It's... Snakes on a plane!

Started by Gryphon, August 19, 2006, 12:17:46 AM

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Just jumping in here with a quick note; I used to play Anarchy Online, I remember leets.  <.<  Were they those little things that run around and spoke in ... uh ... a really unique language at players and dropped helpful items upon being squished?


Quote from: Rowne on September 03, 2006, 07:15:06 AM
Just jumping in here with a quick note; I used to play Anarchy Online, I remember leets.  <.<  Were they those little things that run around and spoke in ... uh ... a really unique language at players and dropped helpful items upon being squished?

If by unique language you mean abuse of the English language, and helpful items you mean not-really-helpful items, then yes.

on similar note, I love this forum and you people even more upon learning there are felow Rubi-Kans, even ex Ribi-kans is nice >>


Saw Snakes yesterday with a friend. A little late for the party, but it was a good experience even with a more vacant theater. My highlights:


Something you would never imagine happening to you while "walking the dog." A fellow moviegoer says loudly "That's messed up." I barely resist the urge to say "Amen to that" and instead whisper "Agreed" to my friend.

"Time is tissue." My friend and I giggled muchly, both of us being medically-inclined. That's going to quickly become a catch-phrase among zoology and anatomy classes.

The scene with the python, the "dirtbag retribution" scene that always sneaks its way into disaster films. Fairly accurate behavior for the hungry snake on crack, but somehow I doubt the python would have chowed down as soon as it did.

....Wow, if that's how Samuel L. Jackson treats a snake bite I'd hate to see how he'd deal with a guy with a head cold.

All in all, I enjoyed the movie. Much higher quality than I would expect from a film with so much word-of-mouth advertizing. The pre-release success of Snakes on a Plane is in itself remarkable. I might get the DVD just for the stories surrounding the following it gained from its name alone.
Yap by Silver.