introducing new characters, which is still pretty cool in my book.

The community built around fanfiction in this world are heavy into creatures because most of the fanfictions have been about power (or sex). You need to be strong to stay alive, and given the choice between a creature and a being, well... It's no contest most of the time.

Who knows, maybe you'll just play modern day but in a secluded area of the world and we'll see some more lower powered characters playing. Wit and brains over guns and tentacles!


I don't know, I seem to have two so far. if I added in another of my characters as I'd semi-planned on, three. But meh. I don't really care too much, I guess just s'long as people don't go overboard... and if it gets to hard for me to write, then screw it.

either way, I have a not-yet actually proofread version of an prologue(I write fast. even if it's mainly just introducing Kaos and Miaka and a little silliness on my part.)

   The Metaphorical curtains open on a typical bar scene. Barmaids busying themselves with getting their patrons what they'd wanted, while said patrons gloat about past battles adventuring, and boast of old scars. Zoom in on one table where a pair sat on the table, their bodies themselves too small to comfortably sit and reach it, or the drinks on it.  One was, like most of the others, boasting about how he'd taken down so many creatures, with such a small weapon, and such a lack of armor. The girl, on the other hand, sat on the edge of the table, one leg crossed over the other, mug of tea in her hands, frequently rolling her eyes at her compainion, nodding, or shaking her head and chuckling to herself. She seemed like she should have caught someone's eye other than her ferret companion, for it isn't often one sees a white non-feline or canine furre that isn't an albino. Yet the squirrels eyes were, instead of pink, nearly colorless, silver. Her hair, ice blue, and her fur, even, not entirely white. One stripe on either side of her body, one starting under her chin and going down her front, and the other going down her back and onto her tail. her clothing, a light, blue tinted metal for a woman's breastplate and simple gauntlets, darker blue pants, a light blue skirt, and a dark brown gold-lined belt lying, slanted, across her hips. Returning our attention to the first, he seemed like he really shouldn't have been bragging. Rather plain, the only thing that seemed very remarkable about him was maybe that, despite ferrets being so small, came up to a normal being's shoulders as opposed to, say, their chest, where most ferrets or rodents would stand. Messy black hair, dark brown fur, and the same color eyes behind glasses. Clothing, yet again, nothing remarkable, and his only means of a visible weapon was a shortsword attached to his belt.
   "And then, I-" the ferret continued with his animated tale, his arms moving with his narration of his gallant defeat of the who-knows-what.
   "Um, Kaos, that's hardly how I remember it." the squirrel interjected, "Actually, if my memory speaks true, I was the one doing the saving, and you were the one needing it. Not the other way around, love."
   "But Miaaaka..... can't a man dream?"
   "A man can dream, and most do, but when that man's dreaming turns lying like this...." Miaka, as her name, we have learned, was, jokingly reprimanded him, ending with a finger on his nose.
   "but... but...." Kaos could come up with no retort, and thus went back into his drink grudgingly. Miaka laughed to herself and patted her companion's back in a half-assed attempt to console him. She hopped off of the table, leaving the coins to pay for their drinks, taking Kaos' hand, and leading him outside.
   "Right, so. Apparently some guy is willing offer adventurers a lot of money to rid this complex series of underground tunnels of some creatures and other.... random... dangerous... things to free it up for... something, I'm a little bit fuzzy on the details. I stopped paying attention when he mentioned money-" Kaos gave her a look. "-Whaat?!? You know about me and shiny things.... anyways. So, apparently, there have only been a couple adventurers who've returned, and the ones that have died pretty soon afterwards.... So. there's money that may or may not ever end up in our wallets, and a very very slim chance of survival! what do you say, should we get a party together and try it?" By this point they'd gotten outside the bar, and were just standing outside in the cool night air.
   "Hell, why not? what's life without the risk of horrible painful, bloody death around every corner?"
   "Exactly!" totally missing the sarcasm layered heavily on his voice. "So, off to find a party!" She starts walking off.
   "Wouldn't the best place to find adventurers be the tavern?" Kaos asked after she'd gotten a few steps.
   "Well, where do you think I'm going?"
   "We just left the tavern."
   "Oh. we did, didn't we. Back in we go!"
   "You're drunk, aren't you?"
   "..........just a little."

So ignoring what I said earlier, to make the techinicalities easier on everyone, in some ther reality vagualy similar to furrae, yet slightly further back in history. Guns will be fine, so long as their not absurdly modern.

sooo....yeah. hope that helps.


QuoteBack in we go!
Heheheheh. Like the stuff so far. Sounds like there will be some seriousness and fights, as well as the humor.

