Working little tweaks here and there

Started by Jorge D. Fuentes, September 08, 2005, 09:16:48 AM

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Jorge D. Fuentes

As you can see (or probably haven't noticed), there are new Topic Icons for the threads now.
Just little tweaking here and there.

Hopefully soon I will have everything on the Banquet Skin (the brown/off-black one) set up to a nice Castlevania motif.

Hot Topics are on FIRE, baby!

I know this isn't 'truly' a Castlevania Forum (CVForum, CVRep, and ICVD take that claim), but I want it to have a nice CV Feel.

Just thought I'd share.

Soon you'll get little PostIcons too (they're the "Message Icons" with the pull-down menu when one's replying/making a thread).  Hopefully D'moon can figure out how to add more.  The standards are kinda crappy (Note, Smiley, etc.)


Well, we're about as much a CV forum as ICVD is currently.

yeah, I'm porbably going to have to find the php for posticons and edit it there. Sadly.