i can't believe one day i had you...now i don't and that tortures me...

Started by Leafar, August 26, 2006, 05:32:50 AM

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Oh sure, I'm sick, just like everyone else who disagrees with you. Grow up.


i was having an idea last night...
i think one of the things that makes me like this right now is because i am alone...
cause i have nobody right now, so i feel more emo and stuff...
a long time friend called last night, she was asking how i was, why did i disappear and stuff...hey, that's a hell of a great person and come to think of it i haven't had many party times lately...yeah...i guess i am moving on...someday, perhaps...me and HER (marilene) get to talk things over sincerely...one day, but i don't feel like any rush at all...i'm cool...and i would like to thank some people here (no names, must be polite to everyone) in this thread they helped me a lot i think i just needed to talk about it a little to come to my senses...yeah, thanks everyone... :)