Well I'll throw in a couple, just goin' for one or the other though:
name: Lysander
age: 20-25
gender: Male
race: Vulpine, being
appearance: Warm sanguine eyes, magenta hair that reaches just beyond the shoulder blades, snow white fur aside from general light silver markings, usually wears whatever is comfortable, aside from his royal blue trenchcoat found with him nearly all the time.
personality: Straightforward guy, usually carefree other than when it comes to a job. Sometimes comes off as a jerk, but that's just too bad for the ones who think so. He usually tries not to get into fights, yet he laughs at those who find him annoying for whatever reason.
Powers: Not really powers, but uses twin daggers, one flame elemental, the other being wind.

name: Ceriven
age: 19
gender: Female
race: Genet, being
appearance: Dark sapphire eyes, long blonde hair, light brown fur, wears dark colored shirt and shorts.
personality: Usually up-beat and generally happy, though can loose her temper sometimes and try to blow you up or whack ya with her bow. Hugs those she likes quite often, mostly when they don't espect it. Sticks up for her friends. Likes the fighting and toying with her opponents more than trying to finsh them off, unless they make her angry where she'll go all out. If her enemies get close enough to melee, she'll just start beating on them with her bow as long as it seems useful.
Powers: Can enchant her arrows, hence the explosiveness mentioned before. Also can make icy arrows. (if you know of Mia from Duel Savior, something like that)

Do with them as you may. :cecil


Looking pretty awesome so far! :) Mind if i submit a character?

name: Gareeku Manoko
age: 23
gender: Male
race: Incubus/being half-breed. Gareeku genes are somewhat unique in that neither his cubi or being genes are dominant over each other, striking a perfect balance. As a result of this, he has the lifepsan and potential of a cubi, yet he does not possess the wings or the ability to feed on emotions, meaning he must eat and sleep.
appearance: A white-furred wolf save for the black tipped tail and ears, Gareeku's hair spikes out and back, save for the bangs of hair which cascade down his forehead in a middle parting fashion. his clothes consist of a deep blue coloured sleeveless gi, with a red martial arts belt, red fingerless gloves and sandals on his feet. Over his shoulders is a hooded cloak, which he sometimes takes off when fighting.
personality: When one first meets Gareeku, he can seem quiet and grumpy, often talking in a 'blunt' and straight-to-the-point manner. However, once he has gained friendship, he becomes a much warmer person, willing to risk anything for his friends and allies, including his life.
Powers: Gareeku is skilled in the art of light magic, and can control and weave it masterfully. He also has a grasp on other types of magic, such as fire and ice, but he is not as skilled in these areas of magic.


w00t! more victi-er characters! I'll get started on a second chapter soonich, and prolly won't be taing much more by way of characters.


(sorry for the double-posting)
My computer is currently down, and I'm posting from my mom's laptop, so.... yeah,
It'll be a bit before I can get the next chapter up. sorry!


This is a little late, but I'd just like to mention that the latter-day equivalent of a sniper rifle is probably going to be the crossbow, which is going to be almost as effective.  It's quite likely there would be crossbows with 'scopes as well, given that Creatures seem to have lens technology (probably by fabricating the glass magically).

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


If you still need characters...

Name: Maria Sandra Angel
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Race: Being - Panda
Appearance: Tousled long dark hair, chocolate brown eyes, wears a light grey overall that reminds of a military uniform, a black belt around her waist with tools and at least one knife.
Personality: Some would describe her as aggressive others would say she's straightforward. In either case she will not hesitate to say what she thinks. She is also a good combat leader and prefers to head straight into the enemy lines, or set up explosive traps when outgunned
Maria may be confident in her own skills but usually underestimates allies that she haven't worked with before.
Nervous when nothing happens, she can get impatient quick and annoy others by demanding frequent sitreps.
Powers: Maria can magically improve the piercing capabilities of bullets for her rifle. Helps when fighting creatures with hard skin.

If not, looks good so far. Kaos is funny. :mowtongue
This generic comment was brought to you by:


I didn't expect both to get in, nice.
If I can just read one chapter before I leave, that's good enough for me. :januscat


You have a musician? Give him robes, long hair, and a lute of some great legend or something :P


*raises hand* if ya need another Character i can send one...not Xze tho X3

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Here's another character to use/abuse if you wish. Every group needs an intelligent, scholarly member.

