Thoughts on The New DA

Started by topher chee, August 08, 2006, 11:55:30 PM

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Quote from: Zina on August 09, 2006, 11:10:02 AM
I really don't care for the new DA design. List of complaints GO.
I really don't like that all my community messages are lumped together up top. The old design told you how many comments, faves/watches, journals and hot topics were in the message center before you clicked. And considering how many people I watch, I don't like seeing that I have new messages and thinking "Oh, more people have commented on my work. Everyone loves a Zina. :D" Only to find that it's just a few journals, or whatevs.
I had that same problem.

"45 new messages!! OMG THATS AWESOME!!" *opens window* "-_-;;; dangit"

personally, it's to bright. if you're devious, shouldn't it be darker colors?

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


RJ has 26 new messages! *checks* Damn... most of them are updates to new members for my clubs... Only one new comment.


*chuckles* So the "little people" can make public news announcements now, eh? Oh, this WILL be interesting...

topher chee

haha, [33 new messages:  3 comments, 30 Journals] grr.....I hate this


Well, if a script works correctly, I think we can actually see the messages the way they were on V4.

(or if the first one dosen't work)

I'm not sure if it completly works, but if you want to try it out:
1. Get Firefox
2. Install the greasemonkey extenstion
3. Right-click on this link and select "install this user script." or just click on it and select "install" at the top of the page (assuming you have Greasemonkey)
4. Go to DA. Supposedly, the messages are back to the way they were.

Source: (look at the first few comments)

Many thanks to ShadowGamers for the script.

topher chee

no updates so far on changing the skin?


I don't know the coding of DA. I won't be able to do it. Bother the people who made deviantskins.

topher chee

hmm...i hope something cool comes up....eventually something will emerge


For those of you still holding on to deviantSkins:

If you have Firefox, check this out, it's pretty cool. Well at leat, to me.

topher chee

oi....sniff, ill miss you....*lets go*


actually..its kinda cool....

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

topher chee

besides the crap we all hate about it


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

topher chee

Jack McSlay

I use netscape, and it keeps crashing the browser, not to mention nearly AWAYS the submission description appears behind the comments or below them. pretty sucky...

and I agree that limiting features to decrease load is very lame. Sheezy for example. it certainly has a smaller ammount or resources per user, yet has far more features than dA, and often loads faster than dA itself.

now I mentioned it, anyone who's been on Sheezy should figure the new dA looks like a SA rip, except it's less functional
Keyboard not detected. Press F1 to resume.


Not to mention the fact that SA isn't BROKEN ON 98.eleventy% OF ALL BROWSERS. >_>

topher chee

Roureem Egas

topher chee