Name: Toric Mycyhde (pronounced my-side)
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Being - Coyote
Appearance: Dark blue fur, short, straight dark-blue hair with a light-blue streak running down the right side, olive eyes, wears a forest-green vest over a brown tunic with brown pants. Uses a spear as a walking stick when out of combat, and carries a backpack containing journals and copies of books on creature lore  and spear-fighting tactics along with classic adventuring gear. Wears a dark blue beret in most situations, but keeps a black derby for more formal occasions.
Personality: Toric is actually rather scholarly considering his current job as an adventurer. He is actually working for a large, extensive library, testing the validity of documented "facts" about creatures through field study. He realizes the danger, but he's willing to face the many hostile or otherwise strange residents of the world in the interest of knowledge.
Toric lacks the well-toned muscles of most adventurers, but makes up for it in combat with quick reflexes and a tendency to analyze opponents' tactics for openings.
He is very lighthearted, and looks at each dangerous situation as a learning experience, but he has a dark sense of humor. "Excellent, a dragon's lair! Hey (Bovine-being adventurer), do you like your steak rare or well-done?"
Talents: Toric has a very sharp wit, and uses it well when tackling riddles and puzzles that would stump the average sword-swinger. He's also a decent strategist when it comes to battling creatures, as he reads often and has memorized most of the contents of the books he carries.
Yap by Silver.


*crawls in* ok...

name: Aridas Soulfire (omg, no?)

age: eeny meeny miny... 21

gender: male?

race: BEING :3

appearance:<omitted for my sanity> Other than all that, Aridas always carries around his spellbook (which is written in a language which only he seems able to read), which appears decently thin when closed, but thickens absurdly once opened.

personality: Aridas is a little bit (ok, a lot) of a smart-ass, though he knows when to give it up when it's really inconvenient for him. Pretends not to know anything, but really just hides knowledge of something to keep everyone else from bothering him about it every five seconds. He likes to think heroically, even when it's a bad idea. He's not a swift learner and will almost definitely make the same mistake twice. Has a fondness for handling and using sharp slashy things.

Powers: Can cast a near-infinite array of spells by incantations. The incantations most commonly involve hand and finger gestures along with spoken words (words not included in this desc), and can do any number of things. Unfortunately, Aridas has a terrible memory about these things, and usually remembers only the most basic spells. Other times he has to take a long (LONG) read into his spellbook, which is usually less efficient than finding another way to do something.


Part of chapter one, I'll finish the other part.... liekly som,e time tonight. what the hell.

   Once inside the tavern again, the two glanced around, wondering where they should start in their search for a party. Miaka had gone up to one ofthe barmaids and asked her if there might be anyone she'd know of that could help them, and the woman motioned to most of the tavern and answered in a thick accent that almost anyone in the room could possibly be willing. Miaka thanked her for her "help"  and turned away.
   "Was she any help?" kaos asked when she'd gotten back.
   "If by help you mean that she told me that anyone in this room would do, then yes, she was wonderfully helpful." She answered. "Well, we sure aren't getting anywhere right now. let's just start asking people, kay? We meet back at this table once we each get one or two people. Deal?"
   "Will do!"
   "No can do, Little Lady. My buddy died in there, I ain't going in for any sum of money" Miaka swore to herself as she turned away from the equine that had just turned down the request(He was also the sixth one to refer to her as "little Lady", and the nickname was starting to bother her.)
   "I'm sorry for you loss sir, good night." She says, looking back over her shoulder at him, before walking away.
   "I couldn't help hearing ya, and I was thinkin'..." She turned arounf to see a tall, muscular Lion furre. She rolled her eyes.
   "Well isn't that a miracle." She muttered. Thankfully, this went unheard.
   "Why are you tryin' ta tackle this on yer own? I mean, this is obviously a man's job, and we wouldn't want you ruining your pretty little face in it, now would we?" Miaka was already strting to harbor a great loathing for him. "Do you even have any weapons? And you're so small, too. Obviously, you should be staying at home and give that armor over to someone who can actually use it." Miaka's eyebrow gave a little twitch. "'course, I can think of a much better use for you myself!" here he laughed, obvously not meaning anything we'd want him to mean by this statement. Miaka laughed sarcastically along with him, shooting a small spell at him, causing a freezing cold breeze some place no healthy man wants it to last for at least the next fifteen minutes. She walked to the bar, laughing in cold amusement.She sat at the bar, leaning her elbows on the bar, and her head on the top of one hand. Not a single person has even showed the slightest interest of coming, this place really must be hard..... as she thought this, she hardly even noticed the furre walking up behind her.
   "Miss?" She nearly jumped a mile. She whipped around to see who'd come up behind her, and the first thing she noticed about him was the blue trenchcoat. A white and silver vulpine stood inside of it. She had to wonder how she'd managed to miss seeing him earlier, people with magenta-colored hair tend to stand out. A pair of kind, blood-colored eyes held an inquisitive look. She thanked her luck, a pair of daggers on his belt showed that he either was an adventurer, or at least had some experience with fighting- She could at least try to ask.
   "Oh- I'm sorry, did I frighten you?"
   "Startled me a little, yes, aheh.." Miaka Answered him.
   "Anyways... I couldn't help overhearing your asking a few people about an adventuring job and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind my accompanying you?"
   "Mind? Not at all sir! You've heard of the place too?"
   "Oh, yes. I'd been meaning to go."
   "Wonderful! Now come on, let's get on back to the table, I've asked my fair share of people here." She hopped off the barstool, and took his hand, starting to walk back. On the way, she stopped a feline off in the corner that, honestly, shouldn't have caught her attention. Black fur and light brown hair, he didn't exactly stand out. Whil he had no weapons, Miaka got a certain feeling about him. She changed direction, heading over to him and sitting down on his table.
   "hello?" He asked, looking up from the book he'd been reading.
   "Um... Hi. Just to ge right to the point, I've been looking for an advernturing party to help me out with this place someone told me about. Apparently, nobody who's ever gone has come back out alive, so... Would you be interested in joining us?" ....No wonder she hadn't had any luck up to this point. He looked at her blackly for a few moments with blue eyes before responding.
   "Sure. What else had I got to do?"
   "Brilliant! Okay, now, really back to the table!" She started back, with the two behind her.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


and man this second half sucks.

Upon arriving at the table, Miaka was met with the site of Kaos with three people sitting him, chatting like old friends. Her jaw dropped, and she didn't quite know whether to slap him, or hug him for having such luck.
   "Oh hey Miaka! These are Toric-" He points to a male coyote, colored mainly in hues of blue, "- Ceriven-" A blonde genet smiled and waved, "- And Gareeku." he motioned to the last one there, a monochromed wolf, with obvious skills in martial arts, who gave them a sideways glance, a half smile, and made a small gesture with two fingers for a greeting. Miaka looked back at the two she'd found, and realised she hadn't asked them for their name.
   "Uh..... so..... what are you guys' names?"
   "Aridas Soulfire" the feline replied, smiling, rather versously, and waving at Kaos and his three.
   "Lysander." The fox with the odd-colored hair answered.
   "Right, so, um...." Miaka sat down at the table, and motioned the others to do the same. "Y'all know what we're going up against, right?" everyone nodded, seemingly in tandem. "Gtreat. So, we can meet at this table tomorrow morning and get going. Any objections to that?" No one said anything. "C'est bon. I'm going off to bed now, see ya in the morning." She walked off upstairs to the inn, yawning.
   "I Think she's on to something there..." Ceriven said, yawning as well, and stretching over the back of her chair. She got up as well, and waved. "Night night all." Those two were followed shortly by Aridas, followed by Toric, leaving Lysander, Kaos, and Gareeku sitting at the table, talking until they left, one by one, to their respective rooms to sleep, Kaos the last one off.


   the next morning, they went down to the next table, each in various stages of waking up. Miaka was the only one that seemed fully awake, frequently nudging Kaos in the ribs to keep him from dozing off. Ceriven was looking exasperated at the rest of the party.
   "Hardly the most inspiring sight I've ever seen.."
   "Ugh, tell me about it. Hey, help me get these guys outside." The two women practically dragged the rest of their party outside. Miaka patted Lysander on the cheek, him being the closest. "He. wake up."
   "Gimme a minute.."
   "We don't have a bloody minute!" She near-growled, then glanced at Ceriven. "Right then. if thats how y'all are gonna be..." Miaka walked along the back of them, sliding a finger across the back of their necks, a small trail of ice following it, and shooting down the backs of those more tired than others. Once done, she stepped back and admired her work, all five men yelling variously obscenities at her, growling, and in general freaking out over the freezing cold feeling down their backs. She snickered evilly, finding this more amusing than anything she'd seen for weeks.
   "You're horrible!" Ceriven exclaimed, though with a hint of amusement on her face.
   "I know."


   Once they'd all recovered from Miaka's random acts of cruelty, the group started off on their way, first stopping by the place that told Miaka had found the information about this place from. She walked in, and came out, minutes later, looking extremely shaken.
   "My God that man is creepy." She said. "Come on, ket's just get the hell away from this place." and they started off in the direction of this rumored deathtrap.


Woot! Random acts of cruelty! You're off to a good start. :mowmeep
Yap by Silver.


I find that random acts of cruelt are the best way to start of your day.
No exceptions.
shut up.

Castle Pokemetroid

Interesting story . . . Keep it up!


looking many degrees of groovy there, Miaka. Excellent stuff. :)

Castle Pokemetroid

If ya need another charater, just ask. I have loads of ideas.

llearch n'n'daCorna

For those of you who are watching, there is now a mirror of this story here that has had some re-paragraphing and editing and stuff.

I think it's a bit more readable, but I'm just a pedant, so...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears